eclipse运行java程序时要求Select Java Application

在run configuration--java application中新建一个configuration。在右侧Main标签下,project对应工程名字,Main class中填入包含main函数的类(包名+类名),点击apply,然后run即可。


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Create and unleash the power of neural networks by implementing professional Java code About This Book Learn to build amazing projects using neural networks including forecasting the weather and pattern recognition Explore the Java multi-platform feature to run your personal neural networks everywhere This step-by-step guide will help you solve real-world problems and links neural network theory to their application Who This Book Is For This book is for Java developers with basic Java programming knowledge. No previous knowledge of neural networks is required as this book covers the concepts from scratch. What You Will Learn Get to grips with the basics of neural networks and what they are used for Develop neural networks using hands-on examples Explore and code the most widely-used learning algorithms to make your neural network learn from most types of data Discover the power of neural network's unsupervised learning process to extract the intrinsic knowledge hidden behind the data Apply the code generated in practical examples, including weather forecasting and pattern recognition Understand how to make the best choice of learning parameters to ensure you have a more effective application Select and split data sets into training, test, and validation, and explore validation strategies Discover how to improve and optimize your neural network In Detail Vast quantities of data are produced every second. In this context, neural networks become a powerful technique to extract useful knowledge from large amounts of raw, seemingly unrelated data. One of the most preferred languages for neural network programming is Java as it is easier to write code using it, and most of the most popular neural network packages around already exist for Java. This makes it a versatile programming language for neural networks. This book gives you a complete walkthrough of the process of developing basic to advanced practical examples based on neural networks with Java. You will first learn the basics of neural networks and their process of learning. We then focus on what Perceptrons are and their features. Next, you will implement self-organizing maps using the concepts you've learned. Furthermore, you will learn about some of the applications that are presented in this book such as weather forecasting, disease diagnosis, customer profiling, and characters recognition (OCR). Finally, you will learn methods to optimize and adapt neural networks in real time. All the examples generated in the book are provided in the form of illustrative source code, which merges object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and neural network features to enhance your learning experience. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started with Neural Networks Chapter 2 How Neural Networks Learn Chapter 3 Handling Perceptrons Chapter 4 Self-Organizing Maps Chapter 5 Forecasting Weather Chapter 6 Classifying Disease Diagnosis Chapter 7 Clustering Customer Profiles Chapter 8 Pattern Recognition (OCR Case) Chapter 9 Neural Network Optimization and Adaptation Appendix A Setting up the NetBeans Environment Appendix B Setting Up the Eclipse Environment Appendix C References
最近正在学习Java,也买了很多的有关Java方面的书籍,其中发现《跟我学Java》这本书,都的很不错啊,所以顺便拿电脑把这本书的目录敲了下来,与大家分享。尤其是那些和我一样初学Java的朋友们,看看哪一节对你有用,不妨过来讨论一下哦! 第1章 Java概述 1.1 Java的发展史 1.1.1 Java起源 1.1.2 Java发展 1.2 Java是什么 1.2.1 Java语言 1.2.2 Java平台 1.2.3 Java网络操作系统 1.3 Java的特点 1.4 Java程序类型 1.5 JDK与JRE 1.5.1 Java开发工具包 1.5.2 Java运行环境 1.6 Java技术体系 1.7 Java虚拟机 1.7.1 虚拟机数据类型 1.7.2 Java虚拟机的生命周期 1.7.3 Java虚拟机的体系结构 1.8 垃圾收集器 1.9 本章习题 第2章 Java开发环境 2.1 J2SE的下载和安装 2.1.1 J2SE的下载 2.1.2 J2SE的安装 2.2 环境变量的配置与测试 2.2.1 设置环境变量path 2.2.2 设置环境变量classpath 2.2.3 环境变量的测试 2.3 API文档的下载与使用 2.4 第一个应用程序 2.4.1 HelloWorld程序 2.4.2 程序运行编译命令 2.4.3 HelloWorld编译与运行 2.5 简单开发工具介绍 2.5.1 EditPlus的编译与运行 2.5.2 在UltraEdit上开发Java 2.6 集成开发环境Eclipse介绍 2.6.1 Eclipse下载与安装 2.6.2 Eclipse的透视图 2.6.3 Eclipse的视图(View) 2.6.4 Eclipse的编辑器 2.6.5 Eclipse的工具栏和菜单栏 2.6.6 使用Eclipse编写HelloWorld程序 2.7 本章习题 第3章 Java语言基础 3.1 标识符 3.1.1 标识符的概念 3.1.2 变量命名规则 3.1.3 变量命名技巧 3.2 关键字 3.3 注释 3.4 数据类型 3.4.1 整型 3.4.2 浮点型 3.4.3 字符型 3.4.4 布尔型 3.5 变量与常量 3.5.1 变量声明 3.5.2 变量赋值和初始化 3.5.3 常量 3.6 类型转化 3.6.1 数值类型之间的转换 3.6.2 强制类型转换 3.7 运算符 3.7.1 算术运算符 3.7.2 关系运算符 3.7.3 逻辑运算符 3.7.4 位运算符 3.7.5 自动递增和递减 3.7.6 三元运算符 3.7.7 运算符的优先级 3.8 本章习题 第4章 程序流程控制 4.1 顺序结构 4.2 条件语句 4.2.1 if语句 4.2.2 if-else语句 4.2.3 if-else-if语句 4.2.4 if语句的嵌套 4.2.5 布尔表达式 4.2.6 开关语句 4.3 循环语句 4.3.1 while循环结构 4.3.2 do-while 循环结构 4.3.3 for循环结构 4.3.4 循环的嵌套 4.4 转向语句 4.4.1 break中断语句 4.4.2 continue条件继续语句 4.4.3 标签语句 4.5 返回语句 4.6 综合实例:水仙花数 4.7 本章习题 第5章 字符串 5.1 字符串简介 5.1.1 字符串常量 5.1.2 String创建字符串常量 5.1.3 StringBuffer创建字符串 5.2 连接字符串 5.2.1 与字符串的连接 5.2.2 与其他数据类型的连接 5.3 String字符串操作 5.3.1 基本操作 5.3.2 比较 5.3.3 转化 5.3.4 查找 5.3.5 截取拆分 5.3.6 替换或修改 5.4 StringBuffer类操作 5.4.1 基本操作 5.4.2 字符串操作方法 5.4.3 添加append() 5.4.4 插入insert() 5.5 实例:字符串应用 5.6 本章习题 第6章 数组 6.1 一


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