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翻译 Software - How Software Companies Die

Software - How Software Companies Die By Orson Scott Card The environment that nutures creative programmers kills management and marketing types - and vice versa. Programming is the Great Game. It

2012-12-16 22:06:48 617

转载 IIS ERROR about SP:The process can't access the file because it is being used by another process

You receive a "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error message when you try to start a Web site in the Internet Information Services MMC snap-in SYMPT

2012-12-14 15:53:55 2037

原创 Inroduce SharePoint 2013 Out Of The Box Workflow in detail

What’s workflowWorkflow ismainly described as one between managing personal, Office, Department or theentire company processes that interact. Some work completed depends on manypeople or systems

2012-12-14 14:13:48 6249

转载 Step by step Install SharePoint Workflow Manager

With SharePoint 2013 comes a new way of doing workflows.Installing SharePoint Server 2013 gives you the same functionality as a SharePoint 2010 workflow out of the box, however to make use of the mu

2012-12-13 17:49:51 1141

原创 Approach to upgrading custom SharePoint workflows

Approach to upgrading custom SharePoint workflows                   27 Aug                               2009                ByTommy Lum        Filed in                Technical in Nat

2012-12-13 11:25:07 718

翻译 SharePoint solution Error: Misconfiguration of the Microsoft SharePoint State Service

Error: The form cannot be rendered. This may be due to a misconfiguration of the Microsoft SharePoint Server State Service. For more information, contact your server administrator.Error:Th

2012-12-13 09:39:57 933

转载 SharePoint 2010 开箱即用工作流介绍

本章内容配置三态工作流 管理工作流实例 比较6种开箱即用工作流 工作流为开发软件做跟踪功能是很理想的。客户常常将写的软件需求放在SharePoint托管。一个工作流在这种场景下是有帮助的,因为它跟踪需求的进度,从开始到结束。此外,工作流会执行最终批准的文档在给团队开发之前。用一个例子来展示通过工作流自动分配任务,跟踪版本,集中文档管理的开发是简便的。我们要做到这一点会使用开箱即用的工作

2012-12-10 14:52:01 1493

转载 Step by step create three status workflow in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010对工作流的创建与使用提供了友好的支持,我们有四种选择:SharePoint 2010:脱箱(Out-Of-The-Box)工作流Visio 2010:可视化工作流,可以导入、导出工作流SharePoint Designer 2010:无代码工作流Visual Studio 2010:高级、自定义工作流本次我们使用SharePoint 2010 内置的三

2012-12-07 18:27:59 1346

转载 C语言的进化史

一 C家族的故事以下描述摘自《C++对话系列》“最初,计算机语言非常混乱,高级语言根本不存在,连固定的语言形式也没有。贝尔实验室的Richard Martin在使用了计算机语言的过程中意识到了高级语言的必要性。他深入地研究后,开发出了他认为不错的BCPL语言。“然后Ken Thompson使用了BCPL,虽然他觉得很不错,但他认为如果想在一台PDP-7上使用BCPL,就必须

2012-12-07 09:43:55 1368

翻译 Step by step configure ASP.net SQL connection to use Membership providers

ASp.net 2.0 step by step Membership Provider Hi,this is Satalaj here I will configure ASP.net web application to use Membership providers.After reading this article. You will be able to

2012-12-05 18:23:53 1498

翻译 Introduction: Connect to SQL Membership with ASP.NET Application

Using SQL Membership with ASP.NET Application     IntroductionMost ASP.NET projects implement features like Login, Security, Password encryption, User Roles, Access rights, etc. Lot of code

2012-12-05 17:53:39 838

原创 Introduction and Configuration SharePoint 2013 Forms Based Authentication

Forms AuthenticationForms-based authentication is an identity management systemthat is based on ASP.NET membership and role provider authentication. To useforms-based authentication to authenticate

2012-12-04 16:43:14 1246

转载 配置SharePoint Foundation 2010基于表单的验证支持

一、配置ASP.NET应用程序服务信息的SQL Server数据库1. 打开命令提示符。在运行中输入“cmd”,打开Windows的命令提示符。2. 进入到.Net Framework的安装目录。输入“cd c:/windows/Microsoft .NET/Framework/v2.0.50727”。3. 输入命令aspnet_regsql。该命令弹出“ASP.NET SQL Ser

2012-11-26 14:42:31 741

翻译 Step by Step Configuring Forms Based Authentication in SharePoint 2013

Now that the first beta for SharePoint 2013 is available, I thought it would be a good idea to walk through the process of configuring Forms Based Authentication “out of the box” without an add-on suc

