Windows Phone应用程序需要符合一些列的Guidelines,其中"返回键"是一个容易出问题的地方。
<<UI Design and Intercation Guide for Windows Phone 7>> v2.0中这样描述:
The hardware Back Button is used to navigate back on pages (screens) within an application or between applications. The application allows the framework to perform the operation when the button is pressed. Also, the Back Button can be used to close menus, dialogs, navigate to a previous page, exit a search operation, or even switch applications. However, the principal usage is to navigate from the current page to the previous page.
See the Navigation, Frames, and Pages topic for more information about the page navigation model in Windows Phone 7.
When a user navigates back out of the root page of an application, the application will terminate.
The Back Button will not work as a backspace key to delete text input.
See the Navigation, Frames and Pages topic for additional guidance.
Developers should only implement Back Button behaviors that navigate back or dismiss context menus or modal dialog boxes. All other implementations are prohibited.
SDK 7.0/7.1 文档中的相关描述是:
The hardware Back button is used to go back within an application or between applications. Also, the Back button can close an on-screen keyboard, menus, dialogs, navigate to a previous page, exit a search operation, or even switch applications. However, the principal usage is to move from a current screen to the previous screen.