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转载 深入JVM锁机制2-Lock


2013-04-30 23:22:58 906

转载 java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier

public class CyclicBarrier(循环屏障)extends ObjectA synchronization(同步) aid(协助) that allows a set of threads to all wait for each other to reach a common barrier point(常见的障碍点). CyclicBarriers are usefu

2013-04-30 23:20:35 835

转载 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer

java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer/** * A synchronizer(同步装置) that may be exclusively( 唯一地;专有地;排外地) owned by a thread. This * class provides a basis for creating locks and rela

2013-04-30 21:51:08 1903

转载 java.util.concurrent.Future<V>

public interface FutureA Future represents the result of an asynchronous(异步) computation(计算). Methods are provided to check if the computation is complete, to wait for its completion, and to retri

2013-04-30 12:14:54 1063

转载 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

public enum TimeUnit extends EnumA TimeUnit represents time durations(持续时间) at a given unit of granularity(粒度) and provides utility methods to convert across units, and to perform timing(定时) and del

2013-04-30 12:11:51 1480

转载 javafx.scene.Node

layoutBoundspublic final ReadOnlyObjectProperty layoutBoundsPropertyThe rectangular(矩形) bounds that should be used for layout calculations(计算) for this node. layoutBounds may differ from the visua

2013-04-29 19:58:52 2923

转载 javafx.geometry.BoundingBox

public class BoundingBoxextends BoundsA rectangular bounding(边界) box which is used to describe the bounds of a node or other scene graph object.BoundingBoxpublic BoundingBox(double minX,

2013-04-29 19:39:52 1708

转载 javafx.scene.Group

@DefaultProperty(value="children")public class Groupextends ParentA Group node contains an ObservableList of children that are rendered in order whenever this node is rendered.A Group will take

2013-04-29 18:43:57 1854

转载 javafx.scene.effect.Light.Distant

public static class Light.Distantextends LightRepresents a distant light source.Example:The code above produces the following:

2013-04-29 18:43:34 1217

转载 7 Adding a Lighting Effect

转自:http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/visual_effects/lighting.htm#BCGJFEBIThe lighting effect simulates(模拟) a light source shining on the given content, which can be used to give flat objects a mor

2013-04-29 15:56:54 958

转载 2 Using the Bloom Effect

转自:http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/visual_effects/bloom.htmThe bloom effect makes brighter portions(部分) an image appear to glow, based on a configurable threshold. The threshold(阈值) varies from 0.

2013-04-29 15:50:20 1234

转载 9 Creating a Chain of Effects

转自:http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/visual_effects/chain.htm#BABGGGHDSome of the effects have an input property that you can use to create a chain of effects. The chain of effects can be a tree-lik

2013-04-29 15:05:44 1249

转载 Blending Objects javafx

1 Blending(混合) ObjectsBlend is an effect that combines two objects using one of the predefined blend modes. A blend mode defines the manner in which the objects are mixed together. For example, in

2013-04-29 14:29:03 1168

转载 javafx visual effects

About This DocumentUse visual effects in JavaFX to enhance(提高) the look of your Java application.All effects are located in the javafx.scene.effect package and are subclasses of the Effect class.

2013-04-29 13:37:03 900

原创 Stage的MinWidth和MinHeight的疑问

设置了Stage的MinWidth和MinHeight,但是显示的时候不是这个高度和宽度,最小化之后再次显示的时候就可以了,奇怪package stage; import javafx.application.Application;import javafx.event.ActionEvent;import javafx.event.EventHandler;import java

2013-04-29 13:04:10 1225

原创 javafx.stage.Stage方法

setResizablepublic final void setResizable(boolean value)Sets the value of the property resizable(可调整大小).Property description:Defines whether the Stage is resizable or not by the user. Program

2013-04-29 11:27:41 5152

转载 [Java FX 2] Stage with rounded corners and background image

转自:http://apilevel.wordpress.com/2012/10/11/java-fx-stage-with-rounded-corners-with-background-image/I recently had a requirement of making the window of a Java FX application with rounded corne

2013-04-29 02:17:11 1629

转载 使用StackPane布局来设置Scene的背景

package stage.background;import javafx.application.Application;import javafx.scene.Scene;import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;import javafx.stage.Stage;public class TestStage3 extends Applicati

2013-04-29 01:31:43 4864

转载 javafx.stage.Stage

public class Stageextends WindowThe JavaFX Stage class is the top level JavaFX container.The primary Stage is constructed by the platform. Additional Stage objects may be constructed by the appli

2013-04-29 01:17:32 3423

转载 win7屏蔽ctrl+alt+up/down快捷键的方法

Eclipse有个非常好用的快捷键(当然Eclipse好用的快捷键有N个)Ctrl+Alt+UP/DOWN,用于复制当前行的内容,用法很简单,将光标置与要复制的行任意位置,然后按快捷键Ctrl+Alt+UP/DOWN(UP、DOWN分别对应与键盘的上下键按键),将分别在当前行的上一行或者下一行复制一行当前的内容,复制后光标位于复制后的行内。     前阵子机器安装了Win7后,突然发现在E

2013-04-29 01:09:00 2138

原创 jdk7和javafx API文档的下载地址

jdk7 api和javafx api文档的下载地址:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/java-se-7-doc-download-435117.html

