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原创 openEuler系统合并home分区到root分区


2024-08-03 10:58:09 481

转载 centos7合并home分区到root分区

这里提供方法将 home 分区合并到 root 分区

2023-12-07 09:50:25 520

原创 mysql备份数据库


2023-10-19 10:44:59 213

原创 ABB机器人RWS连接方法


2023-10-14 16:00:14 818 3

原创 在asp.net中,实现类似安卓界面toast的方法(附更多弹窗样式)


2023-10-09 14:25:32 615

原创 root权限无法创建文件夹解决


2023-10-06 15:55:48 1533

原创 centos7源码安装redis


2023-07-13 11:31:06 372

原创 三步完成两张网卡共享上网,区别于移动热点共享上网


2023-02-15 17:11:45 6476

原创 The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. The remote certificate is invalid

后台程序使用netcore 3.1开发的程序,访问时,报“The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure”这个错误,经百度查,为证书问题。在centos7环境下,访问https的网页正常,使用curl访问网页也正常。

2023-02-01 12:07:27 6136

转载 Ubuntu 、Debian的 bash和dash的切换

什么是bash ?Bash(GNU Bourne-Again Shell)是许多Linux平台的内定Shell,事实上,还有许多传统UNIX上用的Shell,像tcsh、csh、ash、bsh、ksh等等,Shell Script大致都类同,当您学会一种Shell以后,其它的Shell会很快就上手,大多数的时候,一个Shell Script通常可以在很多种Shell上使用什么是dash ?dash is the standard command interpreter for the sys..

2021-12-21 12:46:43 1297

原创 在RaspberryPi Destop中安装QT

直接sudo apt-get installqt5-default qtcreator,即可安装实际执行如下:

2021-12-12 19:23:22 306

原创 安装apt-file,查找so在哪一个软件包中


2021-12-11 15:39:47 779

原创 在VM虚拟机中安装Raspberry Pi Desktop

在VM虚拟机中安装Raspberry Pi Desktop

2021-12-08 16:02:32 279

原创 RaspberryPi在虚拟机中与主机共享文件夹


2021-12-07 17:41:43 221

原创 树莓派桌面版系统虚拟机安装

从虚拟机安装Raspberry Pi Desktop,到配置VM Tools,到Xshell连接,一条龙安装说明

2021-12-07 16:19:09 3233

原创 win10下使用powershell安装SNMP

1)管理员权限打开powershell2)查询:Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name "SNMP*" ,如果显示“ NotPresent”为未安装3)自动下载安装: Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name "SNMP.Client~~~~"4)再次查询,会发现是“Installed”...

2021-09-11 18:01:20 872

转载 IIS报错:处理程序“ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0”在其模块列表中有一个错误模块“ManagedPipelineHandler”

打开IIS7时,在网站配置正确的前提下,如果是新电脑安装完开发环境后,还需要注册framework4.0到IIS。不然会报错:HTTP 错误 500.21 - Internal Server Error处理程序“ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0”在其模块列表中有一个错误模块“ManagedPipelineHandler”注册方法:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_re...

2020-07-09 00:58:11 316

原创 官网JAVA历史版本下载链接

Oracle Java ArchiveThe Oracle Java Archive offers self-service download access to some of our historical Java releases.http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/archive-139210.html官网下载,需要有账号才可以下载...

2019-11-01 12:58:22 295

原创 CentOS7 Core离线安装net core

1、从微软下载net corehttps://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/dd164132-d4c4-4c1a-8233-a4fc7e157935/bffa5312d613cab1a14f0858f947a6fc/dotnet-runtime-2.1.11-linux-x64.tar.gz2、将安装包上传至linux中...

2019-06-09 15:45:17 5673

转载 RPM安装命令总结

在 Linux 操作系统下,几乎所有的软件均通过RPM 进行安装、卸载及管理等操作。RPM 的全称为Redhat Package Manager ,是由Redhat 公司提出的,用于管理Linux 下软件包的软件。Linux 安装时,除了几个核心模块以外,其余几乎所有的模块均通过RPM 完成安装。RPM 有五种操作模式,分别为:安装、卸载、升级、查询和验证。1)用RPM安装软件包,最简单的命令...

2019-06-09 15:00:31 377

转载 yum指令离线下载rpm包的一种方法

现场部署时,经常会因为考虑网络安全等原因,服务器不被允许上外网,这就导致了,用yum安装一些包的时候,是无法执行成功的。这个时候,可以使用yuminstall时的选项d来操作,会默认下载到此路径下:/var/cache/yum一、安装/下载yum install +插件名称比如:需要安装yum install icu1.1加-y 自动应答yesyum -y ...

