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原创 EDID实例分析2

0x00 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0x00 0x10 0xac 0xec 0xa0 0x4c 0x36 0x45 0x32 0x22 0x1c 0x01 0x04 0xb5 0x3d 0x23 0x78 0x3e 0xee 0x95 0xa3 0x54 0x4c 0x99 0x26 0x0f 0x50 0x54 0xa5 0x4b 0x00 0x71 0x4...

2019-07-20 05:26:37 476

原创 EDID实例分析1

0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x10 0xAC 0xE9 0xA0 0x4C 0x36 0x45 0x32 0x22 0x1C 0x01 0x03 0x80 0x3D 0x23 0x78 0xEE 0xEE 0x95 0xA3 0x54 0x4C 0x99 0x26 0x0F 0x50 0x54 0xA5 0x4B 0x00 0x71 0x4F...

2019-07-20 05:19:13 826

原创 GIT/SSH命令

Table of ContentsGIT命令SSH命令GIT命令RemoteRepo <----> LocalRepo <----> Stage <----> Workinggit add: Working --> Stagegit commit: Stage --> LocalRepogit push: LocalRe...

2019-07-07 07:25:03 260

原创 Linux USB驱动

USB协议USB协议+Host协议+OTG协议。USB树形拓扑结构(ch4.1.1),最多7层,第七层只有functions,不能有hub。一条USB总线有且只有一个USB host,一个Root hub。USB设备分两类,hub和functions。Compound Device表示一个Hub上接多个设备组成的一个USB设备组。Composite Device表示一个具有多个复用功能的USB...

2019-07-03 07:32:12 352

原创 WAV文件格式

Chunk Descriptor<ChunkID,4B,RIFF><Size,4B><Format,4B>Format sub-chunk<Sub1ID,4B><Sub1Size,4B><AudioFormat,2B><ChannelsNum,2B><SampleRate,4B><By...

2019-07-02 02:14:46 244

原创 MIDI文件格式

SMF(standard MIDI File)格式<type,4B,MThd><length,4B,6><format,2B><tracks,2B><division,2B><type,4B,MTrk><length,4B,x><MTrk event><MTrk event><...

2019-06-29 04:20:39 879

原创 音频合成软件

https://www.linuxlinks.com/synthesizers/根据这篇文章的排名,Linux平台Free的音频生成软件如下:ZynAddSubFX实时,功能全面。Fluidsynth基于soundfont2。DIN is NoiseYoshimiHelmamSynthAlsaModularterminatorXsunvoxbri...

2019-06-26 10:58:10 1159

原创 关于频段

 国内免许频段 极低频    Extremely Low Frequency, ELF    3-30 Hz超低频    Super Low Frequency, SLF    30-300 Hz特低频    Ultra Low Frequency, ULF    300 Hz-3 KHz甚低频    Very Low Frequency, VLF    3-30 KHz低频 ...

2018-09-27 13:26:50 503

原创 Android知识点

Java知识点构造函数/析构函数 finalize() final Context Object Application finallyfinal表示不能再派生出新子类,不能作为父类被继承。编译javac test.java,运行java test arg0 arg1 ...try...catch...finally执行逻辑:finally会最后执行,无论是否异常、是否执行retu...

2018-09-27 12:13:44 293

原创 常用Shell命令

[Shell]grep -rHnw xxx . --exclude-dir=outdate ; time make xxx; datelspci | awk -F '=' '{print $1}'while ls -l; do sleep 1; donewhile read LINE; do touch $LINE/*; donefind . -type d | while re...

2018-07-19 16:32:17 291

原创 Android_Native_Surface

surface-&gt;lock() 和surface-&gt;unlockAndPost();Lock从屏幕缓冲队列中申请屏幕,再使用unlockAndpost将申请的屏幕加入到缓冲队列中交给surfaceflinger进行组合并显示在屏幕上。其实这才是绘图显示最重要的阶段,绘图显示快慢和这里优化有直接关系。...

2018-07-18 19:35:13 936

原创 Android_skia学习

源码位置:android/external/skia Android Java 2D作图主要通过JNI调用skia图形库完成。Canvas是个2D的概念,在skia中可以把这个canvas理解成系统提供给我们的一块内存区域,但实际上它只是一套绘图API,真正的内存是下面的Bitmap,skia 提供一个bitmap对象。在surface上绘制UI,通过lock来获取surface对应的数据...

