
















Losers always whine about their best; Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

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原创 exer

public class Converter { private static double number = 21001; private static String a[] = {"零","壹","贰","叁","肆","伍","陸","柒","捌","镹"}; public static void main(String[] args) { if(number > 99

2011-11-04 11:38:30 1548

原创 [Sybase] Stored procedure tips

Some commands regarding tables/procedures Sp_help Procedure_name/ Table_name – Reports information about a database object (any object l

2011-10-12 10:30:31 1970

原创 Dutch bill calc

package com.sleeptiger.main;import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.FlowLayout;import javax.swing.JCheckBox;import javax.sw

2011-08-29 08:52:27 940

原创 ext sample

//加载所有的数据var alarmInfoDs = new Ext.data.Store({  proxy : new Ext.data.HttpProxy({url : 'alarmInfo!toAlarmInfoList.action'}),  reader :

2011-08-22 22:18:26 1160

原创 form-grid.html

DOCTYPEHTMLPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">html>head>metahttp-equiv="Content-Type

2011-08-19 16:09:40 1158

原创 form-grid.js

/*This file is part of Ext JS 4Copyright (c) 2011 Sencha IncContact: http://www.sencha.com/contactGNU Genera

2011-08-19 16:09:00 1469

原创 TigerServlet

package com.dummy.servlet;import java.io.IOException;import javax.servlet.ServletException;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;imp

2011-08-19 16:07:59 798


xmlversion="1.0"encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or morecontributor license agr

2011-08-19 16:07:10 950

原创 ANT构筑脚本


2011-08-19 16:05:26 1049

原创 数据库常用命令

1. Query table structure;DB2: select colname, typename, length from syscat.columns where tabname = EVT;MSSQL: select a.name, b.name, a.length from syscolumns a, systypes b where a.xtype = b.

2010-05-21 17:29:00 1046

原创 Chain of Responsibility Pattern

What Is a Chain of Responsibility PatternThe Chain of Responsibility pattern performs a lot like it sounds. If you have a group of classes that are all interdependent on each other and each performs a

2008-05-21 13:25:00 1257

原创 Observer Pattern

Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:SimSun; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1; mso-font-alt:宋体; mso-font-cha

2008-05-21 11:40:00 1087

原创 Factory Pattern

 Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:SimSun; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1; mso-font-alt:宋体; mso-font-

2008-05-21 10:22:00 1114

原创 Decorator Pattern

Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:SimSun; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1; mso-font-alt:宋体; mso-font-c

2008-05-13 16:48:00 1073

原创 Strategy design pattern

Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:SimSun; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1; mso-font-alt:宋体; mso-font-cha

2008-05-12 16:12:00 1132

原创 Savepoints In Transactions

Savepoints In TransactionsYou can declare intermediate markers called savepoints within the context of a transaction. Savepoints divide a long transaction into smaller parts.Using savepoints, yo

2007-09-25 16:41:00 1715

原创 [Design Pattern] Template Method Pattern

The Template Method Pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a method, deferring some steps to subclasses. Template Method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changin

2007-08-29 10:43:00 1250

原创 [Source Code] Using JavaScript to manipulate DOM

An Introduction to the Document Object ModelThe DOM is a standard way of representing XML documents (instituted by the W3C). It isnot necessarily the fastest, lightest, or easiest to use, but it is th

2007-07-25 10:12:00 1703

原创 [设计模式]DAO的实现方式探讨_Part II

Data Access Object PatternProblemYou want to encapsulate data access and manipulation in a separate layerForces You want to implement data access mechanisms to access and ma

2007-07-04 18:24:00 1939

原创 [设计模式]DAO的实现方式探讨_Part I

先说一下我的参考书目: Core J2EE™ Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition By Deepak Alur, John Crupi, Dan Malks Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR Pub Date : June 10, 2003 ISBN : 0-13-142246-4

2007-07-04 13:28:00 1299

原创 [Source Code] My First Python Program

def myfunction(s):    """ my first python function """    li = [ a, b, c ]    if "f" not in li:        print "f is not in List li"    if "a" in li:        print "a is in li"            print

2007-06-28 09:35:00 1338

原创 [读书笔记] 数据库设计基础

数据库效率的两个主要度量方法:吞吐量(throughput)——每单位时间里能够处理的查询或更新(通常指事务)的平均数量。响应时间(response time)——单个事务从开始到结束所需的平均时间或者最长时间。以批量的方式处理大量事务的系统关注于达到高吞吐量。与人交互或者时间苛刻的系统则通常关注于响应时间。大多数商业数据库系统长期以来都关注于吞吐量,但是,包括基于Web的应用和电信信

2007-05-24 17:57:00 1524

原创 [Source Code] WebTech Traing Exam App

head.html"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> XXX Tour Corperation.  common.cssp.title{text-align: center;font-size: 30px;font-weight: bold;color: red;}a:link{color: blue}a:visited{color: p

2007-05-14 17:10:00 1185

原创 [Source Code] HTML标签Tips

111  fsdg 222333ul type="circle">coffeeteamilkol type="a" start="6">coffeemilkteacoffee black hot drinkmilk white hot drink A nested List CoffeeTea  Black tea Green tea Milkbig       small 

