cocos2D-javascript 入门分享



‘jah’ is the library used by cocos2D-javascript for managing js files and asserts file. But there are not any materials mentioned jah from the document and tutorial in the site. The origin description from the author's github is:

"Jah is simple Node.js framework which enables you to build Web browser based applications using theCommonJS module system. This means you can easily break your application up into separate directories and files and include them when needed using the require function."

After digging deep in the src code, I want to share you the result.


(function (window) {

    var assetURL = STATIC_URL + "assets";
    var scripts = [
      STATIC_URL + "js/lib/cocos2d.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/main.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/state_machine.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/logic_controller.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/html_ui.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/menu_scene.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/loading_scene.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/game_scene.js",
      STATIC_URL + "js/src/win_scene.js",
    var assets = [
      {baseUri:assetURL, path:"/questions/whois_that_pokemon.jpg", mimeType:"image/jpg"},
    window.__jah__ = {resources:{}, assetURL: assetURL, __blockReady: true};

    function initializeApplication () {
        if (window.document.readyState != 'complete') return;
        var i = 0
        function nextScript () {
            if (scripts.length > i) {
                addScript(document, scripts[i], nextScript)
            } else {
        for(i = 0; i < assets.length; ++i) {
        	var asset = assets[i];
        	addAsset(asset.baseUri, asset.path, asset.mimeType);

    function addScript (document, script, callback) {
        s = document.createElement('script')
        s.type = 'text/javascript'
        s.defer = true
        s.onload = callback
        s.src = script

    function addAsset(baseUri, path, mimeType) {
    	__jah__.resources[path] = {data: baseUri + path, mimetype: mimeType, remote: true};

    if (typeof window.document.onreadystatechange !== 'undefined') {
        var listener = window.document.addEventListener('readystatechange', initializeApplication, false)
    } else if (window.document.readyState) {
        var checkReadyState = function () {
            if (window.document.readyState == 'complete') {
            } else {
                setTimeout(checkReadyState, 13)
    } else {
        window.onload = initializeApplication


Init.js is an template file for initializing module and assert. The above code is an instance with some mine changes to illustrate the principle.



Firstly we should define the terms : "module" and "asset".


"module" refers to the separated js files which have been built. The build here is just some kind of grammar wrapping. The globe function 'require' can be used to export the object which the module wants to expose for external using.


‘asset’ refers to mime type resources. It can be js script, image, video, txt, json and so on... The globe function 'resource' can be used to reference the wanted asset. For now jah only implements some text type asset and image.


'module' and 'asset' are both listed in the 'resource' object which belongs to the globe object __jah__. The path is as the property name for the key to reference the resource. The 'remote' property means the resource will be loaded as an 'asset'. So the 'module' will has a false value. For 'module', data stands for a closure object for other scripts using. For 'asset', data stands for the url.

window.__jah__.resources[path] = {data: string/closure, mimetype: string, remote: bool};


From init.js, we can see only addAsset function adds property to __jah__.resource, addScript not. It is because "module" resource which has a false value on remote property won't be loaded by jah( jah is the one of "modules", it can't be loaded by itself ), but "asset' resource can be loaded by jah dynamiclly.


To take advantage of the modularization feature, the js must be "built". You can find that the so-called 'build' is just a property wrap in __jah__.resources though the following sample.

__jah__.resources["/main.js"] = {data: function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {"use strict"  // Use strict JavaScript mode

var events = require('events');
var director = require('cocos2d').Director.sharedDirector;
var logic_controller = require('/logic_controller').logic_controller;

function main() {
	events.addListener(director, 'ready', function (director) {
	var img = resource('/questions/whois_that_pokemon.jpg');

exports.main = main;
}, mimetype: "application/javascript", remote: false};


The following logic begins to be simple. After initialize the array of 'module' and 'asset', the DOM will complete all the appended scripts. One of them must be cocos2d.js. It will init __jah__ inside function. Then 'require' and 'resource' will be added as globe functions. Do you have an attention on  '__triggerReady' ? It will drive to run a  preload scene preseted by cocos2D-javascript. In this scene a preloader will be started for loading the asserts in the list one by one. While the process, user can see the process in the process bar of the scene. Of course,  you can overload the preload scene to change the representation by what you want.

Cocos2d-JS开发之旅 从HTML 5到原生手机游戏》 《Cocos2d-JS开发之旅——从HTML 5到原生手机游戏》从简单到复杂逐渐深入介绍Cocos2d-JS,包括HTML5和手机原生游戏两个方面的内容。这些内容融汇了作者多年的工作经验和Cocos2d-JS 的亲身使用教训,有助于读者快速掌握游戏开发的方法和避开不必要的麻烦。 《Cocos2d-JS开发之旅——从HTML 5到原生手机游戏》以两个游戏为线索,每一章的学习都为最终实现游戏而准备。除了基础的Cocos2d-JS使用方法,本书还会探讨如何调试发布原生手机游戏和另外一些高级话题。 《Cocos2d-JS开发之旅——从HTML 5到原生手机游戏》适合所有对2D 游戏开发感兴趣的人群,尤其是计算机专业学生、Flash/JS 开发者,因为Cocos2d-JS简单易懂,读者会发现自己已有的基础能快速应用或转移到Cocos2d-JS 游戏的开发中。 目录 第一部分 准 备 篇 第1 章 Cocos2d-JS 介绍 / 2 第2 章 跑起我们的HelloWorld / 10 第一部分总结 / 27 第二部分 做一个简单的小游戏 第3 章 Cocos2d-JS 的平面世界 / 30 第4 章 让世界来点动静 / 51 第5 章 让玩家操纵这个世界 / 72 第6 章 控制小怪按时出现——定时器 / 84 第7 章 游戏界面 / 96 第8 章 不能光说不练——小小碰碰糖 / 122 第9 章 把成果分享到网上 / 143 第二部分总结 / 158 第三部分 再做一个高大上游戏 第10 章 走向高大上的必经之路——简单的性能优化 / 160 第11 章 让主角不再死板 / 173 第12 章 动态的背景 / 188 第13 章 界面的文字有点丑 / 204 第14 章 超炫的效果——粒子系统 / 211 第15 章 尝试做一个更大的游戏——Hungry Hero(上篇)/ 226 第16 章 尝试做一个更大的游戏——Hungry Hero(下篇)/ 235 第三部分总结 / 291 第四部分 把两个游戏做成原生手机游戏 第17 章 咱们也来做APP / 294 第18 章 真是这么美好吗?更多问题来了 / 304 第四部分总结 / 320 第五部分 高 级 篇 第19 章 订阅者模式——事件机制 / 322 第20 章 屏幕尺寸适配哪家强 / 331 第21 章 让死去的主角灰掉——渲染控制 / 342 第22 章 动态热更新 / 363 第23 章 想说的还有很多 / 374 第五部分总结 / 376




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