2019-06-09 14:56:40 850

转载 linux下防火墙及FTP配置


2019-05-22 09:45:47 9198

转载 查询数据库的数据库名和表名(MySQL、MSSQL、ORACLE)

MySQL中查询所有数据库名和表名1.查询所有数据库show databases;2.查询指定数据库中所有表名select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='database_name' and table_type='base table';3.查询指定表中的所有字段名select col...

2019-03-25 11:34:41 19718

原创 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio无法记住密码

用sa账户登录sql server 2008,勾选了“记住密码”,但有一些服务器又可以记住密码,有一些重新登录时,无法记住密码。后来更换SQL2012Management Studio改善了好多,但发现还是会发生,不知道为什么。目前解决方法是删除这些所有的历史记录,网上找到很多,但我现,SQL2008和SQL2012是不一样的,但文件名是相同的。分享方法如下:只要删除或重命名文件SqlS...

2019-03-15 09:20:24 2121

原创 使用FileZilla连接CENTOS linux的FTP

操作系统:CentOS mini版本。如果使用FileZilla来连接前面操作系统新建的FTP,如果报错如下:则需要修改新建站点的配置如下,必须注意,使用【主动模式】,否则会一直报错...

2018-12-08 10:16:00 3739

转载 CentOS7 mini安装FTP

用了一段时间的CentOS,发现没有交互的界面传起文件来特麻烦,每次都敲一堆指令,用rz指令还不能用覆盖,只能删除再安装,所以这里我用FTP来传输,操作也方便很多。转载大神的操作:一、安装vsftpd  1、安装vsftpd: yum install vsftpd -y  2、启动vsftpd: systemctl start vsftpd  3、设置开机启动:systemctl ena...

2018-12-06 11:13:12 477

转载 CentOS7使用firewalld打开关闭防火墙与端口

1、firewalld的基本使用启动: systemctl start firewalld关闭: systemctl stop firewalld查看状态: systemctl status firewalld开机禁用 : systemctl disable firewalld开机启用 : systemctl enable firewalld2.systemctl是Cen...

2018-11-28 15:04:00 315

转载 CentOS7 mini安装禅道项目管理端

禅道是一个非常好的项目管理软件,而且还是开源版的,这次我使用CentOSmini版的linux系统上安装,以下是我的安装经验,大家分享。禅道项目管理软件集产品管理、项目管理、质量管理、文档管理、组织管理和事务管理于一体,是一款功能完备的项目管理软件,完美地覆盖了项目管理的核心流程。 1.安装CentOS7 mini2.使用wget下载禅道开源版,我这次是用wget来下载的,下载的是...

2018-11-28 14:45:51 208

原创 CentOS7 mini版本安装VMware Tools

参考VM的官网操作,但是有一些没有提到如何操作的,比如需要先安装Perl环境。1.安装Perl环境1.1联网情况下输入yum install perl,自动下载文件并安装1)安装依赖组件yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ makeyum -y install kernel-devel2)更新Kernel软件包并重新启动linux系统:yum upd...

2018-11-27 14:36:12 908

原创 CentOS mini安装lrzsz

在linux里可代替ftp上传和下载。centos服务器,可直接yum -y install lrzsz 程序会自动安装好,lrzsz的下载地址:https://ohse.de/uwe/software/lrzsz.html1.输入 yum install lrzsz2.检查是否成功rpm -qa lrzsz3.上传文件上传文件至当前目录rz -y...

2018-11-27 11:40:04 288

转载 CentOS启用网卡&系统MAC地址重复

编辑配置文件:# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 将ONBOOT=no改成yes保存退出,重启网卡vm虚拟机克隆,系统MAC和UUID会重复,导致获取不到IP报错:device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization 需要修改文件1、vi /etc/...

2018-11-27 10:26:41 2018

转载 用xshell连接centos时慢

今天发现用xshell连接centos太慢,网上查询后发现是因为在使用shell连接虚拟机时连接等待时长太长,ssh的服务端在连接时会自动检测dns环境是否一致导致的,修改为不检测即可。  打开sshd服务的配置文件/etc/ssh/sshd_config,把UseDNS yes,改为UseDNS no(如果没有这一行,可以增加上去)然后重启服务即可systemctl rest...

