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2016-10-27 10:43:16 801

转载 SharePoint is Dying

4 Reasons why SharePoint is DyingI’m afraid it has come to this. SharePoint is dying. It used to be a great platform with awesome promise but somehow, it’s now starting to put its affairs in o

2015-06-03 14:54:58 987

原创 Custom Managed Navigation in SharePoint 2013

Reqiurement:As we known, Managed Navigation is that the navigation items will be represented using a Managed Metadata term set. SharePoint provide the default control, but the design

2015-01-30 14:24:42 1936

原创 Custom Social Newsfeed in SharePoint 2013

Requirement Implement a custom social newsfeed, user can retrieve/new/reply/like/unlike a post, and ability to auto retrieve hastags when input "#". you would be notice that the UI is same as the de

2015-01-26 17:06:12 1911 1

原创 Sharepoint 2013 Retrieve Taxonomy Term Store via Javascript

This blog will show you how to retrieve term store, term group, term set and term via JavaScript1. First, you need understand Managed Metadata Service, it used for storing metadata, and have the dat

2014-12-09 13:51:13 2270

原创 Tab with web parts from web part zone in Sharepoint 2013

Implement to tab with web parts in Sharepoint 2013Implement a feature about tabbed content with multiple web parts, each associated with a header in a list. I will achieve it in SharePoint 2013.to

2014-09-23 15:58:16 1837

原创 jQuery Call web services(SOAP) in SharePoint 2013

Step by Step Calling web services(SOAP) in SharePoint 2013As we know sharepoint already provide some sevice for user, we needn't write CAML to query list every time, sharepoint web service have enou

2014-03-28 13:32:22 2369

原创 SharePoint 2013 REST Service - CRUD on list items

SharePoint REST Service steps by stepsLet's study SharePoint REST Service steps by steps, last blog, I had demo how to retrive the list info, if you don't know how to call REST, you can see my last

2013-11-15 17:10:11 4217 1

原创 JSLink to custom list to render people column in detail with picture

I  create a custom list, and create a poeple column to store poeple detail info with picture in this list, the custom list with following people:Name1, Name2, NAme3, Name4.here is the list info:

2013-10-12 10:57:53 2954 1

转载 SharePoint Server 2016 与 2019部分功能差异

SharePoint Server 2016 与 2019部分功能差异SharePoint Server 2019 公共预览版已更新到第一次引入SharePoint Online现代体验。下面详细介绍一些SharePoint Server 2019 公共预览版中的现代体验和SharePoint Server 2016经典体验之间的差异。现代体验您将注意到中的SharePoint许多 ...

2018-10-31 21:24:14 834

原创 深入相等运算符

先来看这个例子,请问下面表达式的值是多少。0 == null如果你不确定答案,或者想知道语言内部怎么处理,就可以去查看规格,7.2.12小节是对相等运算符(==)的描述。规格对每一种语法行为的描述,都分成两部分:先是总体的行为描述,然后是实现的算法细节。相等运算符的总体描述,只有一句话。"The comparison x == y, where x an

2016-01-22 15:14:46 627

原创 正则表达式大全

很多不太懂正则的朋友,在遇到需要用正则校验数据时,往往是在网上去找很久,结果找来的还是不很符合要求。所以我最近把开发中常用的一些正则表达式整理了一下,在这里分享一下。给自己留个底,也给朋友们做个参考。一、校验数字的表达式1. 数字:^[0-9]*$2. n位的数字:^\d{n}$3. 至少n位的数字:^\d{n,}$4. m-n位的数

2016-01-22 11:23:14 1074

转载 SharePoint Server 2016 update

oday’s post was written by Seth Patton, senior director of product management for the SharePoint team.In February, we shared our vision on the evolution of SharePoint, outlining our plans for co

