The Easiest Path from ESL to Silicon

AutoPilot, a powerful ESL synthesis software tool, automatically generates efficient RTL code from C, C++, or SystemC descriptions and simultaneously optimizes logic, interconnects, performance, and power, providing superior platform-based system-level synthesis capability. The behavioral design descriptions are parsed and optimized by AutoESL’s enhancements to a fully GNU compatible compiler. 


AutoPilot’s core technology is an advanced ESL synthesis and optimization engine that manages large systems described in a high-level language with minimal modifications to its source code.  AutoPilot’s synthesis engine performs precise platform pre-characterization that enables more informed optimizations.  The characterization libraries contain delay, area and power information for resources such as ALUs, multipliers, memories, and steering logic. Layout information of the target FPGA is also utilized by the physical-aware synthesis engine.  Constraints for the RTL code such as multi-cycle and false paths are automatically generated to insure design closure.


Below are more facts about AutoESL:




Technology Brief

Overview of the Technology

  • Platform-based communication-centric synthesis
  • Unified coverage of C,C++, and SystemC languages
  • Advanced code transformations
  • Highly scalable ESL optimization
  • Direct synthesis of single and double precision floating point operations
  • Black-box Xilinx FPGA core support
  • Automatic RTL test bench generation
  • Industry standard Eclipse user interface
  • Generates synthesizable VHDL, Verilog HDL, and SystemC code

Language Background

Which languages are supported?
  • Untimed ANSI-C, C++, and SystemC code
How is parallelization achieved?
  • Parallelization is extracted from the algorithm by examining the untimed system-level behavioral source code and using a GNU-compatible software compiler to apply advanced code transformation, optimization techniques such as loop unrolling, if-conversion, loop flattening and data dependence analysis.
  • The compiler automatically employs behavior-level scheduling and resource binding on data-intensive and control-intensive algorithms that can include large memory structures
  • The designer can also specify course-grain parallelism using SystemC
Are multiple clock domains supported?
  • Multiple clock domains are supported
Level of Abstraction — How different is it from coding in HDL?
  • With AutoPilot, software written in C/C++/SystemC-code used at the system level does not have to be re-written for synthesis
  • Source code is written at the behavioral level versus at an RTL level
  • Throughput, latency and various pipeline options can be specified in a constraint file used by the synthesis engine versus explicit coding of timing and concurrency in RTL
  • Design of a large system is driven by behavioral- and architectural-level executable models written in C/C++/SystemC instead of hardware-specific HDL models
  • Much more efficient and faster evaluation of different micro-architectures, hardware and software boundaries using a high-level language
  • 10:1 reduction in code base size using a high-level language versus HDL
Is floating point operation supported?
  • Yes, single and double precision floating point is supported in AutoPilot by using Xilinx floating point library and those from third parties
  • Mapping from float, double and single types is automatic
  • Automatic type conversions: single <-> double, integer <-> single/double
  • Floating point operators such as MULT, DIV, ADD, SUB... are supported directly
  • Transcendental and trigonometric functions supported directly
  • No modifications to the source code are required to use the libraries
Is an interface to MATLAB supported?
  • The C-interface mechanism in MATLAB® can be used to import a model for simulation
  • Integration work underway to automate process
Are standalone function libraries available?
  • Depending on the target FPGA, AutoPilot uses its own library for synthesis that contains objects such adders and shifters and also uses primitives such as XtremeDSP™ DSP48s slic es, embedded adders and multipliers
  • Users can also instantiate LogiCORE™ functionality into the library for the synthesis engine
What format is the synthesis output?
  • AutoPilot generates synthesizable Verilog HDL, SystemC, and VHDL RTL code
  • AutoPilot's design flow automatically generates all of the files necessary for FPGA implementation using Xilinx XST, ISE™, and Synplicity tools. 
Quality of results / Optimization scenarios
  • AutoPilot synthesis from software provides over 10X code base size reduction and enables reuse of software IP
  • 100-1000X simulation speed-up possible by using software behavioral models at top-level of the design that enables more system-level trade offs and verification prior to committing to hardware
  • User constraints for area and time steer the the synthesis engine to quickly provide many different solutions that are used to decide upon the optimum architecture
  • C-code for an MPEG4 decoder was synthesized by AutoPilot that achieved the same performance (125 MHz) with a 91 percent smaller code base than the same implementation in RTL (5200 lines of C vs. 57000 lines of VHDL)
  • A Black-Scholes algorithm was implemented from C-code with no changes to the source code and achieved a 30X speed-up over processing on a Opteron CPU
Simulation and debugging flows
  • Fully automated verification flow requiring only the  behavioral (untimed test bench written in C/C++/SystemC
  • AutoPilot takes care of the rest by automatically generating wrappers around the synthesized RTL.  The RTL can then be simulated using the original behavioral test bench and stimuli.
  • Maximal reuse of test bench and test vector eliminates error-prone test bench/vector reconstruction.
  • Consistent flow for behavioral and RTL SystemC, VHDL, and Verilog RTL models
  • AutoPilot supports rich set of practical interface protocols such as hand shaking, memory, and FIFO
  • The AutoPilot simulation and debugging flow is tested and validated with Xilinx and Aldec simulators
What is the learning curve?
  • AutoPilot has an easy to use Eclipse-based and TCL script user interfaces
  • No hardware design and synthesis knowledge is necessary
  • 1/2 day of training is recommended to get started
Skill pre-requisite  ?
  • No knowledge of FPGA and hardware design is necessary but is helpful
  • AutoPilot can be used by both software and hardware designers familiar with high -level languages such as C, C++, SystemC, or M-code
  • Working knowledge of software centric compilation and debugging environments such as the industry standard Eclipse CDT and/or GNU/make

