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转载 程序员吃的是青春饭?


2018-05-30 10:47:00 166

转载 Mixed Reality Toolkit-Unity开发系列—Sharing模块

今天要为大家带来的内容是我们在HoloLens开发时,经常使用到的一个开发神器-微软原生开发包Mixed Reality Toolkit-Unity(简称“MRTK”):这是一组脚本和组件集成的开源开发工具包,旨在加速针对用Unity开发Windows的混合现实应用程序。整个工具包分为九大模块: Sharing,Input,Spatial Mapping,Spatial Soun...

2018-05-30 10:46:00 353

转载 软件开发的七条原则


2018-05-24 11:02:00 251

转载 .Net桌面程序自动更新NAppUpdate

自动更新介绍我们做了程序,不免会有版本升级,这就需要程序有自动版本升级的功能。应用程序自动更新是由客户端应用程序自身负责从一个已知服务器下载并安装更新,用户唯一需要进行干预的是决定是否愿意现在或以后安装新的更新。客户端程序要完成自动更新必须要做三件事情:检查是否有更新;当发现有更新时,开始下载更新;当下载完成时,执行更新操作;分别分析一下这三个步骤: 1、检查更新...

2018-05-18 14:19:00 1117

转载 GUI应用模式

我们所开发的应用程序大多都需要提供一个图形用户界面(GUI)。关于GUI应用的架构设计, 已经有了很多模式, 比如Martin Fowler的blog中有一篇"GUI Architectures“, 里面介绍了Form & Control、MVC、MVP、Passive View、Presentation Model、 Supervising Controller、Event...

2012-05-24 15:34:00 186

转载 c# interview examination questions

What is the difference between Finalize() and Dispose()?Dispose() is called by as an indication for an object to release any unmanaged resources it has held.Finalize() is used for the same pur...

2012-04-25 21:25:00 144

转载 how to use wpf control in a winform application

A little while back, we did a tutorial on how to embed WinFoms controls inside of WPF application (you can read all about ithere). Today, we are going to flip that on its head - we are going to ...

2012-04-24 21:19:00 138

转载 prism框架里module太多启动速度过慢

一个基于prism框架desktop项目,总共有100多个module。程序启动的时候有几秒钟的delay。用的DirectoryModuleCatalog类从本地目录中装载module的程序集。附:DirectoryModuleCatalog装载部分源代码View Code //============================================...

2011-11-21 14:55:00 1155

转载 Localizing of WPF application

The main WPF thread will always be assigned a default setting for CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture. You can also explicitly set these values based on user preferences (to be discussed). An imp...

2011-11-21 14:11:00 123

转载 Unity 中的拦截功能

Dino Esposito 在上个月的专栏中,我简要介绍了 Unity 2.0 依赖关系注入容器使用的拦截机制。 在演示面向方面的编程 (AOP) 的核心概念之后,我介绍了一个具体的拦截示例,可能符合如今的很多开发人员的需要。 您是否想要扩展现有代码的行为却不想以任何方式触及源代码? 您是否希望围绕现有的代码再运行更多代码? AOP 的目标是提供一种方法,将核心代码与其他干...

2011-11-19 13:35:00 666

转载 Interception and Interceptors in C# (Aspect oriented programming) 转载

Interception and Interceptors in C# (Aspect oriented programming)by Ioannis 16. January 2011 10:38 In this post, we see how to define specific actions to be executed before or after the execu...

2011-11-19 12:27:00 117

转载 Binding的原理简单介绍

前言  开始写这个新系列,这些年用WPF做了很多项目,杂七杂八的东西写了不少,略略总结下,也希望能给朋友们带来点帮助。  本篇文章主要是自实现了一个BindingEngine,可以在WPF,WinForm,Web等各个情景中使用。引子  按照惯例,先找一个插入点,从之讲起。  既然是企业应用,先来说说为什么要写这个BindingEngine。  项目背景是一个机械的配置文件编辑器,大概有...