2018-07-18 18:07:53 1871 1

原创 Android_OpenGLES2

源码位置:external/mesa3d/*OpenGLES1与OpenGLES2最大的差异是1.0使用固定渲染管线,2.0使用可编程渲染管线。VBO,全名Vertex Buffer Object,顶点缓冲区对象。它是GPU里面的一块缓冲区,当我们需要传递数据的时候,可以先向GPU申请一块内存,然后往里面填充数据。最后,再通过调用 glVertexAttribPointer把数据传递给Ve...

2018-07-18 17:58:33 867

原创 Cycles解析

基本过程:在主线程中,TaskScheduler::init()根据cpu核心数创建对应数量的工作线程,等待任务队列出现任务。session线程render/session.cpp/run_cpu()中的loop负责把task添加到队列中,工作线程从队列中取出task并执行回调函数CPUDevice::thread_run。Ubuntu14 64bithttps://devel...

2018-06-24 15:15:17 986

原创 Android_Java_API

  package java.lang Boolean Byte Long Math Number StringBuffer StringBuilder Object getClass() wait() notify() finalize() equals() Process Runtime Thread Systempackage java.io ...

2018-05-08 18:48:26 530

原创 Android_NativeActivity

NativeActivityAndroid NDK支持用户使用“纯粹"的c或c++代码。NativeActivity 为我们定制了native代码的各种接口回调,在ndk的samples里面,提供了一个例子如何使用NativeActivity。我们会发 现,demo中使用了一个胶水层android_native_app_glue.h封装了native层面的ANativeActivity的事件回...

2018-04-20 15:25:27 1269

原创 mysql学习

mysql -u root -p进入mysql命令行。show status; -- 显示一些系统特定资源的信息。show variables; -- 显示系统变量的名称和值。show databases; -- 显示mysql中所有数据库的名称。 show tables from database_name; -- 显示当前数据库中所有表的名称。show columns from table_n...

2018-04-11 19:27:37 172

原创 ffserver_and_ffmepg

HTTPPort 8099HTTPBindAddress 2000MaxClients 1000MaxBandwidth 1000CustomLog -&lt;Feed feed1.ffm&gt;File /tmp/feed1.ffmFileMaxSize 500MACL allow;/Feed&...

2018-03-15 13:41:51 221

原创 android_repeater

NetworkManagementService.java通过socket向netd发送命令。 可以用ndc在命令行实现相同功能。Ethernet Bridgeip link add name br0 type bridgeip link set br0 upip link set dev eth0 master br0ip link set dev wlan0 master br...

2018-03-05 17:03:27 975

原创 iptables_ip_iw

ip rule showip neigh showip route show table 0/254/255/local/main/...iptables -t filter/nat/mangle/raw -Liptables -nvL -line-numberiw list Guide to IP Layer Network Administration with L...

2018-03-05 14:34:38 969

原创 逆向技术

《加密与解密》《windows核心编程》内核调试windbg,动态调试器ollydbg,静态分析工具ida外壳原理,加壳与脱壳,外观注入,钩子技术,windows系统的异常处理机制函数工作原理,调用约定,参数传递方式,返回值c++类,继承,虚表,虚函数,32/64位汇编语言,python看雪论坛,吾爱,广海论坛内存修改编辑工具Cheat Engi

2018-01-20 16:47:49 352

原创 Android知识点

 Android注入input事件方法1. 通过获得WindowManager实例,调用injectKeyEvent和injectPointerEvent方法。只能在当前应用中使用,不能往其他窗口注入事件。2. 使用instrumentation实例,sendKeyDownUpSync方法。使用的注入方式和方法1一样,只能在当前应用中使用。3. 直接注入事件到设备/dev/inpu...

2018-01-18 14:52:40 200

原创 Android开发环境搭建

gradlew -v #查看gradle wrapper版本gradle wrapper --gradle-version 4.1 # 设置gradle wrapper版本创建虚拟机:avdmanager list avd       #Lists existing targets or virtual devices.avdmanager create avd       #Creates a ...

