Google Maps API Reference——Google 地图 API 文档之七-4

interface GTileLayer

You implement this interface in order to provide custom map tile layers, either through GMapType or GTileLayerOverlay. Your implementation of this interface should use an instance of GTileLayer as a prototype, because this implements the copyright handling for you.


GTileLayer(copyrights, minResolution, maxResolution, options?)Constructor arguments can be omitted if instantiated as a prototype. A Subclass constructor must invoke this constructor using call(). The optional options parameter specifies a set of GTileLayerOptions which should be passed as an object literal.


These methods are called by the map and the map type to which this tile layer is passed. You will need to implement the methods marked abstract when you implement a custom tile layer.

MethodsReturn ValueDescription
minResolution()NumberReturns to the map type the lowest zoom level of this tile layer.
maxResolution()NumberReturns to the map type the highest zoom level of this tile layer.
getTileUrl(tile, zoom)StringAbstract. Returns to the map the URL of the map tile with the tile indices given by the x and y properties of the GPoint, at the given zoom level.
isPng()BooleanAbstract. Returns to the map whether the tiles are in PNG image format and hence can be transparent. Otherwise GIF is assumed.
getOpacity()NumberAbstract. Returns to the map the opacity with which to display this tile layer. 1.0 is opaque, 0.0 is transparent.
getCopyright(bounds, zoom)StringAbstract. Returns to the map the copyright messages for this tile layer that are pertinent for the given map region at the given zoom level. This is used to generate the copyright message of the GMapType to which this tile layer belongs. (Since 2.89)


newcopyrightcopyrightThis event is fired when a new copyright is added to the copyright collection of this tile layer.

class GTileLayerOptions

This class represents optional arguments to the GTileLayer interface. It has no constructor, but is instantiated as an object literal.


opacity NumberSets the tile opacity from 0.0 (invisible) to 1.0 (opaque). The default is 1.0.
isPng BooleanIndicates whether or not tiles are in the PNG format.
tileUrlTemplate StringSpecifies a template for the tile URLs that will be expanded for each tile request to refer to a unique tile based on an existing tile coordinate system. Placing a template in the GTileLayer constructor allows you to dynamically retrieve tiles using this coordinate system, similar to the way Google Maps retrieves tiles. Templates should be of the form:http://host/tile?x={X}&y={Y}&z={Z}.png where X and Y refer to latitudinal and longitudinal tile coordinates, and Z refers to the zoom level. E.g. http://host/tile?x=3&y=27&z=5.png.
draggingCursor StringThe cursor to display while dragging the map. (Since 2.59)

class GTileLayerOverlay

A GTileLayerOverlay augments the map with a GTileLayer. It implements the GOverlay interface and thus is added to the map using the GMap2.addOverlay() method. The GTileLayer is presented on top of the existing map imagery - to replace the imagery instead, put the GTileLayer inside a custom GMapType.


GTileLayerOverlay(tileLayer)Creates a GOverlay that wraps the tileLayer. (Since 2.61)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
hide()noneHides this overlay so it is not visible, but maintains its position in the stack of overlays. (Since 2.71)
isHidden()noneReturns true if the tile layer overlay is hidden. Otherwise returns false. (Since 2.87)
show()noneShows a previously hidden TileLayerOverlay. (Since 2.71)
supportsHide()noneAlways returns true. (Since 2.87)
getTileLayer()noneReturns the tile layer used by this overlay. (Since 2.83)

class GCopyrightCollection

You use this class to manage copyright messages displayed on maps of custom map type. If you don't implement custom map types, then you don't need to use this class. A copyright collection contains information about which copyright to display for which region on the map at which zoom level. This is very important for map types that display heterogenous data such as the satellite map type.


GCopyrightCollection(prefix?)Copyright messages produced from this copyright collection will have the common prefix given as the argument. Example: "Imagery (C) 2006"


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
addCopyright(copyright)noneAdds a copyright information object to the collection.
getCopyrights(bounds, zoom)Array of StringReturns all copyright strings that are pertinent for the given map region at the given zoom level. Example: [ "Google", "Keyhole" ]
getCopyrightNotice(bounds, zoom)StringReturns the prefix and all relevant copyright strings that are pertinent for the given map region at the given zoom level. Example: "Imagery (C) 2006 Google, Keyhole"


newcopyrightcopyrightThis event is fired when a new copyright was added to this copyright collection.

class GCopyright

A copyright object contains information about which copyright message applies to a region of the map given by a rectangle, at a given zoom level. You need this object only if you implement custom map types or tile layers.


