

在“totally open, full control given to the user, strong experience needed”和“totally closed, minmum control left to ther user, newbies are welcome”是有个折中中。


(1)Hacker-style 3D printer:自制的,开源的,完全可定制的。

  • RepRap:一个大的家庭,基本是一棵3D打印机发展的树!许多供应商用不同的名字和分支对其进行了商业化,但是大部分都是RepRap设计的变体,它们包括:
  1. Darwin:原始的模型,现在已经被其他设计取代
  2. Mendel/Prusa Mendel/MendelMax : 有triangular frame的特点
  3. Wallace and Huxley : 打印尺寸比较小也比较简单的模型
  4. Rostock : 非笛卡尔设计的delta-printer(支持打印头,并且用三个臂控制,bed是固定的),这是一个有趣和独特的模型。
  • Ultimaker (一个非常精确的打印机,来自荷兰)
  • Printrbot (一组低廉的打印机,包括一些可以携带的模型,来自US)

(2)Hassle-free 3D printer:具有很好的折中,完全预装,但是仍然可以部分定制;开放性变小,但是客户体验上升。

  • Makerbot 是个在世界出名的公司,主要是低廉的3D打印机。下面两种现在可用的模型是之前第一个市场化模型的改进:
  1. Replicator 2 (一种坚固分金属frame的新一代,开放性比较小。软件升级后,不再开源。)这也是一个2X系列,有双吃喷头和加热床。
  2. Replicator (有双头的选项,可以打印两种颜色或使用两种材料),使用胶合板frame,软件开源
  • Solidoodle 有三代产品,可以提供不同的打印尺寸可感兴趣的选择,像坚固的铝合金外壳和加热床。
  • Afinia Up 它有Plus和Mini两个款多功能打印机,使用仍需要一些经验。

(3)Plug‘n'play 3D printer: 完全封闭的黑盒子,使用非常简单,设置项非常少,很类似现在的激光和喷墨打印机

  • Cube 第一个出名的Plug'n'play 低廉3D打印机,在控制上和功能上进行了折中,使用非常简单,有自己的软件(只针对Windows),具有专用的墨盒及wifi连接和直接从USB设备中打印

Repairing ther mesh()

The watertightness of the object’s body is the only situation that allows our slicing software (we will discuss its functioning in the following pages) to properly identify the inside and the outside of the object, in order to decide where and when to extrude plastic.

为了在slicing前进行检测,我们可以使用免费的软件netfabb Studio Basic(Windows,Mac,Linux)。发现问题后,它可以返回到建模软件中修改或使用netfabb自身进行修改,既可以自动修改也可以手动修改。还可以使用软件MeshLab,是开源的,(Windows,Mac,Linux)。


Slicing software



(1)在host computer上启动slicer程序








(1)Printer settings:

  • 打印机类型
  • 打印平台的尺寸和偏移量,最大的Z高度:一般的打印机的值是20x20x20cm
  • 打印喷头的个数和喷口直径及其他的extrusion的参数

(2)Filament settings:

  • filament的直径:它应该是一个真实测量的真实值,而不是名义的值
  • 扩张因子:用于补偿塑料融化时的膨胀,对于PLA是1,ABS是0.9
  • extruder和bed的温度的值(可能以第一层是一个不同的值)
  • 冷却风扇

(3)Print settings:

  • layer height(对于第一层可能是一个不同的值):一般以0.1mm和nozzle大小的80%之间,0.25mm是一般值
  • number of shells/perimeters或thickness of the walls:增加这个值可以使object更robust
  • number/thickness of top/bottom layers: same as above
  • 填充比例:一般在0%(hollow objects)到50%(solid ),超过50%很少使用,典型值在10-20%
  • 填充模式:最常用的是squares(rectilinear)或hexagons
  • 打印速度:这个值和nozzle的温度有、材料、打印质量很大的联系,一个慢的打印速度可以获得更高的质量
  • skirt brim:the skirt is the extra amount of plastic extruded before the actual printing in order to avoid to start printing with an empty nozzle, the brim is an extra
    thickness of the filament in the first layer, for the object to stick better to the bed;
  • raft and support: the raft is another way to improve the adhesion of the object to the bed, by mean of one or two layers of a net of extra plastic filament, while
    the support is a special spongy structure of plastic built from below to support the parts of the object that wouldn’t be printed otherwise, because of overhangs
  • 其他高级设置

Skeinforge: 可能是最老的slicer,它是用Python写的一组脚本,在GPL授权下,是最初Makerbot Replicator默认的slicing引擎,也是MakerWare中的可选择项。用户接口并不友好,有些设置让人困惑。

