

1. 《信息安全原理与实践》 Matk Stamp  第三章  DES 

2. http://hi.baidu.com/suntopdang/blog/item/5a3f7dee46f5663fadafd5fd.html

3. http://www.docin.com/p-23162685.html






1. 移位和循环移位:



     49 42  35  28  21  14   7                                       42  35  28 21  14  7   0

     0   50  43  36  29  22  15        循环左移一位            50  43  36 29  22 15  8

     8    1   51  44  37  30  23         ————————>   1    51  44 37  30 23 16

     16  9    2   52  45  38  31                                      9    2    52  45  38 31 49

2. 置换:



      for each round i = 1,2,3....n

         LK = cyclically left shift LK by ri bits

        RK = cyclically left shift RK by ri bits

        The left half of subkey Ki consists of bits of LP of LK

        The right half of subkey Ki consits of bits of RP of RK

     next i




     1. 我们将DES的56位密钥从左到右从0开始编号。首先扩展DES密钥的前28位,并进行置换,结果称为LK,DES密钥的LK是原始密钥的下列各位:

     49 42  35  28  21  14   7                                       

     0   50  43  36  29  22  15            

     8    1   51  44  37  30  23        

     16  9    2   52  45  38  31 



     2. 类似的,DES密钥的剩余28位称为RK,由原始密钥的下列各位构成

     55 48  41 34  27 20 13

     6   54  47 40  33 26 19

     12  5   53 46  39 32 25

     18 11  4   24  17  10 3


    3. 在进行密钥扩张算法之前,还需要定义LP置换:

    13  16  10  23  0  4  2   27  14  5    20  9

    22  18  11  3   25 7  15  6   26  19  12  1





     12  23  2   8   18  26  1   11   22  16  4  19

     15  20  10  27 5   24  17  13  21  7    0  3









C代码 //初始置换表IP int IP_Table[64] = { 57,49,41,33,25,17,9,1, 59,51,43,35,27,19,11,3, 61,53,45,37,29,21,13,5, 63,55,47,39,31,23,15,7, 56,48,40,32,24,16,8,0, 58,50,42,34,26,18,10,2, 60,52,44,36,28,20,12,4, 62,54,46,38,30,22,14,6}; //逆初始置换表IP^-1 int IP_1_Table[64] = {39,7,47,15,55,23,63,31, 38,6,46,14,54,22,62,30, 37,5,45,13,53,21,61,29, 36,4,44,12,52,20,60,28, 35,3,43,11,51,19,59,27, 34,2,42,10,50,18,58,26, 33,1,41,9,49,17,57,25, 32,0,40,8,48,16,56,24}; //扩充置换表E int E_Table[48] = {31, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8,9,10,11,12, 11,12,13,14,15,16, 15,16,17,18,19,20, 19,20,21,22,23,24, 23,24,25,26,27,28, 27,28,29,30,31, 0}; //置换函数P int P_Table[32] = {15,6,19,20,28,11,27,16, 0,14,22,25,4,17,30,9, 1,7,23,13,31,26,2,8, 18,12,29,5,21,10,3,24}; //S盒 int S[8][4][16] =//S1 {{{14,4,13,1,2,15,11,8,3,10,6,12,5,9,0,7}, {0,15,7,4,14,2,13,1,10,6,12,11,9,5,3,8}, {4,1,14,8,13,6,2,11,15,12,9,7,3,10,5,0}, {15,12,8,2,4,9,1,7,5,11,3,14,10,0,6,13}}, //S2 {{15,1,8,14,6,11,3,4,9,7,2,13,12,0,5,10}, {3,13,4,7,15,2,8,14,12,0,1,10,6,9,11,5}, {0,14,7,11,10,4,13,1,5,8,12,6,9,3,2,15}, {13,8,10,1,3,15,4,2,11,6,7,12,0,5,14,9}}, //S3 {{10,0,9,14,6,3,15,5,1,13,12,7,11,4,2,8}, {13,7,0,9,3,4,6,10,2,8,5,14,12,11,15,1}, {13,6,4,9,8,15,3,0,11,1,2,12,5,10,14,7}, {1,10,13,0,6,9,8,7,4,15,14,3,11,5,2,12}}, //S4 {{7,13,14,3,0,6,9,10,1,2,8,5,11,12,4,15}, {13,8,11,5,6,15,0,3,4,7,2,12,1,10,14,9}, {10,6,9,0,12,11,7,13,15,1,3,14,5,2,8,4}, {3,15,0,6,10,1,13,8,9,4,5,11,12,7,2,14}}, //S5 {{2,12,4,1,7,10,11,6,8,5,3,15,13,0,14,9}, {14,11,2,12,4,7,13,1,5,0,15,10,3,9,8,6}, {4,2,1,11,10,13,7,8,15,9,12,5,6,3,0,14}, {11,8,12,7,1,14,2,13,6,15,0,9,10,4,5,3}}, //S6 {{12,1,10,15,9,2,6,8,0,13,3,4,14,7,5,11}, {10,15,4,2,7,12,9,5,6,1,13,14,0,11,3,8}, {9,14,15,5,2,8,12,3,7,0,4,10,1,13,11,6}, {4,3,2,12,9,5,15,10,11,14,1,7,6,0,8,13}}, //S7 {{4,11,2,14,15,0,8,13,3,12,9,7,5,10,6,1}, {13,0,11,7,4,9,1,10,14,3,5,12,2,15,8,6}, {1,4,11,13,12,3,7,14,10,15,6,8,0,5,9,2}, {6,11,13,8,1,4,10,7,9,5,0,15,14,2,3,12}}, //S8 {{13,2,8,4,6,15,11,1,10,9,3,14,5,0,12,7}, {1,15,13,8,10,3,7,4,12,5,6,11,0,14,9,2}, {7,11,4,1,9,12,14,2,0,6,10,13,15,3,5,8}, {2,1,14,7,4,10,8,13,15,12,9,0,3,5,6,11}}}; //置换选择1 int PC_1[56] = {56,48,40,32,24,16,8, 0,57,49,41,33,25,17, 9,1,58,50,42,34,26, 18,10,2,59,51,43,35, 62,54,46,38,30,22,14, 6,61,53,45,37,29,21, 13,5,60,52,44,36,28, 20,12,4,27,19,11,3}; //置换选择2 int PC_2[48] = {13,16,10,23,0,4,2,27, 14,5,20,9,22,18,11,3, 25,7,15,6,26,19,12,1, 40,51,30,36,46,54,29,39, 50,44,32,46,43,48,38,55, 33,52,45,41,49,35,28,31}; //对左移次数的规定 int MOVE_TIMES[16] = {1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1}; //初始置换表IP int IP_Table[64] = { 57,49,41,33,25,17,9,1, 59,51,43,35,27,19,11,3, 61,53,45,37,29,21,13,5, 63,55,47,39,31,23,15,7, 56,48,40,32,24,16,8,0, 58,50,42,34,26,18,10,2, 60,52,44,36,28,20,12,4, 62,54,46,38,30,22,14,6}; //逆初始置换表IP^-1 int IP_1_Table[64] = {39,7,47,15,55,23,63,31, 38,6,46,14,54,22,62,30, 37,5,45,13,53,21,61,29, 36,4,44,12,52,20,60,28, 35,3,43,11,51,19,59,27, 34,2,42,10,50,18,58,26, 33,1,41,9,49,17,57,25, 32,0,40,8,48,16,56,24}; //扩充置换表E int E_Table[48] = {31, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8,9,10,11,12, 11,12,13,14,15,16, 15,16,17,18,19,20, 19,20,21,22,23,24, 23,24,25,26,27,28, 27,28,29,30,31, 0}; //置换函数P int P_Table[32] = {15,6,19,20,28,11,27,16, 