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转载 Oracle to_char格式化函数

转:http://www.cnblogs.com/reborter/archive/2008/11/28/1343195.htmlPostgres 格式化函数提供一套有效的工具用于把各种数据类型(日期/时间,int,float,numeric)转换成格式化的字符串以及反过来从格式化的字符串转换成原始的数据类型。注意:所有格式化函数的第二个参数是用于转换的模板。表 5-7. 格式化函

2014-01-23 15:58:16 435

转载 SharePoint2010主题和样式揭秘

转:http://www.cnblogs.com/Ryu666/archive/2011/07/28/2119652.html 好久好久没写技术博客了,差点以为技术已经离我远去。但鱼离不开水,我怎能把技术丢了呢,呵呵!最近部署了SharePoint2010,这个大玩意够玩一段时间了。刚接触的时候给我第一个感觉就是跟07比只是布局改变了,而且好多功能找不到。但慢慢接触久了便觉得比07强多了,

2014-01-15 13:43:21 580

转载 场解决方案添加webpart(Create Webpart to page using code)

转:http://www.soaspx.com/dotnet/asp.net/tech/tech_20120814_9489.html///         /// 向页面添加Webpart        ///         /// 站点        /// 页面地址        /// Webpart名称        /// WebPartZone的ID

2014-01-10 08:05:04 513

转载 SharePoint Site Pages & Application Pages

转:http://www.wcode.net/plus/view.php?aid=1582071SharePoint一个很重要的概念就是Site Pages和Application Pages。接触SharePoint是在SharePoint 2007,当时就有这个概念。如有误解之处,请大家多多指教。 Site Pages是可以通过SharePoint Designer来编辑的页面,它的增加、

2014-01-09 23:44:57 711

转载 Sharepoint的网页(Page),网页解析(Parsing)与解析安全处理(Security)

转:http://www.chawenti.com/articles/8592.htmlMicrosoft SharePoint Foundation 中主要有两种类型的页面,分别是应用程序页(Application Page) 和网站页(Site Page)。   应用程序页(Application Page) 和网站页(Site Page)都从同一母版页继承其布局。   应用程

2014-01-08 23:02:16 597

转载 用PowerShell批量部署wsp包


2014-01-07 23:56:35 679

转载 用PowerShell批量收回wsp包

转:http://www.xuebuyuan.com/168334.html提供wsp部署的参数:$wspnames:路径下的所有wsp文件名用逗号隔开,如“sumhtestwsp.wsp,sumhtestwsp123.wsp,sumhtestwsp456.wsp,sumhtestwsp789.wsp” 方法:function recoverWSP([string] $wspnam

2014-01-07 23:52:58 657

转载 SharePoint 2010 PowerShell 系列 之 备份、还原、部署 .WSP

转:http://www.cnblogs.com/Fengger/archive/2012/08/24/2654093.htmlPowerShell系列目录           最近在部署测试环境,就顺便把PowerShell 的部署命令了解一下,下面给详细讲解一下关于 PowerShell如何备份、还原及部署.WSP,有人会说,这样的操作通过管理中心可以很容易完成,为什么还要写命令呢?

2014-01-07 22:49:28 700

转载 使用PowerShell脚本部署定时器到MOSS2010

转:http://www.77site.com/tech/1087042010072906074113_2012050808152911.html第一章 前言在此次练习中,您将了解到如何使用PowerShell和使用SharePoint 2010构建的PowerShell加载项。我这里使用Windows PowerShell ISE来编辑PowerShell命令第二章 编写命令在w

2014-01-07 22:43:17 531

转载 部署解决方案包 (SharePoint Server 2010)

转:http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/cc262995(v=office.14).aspx本文介绍各个解决方案包,及其在 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 中部署创作和开发的自定义设置时发挥的作用。本文还包含有关导入和部署解决方案包的步骤,以及使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 构建

2014-01-07 17:21:36 728

转载 如何在 Windows 7 安裝 SharePoint Server 2010

转:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2683572/zh-tw關於作者:本文由微軟最有價值專家 MVP 歐志信 提供。微軟十分感謝 MVP 主動地將他們的經驗與上百萬名其他技術使用者交流。MVP 歐志信 同時也將此篇文章放在他的部落格內,歡迎您按 此處       (http://www.dotblogs.com.tw/chou)      瀏覽

2014-01-07 10:28:16 571

转载 SharePoint 2010 WSP包部署过程中究竟发生什么?