2018-01-16 16:23:07 327

原创 USB2.0驱动分析Kernel3.10.24

可以用wireshark+usbmon捕捉usb协议数据包。/********************************************************    加载usbcore*        添加hub interface driver*        添加hub interface device**************

2017-12-26 17:29:45 1015

原创 USB3.0驱动分析-Kernel4.1.17

Linux设备模型的基础结构体是kobject和kset,kset相当于文件夹,kobject相当于文件。总线kset包含了两个kset——driver kset和device kset。加载driver时,driver总是先把自己注册到某一个bus,即把driver的kobject加入到bus的driver kset中,形成层次关联。而当系统检测到device时,也会先判断device属于哪个总

2017-12-19 16:40:33 5613

原创 物质属性

砂岩主要成分是石英。花岗岩里最多的矿物是长石。> 石英,SiO2,熔点1750摄氏度,密度2.65克每立方厘米,硬度7,无色透明或半透明。> 长石是钾、钠、钙及钡等碱金属和碱土金属的铝硅酸岩矿物,其主要化学成分为SiO2、Al2O3、K2O、Fe2O3、Na2O、CaO,是重要的造岩矿物。主要用于制造陶瓷、搪瓷、玻璃原料、磨粒磨具等,此外还可以制造钾肥。长石在地壳中比例

2017-12-08 14:45:10 277

原创 组装机

20171113 京东Intel i5 7500    - 1399元 - LGA1151 - 3.4GHz_3.8GHz 4核4线 14nm 65W HD_Graphics_630 DDR4Intel i7 7700K - 2499元 - LGA1151 - 4.2GHz_4.5GHz 4核8线 14nm 91W HD_Graphics_630 DDR4Intel i7 77

2017-11-13 18:00:05 325

原创 PCB设计软件

PADS / powerPCBMentorGraphics公司的电路原理图和PCB设计工具软件。国内从事电路设计的工程师和技术人员主要使用的电路设计软件之一,是PCB设计高端用户最常用的工具软件。按时间先后:powerpcb2005----powerpcbS2007----PADS9.0----PADS9.1----PADS9.2----PADS9.3——PADS9.4——PADS9.5(

2017-11-06 12:46:34 723

原创 常见材料

【PE】Polyethylene,聚乙烯。塑料工业中产量最高的品种。不透明或半透明、质轻的结晶性塑料,具有优良的耐低温性能(最低使用温度可达-70 ~ -100℃),其特点为手感似蜡,表面密度很小容易被划伤,但是弹性很好,电绝缘性、化学稳定性好,能耐大多数酸碱的侵蚀,但不耐热。比重0.94—0.96g/cm3,成型收缩率1.5—3.6% ,成型温度140—220℃。适宜采用注塑、吹塑、

2017-10-31 15:48:20 1051

原创 Android_media_player

演变历史Android2.2以前,多媒体框架用opencore。Android2.3,预设的多媒体框架是Stagefright,加入了真正支持流媒体的nuplayer。Local Playback用stagefrightplayer+awesomeplayer。Android4.0以后,HttpLive和RTSP协议开始使用nuplayer播放器。Android4.1,将c/c++...

2017-10-27 08:32:05 377

原创 Makefile常用函数

$(info ...) 打印信息$(warning ...) 打印警告信息$(error ...) 答应错误信息并停止make$(shell ) 返回值是Shell命令的标准输出。$(call ,,,...) 创建新的参数化的函数

2017-10-11 19:27:56 1367

原创 Android编译分析

Android编译分析 Makefile build/core/main.mk include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/config.mk include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/envsetup.mk FIND_LEAVES_EXCLUDES := $(addprefix --pru

2017-10-11 11:23:15 339

原创 大国重器


2017-09-22 09:08:39 590

原创 ubuntu常用命令

 下载 ls的源码包1. which ls  //得到 /bin/ls2. dpkg-query -S /bin/ls //会得到包名 ,e.g. coreutils:/bin/ls3. sudo apt-get source coreutils //下载 apt-get install dpkg-devapt-get source xxx  // 下载源码apt...

2017-09-06 11:00:52 167

原创 代码托管平台

常用git-svn命令sudo apt-get install git-svngit svn clone [url]git svn rebasegit svn log -3 常用的SVN命令svn co -depth &lt;mod&gt; url # 复制svn库到本地svn export # 复制svn库到本地,纯数据,不带管理信息svn import # ...