GCopyright(id, bounds, minZoom, text)Creates a copyright information object with the given properties.


id NumberA unique identifier for this copyright information.
minZoom NumberThe lowest zoom level at which this information applies.
bounds GLatLngBoundsThe region to which this information applies.
text StringThe text of the copyright message.

interface GProjection

This is the interface for map projections. A map projection instance is passed to the constructor of GMapType. This interface is implemented by the class GMercatorProjection, which is used by all predefined map types. You can implement this interface if you want to define map types with different map projections.


These methods are called by the map. You need to implement them.

MethodsReturn ValueDescription
fromLatLngToPixel(latlng, zoom)GPointReturns the map coordinates in pixels for the point at the given geographical coordinates, and the given zoom level.
fromPixelToLatLng(pixel, zoom, unbounded?)noneReturns the geographical coordinates for the point at the given map coordinates in pixels, and the given zoom level. Flag unbounded causes the geographical longitude coordinate not to wrap when beyond the -180 or 180 degrees meridian.
tileCheckRange(tile, zoom, tilesize)noneReturns to the map if the tile index is in a valid range for the map type. Otherwise the map will display an empty tile. It also may modify the tile index to point to another instance of the same tile in the case that the map contains more than one copy of the earth, and hence the same tile at different tile coordinates.
getWrapWidth(zoom)noneReturns to the map the periodicity in x-direction, i.e. the number of pixels after which the map repeats itself because it wrapped once round the earth. By default, returns Infinity, i.e. the map will not repeat itself. This is used by the map to compute the placement of overlays on map views that contain more than one copy of the earth (this usually happens only at low zoom levels). (Since 2.46)

class GMercatorProjection

This implementation of the GProjection interface for the mercator projection is used by all predefined map types.


GMercatorProjection(zoomlevels)Creates a mercator projection for the given number of zoom levels.


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
fromLatLngToPixel(latlng, zoom)GPointSee GProjection.
fromPixelToLatLng(pixel, zoom, unbounded?)GLatLngSee GProjection.
tileCheckRange(tile, zoom, tilesize)noneSee GProjection.
getWrapWidth(zoom)noneSee GProjection. Mercator projection is periodic in longitude direction, therefore this returns the width of the map of the entire Earth in pixels at the given zoom level. (Since 2.46)

namespace GEvent

This namespace contains functions that you use to register event handlers, both for custom events and for DOM events, and to fire custom events. All the events defined by this API are custom events that are internally fired by GEvent.trigger().

Static Methods

Static MethodsReturn ValueDescription
addListener(source, event, handler)GEventListenerRegisters an event handler for a custom event on the source object. Returns a handle that can be used to eventually deregister the handler. The event handler will be called with this set to the source object.
addDomListener(source, event, handler)GEventListenerRegisters an event handler for a DOM event on the source object. The source object must be a DOM Node. Returns a handle that can be used to eventually deregister the handler. The event handler will be called with this set to the source object. This function uses the DOM methods for the current browser to register the event handler.
removeListener(handle)noneRemoves a handler that was installed using addListener() or addDomListener().
clearListeners(source, event)noneRemoves all handlers on the given object for the given event that were installed using addListener() or addDomListener().
clearInstanceListeners(source)noneRemoves all handlers on the given object for all events that were installed using addListener() or addDomListener().
trigger(source, event, ...)noneFires a custom event on the source object. All remaining optional arguments after event are passed in turn as arguments to the event handler functions.
bind(source, event, object, method)GEventListenerRegisters an invocation of the method on the given object as the event handler for a custom event on the source object. Returns a handle that can be used to eventually deregister the handler.
bindDom(source, event, object, method)GEventListenerRegisters an invocation of the method on the given object as the event handler for a custom event on the source object. Returns a handle that can be used to eventually deregister the handler.
callback(object, method)FunctionReturns a closure that calls method on object.
callbackArgs(object, method, ...)FunctionReturns a closure that calls method on object. All remaining optional arguments after method are passed in turn as arguments method when the returned function is invoked.


clearlistenersevent?This event is fired on object when clearListeners() or clearInstanceListeners() is called on that object. Of course, the event is fired before the functions are executed.

class GEventListener

This class is opaque. It has no methods and no constructor. Its instances are returned from GEvent.addListener() or GEvent.addDomListener() and are eventually passed back to GEvent.removeListener().

namespace GXmlHttp

This namespace provides a factory method to create XmlHttpRequest instances in a browser independent way.

Static Methods

Static MethodsReturn ValueDescription
create()GXmlHttpFactory to create a new instance of XmlHttpRequest.

namespace GXml

This namespace provides static methods to handle XML documents and document fragments.

