SUN 310-610 Exam

  • Exam Number/Code : 310-610
  • Exam Name : EDS Certified Sun Fire Workgroup Administrator
  • Questions and Answers : 139 Q&As
  • Update Time: 2010-04-20


1. If you enable the entry Tools > Options > Openoffice.Org 3 Calc > General > Expand references when new
columns / rows are inserted. Which of the following statements is true?
A. If you insert a new entry to a column of values, a formula referencing this column (e.g., sum(A1:A4) ) will expand
the reference (e.g. sum(A1:A5) )
B. If you insert a new row to the column of values, a formula referencing this column (e.g., sum(A1:A4) ) will expand
the reference (e.g. sum(A1:A5) ) automatically
C. If you insert a new row to the column of values, a formula referencing this column (e.g., sum(A1:A4) ) will not
expand the reference (e.g. sum(A1:A5) ) automatically, you have to do it by hand.
D. If you insert a new row to the column of values, a formula referencing this column (e.g., sum(A1:A4) ) will not be
changed, this option takes only effect on styles.
Answer: B

2. Which of the following statements best describes a template?
A. A template is a document that contains specific user information (e.g., company, name, telephone number)
B. A template is a document that contains specific formatting styles, graphics, tables, object, and other information.
A template is used as the basis for creating other documents
C. A template is a pool of formats, collected in the file for central usage
D. A template is a well-formatted document. To reuse a template you must copy and save with a new name for further
Answer: B

3. Which of the following statements are accurate?
A. Changing the zoom of a sheet does not affect the sheets printing parameters
B. Changing the zoom of a sheet also changes the scale at which the sheet prints
C. Changing the zoom of a sheet does not changes the scale at which the sheet prints but does change the size of
the fonts and objects when printing from a zoomed setting
D. While working on a spreadsheet, you may change your zoom settings to any setting you like, but the default
scaling when you print is always 100%
Answer: AD

4. How can you display the Styles and Formatting window?
A. Press F11 on your keyboard
B. Click the icon cg14a36be753ecc
C. Click the icon wge]4a36be750f66
D. Format > Styles And Formatting
Answer: ABD
5. What happens when you apply the Autoformat function to a cell range?
A. You select a predefined print layout with customized headings, footer etc.
B. You select a predefined cell or table layout with predefined cell formats (fonts, colors, number formats...)
C. You can select from a set of predefined document formats for complex spreadsheets including formulas and links
to databases, etc.
D. You start a wizard to customize the layout of your spreadsheet
Answer: B

6. What do you have to do to print out a single sheet in landscape format and all other sheets in portrait format if you
want to perform it with a single print job?
A. Select the appropriate sheet, then select Format > Page > Tab Page, and then select Landscape. Portrait is now
the default page orientation for all other sheets
B. Select the appropriate sheet, display the Styles and Formatting Palette, under the formatting tab select Page
Styles > Select Default > Modify, select the Page tab, and select Page Orientation Landscape, press OK. Portrait is
the default page orientation for all other sheets
C. Display the Styles and Formatting Palette, under the formatting tab select Page Styles > right-click, select New,
select the Page tab, under Page Orientation select Landscape and press OK. Apply new page style to specific sheet.
Portrait is the default page orientation for all other sheets
D. Display the Styles and Formatting Palette, under the formatting tab select Page Styles > Select Default > New >
Define A New Page Style, select the Page tab, and select Page Orientation Portrait, press OK. Apply new page style
to all specific sheets. Landscape is the default page orientation for all other sheets
Answer: C

7. You want to apply conditional formatting to a cell or cell range. Which of the following must you consider?
A. You have to define a minimum set of 3 different cell formats first
B. You have to define a minimum set of 2 different cell formats first
C. You have to define a minimum set of 4 different cell formats first
D. You have to define a minimum set of 1 different cell formats first
Answer: D

8. Which of the following statements about 3 Calc is correct?
A. Calc is a spreadsheet program in which you can enter text, numbers and formulas.
B. Calc is primarily an image-processing tool.
C. A major benefit of Calc is the ability to enter formulas and recalculate the results automatically after changing the
initial values.
D. Calc saves each individual table (data sheet) as a separate file.
Answer: AC

9. You want to format a cell or cell range as currency. Which of the following icons enables you to do this?
A. _^y4a36be7816dc
B. {hdc4a36be783899
C. cgE4a36be785743
D. wec4a36be793394
Answer: B