2011-06-02 10:22:00 403

转载 WPF Snippet Tutorial - Aligning ListView Items

WPF is powerful. So powerful in fact, that sometimes it's hard to find styles and settings to make it do what you want. Aligning ListView items was one such example for me. This snippet tutorial ...

2010-08-27 10:01:00 110

转载 WPF Tutorial - How To Use A DataTemplateSelector

DataTemplates are an extremely powerful part of WPF, and by using them, you can abstract all sorts of display code. However, there are times when they fall short - and initially when I was learni...

2010-08-26 18:30:00 173

转载 Dependency Properties

Dependency Properties Introduction Value resolution strategy The magic behind it How to create a DepdencyProperty Readonly DependencyProperties Attached DependencyProperties Listen to dependency ...

2010-08-26 17:03:00 151

转载 Introduction To Dependency Properties of WPF

http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/wpf-tutorial-introduction-to-dependency-propertiesSo I was going to dive right in and do a part 2 on the WPF ListView tutorial from last week, but as ...

2010-08-26 16:29:00 161

转载 朋友的公司招.net程序员2名及项目经理1名

好久不来了,也不知道现在的规矩,发个帮朋友公司招人的广告不知道是不违规。违规的话请dudu删除吧!招收.net开发工程师2名 项目经理1名:1、 三年以上工作经验、两年以上.Net开发经验,精通C#、能指导程序员进行编码;2、具有B/S、C/S架构进销存项目开发经验;了解三层架构模式;3、精通SqlServer和mysql数据库原理及应用 4、有比较丰富的项目架构设计...

2009-04-01 23:53:00 95

转载 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 W3C Note 08 May 2000This version:http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508Latest version:http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAPAuthors (alphabetic...

2008-05-07 10:40:00 300

转载 how to create pdf by itextsharp


2008-03-27 15:43:00 76

转载 convert RGB colorspace to Homochromy(Black/whit)


2008-03-27 15:30:00 108

转载 图片处理转换

1. 引言彩色图象是多光谱图象的一种特殊情况,对应于人类视觉的三基色即红、绿、蓝三个波段,是对人眼的光谱量化性质的近似。三基色模型是建立图象成像、显示、打印等设备的基础,具有十分重要的作用。在第二章中,已经就彩色做了基本介绍,例如各种彩色空间的表示、定量关系,彩色立方体等直观的图示,参见:(第二章 图象获取、显示、表示与处理)图象显示部分,这里不再重复。 有关彩色的资料参见...

2008-03-27 10:52:00 502

转载 how to design a hardware service use .net remoting

This is a simple document about Hardware service and purposes of resources lock issue. About the hardware resources lock issue:1. Add a member named IsLocked to the Remote Service Obj...

2008-03-24 19:15:00 76

转载 : 使用SAAJ发送和接收SOAP消息

技巧: 使用SAAJ发送和接收SOAP消息 Java API使得手工生成和发送消息时许多必需的步骤变得自动化 ...

2008-03-17 09:52:00 166

转载 consume an asp.net webservice(upload a file to server) from java via soap

import org.tempuri.ServiceClient;import org.tempuri.ServiceSoap;import javax.xml.soap.*;import javax.xml.transform.Source;import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;import javax.xml.transfo...

2008-03-17 09:49:00 114

转载 紧急求助:我们想做一个service程序,这个service负责统一管理这台机器上装的一些设备(包括签字板,扫描仪等等),...

求助 我们想做一个service程序,这个service负责统一管理这台机器上装的一些设备(包括签字板,扫描仪等等), 有service来负责分配和排队这些设备,供其它的aplication使用.我们可能有几个应用程序都需要调用这个service。 我不知道这个应该怎么做,也没什么想法。 有没有朋友能提供这方面的架构或资料,文章等等。万分感谢!!!已经找到解决方案...

2007-11-08 16:09:00 97

转载 Asynchronous Method Invocation

IntroductionIn this article, I am going to explain asynchronous method calls and how to use them. After playing with delegates, threads, and asynchronous invocation for so long, it would be a s...