Static Methods

Static MethodsReturn ValueDescription
parse(xmltext)NodeParses the given string as XML text and returns a DOM representation. If the browser doesn't support XML parsing natively, this returns the DOM node of an empty DIV element.
value(xmlnode)StringReturns the text value (i.e., only the plain text content) of the XML document fragment given in DOM representation.

class GXslt

This class provides methods to apply XSLT to XML in a browser-independent way.

Static Methods

Static MethodsReturn ValueDescription
create(xsltnode)GXsltCreates a GXslt instance from the XSLT stylesheet given as DOM representation.
transformToHtml(xmlnode, htmlnode)BooleanUses the XSLT stylesheet given in the constructor of this GXslt instance to transform the XML document given as DOM representation in xmlnode. Appends the resulting HTML document fragment to the given htmlnode. This only works if the browser natively supports XSL transformations, in which case it will return true. Otherwise, this function will do nothing and return false.

namespace GLog

This namespace contains some static methods that help you to debug web applications. When you use one of the write*() methods for the first time, a floating window opens on the page and displays the written messages.

Static Methods

Static MethodsReturn ValueDescription
write(message, color?)noneWrites the message as plain text into the log window. HTML markup characters will be escaped so that they are visible as characters.
writeUrl(url)noneWrites a link to the given URL into the log window.
writeHtml(html)noneWrites text as HTML in the log window.

class GDraggableObject

This class makes a DOM element draggable. The static members for changing the drag cursors affect all subsequently created draggable objects, such as the map, zoom control slider, and overview map rectangles. The per-instance members affect only their particular instance. For example, before creating the map, you can call GDraggableObject.setDraggableCursor('default') and GDraggableObject.setDraggingCursor('move') to get the pre-API 2.56 style. Alternatively, the Map constructor can take options to set its DraggableObject's cursor style. See the W3C CSS specification for allowable cursor values.


GDraggableObject(src, opts?) Sets up event handlers so that the source element can be dragged. Left and top optionally position the element, and the optional container serves as a bounding box. (Since 2.59)

Static Methods

Static MethodsReturn ValueDescription
setDraggableCursor(cursor)noneSets the draggable cursor for subsequently created draggable objects. (Since 2.59)
setDraggingCursor(cursor)noneSets the dragging cursor for subsequently created draggable objects. (Since 2.59)
getDraggingCursor()StringReturns the current dragging cursor in use by the map. If not set through the static setDraggingCursor() method, this returns the default cursor used by the map for its controls and markers. (Since 2.87)
getDraggableCursor()StringReturns the current draggable cursor in use by the map. If not set through the static setDraggableCursor() method, this returns the default cursor used by the map for its controls and markers. (Since 2.87)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
setDraggableCursor(cursor)noneSets the cursor when the mouse is over this draggable object. (Since 2.59)
setDraggingCursor(cursor)noneSets the cursor when the mouse is held down, dragging this draggable object. (Since 2.59)
moveTo(point)noneMoves the GDraggableObject to a given absolute position. The position is in pixel coordinates relative to the parent node. This method uses the DOM coordinate system, i.e. the X coordinate increases to the left, and the Y coordinate increases downwards. (Since 2.89)
moveBy(size)noneMoves the GDraggableObject by a given size offset. This method uses the DOM coordinate system, i.e. width increases to the left, and height increases downwards. (Since 2.89)


mousedownnoneThis event is fired in response to the DOM mousedown event. Handling this event will prevent the default action of the DOM mousedown event. (Since 2.84)
mouseupnoneThis event is fired in response to the DOM mouseup event on a draggable object. Handling this event will prevent the default action of the DOM mouseup event. (Since 2.84)
clicknoneThis event is fired when a draggable object is clicked. (Since 2.84)
dragstartnoneThis event is fired at the start of a draggable object's drag event (when the user initiates a drag by clicking and dragging a draggable object). (Since 2.84)
dragnoneThis event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the draggable object. (Since 2.84)
dragendnoneThis event is fired at the end of a draggable object's drag event (when the user releases a drag). (Since 2.84)

class GDraggableObjectOptions

This class represents optional arguments to the GDraggableObject constructor. It has no constructor, but is instantiated as an object literal.


left NumberThe left starting position of the object. (Since 2.59)
top NumberThe top starting position of the object. (Since 2.59)
container NodeA DOM element that will act as a bounding box for the draggable object (Since 2.59)
draggableCursor StringThe cursor to show on mousover. (Since 2.59)
draggingCursor StringThe cursor to show while dragging. (Since 2.59)
delayDrag BooleanBy default, the event dragstart is fired when the DOM mousedown event is fired on a draggable DOM element. Similarly, the event dragend is fired when the DOM mouseup event is fired. Setting this value to true delays drag events until the mouse has moved from the location where the mousedown or mouseup was generated. The default value for this property is false. (Since 2.84)

enum GGeoStatusCode

Numeric equivalents for each symbolic constant are specified in parentheses.


