NetSuite API - SuiteScript API.js

' Core SuiteScript Functions '
function nlapiCreateRecord(type) { ; }                                          ' instantiate a new record from the system. '
function nlapiCopyRecord(type, id) { ; }                                        ' instantiate a new record using values from an existing record. '
function nlapiLoadRecord(type, id) { ; }                                        ' load an existing record from the system. '
function nlapiSubmitRecord(record, doSourcing, ignoreMandatoryFields) { ; }     ' submit a record to the system for creation or update '
function nlapiDeleteRecord(type, id) { ; }                                      ' delete a record from the system. '
function nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, columns) { ; }                    ' perform a record search using an existing search or filters and columns '
function nlapiSearchGlobal(keywords) { ; }                                      ' perform a global record search across the system '
function nlapiSearchDuplicate(type, fields, id) { ; }                           ' perform a duplicate record search using Duplicate Detection criteria. '
function nlapiTransformRecord(type, id, transformType, transformValues) { ; }   ' create a new record using values from an existing record of a different type. '
function nlapiLookupField(type,id,fields) { ; }                                 ' fetch the value of a field or set of fields for a record. '
function nlapiSubmitField(type,id,fields,values,doSourcing) { ; }               ' submit the values of a field or set of fields for an existing record. '
function nlapiResolveURL(type, identifier, id, editmode) { ; }                  ' resolve a URL to an object in the system. '
function nlapiSetRedirectURL(type, identifier, id, editmode, parameters) { ; }  ' redirect the user to a page. '
function nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, callback) { ; }                ' request a URL to an external or internal resource. '
function nlapiGetContext() { ; }                                                ' return context information about the current user/script. '
function nlapiGetUser() { ; }                                                   ' return the internalId for the current user. '
function nlapiGetRole() { ; }                                                   ' return the internalId for the current user's role. '
function nlapiGetDepartment() { ; }                                             ' return the internalId for the current user's department. '
function nlapiGetLocation() { ; }                                               ' return the internalId for the current user's location. '
function nlapiGetSubsidiary() { ; }                                             ' return the internalId for the current user's subsidiary. '
function nlapiGetRecordType() { ; }                                             ' return the recordtype corresponding to the current page or userevent script. '
function nlapiGetRecordId() { ; }                                               ' return the internalId corresponding to the current page or userevent script. '
function nlapiSendEmail(from, to, subject, body, cc, bcc, records, files) { ; } ' send out an email and associate it with records in the system. '
function nlapiSendFax(from, to, subject, body, records, files) { ; }         ' send out a fax and associate it with records in the system. '
function nlapiGetFieldValue(fldnam) { ; }                             ' return the value of a field on the current record on a page or userevent/suitelet script. '
function nlapiSetFieldValue(fldnam,value,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }    ' set the value of a field on the current record on a page or userevent/suitelet script. '
function nlapiGetLineItemValue(type,fldnam,linenum) { ; }                       ' return the value of a line item field on the current record on a page or userevent/suitelet script. '
function nlapiSetLineItemValue(type,fldnam,linenum,value) { ; }                 ' set the value of a line item field on the current record on a page or userevent/suitelet  script. '
function nlapiGetLineItemCount(type) { ; }                                      ' return the number of line items in a line item group on the current record on a page or userevent/suitelet script. '
function nlapiInsertLineItem(type, line) { ; }                                  ' insert and select a new line into the line item group on a page or userevent/suitelet script. '
function nlapiRemoveLineItem(type, line) { ; }                                  ' remove the currently selected line from the line item group on a page or userevent/suitelet script. '
' Client SuiteScript Functions '
function nlapiSetFieldText(fldnam,txt,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }       ' set the value of a field on the current record on a page using it's label. '
function nlapiGetFieldText(fldnam) { ; }                              ' return the label of a select field's current selection on the current record on a page. '
function nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue(type,fldnam,value,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; } ' set the value of a field on the currently selected line. '
function nlapiSetCurrentLineItemText(type,fldnam,txt,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }    ' set the value of a field on the currently selected line using it's label. '
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type,fldnam) { ; }                        ' return the value of a field on the currently selected line. '
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemText(type,fldnam) { ; }                         ' return the label of a select field's current selection on the currently selected line. '
function nlapiGetLineItemText(type,fldnam,linenum) { ; }                        ' return the label of a select field's current selection for a particular line. '
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemIndex(type) { ; }                               ' return the line number for the currently selected line. '
function nlapiDisableField(fldnam,val) { ; }                                    ' disable a field. '
function nlapiDisableLineItemField(type,fldnam,val) { ; }                       ' disable a field in a line item group. '
function nlapiRefreshLineItems(type) { ; }                                      ' refresh the line item table. '
function nlapiSelectLineItem(type, linenum) { ; }                               ' select an existing line in a line item group. '
function nlapiCommitLineItem(type) { ; }                                        ' save changes made on the currently selected line to the line item group. '
function nlapiCancelLineItem(type) { ; }                                        ' cancel any changes made on the currently selected line. '
function nlapiSelectNewLineItem(type) { ; }                                     ' select a new line in a line item group. '
function nlapiIsLineItemChanged(type) { ; }                                     ' returns true if any changes have been made to a line item group. '
function nlapiInsertSelectOption(fldnam, value, text, selected) { ; }           ' Adds a select option to a scripted select or multiselect field. '
function nlapiRemoveSelectOption(fldnam, value) { ; }                           ' Removes a select option (or all if value is null) from a scripted select or multiselect field. '
function nlapiInsertLineItemOption(type, fldnam, value, text, selected) { ; }   ' Adds a select option to a scripted select or multiselect line item field. '
function nlapiRemoveLineItemOption(type, fldnam, value) { ; }                   ' Removes a select option (or all if value is null) from a scripted select or multiselect line item field. '
' Server SuiteScript Functions '
function nlapiGetNewRecord() { ; }                                              ' return an record object containing the data being submitted to the system for the currenr record. '
function nlapiGetOldRecord() { ; }                                              ' return an record object containing the current record's data prior to the write operation. '
function nlapiCreateError(code,details,suppressEmail) { ; }                     ' create an nlobjError object that can be used to abort script execution '
function nlapiCreateForm(title, hideNavBar) { ; }                               ' return a new form that can be used to build a custom page. '
function nlapiCreateList(title, hideNavBar) { ; }                               ' return a new list that can be used to build a custom page. '
function nlapiLoadFile(id) { ; }                                                ' load a file from the file cabinet and return the contents as a String (base-64 encoded for binary files). '
function nlapiCreateFile(name, type, contents) { ; }                            ' instantiate a file object (specifying the name, type, and contents which are base-64 encoded for binary types.) '
function nlapiMergeRecord(id, baseType, baseId, altType, altId, fields) { ; }   ' perform a mail merge operation using any template and up to 2 records and returns an nlobjFile with the results. '
function nlapiPrintRecord(type, id, format, properties) { ; }     ' print a record (transaction) gievn its type, id, and output format. '
function nlapiLogExecution(type, title, details) { ; }                          ' create an entry in the script execution log. '
function nlapiScheduleScript(script, deployment, parameters) { ; }              ' queue a scheduled script for immediate execution and return the status QUEUED if successfull. '
function nlapiAttachRecord(type1, id1, type2, id2, properties) { ; }            ' attach a single record to another with optional properties. '
function nlapiDetachRecord(type1, id1, type2, id2, properties) { ; }            ' detach a single record from another with optional properties. '
' Helper SuiteScript Functions '
function nlapiStringToDate(str) { ; }                                           ' convert a String into a Date object. '
function nlapiDateToString(d, formattype) { ; }                                 ' convert a Date object into a String using the current user's date format preference or an optional format type (date|datetime|timeofday). '
