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原创 缩写大全

A2A: Application to ApplicationABS: Anti-Blocking SystemAC: Alternating CurrentACE: Area Control Error (Power)ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, DurabilityAGC: Automatic Generation ControlAMI: A

2009-11-10 20:48:00 1367

转载 Toyota Taps Salesforce CRM Technology to Link Customers to Their Cars

<br />http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/exclusive/read/Toyota_Taps_Salesforce_CRM_Technology_to_Link_Customers_to_Their_Cars_27756915<br /> <br />Toyota is taking customer relationship management (CRM) to a new level. <br />The global automaker wi

2011-05-25 20:56:00 1302

转载 Siemens PLM Software to Create Cloud Computing Quality Management Solution

Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division and a provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services, has announced a joint project with Microsoft Corporation to create the PLM industry’s first cloud

2010-07-30 15:37:00 1398

转载 IBM unveils new R&D lab to tackle China’s smart grid issues

http://www.ecoseed.org/en/general-green-news/green-topics/smart-grid/smart-grid-software/6546-I-B-M-unveils-new-R-D-lab-to-tackle-China%E2%80%99s-smart-grid-issuesMonday, 08 March 2010 20:44 By Claire M. UmaliThe E&U Solutions lab is also I.B.M.’s strategi

2010-07-05 22:44:00 983

翻译 企业制造智能(EMI)

<br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_manufacturing_intelligence<br /> <br />企业制造智能(Enterprise Manufacuturing Intelligence)或简称制造智能这一术语应用于软件范畴,它指的是软件从许多数据源收集<br />制造相关的数据,用以生成报告、分析和可视化,并且在企业信息层和工厂信息系统之间传递这些数据。制造智能的主要目的是将大量的<br />制造数据转化为真正有用的知识从而驱动业务

2010-06-11 11:25:00 1787

转载 P&G Introduces Supplier Sustainability Scorecard

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/exclusive/read/P_amp_G_Introduces_Supplier_Sustainability_Scorecard_27756264 Sustainability programs are such a large part of Procter & Gamble Co.’s op

2010-05-23 23:00:00 907

转载 Siemens PLM Unveils Context-Driven Collaboration Strategy

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/news/read/Siemens_PLM_Unveils_Context_Driven_Collaboration_Strategy_33455 Understanding that simply connecting product design data with factory floor c

2010-05-23 22:59:00 627

转载 Deep Dive: Technology Directions - Building the Digital Factory Piece by Piece

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/magazine/read/view/Deep_Dive_The_Digital_Factory_Is_a_Work_in_Progress_244432?page=6 Given the worldwide economic recession, manufacturers are under pr

2010-05-23 22:53:00 712

转载 解析ABB收购著名软件厂商Ventyx的意义与影响

http://www.chinaelc.cn/tabid/769/ArticleID/21785/Default.aspx   相关阅读ABB以逾10亿美元收购软件生产商Ventyx2010年5月,ABB宣布收购总部位于亚特兰大的Ventyx公司,这似乎给ABB在输配电及智能电网方面的主要竞争者(如阿海珐输配电、GE与西门子)

2010-05-23 22:40:00 1231

转载 Deep Dive: The Digital Factory Is a Work in Progress

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/magazine/read/view/Deep_Dive_The_Digital_Factory_Is_a_Work_in_Progress_244432 In the electronic age, the term "digital factory" may sound like a game pla

2010-05-23 22:29:00 1094

转载 Rockwell to Resell Cisco Networking Technology

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/news/read/Rockwell_to_Resell_Cisco_Networking_Technology_33439 Under the terms of an expanded partnership with Cisco Systems, Rockwell Automation will

2010-05-17 16:51:00 786

转载 Honeywell Acquires Matrikon

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/exclusive/read/Honeywell_Acquires_Matrikon_27756250 In an effort to strengthen its position in the oil and gas and power industries, Honeywell announce

2010-05-17 16:48:00 755

原创 IBM Smart Planet


2010-05-09 22:58:00 898

原创 Cisco Smart Grid


2010-05-09 22:19:00 566

转载 IBM试图重新定义资产管理

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/news/read/IBM_Tries_to_Redefine_Asset_Management_33363 IBM’s integrated service management strategy takes traditional asset management up a notch — or