0,14,22,25,4,17,30,9, 1,7,23,13,31,26,2,8, 18,12,29,5,21,10,3,24}; //S盒 int S[8][4][16] =//S1 {{{14,4,13,1,2,15,11,8,3,10,6,12,5,9,0,7}, {0,15,7,4,14,2,13,1,10,6,12,11,9,5,3,8}, {4,1,14,8,13,6,2,11,15,12,9,7,3,10,5,0}, {15,12,8,2,4,9,1,7,5,11,3,14,10,0,6,13}}, //S2 {{15,1,8,14,6,11,3,4,9,7,2,13,12,0,5,10}, {3,13,4,7,15,2,8,14,12,0,1,10,6,9,11,5}, {0,14,7,11,10,4,13,1,5,8,12,6,9,3,2,15}, {13,8,10,1,3,15,4,2,11,6,7,12,0,5,14,9}}, //S3 {{10,0,9,14,6,3,15,5,1,13,12,7,11,4,2,8}, {13,7,0,9,3,4,6,10,2,8,5,14,12,11,15,1}, {13,6,4,9,8,15,3,0,11,1,2,12,5,10,14,7}, {1,10,13,0,6,9,8,7,4,15,14,3,11,5,2,12}}, //S4 {{7,13,14,3,0,6,9,10,1,2,8,5,11,12,4,15}, {13,8,11,5,6,15,0,3,4,7,2,12,1,10,14,9}, {10,6,9,0,12,11,7,13,15,1,3,14,5,2,8,4}, {3,15,0,6,10,1,13,8,9,4,5,11,12,7,2,14}}, //S5 {{2,12,4,1,7,10,11,6,8,5,3,15,13,0,14,9}, {14,11,2,12,4,7,13,1,5,0,15,10,3,9,8,6}, {4,2,1,11,10,13,7,8,15,9,12,5,6,3,0,14}, {11,8,12,7,1,14,2,13,6,15,0,9,10,4,5,3}}, //S6 {{12,1,10,15,9,2,6,8,0,13,3,4,14,7,5,11}, {10,15,4,2,7,12,9,5,6,1,13,14,0,11,3,8}, {9,14,15,5,2,8,12,3,7,0,4,10,1,13,11,6}, {4,3,2,12,9,5,15,10,11,14,1,7,6,0,8,13}}, //S7 {{4,11,2,14,15,0,8,13,3,12,9,7,5,10,6,1}, {13,0,11,7,4,9,1,10,14,3,5,12,2,15,8,6}, {1,4,11,13,12,3,7,14,10,15,6,8,0,5,9,2}, {6,11,13,8,1,4,10,7,9,5,0,15,14,2,3,12}}, //S8 {{13,2,8,4,6,15,11,1,10,9,3,14,5,0,12,7}, {1,15,13,8,10,3,7,4,12,5,6,11,0,14,9,2}, {7,11,4,1,9,12,14,2,0,6,10,13,15,3,5,8}, {2,1,14,7,4,10,8,13,15,12,9,0,3,5,6,11}}}; //置换选择1 int PC_1[56] = {56,48,40,32,24,16,8, 0,57,49,41,33,25,17, 9,1,58,50,42,34,26, 18,10,2,59,51,43,35, 62,54,46,38,30,22,14, 6,61,53,45,37,29,21, 13,5,60,52,44,36,28, 20,12,4,27,19,11,3}; //置换选择2 int PC_2[48] = {13,16,10,23,0,4,2,27, 14,5,20,9,22,18,11,3, 25,7,15,6,26,19,12,1, 40,51,30,36,46,54,29,39, 50,44,32,46,43,48,38,55, 33,52,45,41,49,35,28,31}; //对左移次数的规定 int MOVE_TIMES[16] = {1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1}; 二、模块化。 对面向过程的程序,模块化是否清晰是至关重要的。 下面是函数的声明: C代码 int ByteToBit(ElemType ch,ElemType bit[8]); int BitToByte(ElemType bit[8],ElemType *ch); int Char8ToBit64(ElemType ch[8],ElemType bit[64]); int Bit64ToChar8(ElemType bit[64],ElemType ch[8]); int DES_MakeSubKeys(ElemType key[64],ElemType subKeys[16][48]); int DES_PC1_Transform(ElemType key[64], ElemType tempbts[56]); int DES_PC2_Transform(ElemType key[56], ElemType tempbts[48]); int DES_ROL(ElemType data[56], int time); int DES_IP_Transform(ElemType data[64]); int DES_IP_1_Transform(ElemType data[64]); int DES_E_Transform(ElemType data[48]); int DES_P_Transform(ElemType data[32]); int DES_SBOX(ElemType data[48]); int DES_XOR(ElemType R[48], ElemType L[48],int count); int DES_Swap(ElemType left[32],ElemType right[32]); int DES_EncryptBlock(ElemType plainBlock[8], ElemType subKeys[16][48], ElemType cipherBlock[8]); int DES_DecryptBlock(ElemType cipherBlock[8], ElemType subKeys[16][48], ElemType plainBlock[8]); int DES_Encrypt(char *plainFile, char *keyStr,char *cipherFile); int DES_Decrypt(char *cipherFile, char *keyStr,char *plainFile); int ByteToBit(ElemType ch,ElemType bit[8]); int BitToByte(ElemType bit[8],ElemType *ch); int Char8ToBit64(ElemType ch[8],ElemType bit[64]); int Bit64ToChar8(ElemType bit[64],ElemType ch[8]); int DES_MakeSubKeys(ElemType key[64],ElemType subKeys[16][48]); int DES_PC1_Transform(ElemType key[64], ElemType tempbts[56]); int DES_PC2_Transform(ElemType key[56], ElemType tempbts[48]); int DES_ROL(ElemType data[56], int time); int DES_IP_Transform(ElemType data[64]); int DES_IP_1_Transform(ElemType data[64]); int