G_GEO_SUCCESS (200) No errors occurred; the address was successfully parsed and its geocode has been returned. (Since 2.55)
G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST (400) A directions request could not be successfully parsed. (Since 2.81)
G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR (500) A geocoding or directions request could not be successfully processed, yet the exact reason for the failure is not known. (Since 2.55)
G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY (601) The HTTP q parameter was either missing or had no value. For geocoding requests, this means that an empty address was specified as input. For directions requests, this means that no query was specified in the input. (Since 2.81)
G_GEO_MISSING_ADDRESS (601) Synonym for G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY. (Since 2.55)
G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS (602) No corresponding geographic location could be found for the specified address. This may be due to the fact that the address is relatively new, or it may be incorrect. (Since 2.55)
G_GEO_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS (603) The geocode for the given address or the route for the given directions query cannot be returned due to legal or contractual reasons. (Since 2.55)
G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS (604) The GDirections object could not compute directions between the points mentioned in the query. This is usually because there is no route available between the two points, or because we do not have data for routing in that region. (Since 2.81)
G_GEO_BAD_KEY (610) The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given. (Since 2.55)
G_GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES (620) The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period. (Since 2.55)

enum GGeoAddressAccuracy

There are no symbolic constants defined for this enumeration.


0 Unknown location. (Since 2.59)
1 Country level accuracy. (Since 2.59)
2 Region (state, province, prefecture, etc.) level accuracy. (Since 2.59)
3 Sub-region (county, municipality, etc.) level accuracy. (Since 2.59)
4 Town (city, village) level accuracy. (Since 2.59)
5 Post code (zip code) level accuracy. (Since 2.59)
6 Street level accuracy. (Since 2.59)
7 Intersection level accuracy. (Since 2.59)
8 Address level accuracy. (Since 2.59)

class GClientGeocoder

This class is used to communicate directly with Google servers to obtain geocodes for user specified addresses. In addition, a geocoder maintains its own cache of addresses, which allows repeated queries to be answered without a round trip to the server.


GClientGeocoder(cache?) Creates a new instance of a geocoder that talks directly to Google servers. The optional cache parameter allows one to specify a custom client-side cache of known addresses. If none is specified, a GFactualGeocodeCache is used. (Since 2.55)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
getLatLng(address, callback)none Sends a request to Google servers to geocode the specified address. If the address was successfully located, the user-specified callback function is invoked with a GLatLng point. Otherwise, the callback function is given a null point. In case of ambiguous addresses, only the point for the best match is passed to the callback function. (Since 2.55)
getLocations(address, callback)none Sends a request to Google servers to geocode the specified address. A reply that contains status code, and if successful, one or more Placemark objects, is passed to the user-specified callback function. Unlike the GClientGeocoder.getLatLng method, the callback function may determine the reasons for failure by examining the code value of the Status field. (Since 2.55)
getCache()GGeocodeCache Returns currently used geocode cache, or null, if no client-side caching is performed. (Since 2.55)
setCache(cache)none Sets a new client-side caching. If this method is invoked with cache set to null, client-side caching is disabled. Setting a new cache discards previously stored addresses. (Since 2.55)
setViewport(bounds)none Sets the geocoder to magnify geocoding results within or near the given viewport. The viewport is expressed as a GLatLngBounds rectangle. Note that setting a viewport does not restrict results to that bounding box, though it will elevate them in priority. (Since 2.82)
getViewport()GLatLngBounds Returns the viewport for magnifying geocoding results within that geocoder. The viewport is expressed as a GLatLngBounds rectangle. (Since 2.82)
setBaseCountryCode(countryCode)none Sets the geocoder to bias search results as if they were sent from the domain specified by the given ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2) country code. Geocoding is only supported for those countries in which Google Maps itself supports geocoding. Most ISO 3166-1 codes are identical to top-level Internet domain, with some notable exceptions. For example, "ES" refers to the top-level Internet domain for Spain: .es while "GB" refers to the top-level Internet domain for Great Britain: Note that the default domain is the domain from which you initially load the Maps API. Country codes are case insensitive. (Since 2.82)
getBaseCountryCode()String Returns the current country code in use by the given geocoder. (If no country code is in effect, this method returns null.) (Since 2.82)
reset()none Resets the geocoder. In particular this method calls the GGeocodeCache.reset() method on the client-side cache, if one is used by this geocoder. (Since 2.55)

class GGeocodeCache

This class maintains a map from addresses to known locations. While this class is fully functional, it is intended as a base class from which more sophisticated caches are derived.