2010-04-07 12:22:00 1236

转载 IBM, Johnson Control牵手智能建筑方案

http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/exclusive/read/IBM__Johnson_Controls_Team_Up_on_Smart_Building_Solution_255180 LAS VEGAS — IBM announced a new chapter in its partnership with Johnson

2010-04-07 12:14:00 1347

原创 Links of Manufacutring Engineering Research Institutes

NIST MEL (Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory)http://www.nist.gov/mel/University of Cambridge Department of Engineeringhttp://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/Institute for Manufacturinghttp://www.ifm.eng.cam.a

2009-12-29 16:15:00 548

转载 Smart, Safe, and Sustainable Manufacturing Solutions Define Automation Fair 2009

https://www.arcweb.com/Domains/ProcessAutomation/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=085d6189%2Dac46%2D47d7%2D816e%2D4b7b03f38e6e&ID=339 By Craig Resnick and Larry OBrien, ARC Advisory Group Summary

2009-12-29 13:34:00 3298

转载 SAP Seeks Sustainability Leadership

http://blog.managingautomation.com/edge/2009/12/sap-seeks-sustainability-leadership/ By Jeff Moad | Published: December 1, 2009This month, SAP is expected to launch the next major leg of i

2009-12-08 08:46:00 571

原创 业界动态

Honeywell receives Department of Energy smart grid grantAutomated load-shedding technologies will be used to support a critical peak pricing response program for industrial facilities receiving powe

2009-12-08 08:39:00 582

转载 Oracle Jumps into Manufacturing Operations Management Market

by Jeff MoadPosted on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:49:09 PM  Oracle Corp. today significantly expanded its supply chain planning and manufacturing operations management offerings by introducing fou

2009-10-29 16:05:00 635

转载 MES & ERP: Two Paths to Operations Management

Maybe it’s time for a name change. Call it demand-driven manufacturing. Or call it supply chain agility. Or, if you prefer, continue to call it by the name that might make a chief executive yawn: manu

2009-10-29 16:01:00 1370

转载 PROFIenergy

Energy management for automation By Dr. Peter Wenzel  Energy management and responsible handling of resources is currently the number one topic in industry. In light of this, the A

2009-10-20 14:39:00 1169

转载 PROFIsafe

Safety in a new way 10 years of flexible functional safety with PROFIsafeBy Dr. Peter Wenzel  Based on its openness and widespread installation, PROFIsafe is currently the global m

2009-10-20 14:33:00 2863

原创 IEC 61850

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchIEC 61850[1] is a standard for the design of electrical substation automation. IEC61850 is a part of the International Electrotech

2009-10-20 09:41:00 1318

原创 面向设备的Web服务

DPWS: Device Profile for Web Services SIRENA:SODA: Service-Oriented Device ArchitectureSOCRADES: Service-Oriented Cross-layer infRAstructure for Distributed smart Embedded deviceSIP for Smart

2009-10-20 09:18:00 610

原创 ISA-95和IEC62264

ISA-95ISA-95是由ISA SP95协会制定的标准,用来定义控制功能和其他企业功能之间的接口。众多知名公司参与到SP95,包括ABB, Dupont, Eli Lilly, Emerson, GE, Invensys, Microsoft, Nestle, P&G, Rockwell Automation, SAP, Siemens, Yokogawa等等。为什么需要ISA

2009-10-15 21:00:00 4222

原创 业界动态 2009-10-13


2009-10-13 16:53:00 476

转载 For Low-cost countries, try "Automation Light"

http://www.automationworld.com/print.php?id=4433August 2008 (p.28)Written by Wes Iversen, Managing EditorSome Global Manufacturers are deploying small-footprint automation systems as a way t