function nlapiAddDays(d, days) { ; }                                            ' add days to a Date object. '
function nlapiAddMonths(d, months) { ; }                                        ' add months to a Date object. '
function nlapiFormatCurrency(str) { ; }                                         ' format a number for data entry into a currency field. '
function nlapiEncrypt(s) { ; }                                                  ' encrypt a String using an asymetric encryption algorithm. '
function nlapiEscapeXML(text) { ; }                                             ' escape a String for use in an XML document. '
function nlapiStringToXML(text) { ; }                                           ' convert a String into an XML document. '
function nlapiXMLToString(xml) { ; }                                            ' convert an XML document into a String. '
function nlapiSelectValue(node, xpath) { ; }                                    ' select a value from an XML node using Xpath. '
function nlapiSelectValues(node, xpath) { ; }                                   ' select an array of values from an XML node using Xpath. '
function nlapiSelectNode(node, xpath) { ; }                                     ' select a node from an XML node using Xpath. '
function nlapiSelectNodes(node, xpath) { ; }                                    ' select an array of nodes from an XML node using Xpath. '

' nlobjRecord: scriptable record used for accessing and manipulating records. '
function nlobjRecord( ) { ; }
nlobjRecord.getId = function( ) { ; }                                 ' return the internalId of the current record or NULL for new records. '
nlobjRecord.getRecordType = function( ) { ; }                         ' return the recordType corresponding to this record. '
nlobjRecord.setFieldValue = function( name, value ) { ; }             ' set the value of a field. '
nlobjRecord.setFieldValues = function( name, value ) { ; }            ' set the values of a multi-select field. '
nlobjRecord.getFieldValue = function( name ) { ; }                    ' return the value of a field. '
nlobjRecord.getFieldValues = function( name ) { ; }                   ' return the selected values of a multi-select field as an Array. '
nlobjRecord.getAllFields = function( ) { ; }                          ' return an Array of all field names on the record. '
nlobjRecord.getAllLineItemFields = function( group ) { ; }            ' return an Array of all field names on a record for a particular line item group. '
nlobjRecord.setLineItemValue = function( group, name, line, value ) { ; } ' set the value of a line item field. '
nlobjRecord.getLineItemValue = function( group, name, line ) { ; }    ' return the value of a line item field. '
nlobjRecord.getLineItemCount = function( group ) { ; }                ' return the number of lines in a line item group. '
nlobjRecord.insertLineItem = function( group, line ) { ; }          ' insert a new line into a line item group. '
nlobjRecord.removeLineItem = function( group, line ) { ; }          ' remove an existing line from a line item group. '
' nlobjFile: file object. '
function nlobjFile( ) { ; }
nlobjFile.getName = function( ) { ; }        ' return the name of the file. '
nlobjFile.getId = function( ) { ; }         ' return the id of the file (if stored in the FC). '
nlobjFile.getSize = function( ) { ; }        ' return the size of the file. '
nlobjFile.getURL = function( ) { ; }        ' return the URL of the file (if stored in the FC). '
nlobjFile.getType = function( ) { ; }                               ' return the type of the file. '
nlobjFile.getValue = function( ) { ; }                              ' return the value (base64 encoded for binary types) of the file. '
nlobjFile.setName = function( name ) { ; }                          ' sets the name of a file. '
' nlobjSearchFilter: filter objects used to define search criteria. '
function nlobjSearchFilter( name, join, operator, value, value2 ) { ; }
nlobjSearchFilter.getName = function( ) { ; }                         ' return the name of this search filter. '
nlobjSearchFilter.getJoin = function( ) { ; }                         ' return the join id for this search filter. '
nlobjSearchFilter.getOperator = function( ) { ; }                     ' return the filter operator used. '
' nlobjSearchColumn: column objects used to define search return columns. '
function nlobjSearchColumn( name, join, summary ) { ; }
nlobjSearchColumn.getName = function( ) { ; }                         ' return the name of this search column. '
nlobjSearchColumn.getJoin = function( ) { ; }                         ' return the join id for this search column. '
nlobjSearchColumn.getSummary = function( ) { ; }                      ' return the summary type (avg,group,sum,count) of this search column. '
nlobjSearchColumn.getAllColumns = function( ) { ; }                   ' return an array of all nlobjSearchColumn objects returned in this search. '
' nlobjSearchResult: search result row object. '
function nlobjSearchResult( ) { ; }
