给source insight添加doxygen注释风格

    目前项目组对于注释的要求比较高,导致我添加注释的时候非常烦,大量的重复劳动确实很烦人,自己也一直打算给source insight添加类似的功能,可能是本人比较懒,一直不想做这样的工作。不过,既然可以一劳永逸,何乐而不为呢。

    后来发现有个叫doxygen的工具,看了介绍,觉得还比较实用,所以就在网上找了些资料,不过他们给SI添加的那些方法好像不能满足我的要求,所以还是自己动手吧。以下是我添加的SI 脚本内容,可能存在一定的问题和缺陷,但是能够满足我的要求,凑合着用了,谁叫咱懒呢。在这里算是做个安全的备份吧,呵呵。

    以下的宏代码在SI 的3.50.0070版本上可以工作,好像3.50.0064版本有些bug(比如说++之类的操作符),可能部分代码存在问题,其它版本未知。


 *  Insert the doxygen style comments of file.
macro GDoxyFileHeaderComment()
    var hwnd
    var hbuf
    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
    if(hbuf == hNil || hwnd == hNil)
        Msg("Can't open file")

    /*Get need information*/
    var fFullName
    var fName
    fFullName = GetBufName(hbuf)
    fName = GGetFileName(fFullName)

    var szTime
    var Year
    var Month
    var Day
    szTime = GetSysTime(1)
    Year   = szTime.Year
    Month  = szTime.Month
    Day    = szTime.Day

    var user
    var siInfo
    siInfo = GetProgramEnvironmentInfo()
    user   = siInfo.UserName

    /*Insert comments*/
    ln = 0 //this will cause the file comments will always stay on the top of file
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, "/*!")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * @@file    @fName@")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * @@brief")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * \\n")/*This will let doxygen doc has a empty line*/
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * @@details")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * \\n")/*This will let doxygen doc has a empty line*/
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * @@version ")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * @@author  @user@")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * @@date    @Year@-@Month@-@Day@")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " * @@history")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, " */")

    /*Locate to the file begin*/
    ScrollWndToLine(hwnd, 0)

 *  Insert doxygen style comments of c++ class.
macro GDoxyClassHeaderComment()
    var hwnd
    var hbuf
    var ln
    var symbolrecord
    var name
    var strHeader

    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
    if(hwnd == hNil || hwnd == hNil)
        Msg("Can't open file")

    ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)
    symbolrecord = GetSymbolLocationFromLn(hbuf, ln)
    if(symbolrecord == Nil)
        Msg("Can't get current symbol record info.")

    /*check current symbol type*/
    if(symbolrecord.Type != "Class")
        Msg("Current symbol is not a class.")

    /*Get need info*/
    name = symbolrecord.Symbol

    /*Insert comments*/
    ln = symbolrecord.lnFirst
    strHeader = GGetHeaderSpaceByLn(hbuf, ln)
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#"/*!")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" * @@class @name@")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" * @@brief")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" * \\n")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" * @@detail")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" * \\n")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln++, strHeader#" */")

    /*Relocate window*/
    ScrollWndToLine(hwnd, symbolrecord.lnFirst)

 *  Insert the doxygen style comments of function.
macro GDoxyFunctionComment()
    var hWnd
    var hBuf
    var ln
    var symbolrecord
    var strHeader

    var locateLn  //locate info after insert comments
    var locateCur //locate info after insert comments

    hWnd = GetCurrentWnd()
    hBuf = GetCurrentBuf()
    if(hBuf == hNil || hWnd == hNil)
        Msg("Can't open the file")

    ln = GetBufLnCur(hBuf)
    symbolrecord = GetSymbolLocationFromLn(hBuf, ln)
    if(symbolrecord == Nil)
        Msg("Can't get current symbol record info.")

    /*check current symbol type*/
    var type
    type = symbolrecord.Type
    if(type != "Function" && type != "Function Prototype" &&
       type != "Method"   && type != "Method Prototype")
        Msg("Current symbol is not a function.")