Slic3r: 一个现代活跃的完全开源slicing 引擎,它被打印机产商广泛支持,通过记录一些预设,可以帮用户解决很多麻烦。

KiSSlicer: 有一个简单的图形接口,使用简单快速,有一个专业版本可以支持多个exturders和多个objects,但要付费

Cura: 由Ultimaker开发,目的是使3D打印简单和流水线化,它包含所有的东西,从准备3D打印文件到进行打印

MakerWare: 优美和使用简单,控制Makerbot Replicator和Replicator 2 打印机,它也提供自己的slicing 引擎



Plastic filaments



The most common plastic filament is made of Polylactic Acid (or Polylactide, abbreviated
with PLA53), a biodegradable and environment-friendly plastic derived from starch. Its
melting temperature is within the range 180–230 °C. It doesn't smell badly when printing
and the fumes aren't dangerous, therefore it doesn't require special safety precautions or
forced ventilation.
It sticks well on the printing bed at room temperature (not requiring the more expensive
heated bed option for the printer), but only if the platform is covered with blue tape (also an
inexpensive product, that should be replaced from time to time –mostly because it gets
sometimes damaged when removing the object from the platform).
Objects printed in PLA are robust but relatively brittle, and cannot be used when
resistance to high temperature is needed (like for some parts of a 3D printer itself).
The PLA filament is rather inexpensive, averaging at 30 $ for 1 kg and it's usually sold in
rolls of 0.5, 1 or 2.3 kilograms (but some manufacturers sell them also by the meter54). It is
available as natural (translucent white) or in many bright colors, solid or half-transparent, and
the printed objects have a beautiful smooth surface.
A special variant of PLA is the soft or flexible PLA, that should be extruded at lower
temperature and very low speed, and can be used to print flexible joints, belts, tires, etc.


The second most common filament is made out of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene –ABS55
in short– a petroleum-based plastic used for many purposes and well known for the LEGO™
bricks. Its fumes are smelling badly and are even considered dangerous for the health, so it is
highly recommended to use forced ventilation with fumes extraction when printing ABS for a
long time. The melting temperature of ABS is 210–260 °C.
ABS filament costs more or less as PLA, and is also a rather common printing material,
despite its more demanding requirements. An ABS object is usually printed on a heated bed
(at around 100 °C) covered with Kapton tape in order to stick well, adding cost and
complexity to the printer itself (for this reason, not all printers come with a heated bed as
default, and some do not even have it as an option). A possible solution is to print ABS over a
cold bed covered with a few layers of glue: cyanoacrylate, hair spray56 or water-based glue
like Vinavil®57 have been proved to work well for this purpose. But the use of a heated bed is
advised also because it helps reduce the warping of large printed objects.
The advantage of ABS over PLA is that the resulting
objects are more robust and less brittle, and can resist at
higher temperatures. ABS filament is commonly available
in many colors, including glitter, glow-in-the-dark, gold
and silver, and even color that changes with the
temperature58 (e.g., blue/green below 30 °C and yellow/
green above, making the objects printed with such
filament sensitive to body temperature).


Taulman produces a 618 Nylon® filament that has a few interesting characteristics,
among them pliability, light weight and chemical resistance. It should be extruded at a higher
temperature compared to PLA or even ABS (around 245 °C), but there isn't fumes production
or odors, and it sticks well on blue tape. It is used for printing mechanical parts that need
high resistance to breakage and a very low surface friction, but another very interesting
potential use is for printing customized prosthetics and medical-related parts since nylon is
inert to the body (but not officially FDA approved, at least yet). The cost of nylon filament is
more than double than the cost of PLA or ABS, the only available color is white (natural) and
the only source is Taulman.


Polycarbonate60 (PC), is a very strong and durable plastic material with high optical
clarity and high melting temperature (around 270 to 300 °C). Despite being used in many
industrial productions (for example CD and DVD are made of polycarbonate) the first tests
with low-cost 3D printers started just in 201261 and there are only a few manufacturers of PC
filament yet, selling it quite expensively at around 90 $/kg.


Polyvinyl Alcohol is a water-soluble plastic polymer that can be used for printing support
structures for PLA and ABS objects that are easily dissolved in warm water, leaving a perfect
surface of the object and simplifying the (usually quite tedious) process of removing the
support. The printing temperature is around 170 °C and should never exceed 200 °C. The
PVA filament is also rather expensive, selling at around 90 $/kg.


High-impact Polystyrene62 is a plastic filament soluble in Limonene, sometimes used to
build support structures (specially for ABS) that can be easily removed without mechanical
work. Limonene is a natural solvent extracted from the rind of lemons and other citrus fruits.
Printing HIPS requires a temperature of around 230 °C. The cost of HIPS filament is around
40 $/kg.










利用三角形面片本身的连续性,与分层面相交的三角形面片集合的连续性以及相邻分层轮廓 线的连续性,该方法显著的降低了内存的占用量,加快了拓扑信息提取时间,但是算法实现比较复杂。







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