2013-04-29 00:43:04 3609 1

转载 使用Github Pages建独立博客

Github很好的将代码和社区联系在了一起,于是发生了很多有趣的事情,世界也因为他美好了一点点。Github作为现在最流行的代码仓库,已经得到很多大公司和项目的青睐,比如jQuery、Twitter等。为使项目更方便的被人理解,介绍页面少不了,甚至会需要完整的文档站,Github替你想到了这一点,他提供了Github Pages的服务,不仅可以方便的为项目建立介绍站点,也可以用来建立个人博客。

2013-04-20 16:50:34 1534

原创 ubuntu中常识

1.如何启用 Ubuntu 中的 root 帐号sudo passwd root2.禁用 root 帐号sudo passwd -l root3.Ubuntu 10.10 关闭戴尔笔记本触摸板的方法临时禁用触摸板:  sudo modprobe -r psmouse  永远禁用触摸板:  sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.c

2013-04-20 15:22:27 1510 1

转载 Ubuntu下google拼音输入法安装

在Ubuntu 10.04下安装Google拼音输入法(其实就是scim的扩展),如下:A. 获取代码:(没有git的先安装git:sudo apt-get install git-core)$ git clone git://github.com/tchaikov/scim-googlepinyin.git$ cd scim-googlepinyinB. 编译前提:

2013-04-20 14:11:35 1168

原创 鸟哥linux学习笔记之源代码安装

当执行make时,make会在当前的目录下搜寻Makefile(or makefile) 这个文本文件,而 Makefile里面则记录了原始码如何编译的详绅信息! make 会自动地判别原始码是否经过变动了,而自动更新执行档通常软件开发商都会写一支侦测程序来侦测用户的作业环境, 以及该作业环境是否有软件开发商所需要的其他功能,该侦测程序侦测完毕后,就会自动地建立这个 Makefile 的规则档

2013-04-20 11:39:20 1302

转载 Ubuntu查看系统位数及版本

<!--@page {margin:0.79in}p {margin-bottom:0.08in}-->怎么查看本机cup是几位的呢?                     命令:more /proc/cpuinfo 该命令列出了很多cup信息,找到clflushsize,其值就是cup位数,我的是clflush size: 64

2013-04-20 10:22:08 3473

转载 Toggle Button

5 Toggle ButtonIn this chapter, you learn about the ToggleButton class, another type of buttons available through the JavaFX API.Two or more toggle buttons can be combined into a group where o

2013-04-14 00:57:47 1603

转载 Radio Button

4 Radio ButtonThis chapter discusses the radio button control and the RadioButton class, a specialized implementation of the ToggleButton classA radio button control can be either selected or

2013-04-14 00:49:49 1048

转载 javafx button

3 ButtonThe Button class available through the JavaFX API enables developers to process an action when a user clicks a button. The Button class is an extension of the Labeled class. It can displ

2013-04-14 00:34:53 1424

转载 Label javafx

2 LabelThis chapter explains how to use the Label class that resides in the javafx.scene.control package of the JavaFX API to display a text element. Learn how to wrap a text element to fit th

2013-04-13 23:59:53 1262

转载 JavaFX UI Controls

1 JavaFX UI ControlsThis chapter provides an overview of the JavaFX UI controls available through the API.The JavaFX UI controls are built by using nodes in the scene graph. Therefore, the con

2013-04-13 23:22:10 1432

转载 java Processing Events

1 Processing EventsThis topic describes events and the handling of events in JavaFX applications. Learn about event types, event targets, event capturing, event bubbling, and the underlying arch

2013-04-13 23:02:27 1213

转载 Working with the JavaFX Scene Graph

Working with the JavaFX Scene GraphJavaFX makes it easy to create modern-looking graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with sophisticated visual effects. This tutorial explores the JavaFX Scene Graph A

2013-04-13 20:31:27 1320

转载 26 Customization of UI Controls javafx

This chapter describes the aspects of UI control customization and summarizes some tips and tricks provided by Oracle to help you modify the appearance and behavior of UI controls.You can learn ho

2013-04-13 20:23:38 3845

转载 Task javafx

public abstract class Taskextends java.util.concurrent.FutureTaskimplements Worker, EventTargetA fully observable implementation of a FutureTask. Tasks exposes(暴露) additional state and observa

2013-04-13 20:01:59 1728

转载 Concurrency in JavaFX

为什么要使用的Concurrency in JavaFX的原因:在javafx中要修改应用的界面必须在主线程中,而自己开辟的线程是不能够修改应用的界面的,否则的话就会报错误,这时候就需要使用javafx自带的多线程功能,它会自动把多线程中修改界面的代码合并到主线程中Concurrency in JavaFXThis article describes the capabilit

2013-04-13 17:17:00 1381

转载 2 Tips for Sizing and Aligning Nodes

这篇文章主要讲述javafx中各种布局对里面的各种子控件宽度和长度的自动调节功能A main advantage of using the built-in JavaFX layout panes is that the size and alignment(对齐) of nodes is handled by the pane. As the pane is resized, the nod

2013-04-13 16:55:11 1387

转载 Group javafx

@DefaultProperty(value="children")public class Groupextends ParentA Group node contains an ObservableList of children that are rendered in order whenever this node is rendered.A Group will

2013-04-13 16:32:33 2306

转载 Editing Null Data Values in a Cell with JavaFX 2

In an earlier article I gave a complete break down of how to write a generic editable table cell. I've found versions of this code posted around the place so I thought it was only right that I point o

2013-04-13 03:01:25 1303

转载 JavaFX 2 Generic Editable Table Cells

A few days ago I wrote an article which gave a more complete example of editable table cells in JavaFX 2.0. In that article I promised another article discussing how to make generic editable tables ce

2013-04-13 02:58:10 3231



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