GGeocodeCache() Creates a new cache for storing a map from addresses to locations. The constructor immediately calls the GGeocodeCache.reset method. (Since 2.55)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
get(address)Object Returns the reply which was stored under the given address. If no reply was ever stored for the given address, this method returns null. (Since 2.55)
isCachable(reply)Boolean Returns whether or not the given reply should be cached. By default very rudimentary checks are performed on the reply object. In particular, this class makes sure that the object is not null and that it has the name field . This method may be overridden by extending classes to provide more precise conditions on the reply object. (Since 2.55)
put(address, reply)none Stores the given reply under the given address. This method calls the GGeocodeCache.isCachable method to verify that the reply may be cached. If it gets a go-ahead, it caches the reply under the address normalized with the help of the GGeocodeCache.toCanoninical method. (Since 2.55)
reset()none Purges all replies from the cache. After this method returns, the cache is empty. (Since 2.55)
toCanonical(address)String Returns what is considered a canonical version of the address. It converts the address parameter to lower case, replaces comas with spaces and replaces multiple spaces with one space. (Since 2.55)

class GFactualGeocodeCache

This class refines the basic GGeocodeCache class by placing stricter conditions on cached replies. It only caches replies which are very unlikely to change within a short period of time.


GFactualGeocodeCache() Creates a new cache that stores only replies it considers factual. (Since 2.55)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
isCachable(reply)Boolean Overrides the default implementation of this method to perform a more thorough check of the status code. Only a reply with Status.code set to G_GEO_SUCCESS, or known to be invalid, is considered cachable. Replies that timed out or resulted in a generic server error are not cached. (Since 2.55)

class GMarkerManager

This class is used to manage visibility of hundreds of markers on a map, based on the map's current viewport and zoom level.


GMarkerManager(map, opts?) Creates a new marker manager that controlls visibility of markers for the specified map. (Since 2.67)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
addMarkers(markers, minZoom, maxZoom?)none Adds a batch of markers to this marker manager. The markers are not added to the map, until the refresh() method is called. Once placed on a map, the markers are shown if they fall within the map's current viewport and the map's zoom level is greater than or equal to the specified minZoom. If the maxZoom was given, the markers are automatically removed if the map's zoom is greater than the one specified. (Since 2.67)
addMarker(marker, minZoom, maxZoom?)none Adds a single marker to a collection of markers controlled by this manager. If the marker's location falls within the map's current viewport and the map's zoom level is within the specified zoom level rage, the marker is immediately added to the map. Similar to the addMarkers method, the minZoom and the optional maxZoom parameters specify the range of zoom levels at which the marker is shown. (Since 2.67)
refresh()none Forces the manager to update markers shown on the map. This method must be called if markers were added using the addMarkers method. (Since 2.67)
getMarkerCount(zoom)Number Returns the total number of markers potentially visible at the given zoom level. This may include markers at lower zoom levels. (Since 2.67)


changed bounds, markerCount This event is fired when markers managed by a manager have been added to or removed from the map. The event handler function should be prepared to accept two arguments. The fist one is the rectangle definining the bounds of the visible grid. The second one carries the number of markers currently shown on the map.

class GMarkerManagerOptions

This class represents optional arguments to the GMarkerManager constructor. It has no constructor, but is instantiated as an object literal.


borderPadding Number Specifies, in pixels, the extra padding outside the map's current viewport monitored by a manager. Markers that fall within this padding are added to the map, even if they are not fully visible. (Since 2.67)
maxZoom Number Sets the maximum zoom level monitored by a marker manager. If not given, the manager assumes the maximum map zoom level. This value is also used when markers are added to the manager without the optional maxZoom parameter. (Since 2.67)
trackMarkers Boolean Indicates whether or not a marker manager should track markers' movements. If you wish to move managed markers using the setPoint method, this option should be set to true. The default value is false. (Since 2.67)

class GGeoXml

A GGeoXml object add geographic content to the map from an XML file (such as a KML file) that is hosted on a publicly accessible web server. It implements the GOverlay interface and thus is added to the map using the GMap2.addOverlay() method.


