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原创 VS2017 IIS Express - 多租户站点本地调试

multi-tenancy (subdomain) site local debug with IIS Express (VS2017):1. add your local domain in Windows host file like below127.0.0.1      domainlocal.cn127.0.0.1      a.domainlocal.cn127.0.0.1      ...

2018-06-11 19:42:44 978

原创 iOS - some concepts of Penetration Testing

1. Stack Cookie (aka Stack Canary)Stack Smashing Protection:Stack smashing protection is an exploit mitigation technique that protects against stack overflow attacks by placing a random value known as...

2018-03-01 14:44:12 515

原创 Azure Web应用服务访问Oracle数据库

需要通过Azure Web应用服务的文件管理工具Kudu来上传Oracle ClientLink: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azureossds/2016/02/23/access-oracle-databases-from-azure-web-apps-using-oci8-drivers-with-php/

2017-08-26 21:50:53 832

原创 Azure (世纪互联) - Visual Studio登录的问题

1. 使用VS2017 登录 Azure世纪互联版官方文档: https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/articles/others/aog-portal-management-qa-vs2017-login2. 如果需要删除已经登录过的账号缓存,可在上述文档中提到的路径"C:\Users\\AppData\Local\.IdentityService\" 下删除AccountSt

2017-07-17 18:10:22 3441

原创 Xamarin.iOS + VSTS + OSX Build Agent

VSTS Configuration: https://blog.xamarin.com/continuous-integration-for-ios-apps-with-visual-studio-team-services/OSX Build Agent: https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/blob/master/docs/start/starto

2016-12-29 12:18:41 1153

原创 Xamarin.Android + Build/Test Cloud TFS Automation - Issues and Workground

# Issue 1: Xamarin.Android Test Cloud MSBuild Step - Failure and workaroundcheck link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/56ff026c-0eff-4fab-a07b-5c474ce461b1/facing-issue-in-uitest-xamari

2016-12-23 15:19:35 995

原创 Xamarin.Android Build Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lokio/AsyncTimeout$

Here's a GitHub issue raised on a Xamarin.Forms plugin which had a build error when using this plugin with another nuget lib ModernHttpClient https://github.com/AlejandroRuiz/PayPal.Forms/issues/15the

2016-09-22 10:53:43 1679

原创 Xamarin.Android - Binding to android native SDK with AIDL file

Binding Steps:1. VS (Xamarin) : follow the normal binding step e.g. add the target sdk .jar with build action as "EmbeddedJar" in binding project2. JAVA: compile the .java file generated from the .aid

2016-09-08 18:50:26 1468

原创 Xamarin.iOS - Handing Keyboard

1. Scroll view when keyboard hide your input viewsLINK - http://www.gooorack.com/2013/08/28/xamarin-moving-the-view-on-keyboard-show/2. Hide keyboard on touching empty space of current UIViewControlle

2016-04-14 17:43:48 1803

原创 LINK - Xamarin.iOS + MvvmCross: TableCell Without NiB e.g. XibFree

LINK - http://benjaminhysell.com/archive/2014/04/mvvmcross-custom-mvxtableviewcell-without-a-nib-file/

2016-04-08 16:40:15 1610

原创 Xamarin.iOS + MvvmCross: UIPickerView data binding, SelectedItemChanged event

UIPickerView data binding, SelectedItemChanged event

2016-04-06 19:56:52 1646

原创 Xamarin.iOS + MvvmCross - Notes about how to use Mvx TableViewSource

The available v3 table sources are:Abstract classesMvxBaseTableViewSource base functionality only no ItemsSource - generally not used directlyMvxTableViewSource.cs inherits from the basetable and adde

2016-03-31 11:45:47 1467

原创 LINKs: Xamarin.Forms + Prism

LINK 1 - How to use Prism with Xamarin.Forms http://brianlagunas.com/first-look-at-the-prism-for-xamarin-forms-preview/(Note: the Prism.Forms version 6.0.1 doesn't support Xamarin.Forms v2 yet)LINK 2

2015-12-28 15:44:15 2266

原创 Azure Mobile App - Custom Authentication

Custom Authentication:1. For OLD Mobile Service - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-dotnet-backend-get-started-custom-authentication/2. For NEW Mobile App - keys

2015-12-18 17:48:21 1883

原创 Bootstrap 3 + MVC 5 - validation css tips

1. the default MVC 5 site.css is missing some style for validation style on form-control. problem resolved after adding the missing css to site.css/* styles for validation helpers */.field-validation-

2015-12-06 07:22:40 2520

原创 Link - Bootstrap Tabs

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9630595/twitter-bootstrap-tabs-not-working-for-me1. use data-tabs="tabs" on the ul as tab headers2. use data-toggle="tab" on the anchor of tab link3. use initial js

2015-12-05 17:37:18 2027

原创 LINK - Web/App UI Design resources

Bootstrap Custom Navigation Bar Generator -  http://twitterbootstrap3navbars.w3masters.nl/Bootstrap Custom Button Generator - http://twitterbootstrap3buttons.w3masters.nl/Color Schemas - https://www.m

2015-12-05 15:27:47 1814

原创 Html - TextArea - auto sizing to avoid scrollbar

A list of html TextArea element with class name "noteItem", below code will auto resize the TextArea to avoid scrollbarJQuery:$('.noteItem').each(function () { var scrollHeight = $(this).pr

2015-12-04 14:15:15 1618

原创 Links - Azure App Service Plans

Azure App Service Plans - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/azure-web-sites-web-hosting-plans-in-depth-overview/?cdn=disablePricing - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/d

