Udacity Deep Learning课程作业(六)





Problem 1

num_nodes = 64

graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():

    # Parameters:
    # Input gate: input, previous output, and bias. 
    ix = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 27*64
    im = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    ib = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64
    # Forget gate: input, previous output, and bias.
    fx = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 27*64
    fm = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    fb = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64
    # Memory cell: input, state and bias.                             
    cx = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 27*64
    cm = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    cb = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64
    # Output gate: input, previous output, and bias.
    ox = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 27*64
    om = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    ob = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64

    # 改动,拼接同类的tensor
    tmp_x = tf.concat([ix, fx, cx, ox], 1) # 27*(64+64+64+64) = 27*256
    tmp_m = tf.concat([im, fm, cm, om], 1) # 64*(64+64+64+64) = 64*256
    tmp_b = tf.concat([ib, fb, cb, ob], 1) # 1*(64+64+64+64) = 1*256

    # Variables saving state across unrollings.
    saved_output = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([batch_size, num_nodes]), trainable=False)
    saved_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([batch_size, num_nodes]), trainable=False)
    # Classifier weights and biases.
    w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, vocabulary_size], -0.1, 0.1))
    b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size]))

#   # Definition of the cell computation.
#     def lstm_cell(i, o, state):
#         """Create a LSTM cell. See e.g.: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1128v1.pdf
#         Note that in this formulation, we omit the various connections between the
#         previous state and the gates."""
#         input_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(i, ix) + tf.matmul(o, im) + ib)
#         forget_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(i, fx) + tf.matmul(o, fm) + fb)
#         update = tf.matmul(i, cx) + tf.matmul(o, cm) + cb
#         state = forget_gate * state + input_gate * tf.tanh(update)
#         output_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(i, ox) + tf.matmul(o, om) + ob)
#         return output_gate * tf.tanh(state), state

    def lstm_cell(i, o, state):
        """Create a LSTM cell. See e.g.: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1128v1.pdf
        Note that in this formulation, we omit the various connections between the
        previous state and the gates."""
        print(i.shape, '*', tmp_x.shape, '+', o.shape, '*', tmp_m.shape, '+', tmp_b.shape)
        smatmul = tf.matmul(i, tmp_x) + tf.matmul(o, tmp_m) + tmp_b 
        smatmul_input, smatmul_forget, update, smatmul_output = tf.split(smatmul, 4, 1)
        input_gate = tf.sigmoid(smatmul_input)
        forget_gate = tf.sigmoid(smatmul_forget)
        output_gate = tf.sigmoid(smatmul_output)
        state = forget_gate * state + input_gate * tf.tanh(update)
        return output_gate * tf.tanh(state), state

    # Input data.
    train_data = list()
    for _ in range(num_unrollings + 1):
          tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size,vocabulary_size]))
    train_inputs = train_data[:num_unrollings]
    train_labels = train_data[1:]  # labels are inputs shifted by one time step.

    # Unrolled LSTM loop.
    outputs = list()
    output = saved_output
    state = saved_state
    for i in train_inputs:
        output, state = lstm_cell(i, output, state)

    # State saving across unrollings.
    with tf.control_dependencies([saved_output.assign(output),
        # Classifier.
        logits = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(tf.concat(outputs, 0), w, b)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            labels=tf.concat(train_labels, 0), logits=logits))

    # Optimizer.
    global_step = tf.Variable(0)
    learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(
        10.0, global_step, 5000, 0.1, staircase=True)
    optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
    gradients, v = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(loss))
    gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 1.25)
    optimizer = optimizer.apply_gradients(
        zip(gradients, v), global_step=global_step)

    # Predictions.
    train_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

    # Sampling and validation eval: batch 1, no unrolling.
    sample_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, vocabulary_size])
    saved_sample_output = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes]))
    saved_sample_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes]))
    reset_sample_state = tf.group(
        saved_sample_output.assign(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])),
        saved_sample_state.assign(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])))
    sample_output, sample_state = lstm_cell(
        sample_input, saved_sample_output, saved_sample_state)
    with tf.control_dependencies([saved_sample_output.assign(sample_output),
        sample_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(tf.nn.xw_plus_b(sample_output, w, b))