GGeoXml(urlOfXml, callback?)Creates a GOverlay that represents that XML file. An optional callback function is invoked when the GGeoXml object finishes loading the XML file. (Since 2.76)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
getTileLayerOverlay()GTileLayerOverlay GGeoXml objects may create a tile overlay for optimization purposes in certain cases. This method returns this tile layer overlay (if available). Note that the tile overlay may be null if not needed, or if the GGeoXml file has not yet finished loading. (Since 2.84)
getDefaultCenter()GLatLngReturns the center of the default viewport as a lat/lng. This function should only be called after the file has been loaded. (Since 2.84)
getDefaultSpan()GLatLng Returns the span of the default viewport as a lat/lng. This function should only be called after the file has been loaded. (Since 2.84)
getDefaultBounds()GLatLngBounds Returns the bounding box of the default viewport. This function should only be called after the file has been loaded. (Since 2.84)
gotoDefaultViewport(map)none Sets the map's viewport to the default viewport of the XML file. (Since 2.84)
hasLoaded()Boolean Checks to see if the XML file has finished loading, in which case it returns true. If the XML file has not finished loading, this method returns false. (Since 2.84)
hide()noneHides the child overlays created by the GGeoXml object if the overlay is both currently visible and the overlay's supportsHide() method returns true. Note that this method will trigger the respective visibilitychanged event for each child overlay that fires that event (e.g. GMarker.visibilitychanged, GGroundOverlay.visibilitychanged, etc.). If no overlays are currently visible that return supportsHide() as true, this method has no effect. (Since 2.87)
isHidden()BooleanReturns true if the GGeoXml object is currently hidden, as changed by the GGeoXml.hide() method. Otherwise returns false. (Since 2.87)
loadedCorrectly()Boolean Checks to see if the XML file has loaded correctly, in which case it returns true. If the XML file has not loaded correctly, this method returns false. If the XML file has not finished loading, this method's return value is undefined. (Since 2.84)
show()noneShows the child overlays created by the GGeoXml object, if they are currently hidden. Note that this method will trigger the respective visibilitychanged event for each child overlay that fires that event (e.g. GMarker.visibilitychanged, GGroundOverlay.visibilitychanged). (Since 2.87)
supportsHide()BooleanAlways returns true. (Since 2.87)

function GDownloadUrl

This function provides a convenient way to asynchronously retrieve a resource identified by a URL. Notice that, since the XmlHttpRequest object is used to execute the request, it is subject to the same-origin restriction of cross-site scripting, i.e. the URL must refer to the same server as the URL of the current document that executes this code. Therefore, it is usually redundant to use an absolute URL for the url argument, and it is better to use an absolute or relative path only. It is the caller's responsibility to handle any exceptions that may be thrown, such as security errors.


FunctionReturn ValueDescription
GDownloadUrl(url, onload, postBody?, postContentType?)noneRetrieves the resource from the given URL and calls the onload function with the text of the document as first argument, and the HTTP response status code as the second. If the request times out, the onload function may be called instead with null as the first argument and -1 as the second. This function defaults to sending an HTTP GET request. To send an HTTP POST request instead, pass data within the optional postBody argument. If the data being sent is not of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded," pass the content type as a string in the postContentType argument. This method is subject to cross-site scripting restrictions. Note that this method uses the underlying XmlHttpRequest implementation of the browser.

function GBrowserIsCompatible

This function decides whether the maps API can be used in the current browser.


FunctionReturn ValueDescription
GBrowserIsCompatible()BooleanReturns true if the current browser supports the maps API library.

function GUnload

You can call this function to cause the map API to cleanup internal data structures to release memory. This helps you to work around various browser bugs that cause memory leaks in web applications. You should call this function in the unload event handler of your page. After this function was called, the map objects that you've created in this page will be dysfunctional.


FunctionReturn ValueDescription
GUnload()noneDismantles all registered event handlers in order to prevent memory leaks. Should be called as a handler for the unload event.

class GDirections

This class is used to obtain driving directions results and display them on a map and/or a text panel.