nlobjSearchResult.getId = function( ) { ; }                           ' return the internalId for the record returned in this row. '
nlobjSearchResult.getRecordType = function( ) { ; }                   ' return the recordtype for the record returned in this row. '
nlobjSearchResult.getValue = function( name, join, summary ) { ; }    ' return the value of this return column. '
nlobjSearchResult.getText = function( name, join, summary ) { ; }     ' return the text value of this return column if it's a select field. '
' nlobjContext: user and script context information. '
function nlobjContext( ) { ; }
nlobjContext.getName = function( ) { ; }                              ' return the name of the current user. '
nlobjContext.getUser = function( ) { ; }                              ' return the internalId of the current user. '
nlobjContext.getRole = function( ) { ; }                              ' return the internalId of the current user's role. '
nlobjContext.getRoleCenter = function( ) { ; }                        ' return the internalId of the current user's center type. '
nlobjContext.getEmail = function( ) { ; }                             ' return the email address of the current user. '
nlobjContext.getCompany = function( ) { ; }                           ' return the account ID of the current user. '
nlobjContext.getDepartment = function( ) { ; }                        ' return the internalId of the current user's department. '
nlobjContext.getLocation = function( ) { ; }                          ' return the internalId of the current user's location. '
nlobjContext.getSubsidiary = function( ) { ; }                        ' return the internalId of the current user's subsidiary. '
nlobjContext.getExecutionContext = function( ) { ; }                  ' return the internalId of the current user's role. '
nlobjContext.getRemainingUsage = function( ) { ; }                    ' return the amount of usage units remaining for this script. '
nlobjContext.getSetting = function( type, name ) { ; }                ' return a system/script setting. Types are SCRIPT, SESSION, FEATURE, PERMISSION '
nlobjContext.setSetting = function( type, name, value ) { ; }         ' set a system/script setting. Only supported type is SESSION '
nlobjContext.getLogLevel = function(  ) { ; }                         ' return the logging level for the current script execution. Not supported in CLIENT scripts '
nlobjContext.getEnvironment = function(  ) { ; }                      ' return the environment that the script is executing in: SANDBOX, PRODUCTION, BETA, INTERNAL '
' nlobjError: system or user-defined error object. '
function nlobjError( ) { ; }
nlobjError.getId = function( ) { ; }                                  ' return the error db ID for this error (if it was an unhandled unexpected error). '
nlobjError.getCode = function( ) { ; }                                ' return the error code for this system or user-defined error. '
nlobjError.getDetails = function( ) { ; }                             ' return the error description for this error. '
nlobjError.getStackTrace = function( ) { ; }                          ' return a stacktrace containing the location of the error. '
nlobjError.getUserEvent = function( ) { ; }                           ' return the userevent script name where this error was thrown. '
nlobjError.getInternalId = function( ) { ; }                          ' return the internalid of the record if this error was thrown in an aftersubmit script. '
' nlobjResponse: ServletResponse used in SUITELETs -or- returned by a call to nlapiRequestURL. '
function nlobjResponse( ) { ; }
nlobjResponse.addHeader = function( name, value ) { ; }               ' adds a custom response header. '
nlobjResponse.setHeader = function( name, value ) { ; }               ' sets a custom response header. '
nlobjResponse.setContentType = function( type, filename ) { ; }       ' sets the content type for the response (and an optinal filename for binary output). '
nlobjResponse.sendRedirect = function( category, type, id, editmode, parameters ) { ; } ' sets the redirect URL for the response. '
nlobjResponse.write = function( output ) { ; }                        ' write information (text/xml/html) to the response. '
nlobjResponse.writeLine = function( output ) { ; }                    ' write line information (text/xml/html) to the response. '
nlobjResponse.writePage = function( pageobject ) { ; }                ' write a page (nlobjForm or nlobjList). '
nlobjResponse.getHeader = function( ) { ; }                           ' return the value of a header returned via nlapiRequestURL. '
nlobjResponse.getHeaders = function( ) { ; }                          ' return all the values of a header returned via nlapiRequestURL. '
nlobjResponse.getAllHeaders = function( ) { ; }                       ' return an Array of all headers returned via nlapiRequestURL. '
nlobjResponse.getCode = function( ) { ; }                             ' return the response code returned via nlapiRequestURL. '
nlobjResponse.getBody = function( ) { ; }                             ' return the response body returned via nlapiRequestURL. '