2017-07-16 21:38:24 618

原创 Android启动分析

android/system/core/init/readme.txtinit.rc有两种语句块:Action语句块(on + ),service语句块(service [args] + )trigger:boot = 当init程序执行并载入/init.conf时触发。command:write =向文件中写入字符串。trigger =触发

2017-06-21 17:39:33 272

原创 Android知识点

--------------------------Android三种方式设置和获取属性:1. Native层使用property_get和property_set,头文件cutils/properties.h和libcutil库。2. Java层使用System.getProperty和System.setProperty方法。该系统属性与native层系统属性存储空间不同。3. Ja...

2017-05-18 18:29:03 877

原创 TS流解析

UDP->RTP->TS流可以用wireshark抓RTP包进行分析。Filter: mp2t.pid==0用EasyICE分析pcap或者TS文件。EasyICE官网:http://www.easyice.cn/I帧关键帧,属于帧内压缩,解码时只需本帧即可,包含完整画面。P帧差别帧,表示本帧与前一帧的差别,没有完整画面,解码时需要把前一个画面缓存一下。B帧是双向差

2017-03-24 19:36:09 571

原创 Linux USB驱动


2017-03-24 15:56:46 407

原创 LFS制作

用VB测试制作的LFS系统方法一: 参考VB官网的方法(https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#idm7661),将RAW Disk制作成vmdk。VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /path/to/file.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda生成的file.vm

2016-12-15 17:41:32 467

CEA Specs: CTA-861-G_FINAL_revised_2017.pdf

CEA Specs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data#cite_note-9


E-EDID Standard.pdf

EDID specs 1.3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data#cite_note-9 http://www.edidreader.com/ https://github.com/dgallegos/edidreader



Wi-Fi_Display_Technical_Specification_v2.1_0.pdf Download from https://www.wi-fi.org/downloads-registered-guest/Wi-Fi_Display_Technical_Specification_v2.1_0.pdf/34726


Blender Cycles Lighting and Rendering Cookbook.pdf

If you're already au fait with Blender, this book gives extra power to your artist's elbow with a fantastic grounding in Cycles. Packed with tips and recipes, it makes light work of the toughest concepts. Overview Get acquainted with the lighting and rendering concepts of the Blender Cycles engine Learn the concepts behind nodes shader system and get the best out of Cycles in any situation Packed with illustrations and a lot of tips and tricks to make your scenes come to life In Detail Blender provides a broad spectrum of modeling, texturing, lighting, animation and video post-processing functionality in one package. It provides cross-platform interoperability, extensibility and a tightly integrated workflow. Blender is one of the most popular Open Source 3D graphics applications in the world. Modern GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) have some limitations for rendering complex scenes. This is mainly because of limited memory, and interactivity issues when the same graphics card is also used for displaying and rendering frames. This is where Cycles rendering engine comes into play. Cycles is bundled as an add-on with Blender. Some of the features of Cycles is its quality, speed and having integrated industry standard libraries. This book will show you how to carry out your first steps in Cycles - a brand new rendering engine for Blender. In a gradual and logical way, you will learn how to create complex shaders and lighting setups to face any kind of situation that you may find in Computer Graphics. This book provides information on how to setup your first application in Cycles. You will start by adding lights, materials, and textures to your scene. When it's time for the final render, you will see how to setup Cycles in the best way. You will learn about a wide variety of materials, lighting, techniques, tips, and tricks to get the best out of Cycles. Further on in the book, you will get to know about animation and still shots, and learn how to create advanced materials for realistic rendering, as well cartoon style shaders. This cookbook contains a wide range of different scenes, proposed in a structured and progressive order. During this journey, you will get involved in the concepts behind every step you take in order to really master what you learn. What you will learn from this book Understand how to use the node editor Learn to create your first material in Cycles Light a scene in Cycles Deal with animations in Cycles Design complex shaders and lighting setups Get the best out of your renders thanks to Cycles render passes Create complex realistic shaders using advanced techniques Approach An in-depth guide full of step-by-step recipes to explore the concepts behind the usage of Cycles. Packed with illustrations, and lots of tips and tricks; the easy-to-understand nature of the book will help the reader understand even the most complex concepts with ease. Who this book is written for If you are a digital artist who already knows your way around Blender, and you want to learn about the new Cycles' rendering engine, this is the book for you. Even experts will be able to pick up new tips and tricks to make the most of the rendering capabilities of Cycles.



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