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原创 iczelion tut29

Tutorial 29: Win32 Debug API Part 2We continue with the subject of win32 debug API. In this tutorial, we will learn how to modify the debuggee process.Theory:In the previous tutorial, we know

2001-08-28 13:21:00 710

原创 iczelion tut30

第30课: Win32调试API 第三部分在本章中,我们将继续探讨win32调试api。特别地,我们将学习如何去跟踪被调试程序.理论:如果你以前使用过调试器,那么你应对跟踪比较熟悉。当"跟踪"一个程序时,程序在每执行一条指令后将会停止,这使你有机会去检查寄存器/内存中的值。这种单步运行的官方定义为跟踪(tracing)。单步运行的特色是由CPU本身提供的。标志寄存器的第8位称为

2001-08-28 13:21:00 633

原创 iczelion tut27

Tutorial 27: Tooltip ControlWe will learn about the tooltip control: What it is and how to create and use it. Theory:A tooltip is a small rectangular window that is displayed when the mouse poin

2001-08-28 13:20:00 684

原创 iczelion tut28

Tutorial 28: Win32 Debug API Part 1In this tutorial, youll learn what Win32 offers to developers regarding debugging primitives. Youll know how to debug a process when youre finished with this

2001-08-28 13:20:00 583

原创 iczelion tut25

Tutorial 25: Simple BitmapIn this tutorial, we will learn how to use bitmap in our program. To be exact, we will learn how to display a bitmap in the client area of our window. Download the exampl

2001-08-28 13:18:00 725

原创 iczelion tut26

Tutorial 26: Splash ScreenNow that we know how to use a bitmap, we can progress to a more creative use of it. Splash screen. Download the example. TheoryA splash screen is a window that has no t

2001-08-28 13:18:00 692

原创 iczelion tut22

Tutorial 22: SuperclassingIn this tutorial, we will learn about superclassing, what it is and what it is for. You will also learn how to provide Tab key navigation to the controls in your own wind

2001-08-28 13:16:00 618

原创 iczelion tut23

Tutorial 23: Tray IconIn this tutorial, we will learn how to put icons into system tray and how to create/use a popup menu. Download the example here. Theory:System tray is the rectangular regio

2001-08-28 13:16:00 649

原创 iczelion tut24

Tutorial 24: Windows HooksWe will learn about Windows hooks in this tutorial. Windows hooks are very powerful. With them, you can poke inside other processes and sometimes alter their behaviors. D

2001-08-28 13:16:00 690

原创 iczelion tut21

Tutorial 21: PipeIn this tutorial, we will explore pipe, what it is and what we can use it for. To make it more interesting, I throw in the technique on how to change the background and text col

2001-08-28 13:15:00 698

原创 iczelion tut19

Tutorial 19: Tree View ControlIn this tutorial, we will learn how to use tree view control. Moreover, we will also learn how to do drag and drop under tree view control and how to use an image lis

2001-08-28 12:57:00 808

原创 iczelion tut20

Tutorial 20: Window SubclassingIn this tutorial, we will learn about window subclassing, what it is and how to use it to your advantage. Download the example here. Theory:If you program in Windo

2001-08-28 12:57:00 580

原创 iczelion tut18

Tutorial 18: Common ControlsWe will learn what common controls are and how to use them. This tutorial will be a quick introduction to them only. Download the example source code here. Theory:Win

2001-08-28 12:56:00 703

原创 iczelion tut17

Tutorial 17: Dynamic Link LibrariesIn this tutorial, we will learn about DLLs , what are they and how to create them. You can download the example here.   Theory:If you program long enough, you

2001-08-28 12:48:00 636

原创 iczelion tut15

Tutorial 15: Multithreading ProgrammingWe will learn how to create a multithreading program in this tutorial. We also study the communication methods between the threads. Download the example he

2001-08-28 12:47:00 708

原创 iczelion tut16

Tutorial 16: Event ObjectWe will learn what an event object is and how to use it in a multithreaded program.Download the example here. Theory:From the previous tutorial, I demonstrated how

2001-08-28 12:47:00 570

原创 iczelion tut14

We will learn what a process is and how to create and terminate it. Download the example here. Preliminary:What is a process? I quote this definition from Win32 API reference: "A process is an e

