
OMG(TM)发布了MDA FastStart(TM) 计划,这是一种帮助IT组织尽快使用OMG的模型驱动架构的新途径。最近OMG发现很多公司对应用MDA很感兴趣,但是在如何实现方面正在寻求外援,因此OMG建立了MDA FastStart 计划。MDA FastStart 帮助企业寻找有经验的服务商,在保证支出合理的同时,帮助企业迅速开始MDA应用。“MDA FastStart 计划对OMG及其成员来说是一项很令人兴奋的开发,那些对实现MDA解决方案和评估其过程的有效性感兴趣的企业,需要通过FastStart计划寻求帮助。”OMG主席和COO Bill Hoffman说。

OMG的MDA是使用统一建模语言UML(TM)进行企业架构建模的有力途径,UML已经成为应用设计的工业标准。MDA首次提供了一个标准化的途径将企业级标准背后所有的基础逻辑与特定的中间件,用来实现中间件的消息和中间件语言-CORBA(R)、 Web Services、 Java、XML等,进行了清楚的划分。当保持和升级其对现有平台的投入时,使用MDA,IT企业遇到了新平台带来的完整的挑战。

OMG 计划主管 Michael Guttman 领导 MDA FastStart计划。Guttman先生是一位在IT企业的架构、设计、开发和使用大规模复杂企业软件系统和基础设施方面具有丰富咨询经验的MDA倡导者。在MDA FastStart计划上,Guttman先生及其助手一直与企业专家合作,进行标准化服务计划的设计,寻找适合使用这项计划的服务商,并与其合作。当最终的用户企业要求MDA教育和咨询服务时,MDA FastStart计划办公室将把那些有经验的服务商推荐给他们。需要MDA FastStart服务的最终用户在这些服务商中,选择那些不但能够提供MDA专业技术,还有高质量的指导、培训和实现支持的服务商。

Guttman说,“当你跨企业系统地使用MDA时,它的作用最大,但你必须从某处开始。我们建立了MDA FastStart计划来保证需要从OMG获得帮助的MDA最终用户,能够找到合格的服务商,他们需要尽快地使用MDA。同时,该计划应当有助于加速开发MDA服务和MDA工具的市场。对每个人来说,这都是双赢的方式”。


Architecture-Driven Modernization Knowledge Discovery Meta-Model (KDM) V1.3.pdf KDM is defined via Meta-Object Facility (MOF). KDM determines the interchange format via the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) by applying the standard MOF to XMI mapping to the KDM MOF model. The interchange format defined by KDM is called the KDM XMI schema. The KDM XMI schema is provided as the normative part of this specification. KDM is a meta-model with a very broad scope that covers a large and diverse set of applications, platforms, and programming languages. Not all of its capabilities are equally applicable to all platforms, applications, or programming languages. The primary goal of KDM is to provide the capability to exchange models between tools and thus facilitate cooperation between tool suppliers to integrate multiple facts about a complex enterprise application, as the complexity of modern enterprise applications involves multiple platform technologies and programming languages. In order to achieve interoperability and especially the integration of information about different facets of an enterprise application from multiple analysis tools, this specification defines several compliance levels thereby increasing the likelihood that two or more compliant tools will support the same or compatible meta-model subsets. This suggests that the meta-model should be structured modularly, following the principle of separation of concerns, with the ability to select only those parts of the meta-model that are of direct interest to a particular tool vendor. Separation of concerns in the design of KDM is embodied in the concept of KDM domains.
Architecture-driven Modernization Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel (ASTM) V1.pdf The purpose of the ASTM is to provide a framework that allows tool vendors and tool clients to build and use tools that conform to commonly agreed upon modeling specifications for the interchange of abstract syntax models of software. Interoperability is achieved when models can be interchanged using modeling elements that conform to those specified in the ASTM specification. The internal proprietary models of tools need not conform the ASTM for a tool to be considered compliant with the ASTM. To be considered compliant a tool need only adhere to the ASTM as a model interchange specification. Tool conformance is concerned solely with the ability of tools to interchange models that conform to the ASTM. • For a GAST model to conform with the ASTM it must conform to the GAST Metamodel provided by this specification. • For a SAST model to conform to the ASTM it must conform to both the GASTM model provided with this specification as well as the SASTM model provided by some future SASTM specification. The ASTM is a bi-dimension multi-layered modeling specification. The two dimensions of the ASTM define both syntactic as well as the semantic properties of software. The layers of the ASTM define a core set of modeling elements, the GASTM, that are common to many programming languages as well as a set of extensions, the SASTMs, that extend from the core for and are used in concert with the GASTM for defining models specialized to particular programming languages. Table 2.1 illustrates the Compliance Points of the ASTM.




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