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原创 ping_and_arping

arping使用ARP协议检查指定IP地址的主机的MAC地址。ping使用ICMP协议检查指定IP地址的主机是否连通。 协议栈:

2015-10-16 11:04:05 350 1

原创 tcpdump交叉编译和使用

 1. 下载源码http://www.tcpdump.org/libpcap-1.7.4tcpdump-4.7.42. 编译 <pre name="code" class="plain">#!/bin/shINSTALL_DIR=$(echo `pwd`/install)#export LDFLAGS="-L${PREFIX_PATH}/lib -L...

2015-10-15 17:31:55 579

原创 soap协议

SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocal)采用了已经广泛使用的两个协议:HTTP 和XML(标准通用标记语言下的一个子集)。HTTP用于实现SOAP的RPC风格的传输, 而XML 是它的编码模式。用于实现web service。SOAP请求:----------------------------POST /InStock HTTP/1.1  H

2015-10-15 16:51:47 617

原创 Open_source_tools

【网络】应用层协议工具和库:curl and libcurl无线网络管理工具:hostapd,wpa_supplicant,wireless tools系统工具:busyboxssl库:opensslcgi库:cgic,cgicc,fastcgiweb server:lighttpd,apachedatabase:mysql,sqlite脚本工具:bash,node...

2015-10-15 14:32:21 437

原创 常用命令

===========================http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-20147410-id-1989428.html删除重复行:1. 删除连续的重复行1.1 保留最后一行:g/^\(.*\)$\n\1$/d 1.2 保留最开始一行:g/\%(^\1$\n\)\@1.3 删除连续多个空行,只保留一行空行:g/^\s*$

2015-10-15 14:14:52 447

转载 SSL通信过程分析

    SSL通信过程分析一、SSL建立握手连接目的1.身份的验证,client与server确认对方是它相连接的,而不是第三方冒充的,通过证书实现。2.client与server交换session key,用于连接后数据的传输加密和hash校验。二、简单的SSL握手连接过程(仅Server端交换证书给client):1.client发送ClientHell...

2015-10-09 09:37:57 4910

原创 SSL协议_二_帧格式

TLS recordThis is the general format of all TLS records.+ Byte +0 Byte +1 Byte +2 Byte +3 Byte 0 Content type   Bytes 1..4 Version Length (Major) (Minor) ...

2015-10-09 09:12:03 3711

原创 SSL协议_一_概述

参考:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security  Authentication and key exchange/agreement Algorithm SSL 2.0 SSL 3.0 TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 TLS 1.3 (Draft) St...

2015-10-09 09:08:38 1171

转载 TestSSLServer

/* * Command-line tool to test a SSL/TLS server for some vulnerabilities. * ===================================================================== * * This application connects to the provided SSL/

2015-10-09 08:34:13 2737

原创 网站收藏

测试当前browser的SSL Cipher Suite:https://cc.dcsec.uni-hannover.de/测试SSL server安全特性的一个命令行工具:http://www.bolet.org/TestSSLServer/

2015-10-09 08:28:19 386

转载 SSL协议详解

SSL协议详解背景介绍   最近在看《密码学与网络安全》相关的书籍,这篇文章主要详细介绍一下著名的网络安全协议SSL。     在开始SSl介绍之前,先给大家介绍几个密码学的概念和相关的知识。    1、密码学的相关概念密码学(cryptography):目的是通过将信息编码使其不可读,从而达到安全性。明文(plain text):发送人、接受人和任何访问消

2015-10-07 09:52:45 421

CEA Specs: CTA-861-G_FINAL_revised_2017.pdf

CEA Specs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data#cite_note-9


E-EDID Standard.pdf

EDID specs 1.3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data#cite_note-9 http://www.edidreader.com/ https://github.com/dgallegos/edidreader



Wi-Fi_Display_Technical_Specification_v2.1_0.pdf Download from https://www.wi-fi.org/downloads-registered-guest/Wi-Fi_Display_Technical_Specification_v2.1_0.pdf/34726


Blender Cycles Lighting and Rendering Cookbook.pdf

If you're already au fait with Blender, this book gives extra power to your artist's elbow with a fantastic grounding in Cycles. Packed with tips and recipes, it makes light work of the toughest concepts. Overview Get acquainted with the lighting and rendering concepts of the Blender Cycles engine Learn the concepts behind nodes shader system and get the best out of Cycles in any situation Packed with illustrations and a lot of tips and tricks to make your scenes come to life In Detail Blender provides a broad spectrum of modeling, texturing, lighting, animation and video post-processing functionality in one package. It provides cross-platform interoperability, extensibility and a tightly integrated workflow. Blender is one of the most popular Open Source 3D graphics applications in the world. Modern GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) have some limitations for rendering complex scenes. This is mainly because of limited memory, and interactivity issues when the same graphics card is also used for displaying and rendering frames. This is where Cycles rendering engine comes into play. Cycles is bundled as an add-on with Blender. Some of the features of Cycles is its quality, speed and having integrated industry standard libraries. This book will show you how to carry out your first steps in Cycles - a brand new rendering engine for Blender. In a gradual and logical way, you will learn how to create complex shaders and lighting setups to face any kind of situation that you may find in Computer Graphics. This book provides information on how to setup your first application in Cycles. You will start by adding lights, materials, and textures to your scene. When it's time for the final render, you will see how to setup Cycles in the best way. You will learn about a wide variety of materials, lighting, techniques, tips, and tricks to get the best out of Cycles. Further on in the book, you will get to know about animation and still shots, and learn how to create advanced materials for realistic rendering, as well cartoon style shaders. This cookbook contains a wide range of different scenes, proposed in a structured and progressive order. During this journey, you will get involved in the concepts behind every step you take in order to really master what you learn. What you will learn from this book Understand how to use the node editor Learn to create your first material in Cycles Light a scene in Cycles Deal with animations in Cycles Design complex shaders and lighting setups Get the best out of your renders thanks to Cycles render passes Create complex realistic shaders using advanced techniques Approach An in-depth guide full of step-by-step recipes to explore the concepts behind the usage of Cycles. Packed with illustrations, and lots of tips and tricks; the easy-to-understand nature of the book will help the reader understand even the most complex concepts with ease. Who this book is written for If you are a digital artist who already knows your way around Blender, and you want to learn about the new Cycles' rendering engine, this is the book for you. Even experts will be able to pick up new tips and tricks to make the most of the rendering capabilities of Cycles.



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