DES_E_Transform(ElemType data[48]); int DES_P_Transform(ElemType data[32]); int DES_SBOX(ElemType data[48]); int DES_XOR(ElemType R[48], ElemType L[48],int count); int DES_Swap(ElemType left[32],ElemType right[32]); int DES_EncryptBlock(ElemType plainBlock[8], ElemType subKeys[16][48], ElemType cipherBlock[8]); int DES_DecryptBlock(ElemType cipherBlock[8], ElemType subKeys[16][48], ElemType plainBlock[8]); int DES_Encrypt(char *plainFile, char *keyStr,char *cipherFile); int DES_Decrypt(char *cipherFile, char *keyStr,char *plainFile); 其实,模块化与速度也是一对矛盾,因为了解函数运行机制的人就知道,我们的计算机在运行某个函数时,是要用栈来保存入口状态的,在运行结束后又要恢复现场,这些操作势必会影像系统性能,但我们不能将所有代码写在Main函数里,虽然那样做我们的加密算法效率又会大增,但是那种代码未免太过于丑陋不堪。因此,为了帅,还是牺牲一下性能吧。 三、实现。 代码里能用移位操作都尽量用了移位操作,能用逻辑运算符的都用了逻辑运算符。 详细的行注相信你可以看懂吧。有问题可以M我。 C代码 //字节转换成二进制 int ByteToBit(ElemType ch, ElemType bit[8]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0;cnt >cnt)&1; } return 0; } //二进制转换成字节 int BitToByte(ElemType bit[8],ElemType *ch){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0;cnt < 8; cnt++){ *ch |= *(bit + cnt)<<cnt; } return 0; } //将长度为8的字符串转为二进制位串 int Char8ToBit64(ElemType ch[8],ElemType bit[64]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++){ ByteToBit(*(ch+cnt),bit+(cnt<<3)); } return 0; } //将二进制位串转为长度为8的字符串 int Bit64ToChar8(ElemType bit[64],ElemType ch[8]){ int cnt; memset(ch,0,8); for(cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++){ BitToByte(bit+(cnt<<3),ch+cnt); } return 0; } //生成密钥 int DES_MakeSubKeys(ElemType key[64],ElemType subKeys[16][48]){ ElemType temp[56]; int cnt; DES_PC1_Transform(key,temp);//PC1置换 for(cnt = 0; cnt < 16; cnt++){//16轮跌代,产生16个密钥 DES_ROL(temp,MOVE_TIMES[cnt]);//循环左移 DES_PC2_Transform(temp,subKeys[cnt]);//PC2置换,产生密钥 } return 0; } //密钥置换1 int DES_PC1_Transform(ElemType key[64], ElemType tempbts[56]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 56; cnt++){ tempbts[cnt] = key[PC_1[cnt]]; } return 0; } //密钥置换2 int DES_PC2_Transform(ElemType key[56], ElemType tempbts[48]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 48; cnt++){ tempbts[cnt] = key[PC_2[cnt]]; } return 0; } //循环左移 int DES_ROL(ElemType data[56], int time){ ElemType temp[56]; //保存将要循环移动到右边的位 memcpy(temp,data,time); memcpy(temp+time,data+28,time); //前28位移动 memcpy(data,data+time,28-time); memcpy(data+28-time,temp,time); //后28位移动 memcpy(data+28,data+28+time,28-time); memcpy(data+56-time,temp+time,time); return 0; } //IP置换 int DES_IP_Transform(ElemType data[64]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[64]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 64; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[IP_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,64); return 0; } //IP逆置换 int DES_IP_1_Transform(ElemType data[64]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[64]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 64; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[IP_1_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,64); return 0; } //扩展置换 int DES_E_Transform(ElemType data[48]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[48]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 48; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[E_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,48); return 0; } //P置换 int DES_P_Transform(ElemType data[32]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[32]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 32; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[P_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,32); return 