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原创 Solaris: Network Troubleshooting

Solaris: Network Troubleshooting  OverviewOne of the first signs of trouble on the network is a loss of communications by one or more hosts. If a hostrefuses to come up at all t

2008-09-26 10:13:00 1215

原创 Nexenta: Ubuntu Server with ZFS goodness

OSNews has been reporting on the Debian/Ubuntu/GNU/Opensolaris hybridfor several years. But for those of you whove never looked moreclosely at this interesting OS, a Nexenta developer has laid ou

2008-09-26 09:38:00 1227

原创 Solaris ZFS参数调节指南

ZFS Evil Tuning Guidehttp://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Evil_Tuning_Guide 

2008-09-25 09:43:00 787

原创 用mdb查看Solaris内存使用情况

[allen@tecra:~]echo "::kmastat ! grep Total"| sudo mdb -kTotal [hat_memload]                              5541888B   4157558     0Total [kmem_msb]                                 4657152B    127397   

2008-09-25 09:40:00 2668

原创 Solaris x86 FAQ

很不错的一个联接,总结了Solaris x86的常见问题:http://www.sun.drydog.com/faq/s86faq.html值得收藏。

2008-09-24 16:14:00 521

原创 Intel最新一代处理器--Nehalem

Intel has branded the first of its next-generation desktop processor, previously codenamed “Nehalem”, the Core i7.The full name of the new processors will be ”Intel® Core™ i7 processor,”  but for

2008-09-16 13:54:00 683

原创 IOMMU comes to Solaris x86

This weekend, the code for the IOMMU for Solaris on Intel (PSARC 2008/560) was pushed.This has potentially profound ramifications for folks working onSolaris device drivers, and I thought Id take

2008-09-16 01:28:00 676

原创 Installing xVM on OpenSolaris

 I used this as a starting point to get Xen running.1. Install the base xVMpkg install SUNWxvmhvmpkg install SUNWvirtinstpkg install SUNWlibvirtpkg install SUNWurlgrabber 2. Configure GRUB (I did

2008-09-15 06:49:00 818

原创 pkgbuild tips - 1

 I have been thinking for some time that I should publish some tips for building packages using pkgbuild.If you have created more then one spec file using pkgbuild, then youwill know that many thi

2008-09-15 06:39:00 755

原创 How small can you make Open Solaris - Part 1

Solarisstarted its life as operating system for workstations and thenprogressed to servers. It has always been an operating system dominatedby features, showing Suns R&D capability. This is gre

2008-09-15 06:32:00 621

原创 Best Practices for Paravirtualization Enhancements from Intel® Virtualization Technology: EPT and VT-d

 OverviewParavirtualization is a technique for increasingthe performance of virtualized systems by reducing the proportion ofhardware resources that the virtual machine monitor (VMM) mustdynam

2008-09-09 08:11:00 1215

原创 An introduction to Microcode

Microprogramming (i.e. writing microcode) is a method that can be employed to implement machine instructions in a CPUrelatively easily, often using less hardware than with other methods.It is a se

2008-09-09 08:00:00 1114

原创 Get xVM information from Domain 0

 ch12.htmlYou should now be comfortable with creating and managing guest images, including using different types of images as well as distributing different devices and resources to the guests

2008-09-08 09:06:00 2094

原创 Clone ZFS-based Solaris xVM domain

  IntroductionIf youre using a ZFS volume as the root disk for a domain, you canmake use of the snapshotting facilities to quickly "clone" a

2008-09-06 07:31:00 709

原创 Setting Up NAT on Solaris Using IP Filter

 Introduction So, youve got several computers on your home or business network, and youd like to be able to access the Internet from all of them, probably via a ca

2008-09-06 07:05:00 574

原创 Virtual Switching in Solaris with Crossbow VNICs

Virtual NICs, also known as VNICs, are a core components of projectCrossbow. They allow physical NICs to be shared by multiple Zones orvirtual machines such as Xen domains. VNICs appear to the r

2008-09-06 07:01:00 531

原创 Private virtual networks for Solaris xVM and Zones with Crossbow

Virtualization is great: save money, save lab space, and save theplanet. So far so good! But how do you connect these virtual machines,allocate them their share of the bandwidth, and how do they t

