NYOJ - A Famous Music Composer

A Famous Music Composer

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难度: 1
Mr. B is a famous music composer. One of his most famous work was his set of preludes. These 24 pieces span the 24 musical keys (there are musically distinct 12 scale notes, and each may use major or minor tonality). The 12 distinct scale notes are:
A    A#=Bb B      C     C#=DbD      D#=Eb E      F      F#=GbG     G#=Ab

Five of the notes have two alternate names, as is indicated above with equals sign. Thus, there are 17 possible names of scale notes, but only 12 musically distinct notes. When using one of these as the keynote for a musical key, we can further distinguish between major and minor tonalities. This gives 34 possible keys, of which 24 are musically distinct.
In naming his preludes, Mr. B used all the keys except the following 10, which were named instead by their alternate names:
Ab minorA# majorA# minor C# major Db minor
D# majorD# minorGb major Gb minor G# major
Write a program that, given the name of a key, give an alternate name if it has one, or report the key name is unique.
Each test case is described by one line having the format "note tonality", where "note" is one of the 17 names for the scale notes given above, and "tonality" is either "major" or "minor" (quotes for clarify).
For each case output the required answer, following the format of the sample.
Ab minor
D# major
G minor
Case 1: G# minor
Case 2: Eb major
Case 3: UNIQUE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
	char s1[10],s2[10];
	int sign = 1;
	while(scanf("%s%s",s1,s2) != EOF)
	    printf("Case %d: ",sign++);
		if(!strcmp(s1,"A#")) printf("%s %s\n","Bb",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"Bb")) printf("%s %s\n","A#",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"C#")) printf("%s %s\n","Db",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"Db")) printf("%s %s\n","C#",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"D#")) printf("%s %s\n","Eb",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"Eb")) printf("%s %s\n","D#",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"F#")) printf("%s %s\n","Gb",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"Gb")) printf("%s %s\n","F#",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"G#")) printf("%s %s\n","Ab",s2);
		else if(!strcmp(s1,"Ab")) printf("%s %s\n","G#",s2);
		else printf("UNIQUE\n");
西北工业大学NOJC程序设计习题答案(非本人制作,侵删) 1.“1“的传奇 2.A+B 3.A+BⅡ 4.AB 5.ACKERMAN 6.Arithmetic Progressions 7.Bee 8.Checksum algorithm 9.Coin Test 10.Dexter need help 11.Double 12.Easy problem 13.Favorite number 14.Graveyard 15.Hailstone 16.Hanoi Ⅱ 17.Houseboat 18.Music Composer 19.Redistribute wealth 20.Road trip 21.Scoring 22.Specialized Numbers 23.Sticks 24.Sum of Consecutive 25.Symmetric Sort 26.The Clock 27.The Ratio of gainers to losers 28.VOL大学乒乓球比赛 29.毕业设计论文打印 30.边沿与内芯的差 31.不会吧,又是A+B 32.不屈的小蜗 33.操场训练 34.插入链表节点 35.插入排序 36.插入字符 37.成绩表计算 38.成绩转换 39.出租车费 40.除法 41.创建与遍历职工链表 42.大数乘法 43.大数除法 44.大数加法 45.单词频次 46.迭代求根 47.多项式的猜想 48.二分查找 49.二分求根 50.发工资的日子 51.方差 52.分离单词 53.分数拆分 54.分数化小数 55.分数加减法 56.复数 57.高低交换 58.公园喷水器 59.韩信点兵 60.行程编码压缩算法 61.合并字符串 62.猴子分桃 63.火车站 64.获取指定二进制位 65.积分计算 66.级数和 67.计算A+B 68.计算PI 69.计算π 70.计算成绩 71.计算完全数 72.检测位图长宽 73.检查图像文件格式 74.奖金发放 75.阶乘合计 76.解不等式 77.精确幂乘 78.恐怖水母 79.快速排序 80.粒子裂变 81.链表动态增长或缩短 82.链表节点删除 83.两个整数之间所有的素数 84.路痴 85.冒泡排序 86.你会存钱吗 87.逆序整数 88.排列 89.排列分析 90.平均值函数 91.奇特的分数数列 92.求建筑高度 93.区间内素数 94.三点顺序 95.山迪的麻烦 96.删除字符 97.是该年的第几天 98.是该年的第几天? 99.数据加密 100.搜索字符 101.所有素数 102.探索合数世纪 103.特殊要求的字符串 104.特殊整数 105.完全数 106.王的对抗 107.危险的组合 108.文件比较 109.文章统计 110.五猴分桃 111.小型数据库 112.幸运儿 113.幸运数字”7“ 114.选择排序 115.寻找规律 116.循环移位 117.延伸的卡片 118.羊羊聚会 119.一维数组”赋值“ 120.一维数组”加法“ 121.勇闯天涯 122.右上角 123.右下角 124.圆及圆球等的相关计算 125.圆及圆球等相关计算 126.程序员添加行号 127.找出数字 128.找幸运数 129.找最大数 130.整数位数 131.重组字符串 132.子序列的和 133.子字符串替换 134.自然数立方的乐趣 135.字符串比较 136.字符串复制 137.字符串加密编码 138.字符串逆序 139.字符串排序 140.字符串替换 141.字符串左中右 142.组合数 143.最次方数 144.最大乘积 145.最大整数 146.最小整数 147.最长回文子串 148.左上角 149.左下角
孪生素数是指两个素数之间的差值为2的素数对。通过筛选法可以找出给定素数范围内的所有孪生素数的组数。 在引用的代码中,使用了递归筛选法来解决孪生素数问题。该程序首先使用循环将素数的倍数标记为非素数,然后再遍历素数数组,找出相邻素数之间差值为2的素数对,并统计总数。 具体实现过程如下: 1. 定义一个数组a[N,用来标记数字是否为素数,其中N为素数范围的上限。 2. 初始化数组a,将0和1标记为非素数。 3. 输入要查询的孪生素数的个数n。 4. 循环n次,每次读入一个要查询的素数范围num。 5. 使用两层循环,外层循环从2遍历到num/2,内层循环从i的平方开始,将素数的倍数标记为非素数。 6. 再次循环遍历素数数组,找出相邻素数之间差值为2的素数对,并统计总数。 7. 输出总数。 至此,我们可以使用这个筛选法的程序来解决孪生素数问题。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [python用递归筛选法求N以内的孪生质数(孪生素数)](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39734646/article/details/110990629)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v92^chatsearchT0_1"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] - *2* *3* [NYOJ-26 孪生素数问题](https://blog.csdn.net/memoryofyck/article/details/52059096)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v92^chatsearchT0_1"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] [ .reference_list ]
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