2015-12-03 16:23:00 1685

原创 number.ToString("p") and culture

There is a leading space in en-US culture by using number.ToString("p"), to remove this leading space, use below code instead:String.Format("{0:0%}", number)reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questio

2015-12-01 19:04:44 2232

原创 Azure Website - UTC Time and Local Time

Key: Azure Website uses UTC time on the serverHow to: show local time in website UI?Solution:#1 Use TimeZoneInfo to convert UTC to local timevar cetZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central

2015-11-24 17:39:44 2209

原创 LINK - EF6 Update/Insert/Delete model object from outside of DbContext

LINK - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj592676.aspxpublic void InsertOrUpdate(Blog blog) {     using (var context = new BloggingContext())     {         context.Entry(blog).State = blog.BlogId

2015-11-24 11:16:58 2691

原创 LINK - About Cache Control of Azure Blob Files

Set cache control correctly will save bandwidth of blob access then save money!LINK 1 - http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/25528.azure-blob-storage-and-effective-use-of-cache-c

2015-11-23 19:39:00 1531

原创 ASP.NET MVC - loop model data in javascript

Key: razor syntax using @: before the js variable in c# code blockExample: var chartData = []; @for(int i=0; i < Model.ModuleDetails.Count; i++) { @: chartData.push(@Html.

2015-11-20 20:23:22 1730

原创 EF6 Database First (DbContext) - Change Schema at runtime

Problem:There are two SQL databases (dev and live) with on Azure which has identical table structures but different table schema name. We need a way to change the schema name at runtime thus we can ma

2015-11-19 20:22:49 2817

原创 ASP.NET MVC - Display UTC time from server as local time on client side

View html:span class="utcdatetime">@user.MostRecentTestDate.Value.ToString("M/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt UTC")span>View js:(needs reference to jquery.formatDateTime.js from https://github.com/agschwender/jquery

2015-11-11 21:01:59 1732

原创 asp.net MVC: PagedList + View Model

To pass view model with PagedList:1. Controller action must use HttpGet and use View Model as action parameterpublic ActionResult Index(UserIndexModel model)2. In the action return the view model with

2015-11-10 19:18:07 2261

原创 VS2015 - WP8.1 app project with Microsoft VCLibs reference problem

Problem:I have an old Windows Universal app (Windows 8.1 + Windows Phone 8.1) developed by VS2013 and both the project uses SQLite which depends on Microsoft.VCLibs. While in on new PC with Win10 + VS

2015-10-20 20:07:38 2055

原创 MVC - File download action

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5826649/returning-a-file-to-view-download-in-asp-net-mvcpublic ActionResult Download(){ var document = ... var cd = new System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition

2015-10-18 07:33:34 1040

原创 MVC - Pass array from model to JS

var yourJavaScriptArray = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.YourDotNetArray));LINK - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3850958/pass-array-from-mvc-to-javascript

2015-10-18 01:22:24 1205

原创 LINK - Azure Mobile Services - custom API

LINK 1 - Custom API and sample iOS/Android/JS client codehttp://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosfigueira/archive/2013/06/19/custom-api-in-azure-mobile-services-client-sdks.aspxLINK 2 - Samplehttp://blogs.msdn.

2015-10-12 17:28:32 909

原创 LINK - Paging for Azure Mobile Service Custom API (JS)

LINK - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/azuremobile/archive/2014/06/04/enabling-paging-with-total-count-for-tables-with-custom-read-scripts-in-the-node-js-runtime.aspxreturns Total Count of rows in results lik

2015-10-08 11:44:22 1030

原创 Diskpart - convert disk to gpt format

Convert to disk to GPT format:> Diskpart> List Disk> Select Disk {n}> Clean> Convert gpthttps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc770877.aspx

2015-09-24 20:25:07 1694

原创 LINK - Azure - Session/Cache State Management

How to choose which Cache provider to use?https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn766201.aspxuse Redis Cache for Session statehttps://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-site

2015-09-21 15:16:22 929

原创 Service References to a MTOM web services

In VS2013, we tried to add a web service wsdl and the reference.cs is always empty. As per the web service provider, we tried to below command by svcutil.exe to generate the reference.cs and .config f

2015-09-18 15:03:02 1284

原创 Windows Azure Mobile Service - Logs for diagnostics

If you get stuck on client side Mobile Service error and the error message is less useful, try to see the Logs tab in your Azure Mobile Service, you probably can get the useful information from the lo

2015-09-17 11:05:50 1188

原创 Windows Azure - Error of "MEDIA12899: AUDIO/VIDEO: Unknown MIME type" and Blob Storage

We have a Azure website using JPlayer to play audio/video (mp3 or mp4) stored in Azure Blob storage. Some media is playing well, while some never play on Windows 7 IE 11 with below console error:MEDIA

2015-09-06 15:42:03 2944

原创 LINK - Objective-C to C#


2015-08-18 15:58:54 1016

原创 LINK - Windows Azure Storage - 跨域访问策略 CROS

CROS by codehttp://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazurestorage/archive/2014/02/03/windows-azure-storage-introducing-cors.aspxCROS by toolhttp://azurestorageexplorer.codeplex.com/

2015-07-24 18:56:09 1041

原创 LINK - Windows Azure - Clone of SQL Azure

http://blog.idera.com/sql-server/how-to-make-a-copy-of-a-database-on-windows-azure-sql-database/The exact command to run depends on whether or not you are copying a database to the same SQL Database s

2015-07-24 11:41:02 615

2009.12.2 WCF培训PPT及示例

2009.12.2 WCF培训PPT及示例






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