Universal Extractor v1.6 beta

 Added support for individual user preferences for better Vista support; by default, this is enabled for standalone, disabled for installed when enabled, UniExtract uses single .ini file as with previous version when disabled, individual prefs/history are saved to registry in HKCU this can be changed by modifying globalprefs setting in .ini file Added menu bar to main GUI; includes options to quit, edit preferences, and visit UniExtract website Added separate preferences GUI to provide easy access to all options; can be invoked through Edit menu or through '/prefs' argument Added support for FEAD Optimizer packages (eg, Adobe Reader installers) Added support for LZMA compressed files Added support for Nero NRG CD-ROM images (data only) via nrg2iso Added support for Reflexive Arcade installer wrapper via RAIU Added support for WIM (Windows Imaging Format) images via 7-Zip Added "Not an InstallShield installer" option to InstallShield method select dialog to force UniExtract to handle TrID false positives Added components section to installer; makes installation of docs, languages, and certain (large) binaries optional Added SendTo icon option to installer Added internationalization support for decompressed ASPack and UPX files Added Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Turkish, and Valencian (Catalan) translations Added return codes to indicated status of extraction (actually added in 1.5): 0 = successful exit or user-initiated cancel 1 = supposedly supported file, but extraction failed 2 = debug file is not writable, aborted 3 = unknown executable - cannot be extracted 4 = unknown filetype - cannot be extracted 5 = invalid output directory specified Fixed bug that displayed debugging message box during Inno Setup extraction Fixed support for Microsoft hotfixes (again) Fixed support for relative paths Fixed support for UNC paths Fixed missing Spanish language option during installation Removed Adobe-specific report (now handled by generic FEAD support) Updated UniExtract to prompt user before executing files for extraction; can be disabled via warnexecute option Updated UniExtract to make ACE, KGB, Pea, and StuffIt support optional Updated UniExtract to read English.ini from root install directory Updated UniExtract to output debug files to %temp% by default Updated UniExtract to verify that debug file location can be written to; user's temp directory will be used if selected dir fails test Updated UniExtract to disable appendext option by default Updated UniExtract changelog to add notice of Vietnamese translation in 1.5 Updated TrID detection of MS Self-Extracting CAB (Type 1) archives Updated TrID detection of Windows Installer (MSI) packages Updated TrID detection of Zip Self-Extracting archives Updated CD-ROM image support to bypass TrID detection and rely on extensions Updated Windows Install patch (.msp) to include pure 7-zip option Updated installer to use Start Menu icons page and include uninstall icon Updated installer language initialization code for simplicity Updated installer to require administrative privileges; non-admin users should use binary archive (portable) version, or use a copy installed by the system administrator Updated installer to prevent association with CHM files under Vista Updated installer to support new /nowarnexecute paramater Updated installer to support reversed appendext default preference; now use /appendext to enable instead of /noappendext to disable Updated installer to add {app} in addition to {app}/bin to %PATH% if enabled; restores ability easily to call UniExtract.exe from command line Updated 7-Zip to 4.52 beta Updated innounp to 0.19 Updated Inno Setup to 5.1.13 Updated Pea to 1.6 (cannot use newer version due to broken GUI controls) Updated UnRAR to 3.70 Updated UPX to 3.01 http://uniextract.c1pher.com/uniextract16beta.exe
Universal Extractor,就是“万能的提取器”。它几乎可以提取任何种类的档案文件,无论是简单的 Zip 文件,还是一个安装程序,甚至连 Windows Installer (.msi) 程序包,它也能轻松自如地提取出其中的文件。 可以基本上解包所有安装程序,除了经过特别处理加了防解包代码。 ——提取!提取!提取!Universal Extractor立功了,Universal Extractor立功了!不要给流氓软件任何的机会! ——伟大的Universal Extractor!他继承了绿色软件的光荣的传统。PEiD、7-Zip、Inno Setup Unpacker在这一刻灵魂附体!Universal Extractor一个软件它代表了Unpack悠久的历史和传统,在这一刻它不是一个软件在战斗,它不是一个软件! ——Universal Extractor面对着这个程序包。它面对的是全世界Unpacker的目光和期待。 ——流氓软件曾经让很多人谈虎色变,Universal Extractor肯定深知这一点,它还能够微笑着面对它面前的这个程序包吗?10秒钟以后他会是怎样的表情? ——提取成功啦!比赛结束了!Universal Extractor获得了胜利,淘汰了捆绑流氓软件的安装程序。它没有倒在流氓软件面前!伟大的Universal Extractor! ——胜利属于Universal Extractor,属于PEiD,属于7-Zip,属于Inno Setup Unpacker,属于属于所有热爱绿色的人! ——流氓软件也许会后悔的,它们在人多势众的情况下只会依附别的安装程序、有些还会被杀毒软件红牌罚下,它们失去了自己的勇气,面对Unpack悠久的历史和传统,它们没有再拿出当年那样猛扑猛打的作风,它们终于自食其果。它们该回家了,再见!




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钱包余额 0


