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转载 Dialogs

Dialogs In this document Showing a Dialog Dismissing a Dialog Creating an AlertDialog Adding buttons Adding a list Creating a ProgressDialog Showing a progress bar Creatin

2011-11-30 13:36:39 1360

转载 android: what is the difference between focused, enabled, pressed, and selected states?

android: what is the difference between focused, enabled, pressed, and selected states? Enabled -> User Interaction possible. Disabled -> User interaction not possible. if you hover

2011-11-30 10:01:07 644

转载 [OPENGL]纹理,材质,光照

1.纹理 纹理映射就是将一张位图贴在3D模型上,让模型更有真实感。比如一颗人头,眼睛鼻子嘴巴头发都由三角形构成,会给系统带来很大的开销。如果用纹理来做,可以由一个球和人脸的纹理组成,真实感也很强。。(只是个例子,真这么做会很恐怖。。。) OPENGL把纹理坐标规范化到0与1之间,就是说如果一张正方形的纹理,从左下角开始逆时针方向四个顶点的坐标分别是(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1),

2011-11-29 19:20:29 1518

转载 Stencil Buffer是什么

什么是蒙版缓存 图像硬件中有个特殊内存,叫Stencil buffer。很多地方翻译做模板缓存,我觉的用蒙版缓存更贴切。因为这个缓存的和PS的图层蒙版很相似。渲染目标(Render Target,可以是屏幕,可以是离屏表面,可以是纹理)中每个像素在蒙版缓存中都有对应的蒙版值(Stencil Ref)。缓存中还有一个可以设置的蒙版函数(CompareFunction),例如 CompareFunc

2011-11-29 19:15:50 1151

转载 Depth Buffer是什么

What Is a Depth Buffer? A depth buffer is a buffer that is the same width and height as your render target. This buffer records the depth of each pixel that is rendered. When a pixel is rendered a s

2011-11-29 19:09:23 1139

转载 如何保持ListView中选中的Item高亮

Sometimes we need to maintain the selected position in a list. This example was taken from a real-world, off-road application where users interact with the application in a bumpy environment and need

2011-11-29 11:23:51 941

转载 Using color in Android, by XML

Using color in Android, by XML In Android, colors can be defined directly, such as "#ff0000" for red. You can also create a resource file under /res/values folder (with any file name), with

2011-11-29 10:08:04 713

转载 实机调试无法输出LogCat的解决办法

问题表现:     连接手机与电脑后,驱动安装成功,真机debug模式打开,在ddms中可以看到进程信息,但是logcat中无信息输出 问题原因:     一些rom默认关闭logcat 问题说明:     ddms中设备名字显示为问号不影响 解决方法:          1.需要root权限(部分rom不需要)       2.打开logcat,并设置

2011-11-28 16:30:06 1218

转载 Android ListView常用用法

ListView是比较常用的控件,但一直都觉得创建ListView步骤有点繁琐,故在此总结一下,方便查阅。 程序效果是实现一个ListView,ListView里面有标题,内容和图片,并加入点击和长按响应。         首先在xml里面定义一个ListView   Xml代码   xml version="1

2011-11-28 10:58:02 2784

转载 iphone游戏引擎介绍

下面我介绍几个比较常用的iPhone游戏引擎,不是每一个我自己都用过,所以可能介绍的时候会说错话,但是这些都是目前比较可取的引擎。 #2D: Cocos2d(http://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-iphone/),作为首选的引擎,Cocos2D基于opengles 1.1并且采用OC编写的,开放源代码,而且文档很齐全,所以对于开发者是一个非常友好的引擎库。而

2011-11-26 14:20:53 993

转载 OpenGL 的渲染流水线

OpenGL 的渲染流水线 一、渲染:计算机根据模型创建图象。模型(或物体)是由几何图元构成的,而几何图元是通过顶点来指定的。最终渲染的图象由屏幕像素组成。像素(pixel)是显示硬件能够放置到屏幕上的最小的可视元素。有关像素的信息(如颜色)在系统内存中被组织为位面(bitplane)。位面构成了帧缓存(包含图形显示设备为控制屏幕上所有像素的颜色和亮度所需的信息)。  1、使用几何

2011-11-26 13:55:26 1071

转载 【Android】Activity之间传递信息

源自:http://blog.163.com/lingliu_08@126/blog/static/120384450201132524659715/ 一、比如,a.activity 要把一些数据传给b.activity: //当点击button时,从a到b传递数据i_id; 并打开页面b.activity //在 a.activity中定义   button.setOnC

2011-11-23 11:48:28 763

转载 Android ViewFlipper within TabHost for Tabs with different Views ... and better memory footprint

This article is a follow up of Use Android ActivityGroup within TabHost to show different Activity. As you probably noticed or read in the comments, the provided solution in the last article was les

2011-11-22 21:09:37 861

转载 Use Android ActivityGroup within TabHost to show different Activity

Use Android ActivityGroup within TabHost to show different Activity there is an updated version to this article with some improvements. please also read: Android ViewFlipper within TabHost

2011-11-22 21:03:45 1184

转载 Android: Capturing the return of an activity

问: I have a question regarding launching new activities. It boils down to this. I have 3 tabs on a view A) contains gMap activity B) camera activity C) some random text fields. Requirement is

2011-11-22 20:10:33 773

转载 How to make android app's background image repeat

Here is a pure-java implementation of background image repeating: @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);     Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.de

2011-11-21 20:56:49 554

转载 Permission Denial: starting Intent 解决办法 .