    /*Get need information*/
    ln = symbolrecord.lnFirst
    locateLn = ln + 1 //locate info after insert comments
    strHeader = GGetHeaderSpaceByLn(hBuf, ln)//align with the current function

    //analysis function
    var name
    var type
    var childrenInfo//construct a record.Because SI macro language doesn't have array type, so we append all the info into one string
    var strSeparate
    childrenInfo.count = 0
    childrenInfo.name  = ""
    childrenInfo.type  = ""

    strSeparate = "?"

    var nChild
    var listChild
    listChild = SymbolChildren(symbolrecord)
    nChild    = SymListCount(listChild)
    if(nChild != invalid)
        var idxChildList
        var childsym
        idxChildList = 0
        while(idxChildList < nChild)
            childsym = SymListItem(listChild, idxChildList)
            if(childsym.Type == "Parameter")//function param
                name = GGetSymExactName(childsym.Symbol)

                childrenInfo.count = childrenInfo.count + 1
                childrenInfo.name  = childrenInfo.name#name#strSeparate
                childrenInfo.type  = childrenInfo.type#"FuncParam"#strSeparate
            else if(childsym.Type == "Type Reference")//function type, it referes to the return type
                name = GGetSymExactName(childsym.Symbol)

                childrenInfo.count = childrenInfo.count + 1
                childrenInfo.name  = childrenInfo.name#name#strSeparate
                childrenInfo.type  = childrenInfo.type#"FuncType"#strSeparate

    /*Insert comments*/
    InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#"/*!")
    InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" * ")//Function description
    locateCur = strlen(strHeader#" * ")//locate info after insert comments
    InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" * \\n")
    InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" *")

    var index
    index = 0
    while(index < childrenInfo.count)
        type = GGetStringBySeparateCh(childrenInfo.type, strSeparate, index)
        name = GGetStringBySeparateCh(childrenInfo.name, strSeparate, index)
        if(type == "FuncParam")
            InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" * @@param @name@")//[in/out]
        else if(type == "FuncType" && name != "void")
            InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" * @@return")
            //InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" * @@retval value description")//different style

    InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" * \\n")
    InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" * @@see")
    InsBufLine(hBuf, ln++, strHeader#" */")

    //locate the cursor
    SetBufIns(hBuf, locateLn, locateCur)

 *  Insert example codes after the cursor line with doxygen style in the block
macro GDoxyInsExampleCodes()
    var hbuf
    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
    if(hbuf == hNil)
        Msg("Current file handler is invalid.")

    var lnCursor
    lnCursor = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)

    var strHead
    strHead = GGetHeaderSpaceByLn(hbuf, lnCursor)

    lnCursor++  ///<after the line of the cursor to insert the codes
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnCursor++, strHead#"*")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnCursor++, strHead#"* @@code")

    ///reserve four line to insert example codes
    var locateLn
    var locateCol
    locateLn  = lnCursor
    locateCol = strlen(strHead#"*")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnCursor++, strHead#"*")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnCursor++, strHead#"*")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnCursor++, strHead#"*")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnCursor++, strHead#"*")

    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnCursor++, strHead#"* @@endcode")

    //locate cursor
    SetBufIns(hbuf, locateLn, locateCol)

 *Insert a doxygen common comments before the line of cursor.
macro GDoxyInsBlockComment()
    var hbuf
    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
    if(hbuf == hnil)
        msg("Current file handler is invalid.")

    var lnCursor
    lnCursor = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)

    var strHeader
    var lnIter
    lnIter = lnCursor
    strHeader = GGetHeaderSpaceByLn(hbuf, lnCursor)

    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnIter++, strHeader#"/*!")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnIter++, strHeader#" *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnIter++, strHeader#" *")
    InsBufLine(hbuf, lnIter++, strHeader#" */")