nlobjResponse.getError = function( ) { ; }                            ' return the nlobjError thrown via a client call to nlapiRequestURL. '
' nlobjRequest: ServletRequest in SUITELETs and available in beforeLoad scripts (for browser requests). '
function nlobjRequest( ) { ; }
nlobjRequest.getParameter = function( name ) { ; }                    ' return the value of a request parameter. '
nlobjRequest.getParameterValues = function( name ) { ; }              ' return the values of a request parameter as an Array. '
nlobjRequest.getAllParameters = function( ) { ; }                     ' return an Array containing all the request parameters. '
nlobjRequest.getLineItemValue = function( group, name, line ) { ; }   ' return the value of a line item value. '
nlobjRequest.getLineItemCount = function( group ) { ; }               ' return the number of lines in a line item group. '
nlobjRequest.getHeader = function( name ) { ; }                       ' return the value of a header. '
nlobjRequest.getAllHeaders = function( ) { ; }                        ' return an Array containing all the request headers. '
nlobjRequest.getBody = function( ) { ; }                              ' return the entire body of the request. '
nlobjRequest.getURL = function( ) { ; }                               ' return the URL being requested. '
nlobjRequest.getMethod = function( ) { ; }                            ' return the METHOD of the request: GET or POST. '
' nlobjPortlet: scriptable dashboard portlet. '
function nlobjPortlet( ) { ; }
nlobjPortlet.setTitle = function( title ) { ; }                       ' set the portlet title. '
nlobjPortlet.setHtml = function( html ) { ; }                         ' set the entire contents of the HTML portlet (will be placed inside a <TD>...</TD>). '
nlobjPortlet.addColumn = function( name, type, label, align ) { ; }   ' add a column (nlobjColumn) to this LIST portlet and return it. '
nlobjPortlet.addEditColumn = function( column, showView, showHref ) { ; }   ' add an Edit column (nlobjColumn) to the left of the column specified (supported on LIST portlets only). '
nlobjPortlet.addRow = function( row ) { ; }                           ' add a row (nlobjSearchResult or Array of name-value pairs) to this LIST portlet. '
nlobjPortlet.addRows = function( rows ) { ; }                         ' add multiple rows (Array of nlobjSearchResults or name-value pair Arrays) to this LIST portlet. '
nlobjPortlet.addField = function( name,type,label,source ) { ; }      ' add a field (nlobjField) to this FORM portlet and return it. '
nlobjPortlet.setSubmitButton = function( url, label ) { ; }           ' add a FORM submit button to this FORM portlet. '
nlobjPortlet.addLine = function( text, url, indent ) { ; }            ' add a line (containing text or simple HTML) with optional indenting and URL to this LINKS portlet. '
' nlobjList:  scriptable list page. '
function nlobjList( ) { ; }
nlobjList.setTitle = function( title ) { ; }                          ' set the page title. '
nlobjList.setStyle = function( style ) { ; }                          ' set the global style for this list: grid|report|plain|normal. '
nlobjList.setScript = function( script ) { ; }                        ' set the Client SuiteScript used for this page. '
nlobjList.addColumn = function( name, type, label, align ) { ; }      ' add a column (nlobjColumn) to this list and return it. '
nlobjList.addEditColumn = function( column, showView, showHref ) { ; }   ' add an Edit column (nlobjColumn) to the left of the column specified. '
nlobjList.addRow = function( row ) { ; }                              ' add a row (Array of name-value pairs or nlobjSearchResult) to this portlet. '
nlobjList.addRows = function( rows ) { ; }                            ' add multiple rows (Array of nlobjSearchResults or name-value pair Arrays) to this portlet. '
nlobjList.addButton = function( name, label, script ) { ; }           ' add a button (nlobjButton) to the footer of this page. '
nlobjList.addPageLink = function( type, title, url ) { ; }            ' add a navigation cross-link to the page. '
' nlobjColumn: scriptable list column. '
function nlobjColumn( ) { ; }
nlobjColumn.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }                         ' set the header name for this column. '
nlobjColumn.setURL = function( value, dynamic ) { ; }                  ' set the base URL (optionally defined per row) for this column. '
nlobjColumn.addParamToURL = function( param, value, dynamic ) { ; }    ' add a URL parameter (optionally defined per row) to this column's URL. '
nlobjColumn.getName = function( ) { ; }           ' Return the name for this column. '
nlobjColumn.getLabel = function( ) { ; }           ' Return the label for this column. '
' nlobjForm: scriptable form page. '
function nlobjForm( ) { ; }
nlobjForm.setTitle = function( title ) { ; }                          ' set the page title. '
nlobjForm.setScript = function( script ) { ; }                        ' set the Client Script definition used for this page. '
nlobjForm.setFieldValues = function( values ) { ; }                   ' set the values for all the fields on this form. '
