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转载 How Oracle Locking Works - Second

How Oracle Locking WorksWhen a Lock is NOT a Lock!In the last installment of this series "100 Thing you Probably Didn't Know About Oracle" you learned how Oracle locks the rows of a table.

2014-01-16 18:41:16 876

转载 How Oracle Locking Works - First

When a transaction updates a row, it puts a lock so that no one can update the same row until it commits. When another transaction issues an update to the same row, it waits until the first one eith

2014-01-16 17:36:39 768

转载 100 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Oracle Database

100 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Oracle DatabaseRecently, while delivering a presentation on Cache Fusion at New York Oracle Users Group (www.nyoug.org), the regional user group where I h

2014-01-16 17:34:21 890

原创 工作中常用语句

As always, I will highly appreciate if you could drop me a line telling me your feedback – good, bad and anything in between.

2014-01-16 17:28:26 650

转载 Understanding Row Identifiers(ROWID)

Each row in an Oracle database has a unique row identifier, or rowid.A ROWID is an 18-digit number that is represented as a base-64 number.ROWID is used internally by the Oracle database to access the

2014-01-16 17:26:15 610

转载 索引

Suppose you want to locate a particular book in a library. Does it make sense to look through every book in the library until you find the one you want? Of course not; you use the library’s catalo

2014-01-05 22:18:13 626

原创 对随机变量的理解


2014-01-03 20:18:55 2092

原创 Linux下SQL Developer 4.0 安装

一、Oracle SQL Developer 3.2.2 选择Linux RPM版本下载 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html1、安装sqldeveloper, rpm -ivh sqldeveloper-

2014-01-02 10:46:00 1666

原创 Telling INIT to go to single user mode. init: rc main process (4483) killed by TERM signal

Running the command 'shutdown now' in RHEL6 resulting the system to boot to single user modeTelling INIT to go to single user mode.init: rc main process (4483) killed by TERM signal.One m

2014-01-01 18:31:05 10581

原创 https://localhost:1158/em cant' establish a connection to the server at localhost:1158.

Windows的话看oracledbconsole这个服务有没有启动Linux的话这样看$ emctl status dbconsoleOracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release Copyright (c) 1996, 2009 Oracle Corporation.  All rights r

2014-01-01 17:36:58 1403

原创 条件概率 全概率公式 贝叶斯定律 独立事件


2013-12-31 22:48:24 3736

原创 2. 机器学习应用案例

1. 通过微博数据,分析哪家餐厅的饭菜不卫生2. 推荐给顾客衣服怎么搭配受欢迎3. 电影推荐系统   特征量:用数字表示可能性大小机器学习到处都用得上

2013-12-31 21:05:24 1034

原创 1.什么是机器学习?

1. 定义 :Simply put, machine learning is the part of artificial intelligence that actually works. You can use it to train computers to do things that are impossible to explicitly program in advance.  Ma

2013-12-31 19:38:32 1108

原创 一些概念

数据库是数据的集合;数据库系统是是由数据库及其管理软件组成的系统。数据库系统的主要目的是给用户提供数据的抽象视图。特定时刻存储在数据库中的信息的集合称为数据库的一个实例(instance)。而数据库的总体设计称为数据库模式(schema). 一个数据库系统可以有多个数据库实例。文本数据: 非结构化数据,和关系数据库中严格的结构化数据不同,查询非结构化的文本数据被称为信息检索(informa

2013-12-31 15:10:06 752

原创 事件间关系

对一具体事件要学会用数学符号表示,反之用数学符号表示的事件,要明确其具体含义。互斥和互逆:互斥要求AB=∅, 即只要求A与B不可能同时发生,当然也可能都不发生。而互逆:除了互斥之外,还要求A+B=S(全集)

2013-12-31 08:55:58 1323

原创 Some Commands

1. Show dabase name  $ sqlplus / as sysdba  sql>select name from v$database; 2. On linux prompt check the listener is up and running or not. The command to check for the listener is as follows

2013-12-30 23:51:30 483

原创 概率论初探

1. 概率:表示某情况或事件出现可能性大小的一种数量指标,对事件发生可能性大小的评估。现实中,概率大小会包含主观因素,称为主观概率,例如常常与个人性格、经验、情感因素或利害关系等相关。我们理论上研究一般是科学上的范畴,而科学是以客观真理我依据的。  同条件下足够大量重复实验情况下, 事情发生的频率会比较稳定,一直在某个值附近徘徊,而该值为多次实验下频率的极限值,即为概率。2. 样本空间:

2013-12-30 17:01:45 759

转载 What exactly is the difference between “pass by reference” in C and in C++?

