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原创 本地部署StableDiffusion WebUI

stable-diffusion-webui 安装_w3cschool。

2023-03-30 20:12:31 760

原创 [本地部署]使用PaddleNLP体验Stable Diffusion

本地部署 使用PaddleNLP体验Stable Diffusion

2022-09-07 10:13:26 1315 1

原创 AI机器人跑 [地铁跑酷]


2022-09-06 17:52:05 5921

原创 <Rasa实战>使用rasa test指令来评估nlu,core模型性能

使用rasa test指令来评估nlu,core模型性能

2022-06-08 16:16:08 984

原创 <Rasa实战> 内容摘要(四)

我正在「AI爱好者社区」服务器中聊天,来和我一起畅聊吧 ~ 点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN网页版,请入:https://fanbook.mobi/web/home网页版如要加入社区,请复制社区ID(3H6D5FVN)加入.

2022-04-25 08:45:32 601

原创 <Rasa实战> 内容摘要(三)

我正在「AI爱好者社区」服务器中聊天,来和我一起畅聊吧 ~ 点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN网页版,请入:https://fanbook.mobi/web/home网页版如要加入社区,请复制社区ID(3H6D5FVN)加入.

2022-04-24 09:01:39 493 1

原创 <Rasa实战> 内容摘要(二)

我正在「AI爱好者社区」服务器中聊天,来和我一起畅聊吧 ~ 点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN

2022-04-21 08:48:58 1138 1

原创 <Rasa实战> 内容摘要(一)

我正在「AI爱好者社区」服务器中聊天,来和我一起畅聊吧 ~ 点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN

2022-04-20 09:12:54 1254 1

原创 <Rasa实战>第八章实例运行

我正在「AI爱好者社区」服务器中聊天,来和我一起畅聊吧 ~ 点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN

2022-04-19 08:18:28 1019 3

原创 <Rasa实战>python代码使用PyCharm IDE进行调试

参考<Rasa实战>中10.1.2.2介绍具体步骤:步骤一:配置PyCharm步骤二:设置断点启动Debug实战:不能识别"周杰伦的生日"调试启动debug后IDE终端截图如下:在另外新建的shell终端中,执行rasa shell,并输入"周杰伦的生日"断点里的变量,slots标识是正常的定位到问题问题修复说明: 重写一下run,将attribute的处理提前即可.结尾当然,例子的问题还有其它的,比如如何重新一次新的对话? 如何清除slots内容? 等

2022-04-05 15:39:04 1666

原创 <Rasa实战>第五章实例运行


2022-04-02 20:13:34 2651 3

原创 DIET简介


2022-04-02 09:15:53 923

原创 <Rasa实战>第四章实例运行

点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN 「AI爱好者社区」服务器

2022-04-01 14:06:45 288

原创 <Rasa实战>第六章实例运行

我正在「AI爱好者社区」服务器中聊天,来和我一起畅聊吧 ~ 点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN

2022-04-01 10:41:44 666 2

原创 <Rasa实战>第三章实例运行


2022-03-30 08:29:25 617 1

原创 <Rasa实战>第二章实例运行

<Rasa实战>实例我正在「AI爱好者社区」服务器中聊天,来和我一起畅聊吧 ~ 点击加入:https://fanbook.mobi/3H6D5FVN

2022-03-30 08:10:39 386

原创 Windows10使用cuda加速YOLOv5训练

查看自己主机的显卡信息,比如我的显卡是:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB需要安装的工具列表:显卡驱动 (v465.89): cuda v11.3.1 cuDNN v8.2.1 pytorch v1.10.1步骤一:安装显卡驱动使用下面的链接查找cuda版本对应的显卡驱动(此步骤千万不要弄错了)https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-toolkit-release-notes/NVIDIA 驱动程序下载 - 高级搜索

2021-12-31 09:04:26 3675 1

原创 Windows 10安装YOLOv5训练及验证狗狗照片

1. Install YOLOv5$git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5$cd yolov5$pip install -r requirements.txt2. 训练数据集(已标签过)链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kMckA7OAi-UZdxgdD9ys7w提取码:adnb3. 执行train.py开始训练狗狗照片$python train.py --data data/dogs.yaml.

