


package org.apache.spell;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
 *  三叉搜索树实现:字符串排序数据结构
 *  Implementation of a Ternary Search Trie, a data structure for storing <code>String</code> objects
 *  that combines the compact size of a binary search tree with the speed of a digital search trie, and is 
 *  therefore ideal for practical use in sorting and searching data.</p> <p>
 *  This data structure is faster than hashing for many typical search problems, and supports
 *  a broader range of useful problems and operations. Ternary searches are faster than
 *  hashing and more powerful, too.</p> <p>
 *  The theory of ternary search trees was described at a symposium in 1997 (see "Fast 
 *  Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings," by J.L. Bentley and R. Sedgewick,
 *  Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 1997).
 *  Algorithms in C, Third Edition, by Robert Sedgewick (Addison-Wesley, 1998) provides 
 *  yet another view of ternary search trees. 
 * @author Bruno Martins

public class TernarySearchTrie {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  String triefile = "E://Java Projects//ses//src//test//lucene//dic//spell//trie.txt";
  TernarySearchTrie dictionary = new TernarySearchTrie( new File(triefile));
  // 三叉树的创建,节点创建,删除等
  *  An inner class of Ternary Search Trie that represents a node in the trie.
  *  三叉树内部类代表树中的一个节点

  public static final class TSTNode {
   /** Index values for accessing relatives array. */
   protected final static int PARENT = 0, LOKID = 1, EQKID = 2, HIKID = 3; //父,左,中,右(相对节点数组访问下标)
   /** The key to the node. */
   protected Object data;   //节点的值
   /** The relative nodes. */
   protected TSTNode[] relatives = new TSTNode[ 4];   //存放父,左,中,右4个相对节点
   /** The char used in the split. */
   protected char splitchar; //字符
   *  Constructor method.
   *@param  splitchar  The char used in the split.  字符
   *@param  parent     The parent node. 父节点

   protected TSTNode( char splitchar, TSTNode parent) {
    this.splitchar = splitchar;
   relatives[PARENT] = parent;
   public String toString()
    return String.valueOf(splitchar) + ":" +data;
  * 节点元素,仅仅保存当前节点值,即文件中存的一行数据:word:interger
  * key:word
  * data:interger
  * @author shentingting

  protected static class TSTItem {
   /** 节点的值. */
   protected Object data;
   /** 节点对应的key.即目标字符串 */
   protected String key;
   *  Constructor method.
   *@param  key 当前节点索引的key.
   *@param  data 当前节点的数值.

   protected TSTItem(String key, Object data) {
    this.key = key;
    this.data = data;
  *  Compares characters by alphabetical order.
  *  按字母顺序比较字符
  *@param  cCompare2  The first char in the comparison. 第一个字符
  *@param  cRef      The second char in the comparison. 第二个字符
  *@return           A negative number, 0 or a positive number if the second
  *      char is less, equal or greater.
  *      当第二个字符小于第一个字符 返回 负数
  *      当第二个字符等于第一个字符 返回 0
  *      当第二个字符大于第一个字符 返回 正数
  *      ASCII码对应值:
  *      A-Z 65-90 
  *      a-z 97-122
  * 其中忽略了a-x之间字符的大小写敏感度,经过下面的处理后其比较字符表从Ascii码转换成
  * A   a  B  b C c .... X    x  Y  Z    y  z
  * 65 66 67 68.........111 112 113 114 121 122
  * 至于为何YZyz四个字符没有作相同处理暂时还不知其原由

  private static int compareCharsAlphabetically( int cCompare2, int cRef) {
   int cCompare = 0;
   if (cCompare2 > = 65) { //从A开始
    if (cCompare2 < 89) { //A-Y之间的字符(不包含Y)
    cCompare = ( 2 * cCompare2) - 65;
   } else if (cCompare2 < 97) { //在Y-a之间的字符(不包含a)
    cCompare = cCompare2 + 24;
   } else if (cCompare2 < 121) { //在a-y之间的字符(不包含y)
    cCompare = ( 2 * cCompare2) - 128;
   } else
    cCompare = cCompare2;
  } else //A之前的字符(不包含A)
   cCompare = cCompare2;
   if (cRef < 65) {
    return cCompare - cRef;  
   if (cRef < 89) {
    return cCompare - (( 2 * cRef) - 65); 
   if (cRef < 97) {
    return cCompare - (cRef + 24);
   if (cRef < 121) {
    return cCompare - (( 2 * cRef) - 128);
   return cCompare - cRef;
  /**  The default number of values returned by the <code>matchAlmost</code> method. */
  private int defaultNumReturnValues = - 1;   //默认返回值
  /** the number of differences allowed in a call to the <code>matchAlmostKey</code> method. */
  private int matchAlmostDiff; //
  /** The base node in the trie. */
  private TSTNode rootNode;   //根节点
  *  Constructs an empty Ternary Search Trie.

  public TernarySearchTrie() {
  *  Constructs a Ternary Search Trie and loads data from a <code>File</code> into the Trie. 
  *  The file is a normal text document, where each line is of the form
  *  word : integer.
  *@param  file             The <code>File</code> with the data to load into the Trie.
  *@exception  IOException  A problem occured while reading the data.

  public TernarySearchTrie(File file) throws IOException {
  * 从文件中载入数据到字典树
  * 一个普通文本文档每行的格式:word : integer
  *  Constructs a Ternary Search Trie and loads data from a <code>File</code> into the Trie. 
  *  The file is a normal text document, where each line is of the form " word : integer".
  *@param  file              The <code>File</code> with the data to load into the Trie.
     *@param compression If true, the file is compressed with the GZIP algorithm, and if false, 
     *                                  the file is a normal text document.
     *                   true:文件根据GZIP算法压缩
     *                   false:普通的文本文档
  *@exception  IOException  A problem occured while reading the data.

  public TernarySearchTrie(File file, boolean compression) throws IOException {
  BufferedReader in;
   if(compression) in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new GZIPInputStream( new FileInputStream(file))));
   else in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(( new FileInputStream(file))));
  String word;
   int pos;
   int occur;
od 简单题三叉高度是指一个三叉的最长路径或层数。三叉是一种特殊的状结构,每个节点最多包含三个子节点。在三叉中,根节点位于最上方,而子节点则分布在根节点下方。的高度是从根节点到最远叶子节点的路径的长度。 要计算三叉的高度,我们可以使用递归的方式。递归函数需要传入一个节点作为参数,然后通过该节点的子节点中最长的路径长度加1,作为当前节点的高度。递归函数会依次遍历三叉的每个节点,并记录以每个节点为根的子的高度。最后,返回根节点的高度作为整个三叉的高度。 假设我们有一个三叉的根节点为A,A的三个子节点分别为B、C和D。我们可以按照以下方式计算三叉的高度: 1. 计算节点A的高度:A的高度等于A的子节点B、C和D中最长的路径长度加1; 2. 计算节点B的高度:B的高度等于B的子节点中最长的路径长度加1; 3. 计算节点C的高度:C的高度等于C的子节点中最长的路径长度加1; 4. 计算节点D的高度:D的高度等于D的子节点中最长的路径长度加1; 最终,我们可以得到整个三叉的高度,它等于节点A的高度。 需要注意的是,如果三叉为空(即没有根节点),那么它的高度为0。另外,如果三叉只有一个节点,那么它的高度为1。 综上所述,三叉的高度可以通过递归的方式计算,每次选择当前节点的子节点中最长的路径长度加1作为当前节点的高度。最后,返回根节点的高度即可。




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