2015-12-04 17:51:20 957

转载 CSS行高——line-height

初入前端的时候觉得CSS知道display、position、float就可以在布局上游刃有余了,随着以后工作问题层出不穷,才逐渐了解到CSS并不是几个style属性那么简单,最近看了一些关于行高的知识,就此总结一下。所谓行高是指文本行基线间的垂直距离。要想理解这句话首先得了解几个基本知识:顶线、中线、基线、底线DOCTYPE html>html> head>

2015-09-04 21:46:43 768

原创 SharePoint面试题集锦

初级:Stand along和 Completed模式的区别Content Type 和 Site Column的理解Farm solution 和Sandbox区别 Web Part, Event Receiver, Feature三者的概念和联系Timer Job 的理解 中级:简述客户端对象模型和服务端对

2015-08-28 10:57:36 3175 1

转载 细说 jQuery - 事件传播

Javascript 是如何决定由哪个元素来处理事件的,以及jQuery 又是如何优化处理这个问题的,这些都涉及到了事件传播。事件传播策略当页面内的发生一个事件时,每个层次的 DOM 元素都有机会来处理这个事件,为了弄懂整个过程,举例说明:div class="wrapper"> span class="bar"> a href="#">segmentfault

2015-08-27 14:41:05 766

原创 初识JSONP--解决ajax跨域问题


2015-08-20 16:00:34 1139

原创 Web前端面试题集锦

1. 简单描述Javascri和java, c#的区别2. 清楚float有那几种方式?有什么优劣3. 讲讲你对CDN的理解4. 列举一些性能优化的方法5. RequireJS和SeaJS的区别?6. 媒体查询的理解7. AuglarJS, BackboneJS, YUI, BootStrap前端框架的认识8. 原型和原型链的理解9. 作用域和作用域链的理解

2015-08-17 15:09:54 1600

转载 美式英语口语中连读、略读,音变的技巧

1、连读两原则:①辅音接辅音时,元音会接收前词词尾的辅音。②辅音接辅音时,前词词尾辅音消音,只念后词辅音词尾。2、三个基本句型的口语读法be going to -- be gonnawant to -- wannahave got to -- ('ve) gotta3、重音变轻音(句子中次要单词的元音要弱读)4、

2015-06-05 09:21:34 17789

原创 Rest Api how to retrieve list items from SharePoint Online

We will learn how to call Rest Api in SharePoint Online, here is the requirment:There is a customer list named "Customers", we will output the title of all items in the list.Introduce Rest Api:

2015-06-03 11:17:25 1474

原创 Missing server side dependencies in SharePoint 2013

The follow issues in Health Analyzer:[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [40209021-7bb0-e465-2576-abddac43061b] (class [CommunityForumTopics.WebParts.ForumTopicsWebPart.ForumTopicsWebPart] from assem

2015-05-04 11:27:36 2432

原创 How to get current date time in SharePoint Site Time Zone

if SharePoint time zone is different from server:SPWeb currentWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;DateTime utcDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;DateTime locateDate = currentWeb.RegionalSettings.TimeZone.UTCToLoc

2015-01-30 15:26:59 2054

原创 Post/Reply a post by Social feed REST API in SharePoint 2013

Post/Reply a post by Social feed REST API in SharePoint 2013, SharePoint REST endpoints for reading and writing to social feeds

2014-12-30 17:54:05 2960

原创 SharePoint 2013 Create Community Site with Moderate permission

项目需求: 创建Community Templat的Forum子站点, 用户可以发帖,跟帖和评论,以及版主有Mederate权限1. Sharepoint 2013 在创建Forum子站点的时候,是没有Community Template的选择了(没有升级之前的sharepoint 2013是有该模板的),只有Team Site, 但管理员可以直接通过Powershell创建Commu

2014-12-24 14:30:25 1182

原创 how to add Javascript and CSS in page layout with sharepoint 2013

how to add Javascript and CSS in page layout with sharepoint 2013Sometimes, we need create a custom page layout, at the time, if we want to add some javascript and css code, how to do it? we cannot

2014-09-30 14:40:38 1778

原创 Restore content database in sharepoint

sometimes, we need backup content database about sharepoint site, then restore it one day. of course, we can backup the contetn database in SQL, then restore it in Sharepoint Central Admin, but it oft

2014-09-28 17:21:08 1145

原创 Configure Excel Services with multiple servers in SharePoint Server 2013

ConfigureExcel Servicesin SharePoint Server 2013Prepare:Beforeyou begin, you must be a member of the Farm Administrators group to perform theprocedures in this articleToregister a manage

2014-09-28 17:10:53 931

转载 What is the Future for SharePoint?