2018-11-26 17:33:47 1345

原创 CentOS 7的一些网络操作

近来安装了一个CentOS mini版本,只有最基本的命令界面,想要配置下网络,前人已经有很多的经验,我这里只做我自己的记录。 1)网络参数配置:cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/,保存参数的文件为:ifcfg-ens33。2)文件编辑使用:vim/vi文件编辑退出:输入:wq后回车——为保存退出,输入:q后回车——为直接退出,前面指令后再加!为强...

2018-11-24 16:52:55 166

转载 在PC上像普通winform程序调试WINCE程序

在PC上像普通winform程序调试WINCE程序步骤:1. 在VS2008中到 工具→选项→设备工具→设备,选择对应的平台,另存为新的名称,如CEDesktopRun,关闭VS2008。(如果不同平台,则需要重新另存一份)2. 打开文件 %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CoreCon\1.0\

2017-11-30 07:46:06 2074

转载 List of All Excel Constants

This is a list of all the Excel constantsConstantsxlAll-4104xlAutomatic-4105xlBoth1xlCenter-4108xlChecker9xlCircle

2017-09-07 14:41:20 637


【SQL SERVER】OPENQUERY远程函数引用及参数传值问题模拟数据两台服务器,都安装有数据库,服务器A,服务器B。服务器B的数据库上配置有指向服务器A的数据库的链接数据库。服务器A的数据库Test里创建以下两个函数,一个函数返回一个表值,一个返回单个字符串值。CREATE FUNCTION FUN_ReturnTable( @para VAR

2017-08-16 12:02:57 5489

转载 c#获取程序根目录方法

取得控制台应用程序的根目录方法1:Environment.CurrentDirectory 取得或设置当前工作目录的完整限定路径(注:最后一个字符没有“\”,需要自己添加)2:AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory 获取基目录,它由程序集冲突解决程序用来探测程序集 取得WinForm应用程序的根目录方法1:Environment.Curren

2017-08-12 18:03:49 793

转载 C#版本号管理

最近在找C#的版本号问题,对于程序集版本和文件版本的使用不理解,特记录如下 :关于发布版本号管理 标准版本号物理形式表示为用句点隔开的四段数字,如下面的代码示例所示。... 实际使用中,我们一般只用到前面三段。即..而且会分外部版本号和内部版本号:    2.2.2    1.1.0程序显示的应该是

2017-08-12 18:00:26 3522

原创 winCE各默认目录路径 创建桌面快捷方式


2017-07-20 14:35:41 1476







AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 parts1

AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 32位版,win7可用 启动项增加/ns 共4个文件


AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 parts2

AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 32位版,win7可用 启动项增加/ns 共4个文件


AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 parts4

AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 32位版,win7可用 启动项增加/ns 共4个文件


AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 parts3

AutomatedQA.AQTime.v6.21.400.x86 32位版,win7可用 启动项增加/ns 共4个文件



sato GL412e GL408e 用户手册








Berg Next Component Suite v5.1.10.1 完整源码

| Before Install.txt | Help.chm | History.txt | License.txt | main_from.gif | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Demos | | main_from.gif | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB | | | main_from.gif | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | +---Next Collection | | | \---NxPathControl Basic Demo | | | Project1.bpr | | | Project1.cpp | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.cpp | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.h | | | | | +---Next Grid | | | +---Adding Columns (Run-time) | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Column Customizing | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Global Demo | | | | DemoNextGridPrj.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridPrj.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridPrj.h | | | | DemoNextGridProject1.bpr | | | | DemoNextGridProject1.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridProject1.res | | | | DemoNextGridUnit1.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridUnit1.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridUnit1.h | | | | DemoNextGridUnit2.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridUnit2.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridUnit2.h | | | | DemoNextGridUnit3.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridUnit3.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridUnit3.h | | | | | | | \---Several Editors in Column | | | Project1.bpr | | | Project1.cpp | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.cpp | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.h | | | | | \---Next Inspector | | | Readme.txt | | | | | +---Common Usage | | | Project1.bpr | | | Project1.cpp | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.cpp | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.h | | | | | \---Items Adding (Run-time) | | Project1.bpr | | Project1.cpp | | Project1.res | | Unit1.cpp | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.h | | | \---Delphi | | main_from.gif | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---MainDemo | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.dproj.local | | | Project1.identcache | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dcu | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---__history | | Unit1.dfm.~1~ | | Unit1.pas.~1~ | | | +---Next Collection | | +---Boundle Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---NxAlerWindow | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---NxPageControl Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---NxPathControl Basic Demo | | Project1.dof | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | | +---Next DBGrid | | +---ADO | | | +---Blob Image Demo | | | | Project1.dof | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | +---Data | | | | dbdemos.mdb | | | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | | Project1.dof | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.dproj | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | Unit2.dfm | | | | Unit2.pas | | | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | | Project2.dpr | | | | Project2.dproj | | | | Project2.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | Unit2.dfm | | | | Unit2.pas | | | | | | | +---Demo 3 | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | \---Demo 4 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | text.mdb | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---BDE | | | +---Data | | | | | employee.DB | | | | | jobs.db | | | | | jobs.PX | | | | | | | | | \---Backup | | | | employee.DB | | | | jobs.db | | | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.dproj | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | | Project1.dof | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | \---Demo 3 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---CDS | | | \---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Misc | | | \---Virtual DataSet | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---ZDBO | | \---Demo 1 | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | Unit2.dfm | | Unit2.pas | | | +---Next DBInspector | | \---BDE | | \---Demo 1 | | | employee.DB | | | jobs.db | | | jobs.PX | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Data | | | employee.DB | | | jobs.db | | | jobs.PX | | | | | \---Backup | | employee.DB | | jobs.db | | | +---Next Grid | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | Unit2.dfm | | | Unit2.pas | | | Unit3.dfm | | | Unit3.pas | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 3 | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 4 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---FindText Search | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---FixedCols Demo | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Header Vertical Text | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Rows Filtering | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---SaveToHtml Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Tree Column | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | | +---Next Inspector | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Demo 2 | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | Unit2.dfm | | Unit2.pas | | | +---Next Sheet | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | Unit2.dfm | | | Unit2.pas | | | | | +---Demo 3 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Merging Cells Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Simple Border Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Simple Text Demo | | Project1.dof | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | | \---Next TBX | \---Demo 1 | Project1.dpr | Project1.res | Unit1.dfm | Unit1.pas | +---Packages | | BCB 2006.bdsgroup | | BCB 2006.groupproj | | BCB 6.bpg | | CBuilder 2007.groupproj | | CBuilder 2009.groupproj | | CBuilder 2010.groupproj | | Delphi 2005.bdsgroup | | Delphi 2006.bdsgroup | | Delphi 2007.groupproj | | Delphi 2009.groupproj | | Delphi 2010.groupproj | | Delphi 6.bpg | | Delphi 7.bpg | | main_from.gif | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB 2006 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | | NxGridRun.cpp | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cbproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bpk | | NxAddonsRun.cpp | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---BCB 2007 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | | NxGridRun.cpp | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.cbproj | | | NxSheetRun.cpp | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cbproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bpk | | NxAddonsRun.cpp | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---BCB 2009 | | main_from.gif | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonGrid.cpp | | NxCommonGrid.res | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | NxGridRun.cpp | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | NxInspectorRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB 2010 | | main_from.gif | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonGrid.cpp | | NxCommonGrid.res | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | NxGridRun.cpp | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | NxInspectorRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB 6 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bpk | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.bpk | | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bpk | | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bpk | | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bpk | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.bpk | | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.bpk | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bpk | | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxGridRun.bpk | | | NxGridRun.cpp | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bpk | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.bpk | | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.bpk | | | NxSheetRun.cpp | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bpk | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bpk | | NxAddonsRun.cpp | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---Delphi 2005 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.dpk | | | NxGridRun.dproj | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.bdsproj | | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxTest.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bdsproj | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---Delphi 2006 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.dpk | | | NxGridRun.dproj | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.bdsproj | | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxTest.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bdsproj | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---Delphi 2007 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDbGridDsgn.bdsproj | | NxDbGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDbGridDsgn.dproj | | NxDbGridDsgn.res | | NxDbGridRun.bdsproj | | NxDbGridRun.dpk | | NxDbGridRun.dproj | | NxDbGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.dproj | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheetRun.bdsproj | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdpartyRun.dproj | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---Delphi 2009 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddons.dpk | | NxAddons.dproj | | NxAddons.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.dproj | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxThirdPartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdPartyRun.dproj | | NxThirdPartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---Delphi 2010 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.dproj | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdpartyRun.dproj | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---Delphi 6 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddonsRun.dof | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dof | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dof | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.dof | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.dof | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.dof | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.dof | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.dof | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.dof | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.dof | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.dof | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheet.res | | NxSheetRun.dof | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxTBX.dof | | NxTBX.dpk | | NxTBX.res | | NxThirdpartyRun.dof | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | \---Delphi 7 | main_from.gif | NxAddonsRun.dof | NxAddonsRun.dpk | NxAddonsRun.res | NxCollectionDsgn.dof | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | NxCollectionDsgn.res | NxCollectionRun.dof | NxCollectionRun.dpk | NxCollectionRun.res | NxCommonDsgn.dof | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | NxCommonDsgn.res | NxCommonRun.dof | NxCommonRun.dpk | NxCommonRun.res | NxDBGridDsgn.dof | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | NxDBGridDsgn.res | NxDBGridRun.dof | NxDBGridRun.dpk | NxDBGridRun.res | NxDBThirdpartyRun.dof | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | NxGridDsgn.dof | NxGridDsgn.dpk | NxGridDsgn.res | NxGridRun.dof | NxGridRun.dpk | NxGridRun.res | NxInspectorDsgn.dof | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | NxInspectorDsgn.res | NxInspectorRun.dof | NxInspectorRun.dpk | NxInspectorRun.res | NxSheet.res | NxSheetRun.dof | NxSheetRun.dpk | NxSheetRun.dproj | NxSheetRun.res | NxTBX.dof | NxTBX.dpk | NxTBX.res | NxThirdpartyRun.dof | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | NxThirdpartyRun.res | 使 用 说 明.txt | \---Sources | main_from.gif | NxClasses.pas | nxcommon.dcr | NxCommonReg.pas | NxCommonRes.res | NxConsts.pas | NxEdit.pas | NxEditRes.res | NxFlyoutControl.pas | NxPopupControl.pas | NxScrollControl.pas | NxSharedCommon.pas | NxSharedDraw.pas | NxStdCtrls.pas | NxSuite.inc | NxThemesSupport.pas | NxVersions.pas | Uxtheme.h | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Addons | main_from.gif | nxaddons.dcr | NxAddonsReg.pas | NxAutoCompletion.pas | NxBusy.pas | NxCalendarExtend.pas | NxCellSource.pas | NxFocus.pas | NxGridPrint.pas | NxPreview.pas | NxProgress.dcr | NxProgress.pas | NxThirdParty.dcr | NxThirdPartyReg.pas | NxVirtualDataSet.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Collection | main_from.gif | nxcollection.dcr | NxCollection.pas | NxCollectionReg.pas | nxcollectionres.res | NxExpandPanel.RES | NxLinkMenu.pas | NxPageControl.pas | NxStatusBar.pas | NxToolBox.pas | NxToolBoxRes.res | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next DBGrid | main_from.gif | NxDBCells.pas | NxDBColumnEditor.pas | NxDBColumns.pas | NxDBCommon.pas | NxDBDisplays.pas | NxDBGrid.dcr | NxDBGrid.pas | NxDBGridReg.pas | NxTestForm.dfm | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Grid | main_from.gif | nxbuttonimagesres.res | NxCaptionDlg.dfm | NxCaptionDlg.pas | NxCellClasses.pas | NxCells.pas | NxColumnClasses.pas | NxColumnDragBox.pas | NxColumnEditor.dfm | NxColumnEditor.pas | NxColumns.pas | NxCustomGrid.pas | NxCustomGridControl.pas | NxDisplays.pas | NxFieldChooser.pas | nxgrid.dcr | NxGrid.pas | NxGridCommon.pas | NxGridReg.pas | NxGridRes.res | NxSlidesEditor.dfm | NxSlidesEditor.pas | NxTestForm.dfm | NxVirtualColumn.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Inspector | main_from.gif | NxDBInspector.pas | NxDBItemsEditor.pas | NxDBPropertyItems.pas | NxInspector.dcr | NxInspector.pas | NxInspectorCommon.pas | NxInspectorReg.pas | NxInspectorRes.res | NxItemsEditor.dfm | NxItemsEditor.pas | nxitemsimagesres.res | nxoffice2k7.res | NxPropertyItemClasses.pas | NxPropertyItemDisplay.pas | NxPropertyItems.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Sheet | main_from.gif | NxColumnList.pas | NxFormulaParser.pas | NxGridList.pas | NxSheet.dcr | NxSheet.pas | NxSheet.res | NxSheetCell.pas | NxSheetDraw.pas | NxSheetEdit.pas | NxXLSDocument.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | \---Next TBX main_from.gif NxTBXToolBox.pas 使 用 说 明.txt