There are questions that already deal with the difference between passing by reference and passing by value. In essence, passing an argument by value to a function means that the function will have

2013-12-27 12:20:35 990

原创 C/C++中头文件和库文件的原理、区别及应用

Firstly, think of both like this (a analogy) : The header is a phone number u can call, while ...The library is the actual person u can reach there.It's the similar difference between "interfa

2013-12-25 10:09:09 982

原创 预处理指令

1. 人们常常称机器语言为目标代码(Object code)2. 预处理命令(Preprocessor directives)三种预处理包括:宏定义、文件包含、条件编译。在对源程序编译之前,会对程序中的所有预处理指令进行处理。预处理就是在进行编译的第一遍词法扫描和语法分析之前所作的工作。说白了,就是对源文件进行编译前,先对预处理部分进行处理,然后对处理后的代码进行编译。宏定义: #de

2013-12-24 19:43:31 681

原创 在CentOS 6.x下安装Oracle 11g R2 常见问题总结

1. is not in sudoers file. This incident will be reported. Resolving this is rather a quick fix in centos, see below (assuming you have root access).Type ‘su’ and enter root password. Then type ‘vi

2013-12-08 00:19:05 723

翻译 How to run scripts under Linux‏

How do I run a Linux shell script? How can I run a script in Linux operating system using command line options?By default shell script will not run. You need to set execute permission for your she

2013-12-04 23:23:44 588

原创 安装Oracle 11g R2 under CentOS 6.4

1. Follow up http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_5&p=oracle11g&f=2 Issue1   [oracle@d01dba1 database]$ ./runInstaller./runInstaller: /root/database/install/.oui: /lib/ld-linux.so.

2013-12-04 15:58:31 629

原创 常用术语解释

1. BufferA buffer is a portion of a computer's memory that is set aside as a temporary holding place for data that is being sent to or received from an external device, such as ahard disk drive (H

2013-12-02 20:50:04 544

原创 Linux 常用命令

1. 重启系统   > sudo reboot

2013-12-02 20:07:25 638

原创 Linux虚拟机下建立FTP服务器实现与host主机互传文件 - 简易版

Ubuntus系统1. 安装FTP服务器   sudo apt-get install vsftpd2. FTP服务器配置    vi /etc/vsftpd.conf3. 禁止FTP服务器匿名访问anonymous_enable=YES 为anonymous_enable=NO4. 允许本地用户以和系统用户相同的账户和密码连接访问l

2013-12-01 22:50:26 7557 2

原创 1. How to review the version of Linux

1. 内核版本cat /proc/version uname -r2. Linux版本cat /etc/issue

2013-12-01 21:42:55 558

原创 大数据金融讲座

1. 大数据的概念和特点随着每天互联网上海量数据的产生,数据分析尤其显得重要。所谓大数据技术,就是从各种各样类型的数据中,快速获得有价值信息的能力。大数据的4个“V”,或者说特点有四个层面:第一,数据体量巨大。从TB级别,跃升到PB级别;第二,数据类型繁多。前文提到的网络日志、视频、图片、地理位置信息等等。第三,价值密度低,商业价值高。以视频为例,连续不间断监控过程中,可能有用的数据仅仅有

2013-11-28 22:42:14 1335

原创 DBCS字符集

Most applications written today handle character data primarily as Unicode, using the UTF-16 encoding. However, many legacy applications continue to use character sets based on code pages. Even new

2013-11-26 09:23:43 1155

原创 1. 了解数据的属性


2013-06-19 20:47:06 737

原创 WinRT Revealed(解密) - Introduction to WinRT

While Windows will continue to provide an environment for the current methods of development, Microsoft is introducing a new environment. This one is focused onapps rather than on programs, and on m

2012-12-01 11:29:57 519

原创 在Windows 8 或Windows Server 2012上安装.net framework 3.5

PS C:\Users\Administrator> dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /all /source:C:\Windows\WinSxS /LimitAccessDeployment Image Servicing and Management toolVersion: 6.2.9200.16384Image

2012-11-30 14:13:49 830

转载 Winsxs


2012-11-30 14:05:51 418

转载 微软Office 365和Windows Azure将在华提供服务

11月1日下午消息,微软今天宣布与国内互联网基础设施服务提供商世纪互联达成合作,实现微软企业级云服务——Office 365和Windows Azure在中国的落地。微软将向世纪互联授权技术,由后者运营这两项服务,这同时也意味着微软的云计算服务正式获得合法牌照。 Office 365中国运营是指为国内客户提供在线办公、电子邮件、门户协作、统一通讯等服务;Windows Azure中国运营则

2012-11-26 16:39:14 1002

转载 Ascii vs. Binary Files

Introduction    Most people classify files in two categories: binary files and ASCII (text) files.   You've actually worked with both.  Any program you write (C/C++/Perl/HTML) is almost surely an AS

2012-11-23 15:57:09 794

转载 对开发测试工程师的理解

开发测试工程师     随着测试在软件开发周期中越来越受到重视,国内测试的缺口一直比较大,各种软件和互联网公司都大肆招收测试工程师,有些走在前面的公司甚至从今年开始取消了测试工程师职位,全部变成了测试开发职位,比如百度。一方面测试开发表明了对工程师有更高的要求,需要在具有测试能力的基础上兼备开发能力;另一方面自动化测试成为趋势,利用开发的技巧解决测试中的问题以提高测试效率,降低QA与RD的人力

2012-11-10 15:46:17 1331




Beginning C# 5.0 Databases, 2nd edition

C# 5.0数据库编程入门,第二版. 不多介绍了, 你懂得


手把手教你如何使用Windows 8

手把手教程,书中有大量图片,实践性特强,易掌握。分享给Windows 8入门的朋友和想在工作中使用Windows8有意提高工作效率的白领。我分不够使了,也顺便借你2分,谢谢你的大度风范啊! -注意:本书为英文版。不过,图片多,相信自己英语不是障碍。:)





Windows 8程序开发入门

Windows 8 程序开发的入门必备图书,这方面的书还不多,你也抢先一步



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