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num_steps = 7001
summary_frequency = 100

with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session:
  mean_loss = 0
  for step in range(num_steps):
    batches = train_batches.next()
    feed_dict = dict()
    for i in range(num_unrollings + 1):
      feed_dict[train_data[i]] = batches[i]
    _, l, predictions, lr = session.run(
      [optimizer, loss, train_prediction, learning_rate], feed_dict=feed_dict)
    mean_loss += l
    if step % summary_frequency == 0:
      if step > 0:
        mean_loss = mean_loss / summary_frequency
      # The mean loss is an estimate of the loss over the last few batches.
        'Average loss at step %d: %f learning rate: %f' % (step, mean_loss, lr))
      mean_loss = 0
      labels = np.concatenate(list(batches)[1:])
      print('Minibatch perplexity: %.2f' % float(
        np.exp(logprob(predictions, labels))))
      if step % (summary_frequency * 10) == 0:
        # Generate some samples.
        print('=' * 80)
        for _ in range(5):
          feed = sample(random_distribution())
          sentence = characters(feed)[0]
          for _ in range(79):
            prediction = sample_prediction.eval({sample_input: feed})
            feed = sample(prediction)
            sentence += characters(feed)[0]
        print('=' * 80)
      # Measure validation set perplexity.
      valid_logprob = 0
      for _ in range(valid_size):
        b = valid_batches.next()
        predictions = sample_prediction.eval({sample_input: b[0]})
        valid_logprob = valid_logprob + logprob(predictions, b[1])
      print('Validation set perplexity: %.2f' % float(np.exp(
        valid_logprob / valid_size)))

Problem 2


# 1. introduce embedding lookup on input

num_nodes = 64
embedding_size = 100 # embedding层的维度

graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():

    # Parameters:
    vocabulary_embeddings = tf.Variable(
        tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0)) # 增加vocabulary_embeddings
    # Input gate: input, previous output, and bias. 
    ix = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([embedding_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 修改输入为100*64
    im = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    ib = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64
    # Forget gate: input, previous output, and bias.
    fx = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([embedding_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 修改输入为100*64
    fm = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    fb = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64
    # Memory cell: input, state and bias.                             
    cx = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([embedding_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 修改输入为100*64
    cm = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    cb = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64
    # Output gate: input, previous output, and bias.
    ox = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([embedding_size, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 修改输入为100*64
    om = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, num_nodes], -0.1, 0.1)) # 64*64
    ob = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])) # 1*64

    # 改动,拼接同类的tensor
    tmp_x = tf.concat([ix, fx, cx, ox], 1) # 100*(64+64+64+64) = 100*256
    tmp_m = tf.concat([im, fm, cm, om], 1) # 64*(64+64+64+64) = 64*256
    tmp_b = tf.concat([ib, fb, cb, ob], 1) # 1*(64+64+64+64) = 1*256

    # Variables saving state across unrollings.
    saved_output = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([batch_size, num_nodes]), trainable=False)
    saved_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([batch_size, num_nodes]), trainable=False)
    # Classifier weights and biases.
    w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([num_nodes, vocabulary_size], -0.1, 0.1))
    b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size]))

#   # Definition of the cell computation.
#     def lstm_cell(i, o, state):
#         """Create a LSTM cell. See e.g.: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1128v1.pdf
#         Note that in this formulation, we omit the various connections between the
#         previous state and the gates."""
#         input_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(i, ix) + tf.matmul(o, im) + ib)
#         forget_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(i, fx) + tf.matmul(o, fm) + fb)
#         update = tf.matmul(i, cx) + tf.matmul(o, cm) + cb
#         state = forget_gate * state + input_gate * tf.tanh(update)
#         output_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(i, ox) + tf.matmul(o, om) + ob)
#         return output_gate * tf.tanh(state), state

    def lstm_cell(i, o, state):
        """Create a LSTM cell. See e.g.: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1128v1.pdf
        Note that in this formulation, we omit the various connections between the
        previous state and the gates."""
        print(i.shape, '*', tmp_x.shape, '+', o.shape, '*', tmp_m.shape, '+', tmp_b.shape)
        smatmul = tf.matmul(i, tmp_x) + tf.matmul(o, tmp_m) + tmp_b 
        smatmul_input, smatmul_forget, update, smatmul_output = tf.split(smatmul, 4, 1)
        input_gate = tf.sigmoid(smatmul_input)
        forget_gate = tf.sigmoid(smatmul_forget)
        output_gate = tf.sigmoid(smatmul_output)
        state = forget_gate * state + input_gate * tf.tanh(update)
        return output_gate * tf.tanh(state), state

    # Input data.
    train_data = list()
    for _ in range(num_unrollings + 1):
          tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size, vocabulary_size]))
    train_inputs = train_data[:num_unrollings]
    train_labels = train_data[1:]  # labels are inputs shifted by one time step.

