Using Microsoft-Specific Predefined Preprocessor Macros

Using Microsoft-Specific Predefined Preprocessor Macros

A sample function that uses ANSI-Compliant Predefined Preprocessor Macros:

bool CPreprocessingDlg::UseMicrosoftSpecificPredefinedMacros(void)
    // Using Microsoft-Specific Predefined Preprocessor Macros
    // Ref:
    TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
    CString m_strOutput;
    m_strOutput += "\r\n\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "-- Microsoft-Specific Predefined Macros --";
    // _ATL_VER - Defines the ATL version.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("ATL Version: 0x%0.4X"), _ATL_VER);
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _CHAR_UNSIGNED - Default char type is unsigned. Defined when /J is specified.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Default char Type Is unsigned [_CHAR_UNSIGNED]: ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _CHAR_UNSIGNED);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // __CLR_VER - Defines the version of the common language runtime used
    // when the application was compiled. The value returned will be in
    // the following format: Mmmbbbbb
    // where,
    // M is the major version of the runtime.
    // mm is the minor version of the runtime.
    // bbbbb is the build number.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Common Language Runtime Version [__CLR_VER]: ";
#ifdef __CLR_VER
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), __CLR_VER);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // __cplusplus_cli - Defined when compiling with /clr, /clr:pure, or /clr:safe.
    // Value of __cplusplus_cli is 200406.
    // __cplusplus_cli is in effect throughout the translation unit.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "__cplusplus_cli: ";
#ifdef __cplusplus_cli
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), __cplusplus_cli);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // __cplusplus - Defined for C++ programs only.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "C++ Program [__cplusplus]: ";
#ifdef __cplusplus
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), __cplusplus);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _CPPLIB_VER - Defined if you include any of the C++ Standard Library headers.
    // Reports which version of the Dinkumware header files are present.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "C++ Standard Library Header Version [_CPPLIB_VER]: ";
#ifdef _CPPLIB_VER
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), _CPPLIB_VER);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _CPPRTTI - Defined for code compiled with /GR (Enable Run-Time Type Information)
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Enable Run-Time Type Information [_CPPRTTI]: ";
#ifdef _CPPRTTI
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _CPPRTTI);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _CPPUNWIND - Defined for code compiled with /GX (Enable Exception Handling).
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Enable Exception Handling [_CPPUNWIND]: ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _CPPUNWIND);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _DEBUG - Defined when compiling with /LDd, /MDd, and /MTd.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Debug Mode [_DEBUG]: ";
#ifdef _DEBUG
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _DEBUG);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _DLL - Defined when /MD or /MDd (Multithread DLL) is specified.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Multithread DLL [_DLL]: ";
#ifdef _DLL
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _DLL);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // __FUNCDNAME__ - Valid only within a function and returns the decorated
    // name of the enclosing function (as a string). __FUNCDNAME__ is not
    // expanded if you use the /EP or /P compiler option.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Function name (decorated) [__FUNCDNAME__]: ";
#ifdef __FUNCDNAME__
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT(__FUNCDNAME__));
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // __FUNCSIG__ - Valid only within a function and returns the signature of the
    // enclosing function (as a string). __FUNCSIG__ is not expanded if you use the
    // /EP or /P compiler option.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Function signature [__FUNCSIG__]: ";
#ifdef __FUNCSIG__
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT(__FUNCSIG__));
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // __FUNCTION__ - Valid only within a function and returns the undecorated name of the enclosing
    // function (as a string). __FUNCTION__ is not expanded if you use the /EP or /P
    // compiler option.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Function name [__FUNCTION__]: ";
#ifdef __FUNCTION__
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT(__FUNCTION__));
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS - Reports the maximum size (in bits) for an integral type.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Integral type maximum size (in bits) [_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS]: ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d"), _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("Undefined"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _M_ALPHA - Defined for DEC ALPHA platforms. It is defined as 1 by the ALPHA compiler, and
    // it is not defined if another compiler is used.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "DEC ALPHA Platform [_M_ALPHA]: ";
#ifdef _M_ALPHA
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_ALPHA);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _M_CEE - Defined for a compilation that uses any form of /clr (/clr:oldSyntax, /clr:safe,
    // for example).
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Common Language Runtime Compilation [_M_CEE]: ";
#ifdef _M_CEE
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_CEE);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _M_CEE_PURE - Defined for a compilation that uses /clr:pure.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Common Language Runtime Pure Compilation [_M_CEE_PURE]: ";
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_CEE_PURE);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _M_CEE_SAFE - Defined for a compilation that uses /clr:safe.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Common Language Runtime Safe Compilation [_M_CEE_SAFE]: ";
#ifdef _M_CEE_SAFE
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_CEE_SAFE);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _M_IX86 - Defined for x86 processors. See Values for _M_IX86 for more details.
    // Blend: /GB: _M_IX86 = 600 (Default. Future compilers will emit a different value to reflect the dominant processor.)
    // Pentium: /G5: _M_IX86 = 500
    // Pentium Pro, Pentium II, and Pentium III: /G6: _M_IX86 = 600
    // 80386: /G3: _M_IX86 = 300
    // 80486: /G4: _M_IX86 = 400
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Minimum CPU Architecture [_M_IX86]: ";
#ifdef _M_IX86
    if (600 == _M_IX86)
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - Blend (/GB) or Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III (/G6)"), _M_IX86);
