Asynchronous Method Invocation 【翻译】 (三)

Passing parameters to your method

Okay, so calling functions without parameters is not going to take us very far, so I am going to modify my super fancy and sophisticated Foo function to take a few parameters.




Let's call FooWithParameters using BeginInvoke and EndInvoke. First of all, before we do anything, we must have a delegate that matches the signature of this method.





Think of BeginInvoke and EndInvoke as cutting our function into two separate methods. The BeginInvoke is responsible for accepting all the input parameters followed by two additional parameters every BeginInvoke has (callback delegate, and a state object). The EndInvoke is responsible for returning all output parameters (parameters marked with ref or out) and a return value, if there is one. Let's go back into our example to find out what are considered input parameters and what are output parameters. param1, param2, and list are all considered input parameters, and therefore, they will be accepted as arguments to the BeginInvoke method. The return value of type string is considered an output parameter, and therefore, it will be the return type for EndInvoke. The cool thing is that the compiler is able to generate the correct signature for BeginInvoke and EndInvoke based on the declaration of your delegate. Notice that I decided to modify the values of my input parameters just to examine if the behaviour is as I expect it to be without calling BeginInvoke and EndInvoke. I also re-allocate the ArrayList that is passed to a new ArrayList. So, try to guess what the output is going to be...





Let's see our FooWithParameters again, just so you don't need to scroll up.





Let me give you the three lines from the output window after calling EndInvoke():




Okay, let�s analyze all this. Even when my function modifies the values of the input parameters, we don�t get to see those changes after calling EndInvoke. The string is a mutable type, therefore, a copy of the string is created, and the change is not passed back to the caller. Integers are value types, and they create a copy when passed by value. Finally, re-creating the ArrayList is not returned to the caller because the reference to the ArrayList is passed by value, and in fact, re-creating the ArrayList is simply creating a new allocation for ArrayList assigning the "copied" reference that was passed. In fact, that reference is lost, and normally considered as a memory leak; but luckily for us, the .NET garbage collector will eventually grab it. So, what if we wanted to get back our new allocated ArrayList and the rest of the changes we did to our parameters? What do we need to do? Well, it is simple; we simply have to tag the ArrayList as a ref parameter. Just for fun, let�s also add output parameters just to show how EndInvoke is changed.


好吧,让我们分析下这些东东。我的函数修改了输入参数的值,但是调用EndInvoke以后并没有变化什么。string是一个变量类型,因此,拷贝的string变量生成后,变化没有传递给原调用函数。Integers 是一个值类型,当传值时,创建一个拷贝。最后,重新创建ArrayList也没有回传给原调用者,因为ArrayList也是传值方式,实际上,重新创键一个ArrayList也只是简单的分配了一个新的ArrayList拷贝,传递的是拷贝。其实,引用的丢失,通常被认为是内存泄露;但幸运的是,.NET的垃圾回收机制处理了这些。那么,如果我们想回传一个新分配的ArrayList而且改变其他一些变化,该怎么对参数进行修改那?需要怎么修改?好吧,很简单;只要把ArrayList参数标示一个ref。很高兴,通过添加输出参数,我们也可以显示EndInvoke怎么变化情况了。


Let us see what is considered an output parameter and what is considered an input parameter�

  • Param1 is an input parameter, it will only be accepted within BeginInvoke.
  • Param2 is input and output; therefore, it will be passed to both BeginInvoke and EndInvoke (EndInvoke will give us the updated value).
  • list is passed by reference, and therefore, it is too going to be passed to both BeginInvoke and EndInvoke.

Let�s see how our delegate looks like now:



* Param1是一个输入参数,它只是BeginInvoke的参数

* Param2是一个输入输出参数;因此,所以可以传递给BeginInvoke也可以传递给EndInvoke(EndInvoke给我们更新过的值)

* list是一个引用方式传递,因此,所以可以传递给BeginInvoke也可以传递给EndInvoke




and finally, let's look at the function that calls FooWithOutAndRefParameters:





Here is the output:





Notice that param1 does not change. It is an input parameter, and param2 was passed as an output parameter and was updated to 200. The array list has been reallocated, and now we see that it is pointing to a new reference of zero elements (the original reference is lost). I hope that now you understand how parameters are passed with BeginInvoke and EndInvoke. Let�s move on to looking at how to be notified if a non-blocking function is completed.









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