转:http://www.xue163.com/158/6/1585365.html在SharePoint 2010中,我们可以使用Visual Studio 2010轻松创建WSP包来安装Web Part, Event Handler, Application Page以及其他。非常方便,但是你有没有研究过在在整个过程中SharePoint究竟做了些什么?以下是我根据http://msdn.

2014-01-06 23:36:20 787

转载 SharePoint 2010 部署 WSP 包

转:http://www.cnblogs.com/myheaven/archive/2011/05/19/2051180.html.net在工程的下面生成了WSP包,在Debug下面。需要放到生产环境去。2007的时候做了个bat来部署,用STSADM,到了2010就习惯敲代码了:在SharePoint 2010 Management Shell,用Add-SPSolution例子:

2014-01-06 23:23:19 516

转载 SharePoint 2010在win7 x64 安装

转:http://kaneboy.blog.51cto.com/1308893/328000关于《SharePoint 2010应用程序开发指南》,我和杜伟同学正在撰写中,希望下半年早点写完。通常书正式出版的时候,出版社都会挑选2、3章,将电子版开放出来以供预览,我想了一下,与其等到定稿后、出版前才提供预览,不如早点将一些节选的章节开放出来,让大家"一起来找茬"… 大家在阅

2014-01-06 17:56:50 957

转载 在Sharepoint2010中发布VS2010开发的WebPart


2014-01-06 17:33:00 582

转载 在User Profile Service中配置AD的同步连接

转:http://www.360sps.com/Item/ConfigureSynchronizationConnections.aspx如果要将Active Directory、LDAP 目录和业务数据连接等的用户同步到SharePoint 2010环境中,就要在“User Profile Service”服务应用程序中创建一个相应的同步连接。在创建同步连接之前,一定要先启动“User

2014-01-03 17:20:31 1230


mRemoteNG 1.摆脱了mstsc那种一个程序一个界面的模式,采用了左边树+右边Tab页的显示形式,让你在一个mRemote界面中,可以连接多个远程桌面,再也不用为切来切去而烦恼了(如上图)。 2.引入了继承和分类的概念。你可以在左边的树中自定义分类目录且下级目录可选是否继承上级目录的配置(连接用户名,密码等)。如上图。 3.配置方便。mRemote采用xml来保存用户的配置信息。这样用户可以方便的存储多个远程桌面集合文件,且分发导入都十分方便。这里值得一提的是,mRemote在xml中把用户密码进行了加密,防止明文密码出现在文本配置文件中。 4.支持多种访问模式。RDP,VNC,SSH1,SSH2,Telnet,Rlogin,RAW,HTTP,HTTPS,ICA. 5.附带多种实用小工具。SSH文件传输,端口扫描,外部应用等。 6.开源软件。mRemote有GPL版本,大家可以放心使用。



ServiceStack4.5.6的破解版。 StackService官网从4.0开始需要使用注册的License。如果没有License,就会有每小时的读写限制。 但是如果想使用Sentinel等新功能,就必须使用4.0以上版本。 为此,提供一份根据官网的DLL进行的原版破解。 使用该版本提供的ServiceStack.Text.dll,能够在没有License的情况下使用StackService官网几乎所有的DLL。 当然这里也包括最著名的StackService.Redis.DLL了。 需要主要的4.5.6只能运行在.Net Framework 4.5以上的平台上。



iphone的8个实例,里面包含多种技术(包含了国外开源框架的使用),可以直接倒入到xcode运行。 下载别人的,原地址太贵要10分。这里重新上传。


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完美支持VMware 9的MAC补丁(同样支持VMware 7,8),支持MAC OS X 10.5、10.6、10.7,10.8(原生支持), 1.安装之前需要先关掉WIN 7的UAC,重启生效后使用补丁; 2.使用此补丁后,安装MAC无需引导,非常方便。