2007-05-10 16:29:00 2037

原创 [>>TIGER<<] BookLocator Source

=======================>  BookLocator第一版   遍历电子书文件夹,并按照出版商分类输出。输出方式包括consile和XML files两种形式。package cn.mywork.main;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException

2007-04-19 14:07:00 1073

原创 [>>TIGER<<]TIGER New Features Indexes

枚举类型入门:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-enums.html 驯服 Tiger: 深入研究枚举类型http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-tiger04195/   多角度看 Java 中的泛型 http://www.ibm.com/de

2007-04-18 17:41:00 819

转载 Commons-logging + Log4j 入门指南

Commons-logging + Log4j 入门指南 原创:庄晓立(liigo)为什么要用日志(Log)?这个……就不必说了吧。为什么不用System.out.println()?功能太弱;不易于控制。如果暂时不想输出了怎么办?如果想输出到文件怎么办?如果想部分输出怎么办?……为什么同时使用commons-logging和Log4j?为什么不仅使用其中之一?

2007-04-12 19:05:00 902

转载 英文面试ABC

争取到了外资公司的面试机会,一般它们都有英语要求,如果有招聘广告的,可看看他们对英语的要求是什么;如果是有人推荐,比如猎头,问问对方公司对这个职位的英语,究竟需要什么程度,这样方便自己做准备。      一般来说,外企测试英语,有2种基本的类型:   一、笔试。   笔试大部分考察的是写作,有英译汉和汉译英,还有作文。汉译英对很多人困难一点,毕竟中文博大精深,要翻译成简单明了的英语,词汇和语法都会

2007-04-04 16:58:00 2183

原创 [Design Pattern] Thread Local Session Pattern

  The Thread Local Session pattern makes use of the java.lang.ThreadLocal class to create a Session that is accessible from a single application thread. This is particularly convenient in multithrea

2007-03-23 18:39:00 1148

原创 [Design Pattern] Service Locator Pattern

 How JNDI lookups are accomplished can vary from vendor to vendor. In addition, repeated JNDI lookups can be expensive.Each time a user needs a service retrieved from JNDI, they must populate the

2007-03-23 18:10:00 2616

原创 [读书笔记-- Learning UML 2.0, OReilly, April 2006] Activity diagram

3.1. Activity Diagram EssentialsFigure 3-2. Activity diagrams model dynamic behavior with a focus on processes; the basic elements of activity diagrams are shown in this blog account creation proces

2007-03-12 17:54:00 1748

原创 [读书笔记-- Learning UML 2.0, OReilly, April 2006] Use case diagram

  读书笔记:Learning UML 2.0, OReilly, April 2006 (一)Use case diagram Rule of thumb to specify a Use Case:A use case is something that provides some measurable result to the user or an external

2007-03-08 18:44:00 1652

转载 劳动合同违约金:“京派”“海派”各不同

劳动合同违约金:“京派”“海派”各不同      劳动合同中违约金的设定和支付,是劳动争议中最常见、最敏感,也是最复杂的问题之一。从近年来劳动争议案件的发展趋势看,身份性争议逐步让位于经济性争议,传统的“给钱也不肯走人”的理念,已被“走人不要紧,只要你赔偿”的观念所代替。    为什么说它又是一个最复杂的问题呢?我先说一件事。有位台商,原先在北京办企业,两年前工厂迁到了苏州,后来又到上海来投资

2007-02-23 23:04:00 1639

转载 [VBA Source]显示所有faceId对应的图标

Sub ShowFaceIDs()    Dim NewToolbar As CommandBar    Dim NewButton As CommandBarButton    Dim i As Integer, IDStart As Integer, IDStop As Integer       Delete existing FaceIds toolbar if it exists   

2007-02-17 15:43:00 5925

原创 [ Vocabulary Building ]Unit 3(2)

--------------------------------------> 2007 - 01 - 31 AMBI/AMPHI means "on both sides" or "around"; ambi comes from Latin and amphi- from Greek.  An ambidextrous person can use the right and the le

2007-02-05 08:46:00 1115

原创 [ Vocabulary Building ]Unit 3

-------------------------------> 2007 - 01 - 31 AMBI/AMPHI means "on both sides" or "around"; ambi comes from Latin and amphi- from Greek.  An ambidextrous person can use the right and the left hand

2007-01-31 09:42:00 979

原创 [Ant存档] My First Hand-writing Ant script

                                                                    ---------------------------------------->补充    关于sql Taskbuild.xml          url="${mysql.url}"    

2007-01-25 11:16:00 943

原创 [Ant存档] Demonstration Tips of Ant

                     env." />                build.debug set to off in build.properties file-->                                                           1. strip comments in the f

2007-01-23 17:43:00 1072

原创 [Apache --- Ant]DIY Ant Task II --- a little more difficult

build.xml:                                            Source:package org.xxx.anttest;import java.io.File;import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;import org.apache.tools.ant.Direct

2007-01-18 16:01:00 976

原创 [ Vocabulary Building ]Unit 2

----------------------------> 2006 - 01 - 17 AG comes from the Latin word for "do, go, lead, drive".  An agenda is a list of things to be done.  An agent is usually someone who does things on behalf

2007-01-17 11:15:00 1104

ext sample

example for extjs and instances for it os that















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