Paypal、 和 2Checkout 支付方式的PHP接口开发实例

PHP Payment Library for Paypal, and 2Checkout

If you are like me, whenever you need to work with a 3rd party API or a gateway, you’d first search in Google for a possible wrapper for it in PHP. When it comes to supporting payment gateways, you get bunch of libraries in the search results who are fundamentally different. Some of them are old PHP 3/4 ones, some are new, some may need PEAR, etc.

As they were not required together in one single project, I used them whenever needed. But in one project, I needed them all. I thoughts it’s a chance and decided to stop using them and wrote my own ones where I can use the same methods for all the gateways.

So, here is an abstract PaymentGateway library which is being extended to be used for three popular payment gateways (Paypal,, and 2Checkout) in order to provide you with a similar way of using them. Note that the libraries are for basic usage only and do not contain options for recurring payments. Without much babble, let’s see a few examples of how you can use them.


You can straight-away download the Payment library with all the libraries, examples, and readme.


In order to process payments using Paypal, you’ll need to follow these steps:

1. Send the required information to Paypal (snippet 1). Be sure to specify your Paypal email where you want to receive the funds, the success and failure pages, the IPN page, and the product information. The example has the test mode ON, which you will not need in real scenario.

2. Create a payment success page where Paypal will send your customer after payment.

3. Create a payment failure page where Paypal will send your customer after failed payment.

4. Create a IPN page where Paypal will send payment notification in the background. Make sure you use/remove the test mode in conjunction with step 1. (snippet 2)


// Include the paypal library
include_once ( 'Paypal.php' ) ;

// Create an instance of the paypal library
$myPaypal = new Paypal ( ) ;

// Specify your paypal email
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'business' , 'YOUR_PAYPAL_EMAIL' ) ;

// Specify the currency
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'currency_code' , 'USD' ) ;

// Specify the url where paypal will send the user on success/failure
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'return' , 'http://YOUR_HOST/payment/paypal_success.php' ) ;
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'cancel_return' , 'http://YOUR_HOST/payment/paypal_failure.php' ) ;

// Specify the url where paypal will send the IPN
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'notify_url' , 'http://YOUR_HOST/payment/paypal_ipn.php' ) ;

// Specify the product information
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'item_name' , 'T-Shirt' ) ;
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'amount' , '9.99' ) ;
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'item_number' , '001' ) ;

// Specify any custom value
$myPaypal -> addField ( 'custom' , 'muri-khao' ) ;

// Enable test mode if needed
$myPaypal -> enableTestMode ( ) ;

// Let's start the train!
$myPaypal -> submitPayment ( ) ;

Snippet 1


// Include the paypal library
include_once ( 'Paypal.php' ) ;

// Create an instance of the paypal library
$myPaypal = new Paypal ( ) ;

// Log the IPN results
$myPaypal -> ipnLog = TRUE ;

// Enable test mode if needed
$myPaypal -> enableTestMode ( ) ;

// Check validity and write down it
if ( $myPaypal -> validateIpn ( ) ) {
    if ( $myPaypal -> ipnData [ 'payment_status' ] == 'Completed' ) {
         file_put_contents ( 'paypal.txt' , 'SUCCESS' ) ;
    else {
         file_put_contents ( 'paypal.txt' , "FAILURE\n\n" . $myPaypal -> ipnData ) ;

Snippet 2

In order to process payments using, you’ll need to follow these steps:

1. Send the required information to 3). Be sure to specify your login and secret key, the success/failure pages, the IPN page, and the product information. The example has the test mode ON, which you will not need in real scenario.

2. Create a payment success/failure page where will send your customer after payment.

3. Create a IPN page where will send payment notification in the background. Make sure you use/remove the test mode in conjunction with step 1. (snippet 4)

4. In order to set the secret key, log into your merchant account. Go to “MD5 Hash” menu and set a secret word to desired values and use that in the “setUserInfo” function showed in the example.