10. What do you have to do to create a new cell style?
A. Format a cell or cell range, select it and select Format > Cells > New Style
B. Format a cell or cell range, select it, right-click and select Entry Apply Style
C. Format a cell or cell range, select it, display the Styles and Formatting Palette and select New Style from
D. Format a cell or cell range, select it and select Format > New Styles
Answer: C

11. You want to nest the following series of functions in a single cell: sum(sum(sum(a1:a17);b1:b17). Does 3 Calc allow such nesting of functions?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, but only for up to three separate functions in a single cell
D. By default no, but you can enable function nesting under Tools > Options > Calc
Answer: A

12. You want to create a new chart. Which of the following menus and/or commands enables you to do this?
A. Select the appropriate data, start the chart wizard by selecting Format > Chart
B. Select the appropriate data, start the chart wizard by selecting the following icon: "Xddq4a36be901ff8
C. Select the appropriate data, start the chart wizard by selecting Edit > Chart
D. Select the appropriate data, start the chart wizard by selecting the following icon fcQ4a36be904f00
Answer: B

13. You want to change the font type or font size of the main chart title. Which of the following menus and/or
commands enables you to do this?
A. Double click on the chart, select Format > Title > Main Title
B. Double click on the chart, single click on the title, right-click on the selected title and select object properties
C. Double click on the chart, select Format > Title > All Titles
D. Right-click on the chart, select Format, select Chart Properties, from the Title section of the Chart Properties
dialog box, change the formatting options
Answer: ABC

14. To define your own AutoFormat settings, what is the minimum range of cells you have to format first?
A. A single cell is enough
B. You need 2x2 cells minimum
C. You need 3x3 cells minimum
D. You need 4x4 cells minimum
Answer: D

15. To apply a predefined AutoFormat to a cell range, what is the minimum cell range you have to select?
A. A single cell is enough
B. You need 2x2 cells minimum
C. You need 3x3 cells minimum
D. You need 4x4 cells minimum
Answer: D

16. You copy the content of a cell or cell range from one spreadsheet document to another spreadsheet document.
Which of the following must you consider?
A. By default the cell content and all formats will be copied to the new spreadsheet
B. If a cell format with the same name exists in the target sheet, the cell format from the copied content overwrites the
target sheets formatting, retaining the original formatting from the source
C. If a cell format with the same name exists in the target sheet, all format information from the source sheet is lost
D. If a cell format with the same name exists in the target sheet, a dialog will be prompted and you can select
overwrite existing styles
Answer: AC

17. What result will you get when you enter into a cell =$A$1 and then you copy and paste it into the right neighbor
A. The right neighbor cell still shows =$A$1
B. The right neighbor cell shows =$B1
C. The right neighbor cell shows =A$1
D. The right neighbor cell shows =$B$1
E. The right neighbor cell shows =B$1
Answer: A

18. Which of the following 3 Calc commands and/or functions is performed when you press the
following icon?
A. The selected cell, cell range or content of a cell is cut and placed into the clipboard
B. The content of the clipboard is pasted into the cell
C. The Search and Replace dialog launches
D. The Styles and Formatting Palette launches
E. The document is sent to the printer
Answer: A

19. You want to display the formulas in each cell rather than the result of the formula. Which of the following menus
and/or commands enables you to do this?
A. View > Formulas
B. Right-click into a cell and select Formulas Visible from the context menu
C. Tools > Options > Calc > View > select the Formulas checkbox from the Display section
D. View > Data Sources
Answer: C

20. Which of the following can you do using the Styles and Formatting window?
A. Use the Styles and Formatting window to select graphical objects like pictures, icons and symbols to add them to
the current document
B. Use the Styles and Formatting window to change the print layout of your current document
C. Use the Styles and Formatting window to layout your current document, move frames, graphical objects and text
D. Use the Styles and Formatting window to assign styles to objects and text sections. You can update Styles,
modify existing Styles or create new Styles.
Answer: D

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1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看REaDme.md或论文文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 5、资源来自互联网采集,如有侵权,私聊博主删除。 6、可私信博主看论文后选择购买源代码。 1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 、3本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看REAdme.md或论文文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 5、资源来自互联网采集,如有侵权,私聊博主删除。 6、可私信博主看论文后选择购买源代码。 1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 、本项3目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看ReAdmE.md或论文文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 5、资源来自互联网采集,如有侵权,私聊博主删除。 6、可私信博主看论文后选择购买源代码。




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