2007-07-12 17:07:00 213

转载 Reading Data Directly from the Printer

http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/ReadDataUsingPJL.aspIntroductionThis code will help you to directly fetch information from a network printer using the Printer Job Language. Here, you will h...

2007-07-12 15:06:00 169

转载 What is PostScript?

What is PostScript?PostScript is a computer language designed explicitly for page description -- for printing graphics and text. It was introduced in 1985 by Adobe and is a great way to describ...

2007-07-12 14:14:00 182

转载 INFO:VB/VBA (Long) 的转换自动化错误

概要本文介绍了几种可以用于获得错误代码消息文本的方法。本文还包含在 Winerror.h 中找到的错误代码和描述的列表。 注意:如果在使用 Visual Basic 中的自动化功能或使用 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 时出现错误,则该错误并不总是包括错误消息文本。回到顶端更多信息请参阅 Winerror.h...

2007-05-22 13:22:00 1953

转载 Temporary Post Used For Style Detection (20c98989-7f39-4f15-8e19-4102a63cfc7e)

This is a temporary post that was not deleted. Please delete this manually. (2ce9db03-6dc5-410d-8d1c-93d84a99eba9)转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/umlchina/archive/2006/10/12/527519.html

2006-10-12 16:37:00 116

转载 VB 与 Windows API 讲座(叁)转载

code demo downloadVB 与 Windows API 讲座(叁) Windows 的讯息系统/王国荣VB 程式有两种工作模式—主动模式及事件驱动模式,主动模式与传统的 DOS 程式很像,程式载入系统後就会一直执行,直到结束为止,事件驱动模式则会在程式载入系统後,先暂时停止执行,直到事件发生时,才驱动对应的事件程序而执行某段程式,执行此段...

2006-10-05 17:53:00 146

转载 How to create a PDF viewer by step

How to create a PDF viewer by step转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/umlchina/archive/2006/09/29/howtocreatepdfview.html

2006-09-29 09:55:00 85

转载 callback vb6 application in .net domain

there is a old VB6 project in our company. we add some new feature that is COM component be writed by C# recently.the VB6 application calling the COM component do some work like open a window dia...

2006-09-20 17:30:00 98

转载 PDF Writer ->an article on using virtual priter method to create pdf files

the article come from codeproject http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/PDFWriter.aspDownload PDFWriter demo project - 93 Kb introductionthe main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to...

2006-09-20 17:04:00 148

转载 Printing architecture

Introduction The Printing Architecture is one of the major components from Windows architecture. It consists of a print spooler and a set of printer drivers. The applications can create print jo...

2006-09-20 16:45:00 193

转载 convert ps pcl emf wmf to pdf files using ghostscript

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/46dac66f0100059v【动心】  有些事情会者不屑于做,而对初学者,如果身边无人指点,只凭网上资料,要理解且操作成功,还是比较难的。我在学vim、pdf、还有bblean 的过程中都有这样体会。就文不厌细地记录一下,供有兴趣的入门者参照体验。【动脑】  制作pdf,当然可以用PDFCreator 或...

2006-09-20 16:37:00 236

转载 test windows live writer 1


2006-09-13 11:00:00 80

转载 .NET Remoting with an easy example转载

Download source files - 16.6 Kb Download demo project - 8.92 Kb Introduction.NET Remoting is a mechanism for communicating between objects which are not in the same process. It i...

2006-07-20 11:45:00 161

转载 resove the question Font 'couri new' does not support style regular"

We have received an update from the client to resolve the error message "Font 'Arial' does not support style regular" while opening the Image Zone software. We have browse to the Font folder loca...

2006-06-30 10:15:00 135

转载 从 COM 组件调用 .NET 组件

升级到 Microsoft .NET Mike GunderloyLark Group, Inc. 2002年1月摘要:详细说明了如何从 COM 客户端调用 Microsoft .NET 服务器。 目标 理解 COM 可调用包装的概念 创建一个可以从 Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0 调用的 .NET 服务器 使用 sn、...

2006-06-13 10:54:00 190



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