GDirections(map?, panel?) Creates a new instance of a directions object to request and store direction results. This directions object can then create directions given a query using the GDirections.load() method. The constructor takes an optional map object (to display a polyline of the computed directions) and/or a panel DIV element (to display textual direction results. If passed a map argument, whenever a new directions result is computed, the polyline and markers associated with the result are automatically added as overlays on the map. Similarly, when passed a panel argument, the textual directions associated with the result are added to the indicated DIV, replacing any existing content in the DIV. If either of these arguments is null, the associated elements are not retrieved unless explicitly requested in the GDirections.load() method. (See below.) Additionally, the object contains three event listeners which you can intercept: "load": This event is triggered when the results of a directions query issued via GDirections.load() are available. Note that the load() method initiates a new query, which in turn triggers a "load" event once the query has finished loading. The "load" event is triggered before any overlay elements are added to the map/panel. "addoverlay": This event is triggered after the polyline and/or textual directions components are added to the map and/or DIV elements. Note that the "addoverlay" event is not triggered if neither of these elements are attached to a GDirections object. "error": This event is triggered if a directions request results in an error. Callers can use GDirections.getStatus() to get more information about the error. When an "error" event occurs, no "load" or "addoverlay" events will be triggered. (Since 2.81)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
load(query, queryOpts?)none This method issues a new directions query. The query parameter is a string containing any valid directions query, e.g. "from: Seattle to: San Francisco" or "from: Toronto to: Ottawa to: New York". By default, if a map was specified during construction of the GDirections object, the query will request a polyline result. Similarly, if a text panel was specified, the query will request detailed textual results. Otherwise, the result will contain only summary information about routes found. In order to override this behavior (e.g. to request polyline information even when no map was attached to this object), callers can use the queryOpts optional parameter. See the documentation for GDirectionsOptions for details. When directions results are received, this object clears old results, replacing them with new ones and updating the map and/or panel with new results. Directions results consist of multiple routes (objects of type GRoute), one per consecutive pair of waypoints/addresses specified in the query. In turn, routes consist of multiple steps (objects of type GStep). If a previous load() request has not completed when a new call to load() is invoked, the previous request is cancelled. Thus, you can use a single GDirections object to issue directions requests serially, but to generate multiple requests in parallel, you must use multiple GDirections objects. (Since 2.81)
loadFromWaypoints(waypoints, queryOpts?)none Issues a new directions query using an array of waypoints as input instead of a single query string. Each entry in the array is a string representing an input address or a lat,lng point. See GDirections.load() for more details on the behavior of this method. (Since 2.81)
clear()none Clears any existing directions results, removes overlays from the map and panel, and cancels any pending load() requests. (Since 2.81)
getStatus()Object Returns the status of the directions request. The returned object has the following form: {   code: 200   request: "directions" } The status code can take any of the values defined in GGeoStatusCode. (Since 2.81)
getBounds()GLatLngBounds This method is used to get the bounding box for the result of this directions query. Returns a GLatLngBounds object or null if no successful result is available. (Since 2.81)
getNumRoutes()Number Returns the number of routes available in the result. For a successful query, this should be the total number of input waypoints minus 1. When no results are available (either because no query was issued or because the previous query was unsuccessful), this method returns 0. (Since 2.81)
getRoute(i)GRoute Return the GRoute object for the ith route in the response. (Since 2.81)
getNumGeocodes()Number Returns the number of geocoded entries available in the result. For a successful query, this should be equal to the total number of input waypoints. When no results are available (either because no query was issued or because the previous query was unsuccessful), this method returns 0. (Since 2.81)
getGeocode(i)Object Return the geocoded result for the ith waypoint. The structure of this object is identical to that of a single placemark in a response from the GClientGeocoder object. (Since 2.81)
getCopyrightsHtml()String Returns an HTML string containing the copyright information for this result. (Since 2.81)
getSummaryHtml()String Returns an HTML snippet containing a summary of the distance and time for this entire directions request. Note that this summary is the only information returned to a GDirections object constructed without an associated map or DIV element. (Since 2.81)
getDistance()Object Returns an object literal representing the total distance of the directions request (across all routes). The object contains two fields: a number called "meters" indicating the numeric value of the distance (in meters), and a string called "html" containing a localized string representation of the distance in the units that are predominant in the starting country of this set of directions. (Since 2.81)
getDuration()Object Returns an object literal representing the total time of the directions request (across all routes). The object contains two fields: a number called "seconds" indicating the numeric value of the time (in seconds), and a string called "html" containing a localized string representation of the time. (Since 2.81)
getPolyline()GPolyline Returns the GPolyline object associated with the entire directions response. Note that there is a single polyline that represents all the routes in the response. This object will be defined only after the directions results have been loaded (i.e. the "load" event has been triggered). (Since 2.81)
getMarker(i)GMarker Return the marker associated with the ith geocode. This method will return a non-null value only after the directions results have been loaded (i.e. the "load" event has been triggered). (Since 2.81)

class GDirectionsOptions

This class represents optional arguments to the GDirections.load() and GDirections.loadFromWaypoints() methods. It has no constructor, but is instantiated as an object literal.


locale StringThe locale to use for the directions result. For example, "en_US", "fr", "fr_CA", etc.
getPolyline BooleanBy default, the GDirections.load*() methods fetch polyline data only if a map is attached to the GDirections object. This field can be used to override this behavior and retrieve polyline data even when a map is not attached to the Directions object.
getSteps BooleanBy default, the GDirections.load*() methods fetch steps data only if a panel is attached to the GDirections object. This field can be used to override this behavior and retrieve steps data even when a panel is not attached to the Directions object.
preserveViewport BooleanBy default, when a Directions object has a map, the map is centered and zoomed to the bounding box of the the directions result. When this option is set to true, the viewport is left alone for this request (unless it was never set in the first place).

class GRoute

Objects of this class are created by the GDirections object to store information about a single route in a directions result. This class does not have a public constructor. Clients should not directly create objects of this class.