    # Unrolled LSTM loop.
    outputs = list()
    output = saved_output
    state = saved_state
    for i in train_inputs:
#         output, state = lstm_cell(i, output, state)
#         outputs.append(output)
        i_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(vocabulary_embeddings, tf.argmax(i, dimension=1)) # 增加embedding代替input
        output, state = lstm_cell(i_embed, output, state) # 对embedding计算lstm

    # State saving across unrollings.
    with tf.control_dependencies([saved_output.assign(output),
        # Classifier.
        logits = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(tf.concat(outputs, 0), w, b)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            labels=tf.concat(train_labels, 0), logits=logits))

    # Optimizer.
    global_step = tf.Variable(0)
    learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(
        10.0, global_step, 5000, 0.1, staircase=True)
    optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
    gradients, v = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(loss))
    gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 1.25)
    optimizer = optimizer.apply_gradients(
        zip(gradients, v), global_step=global_step)

    # Predictions.
    train_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

    # Sampling and validation eval: batch 1, no unrolling.
    sample_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, vocabulary_size])
    sample_input_embedding = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(vocabulary_embeddings, \
        tf.argmax(sample_input, dimension=1)) # 增加sample的embedding层
    saved_sample_output = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes]))
    saved_sample_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes]))
    reset_sample_state = tf.group(
        saved_sample_output.assign(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])),
        saved_sample_state.assign(tf.zeros([1, num_nodes])))
    sample_output, sample_state = lstm_cell(
        sample_input_embedding, saved_sample_output, saved_sample_state) # 调用sample_input_embedding
    with tf.control_dependencies([saved_sample_output.assign(sample_output),
        sample_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(tf.nn.xw_plus_b(sample_output, w, b))


