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原创 How to install masterpage,pagelayout,CSS,JS and images through Feature


2011-02-21 16:39:00 962

转载 SharePoint 2007 Deployment: List Instance Features(http://blogit.create.pt/blogs/andrevala/archive/2008/06/17/SharePoint-2007-De


2011-02-16 10:55:00 908

转载 (Redirect)How to create my own Corporate intranet(Site Definition In MOSS 2007)?(http://hermansberghem.blogspot.com/2008/04/crea

http://hermansberghem.blogspot.com/2008/04/creating-corporate-intranet-using-moss.htmlHow to create my own Corporate intranet?This is how I would start:Create a site collection using the Publishing Portal template Open SharePoint designer and create a new

2011-02-12 17:37:00 1834

转载 what is HTTPModule and HttpHandler(http://forums.asp.net/p/1011421/1350924.aspx#1350924)

<br /> <br />http://forums.asp.net/p/1011421/1350924.aspx#1350924<br />An ASP.NET HTTP handler is the process (frequently referred to as the "endpoint") that runs in response to a request made to an ASP.NET Web application. The most common handler is an AS

2011-02-12 14:33:00 711

转载 Templating field controls in MOSS page layouts(利用模板开发呈现控件)转http://webarj.wordpress.com/2007/05/07/templating-field-controls-in-m

转:http://webarj.wordpress.com/2007/05/07/templating-field-controls-in-moss-page-layouts/The very first MOSS 2007 project I worked on started last year, during the second beta release. There wasn’t a lot of information available yet on how to use the produc

2011-02-12 11:08:00 1047

原创 Error occured when I created site collection

When i created a web app then created top site collection.Error occured the error information as below:error:The Office SharePoint Server Standard Web application features feature must be activated at the web application level before this feature can be ac

2011-02-09 12:49:00 932

转载 在ASP.NET中动态加载内容 用户控件和模板(转http://www.da8848.cn/article/jiaocheng/NET/3838.html)

<br />在ASP.NET中动态加载内容(用户组件和模板)<br />要点:<br />1. 使用Page.ParseControl<br />2. 使用base.LoadControl<br />第一部分:加载模板<br /> 下面是一个模板“<table width=100%><tr><td width=100% colspan=2 runat=server /td></tr><tr><td width=30% runat=server /td><td width=70% runat=server /

2011-01-25 18:02:00 1574 1

转载 Distinct Values in Filter Dropdown(Distinct Sharpoint List Column Value)

Questions:I'm trying to do something that should be simple but does not appear to be in practise.I have a simple sharepoint list. I added 4 entries, one of the columns is "Country"Next, I created an aspx page in Sharepoint Designer to display the values in

2011-01-13 14:26:00 709

原创 People Picker Doesn't Work(No matched user Found)

<br />Yesterday,my colledge run in to an issue,but not find solusion.<br />Issue:<br />when you create site collection,fill administrator,then check the user name,but error occured.<br />No matched user Found.<br />Firstly,i thought maybe we installed upda

2010-12-31 13:16:00 777

原创 Install wss3.0 sp2 on server 2003 with MOSS 2007

<br />When i installed wss3.0 sp2 on my system,i run into error at step 2 configuration.<br />Otherwise configuration will fail on Step 2 with “Exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: User cannot be found.”<br /> <br />The solusion:<br />@C:/Program F

2010-12-29 16:52:00 652

原创 Install Hotfix for WSS(KB974989 x86) ERROR:The expected version of the product was not found on the system

ERROR:The expected version of the product was not found on the system

2010-12-29 16:19:00 904

转载 Displaying XML with XSLT

http://www.w3schools.com/xml/tryxslt.asp?xmlfile=simple&xsltfile=simpleBelgian Waffles$5.95two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup650Strawberry Belgian Waffles$7.95

2010-12-24 15:37:00 446

转载 User Profiles and Audience Targeting in SharePoint 2007(zhuan)


2010-12-16 16:13:00 482

转载 Web Part Page Maintenance(Redirect to this page)

To access the Web Part Maintenance Page  you just suffix your web part page's address with"?contents=1".

2010-12-16 15:22:00 564

转载 window server 2003 share folders

First:Start these services(server,distributed file system and net logon)Sencond:Right click computer,then choose manage,then under system tools--shared folders--click shares,in the tool bar,you can find a new.

2010-12-10 15:26:00 592

转载 MOSS 2007 404 Page Error Redirect


2010-12-08 15:02:00 480

转载 How to change service accounts and service account passwords in SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0(Se

<br />http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934838/en-us/<br /> <br />http://blog.csdn.net/chen_xizhang/archive/2010/04/24/5953678.aspx

2010-12-06 10:07:00 651

原创 Xsl截取字符串


2010-12-02 11:22:00 2889

转载 AllowXSlScript(zhuan)

 DOCTYPEHTMLPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> html>>sample>"javascript"> function init(){ var srcTree = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")

2010-12-01 14:59:00 751

原创 Parameter Binding(XSLT)

@ID,ID;@ContentType,Content Type;@Title,Title;@Modified,Modified;@Created,Created;@Author,Created By;@Editor,Modified By;@_UIVersionString,Version;@Attachments,Attachments;@File_x0020_Type,File Type;@FileLeafRef,Name (for use in forms);@FileDirRef,Path;@FS

2010-12-01 14:41:00 846

转载 MOSS(Multi-Language)


2010-11-22 16:04:00 480

转载 Display Custom Fields in a Content By Query Web Part

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb850574(office.12).aspxhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb850574(office.12).aspxhttp://www.cnblogs.com/ceci/archive/2009/07/31/1536014.htmlhttp://www.cnblogs.com/dosboy/archive/2008/05/07/1186104.htmlBy defau

2010-11-19 16:20:00 619

转载 Best Practices for Managing Web Part Resources(zhuan)

<br />zhuan:<br />http://www.synergyonline.com/blog/blog-moss/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=42<br /> <br />One of the most common questions I get in class and see in the forums is how best to deal with Web Part resources.  By resources, I mean those necessary f

2010-11-19 10:36:00 595

原创 Sharepoint Designer Can Open Site but Can't Edit Page(Others pc can edit my site page)

Havnot found the solusion.