    SetBufIns(hbuf, lnCursor + 1, strlen(strHeader#" *"))

 *  Insert the doxygen style comments of enumeration.
 * @note
 *     Make sure the cursor in the enumeration region before call this macro.
macro GDoxyEnumComment()
    var hbuf
    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
    if(hbuf == hNil)
        Msg("Current file handler is invalid.")

    var lnCursor
    lnCursor = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)

var eSymbol
    eSymbol = GGetEnumSymbol(hbuf, lnCursor)
    if(eSymbol == Nil)
        Msg("The symbol at the cursor looks like not a enumeration.")

    var strHeader
    var strTemp
    strHeader = GGetHeaderSpaceByLn(hbuf, eSymbol.lnFirst)

    //reset the symbol's first and last line text
    strTemp = GetBufLine(hbuf, eSymbol.lnFirst)
    idxSearch = GStrStr(strTemp, "{")
    strTemp = strmid(strTemp, 0, idxSearch + 1)
    PutBufLine(hbuf, eSymbol.lnFirst, strTemp)
    strTemp = GetBufLine(hbuf, eSymbol.lnLast)
    idxSearch = GStrStr(strTemp, "}")
    strTemp = strmid(strTemp, idxSearch, strlen(strTemp))
    PutBufLine(hbuf, eSymbol.lnLast, strTemp)

    //delete the lines text before
    var lnIter
    lnIter = eSymbol.lnLast - 1
    while(lnIter > eSymbol.lnFirst)
        DelBufLine(hbuf, lnIter)

    //rewrite members and insert comments
    var nMembers
    nMembers = 0
    lnIter   = eSymbol.lnFirst + 1
    while(nMembers < eSymbol.count)
        strTemp = GGetStringBySeparateCh(eSymbol.members, eSymbol.chSeparator, nMembers)
        if(!(GStrBeginWith(strTemp, "#if") || GStrBeginWith(strTemp, "#end") || GStrBeginWith("#else")))
            strTemp = GStrAppendTailSpace(strTemp, eSymbol.maxMemberLen)
            strTemp = strHeader#"    "#strTemp#" ///!<"
        InsBufLine(hbuf, lnIter, strTemp)


    //locate cursor
    SetBufIns(hbuf, eSymbol.lnFirst + 1, strlen(strTemp))

///  Tool macros under.These macros are offering service for the other macros.
///Note:It's not need to assign keys or menus for the macros under, even if you
///can do this operation.

 *  Get the enumeration info,if the symbol at the cursor is not a enumeration,
 *it will return a Nil symbol recorder.
 *construct an enumeration symbol recorder,it contains the fields:
 *  type         enum type name
 *  members      string of members which is separated by specail character, and the spaces will be deleted
 *  chSeparator  the separate character of members
 *  count        the number of the members
 *  lnFirst      symbol first line
 *  lnLast       symbol last line
 *  maxMemberLen the longest member's character number
macro GGetEnumSymbol(hbuf, lnCursor)
    var eSymbol

var region
    region = GGetEnumRegion(hbuf, lnCursor)
    if(region == Nil)
    {//can't get enumeration symbol info
        return Nil

    eSymbol.type        = nil
    eSymbol.members     = nil
    eSymbol.chSeparator = ";"
    eSymbol.count       = 0
    eSymbol.maxMemberLen= 0
    eSymbol.lnFirst     = region.first
    eSymbol.lnLast      = region.last

    //analysis codes
    var lenMember//the length of the enumeration's one member
    var lnIter   //line iterator from the enumeration's first line to the last
    var lnString //used to get the string text of one line
    var tempStr  //used to contains the member string
    var lenLnStr //the character num of the string of line
    var isComment//indicate whether need to skip the characters

    lnIter    = eSymbol.lnFirst
    isComment = false
    lenMember = 0
    while(lnIter <= eSymbol.lnLast)
        tempStr  = nil
        lnString = Nil