// Include the paypal library
include_once ( 'Authorize.php' ) ;

// Create an instance of the library
$myAuthorize = new Authorize ( ) ;

// Specify your login and secret
$myAuthorize -> setUserInfo ( 'YOUR_LOGIN' , 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY' ) ;

// Specify the url where will send the user on success/failure
$myAuthorize -> addField ( 'x_Receipt_Link_URL' , 'http://YOUR_HOST/payment/authorize_success.php' ) ;

// Specify the url where will send the IPN
$myAuthorize -> addField ( 'x_Relay_URL' , 'http://YOUR_HOST/payment/authorize_ipn.php' ) ;

// Specify the product information
$myAuthorize -> addField ( 'x_Description' , 'T-Shirt' ) ;
$myAuthorize -> addField ( 'x_Amount' , '9.99' ) ;
$myAuthorize -> addField ( 'x_Invoice_num' , rand ( 1 , 100 ) ) ;
$myAuthorize -> addField ( 'x_Cust_ID' , 'muri-khao' ) ;

// Enable test mode if needed
$myAuthorize -> enableTestMode ( ) ;

// Let's start the train!
$myAuthorize -> submitPayment ( ) ;

Snippet 3


// Include the paypal library
include_once ( 'Authorize.php' ) ;

// Create an instance of the library
$myAuthorize = new Authorize ( ) ;

// Log the IPN results
$myAuthorize -> ipnLog = TRUE ;

// Specify your authorize login and secret
$myAuthorize -> setUserInfo ( 'YOUR_LOGIN' , 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY' ) ;

// Enable test mode if needed
$myAuthorize -> enableTestMode ( ) ;

// Check validity and write down it
if ( $myAuthorize -> validateIpn ( ) ) {
    file_put_contents ( 'authorize.txt' , 'SUCCESS' ) ;
} else {
    file_put_contents ( 'authorize.txt' , "FAILURE\n\n" . $myPaypal -> ipnData ) ;

Snippet 4


In order to process payments using 2Checkout, you’ll need to follow these steps:

1. Send the required information to 2Checkout(snippet 5). Be sure to specify your 2Checkout vendor id, the return page, and the product information. Please note that 2Checkout does not send IPN in the background, so you will need to handle the payment data in the return page. The example has the test mode ON, which you will not need in real scenario.

2. Create a return page where 2Checkout will send your customer after payment. This is also where you will need to retrieve and use the payment data. Make sure you use/remove the test mode in conjunction with step 1. (snippet 6)

3. In order to set the secret key, log into your account and go to “Look and Feel” section. At the bottom enter the “Secret Word” and use it in the IPN verification process as shown in the example.


// Include the paypal library
include_once ( 'TwoCo.php' ) ;

// Create an instance of the library
$my2CO = new TwoCo ( ) ;

// Specify your 2CheckOut vendor id
$my2CO -> addField ( 'sid' , 'YOUR_VENDOR_ID' ) ;

// Specify the order information
$my2CO -> addField ( 'cart_order_id' , rand ( 1 , 100 ) ) ;
$my2CO -> addField ( 'total' , '9.99' ) ;

// Specify the url where will send the IPN
$my2CO -> addField ( 'x_Receipt_Link_URL' , 'http://YOUR_HOST/payment/twoco_ipn.php' ) ;
$my2CO -> addField ( 'tco_currency' , 'USD' ) ;
$my2CO -> addField ( 'custom' , 'muri-khao' ) ;

// Enable test mode if needed
$my2CO -> enableTestMode ( ) ;

// Let's start the train!
$my2CO -> submitPayment ( ) ;

Snippet 5


// Include the paypal library
include_once ( 'TwoCo.php' ) ;

// Create an instance of the library
$my2CO = new TwoCo ( ) ;

// Log the IPN results
$my2CO -> ipnLog = TRUE ;

// Specify your authorize login and secret
$my2CO -> setSecret ( 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY' ) ;

// Enable test mode if needed
$my2CO -> enableTestMode ( ) ;

// Check validity and write down it
if ( $my2CO -> validateIpn ( ) ) {
    file_put_contents ( '2co.txt' , 'SUCCESS' ) ;
} else {
    file_put_contents ( '2co.txt' , "FAILURE\n\n" . $my2CO -> ipnData ) ;

Snippet 6

Hope this will help you integrate the payment gateways in an easy manner. If you have any questions, or find any bug, have a suggestion, feel free to post them as comment here. Btw, this library is released under the MIT license.


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