Berg Next Component Suite v5.1 完整源码

| Before Install.txt | Help.chm | History.txt | License.txt | main_from.gif | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Demos | | main_from.gif | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB | | | main_from.gif | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | +---Next Collection | | | \---NxPathControl Basic Demo | | | Project1.bpr | | | Project1.cpp | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.cpp | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.h | | | | | +---Next Grid | | | +---Adding Columns (Run-time) | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Column Customizing | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | | Project1.bpr | | | | Project1.cpp | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.cpp | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.h | | | | | | | +---Global Demo | | | | DemoNextGridPrj.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridPrj.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridPrj.h | | | | DemoNextGridProject1.bpr | | | | DemoNextGridProject1.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridProject1.res | | | | DemoNextGridUnit1.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridUnit1.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridUnit1.h | | | | DemoNextGridUnit2.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridUnit2.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridUnit2.h | | | | DemoNextGridUnit3.cpp | | | | DemoNextGridUnit3.dfm | | | | DemoNextGridUnit3.h | | | | | | | \---Several Editors in Column | | | Project1.bpr | | | Project1.cpp | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.cpp | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.h | | | | | \---Next Inspector | | | Readme.txt | | | | | +---Common Usage | | | Project1.bpr | | | Project1.cpp | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.cpp | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.h | | | | | \---Items Adding (Run-time) | | Project1.bpr | | Project1.cpp | | Project1.res | | Unit1.cpp | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.h | | | \---Delphi | | main_from.gif | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---MainDemo | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.dproj.local | | | Project1.identcache | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dcu | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---__history | | Unit1.dfm.~1~ | | Unit1.pas.~1~ | | | +---Next Collection | | +---Boundle Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---NxAlerWindow | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---NxPageControl Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---NxPathControl Basic Demo | | Project1.dof | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | | +---Next DBGrid | | +---ADO | | | +---Blob Image Demo | | | | Project1.dof | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | +---Data | | | | dbdemos.mdb | | | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | | Project1.dof | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.dproj | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | Unit2.dfm | | | | Unit2.pas | | | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | | Project2.dpr | | | | Project2.dproj | | | | Project2.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | Unit2.dfm | | | | Unit2.pas | | | | | | | +---Demo 3 | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | \---Demo 4 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | text.mdb | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---BDE | | | +---Data | | | | | employee.DB | | | | | jobs.db | | | | | jobs.PX | | | | | | | | | \---Backup | | | | employee.DB | | | | jobs.db | | | | | | | +---Demo 1 | | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.dproj | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | | Project1.dof | | | | Project1.dpr | | | | Project1.res | | | | Unit1.dfm | | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | | | \---Demo 3 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---CDS | | | \---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Misc | | | \---Virtual DataSet | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---ZDBO | | \---Demo 1 | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | Unit2.dfm | | Unit2.pas | | | +---Next DBInspector | | \---BDE | | \---Demo 1 | | | employee.DB | | | jobs.db | | | jobs.PX | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Data | | | employee.DB | | | jobs.db | | | jobs.PX | | | | | \---Backup | | employee.DB | | jobs.db | | | +---Next Grid | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | Unit2.dfm | | | Unit2.pas | | | Unit3.dfm | | | Unit3.pas | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 3 | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 4 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---FindText Search | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---FixedCols Demo | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Header Vertical Text | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Rows Filtering | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---SaveToHtml Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Tree Column | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | | +---Next Inspector | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.bdsproj | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Demo 2 | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | Unit2.dfm | | Unit2.pas | | | +---Next Sheet | | +---Demo 1 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.dproj | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Demo 2 | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | Unit2.dfm | | | Unit2.pas | | | | | +---Demo 3 | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Merging Cells Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | +---Simple Border Demo | | | Project1.dof | | | Project1.dpr | | | Project1.res | | | Unit1.dfm | | | Unit1.pas | | | | | \---Simple Text Demo | | Project1.dof | | Project1.dpr | | Project1.res | | Unit1.dfm | | Unit1.pas | | | \---Next TBX | \---Demo 1 | Project1.dpr | Project1.res | Unit1.dfm | Unit1.pas | +---Packages | | BCB 2006.bdsgroup | | BCB 2006.groupproj | | BCB 6.bpg | | CBuilder 2007.groupproj | | CBuilder 2009.groupproj | | CBuilder 2010.groupproj | | Delphi 2005.bdsgroup | | Delphi 2006.bdsgroup | | Delphi 2007.groupproj | | Delphi 2009.groupproj | | Delphi 2010.groupproj | | Delphi 6.bpg | | Delphi 7.bpg | | main_from.gif | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB 2006 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | | NxGridRun.cpp | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cbproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bpk | | NxAddonsRun.cpp | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---BCB 2007 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | | NxGridRun.cpp | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.cbproj | | | NxSheetRun.cpp | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cbproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bpk | | NxAddonsRun.cpp | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---BCB 2009 | | main_from.gif | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonGrid.cpp | | NxCommonGrid.res | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | NxGridRun.cpp | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | NxInspectorRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB 2010 | | main_from.gif | | NxCollectionDsgn.cbproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.cbproj | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.cbproj | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonGrid.cpp | | NxCommonGrid.res | | NxCommonRun.cbproj | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.cbproj | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.cbproj | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.cbproj | | NxGridRun.cpp | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.cbproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.cbproj | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | NxInspectorRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---BCB 6 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bpk | | | NxCollectionDsgn.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.bpk | | | NxCollectionRun.cpp | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bpk | | | NxCommonDsgn.cpp | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bpk | | | NxCommonRun.cpp | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bpk | | | NxDBGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.bpk | | | NxDBGridRun.cpp | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.bpk | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bpk | | | NxGridDsgn.cpp | | | NxGridRun.bpk | | | NxGridRun.cpp | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bpk | | | NxInspectorDsgn.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.bpk | | | NxInspectorRun.cpp | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.bpk | | | NxSheetRun.cpp | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bpk | | | NxThirdpartyRun.cpp | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bpk | | NxAddonsRun.cpp | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---Delphi 2005 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.dpk | | | NxGridRun.dproj | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.bdsproj | | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxTest.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bdsproj | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---Delphi 2006 | | | main_from.gif | | | NxCollectionDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | | NxCollectionRun.bdsproj | | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | | NxCollectionRun.res | | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | | NxCommonRun.res | | | NxDBGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | | NxDBGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | | NxDBGridRun.res | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | | NxGridDsgn.res | | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | | NxGridRun.dpk | | | NxGridRun.dproj | | | NxGridRun.res | | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | | NxInspectorRun.res | | | NxSheetRun.bdsproj | | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | | NxSheetRun.res | | | NxTest.res | | | NxThirdpartyRun.bdsproj | | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | | | \---Addons | | NxAddonsRun.bdsproj | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | | +---Delphi 2007 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.bdsproj | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.bdsproj | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDbGridDsgn.bdsproj | | NxDbGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDbGridDsgn.dproj | | NxDbGridDsgn.res | | NxDbGridRun.bdsproj | | NxDbGridRun.dpk | | NxDbGridRun.dproj | | NxDbGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.bdsproj | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.bdsproj | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.dproj | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.bdsproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.bdsproj | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheetRun.bdsproj | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdpartyRun.dproj | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---Delphi 2009 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddons.dpk | | NxAddons.dproj | | NxAddons.