        //get line text
    lnString = GetBufLine(hbuf, lnIter)
    lenLnStr = strlen(lnString)
    if(lenLnStr == 0)

        //deal with the indicator
    lenLnStr = strlen(lnString)
    lIndicate= GStrStr(lnString, "{")
    if(lIndicate != invalid)
       lIndicate++//skip "{" character
       lnString = strmid(lnString, lIndicate, lenLnStr)
    rIndicate= GStrStr(lnString, "}")
    lenLnStr = strlen(lnString)
    if(rIndicate != invalid)
            lnString = strmid(lnString, 0, rIndicate)

        //prepare the pure string
    lnString = GStrTrimJustify(lnString)//GStrRemoveAllSpace(lnString)
    lenLnStr = strlen(lnString)
    if(lenLnStr == 0)

    ich = 0
    while(ich < lenLnStr)
            if(!isComment && lnString[ich] == "/" && lnString[ich+1] == "/")
            {//don't need to analysis the rest charaters in this line

            if(lnString[ich] == "/" && lnString[ich+1] == "*")
                isComment = true

                if(lnString[ich] == "," && tempStr != nil)
                {//it is possible that one line has several members
                    tempStr = GStrTrimJustify(tempStr)
                    tempStr = cat(tempStr, lnString[ich])
                    lenMember = strlen(tempStr)
                    if(lenMember != 0)
                        eSymbol.members = eSymbol.members#tempStr#";"
                        eSymbol.count   = eSymbol.count + 1
                        if(lenMember > eSymbol.maxMemberLen)
                            eSymbol.maxMemberLen = lenMember
                    tempStr = nil
                    tempStr = cat(tempStr, lnString[ich])

            if(lnString[ich] == "*" && lnString[ich+1] == "/")
                isComment = false

        tempStr = GStrTrimJustify(tempStr)
        lenMember = strlen(tempStr)
        if(lenMember != 0)
            eSymbol.members = eSymbol.members#tempStr#";"
            eSymbol.count = eSymbol.count + 1
            if(lenMember > eSymbol.maxMemberLen)
                eSymbol.maxMemberLen = lenMember


    return eSymbol

 *Get the enumeration region which contains the first line and last line.
 *The first line is the "{" appears line.
 *The last line is the "}" appears line.
macro GGetEnumRegion(hbuf, lnCursor)
    var region
    var tempStr
    var lnIter
    var iAppear
    var lnMax//file line count

    region  = Nil
    tempStr = Nil
    iAppear = invalid

    //first line
    lnIter  = lnCursor
    while(lnIter >= 0)
        tempStr = GetBufLine(hbuf, lnIter)
        iAppear = GStrStr(tempStr, "{")
        if(iAppear != invalid)
            region.first = lnIter

    if(lnIter < 0)
        return Nil

    //last line
    lnIter  = lnCursor
    iAppear = invalid
    lnMax   = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)
    while(lnIter < lnMax)
        tempStr = GetBufLine(hbuf, lnIter)
        iAppear = GStrStr(tempStr, "}")
        if(iAppear != invalid)
            region.last = lnIter

    if(lnIter == lnMax)
        return Nil

    return region

 *   Get a string from strParent which is separate by character.
 * @note
 *    The separate character that at the begining will be ignored.
 *  Example 1:
 *    ch = ";"
 *    strParent = "first;second;third;"
 *    If index equals 0, it will return "first"
 *    If index equals 1, it will return "second"
 *    If index equals 2, it will return "third"
 *    If index equals 3, it will return ""
 *    ...
 *  Example 2:
 *    ch = ";"
 *    strParent = ";first;second;third;"
 *    If index equals 0, it will return "first"
 *    If index equals 1, it will return "second"
 *    If index equals 2, it will return "third"
 *    ...
macro GGetStringBySeparateCh(strParent, ch, index)
    var len
    var iChBeg
    var iChEnd
    var iLoop
    var countIdx
    var checkEndIdx