Suitability and Fit

Who is the target audience?
  • System architects – writing C, C++, or SystemC for architectural modeling and then using AutoPilot for design space exploration
  • Software engineers – writing compute-intensive algorithmic and system application software that require hardware acceleration or reconfigurability
  • System engineers – partitioning and distributing compute-intensive processing on a CPU and FPGA-based processing engines
  • Hardware engineers – implementing software directly in an FPGA
  • Verification engineers – fast prototyping and accelerated verification in FPGA hardware
Which applications segments are targeted by this product?
  • AutoPilot is well suited for multimedia applications such as MPEG4, wireless and communications applications such as forward error correction, networking applications such as encryption and high performance computing applications such as Black-Scholes and Smith-Waterman algorithms. 
Main value proposition?
  • Time to results – delivers the parallel processing resources of an FPGA with significantly less development time and cost – manual RTL coding is eliminated
  • Ease of use – software design paradigm increases productivity and minimizes development time – 10X reduction in code base size versus RTL; manual RTL recoding eliminated
  • Maximizes system performance – through memory access, bus communication  and interconnect-aware synthesis – 10X-200X performance improvements using FPGAs are now possible
  • Unifies software and hardware simulation – ability to use a behavioral/architecture-level executable specification throughout the design process
How can you find out if your application is a good candidate for this tool methodology?
  • The system contains compute-intensive application software functionality that won't run fast enough on a CPU
  • The application can use the price, performance and power advantages of an FPGA
  • The design has been described in a high-level language such as C, C++, SystemC, or MATLAB M-code
Language and methodology limitations
  • AutoPilot has roughly the same language limitations as compiler does for a CPU or DSP
  • Some constructs are not supported (fileio, some operations/data types for pointers, recursion)
  • There are no methodology limitations
Successful deployment examples
  • Success stories to be announced shortly
Customer testimonials
  • Customer testimonials to be announced shortly
  • AutoPilot's pricing is based on term, perpetual and project license scenarios
  • Floating and node-locked licenses are supported
  • Special “Xilinx-only” pricing available
  • Contact for more information

Xilinx Integration

Which Xilinx devices/architectures are supported?
  • Virtex™-5
  • Virtex-4
  • Virtex-II Pro
  • Virtex-II
  • Spartan™-3
Which Xilinx CPUs are supported?
  • PowerPC®
  • MicroBlaze™
Is the Virtex-4 FX APU supported ?
  • Contact AutoESL to discuss APU support
Inference of Xilinx Library components
  • Xilinx slice and DSP elements are automatically used by AutoPilot
  • Xilinx floating point library is automatically used by AutoPilot
  • Users can add LogiCORE components to AutoPilot’s library
Benchmark studies targeting Xilinx
  • C-code for an MPEG4 decoder was synthesized by AutoPilot that achieved the same performance (125 MHz) with a 91 percent smaller code base than the same implementation in RTL (5200 lines of C vs. 57000 lines of VHDL)
  • A Black-Scholes algorithm was implemented from C-code with no changes to the source code and achieved a 30X speed-up over processing on a Opteron CPU
Flow integration with EDK/XPS, ISE, System Generator (Implementation)
  • AutoPilot is tested and validated with  Xilinx XST logic synthesis tools  and Xilinx ISE place-and-route tools
Flow integration with EDK/XPS, ISE, System Generator (Simulation)
  • Prior to release, the AutoPilot design flow is fully tested with the Xilinx ISE tools
  • Xilinx ISE tool flow and ModelSim XE/PE for both Verilog and VHDL

Getting Started

How to get started Design examples for various Xilinx boards
  • AutoPilot has been used to design and implement simple-profile MPEG4 decoder for a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA development board
  • AutoPilot has been used to design and implement motion JPEG implementation on a Xilinx XUP development board. for more information
Info kits available?
(i.e. bundling of boards, software, examples for an integration out of the box experience)
  • There is no specific AutoPilot Xilinx info kit available yet
  •  AutoPilot generates RTL code to target all Xilinx devices
  • Contact to discuss board support
Design services / consultancy available?
  • Design and consulting services are available to implement projects or to provide guidance on the project.  Contact



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