0; } //异或 int DES_XOR(ElemType R[48], ElemType L[48] ,int count){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++){ R[cnt] ^= L[cnt]; } return 0; } //S盒置换 int DES_SBOX(ElemType data[48]){ int cnt; int line,row,output; int cur1,cur2; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++){ cur1 = cnt*6; cur2 = cnt<<2; //计算在S盒的行与列 line = (data[cur1]<<1) + data[cur1+5]; row = (data[cur1+1]<<3) + (data[cur1+2]<<2) + (data[cur1+3]<>3; data[cur2+1] = (output&0X04)>>2; data[cur2+2] = (output&0X02)>>1; data[cur2+3] = output&0x01; } return 0; } //交换 int DES_Swap(ElemType left[32], ElemType right[32]){ ElemType temp[32]; memcpy(temp,left,32); memcpy(left,right,32); memcpy(right,temp,32); return 0; } //加密单个分组 int DES_EncryptBlock(ElemType plainBlock[8], ElemType subKeys[16][48], ElemType cipherBlock[8]){ ElemType plainBits[64]; ElemType copyRight[48]; int cnt; Char8ToBit64(plainBlock,plainBits); //初始置换(IP置换) DES_IP_Transform(plainBits); //16轮迭代 for(cnt = 0; cnt = 0; cnt--){ memcpy(copyRight,cipherBits+32,32); //将右半部分进行扩展置换,从32位扩展到48位 DES_E_Transform(copyRight); //将右半部分与密钥进行异或操作 DES_XOR(copyRight,subKeys[cnt],48); //异或结果进入S盒,输出32位结果 DES_SBOX(copyRight); //P置换 DES_P_Transform(copyRight); //将明文左半部分与右半部分进行异或 DES_XOR(cipherBits,copyRight,32); if(cnt != 0){ //最终完成左右部的交换 DES_Swap(cipherBits,cipherBits+32); } } //逆初始置换(IP^1置换) DES_IP_1_Transform(cipherBits); Bit64ToChar8(cipherBits,plainBlock); return 0; } //加密文件 int DES_Encrypt(char *plainFile, char *keyStr,char *cipherFile){ FILE *plain,*cipher; int count; ElemType plainBlock[8],cipherBlock[8],keyBlock[8]; ElemType bKey[64]; ElemType subKeys[16][48]; if((plain = fopen(plainFile,"rb")) == NULL){ return PLAIN_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } if((cipher = fopen(cipherFile,"wb")) == NULL){ return CIPHER_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } //设置密钥 memcpy(keyBlock,keyStr,8); //将密钥转换为二进制流 Char8ToBit64(keyBlock,bKey); //生成密钥 DES_MakeSubKeys(bKey,subKeys); while(!feof(plain)){ //每次读8个字节,并返回成功读取的字节数 if((count = fread(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8,plain)) == 8){ DES_EncryptBlock(plainBlock,subKeys,cipherBlock); fwrite(cipherBlock,sizeof(char),8,cipher); } } if(count){ //填充 memset(plainBlock + count,'\0',7 - count); //最后一个字符保存包括最后一个字符在内的所填充的字符数量 plainBlock[7] = 8 - count; DES_EncryptBlock(plainBlock,subKeys,cipherBlock); fwrite(cipherBlock,sizeof(char),8,cipher); } fclose(plain); fclose(cipher); return OK; } //解密文件 int DES_Decrypt(char *cipherFile, char *keyStr,char *plainFile){ FILE *plain, *cipher; int count,times = 0; long fileLen; ElemType plainBlock[8],cipherBlock[8],keyBlock[8]; ElemType bKey[64]; ElemType subKeys[16][48]; if((cipher = fopen(cipherFile,"rb")) == NULL){ return CIPHER_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } if((plain = fopen(plainFile,"wb")) == NULL){ return PLAIN_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } //设置密钥 memcpy(keyBlock,keyStr,8); //将密钥转换为二进制流 Char8ToBit64(keyBlock,bKey); //生成密钥 DES_MakeSubKeys(bKey,subKeys); //取文件长度 fseek(cipher,0,SEEK_END); //将文件指针置尾 fileLen = ftell(cipher); //取文件指针当前位置 rewind(cipher); //将文件指针重指向文件头 while(1){ //密文的字节数一定是8的整数倍 fread(cipherBlock,sizeof(char),8,cipher); DES_DecryptBlock(cipherBlock,subKeys,plainBlock); times += 8; if(times < fileLen){ fwrite(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8,plain); } else{ break; } } //判断末尾是否被填充 if(plainBlock[7] < 8){ for(count = 8 - plainBlock[7]; count < 7; count++){ if(plainBlock[count] != '\0'){ break; } } } if(count == 7){//有填充 fwrite(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8 - plainBlock[7],plain); } else{//无填充 fwrite(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8,plain); } fclose(plain); fclose(cipher); return OK; } //字节转换成二进制 int ByteToBit(ElemType ch, ElemType bit[8]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0;cnt >cnt)&1; } return 0; } //二进制转换成字节 int BitToByte(ElemType bit[8],ElemType *ch){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0;cnt < 8; cnt++){ *ch |= *(bit + cnt)<<cnt; } return 0; } //将长度为8的字符串转为二进制位串 int Char8ToBit64(ElemType ch[8],ElemType bit[64]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++){ ByteToBit(*(ch+cnt),bit+(cnt<<3)); } return 0; } //将二进制位串转为长度为8的字符串 int Bit64ToChar8(ElemType bit[64],ElemType ch[8]){ int cnt; memset(ch,0,8); for(cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++){ BitToByte(bit+(cnt<<3),ch+cnt); } return 0; } //生成密钥 int DES_MakeSubKeys(ElemType key[64],ElemType subKeys[16][48]){ ElemType temp[56]; int cnt; DES_PC1_Transform(key,temp);//PC1置换 for(cnt = 0; cnt < 16; cnt++){//16轮跌代,产生16个密钥 DES_ROL(temp,MOVE_TIMES[cnt]);//循环左移 DES_PC2_Transform(temp,subKeys[cnt]);//PC2置换,产生密钥 } return 0; } //密钥置换1 int DES_PC1_Transform(ElemType key[64], ElemType tempbts[56]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 56; cnt++){ tempbts[cnt] = key[PC_1[cnt]]; } return 0; } //密钥置换2 int DES_PC2_Transform(ElemType key[56], ElemType tempbts[48]){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 48; cnt++){ tempbts[cnt] = key[PC_2[cnt]]; } return 0; } //循环左移 int DES_ROL(ElemType data[56], int time){ ElemType temp[56]; //保存将要循环移动到右边的位 memcpy(temp,data,time); memcpy(temp+time,data+28,time); //前28位移动 memcpy(data,data+time,28-time); memcpy(data+28-time,temp,time); //后28位移动 memcpy(data+28,data+28+time,28-time); memcpy(data+56-time,temp+time,time); return 0; } //IP置换 int DES_IP_Transform(ElemType data[64]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[64]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 64; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[IP_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,64); return 0; } //IP逆置换 int DES_IP_1_Transform(ElemType data[64]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[64]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 64; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[IP_1_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,64); return 0; } //扩展置换 int DES_E_Transform(ElemType data[48]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[48]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 48; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[E_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,48); return 0; } //P置换 int DES_P_Transform(ElemType data[32]){ int cnt; ElemType temp[32]; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 32; cnt++){ temp[cnt] = data[P_Table[cnt]]; } memcpy(data,temp,32); return 0; } //异或 int DES_XOR(ElemType R[48], ElemType L[48] ,int count){ int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++){ R[cnt] ^= L[cnt]; } return 0; } //S盒置换 int DES_SBOX(ElemType data[48]){ int cnt; int line,row,output; int cur1,cur2; for(cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++){ cur1 = cnt*6; cur2 = cnt<<2; //计算在S盒的行与列 line = (data[cur1]<<1) + data[cur1+5]; row = (data[cur1+1]<<3) + (data[cur1+2]<<2) + (data[cur1+3]<>3; data[cur2+1] = (output&0X04)>>2; data[cur2+2] = (output&0X02)>>1; data[cur2+3] = output&0x01; } return 0; } //交换 int DES_Swap(ElemType