    len = strlen(strParent)
    if(0 == len)
        return Nil

    iChBeg = 0 //result begin index
    while(iChBeg < len)
    {//ignore all the characters ch that at the begin o strParent
        if(strParent[iChBeg] == ch)
    iChEnd = iChBeg //result end index

    iLoop = iChBeg
    countIdx = 0
    checkEndIdx = False
    while(iLoop < len)
        if(countIdx == index)
            checkEndIdx = True
        if(strParent[iLoop] == ch)
            {//get end index
                iChEnd = iLoop
            {//get begin index
                iChBeg = iLoop + 1

    if(iChBeg == iChEnd)
        if(index == 0)
            return strParent
            return Nil

    if(index != countIdx)
        return Nil

    return strmid(strParent, iChBeg, iChEnd)


 * String macros definition

 *   Insert spaces at the begining of string until the string's length reaches
 * lenMax.It will return string itself if the string's length is less then
 * lenMax.
macro GStrInsertHeadSpace(string, lenMax)
    var len
    var nSpace
    var tempStr

    len    = strlen(string)
    nSpace = lenMax - len
    tempStr= nil
    while(nSpace > 0)
        tempStr = cat(tempStr, " ")

    return cat(tempStr, string)

 *   Append spaces at the end of string until string's length reaches lenMax.It
 * will returns the string itself if the string's length is less then lenMax.
macro GStrAppendTailSpace(string, lenMax)
    nStr = strlen(string)
    while(nStr < lenMax)
        string = cat(string, " ")

    return string

 *Test whether the string contains the character ch.
macro GStrContainsCh(string, ch)
    var index
    index = GStrStr(string, ch)

    if(index == invalid)
        return False

    return True

 *  Returns the last place of appearance that the ch appears in string.
 *  If the ch is not appears in string, it will returns invalid(-1).
macro GStrRFind(string, ch)
    var len
    var idx

    len = strlen(string)

    idx = len - 1
    while(idx >= 0)
        if(string[idx] == ch)

    return idx

 *   Test whether all the characters in the string are spaces.
macro GStrAllSpace(string)
    len = strlen(string)
    iter = 0
    while(iter < len)
            return false

    return true

 *Test if string is empty.
 * @param  string need to be tested string
 * @retval True   the string is empty
 * @retval False  the string is not empty
macro GStrEmpty(string)
    var len

    len = strlen(string)
    if(len == 0)
        return True
    return False

 *Remove all the space and tab characters in the string.
macro GStrRemoveAllSpace(string)
    var len
    var idx
    var str

    len = strlen(string)
    idx = 0
    str = Nil

    while(idx < len)
            str = cat(str, string[idx])

    return str

 *Remove the space and tab characters at the begin and end of string.
macro GStrTrimJustify(string)
    var len
    var index  //first not space character index
    var rIndex //last not space character index

    len = strlen(string)

    index = 0
    while(index < len)

    if(index == len)
        return nil

    rIndex = len - 1
    while(rIndex >= 0)

    rIndex++ //strmid function will not get the character at rIndex palce
    return strmid(string, index, rIndex)

 *   Remove the characters between the index iFirst and index iEnd from string.
 * The character at iFirst and iEnd will be deleted also.
macro GStrRemoveStrByIndex(string, iFirst, iEnd)
    var len
    len = strlen(string)

    if(iFirst < 0 || iEnd < 0 || iEnd > len || iFirst > len || iEnd < iFirst)
        return string

    var temp
    temp = nil
    temp = strmid(string, 0, iFirst)
    temp = cat(temp, strmid(string, iEnd + 1, len))

    return temp

 *  Test whether the strTest is existing in strSrc.And returns
 *the place where the strTest first appears.Otherwise returns
macro GStrStr(strSrc, strTest)
    var nSrc
    var nTest

    nSrc  = strlen(strSrc)
    nTest = strlen(strTest)