省份、城市、区县、乡镇、街道 邮政编码、通信地址信息

省份、城市、区县、乡镇、街道 邮政编码、通信地址信息



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IOS开发编码及命名规范 目录 1、目的 3 2、适用范围 3 3、编码规范 3 3.1、文件 3 3.2、注释 3 3.3、编码排版格式 4 3.4、命名规范 6 3.4.1、保留字 6 3.4.2、方法 7 3.4.3、变量 7 3.4.4、常量 8 3.4.5、类 8 3.5、修改规范 9 3.5.1、新增代码行 9 3.5.2、删除代码行 9 3.5.3、修改代码行 9



Caretta.GUI.Design.Studio.R4.2 “图形用户界面设计工作室”是用于Microsoft Windows图形用户界面设计工具,您可以使用快速创建示范原型,无需任何编码或脚本。 绘制各个屏幕,窗户和使用标准元素的组件,它们连接在一起,以故事情节业务工作流程,然后运行模拟器来测试您的设计。 可以使用GUI设计工作室,每当你需要绘制的应用程序应该像或显示其部分如何连接和流量,如: 记录的产品理念 创建项目建议书 需求捕获 创建屏幕模拟UPS 为开发生产的详细规格 建议对现有产品的增强 +许多更多的用途 创建演示文稿的用户和利益相关者,或即使只是以自己: 验证设计 探索替代品 评估不同的使用场景


SQLAssistant beta 6 + SN 码

SQLAssistant beta 6 主要特点和优点: 1.增加SQL开发人员效率 2.提高代码质量和准确性 3.与许多SQL和非SQL编辑器集成 4.提供互动SQL参考和SQL代码援助制度 5.提供先进的SQL代码智能感知功能,包括支持数据库,对象,参数,脚本变量,语法元素等... 6.包括代码格式和美化; SQL语法验证,快速的代码导航的代码结构视图,更多... 7.支持8个主要的数据库系统:Oracle, SQL Server,DB2,Sybase ASE,Sybase ASA, Postgre SQL , MySQL和Microsoft Access和他们的SQL方言 8.快速,磁盘和内存占用少 9.在不中断任何现有的程序和使用下可以立即很容易地安装 预先设定的目标: SQL Server Management Studio SQL Query Analyzer SQL Server Enterprise Manager Visual Studio for Database Professionals (DataDude) Visual Studio .NET/2005/2008/2010 Visual Studio C# Express, VB Express, C++ Express, Web Developer Express Eclipse IBM Data Studio Delphi DB Tools for Oracle PL/SQL Developer Oracle SQL*Plus Toad for Oracle Toad for MySQL Toad for DB2 Toad for SQL Server PowerBuilder PostgreSQL pgAdmin III MySQL Query Browser MySQL Workbench Microsoft Access UltraEdit Notepad++