2001-08-28 12:46:00 614

原创 iczelion tut13

Tutorial 13: Memory Mapped FilesIll show you what memory mapped files are and how to use them to your advantages. Using a memory mapped file is quite easy as youll see in this tutorial. Downlo

2001-08-28 12:45:00 625

原创 iczelion tut11

Tutorial 11: More about Dialog BoxWe will learn more about dialog box in this tutorial. Specifically, we will explore the topic of how to use dialog boxs as our input-output devices. If you read t

2001-08-28 12:44:00 622

原创 iczelion tut12

Tutorial 12: Memory Management and File I/OWe will learn the rudimentary of memory management and file i/o operation in this tutorial. In addition well use common dialog boxes as input-output dev

2001-08-28 12:44:00 678

原创 iczelion tut10

Tutorial 10: Dialog Box as Main WindowNow comes the really interesting part about GUI, the dialog box. In this tutorial (and the next), we will learn how to use a dialog box as our main window.

2001-08-28 12:38:00 695

原创 iczelion tut9

Tutorial 9: Child Window ControlsIn this tutorial, we will explore child window controls which are very important input and output devices of our programs. Download the example here. Theory:Wi

2001-08-28 12:37:00 735

原创 iczelion tut8

 Tutorial 8: MenuIn this tutorial, we will learn how to incorporate a menu into our window. Download the example 1 and example 2. Theory:Menu is one of the most important component in your win

2001-08-28 12:33:00 1028

原创 iczelion tut7

   Tutorial 7: Mouse InputWe will learn how to receive and respond to mouse input in our window procedure. The example program will wait for left mouse clicks and display a text string at th

2001-08-28 12:32:00 629

原创 iczelion tut6

Theory:Since normally theres only one keyboard in each PC, all running Windows programs must share it between them. Windows is responsible for sending the key strokes to the window which has the inpu

2001-08-28 12:23:00 697

原创 iczelion tut4

Tutorial 4: Painting with TextTheory:Text in Windows is a type of GUI object.  Each character is composed of numerous pixels (dots) that are lumped together into a distinct pattern. Thats why its

2001-08-28 12:22:00 671

原创 iczelion tut5

Tutorial 5: More about TextTheory:Windows color system is based on RGB values, R=red, G=Green, B=Blue. If you want to specify a color in Windows, you must state your desired color in terms of these

2001-08-28 12:22:00 736

原创 iczelion tut2

 第二课 消息框在本课中,我们将用汇编语言写一个 Windows 程序,程序运行时将弹出一个消息框并显示"Win32 assembly is great!"。理论:Windows 为编写应用程序提供了大量的资源。其中最重要的是Windows API (Application Programming Interface)。 Windows API是一大组功能强大的函数,它们本

2001-08-28 12:21:00 526

原创 iczelion tut3

Tutorial 3: A Simple WindowTheory:Windows programs rely heavily on API functions for their GUI. This approach benefits both users and programmers. For users, they dont have to learn how to navigate

2001-08-28 12:21:00 721

原创 iczelion tut1

Tutorial 1: The BasicsThis tutorial assumes that the reader knows how to use MASM. If youre not familiar with MASM, download win32asm.exe and study the text inside the package before going on w

2001-08-28 12:20:00 681

原创 iczelion tut33

Tutorial 33: RichEdit Control: BasicsThere are lots of request on tutorials about RichEdit controls. Finally I have played with it enough to think I can write tutorials about it. So here it is: the

2001-08-27 23:56:00 961

原创 iczelion tut34

Tutorial 34: RichEdit Control: More Text OperationsYoull learn more about text operations under RichEdit control. Specifically, youll know how to search for/replace text, jumping to specific line

2001-08-27 23:53:00 1173

原创 iczelion tut35

Tutorial 35: RichEdit Control: Syntax HilightingBefore reading this tutorial, let me warn you that its a complicated subject: not suited for a beginner. This is the last in the richedit control tut

2001-08-27 23:47:00 718

原创 iczelion's asm tut2

Tutorial 2: MessageBoxheory:Windows prepares a wealth of resources for Windows programs. Central to this is the Windows API (Application Programming Interface). Windows API is a huge collection of

2001-08-27 23:07:00 652



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