最近在调试程序的时候经常出现ActivityManager: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.xxxxx.xx

2011-11-21 20:54:37 1277

转载 How to tile a background image in Android

How to tile a background image in Android For one of the apps I'm working on I wanted to have a nice pixel pattern tiled behind my widgets. After a little bit of hunting around I found t

2011-11-21 20:54:05 834

转载 Eclipse代码自动补全设置

代码的自动补全是IDE的经典功能, 既能省去大量记忆的工作,又能保证不会拼写错误. 在Eclipse中本来输入.后会出现相关的方法, 如果想输入sys能够自动补全成system,可以通过组合键(alt-/)来完成. 这不是很方便,通过下面的设置可以达到完全的自动提示 以MAC OSX为例 Eclipse > Preference > Java > Editor > Content Assist

2011-11-21 12:08:04 717


Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or a resource on the Internet. Such identification enables interaction with representations of the resource over

2011-11-17 21:57:47 742

转载 VGA分辨率

VGA 480x640 HVGA  H是一半的意思 分辨率为320x480 QVGA H是四分之一的意思 分辨率为240x320 WVGA W是宽的意思,分辨率分为854×480像素和800×480像素两种

2011-11-17 19:16:57 1082

转载 JWS

Java Web Start(以下简称JWS)是SUN提供的一种通过Web来部署和发布Java 程序的新技术,既它可以用来发布Java Application。

2011-11-16 17:59:42 483

转载 axis

axis全称Apache EXtensible Interaction System 即阿帕奇可扩展交互系统。Axis本质上就是一个SOAP引擎,提供创建服务器端、客户端和网关SOAP操作的基本框架。Axis目前版本是为Java编写的,不过为C++的版本正在开发中。但Axis并不完全是一个SOAP引擎,它还是一个独立的SOAP服务器和一个嵌入Servlet引擎(例如Tomcat)的服务器。

2011-11-16 17:37:36 462

转载 XML Schema

Introduction to XML Schema XML Schema is an XML-based alternative to DTD. An XML schema describes the structure of an XML document. The XML Schema language is also referred to as XML Schema D

2011-11-15 18:49:17 455

转载 Web Services教程

一、Introduction to Web Services Web Services can convert your applications into Web-applications. Web Services are published, found, and used through the Web. What You Should Already Know B

2011-11-15 16:26:42 980

转载 WSDL教程

一、Introduction to WSDL WSDL is an XML-based language for describing Web services and how to access them. What You Should Already Know Before you continue you should have a basic understan

2011-11-15 14:55:34 940

转载 The SOAP Body Element

The SOAP Body element contains the actual SOAP message. The SOAP Body Element The required SOAP Body element contains the actual SOAP message intended for the ultimate endpoint of the message.

2011-11-15 10:17:11 699

转载 SOAP Body Element

The SOAP Body element contains the actual SOAP message. The SOAP Body Element The required SOAP Body element contains the actual SOAP message intended for the ultimate endpoint of the message.

2011-11-15 10:01:11 734

转载 SOAP HTTP Binding

The HTTP Protocol HTTP communicates over TCP/IP. An HTTP client connects to an HTTP server using TCP. After establishing a connection, the client can send an HTTP request message to the server:

2011-11-15 09:49:43 566


SOAP Introduction SOAP is a simple XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP. Or more simply: SOAP is a protocol for accessing a Web Service. What You Should Alr

2011-11-15 09:37:35 570

转载 随机排列NSArray中的成员

Random sort NSArray This tutorial gives you information on how to sort an array randomly. First you need to have a function that handles the randomization. int randomSort(id obj1, id obj2, vo

2011-11-01 16:18:07 584

转载 Best way to sort an NSArray of NSDictionary's?

问: I'm struggling with trying to sort an array of dictionarys. My dictionaries have a couple of values of interest, price, popularity etc. Any suggestions? 答: Use NSSortDescriptor

2011-11-01 16:13:03 471

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合 CWMP


2503 2593,MTK META工具最新版本

META原名MTK Engineering Testing Architecture,即联发科工程测试架构,通过META,开发者可以查看比如MT2502或MT2503 Soc的FAT使用情况



MTK MT2503AVE最新资料datasheet文档, 带低功耗蓝牙BLE


OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide[pdf和源代码]

详细讲解OpenGL ES 2.0 的使用; 有针对下列平台的配套代码: iOS Android Windows Web


Programming Web Services with SOAP

讲解: Wes Services SOAP WSDL 如何部署Web Services 言简意赅。


iPhone OpenGL ES 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》

Iphone OpenGL 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》是一个完整可运行的游戏,目前它已在苹果的App Store发售。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》有配套书籍《Learning iOS Game Programming》详细讲解它是怎么做出来的。


Quartz 2D Graphics For Mac OS X Developers

详细讲解mac的Quartz 2D 库的书籍,英文版。


iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide 英文版



learn iphone and ipad cocos2d game development

iphone 2D游戏开发教程,使用cocos2D游戏引擎。 一本详细介绍如何使用cocos2D游戏引擎开发iphone游戏的数据。 英文版。


iPhone SDK Programming A.Beginner's Guide




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