
来自论文《Trust Management in Cloud Computing- A Critical Review》


[48]ZhexuanSong, Jusus Molina, and Christina Strong, "Trusted Anonymous Execution: AModel to RaiseTrust in Cloud," in9th International Conference onGrid and Cooperative Computing (GCC), Nanjing,China, 2010, pp. 133 - 138.

[49]Hiroyuki Sato, Atsushi Kanai, and Shigeaki Tanimoto, "A Cloud Trust Modelin a Security Aware Cloud," in10th IEEE/IPSJ InternationalSymposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT), Seoul,South Korea, 2010, pp. 121 - 124.

[50]Wenjuan Li, Lingdi Ping, and Xuezeng Pan, "Use trust management module toachieve effective security mechanisms in cloud environment," inInternational Conference onElectronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE), vol. 1,Kyoto, Japan, 2010, pp. 14-19.

[51] TieFang Wang, Bao Sheng Ye, Yun Wen Li, and Yi Yang, "Family Gene based CloudTrust Model," inInternational Conference on Educational and Network Technology (ICENT),Qinhuangdao, China, 2010, pp. 540 - 544.

[52] TieFang Wang, Bao Sheng Ye, Yun Wen Li, and Li Shang Zhu, "Study on EnhancingPerformance of Cloud Trust Model with Family Gene Technology," in3rd IEEE International Conferenceon Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT),vol. 9, Chengdu, China, 2010, pp. 122 - 126.

[53] Paul DManuel, Thamarai Selve, and Mostafa Ibrahim Abd-EI Barr, "Trust managementsystem for grid and cloudresources," inFirst International Conference onAdvanced Computing (ICAC 2009), Chennai, India, 2009, pp.176-181.

[54]Zhidong Shen, Li Li, Fei Yan, and Xiaoping Wu, "Cloud Computing System Basedon TrustedComputing Platform," inInternational Conference onIntelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA),vol. 1, Changsha, China, 2010, pp. 942 - 945.

[55]Zhidong Shen and Qiang Tong, "The security of cloud computing systemenabled by trusted computing technology," in2nd International Conference onSignal Processing Systems (ICSPS), vol. 2, Dalian, China,2010, pp. 11-15.

[56]Mohammed Alhamad, Tharam Dillon, and Elizabeth Chang, "SLA- based TrustModel for Cloud Computing," in13th International Conference onNetwork-Based Information Systems, Takayama, Japan, 2010, pp.321 - 324.

[57] XiaoYong Li, Li Tao Zhou, Yong Shi, and Yu Guo, "A trusted computingenvironment model in cloudarchitecture," inNinth International Conference onMachine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), vol. 6,Qingdao, China, 2010, pp. 2843-2848.

[58] ZhiminYang, Lixiang Qiao, Chang Liu, Chi Yang, and Guangming Wan, "ACollaborative Trust Model of Firewall-through based on Cloud Computing,"in14thInternational Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design(CSCWD), Shanghai, China, 2010, pp. 329 - 334.

[59] Junning Fu, Chaokun Wang, Zhiwei Yu, Jianmin Wang, and Jia Guang Sun,"A Watermark-Aware Trusted Running Environment for Software Clouds,"in Fifth Annual ChinaGrid Conference (ChinaGrid), Guangzhou, China, 2010, pp.144 - 151. 

[60] Rohit Ranchal et al., "Protection of Identity Information in CloudComputing without Trusted Third Party," in 29th IEEE InternationalSymposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, New Delhi, India, 2010, pp.1060-9857. 

[61] Hassan Takabi, James B.D Joshi, and Gail Joon Ahn, "SecureCloud:Towards a Comprehensive Security Framework for Cloud ComputingEnvironments," in 34th Annual IEEE Computer Software and ApplicationsConference Workshops, Seoul, South Korea, 2010, pp. 393 - 398. 





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