What is the Future for Microsoft SharePoint?Microsoft is facing important pressures from market and technology forces, which will force it to make fundamental changes to SharePoint's architecture an

2014-09-24 14:16:20 1131

转载 The Future for SharePoint: On Premises Vs Online

Everyone has an opinion about SharePoint. They think it’s horrible. They love it. They think Office 365 (and SharePoint Online) are the future of SharePoint. They think most organizations can’t move o

2014-09-24 11:23:06 1086

原创 how to set default content type in document set in Sharepoint

how to set default content type in document set in Sharepoint, when upload document in the document set, it is not working, it still had the content type named "Document", even it is the default content type

2014-09-12 17:34:58 1753

转载 CAML and the Client Object Model

SharePoint 2010 comes with a whole set of new features. One of these novelties is the Client Object Model. (Well it are 3 novelties because there are 3 different Client Object Models that you can use

2014-07-09 08:55:05 2117

原创 Powershell 功能函数大全(Sharepoint 2013/2010)

1. Poweshell 对 Site Column的完整操作2. Powershell 对 Content Type的完整操作3. Powershell 对 List 的完整操作4. Powershell 对 Web Part(页面)操作5. Powershell 对 Security Group操作

2014-07-08 16:36:54 2934

原创 Create and Call HttpHandler in SharePoint

Create and Call HttpHandler in SharePointRequirement: 1. Create a httphandler, and reture json data when call the httphandler in client.2. Create a list named "Products", including a column na

2014-05-14 18:04:41 1473

转载 Client Call SharePoint Web Service(SOAP)

I am working on a project to create newsletters to send to my customers, and experimenting with a few ways to collect the information so that I can easily author the newsletter later. One way that I

2014-03-28 13:59:36 1680

原创 Change the default search topology in SharePoint Server 2013

IntroductionThe procedures and the examples in this article assume that SharePoint Server 2013 and the Search service application are newly installed and that there is no content in the search index

2014-03-27 21:54:13 1676

原创 Configure User Profile Service Application on SharePoint Server 2013

Configure UserProfile Service Application on SharePoint Server 2013User Profile Service and User Profile Synchronization underSynchronization Option

2014-03-25 20:17:19 1864

原创 Sharepoint 2013 页面置顶(Topbar)小插件

Sharepoint  2013 页面置顶(Topbar)小插件Topbar功能,当滚动条滑过一个页面高度时,出现Topbar图标,回滚到页面顶部。当滚动到底边栏时,TopBar要跟着底边栏一起移动,这样就有点难度了

2014-03-10 11:23:45 2047

转载 一步步开发jQuery插件

jQuery插件的开发包括两种:一种是类级别的插件开发,即给jQuery添加新的全局函数,相当于给jQuery类本身添加方法。jQuery的全局函数就是属于jQuery命名空间的函数。另一种是对象级别的插件开发,即给jQuery对象添加方法。一. 基本概念用JQuery写插件时,最核心的方法有如下两个:$.extend(object) 可以理解为JQuery 添加一个静态方法。

2014-02-13 17:06:41 804

原创 SharePoint 2013 Pop-Up Dialogs


2014-02-11 14:39:04 1949

转载 click() bind() live() delegate()区别

click(),bind(),live()都是执行事件时使用的方法,他们之前是有一些区别的,我们在使用这些方法时应该根据需要进行选择。 1.click()方法是我们经常使用的单击事件方法:Js代码  "text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js">    $(functio

2014-01-20 14:13:08 1116

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