    else if (500 == _M_IX86)
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - Pentium (/G5)"), _M_IX86);
    else if (300 == _M_IX86)
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - 80386 (/G3)"), _M_IX86);
    else if (400 == _M_IX86)
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - 80486 (/G4)"), _M_IX86);
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - Unknown"), _M_IX86);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("Undefined"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _M_IA64 - Defined for Itanium Processor Family 64-bit processors.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Itanium Processor Family 64-bit [_M_IA64]: ";
#ifdef _M_IA64
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_IA64);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _M_IX86_FP - Expands to a value indicating which /arch compiler option was used:
    // 0 if /arch was not used.
    // 1 if /arch:SSE was used.
    // 2 if /arch:SSE2 was used.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Minimum CPU Architecture [_M_IX86_FP]: ";
#ifdef _M_IX86_FP
    if (0 == _M_IX86_FP)
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - %s"), _M_IX86_FP, TEXT("NO Streaming SIMD Extensions"));
    else if (1 == _M_IX86_FP)
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - %s"), _M_IX86_FP, TEXT("Streaming SIMD Extensions (/arch:SSE)"));
    else if (2 == _M_IX86_FP)
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - %s"), _M_IX86_FP, TEXT("Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (/arch:SSE2)"));
        swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d - %s"), _M_IX86_FP, TEXT("UNKNOWN"));
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // Defined for Power Macintosh platforms (no longer supported).
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Power Macintosh Platform [_M_MPPC]: ";
#ifdef _M_MPPC
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_MPPC);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // Defined for MIPS platforms (no longer supported).
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "MIPS Platform (_M_MRX000): ";
#ifdef _M_MRX000
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_MRX000);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // Defined for PowerPC platforms (no longer supported).
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "PowerPC Platform [_M_PPC]: ";
#ifdef _M_PPC
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_PPC);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // Defined for x64 processors.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "x64 Platform [_M_X64]: ";
#ifdef _M_X64
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _M_X64);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _MANAGED = Defined to be 1 when /clr is specified.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Managed Code [_MANAGED]: ";
#ifdef _MANAGED
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _MANAGED);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _MFC_VER - Defines the MFC version. For example, 0x0700 represents MFC version 7.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "MFC Version [_MFC_VER]: ";
#ifdef _MFC_VER
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("0x%0.4X"), _MFC_VER);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _MSC_EXTENSIONS - Defined when compiling with the /Ze compiler option (the default).
    // Its value, when defined, is 1.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Microsoft Language Extensions [_MSC_EXTENSIONS]: ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("ENABLED"), _MSC_EXTENSIONS);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("DISABLED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _MSC_VER - Reports the major and minor versions of the compiler.
    // For example, 1310 for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003.
    // 1310 represents version 13 and a 1.0 point release.
    // The current compiler version is 1400.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Microsoft Compiler Version (_MSC_VER): ";
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d"), _MSC_VER);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // __MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS - Defined when one of the /RTC compiler options is specified.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Run-Time Error Checks (__MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS): ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("ENABLED"), __MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("DISABLED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // Defined when /MD or /MDd (Multithreaded DLL) or /MT or /MTd (Multithreaded) is specified.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Multithreaded (_MT): ";
#ifdef _MT
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _MT);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED - Defined when /Zc:wchar_t is used.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "wchar_t Is Native Type (_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED): ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _OPENMP - Defined when compiling with /openmp, returns an integer representing the date of
    // the OpenMP specification implemented by Visual C++.
    // _OPENMP_dir.cpp
    // compile with: /openmp
    // #include <stdio.h>
    // int main() { printf("%d\n", _OPENMP); }sdOutput200203
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "OpenMP Specification Date (_OPENMP): ";
#ifdef _OPENMP
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%d"), _OPENMP);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("UNDEFINED"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _VC_NODEFAULTLIB - Defined when /Zl is used; see /Zl (Omit Default Library Name) for more information.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Omit Default Library Name (_VC_NODEFAULTLIB): ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _VC_NODEFAULTLIB);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _WCHAR_T_DEFINED - Defined when /Zc:wchar_t is used or if wchar_t is defined in a system header
    // file included in your project.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "wchar_t Is Native Type (_WCHAR_T_DEFINED): ";
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _WCHAR_T_DEFINED);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // _WIN32 - Defined for applications for Win32 and Win64. Always defined.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Windows 32-bit (_WIN32): ";
#ifdef _WIN32
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _WIN32);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // Defined for applications for Win64.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Windows 64-bit (_WIN64): ";
#ifdef _WIN64
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _WIN64);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    // Defined when specifying /Wp64.
    m_strOutput += "\r\n";
    m_strOutput += "Detect 64-Bit Portability Issues (_Wp64): ";
#ifdef _Wp64
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s (%d)"), TEXT("YES"), _Wp64);
    swprintf_s(buffer, MAX_PATH, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("NO"));
    m_strOutput += buffer;
    return false;