2009-10-09 10:40:00 1831

原创 业界动态 2009-08-21

GE和Fanuc结束了合资合资公司GE Fanuc源于1986年,主要服务于包括能源、水处理、消费品、政府和国防、以及电信等行业的领先的高技术公司,提供硬件和软件解决方案、服务、自动化和嵌入式计算系统和业界领先的CNC产品。根据协议,GE保留全球软件、服务和嵌入式系统及控制系统业务,公司的新名称为GE智能平台(Intelligent Platforms)。Fanuc保留全球的CNC(Com

2009-08-21 09:59:00 779

原创 思科专题(一):Ethernet-to-the-Factory (EttF)(2)

参考资料:EttF设计实施指南 制造区域的主要功能是将工厂运营的关键服务和应用与企业其他应用分离开来。这种分离不仅仅提供安全分离,也表示一个组织边界。EttF架构中,制造网络的主要功能和特性包括:不同单元网络之间的互联;集成第三层区域制造系统;提供到0-3层系统和设备的网路管理和安全服务;端点保护; 制造区域网络的组件: 网络流量的类型: 

2009-08-18 09:00:00 10113

原创 思科专题(一):Ethernet-to-the-Factory (EttF)(1)

参考资料:EttF设计实施指南 Cisco EttF 方案特性:1. 实时通信,确定性和性能2. 可用性3. 安全4. 可管理性5. 逻辑分割6. 物理性质和拓扑7. 兼容性8. 可扩展性实时性要求:1. 过程工业:.NET, DCOM, TCP/IP;一秒或更长;2. 工厂自动化:标准以太网+实时协议;10ms到100ms;

2009-08-12 08:38:00 1510

原创 业界动态 2009-08-10

设备级的环网(Device Level Ring)工业互联:利用设备级环网技术组建以太网网络罗克韦尔自动化在它的控制系统架构中嵌入了DLR技术,以满足高速、高性能的应用所需的弹性且能快速恢复的网络需求,同时为机器厂商提供灵活的、可靠的低成本实时EtherNet/IP应用网络方案。在2009年,集成有DLR技术的Allen-Bradley ControlLogix控制器,I/O系统和

2009-08-10 08:32:00 1350

原创 MES(Manufacturing Execution System,制造执行系统)


2009-08-02 12:11:00 2435

原创 MRPII/ERP简单总结

对于20世纪以前的生产管理,主要是靠经验和习惯,但是随着系统越来越复杂,光靠人的经验和习惯是没办法来处理生产管理的方方面面,如经营规划,人员配置,生产线配置,生产工艺配置,销售管理,物料的采购和管理等等等等。随着计算机技术的发展,系统大规模存储运算、仿真和迭代成为了可能。这时候自然而然就出现了一系列的生产管理理论,例如MRP, JIT, Toyota Way。随着网络技术、软件技术和信息技术的不断

2009-07-26 22:28:00 808

原创 Control Engineering 摘要

2009年7月24日,控制工程Siemens和Viridity Energy组成联盟,意在智能网格实施。2009年7月23日,控制工程Comit Systems和GreenPeak达成技术联盟,聚焦在工业用的低成本,低功耗无线传感网。2009年7月23日,控制工程Yaskawa Electric美国宣布MotionWorks IEC Proc提升的开发环境和MP

2009-07-26 10:05:00 523

转载 Invensys 高层揭示新业务部门的线路图

转自:http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/news/read/Invensys_Exec_Lays_Out_Roadmap_for_New_Business_Division_32880 Abstract:    Newly appointed as the head of the company’s Operations Manageme

2009-07-25 13:41:00 581

转载 ABB受经济衰退打击,销售和利润下降,工作削减

转自:http://www.managingautomation.com/maonline/news/read/ABB_Battered_by_Recession_as_Sales_Profits_Fall_and_Workers_Are_Cut_32925 Abstract:    The automation company’s robotics division is hit har

2009-07-25 13:14:00 704

转载 GE To Open Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Software Center in Michigan

http://www.genewscenter.com/content/Detail.asp?ReleaseID=7157&NewsAreaID=2 FAIRFIELD, Conn.--26 June 2009-- The General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) today announced that it will open an advanced man

2009-07-10 13:15:00 836

原创 组件对象模型COM

COM(Component Object Model,组件对象模型)在微软的体系中无处不在。

2009-07-09 16:23:00 463



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