2021-12-31 08:43:17 1564

原创 windows平台 Anaconda及相关插件安装

1. Anaconda官网https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual2. Anaconda安装3. 创建python3.7虚拟环境$conda create -n {名字} python=3.7如:$conda create -n py370 python=3.7创建成功打印:激活虚拟环境py3704. PyCharm Install pycharm https://...

2021-12-31 08:26:29 1786

原创 TypeScript过滤特殊字符及Emoji表情符号

function filterSpecialChar(inputString: string): string { var pattern = new RegExp("[`~!@#$^&*()=|{}':;',\\[\\].<>《》/?~!@#¥……&*()——|{}【】‘;:”“'。,、?]"); // 过滤特殊字符 var subString = inputString.replace(pattern, ''); var tmpString .

2021-09-26 11:17:33 1156

原创 ETC1压缩纹理图片格式


2021-08-09 14:24:31 761

原创 -牧野- OpenGL文章收集

OpenGL(一)绘制圆、五角星、正弦曲线https://blog.csdn.net/dcrmg/article/details/53057394OpenGl(二)点线设置、多边形镂空https://blog.csdn.net/dcrmg/article/details/53070689OpenGL(三) RGBA颜色设置https://blog.csdn.net/dcrmg/article/details/53073838OpenGL(四) 左右手坐标系及基本坐标变换https://b

2020-11-19 08:51:22 172

原创 gradlew.bat app:assembleRelease打不出signed apk

问题:$cd {project}/android/$gradlew.bat app:assembleRelease打出的包没有签名,即只生成:app-release-unsigned.apk修复:需要在android/app/build.gradle 加以下一行:signingConfig  signingConfigs.releaseCon

2017-12-29 11:46:26 3086

转载 将Sublime Text 3设置为Python全栈开发环境


2017-12-15 17:34:26 578

原创 ndk-stack 把堆栈定位出来

ndk-stack -sym android\app\build\intermediates\ndkBuild\xxx\debug\obj\local\armeabi-v7a -dump  D:/1.txt1.txt 内容:ABI: 'arm'pid: 21895, tid: 21949, name: Main  >>> com.playrix.gardenscapes.ama

2017-12-04 15:55:58 1818

转载 如何打开Mac OSX原生的读写NTFS功能(支持OS X EI,秒杀NTFS+)

可以从finder或者使用以下命令查看到磁盘的Volume Name:diskutil list/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):   #:                       TYPE           NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER   0:      GUID_part

2017-11-26 08:40:52 7022

转载 左手程序员,右手作家:你必须会的Jupyter Notebook


2017-07-29 08:18:09 437

转载 Python数据分析的起手式

Python数据分析的起手式(1)Python 基础http://www.jianshu.com/p/39eb230e6f15

2017-07-29 08:16:04 253

原创 android studio 部分配色方案

logcat name 颜色 assert aa66cc debug 33b5e5 error ff4444 info 99cc00 verbose ffffff warning ffbb33

2017-07-22 11:27:23 1076

转载 提高VS2010/VS2012编译速度

http://blog.csdn.net/mythma/article/details/9275513除了合理的划分模块,减少link的时间外,充分利用多核编译也很重要。VS2010/2012都可以用多核编译,需要同时设置如下两个参数:Enable Minimal Rebuild Properties -> Confi

2017-07-20 10:07:20 609

原创 python使用codecs模块进行文件操作-读写中英文字符

摘自:python使用codecs模块进行文件操作import sysimport osimport codecs"""Usage: ConvertCp.py SrcDir DstDire.g.if your source folder is "D:/Test/NonUnicode", destination folder is "D:/Test/utf8", just run comm