nlobjForm.addPageLink = function( type, title, url ) { ; }            ' add a navigation cross-link to the page. '
nlobjForm.addButton = function( name, label, script ) { ; }           ' add a button to this form. '
nlobjForm.addResetButton = function( label ) { ; }                    ' add a reset button to this form. '
nlobjForm.addSubmitButton = function( label ) { ; }                   ' add a submit button to this form. '
nlobjForm.addTab = function( name, label ) { ; }                      ' add a tab (nlobjTab) to this form and return it. '
nlobjForm.addField = function( name,type,label,source,tab ) { ; }     ' add a field (nlobjField) to this form and return it. '
nlobjForm.addSubTab = function( name,label,tab ) { ; }                ' add a subtab (nlobjTab) to this form and return it. '
nlobjForm.addSubList = function( name,type,label,tab ) { ; }          ' add a sublist (nlobjSubList) to this form and return it. '
nlobjForm.insertTab = function( tab, nexttab ) { ; }                  ' insert a tab (nlobjTab) before another tab (name). '
nlobjForm.insertField = function( field, nextfld ) { ; }              ' insert a field (nlobjField) before another field (name). '
nlobjForm.insertSubTab = function( subtab, nextsublist ) { ; }        ' insert a subtab (nlobjTab) before another subtab or sublist (name). '
nlobjForm.insertSubList = function( sublist, nextsublist ) { ; }      ' insert a sublist (nlobjSubList) before another subtab or sublist (name). '
nlobjForm.getTab = function( name ) { ; }                             ' return a tab (nlobjTab) on this form. '
nlobjForm.getField = function( name ) { ; }                           ' return a field (nlobjField) on this form. '
nlobjForm.getSubTab = function( name ) { ; }                          ' return a subtab (nlobjTab) on this form. '
nlobjForm.getSubList = function( name ) { ; }                         ' return a sublist (nlobjSubList) on this form. '
' nlobjField: scriptable form/sublist field. '
function nlobjField( ) { ; }
nlobjField.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }                         ' set the label for this field. '
nlobjField.setAlias = function( alias ) { ; }                         ' set the alias used to set the value for this field. Defaults to field name. '
nlobjField.setDefaultValue = function( value ) { ; }                  ' set the default value for this field. '
nlobjField.setMandatory = function( mandatory ) { ; }                 ' make this field mandatory. '
nlobjField.setMaxLength = function( maxlength ) { ; }                 ' set the maxlength for this field. '
nlobjField.setDisplayType = function( type ) { ; }                    ' set the display type for this field: inline|normal|hidden|disabled|readonly|entry. '
nlobjField.setLayoutType = function( type, breaktype ) { ; }          ' set the layout type (outside|startrow|midrow|endrow|normal) and break type (startcol|startrow|none). '
nlobjField.setLinkText = function( text ) { ; }                       ' set the text that gets displayed in lieu of the field value for URL fields. '
nlobjField.setDisplaySize = function( width, height ) { ; }           ' set the width and height for this field. '
nlobjField.setPadding = function( padding ) { ; }                     ' set the amount of emppty vertical space (rows) between this field and the previous field. '
nlobjField.addSelectOption = function( value, text, selected ) { ; }  ' add a select option to this field (valid for select/multiselect fields). '
' nlobjSubList: scriptable sublist (line item group). '
function nlobjSubList( ) { ; }
nlobjSubList.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }                       ' set the label for this sublist. '
nlobjSubList.setHelpText = function( help ) { ; }                   ' set helper text for this sublist. '
nlobjSubList.setDisplayType = function( type ) { ; }                  ' set the displaytype for this sublist: hidden|normal. '
nlobjSubList.setLineItemValue = function( field, line, value ) { ; }  ' set the value of a cell in this sublist. '
nlobjSubList.setLineItemValues = function( values ) { ; }             ' set values for multiple lines (Array of nlobjSearchResults or name-value pair Arrays) in this sublist. '
nlobjSubList.getField = function( name ) { ; }                        ' return a field (nlobjField) on this sublist. '
nlobjSubList.addField = function( name,type,label,source ) { ; }      ' add a field (column) to this sublist. '
nlobjSubList.addButton = function( name, label, script ) { ; }        ' add a button to this sublist. '
nlobjSubList.addMarkAllButtons = function( ) { ; }                    ' add "Mark All" and "Unmark All" buttons to this sublist of type "list". '
' nlobjTab: scriptable tab or subtab. '
function nlobjTab( ) { ; }
nlobjTab.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }                             ' set the label for this tab or subtab. '
nlobjTab.setHelpText = function( help ) { ; }                           ' set helper text for this tab or subtab. '





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


