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原创 PHP 5.1.6 integration with Apache 2.2.4

-- unzip php to D:/php516 as $PHP-- copy $PHP/php5ts.dll to $WINDOWS/system32/php5ts.dll-- rename $PHP/php.ini-dist => $PHP/php.ini-- open $PHP/php.ini and edit  # find   extension_dir = "./" =>

2007-02-28 18:26:00 995

原创 ImageMagick, a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images.

Mr. Kastein gives another technique tips: How to optimize the image displaying quality after resizing; they use the Perl version of ImageMagick to archieve this optimization. Here is the link of Ima

2007-02-28 17:06:00 733

原创 春节后第三天的股市

昨天的大跌似乎并没有让股市一下子冷却下来 今天有反弹了100多点 虽然比起昨天的幅度小了很多 但是毕竟让股民产生恐慌 相反抢反弹的气氛似乎十分浓烈 我也在此之列 昨天的损失虽然在今天减少了一点 但是仍心有余悸 不过后市依然看好 所谓的股市泡沫恐怕在今年不会破裂吧 至少2008奥运之前股市还是不会跳楼的 再说经过几年熊市的磨练 中国股民的神经已经被麻木了很多 虽然有可能被某些人利用 但我还是会继

2007-02-28 15:56:00 809

转载 Using Perl Code from PHP:: php_perl extention, php_perl.dll

In my current project, it has some old code in PERL and new code in both PERL and PHP.  The PHP and PERL code need connect each other, especially the session variables. Currently, we need PHP to get P

2007-02-27 18:40:00 25005

原创 股票跳水 BLOG也抽风

股票今天有跳水了,从早上一直延续到下午,没有象昨天那样来个反转,而是一路狂跌. 一天回到解放前,损失10%,郁闷ing还是老老实实好好工作股市有风险 !!!PS. CSDN BLOG又中风了,不能发表,害得我重新打字 更加郁闷ing 

2007-02-27 18:25:00 777

转载 The DHTML / JavaScript Calendar

The DHTML / JavaScript Calendar http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar/Supported browsers » Internet Explorer 5.0+ for Windows » Mozilla, Netscape 7.x, Mozilla FireFox (any platform) » Other Ge

2007-02-27 01:48:00 857

转载 WinXP Progress Bar (version 1.2)

WinXP Progress Bar (version 1.2)http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex11/xpprogressbar.htm Description: A great looking pure DHTML progress bar that resembles the one seen in

2007-02-27 01:30:00 663

原创 对于CSDN网站的一些个人感受

虽然一直以来都会来CSDN看看,也包括3月半年才来一次,但是不知道从什么时候开始并不那么喜欢CSDN了.最近终于又想起来了CSDN Blog,还是不错的地方,尽管这对我来说就是一个免费的网盘,有事没事上来看看自己的文章(有些是原创,有些是转贴,甚至我用BLOG中的链接用来作为自己的bookmark)有多少点击率,也是一种虚荣吧.不过说心里话,还是希望自己对于遇到和我一样问题的人能有一些帮助,哪怕是

2007-02-27 00:55:00 806

转载 RELAX: a schema language for XML

RELAX ORGIntroductionRELAX NG is a schema language for XML. The key features of RELAX NG are that it: is simple is easy to learn has both an XML syntax and a compact non-XML sy

2007-02-27 00:09:00 819

原创 HTML显示默认图片实现

很多时候,在HTML中显示图片时希望如果图片不存在或者无法显示时,能够显示默认图片. 可以通过以下方式:  

2007-02-25 17:34:00 4349

转载 Tutorials - DOM Table Delete Row

Tutorials - DOM Table Delete Rowhttp://www.mredkj.com/tutorials/tabledeleterow.html 

2007-02-25 13:51:00 774

原创 刚在电脑上安装了window XP JadeVista theme

1. UXTheme.dll破解程序:UXTheme Multi-Patcher (Neowin Edition) 4.0.exehttp://www.haosoft.cn/soft/4869.htm 2. 下载JadeVista样式包解压到$WINDOWS/Resources/themes/下,双击样式文件即可引用页 http://www.egoday.com/blog/attachments/

2007-02-24 17:26:00 1878

原创 How to Add Perl CGI Script Support to Your Apache Server on Windows

There are two good links about this topic:http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/addcgitoapache.shtml    http://www.thescripts.com/serveradministration/webservers/apache/virtual-hosting/app/Install_Apac

2007-02-24 16:08:00 1174

原创 QQ无法安装 系统时间问题

今天帮侄女看一个电脑问题:QQ无法安装。试了几个版本都不行,最后只有重新安装WinXP。PS:番茄花园的WinXP+SP2还挺不错的。系统安装完之后,有些软件可以安装。Norton安装后LiveUpdate报错,FlashGet安装完运行下载出错。QQ依旧无法安装。一个偶然的机会,用Windows Media Player打开一首MP3,报错说机器日期为2087年。于是把时间调整为当前日期,再打开

2007-02-24 16:00:00 3171 8

原创 春节快乐

在今天这个时代 可能已经没有人能够想象用电话线拨号上网了,而我现在恰恰是用这种曾经非常熟悉和习惯的方式上网,并且是在大年初一的凌晨。这种感觉让我很回味而又感叹。不管如何,时间的脚步不会因为人们的情感而停歇片刻,新的一年又已开始。祝所有CSDN的朋友,更祝阅读我这篇BLOG的朋友春节快乐!

2007-02-18 01:58:00 714

原创 MySQL identifier case sensitivity

http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/identifier-case-sensitivity.html How table and database names are stored on disk and used in MySQL is affected by the lower_case_table_na

2007-02-15 20:43:00 872

原创 phpMyAdmin error about language selection

ON my laptop (Chinese windows xp professional), when I visit the phpMyAdmin of our customer, there is an error occurred. This is because my internet explorers language preference is Chinese. Warning:

2007-02-15 19:41:00 871

转载 windows删除零时文件bat

复制以下内容到txt文件,另存为.bat即可.@echo offecho 正在清除系统垃圾文件,请稍候......del /f /s /q %systemdrive%/*.tmpdel /f /s /q %systemdrive%/*._mpdel /f /s /q %systemdrive%/*.giddel /f /s /q %systemdrive%/*.chkdel /f /s /q

2007-02-09 13:02:00 955

原创 perl PHP Session connector

perl PHP Session connectorMr. Kaster provide a link:http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/PHP-Session-0.26/lib/PHP/Session.pm#___top

2007-02-09 12:57:00 699

原创 php session 丢失问题

设置php.ini中的session.cookie_path = /http://my.donews.com/renew/2006/03/23/php-session%E4%B8%A2%E5%A4%B1%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98%E7%9A%84%E8%A7%A3%E5%86%B3/另外,session.save_path中指定的文件夹路径要存在.

2007-02-08 23:08:00 1280

原创 PHP MySQL integration

1. copy $php/php5ts.dll and libmysql.dll into $windows/system322. in php.ini#find extension=php_mysql.dll and add a new line:extension=php_mysqli.dllA detail step by step link:http://a51.neostrada

2007-02-08 22:19:00 809



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