2017-07-19 09:45:57 1131

原创 Cyrillic script

字符编码详解[https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/char_encoding/release/html/char_encoding.html]Cyrillic script[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic_script]西里爾字母[https://www.wikiwand.com/zh-mo/%E8%A5%B

2017-07-19 09:41:17 423

转载 加快Android Studio的编译速度

http://www.jianshu.com/p/c27ae1019225从Eclipse切换到Android Studio后,感觉Android Studio的build速度比Eclipse慢很多,以下几个方法可以提高Android Studio的编译速度使用Gradle 2.4Gradle 2.4对执行性能有很大的优化,但Android Studio现在默认使用

2017-04-26 10:39:41 815

转载 ld: library not found for -lXXXXX 编译问题的解决方法

团队开发的时候每次更新后都有可能碰到各种各样的问题,昨天同事对项目结构做了些修改,更新后编译就遇到下面的情况:    ld: library not found for -lAFNetworking  这个错误是说编译时找不到AFNetworking这个链接库,但是我在项目代码中找到对引用的地方,没有其他异常。从网上搜索找到两种解决方法。    方法一:点击 XCode 工程文

2017-04-25 14:36:11 7521

原创 Sublime Text 2快捷键

向前,向后位置切换{ "keys": ["alt+."], "command": "next_view_in_stack" },{ "keys": ["alt+,"], "command": "prev_view_in_stack" },

2015-11-21 17:42:43 494 1

转载 APKTOOL的使用心得


2014-10-21 14:31:55 3779

原创 AI网站--AI分享站


2014-09-01 17:37:50 2781

转载 来自HeroKu的HTTP API 设计指南(中文版)

翻译 by @Easy简介本指南中文翻译者为 @Easy ,他是国内首家互联网人才拍卖网站 JobDeer.com 的创始人。转载请保留本信息。本指南描述了一系列 HTTP+JSON API 的设计实践, 来自并展开于 Heroku Platform API 的工作。本指南指导着Heroku内部API的开发,我们希望也能对Heroku以外的API设计者有所帮助。..

2014-09-01 00:00:25 807

转载 android java获得root权限调用linux命令

这段代码演示了如何在Java代码里,通过调用su命令来临时修改某些文件的访问权限 Runtime ex = Runtime.getRuntime(); String cmdBecomeSu = "su"; String script = "busybox chmod a+rw /dev/pmem"; try{ java.lang.Process runsum = ex.exec

2014-08-31 23:51:29 4718

原创 Launch an application from another application on Android

Intent LaunchIntent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.package.address");startActivity(LaunchIntent);

2014-08-31 23:48:36 664

TensorFlow for Deep Learning - 2018

TensorFlow for Deep Learning - 2018


Python机器学习基础教程 - 2018

Python机器学习基础教程 - 2018 Python机器学习基础教程 - 2018


Make Your Own Neural Network - 2016

神经网络 Make Your Own Neural Network - 2016


Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics - 2015

Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics - 2015


Deep Learning for Beginners Concepts, Techniques and Tools - 2017

Deep Learning for Beginners Concepts, Techniques and Tools - 2017



游戏人工智能编程案例精粹 本书主要讲述如何使游戏中的角色具有智能的技术.书中首先介绍游戏角色的基本属性(包括速度,质量等物理属性)及常用数学方法.接着,深入探讨游戏智能体状态机的实现.通过简单足球游戏实例,本书给出用状态机实现游戏AI的例子.在图论部分,本书详细介绍图在游戏中的用途及各种不同的图搜索算法,并用一章的篇幅讨论了游戏中路径规划是如何完成的.此外,本书还对目标驱动的智能体的实现,触发器与模糊逻辑在游戏中的运用进行讨论.