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
getNumSteps()Number Returns the number of steps in this route. (Since 2.81)
getStep(i)GStep Return the GStep object for the ith step in this route. (Since 2.81)
getStartGeocode()Object Return the geocode result for the starting point of this route. The structure of this object is identical to that of a single placemark in a response from the GClientGeocoder object. (Since 2.83)
getEndGeocode()Object Return the geocode result for the ending point of this route. The structure of this object is identical to that of a single placemark in a response from the GClientGeocoder object. (Since 2.83)
getEndLatLng()GLatLng Returns a GLatLng object for the last point along the polyline for this route. Note that this point may be different from the lat,lng in GRoute.getEndGeocode() because getEndLatLng() always returns a point that is snapped to the road network. There is no corresponding getStartLatLng() method because that is identical to calling GRoute.getStep(0).getLatLng(). (Since 2.81)
getSummaryHtml()String Returns an HTML snippet containing a summary of the distance and time for this route. (Since 2.81)
getDistance()Object Returns an object literal representing the total distance of this route. See GDirections.getDistance() for the structure of this object. (Since 2.81)
getDuration()Object Returns an object literal representing the total time of this route. See GDirections.getDuration() for the structure of this object. (Since 2.81)

class GStep

Objects of this class are created by the GDirections object to store information about a single step within a route in a directions result. This class does not have a public constructor. Clients should not directly create objects of this class.


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
getLatLng()GLatLng Returns a GLatLng object for the first point along the polyline for this step. (Since 2.81)
getPolylineIndex()Number Returns the index of the first point along the polyline for this step. (Since 2.81)
getDescriptionHtml()String Return an HTML string containing the description of this step. (Since 2.81)
getDistance()Object Returns an object literal representing the total distance of this step. See GDirections.getDistance() for the structure of this object. (Since 2.81)
getDuration()Object Returns an object literal representing the total time of this step. See GDirections.getDuration() for the structure of this object. (Since 2.81)

class GTrafficOverlay

A GTrafficOverlay object adds an overlay to the map that displays road traffic information. It implements the GOverlay interface and thus is added to the map using the GMap2.addOverlay() method and removed using the GMap2.removeOverlay() method. The GTrafficOverlay will only display traffic information for supported cities.


GTrafficOverlay()Creates a new GTrafficOverlay object that shows road traffic information. (Since 2.81)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
hide()noneHides the traffic overlay. (Since 2.81)
show()noneShows the traffic overlay. (Since 2.81)


changedhasTrafficInView This event is fired when the state of traffic data changes within the current viewport. This event may be fired either when moving the map between areas with and without traffic data or when the addition of a GTrafficOverlay to the map results in traffic data appearing within the current viewport. The hasTrafficInView parameter will be true if the viewport contains traffic data and false otherwise. The event works regardless of whether the layer is hidden or shown. (Since 2.85)

class GAdsManager

A GAdsManager object fetches AdSense ads and displays them on a specified map. Ads show up as GMarkers and can be clicked on to bring up the ad within the marker's info window. The GAdsManager selects AdSense ads based on the current viewport and the surrounding textual content on the page. Note that when adding a GAdsManager to a map, you must also specifically enable it using the enable() method.


GAdsManager(map, publisherId, adsManagerOptions?)Creates a new GAdsManager object that requests AdSense ads from Google's servers. The map parameter identifies the map on which this GAdsManager should display ads. The publisherId parameter specifies the developer's AdSense account. The adsManagerOptions parameter is a GAdsManagerOptions object literal. (Since 2.85)


MethodsReturn ValueDescription
enable()noneEnables fetching of ads. Ads are not fetched by default. (Since 2.85)
disable()noneDisables fetching of ads. (Since 2.85)

class GAdsManagerOptions

This class stores optional arguments to the GAdsManager constructor. It has no constructor, but is instantiated as an object literal.


maxAdsOnMap NumberThe maximum number of ads to show on the map at any time. The default value is 3. (Since 2.85)
channel StringThe AdSense channel used for fetching ads. Channels are an optional feature that AdSense publishers can use to track ad revenue from multiple sources. (Since 2.85)
minZoomLevel NumberThe minimum zoom level at which to show ads. The default value is 6. (Since 2.85)




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