left[32], ElemType right[32]){ ElemType temp[32]; memcpy(temp,left,32); memcpy(left,right,32); memcpy(right,temp,32); return 0; } //加密单个分组 int DES_EncryptBlock(ElemType plainBlock[8], ElemType subKeys[16][48], ElemType cipherBlock[8]){ ElemType plainBits[64]; ElemType copyRight[48]; int cnt; Char8ToBit64(plainBlock,plainBits); //初始置换(IP置换) DES_IP_Transform(plainBits); //16轮迭代 for(cnt = 0; cnt = 0; cnt--){ memcpy(copyRight,cipherBits+32,32); //将右半部分进行扩展置换,从32位扩展到48位 DES_E_Transform(copyRight); //将右半部分与密钥进行异或操作 DES_XOR(copyRight,subKeys[cnt],48); //异或结果进入S盒,输出32位结果 DES_SBOX(copyRight); //P置换 DES_P_Transform(copyRight); //将明文左半部分与右半部分进行异或 DES_XOR(cipherBits,copyRight,32); if(cnt != 0){ //最终完成左右部的交换 DES_Swap(cipherBits,cipherBits+32); } } //逆初始置换(IP^1置换) DES_IP_1_Transform(cipherBits); Bit64ToChar8(cipherBits,plainBlock); return 0; } //加密文件 int DES_Encrypt(char *plainFile, char *keyStr,char *cipherFile){ FILE *plain,*cipher; int count; ElemType plainBlock[8],cipherBlock[8],keyBlock[8]; ElemType bKey[64]; ElemType subKeys[16][48]; if((plain = fopen(plainFile,"rb")) == NULL){ return PLAIN_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } if((cipher = fopen(cipherFile,"wb")) == NULL){ return CIPHER_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } //设置密钥 memcpy(keyBlock,keyStr,8); //将密钥转换为二进制流 Char8ToBit64(keyBlock,bKey); //生成密钥 DES_MakeSubKeys(bKey,subKeys); while(!feof(plain)){ //每次读8个字节,并返回成功读取的字节数 if((count = fread(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8,plain)) == 8){ DES_EncryptBlock(plainBlock,subKeys,cipherBlock); fwrite(cipherBlock,sizeof(char),8,cipher); } } if(count){ //填充 memset(plainBlock + count,'\0',7 - count); //最后一个字符保存包括最后一个字符在内的所填充的字符数量 plainBlock[7] = 8 - count; DES_EncryptBlock(plainBlock,subKeys,cipherBlock); fwrite(cipherBlock,sizeof(char),8,cipher); } fclose(plain); fclose(cipher); return OK; } //解密文件 int DES_Decrypt(char *cipherFile, char *keyStr,char *plainFile){ FILE *plain, *cipher; int count,times = 0; long fileLen; ElemType plainBlock[8],cipherBlock[8],keyBlock[8]; ElemType bKey[64]; ElemType subKeys[16][48]; if((cipher = fopen(cipherFile,"rb")) == NULL){ return CIPHER_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } if((plain = fopen(plainFile,"wb")) == NULL){ return PLAIN_FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } //设置密钥 memcpy(keyBlock,keyStr,8); //将密钥转换为二进制流 Char8ToBit64(keyBlock,bKey); //生成密钥 DES_MakeSubKeys(bKey,subKeys); //取文件长度 fseek(cipher,0,SEEK_END); //将文件指针置尾 fileLen = ftell(cipher); //取文件指针当前位置 rewind(cipher); //将文件指针重指向文件头 while(1){ //密文的字节数一定是8的整数倍 fread(cipherBlock,sizeof(char),8,cipher); DES_DecryptBlock(cipherBlock,subKeys,plainBlock); times += 8; if(times < fileLen){ fwrite(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8,plain); } else{ break; } } //判断末尾是否被填充 if(plainBlock[7] < 8){ for(count = 8 - plainBlock[7]; count < 7; count++){ if(plainBlock[count] != '\0'){ break; } } } if(count == 7){//有填充 fwrite(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8 - plainBlock[7],plain); } else{//无填充 fwrite(plainBlock,sizeof(char),8,plain); } fclose(plain); fclose(cipher); return OK; } 最后,写一个简单的main函数来检验它: C代码 int main() { clock_t a,b; a = clock(); DES_Encrypt("1.txt","key.txt","2.txt"); b = clock(); printf("加密消耗%d毫秒\n",b-a); system("pause"); a = clock(); DES_Decrypt("2.txt","key.txt","3.txt"); b = clock(); printf("解密消耗%d毫秒\n",b-a); getchar(); return 0; }
评论 4




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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