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Average loss at step 0: 3.308872 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 27.35
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Validation set perplexity: 19.24
Average loss at step 100: 2.301575 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 10.12
Validation set perplexity: 8.71
Average loss at step 200: 2.016815 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 6.75
Validation set perplexity: 7.50
Average loss at step 300: 1.909146 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 6.09
Validation set perplexity: 6.59
Average loss at step 400: 1.855073 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 6.22
Validation set perplexity: 6.82
Average loss at step 500: 1.873136 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.92
Validation set perplexity: 6.35
Average loss at step 600: 1.809621 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.68
Validation set perplexity: 5.96
Average loss at step 700: 1.786602 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 6.14
Validation set perplexity: 5.96
Average loss at step 800: 1.778316 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 6.23
Validation set perplexity: 5.81
Average loss at step 900: 1.775160 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.70
Validation set perplexity: 5.72
Average loss at step 1000: 1.713812 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.45
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Validation set perplexity: 5.73
Average loss at step 1100: 1.689785 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.88
Validation set perplexity: 5.76
Average loss at step 1200: 1.724684 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.72
Validation set perplexity: 5.74
Average loss at step 1300: 1.706505 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.26
Validation set perplexity: 5.56
Average loss at step 1400: 1.682158 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.39
Validation set perplexity: 5.47
Average loss at step 1500: 1.676921 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 6.07
Validation set perplexity: 5.50
Average loss at step 1600: 1.675843 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.40
Validation set perplexity: 5.41
Average loss at step 1700: 1.705868 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.95
Validation set perplexity: 5.46
Average loss at step 1800: 1.668741 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.49
Validation set perplexity: 5.35
Average loss at step 1900: 1.670645 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.06
Validation set perplexity: 5.10
Average loss at step 2000: 1.686493 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.72
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Validation set perplexity: 5.42
Average loss at step 2100: 1.678211 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.09
Validation set perplexity: 5.53
Average loss at step 2200: 1.645432 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.54
Validation set perplexity: 5.15
Average loss at step 2300: 1.654700 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.36
Validation set perplexity: 5.19
Average loss at step 2400: 1.659993 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.71
Validation set perplexity: 5.46
Average loss at step 2500: 1.688416 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.72
Validation set perplexity: 5.24
Average loss at step 2600: 1.660742 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.24
Validation set perplexity: 5.03
Average loss at step 2700: 1.676947 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.23
Validation set perplexity: 5.10
Average loss at step 2800: 1.635971 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.78
Validation set perplexity: 5.06
Average loss at step 2900: 1.642310 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.91
Validation set perplexity: 4.91
Average loss at step 3000: 1.651629 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.47
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Validation set perplexity: 5.06
Average loss at step 3100: 1.650048 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.72
Validation set perplexity: 4.99
Average loss at step 3200: 1.647875 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.08
Validation set perplexity: 5.00
Average loss at step 3300: 1.633156 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.14
Validation set perplexity: 5.05
Average loss at step 3400: 1.637333 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.57
Validation set perplexity: 5.13
Average loss at step 3500: 1.623823 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 6.11
Validation set perplexity: 5.11
Average loss at step 3600: 1.633961 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.04
Validation set perplexity: 5.05
Average loss at step 3700: 1.629346 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.67
Validation set perplexity: 5.19
Average loss at step 3800: 1.629917 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.39
Validation set perplexity: 4.79
Average loss at step 3900: 1.620421 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.46
Validation set perplexity: 4.95
Average loss at step 4000: 1.623578 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.96
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Validation set perplexity: 4.86
Average loss at step 4100: 1.621179 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.19
Validation set perplexity: 5.15
Average loss at step 4200: 1.610140 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.95
Validation set perplexity: 5.26
Average loss at step 4300: 1.591767 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.61
Validation set perplexity: 4.97
Average loss at step 4400: 1.627353 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.22
Validation set perplexity: 5.05
Average loss at step 4500: 1.640956 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.15
Validation set perplexity: 5.03
Average loss at step 4600: 1.638460 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.26
Validation set perplexity: 4.93
Average loss at step 4700: 1.610461 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.48
Validation set perplexity: 5.00
Average loss at step 4800: 1.591820 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.09
Validation set perplexity: 5.07
Average loss at step 4900: 1.607061 learning rate: 10.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.92
Validation set perplexity: 4.99
Average loss at step 5000: 1.635981 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.43
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Validation set perplexity: 4.94
Average loss at step 5100: 1.622526 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.06
Validation set perplexity: 4.66
Average loss at step 5200: 1.605400 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.35
Validation set perplexity: 4.59
Average loss at step 5300: 1.568749 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.49
Validation set perplexity: 4.56
Average loss at step 5400: 1.567083 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.82
Validation set perplexity: 4.59
Average loss at step 5500: 1.557656 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.96
Validation set perplexity: 4.59
Average loss at step 5600: 1.582642 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.34
Validation set perplexity: 4.55
Average loss at step 5700: 1.541737 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 3.84
Validation set perplexity: 4.58
Average loss at step 5800: 1.549431 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.84
Validation set perplexity: 4.53
Average loss at step 5900: 1.570517 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.59
Validation set perplexity: 4.50
Average loss at step 6000: 1.533436 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.12
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Validation set perplexity: 4.53
Average loss at step 6100: 1.553185 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.22
Validation set perplexity: 4.53
Average loss at step 6200: 1.574985 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.76
Validation set perplexity: 4.53
Average loss at step 6300: 1.585900 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.26
Validation set perplexity: 4.53
Average loss at step 6400: 1.612918 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.47
Validation set perplexity: 4.45
Average loss at step 6500: 1.609443 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.51
Validation set perplexity: 4.47
Average loss at step 6600: 1.578349 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.92
Validation set perplexity: 4.47
Average loss at step 6700: 1.567038 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.92
Validation set perplexity: 4.47
Average loss at step 6800: 1.552492 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.32
Validation set perplexity: 4.52
Average loss at step 6900: 1.544843 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 5.32
Validation set perplexity: 4.46
Average loss at step 7000: 1.555067 learning rate: 1.000000
Minibatch perplexity: 4.46
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Validation set perplexity: 4.45 




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