Red Hat RH-202 Exam

  • Exam Number/Code : RH-202
  • Exam Name : Redhat Certified Technician on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 (Labs)
  • Questions and Answers : 73 Q&As
  • Update Time: 2010-04-02


1. free -m Verify Either Swap is enabled or not.
15. vi /etc/fstab /dev/hda? swap swap defaults 0 0
16. Reboot the System and verify that swap is automatically enabled or not.
10. You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers
running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server.
How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
Answer and Explanation:

2. Use mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hda?
mke2fs -j /dev/hda? To create ext3 filesystem.
10. vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hda? /data ext3 defaults 1 2
11. Verify by mounting on current Sessions also:
mount /dev/hda? /data
5. You are new System Administrator and from now you are going to handle the system and your main task is
Network monitoring, Backup and Restore. But you don't know the root password. Change the root password to redhat
and login in default Runlevel.
Answer and Explanation:

3. mkswap /dev/hda? To create Swap File system on partition.
13. swapon /dev/hda? To enable the Swap space from partition.
14. free -m Verify Either Swap is enabled or not.
15. vi /etc/fstab /dev/hda? swap swap defaults 0 0
16. Reboot the System and verify that swap is automatically enabled or not.
10. You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers
running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server.
How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
Answer and Explanation:

4. Quota is implemented on /data but not working properly. Find out the Problem and implement the quota to user1 to
have a soft limit 60 inodes (files) and hard limit of 70 inodes (files).
Answer and Explanation:

5. Reboot the System and verify that swap is automatically enabled or not.
10. You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers
running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server.
How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
Answer and Explanation:

6. Your System is configured in Network and your nameserver is Make successfully
resolve to
Answer and Explanation:

7. neo user tried by:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=70
files created successfully. Again neo tried to create file having 70K using following command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=70
But he is unable to create the file. Make the user can create the file less then 70K.
Answer and Explanation:

8. Either Reboot or use partprobe command.
9. Use mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hda?
mke2fs -j /dev/hda? To create ext3 filesystem.
10. vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hda? /data ext3 defaults 1 2
11. Verify by mounting on current Sessions also:
mount /dev/hda? /data
5. You are new System Administrator and from now you are going to handle the system and your main task is
Network monitoring, Backup and Restore. But you don't know the root password. Change the root password to redhat
and login in default Runlevel.
Answer and Explanation:

9. There are two different networks and Where and IP
Address are assigned on Server. Verify your network settings by pinging Network's Host.
Answer and Explanation:

10. Verify by mounting on current Sessions also:
mount /dev/hda? /data
5. You are new System Administrator and from now you are going to handle the system and your main task is
Network monitoring, Backup and Restore. But you don't know the root password. Change the root password to redhat
and login in default Runlevel.
Answer and Explanation:

11. edquota -u user1 /data and Specified the Soft limit and hard limit on opened file.
To verify either quota is working or not:
Soft limit specify the limit to generate warnings to users and hard limit can't cross by the user. Use the quota
command or repquota command to monitor the quota information.
3. One Logical Volume named lv1 is created under vg0. The Initial Size of that Logical Volume is 100MB. Now you
required the size 500MB. Make successfully the size of that Logical Volume 500M without losing any data. As well
as size should be increased online.
Answer and Explanation:

12. Press w to write on partitions table.
8. Either Reboot or use partprobe command.
9. Use mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hda?
mke2fs -j /dev/hda? To create ext3 filesystem.
10. vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hda? /data ext3 defaults 1 2
11. Verify by mounting on current Sessions also:
mount /dev/hda? /data
5. You are new System Administrator and from now you are going to handle the system and your main task is
Network monitoring, Backup and Restore. But you don't know the root password. Change the root password to redhat
and login in default Runlevel.
Answer and Explanation:

13. quotaon -u /data
6. edquota -u user1 /data and Specified the Soft limit and hard limit on opened file.
To verify either quota is working or not:
Soft limit specify the limit to generate warnings to users and hard limit can't cross by the user. Use the quota
command or repquota command to monitor the quota information.
3. One Logical Volume named lv1 is created under vg0. The Initial Size of that Logical Volume is 100MB. Now you
required the size 500MB. Make successfully the size of that Logical Volume 500M without losing any data. As well
as size should be increased online.
Answer and Explanation:

14. swapon /dev/hda? To enable the Swap space from partition.
14. free -m Verify Either Swap is enabled or not.
15. vi /etc/fstab /dev/hda? swap swap defaults 0 0
16. Reboot the System and verify that swap is automatically enabled or not.
10. You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers
running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server.
How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
Answer and Explanation:

15. vi /etc/fstab /dev/hda? swap swap defaults 0 0
16. Reboot the System and verify that swap is automatically enabled or not.
10. You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers
running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server.
How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
Answer and Explanation:

16. touch /data/aquota.user
4. quotacheck -ufm /data
5. quotaon -u /data
6. edquota -u user1 /data and Specified the Soft limit and hard limit on opened file.
To verify either quota is working or not:
Soft limit specify the limit to generate warnings to users and hard limit can't cross by the user. Use the quota
command or repquota command to monitor the quota information.
3. One Logical Volume named lv1 is created under vg0. The Initial Size of that Logical Volume is 100MB. Now you
required the size 500MB. Make successfully the size of that Logical Volume 500M without losing any data. As well
as size should be increased online.
Answer and Explanation:

17. quotacheck -ufm /data
5. quotaon -u /data
6. edquota -u user1 /data and Specified the Soft limit and hard limit on opened file.
To verify either quota is working or not:
Soft limit specify the limit to generate warnings to users and hard limit can't cross by the user. Use the quota
command or repquota command to monitor the quota information.
3. One Logical Volume named lv1 is created under vg0. The Initial Size of that Logical Volume is 100MB. Now you
required the size 500MB. Make successfully the size of that Logical Volume 500M without losing any data. As well
as size should be increased online.
Answer and Explanation:

18. Make Successfully Resolve to where DNS Server is
Answer: 1. vi /etc/resolv.conf

19. vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hda? /data ext3 defaults 1 2
11. Verify by mounting on current Sessions also:
mount /dev/hda? /data
5. You are new System Administrator and from now you are going to handle the system and your main task is
Network monitoring, Backup and Restore. But you don't know the root password. Change the root password to redhat
and login in default Runlevel.
Answer and Explanation:

20. Your system is giving error while booting on Runlevel 5 . Make successfully boot your system in runlevel 5.
Answer and Explanation:

RH-202 Braindumps
RH-302 Red Hat Certified Engineer on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 (Labs)
RH-202 Redhat Certified Technician on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 (Labs)

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智慧校园整体解决方案是响应国家教育信息化政策,结合教育改革和技术创新的产物。该方案以物联网、大数据、人工智能和移动互联技术为基础,旨在打造一个安全、高效、互动且环保的教育环境。方案强调从数字化校园向智慧校园的转变,通过自动数据采集、智能分析和按需服务,实现校园业务的智能化管理。 方案的总体设计原则包括应用至上、分层设计和互联互通,确保系统能够满足不同用户角色的需求,并实现数据和资源的整合与共享。框架设计涵盖了校园安全、管理、教学、环境等多个方面,构建了一个全面的校园应用生态系统。这包括智慧安全系统、校园身份识别、智能排课及选课系统、智慧学习系统、精品录播教室方案等,以支持个性化学习和教学评估。 建设内容突出了智慧安全和智慧管理的重要性。智慧安全管理通过分布式录播系统和紧急预案一键启动功能,增强校园安全预警和事件响应能力。智慧管理系统则利用物联网技术,实现人员和设备的智能管理,提高校园运营效率。 智慧教学部分,方案提供了智慧学习系统和精品录播教室方案,支持专业级学习硬件和智能化网络管理,促进个性化学习和教学资源的高效利用。同时,教学质量评估中心和资源应用平台的建设,旨在提升教学评估的科学性和教育资源的共享性。 智慧环境建设则侧重于基于物联网的设备管理,通过智慧教室管理系统实现教室环境的智能控制和能效管理,打造绿色、节能的校园环境。电子班牌和校园信息发布系统的建设,将作为智慧校园的核心和入口,提供教务、一卡通、图书馆等系统的集成信息。 总体而言,智慧校园整体解决方案通过集成先进技术,不仅提升了校园的信息化水平,而且优化了教学和管理流程,为学生、教师和家长提供了更加便捷、个性化的教育体验。
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