    if(nTest == 0)
        return 0
    else if(nSrc == 0)
        return invalid

    var iSrc
    var iTest
    iSrc  = 0
    iTest = 0
    while(iSrc < nSrc)
        iTest = 0
        while(iTest < nTest)
            if(strSrc[iSrc+iTest] == strTest[iTest])
        if(iTest == nTest)
            return iSrc

    return invalid

 *  Test whether the char ch is a space or a tab character.
macro GIsCharSpace(ch)
    if(ch == Nil)
        return False

    if(AsciiFromChar(ch) == 9 || AsciiFromChar(ch) == 32)
        return True
    return False

 *Test whether the string is begin wiht string with.
 *  it will ignore the first spaces
macro GStrBeginWith(string, with)
string = GStrTrimJustify(string)
index  = GStrStr(string, with)

if(index == 0)
return true

return false

 * File and buffer macros definition

 *  Get the spaces that at the begin of line in the hbuf file.
 *  Make sure the hbuf is a valid handler, and the line number is a
 *valid line for hbuf.
macro GGetHeaderSpaceByLn(hbuf, line)
    var headSpace
    headSpace = ""

    var strContent
    var len
    strContent = GetBufLine(hbuf, line)
    len = strlen(strContent)

    var idx
    idx = 0
    while(idx < len)
            headSpace = cat(headSpace, strContent[idx])
    return headSpace

 *  Get file name from file full path.
macro GGetFileName(fFullName)
    var nLength
    var fName

    nLength = strlen(fFullName)
    fName   = ""

    var i
    var ch
    i = nLength - 1
    while(i >= 0)
        ch = fFullName[i]
        if("@ch@" == "\\")
            i++ //don't take the '\' charater
    fName = strmid(fFullName, i, nLength)
    return fName

 * Symbol macros definition

 *  If we get the symbol name by symbolrecord.Symbol, we will get the string
 *like class.func, func.void, et.This function will get the last one name that
 *seperate by ".".
 *  @param[in] symbol is the Symbol Record's Symbol field
 *  see Symbol Record of SI macro language
macro GGetSymExactName(symbol)
    var len
    var idxAppear
    var strRet

    len = strlen(symbol)
    idxAppear = GStrRFind(symbol, ".")

    if(idxAppear == invalid)
    {//can't get the expectant name, return the default one
        return symbol

    strRet = strmid(symbol, idxAppear, len)
    return strRet


 * self-defining array macros definition
 *Note the under ideas:
 *  1.Since the source insight macro language is only support string variable,
 *so the array is implemented as string.
 *  2.The array string looks like string "item1;item2;item3".And the separator
 *character is ";" which can be specified by yourself.
 *  3.The array index is begin with 0.And the separator can't be a string, it
 *only can contains one character.
 *  4.The item can be a empty string, such as set array like this "item1;;item3",
 *and the second item is a empty string.
 *  5.When using this array type, please reset the array value when the array
 *changed no matter whatever the operation is.Because the source insight don't
 *support the output parameter.
 *  6.If you assign the array string by yourself, please make sure the end
 *character is separator.
 *  7.The character separator is not a part of item string.And it must be not
 *empty.Don't set it as the character that source insight not support in string.

 *   Append an item at the back.If the separator is empty, it will do nothing.
 *   Returns the new array string.
 * @code
 *   item = "itemN"
 *   separator = "?"
 *   array = GArrayAppendItem(array, item, separator)
 * @endcode
macro GArrayAppendItem(array, item, separator)
    {//separator is needed even though the arry or item is empty
        return array

    return array#item#separator

 *   Insert an item at index place, and after this operation, the item at the
 * index will be the inserted item.
 *   If the index is larger then the array's count,the item will not be appended.
 *   If the index is a negative number or the separator is empty, this macro
 * will do nothing.
 *   Returns the new array string.
macro GArrayInsertItem(array, index, item, separator)
    if(index < 0 || GStrEmpty(separator))
        return array

    var cItem
    var len
    var iter
    var iInsert
    iter    = 0
    len     = strlen(array)
    cItem   = 0
    iInsert = 0
    while(iter < len)
        if(cItem == index)
            iInsert = iter
        if(array[iter] == separator)

    if(iter == len && cItem <= index)
        return GArrayAppendItem(array, item, separator)

    return cat(strmid(array, 0, iInsert)#item#separator, strmid(array, iInsert, len))