2010-11-18 08:46:00 814

转载 SharePoint Page Layout Error: Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls

<br />http://blogs.msdn.com/b/saurabhkv/archive/2009/10/13/sharepoint-page-layout-error-only-content-controls-are-allowed-directly-in-a-content-page-that-contains-content-controls.aspx<br /> <br />I recently built a SharePoint feature to provision custom m

2010-11-18 08:40:00 1530

转载 Contente Type, Page Layout and Content Page

<br />http://www.canaware.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=278&p=2<br /> <br /><br />http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint-designer-help/create-a-content-page-from-a-master-page-HA010167218.aspx<br /> Create a page layoutIn Office SharePoint Designer 2007

2010-11-17 15:37:00 1091 2

转载 custom style(css) to RichHtmlField Control(MOSS)


2010-11-16 11:01:00 621

转载 implement debug option

<br />Here are the steps to implement debug option in your SharePoint Application:<br /> <br />1. Browse to the set of virtual directories for Windows SharePoint Services. Just remember, you cannot access the web.config file via your web browser as securit

2010-11-12 16:37:00 467

原创 "Unable to add selected web parts. (insert part name): An error has occured."

I have built a new site and am trying to add the basic "Image Viewer" web part. When I open up the gallery, all the web parts are there. For each one, when i try to add it, I get a pop up saying "Unable to add selected web parts. (insert part name): An err

2010-11-12 16:14:00 562

转载 Unable to add selected web part(s). Cannot import this web part

<br />http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointdevelopment/thread/5f6d9e1a-315f-49ea-96d3-824edb642cd7

2010-11-12 16:03:00 398

原创 Multi-Language Demo (MOSS)

First: Create a WSPBuilder Project(VS2008).File—New Project—WSPBuilder(Project Type)—WSPBuilder Project. Structure is under below:

2010-11-11 13:07:00 523

原创 Custom PublishingLayoutPage(moss page to add codebehind code)


2010-11-10 11:34:00 584

原创 Wrap a User Control inside a Web Part using WSPBuilder


2010-11-05 17:37:00 629

转载 Complete Lifecycle of an ASP.Net page and controls

<br />http://blogs.thesitedoctor.co.uk/tim/CommentView,guid,6f76c552-8daf-4ed2-8104-26cea9151358.aspx#commentstart

2010-11-02 13:30:00 530

转载 SQL Server 2005 create user and grant permission

<br />http://123mosquito.blog.163.com/blog/static/5625719920106225842127/<br /> <br />Method 1:<br /> <br />--ADD User <br />usemaster<br />execsp_addlogin'test','test908123456','AdventureWorks'        --Add Login<br />Error: Password validation failed. Th

2010-10-29 09:55:00 940

转载 SharePoint 2007 Installation Prerequisites

<br />Hardware Prerequisites:<br />·         2.5GHz processor minimum (dual 3GHz recommended)<br />·         1GB RAM minimum(2GB recommended)<br />·         DVD drive<br />·         3GB of free space for installation files<br />Software Prerequisites:<br /

2010-10-27 17:09:00 394

转载 Customizng SharePoint Content with SharePoint Designer 2007

<br />Summary of some key features is as follows:<br />1.       create, open, edit, back up, and restore SharePoint sites<br />2.       create SharePoint master pages and web part pages<br />3.       Building SharePoint no-code application<br />4.       Cr

2010-10-22 17:16:00 387

转载 Outlining key features differences between WSS3.0 and MOSS 2007(Micosoft sharepoint 2007)

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 includes the following features:1.       Document Management Functionality, up to 500,000 documents2.       Email-enabled content capabilities3.       Basic search capabilities4.       Alerting capabilities5.       RSS feeds

2010-10-22 16:34:00 462

转载 数据结构转换(http://topic.csdn.net/u/20101021/17/86aa8d23-baa3-406c-97e4-dbf7f273e215.html)

<br />http://topic.csdn.net/u/20101021/17/86aa8d23-baa3-406c-97e4-dbf7f273e215.html<br />原数据结构为:<br />韩海民 QS0013 <br />韩海民 QS0014 <br />韩海民 QS0015 <br />杨田 QS0013 <br />杨田 QS0014 <br /><br />想要实现的结果为:<br />韩海民 QS0013 QS0014 QS0015<br />杨田 QS0013 QS0014<br

2010-10-22 09:25:00 1195

转载 基于 Cognos 的轻量级人力资源系统商业建模介绍(http://space.itpub.net/15082138/viewspace-590671)

http://space.itpub.net/15082138/viewspace-590671Cognos is report 开发工具。

2010-10-19 15:14:00 763





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