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原创 综合类文章书籍收集


2014-09-19 17:32:54 706

原创 金融词汇收集

DV01: DV01 is another measure of bond price sensitivity. DV01 is the monetary change in bond price for 1 basis point change in interest rates (by default it is usually expressed as price change for

2014-09-18 13:21:44 1187

原创 网站收集


2014-09-11 09:43:22 663

原创 源代码网站收集


2014-05-09 11:18:07 554

原创 WPF Toolkit 之 AreaSeries chart with DateTime Axis

By default, the WPF Toolkit chart displays physical points for each datapoint in the series. You can turn this off by setting the data point style:Charting:AreaSeries> Charting:AreaSeries.

2014-03-07 10:51:28 2835

原创 WPF常用控件资源汇集

1. Series Chart:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/196502/WPF-Toolkit-Charting-Controls-Line-Bar-Area-Pie-Co2. to add...

2014-02-28 11:35:34 1093

原创 Visual Studio 常用命令收集

1. corflags查看managed assembly的PE头文件信息e.g. 下面显示log4net.dll的build信息是64位+Any CPU>corflags log4net.dllMicrosoft (R) .NET Framework CorFlags Conversion Tool.  Version  4.0.30319.1Copyright (c) Mi

2014-02-25 11:41:33 1018

原创 ETF creation basket VS calculation basket

An ETF will have a creation and calculation basket.  The creation basket represents the portfolio required to create more shares of the index.  The calculation basket will include any “non-basket” s

2013-10-22 16:46:51 1670

原创 How to fix error "SqlStudio Editor Package did not load correctly" in VS2012

问题描述:今天尝试打开VS2012时出现以下错误,在网上搜索一番,可能是因为前两天安装Windows补丁所致解决办法:关闭VS2012,修复SSDT (Sql Server Data Tool),重启Ref: http://lucatarrini.net/?p=1176

2013-07-14 17:34:45 3370 2

原创 KDB - Study Note

1. What is KDB ?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_(programming_language)http://kx.com/software-download.phpArthur Whitney.K programming language Database.In-memory Database.Data is stored

2013-07-03 15:31:28 696

原创 软件调试相关知识总结

今天有幸在MPD工作坊听了张银奎老师讲授的“软件调试案例“,颇有收获,在此简单概括,后续补充更多详细内容张老师送个架构师的箴言:”致广大而尽精微“三个案例:1. 堆损毁导致的随机崩溃App堆中分配内存以存储字串,在Dll堆中释放导致错误。展开对栈和堆的探讨调试工具:WinDbg2. .Net程序调试之SDK安装程序死循环调试工具:Wi

2013-06-22 22:32:04 866

原创 Non Standard Futures & Options

1. LEPO (Low Exercise Price Option).2. Flexible H-Shares Index Optionshttp://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/prod/drprod/flexi_hsi/flex.htm3. to add...

2013-05-24 18:16:40 608

原创 Gemfire

Gemfire Community Link:http://community.gemstone.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6032133

2013-05-24 10:13:32 688

原创 VC++ Issues and Resolutions Collection

This post is to collect all the VC++ issues I encountered and the solutions to them 1. Issue: I built a VC++ app as unmanaged code using VS2010, and deployed it to a Windows 2003 server. But it

2012-12-11 15:47:17 469

原创 How to detect whether a module is managed code or not

To check whether a module is managed code or not, we need to read the PE file header info, the following link is useful discussion about this, including an implementation using VC++.http://forums.co

2012-12-11 13:50:58 501

原创 [Institution or Company] Fidessa

Fidessa Group plc is British-headquartered company which provides software and services such as trading systems to clients in financial services sectors. Trading system, FIX (Finance Information e

2012-11-27 11:11:47 642

原创 C++ Basic Features List

1. typenameHere, in excruciating detail, are the rules for the use of typename. Unfortunately, due to something which is hopefully not-contagious apparently affecting the standards committee, they a

2012-10-25 15:21:26 388

原创 演讲训练

一. 为什么要讲话训练?1. 说服别人采取行动2. 说明情况、清晰地发表自己的观点3. 增强印象,使人信服4. 娱乐人们二. 学习的方法和要求1.有一种强烈而持久的愿望2. 想象自己成功地当众说话 (如果你对某种结果有足够的关心,自然会实现这一结果)3. 让思想引导你的行动 (改变自己的思想,我们就能够改变自己的一生)4. 练习,练习,再练习 (

2012-06-17 17:42:07 396

原创 [DB Skills & Experience]Notes on alter DB object schema

1. alter table. When a table is being altered, all the operations on it will fail or be locked.

