PCL学习笔记(1) win8 64bit系统 + VS208——搭建PCL开发环境

搭建环境: windows 8  + VS2008

从PCL网上下载了一个All in one(MSVC2008)的安装包,直接默认安装,在安装到OpenNI时,弹出一个提示框

具体失败原因不太清楚,略过这一步,完成PCL安装,再重新安装更高版本的OpenNI + SensorKinect ,




    AllInOne包内的OpenNI版本与windows8不兼容, 导致kinect的驱动(SensorKinect依附于OpenNI)不能正确安装


解决办法:1)先在Win8 下成功安装 OpenNI  + SensorKinect ,正确之后


                   2) 再用预先编译好的第三方源码包搭建PCL开发环境

更简单的办法:换一台win7 的电脑!简直各种正确!各种不出错,看得你赏心悦目!

步骤1:在Win8 下成功安装 OpenNI  + SensorKinect

OpenNI/NITEInstallation on Windows 8


May 2014: PrimeSense was bought by Apple at the end of April, andthe OpenNI.org website was shut down.Fortunately, several sites have set up archives of the old OpenNI and NITEsoftware, such as Simple-OpenNI and StructureSensor.

When looking through these archives, it's important to rememberthat the code examples in my book use OpenNI version 1. It's quitedifferent from version 2, which sports many changes to the skeleton and handdetection functions, resulting in big changes to NITE as well. In other words,you need to find archive copies of version 1 of OpenNI andNITE to run my code. The following instructions explain how to do that.

This page is written in the form of a checklist. If you prefera wordier explanation, then please have a look at section 3 of the draft chapter. Remember that it refers to thenow-defunct OpenNI website from 2012, so ignore any weblink information in thatchapter.


1. Clean Up

Useful freeware tools for cleaning Windows: Revo UninstallerCCleaner

    •   use Revo Uninstaller to delete any applications that mention Kinect, Xbox , PrimeSense , OpenNI, NITE
    • delete the C:\Program Files\PrimeSense and C:\Program Files\OpenNI directories (or the equivalents for your platform)
    • uninstall any drivers that mention 'Kinect', 'Xbox' or 'PrimeSense' via Window's Device Manager


2. Download the Packages

Download the relevant OpenNI/NITE zip file from the Simple-OpenNI downloads website. Search for"All Downloads" to find suitable versions of OpenNI and NITE forWindows, Linux, and OSX. I recommend the following:

(NOTE: OpenNI不同的版本号与对应版本的NITE以及SensorKinect,如果版本不对应,可能会出现各种缺乏.dll错误)

  • Windows 32-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win32-0.27.zip
  • Windows 64-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zip
  • Linux 32-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-Linux32-0.27.zip
  • Linux 64-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-Linux64-0.27.zip
  • OSX: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-OSX-0.24.zip

        32-bit zip file ( OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win32-0.27.zip) contains four installers:

  • nite-win32-
  • openni-win32-
  • SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi
  • sensor-win32-

For example, the Windows 64-bit zipfile ( OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zip) contains four installers:

  • nite-win64-
  • openni-win64-
  • SensorKinect092-Bin-Win64-v5.1.2.1.msi
  • sensor-win64-

So for 64-bitwindows 8, we choose  OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zipfor the nextInstallment.

Thereare two installers containing the word "sensor", which relate to theSensorKinect driver. It seems that the driverinside SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi is compiled usingVC++ 2010 so you must have Microsoft  stalledfor the driver to correctly execute. The redistributable isinside sensor-win32-

Ifyou don't want to install the 64-bit version of OpenNI on your 64-bit Windowsmachine, then you can use the 32-bit installer instead. Some good instructionson how to do that can be found here.


1.Pleasenote the version of Microsoft Visual Studio,

Ifyou chooseWindows 32-bit zip file,then Microsoft's VC++ 2010 redistributable is needed

2. For The 64-bit machine ,  OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zipis recommended.

3. Installation

Installthe four downloaded packages in the order(注意顺序):

  1. OpenNI: openni-win32-
  2. SensorKinect driver -- there are two steps: first sensor-win32-, and then SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi
  3. NITE: nite-win32-

Afterwards,check if the software is in the C:\ProgramFiles\OpenNI\ and C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\ directories.



Toinstall the three hardware drivers (for motor, audio, and camera), you should:

  • plug the Kinect into your PC and into the mains;
  • this will trigger Windows into installing the drivers, but don't let the installation search for the drivers itself. Instead you should supply their location inC:\Program Files\PrimeSense\SensorKinect\Driver


1, Win+ x ---选择Device Manager

2, 选择unknown device---Kinect motor---右键选择更新驱动update driver



4.      接下来,他会问驱动程序在哪里?如下图:

    选择第一个选项,填入SensorKinect的driver所在的文件位置,我的是C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\SensorKinect\Driver



Note 由于SensorKinect是第三方破解驱动,没有签名,可能在windows8下安装会有问题,其中的一个解决办法是:禁用驱动强制签名


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搭建点云开发环境需要安装以下软件: 1. Visual Studio 2017:用于编写C++代码。 2. Qt 5.10.1:用于构建GUI界面。 3. PCL 1.8.1:点云库。 4. VTK 8.0:用于可视化点云数据。 以下是具体的步骤: 1. 安装 Visual Studio 2017,选择 C++ 工作负载。此外,还需要安装 CMake。 2. 下载 Qt 5.10.1 安装包并安装。需要安装的组件有:Qt 5.10.1 MSVC2017 64-bit、Qt Visual Studio Tools、Qt Charts 和 Qt Data Visualization。 3. 下载 PCL 1.8.1 for Windows,并解压到一个目录下。 4. 下载 VTK 8.0 for Windows,并解压到一个目录下。 5. 打开 CMake,设置源代码路径为 PCL 的根目录,设置构建路径为一个新的目录(例如:PCL_build)。点击 Configure,选择 Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 作为生成器,点击 Finish。 6. 在 CMake 中,找到 VTK_DIR 设置项,将其设置为 VTK 的安装目录(例如:D:/VTK-8.0.0/build)。点击 Configure,然后点击 Generate。 7. 打开 Visual Studio 2017,选择 File > New > Project,选择 Qt Widgets Application。设置项目名称、位置和解决方案名称,然后点击 Create。 8. 在项目属性中,选择 C/C++ > General,将 Additional Include Directories 设置为 PCL 的 include 目录(例如:D:/PCL-1.8.1/include/pcl-1.8)和 VTK 的 include 目录(例如:D:/VTK-8.0.0/include/vtk-8.0)。 9. 在项目属性中,选择 Linker > General,将 Additional Library Directories 设置为 PCL 的 lib 目录(例如:D:/PCL-1.8.1/lib)和 VTK 的 lib 目录(例如:D:/VTK-8.0.0/build/bin/Release)。 10. 在项目属性中,选择 Linker > Input,将 Additional Dependencies 设置为以下库:pcl_common_release.lib、pcl_io_ply_release.lib、pcl_visualization_release.lib、vtkCommonCore-8.0.lib、vtkFiltersCore-8.0.lib、vtkInteractionStyle-8.0.lib、vtkRenderingCore-8.0.lib。 11. 编写代码并构建项目,即可开始点云开发。 以上是在 Windows 10、Visual Studio 2017、Qt 5.10.1、PCL 1.8.1 和 VTK 8.0 环境下的点云开发环境搭建步骤。


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