SQL Assistant v5.0

SoftTree SQL Assistant v5.0 - What's New New Code Analysis and Refactoring Functions - smart object, column, and parameter renaming methods; smart code extraction methods; advanced code dependencies analysis Graphical analysis of dependencies for objects (tables, views, procedures, functions), table and view columns, procedure and function parameters. Code refactoring - Extract View definition from procedural code - 3 clicks method for conversion of a block of code to a view - customizable templates. Code refactoring - Extract sub procedure definition from procedural code - 3 clicks method for conversion of a block of code to a stored procedure or function - customizable templates. Code refactoring - Rename procedure/function in database including automatic discovery of dependencies, code preview before updating, including all dependencies. Code refactoring - Rename table/view in database including automatic discovery of dependencies, code preview before updating, including all dependencies. Code refactoring - Rename table/view column view in database including automatic discovery of dependencies, code preview before updating, including all dependencies. Code refactoring - Rename procedure/function parameter in database including automatic discovery of dependencies, code preview before updating, including all dependencies. Code refactoring - rename local variable - rename local variables in procedures and functions (standalone code loaded in the editor or part of a large script). Syntax checker improvements - highlighting for unused variables. Advanced Code Entry Automation - updated code snippets engine, programmable code snippets using SQL language Support for user-defined interactive prompts. See new $PROMPT$ macro . User-defined programmable macros using SQL code. See new $$..$$ and accompanying macros $CURRENT_NAME$, $CURRENT_SEL$, etc... . Removed certain limitations on the use of functionally similar macros in the same snippet code. For example, $COLUMNS$ and $COLUMNS_KEYS$ macros can be now used in the same code snippet. Improved SQL Intellisense and Code Formatting Improved keyword prompts - preferred keywords and SQL constructs displayed on top of the keyword prompts. You can now customize preferred keywords list to match your preferences. Column popups after ORDER BY and GROUP BY keywords are now feature checkboxes. Multiple columns can be picked at once. While-you-type and standalone code formatters support new formatting options allowing simultaneous use of different cases for keywords and for system functions, for example uppercasing keywords and using mixed or lower case for system functions. New options for handling name delimiters. "Always Add Delimiters" option supports new mode "Only if name = keyword (limited)" You can now customize list of keywords that you also use as object and column names, and which you don't want SQL Assistant to treat as keywords, for example, the default configuration includes ID and Name, names, you can add your own. "Show Keys and Indexed Columns" is preset for all assistance types by default. Primary keys, foreign keys, and indexed columns are displayed by default in column popups and mouse-over hints. Mouse-over hints for table and view columns display hyperlinks for sample data preview and for DDL code view for views. . Mouse-over hints for procedure and function parameters display hyperlinks for procedure/function DDL code view. Improved display of column name popups for PostgreSQL. The popups now indicate auto-generated values and indexed columns. Improved recognition of auto-generated values in various SQL statements. For example, SQL Assistant does not insert references to "timestamp" columns in SQL server when generating code for table INSERT and UPDATE statements. Improved control of column name popups. You can now configure additional symbols that trigger automatic column name popups, for example, you may add <, <>, >, BETWEEN and other symbols to trigger automatic column popup display. SQL Intellisense implemented for CREATE INDEX statement. SQL Intellisense implemented for CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE. Preset code formatting rule added for Oracle VARRAY. Preset code formatting rule added for DEFAULT VALUES in INSERT/UPDATE statements in Transact-SQL. Database name and schema name completion is now supported after Ctrl+Space. That is handy if you work with long names and need to type them often. Behavior change for query suggestions based on code entry history. To avoid accidental insertion of historical queries into the code, historical items are not pre-selected automatically. . Added new option for controlling alias generation. You can now specify name prefixes that you want SQL Assistant to ignore. Database Code Unit Testing Framework New complete database code unit testing framework supports interactive and automated database code unit testing; allows quick bulk setup of unit tests for multiple database projects. New Add-ons Add-ons for Delphi with built-in SQL Editor. Add-ons are available for all Delphi Windows versions from Delphi 2005 to Delphi 2010;. Experimental support for pre-release version of Visual Studio 2010 ( limited testing performed on Windows XP and Vista). Data Import/Export/Generation New test data generator for quickly populating tables and schemas with realistic test data. Supports updates of multiple tables in one project. Enhanced scripting and exporting table data now this feature supports exporting data from multiple tables and views, as well as from multiple schemas. Miscellaneous Syntax Check Results and Messages panes support copying and saving messages. New user-friendly interface for protecting from run-away queries and results. Added handling for XML windows in SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Intellisense is disabled in XML windows. Improved SEH (Structure Exception Handler) for better code quality and support. Added new API functions, including new function for off-line code formatting, with support for multiple files. A number of other minor improvements








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