When the function finishes m_strOutput contains a string looking something like this:

-- Microsoft-Specific Predefined Macros --
ATL Version: 0x0800
Default char Type Is unsigned [_CHAR_UNSIGNED]: NO
Common Language Runtime Version [__CLR_VER]: UNDEFINED
__cplusplus_cli: NO
C++ Program [__cplusplus]: YES (199711)
C++ Standard Library Header Version [_CPPLIB_VER]: UNDEFINED
Enable Run-Time Type Information [_CPPRTTI]: YES (1)
Enable Exception Handling [_CPPUNWIND]: YES (1)
Debug Mode [_DEBUG]: YES (1)
Multithread DLL [_DLL]: NO
Function name (decorated) [__FUNCDNAME__]: ?UseMicrosoftSpecificPredefinedMacros@CPreprocessingDlg@@AAE_NXZ
Function signature [__FUNCSIG__]: bool __thiscall CPreprocessingDlg::UseMicrosoftSpecificPredefinedMacros(void)
Function name [__FUNCTION__]: CPreprocessingDlg::UseMicrosoftSpecificPredefinedMacros
Integral type maximum size (in bits) [_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS]: 64
Common Language Runtime Compilation [_M_CEE]: NO
Common Language Runtime Pure Compilation [_M_CEE_PURE]: NO
Common Language Runtime Safe Compilation [_M_CEE_SAFE]: NO
Minimum CPU Architecture [_M_IX86]: 600 - Blend (/GB) or Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III (/G6)
Itanium Processor Family 64-bit [_M_IA64]: NO
Minimum CPU Architecture [_M_IX86_FP]: 0 - NO Streaming SIMD Extensions
Power Macintosh Platform [_M_MPPC]: NO
MIPS Platform (_M_MRX000): NO
PowerPC Platform [_M_PPC]: NO
x64 Platform [_M_X64]: NO
Managed Code [_MANAGED]: NO
MFC Version [_MFC_VER]: 0x0800
Microsoft Language Extensions [_MSC_EXTENSIONS]: ENABLED (1)
Microsoft Compiler Version (_MSC_VER): 1400
Run-Time Error Checks (__MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS): ENABLED (1)
Multithreaded (_MT): YES (1)
wchar_t Is Native Type (_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED): YES (1)
OpenMP Specification Date (_OPENMP): UNDEFINED
Omit Default Library Name (_VC_NODEFAULTLIB): NO
wchar_t Is Native Type (_WCHAR_T_DEFINED): YES (1)
Windows 32-bit (_WIN32): YES (1)
Windows 64-bit (_WIN64): NO
Detect 64-Bit Portability Issues (_Wp64): YES (1)




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