C和C++程序员的Lua快速入门 lua学习相关文档






深入理解Android:卷I JNI相关文档,值得珍藏


Linux2.6.33 下ZC301USB 摄像头使用教程

V4L2相关资料 Linux2.6.33 下ZC301USB 摄像头使用教程


Segmentation fault in linux

Segmentation fault in linux


Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版)源代码(第2章--10章)

Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版)源代码(第2章--10章)


Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版).part3

Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版).part3


Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版).part2

Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版).part2


Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版).part1

Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版)


Apress.Pro.Android.Games.Dec.2009 Source Code

Apress.Pro.Android.Games.Dec.2009 Source Code





Matters Computational ideas, algorithms, source code

This is a book for the computationalist, whether a working programmer or anyone interested in methods of computation. The focus is on material that does not usually appear in textbooks on algorithms. Where necessary the underlying ideas are explained and the algorithms are given formally. It is assumed that the reader is able to understand the given source code, it is considered part of the text. We use the C++ programming language for low-level algorithms. However, only a minimal set of features beyond plain C is used, most importantly classes and templates. For material where technicalities in the C++ code would obscure the underlying ideas we use either pseudocode or, with arithmetical algorithms, the GP language. Appendix C gives an introduction to GP. Example computations are often given with an algorithm, these are usually made with the demo programs referred to. Most of the listings and gures in this book were created with these programs. A recurring topic is practical eciency of the implementations. Various optimization techniques are described and the actual performance of many given implementations is indicated. The accompanying software, the FXT [20] and the hfloat [21] libraries, are written for POSIX compliant platforms such as the Linux and BSD operating systems. The license is the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. Individual chapters are self-contained where possible and references to related material are given where needed. The symbol ` z ' marks sections that can be skipped at rst reading. These typically contain excursions or more advanced material. Each item in the bibliography is followed by a list of page numbers where citations occur. With papers that are available for free download the respective URL is given. Note that the URL may point to a preprint which can di er from the nal version of the paper. The electronic version of this book is available for free anonymous download. It is identical to the printed version. See appendix A for information about the license. Given the amount of material treated there must be errors in this book. Corrections and suggestions for improvement are appreciated, the preferred way of communication is electronic mail. A list of errata is online at http://www.jjj.de/fxt/#fxtbook. Many people helped to improve this book. It is my pleasure to thank them all, particularly helpful were Igal Aharonovich, Max Alekseyev, Marcus Blackburn, Nathan Bullock, Dominique Delande, Mike Engber, Torsten Finke, Sean Furlong, Almaz Gaifullin, Pedro Gimeno, Alexander Glyzov, R. W. Gosper, Andreas Grunbacher, Lance Gurney, Markus Gyger, Christoph Haenel, Tony Hardie-Bick, Laszlo Hars, Thomas Harte, Stephen Hartke, Je Hurchalla, Derek M. Jones, Gideon Klimer, Richard B. Kreckel, Mike Kundmann, Gal Laszlo, Dirk Lattermann, Avery Lee, Brent Lehman, Marc Lehmann, Paul C. Leopardi, John Lien, Mirko Liss, Robert C. Long, Fred Lunnon, Johannes Middeke, Doug Moore, Fabio Moreira, Andrew Morris, David Nalepa, Samuel Neves, Matthew Oliver, Miros law Osys, Christoph Pacher, Krisztian Paczari, Scott Paine, Yves Paradis, Gunther Piez, Andre Piotrowski, David Garca Quintas, Andreas Raseghi, Tony Reix, Johan Ronnblom, Uwe Schmelich, Thomas Schraitle, Clive Scott, Mukund Sivaraman, Michal Staruch, Ralf Stephan, Mikko Tommila, Michael Roby Wether eld, Jim White, Vinnie Winkler, John Youngquist, Rui Zhang, and Paul Zimmermann. Special thanks go to Edith Parzefall and Michael Somos for independently proofreading the whole text (the remaining errors are mine), and to Neil Sloane for creating the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences [308].


C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4(2nd) chm版本

文件名: C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, Second Edition.chm


C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4(2nd) pdf版本



nano-X 函数说明文档

Nano-X API Reference Manual


SD Card 家族纵览

SD Card 家族纵览






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