2008-09-06 06:55:00 649

原创 SMF Hypervisor Services

In Solaris, all of the properties from xend-config.sxp have been put into SMF xvm/xend (config/*). To modify an existing property:# svccfg -s xvm/xend listprop# svccfg -s xvm/xend s

2008-09-06 01:44:00 581

原创 establish Solaris xVM virtual machine on zfs disk

1. Create a Solaris partition[allen@araj-nhm:~]sudo formatSearching for disks...doneAVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS:       0. c0d0           /pci@0,0/pci-ide@1f,2/ide@0/cmdk@0,0Specify disk (enter its numbe

2008-09-05 06:10:00 1414

原创 Access to Solaris para and full virtual guest

Access OpenSolaris HVM guest=============================1. vnc access from domain 0VNC for HVM guest is default supported by xVM, so after create the HVM guest, domain 0 can access it through VNC:% s

2008-09-04 09:36:00 574

原创 access Solaris xVM virtual guest

Non-graphical domain:=====================[allen@araj-nhm:~]sudo virsh list    Id Name                 State----------------------------------  0 Domain-0             running  2 para-osol-b93        b

2008-09-04 05:23:00 504

原创 Solaris xVM x86 configure file

[allen@araj-nhm:~]sudo xm listName                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)Domain-0                                     0   962     8     r-----    362.5para-osol-b93

2008-09-04 05:15:00 634

原创 virt-install demo

[allen@araj-nhm:~]sudo virt-installWhat is the name of your virtual machine? para-osol-b93 How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? 1024 What would you like to use as the disk (file path)? /de

2008-09-04 05:11:00 1141

原创 OpenSolaris documentation

OpenSolaris documentation: http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/documentation/doc_index/dev/

2008-09-04 02:52:00 485

原创 What is OpenSolaris

What is opensolaris?Opensolaris is three things:A codebase that consists of most of Sun Solaris. (Some elements which could not be open-sourced are not included).A community that has formed arou

2008-09-04 02:47:00 474

原创 Disable the useless service in Solaris

1. You can get some basic information about any SMF service with svcs-x . That information generally includes a man page where you canread a detailed description of what the service does.2

2008-09-04 02:34:00 454

原创 Install OpenSolaris on a Windows + Ubuntu system

 Installing OpenSolaris 2008.05 is very similar to the process I used for installing Ubuntu 8.04: download the .iso image file, burn it to a CD, and then boot the CD.  On startup the CD will display

2008-09-02 11:19:00 946

原创 SAMP: Solaris+Apache+MySql+PHP

  Today Im doing a review about the new OpenSolaris 2008.05, the one released from project Indiana on 05/05/2008.     OpenSolaris 2008.05 has all the benefits of Solaris Kernel anduses ZFS (the

2008-09-02 11:07:00 1506

原创 A short introduction to Open Firmware

Open Firmware, or OpenBoot in Sun Microsystems parlance, is a standard defining the interfaces of a computer firmware system, formerly endorsed by the IEEE. It originated at Sun, and is used by Sun, A

2008-09-02 10:56:00 790

原创 default user/passwd for OpenSolaris

username: jackpassword: jackusername: rootpassword: opensolaris

2008-09-02 10:45:00 610

solaris virtualization

solaris virtualization


solaris virtualization

solaris virtualization


solaris virtualization

solaris virtualization



sharemgr presentation foils


Install and Config Xen

Install and Config Xen











最近在OpenSolaris社区的discuss mail list上大家在热烈地讨论是否需要为OpenSolaris开发一个开源的anti-virus软件,大牛们似乎不屑讨论这个项目,而是认为真正的安全来自于管理者为自己的系统指定一

最近在OpenSolaris社区的discuss mail list上大家在热烈地讨论是否需要为OpenSolaris开发一个开源的anti-virus软件,大牛们似乎不屑讨论这个项目,而是认为真正的安全来自于管理者为自己的系统指定一个比较好的安全policy。如何让自己的OpenSolaris变得更安全成为system administrator比较关心的问题。



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