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.dproj | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxThirdPartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdPartyRun.dproj | | NxThirdPartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---Delphi 2010 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.dproj | | NxAddonsRun.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.dproj | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.dproj | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.dproj | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.dproj | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDBGridDsgn.dproj | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | NxDBGridRun.dproj | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.dproj | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.dproj | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.dproj | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.dproj | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdpartyRun.dproj | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | +---Delphi 6 | | main_from.gif | | NxAddonsRun.dof | | NxAddonsRun.dpk | | NxAddonsRun.res | | NxCollectionDsgn.dof | | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | | NxCollectionDsgn.res | | NxCollectionRun.dof | | NxCollectionRun.dpk | | NxCollectionRun.res | | NxCommonDsgn.dof | | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | | NxCommonDsgn.res | | NxCommonRun.dof | | NxCommonRun.dpk | | NxCommonRun.res | | NxDBGridDsgn.dof | | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | | NxDBGridDsgn.res | | NxDBGridRun.dof | | NxDBGridRun.dpk | | NxDBGridRun.res | | NxGridDsgn.dof | | NxGridDsgn.dpk | | NxGridDsgn.res | | NxGridRun.dof | | NxGridRun.dpk | | NxGridRun.res | | NxInspectorDsgn.dof | | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | | NxInspectorDsgn.res | | NxInspectorRun.dof | | NxInspectorRun.dpk | | NxInspectorRun.res | | NxSheet.res | | NxSheetRun.dof | | NxSheetRun.dpk | | NxSheetRun.dproj | | NxSheetRun.res | | NxTBX.dof | | NxTBX.dpk | | NxTBX.res | | NxThirdpartyRun.dof | | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | | NxThirdpartyRun.res | | 使 用 说 明.txt | | | \---Delphi 7 | main_from.gif | NxAddonsRun.dof | NxAddonsRun.dpk | NxAddonsRun.res | NxCollectionDsgn.dof | NxCollectionDsgn.dpk | NxCollectionDsgn.res | NxCollectionRun.dof | NxCollectionRun.dpk | NxCollectionRun.res | NxCommonDsgn.dof | NxCommonDsgn.dpk | NxCommonDsgn.res | NxCommonRun.dof | NxCommonRun.dpk | NxCommonRun.res | NxDBGridDsgn.dof | NxDBGridDsgn.dpk | NxDBGridDsgn.res | NxDBGridRun.dof | NxDBGridRun.dpk | NxDBGridRun.res | NxDBThirdpartyRun.dof | NxDBThirdpartyRun.res | NxGridDsgn.dof | NxGridDsgn.dpk | NxGridDsgn.res | NxGridRun.dof | NxGridRun.dpk | NxGridRun.res | NxInspectorDsgn.dof | NxInspectorDsgn.dpk | NxInspectorDsgn.res | NxInspectorRun.dof | NxInspectorRun.dpk | NxInspectorRun.res | NxSheet.res | NxSheetRun.dof | NxSheetRun.dpk | NxSheetRun.dproj | NxSheetRun.res | NxTBX.dof | NxTBX.dpk | NxTBX.res | NxThirdpartyRun.dof | NxThirdpartyRun.dpk | NxThirdpartyRun.res | 使 用 说 明.txt | \---Sources | main_from.gif | NxClasses.pas | nxcommon.dcr | NxCommonReg.pas | NxCommonRes.res | NxConsts.pas | NxEdit.pas | NxEditRes.res | NxFlyoutControl.pas | NxPopupControl.pas | NxScrollControl.pas | NxSharedCommon.pas | NxSharedDraw.pas | NxStdCtrls.pas | NxSuite.inc | NxThemesSupport.pas | NxVersions.pas | Uxtheme.h | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Addons | main_from.gif | nxaddons.dcr | NxAddonsReg.pas | NxAutoCompletion.pas | NxBusy.pas | NxCalendarExtend.pas | NxCellSource.pas | NxFocus.pas | NxGridPrint.pas | NxPreview.pas | NxProgress.dcr | NxProgress.pas | NxThirdParty.dcr | NxThirdPartyReg.pas | NxVirtualDataSet.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Collection | main_from.gif | nxcollection.dcr | NxCollection.pas | NxCollectionReg.pas | nxcollectionres.res | NxExpandPanel.RES | NxLinkMenu.pas | NxPageControl.pas | NxStatusBar.pas | NxToolBox.pas | NxToolBoxRes.res | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next DBGrid | main_from.gif | NxDBCells.pas | NxDBColumnEditor.pas | NxDBColumns.pas | NxDBCommon.pas | NxDBDisplays.pas | NxDBGrid.dcr | NxDBGrid.pas | NxDBGridReg.pas | NxTestForm.dfm | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Grid | main_from.gif | nxbuttonimagesres.res | NxCaptionDlg.dfm | NxCaptionDlg.pas | NxCellClasses.pas | NxCells.pas | NxColumnClasses.pas | NxColumnDragBox.pas | NxColumnEditor.dfm | NxColumnEditor.pas | NxColumns.pas | NxCustomGrid.pas | NxCustomGridControl.pas | NxDisplays.pas | NxFieldChooser.pas | nxgrid.dcr | NxGrid.pas | NxGridCommon.pas | NxGridReg.pas | NxGridRes.res | NxSlidesEditor.dfm | NxSlidesEditor.pas | NxTestForm.dfm | NxVirtualColumn.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Inspector | main_from.gif | NxDBInspector.pas | NxDBItemsEditor.pas | NxDBPropertyItems.pas | NxInspector.dcr | NxInspector.pas | NxInspectorCommon.pas | NxInspectorReg.pas | NxInspectorRes.res | NxItemsEditor.dfm | NxItemsEditor.pas | nxitemsimagesres.res | nxoffice2k7.res | NxPropertyItemClasses.pas | NxPropertyItemDisplay.pas | NxPropertyItems.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | +---Next Sheet | main_from.gif | NxColumnList.pas | NxFormulaParser.pas | NxGridList.pas | NxSheet.dcr | NxSheet.pas | NxSheet.res | NxSheetCell.pas | NxSheetDraw.pas | NxSheetEdit.pas | NxXLSDocument.pas | 使 用 说 明.txt | \---Next TBX main_from.gif NxTBXToolBox.pas 使 用 说 明.txt



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