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原创 The introduce of the Blog ! (Pending for Boy's update)

Girl's reason for this English Sharing Blog:[Girl] 2012-3-23 11:50:29Yesterday,I made a stupid mistake,spelling "customer" to "custom" carelessly  Meanwhile, my direct superior points out this

2012-03-23 12:07:24 464 2

原创 Goodbye My favorite love

Dear boy,I always think we should be together no matter what happened .Maybe I am wrong .U r offline again.I feel very terrible ,you break my heart and I can help crying.I came Beiji

2012-03-31 16:47:06 1153 2

原创 word 设置单选框|复选框等 (英文版)

Open  a  word document.---click Word icon (the upperleft corner)---click Word options---choose show developer tab in the Ribbon---click legacytools(the icon : folder with ax )----------

2012-03-27 15:16:39 2633

原创 Proverb Feeling -- Two heads are always better then one

---Two heads are always better then one. More contact with other colleagues.Pay attention to their strengths. Focus and improve my own strengths.Experience on behalf of  the last; success

2012-03-27 14:18:12 461

原创 One on One Talk

One on one talk with my  directly superior.1 Ask for my currently work ,problems, advice and so on2 give me advice about current work and point out something I should care  3 I ask some suggesti

2012-03-26 22:12:26 1367

原创 About work

I am so confused about my job. What is my favorite? What can I do? What should I do?What I want ? I am not sure.I used to think if i should quit my job and think carefully ,but I found even though

2012-03-26 13:48:02 368

原创 Time to move

As the pring's coming,everything gets active.Let's move to dosomething we looked forward in the last cold days.Studing should be speed up!

2012-03-25 02:17:26 371 1

原创 For my girl

Girl,I belive you can do what you want to.Just do your best!Your are so clever(I have forgotton hot to spell this word, my god!) and high standard to yourself that you will achieve your goal in the

2012-03-23 22:41:43 353 2

转载 初中--浅谈 either...or...与 neither...nor...

一、either...or...  either...or...意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。例如:  When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳。(此句中either...or...连接两个动词,因为主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词要用其相应的形

2012-03-23 19:50:09 1296

原创 初中英语基本句型45例 !(Standard Answer)

1 It's time to go home/ to play games/ for school2 It's bad for to spit on the ground. / Smoking is bad for your health/ Too many sweets  are bad for your teeth.3 It took me half an hour to

2012-03-23 17:34:13 661

原创 初中英语基本句型45例 !你忘木忘!小试牛刀,一起翻译!! TBD

[Girl] 2012-3-23 16:11:06 when I finish it ,I will release the standard answer.  Go!1 是回家/玩电子游戏/上学的时候了。2 随地吐痰不好。3 昨天夜里我花了半个小时才入睡。4 你最好把你的衣服收好/再检查一遍你的作业/多读几本书。    你最好等你的姨妈到了以后再走。5 这动物怎么

2012-03-23 16:09:31 1228 4


第一章 UNIX初步 UNIX自 1969年诞生以来,已经发展为 System III & V、BSD和 Linux三大分支。 UniX通过 shell与用户交互,它是用户与系统间的界面。使用好 shell对于学习使用 UNIX来说是必须 的。不需要你记住所有的命令,但基础的文件操作、目录操作及系统命令等却是必须的。 Vi对于初学者是难点,不过只要通过一段时间的练习就能习惯;而且你会很快发现,它功能强大、更 加灵活。这里不多说了:)



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