 *   Returns the count of array.That is the array's items num.It will returns
 * an error if the separator is empty.
macro GArrayGetCount(array, separator)
        return invalid

    var count
    var len

    count = 0
    len = strlen(array)
    if(len == 0)
        return count

    var ich
    ich = 0
    while(ich < len)
        if(array[ich] == separator)

    return count

 *   Remove the items that is referened by item string from array and returns
 * the new array string.
 *   It will do nothing if the item is not in the array.If item string appears
 * not one time in array it will revome all the item string from array.
macro GArrayRemoveItemByItem(array, item, separator)
        return array

    var iter
    var itemIter //one item string
    var len
    var itemIdx//current item index
    var nArray //new array string

    iter    = 0
    itemIdx = -1
    len     = strlen(array)
    nArray  = nil
    iBegin  = 0 //current item start index
    while(iter < len)
        if(array[iter] == separator)
            iEnd = iter //set current item end index

            itemIter = strmid(array, iBegin, iEnd)

            if(itemIter != item)
                nArray = cat(nArray, itemIter#separator)
            iBegin = iter + 1

    return nArray

 *   Remove an item that is at the index of array.It will do nothing if the
 * index is larger then the array's count.
 *   Returns the new array string.
macro GArrayRemoveItemByIndex(array, index, separator)
    if(index < 0 || GStrEmpty(separator))
        return array

    var iter      //character iterator of array
    var itemStart //the index item string's start character index
    var itemEnd   //the index item string's end character index
    var cItem     //indicates the current item index that is dealing with
    var len       //character num of array

    itemStart = 0
    itemEnd   = invalid
    iter      = 0
    cItem     = -1
    len       = strlen(array)
    while(iter < len)
        if(array[iter] == separator)
            if(cItem == index)
                itemEnd = iter + 1
                itemStart = iter + 1
        if(itemEnd != invalid)

    if(itemEnd == invalid)
        return array

    return cat(strmid(array, 0, itemStart), strmid(array, itemEnd, len))

 *    Get the index item from array.It will returns an empty string if the index
 * is larger then the array's count or the item at index is empty.
 *    Returns the item string at index.
macro GArrayGetItemByIndex(array, index, separator)
    if(index < 0 || GStrEmpty(separator))
        return nil

    var item
    var iter
    var cItem
    var len

    item   = nil
    iter   = 0
    len    = strlen(array)
    cItem  = -1 //It starts at 0
    while(iter < len)
        if(array[iter] == separator)
            if(cItem == index)
            item = nil
            item = cat(item, array[iter])

    return item

 *    Get the index of the item.It will returns -1 if the item is not in the
 * array.It will only get the index of the item that first appears in array if
 * the item is not a only one.
 *    If the separator is empty it will return -1.
macro GArrayGetItemIndex(array, item, separator)
        return invalid

    var iter
    var len
    var itemIdx//current item index

    iter    = 0
    itemIdx = -1
    len     = strlen(array)
    iBegin  = 0 //current item start index
    while(iter < len)
        if(array[iter] == separator)
            iEnd = iter //set current item end index

            if(strmid(array, iBegin, iEnd) == item)
                return itemIdx
                iBegin = iter + 1

    return invalid

 *   Check whether the item is in the array.
 *   If the separator is empty, it will always returns false.
macro GArrayIsItemExist(array, item, separator)
        return false
        if(GArrayGetItemIndex(array, item, separator) != invalid)
            return true

    return false



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