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原创 How to close SqlConnection via DataReader. 如何通过DataReader关闭SqlConnection

It is a common issue of how to handle SqlConnection gracefully, when implementing some general helper methods likeSqlDataReader ExecuteReader(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, stri

2008-02-22 08:29:00 1172

转载 SQL 2000 to SQL 2005: Where Have All the Old Features Gone?

from SQL-Server-Performance.com By : Boris Baliner   As more DBAs across the planet begin using SQL 2005 Tools, but still manage SQL 20

2007-11-02 02:38:00 1423

转载 How do I find all the foreign keys in a database? 如何找到一个数据库中的全部外键(FK)?

原文: http://sqlserver2000.databases.aspfaq.com/schema-how-do-i-find-all-the-foreign-keys-in-a-database.htmlSQL Server  Here is one query using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views that returns both sides of

2007-10-04 08:49:00 1463 1

原创 How to set a single wallpaper/background across dual monitors 如何设置双显示器的背景图片贯穿

1) Get the wallpaper which fits your resolution. For example, if both of your monitors resolution is 1440*900, you should look for the wallpaper of 2880*900 resolution.2) Set this image to backgrou

2007-09-07 13:17:00 1544

原创 Show Immediate Window in VS. 显示Visual Studio中的Immediate窗口

The Immediate window is quite useful in your debugging, but you can never find it in the menus of Visual Studio.I dont know why Microsoft wants to "hide" it, as it seems the only way to show it is qu

2007-08-17 08:20:00 2428 1

原创 Details of "FOR XML" sql clause in SQL-Server

SQL Server allows developers to query SQL Server and receive data in XML format via a special clause: FOR XML. This clause provides 4 different modes for the XML format returned: RAW, AUTO, EXPLICIT a

2007-03-15 11:23:00 1374

原创 The automation of COM+ configuration via COMAdmin (COM)

Initialization:COMAdminCatalog.Connect(""); Get Collections (COMAdminCatalogCollection):For the 1st level (e.g. Applications):applicationCollection  = COMAdminCatalog.GetCollection(

2007-03-14 04:17:00 1821

原创 Xml 查漏补缺笔记

 Special symbol:Sylvie Aronson The left/right angle brackets should be replaced with </> in xml node:Sylvie <Bellie> Aronson XML & CSS:Xml:xmlversion="1.0"?>xml:styleshe

2007-02-28 09:54:00 1366 1

转载 Unicode versus ANSI

Question: So what is the difference between Unicode (i386ur) and ANSI (i386r)?Answer: Put simply, a Unicode program is a special version that runs slightly faster than an ANSI one, but only runs on Wi

2007-02-16 02:47:00 1307

原创 Com+ debug issue: incorrect watch value and abnormal step through path

Issue:When I started  to debug a Com+ project with VC8, I saw many incorrect value in the watch window, and abnormal step through path For some CString variable: When I watch them, I can not s

2006-12-22 08:19:00 1303

原创 Upgrade Issue: Compile error C2327 with import dll under VC8/VS2005

Issue:When I upgrade an exe project from VC7.1 to VC8, it says upgrade succeed. But When I try to compile the project, it outputs a lot of errors.  ../debug/msado15.tlh(1024) : error C2327: C

2006-12-22 07:42:00 2321

原创 How to fix windows installer error: C:/Windows/Installer/xxxxxxx.ipi

When I run into the issue of the windows installer on my computer, I just noticed I can not install any software via windows installer. I just got the message of “Internal Error 2203, C:/Windows/Insta

2006-12-13 06:50:00 3042

原创 Upgrade Issue: Register fails after build ATL project under VC8/VS2005

Issue: An ATL/COM project can be built and registered successfully under VC7.1/VS2003. After upgrade this project to VC8/VS2005 using the upgrade wizard, it can be built successfully but can not reg

2006-12-13 03:37:00 1531

原创 Convert Wav file to MP3 via Windows Sound Recorder. 利用windows的录音机将wav文件转成MP3

1) All Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Sound Recorder2) Open the Wav file with Sound Recorder3) Click File -> Save As, the Save As dialog appears.4) Choose "All Files(*.*)" for the Save as