2012-02-21 10:08:07 408

原创 僵尸进程 (Zombie Process)

A "Zombie Process" is a process that has completed execution, but still has an entry in the process table. Related Links:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_processhttp://blog.sina.com.cn/s/bl

2011-12-05 15:25:00 641

翻译 C#中的多线程

最近做的一个项目中需要大量使用多线程,故阅读了很多相关资料,其中下面这个系列是最详细的,所以在此分享下并尝试翻译下。http://www.albahari.com/threading/ 翻译

2011-11-23 09:53:10 298

原创 const overloading in C++

In C++, a function's signature depends partly on whether or not it's const. This means that a class can have two member functions with ident

2011-09-07 16:23:17 357

原创 Design Patterns used in actual Example

1. Service Locator 2. Fly Weight.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyweight_pattern

2011-08-03 14:21:34 353

原创 [SQL Server] 批量插入数据

在做大量数据流处理时,我们经常会遇到批量插入记录的情况,下面收录一些1. Bcp1> 创建一个DataTable(schema应和对应的DB Table一致), 或者创建一些临时表2>向数据表中注入我们的数据3>按照以下办法Call Bcp 4> 完成SqlConnection

2011-07-19 09:46:29 1484

原创 云计算学习笔记 -- 读《云里雾里云计算》之小结

《云里雾里云计算》-云计算经典入门书籍,文中推荐论文资料如下:1. A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing : EECS-2009-282. Bigtable : osdi063. Chubby lock service : chubby-osdi0

2011-07-08 10:55:39 799

原创 [Dividend] Basics -- Part I

<br />The important Dates of a Dividend<br />http://www.investopedia.com/articles/02/110802.asp<br /> <br /> 

2011-06-02 17:23:00 479

原创 "CLR Via C#" -- Read Note Part 02

CLR via C# -- Chapter 3 and 4

2011-05-19 15:35:00 601

原创 "CLR Via C#" -- Read Note Part 01

CLR Via C# Read note: Chpater 1 and 2

2011-05-18 12:03:00 677

原创 Thread Synchronization - UI Thread and Worker Thread

<br />From<br />http://www.codeproject.com/KB/threads/UIThreadSyncWorkerThread.aspx

2011-03-18 10:42:00 599

原创 计算机基础理论优秀书籍收集

<br />1. 《深入理解计算机系统》<br />作者:(美)Randal E.Bryant; David O'Hallaron <br /> <br />2.

2011-02-16 17:08:00 595

原创 C# Language

1. Lambda operator in .Net 3.5 http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/csharp-tutorial-the-lambda-operator

2011-01-28 11:46:00 485

原创 WPF Development: Frequently Used Types

<br /> <br />1. Microsoft.Practices.Unity.UnityContainer<br />A simple, extensible dependency injection container<br /> <br />2.

2011-01-28 11:42:00 443

原创 WPF Study Note: Model/View/ViewModel pattern

<br />Introduction to Model/View/ViewModel pattern for building WPF apps<br /> <br />WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern<br /> <br /> 

2010-12-09 09:29:00 568

原创 WPF Study Note 2: XAML Overview

<br />XAML Elements<br />Map XML namespace into CLR namespace.<br /> <br />Setting Properties<br /> <br />Attribute syntax<br /> <br />Property element syntax<br />Property element syntax for XAML represents a significant departure from the basic XML inter

2010-12-08 13:59:00 499

原创 Dependency Injection


2010-12-02 20:00:00 799

原创 Tekpub.com

<br /> <br />NDC2010 Videos<br />http://tekpub.com/conferences/ndc2010

2010-11-29 15:09:00 549

原创 WPF Study Note 1: Introduction

<br />MSDN links:<br />1. Markup Extensions and WPF XAML<br />http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms747254.aspx<br /> <br />2. Resources Overview<br />http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms750613.aspx<br /> 

2010-11-25 16:48:00 469

原创 Sybase - Useful sqls

<br />1. Copy records from table A to table B<br />insert into tableA<br />select * from table B where {conditions}

2010-11-15 10:34:00 359

原创 UDF (User-defined Function)

<br />Sybase 15.0 or above supports UDF

2010-11-10 17:17:00 556

原创 Index and Statistics

<br />Two mechanisms work together to optimize database queries<br /> <br />Sybase Manual:<br />http://dcx.sybase.com/SA12_bd_en/dbreference_en12/create-statistics-statement.html<br /> <br />Tips:<br />1. In Sybase 15.0, there are global indexes created au

2010-11-10 17:14:00 486

Unix command in Windows

These windows exe files provides the same functions as usual Unix command, we can use powerful Unix command (very useful for text hanlding) in Windows now.



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