2012-11-26 13:06:33 3008 7

翻译 Step by step install SharePoint 2010 foundation in win7 64bit

Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008                    Other Versions                NOTE: The step to i

2012-11-23 23:32:09 1761

转载 Step by step Configuration FBA on SharePoint 2010 for Windows Server 2008 R2

Step-by-step Forms-Based Authentication (FBA) on SharePoint 2010Posted on August 25, 2011byMorganThis is an A-Z guide that helps you setup a web application with Forms-Based Authentication (FB

2012-11-23 17:42:29 1943

转载 SharePoint 2010 基于声明的认证模式

[SharePoint 2010]关于基于声明(Claims)的用户认证模式               分类:            SharePoint 20102012-03-31 20:5182人阅读评论(0)收藏举报SharePoint 2010在用户认证模式上,较之以前的版本有了非常大的改变。在SharePoint 2010中,当你创建一个Web应用程序的时候,有两

2012-11-22 15:38:38 891

转载 OAuth 协议简介

OAUTH协议简介               分类:            Open API2009-03-08 12:0057784人阅读评论(60)收藏举报tokenauthorizationyahoomicrosoftaccessurl  摘要:OAUTH协议为用户资源的授权提供了一个安全的、开放而又简易的标准。与以往的授权方式不同之处是OAUTH的授权不会使第三方

2012-11-22 15:10:01 951

转载 笔试面试集锦

「我正在一点一点做.整理下面的笔试面试题,欢迎读者朋友们跟我一起做,你可以把你的答案或代码直接评论在本文之下,也可以通过私信或邮件发给我,感谢诸位。同时,以下所有任何题目所给的点评里的答案,尤其是所给的外部链接若有任何问题,欢迎在本文评论下留言指正,谢谢。答题除了让你感受到思考的乐趣以外,还有奖哦,请君自看。July、二零一二年十月十一日」9月11日, 京东:谈谈你对面向对象编程的

2012-11-20 11:13:55 9305

转载 c与c++分别是怎样动态分配和释放内存的,有什么区别?

c语言提供内存动态分配的函数有:malloc、calloc、realloc,在使用这些函数时必须包含其头文件,分别为:、、1) malloc 函数: void *malloc(unsigned int size)在内存的动态分配区域中分配一个长度为size的连续空间,如果分配成功,则返回所分配内存空间的首地址,否则返回NULL,申请的内存不会进行初始化。2)calloc 函数: v

2012-11-20 11:06:21 790

翻译 Configuring Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 Development

Configuring Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 DevelopmentUpdate: These instructions also apply to the RTM version of VS.This seems to be one of the questions I a

2012-11-20 10:42:11 1125

转载 ECMAScript对象模型的引入

我们知道Microsoft SharePoint 2010 提供了三个新的客户端 API,这些 API 允许您通过在浏览器中执行的脚本、在 .NET 托管应用程序中执行的代码(Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 或更高版本)或在 Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 应用程序中执行的代码与 SharePoint 网站进行交互。   这里我们来看看如何在Sha

2012-11-13 17:33:17 701

转载 SPDisposeCheck内存泄漏检查工具的使用

SPDisposeCheck是开发Sharepoint项目必不可少的工具之一,用它可以检测出我们写的代码是否正确销毁掉诸如SPSite或者SPWeb之类的“资源消耗大户”(你打开一个spsite或者spweb对象 将占用1M到2M的内存,如果你不断打开此类对象并没有及时关闭,那么你的内存就会很快被消耗掉), 现在这个工具有了新的版本,它的安装与使用更加方便。首先从SharePoint Disp

2012-11-13 17:29:15 732

转载 PowerShell Popup Method

Popup Method            1 out of 1 rated this helpful-Rate this topic          Updated: September 2010        Displays text in a pop-up message box.Copy

2012-11-01 16:48:32 853

转载 Regular Expressions

Regular ExpressionsUse -match , -notmatch or -replace to identify string patterns using regular expression characters:Match exact characters anywhere in the original string:PS C:> "Ziggy stard

2012-11-01 16:01:59 647

转载 PowerShell Sort Array

Note: This is part two of a multiple blog series about working with arrays and hash tables for data storage. In yesterday’s Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog,Learn Simple Ways to Handle Windows PowerShell

2012-11-01 15:03:25 1838

原创 SharePoint 2010 PowerShell base function abut list

SharePoint 2010 PowerShell base function abut list

2012-10-29 16:56:34 1128

转载 PowerShell base operate about document


2012-10-29 16:53:06 656

转载 PowerShell base operate about list


2012-10-29 16:51:00 555

eggjsddddsdds dsdsd

eggjsddddsdds dsdsd





















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