2006-10-31 02:20:00 1611 3

原创 写了个小函数,从XML文件转换到CSV文件的

第一次用C#里面的XmlDataDocument类,发现真好用:)  public void Transfer(string inXmlFilename, string outCSVFilename)  {   // open or create   FileStream fileCsv = new FileStream(outCSVFilename,FileMode.OpenOrCreate,F

2005-06-06 19:22:00 2801 1

原创 第一次写带参数的bat

呵呵,工作了这么多年,还真没写过:)这次尝试一下...------------------------------------------------------------功能:拷贝一些相关的文件,远程路径需要根据版本号来拼出。if "%1"=="" goto NOBLDNUMBERset BLDNUM=%1SET TARGETROOT=d:/SDif not "%2"=="" SET TARG

2005-06-01 11:34:00 1948

原创 SQL Server中直接循环写入数据

构建测试表很有用,呵呵,事实上我就是老记不住SQL Server支持While循环,我总是习惯用FOR循环,结果在帮助里查半天总是找不到。  declare @i intset @i=1while @ibegin  insert into table (colume) values(@i)  set @i=@i+1end---------------------------------------

2005-03-15 11:27:00 1218

原创 花了很长时间帮司文写产品介绍,司文别忘了请我吃饭

请大家选用Siwen的XNote,真的相当好用哦, www.siwen.com======================================原文=========================================Siwen XNote 3.2       XNote was created to give you an easy an

2005-01-25 18:39:00 911

原创 Com小结(VC)

1.编写COM    接口的声明:2处            .idl file                interface IPage : IDispatch{                         [id(1), helpstring("Method Update")] HRESULT Update([in] LONG bSave);                      

2005-01-04 11:44:00 1065 3

原创 MFC里面的消息

1.标准windows消息 WM_XXX;    MessageMap Macro     Message            function name    ON_WM_CHAR         WM_CHAR     OnChar2.命令消息 WM_COMMAND;    ON_COMMAND(IDM_ABOUT, OnAbout)3.Notification消息    控制元件     

2005-01-04 11:16:00 864

原创 关于CallBack函数

CallBack函数要声明为全局函数(C语言中常用),或者是类的static成员函数(OO的方式)。以便避免this指针的影响。还不是很明白什么时候要这么用。有些windows API 要求把指向callback函数的指针作为传入参数。BOOL LineDDA(  int nXStart,             // x-coordinate of lines starting point 

2005-01-04 11:10:00 1191 1

原创 MFC和SDK的区别

MFC是Application Framework, 而不仅仅是一个Class Library。Application Framework is an extended collection of classes that cooperate to support a complete applicationarchitecture or application model, providing

2005-01-02 12:17:00 1199

原创 C/C++函数调用的几种方式

CA笔试考题,MS面试vender考题,可惜我一次都没做出来:(The Visual C/C++ compiler provides several ways to call internal and external functions. Understanding these different approaches can help you debug your program and

2004-12-31 13:35:00 1327

原创 看到了一篇关于学习C++的好文章,自勉

  1.把C++当成一门新的语言学习(和C没啥关系!真的。);   2.看《Thinking In C++》,不要看《C++变成死相》;   3.看《The C++ Programming Language》和《Inside The C++ Object Model》,不要因为他们很难而我们自己是初学者所以就不看;   4.不要被VC、BCB、BC、MC、TC等词汇所迷惑——他们都是集

2004-12-29 11:36:00 914 2

原创 C#中的struct和class的区别,挺有意思的

先不说大道理,看段代码吧:   ClassA objA = new ClassA();   objA.m_nValue = 1;   ClassA objA2 = objA;   objA.m_nValue = 2;   MessageBox.Show(objA2.m_nValue.ToString());当ClassA是一个Class的时候,和ClassA是一个Struct的时候,结果会

2004-08-04 15:04:00 1213 2



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