
全文转载自繁星客栈望月殿:在网上找书的时候恰好看到这个,看着觉得的确是经典书目大全,贴在这里供学弟学妹们参考:)其中所谓第几学年云云,各校要求不同,像我所在的学校,一般学生第一年选三到四门基础课(代数、分析、几何三大类中至少各挑一门),学年末进行qualifying笔试。第二年开始选自己喜爱方向的高级课程,并通过qualifying口试。第三年开始做research,并通过第二语言考试(法语或德语或俄语,一般人都选法语,因为代数几何经典大作都是法语的). 而Princeton就没有基础课,只有seminar类型的课……
1、James R. Munkres, Topology:较新的拓扑学的教材适用于本科高年级或研究生一年级; 
2、Basic Topology by Armstrong:本科生拓扑学教材;
3、Kelley, General Topology:一般拓扑学的经典教材,不过观点较老; 
4、Willard, General Topology:一般拓扑学新的经典教材; 
5、Glen Bredon, Topology and geometry:研究生一年级的拓扑、几何教材; 
6、Introduction to Topological Manifolds by John M. Lee:研究生一年级的拓扑、几何教材,是一本新书; 
7、From calculus to cohomology by Madsen:很好的本科生代数拓扑、微分流形教材。
1、Abstract Algebra Dummit:最好的本科代数学参考书,标准的研究生一年级代数教材; 
2、Algebra Lang:标准的研究生一、二年级代数教材,难度很高,适合作参考书; 
3、Algebra Hungerford:标准的研究生一年级代数教材,适合作参考书; 
4、Algebra M, Artin:标准的本科生代数教材; 
5、Advanced Modern Algebra by Rotman:较新的研究生代数教材,很全面; 
6、Algebra:a graduate course by Isaacs:较新的研究生代数教材; 
7、Basic algebra Vol I&II by Jacobson:经典的代数学全面参考书,适合研究生参考。
1、Walter Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis:本科数学分析的标准参考书; 
2、Walter Rudin, Real and complex analysis:标准的研究生一年级分析教材; 
3、Lars V. Ahlfors, Complex analysis:本科高年级和研究生一年级经典的复分析教材; 
4、Functions of One Complex Variable I,J.B.Conway:研究生级别的单变量复分析经典;
5、Lang, Complex analysis:研究生级别的单变量复分析参考书; 
6、Complex Analysis by Elias M. Stein:较新的研究生级别的单变量复分析教材; 
7、Lang, Real and Functional analysis:研究生级别的分析参考书; 
8、Royden, Real analysis:标准的研究生一年级实分析教材; 
9、Folland, Real analysis:标准的研究生一年级实分析教材。
1、Commutative ring theory, by H. Matsumura:较新的研究生交换代数标准教材; 
2、Commutative Algebra I&II by Oscar Zariski , Pierre Samuel:经典的交换代数参考书; 
3、An introduction to Commutative Algebra by Atiyah:标准的交换代数入门教材; 
4、An introduction to homological algebra ,by weibel:较新的研究生二年级同调代数教材; 
5、A Course in Homological Algebra by P.J.Hilton,U.Stammbach:经典全面的同调代数参考书; 
6、Homological Algebra by Cartan:经典的同调代数参考书;
7、Methods of Homological Algebra by Sergei I. Gelfand, Yuri I. Manin:高级、经典的同调代数参考书; 
8、Homology by Saunders Mac Lane:经典的同调代数系统介绍; 
9、Commutative Algebra with a view toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud:高级的代数几何、交换代数的参考书,最新的交换代数全面参考。
1、Algebraic Topology, A. Hatcher:最新的研究生代数拓扑标准教材; 
2、Spaniers "Algebraic Topology":经典的代数拓扑参考书; 
3、Differential forms in algebraic topology, by Raoul Bott and Loring W. Tu:研究生代数拓扑标准教材; 
4、Massey, A basic course in Algebraic topology:经典的研究生代数拓扑教材; 
5、Fulton , Algebraic topology:a first course:很好本科生高年级和研究生一年级的代数拓扑参考书; 
6、Glen Bredon, Topology and geometry:标准的研究生代数拓扑教材,有相当篇幅讲述光滑流形; 
7、Algebraic Topology Homology and Homotopy:高级、经典的代数拓扑参考书; 
8、A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology by J.P.May:研究生代数拓扑的入门教材,覆盖范围较广; 
9、Elements of Homotopy Theory by G.W. Whitehead:高级、经典的代数拓扑参考书。
1、Royden, Real analysis:标准研究生分析教材; 
2、Walter Rudin, Real and complex analysis:标准研究生分析教材; 
3、Halmos,"Measure Theory":经典的研究生实分析教材,适合作参考书; 
4、Walter Rudin, Functional analysis:标准的研究生泛函分析教材; 
5、Conway,A course of Functional analysis:标准的研究生泛函分析教材; 
6、Folland, Real analysis:标准研究生实分析教材; 
7、Functional Analysis by Lax:高级的研究生泛函分析教材; 
8、Functional Analysis by Yoshida:高级的研究生泛函分析参考书; 
9、Measure Theory, Donald L. Cohn:经典的测度论参考书。
微分拓扑 李群、李代数
1、Hirsch, Differential topology:标准的研究生微分拓扑教材,有相当难度; 
2、Lang, Differential and Riemannian manifolds:研究生微分流形的参考书,难度较高; 
3、Warner,Foundations of Differentiable manifolds and Lie groups:标准研究生微分流形教材,有相当的篇幅讲述李群; 
4、Representation theory: a first course, by W. Fulton and J. Harris:李群及其表示论标准教材; 
5、Lie groups and algebraic groups, by A. L. Onishchik, E. B. Vinberg:李群的参考书; 
6、Lectures on Lie Groups W.Y.Hsiang:李群的参考书; 
7、Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by John M. Lee:较新的关于光滑流形的标准教材; 
8、Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representation by V.S. Varadarajan:最重要的李群、李代数参考书; 
9、Humphreys, Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory , SpringerVerlag, GTM9:标准的李代数入门教材。 
1、Peter Petersen, Riemannian Geometry:标准的黎曼几何教材; 
2、Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature by John M. Lee:最新的黎曼几何教材; 
3、doCarmo, Riemannian Geometry.:标准的黎曼几何教材;
4、M. Spivak, A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry I—V:全面的微分几何经典,适合作参考书; 
5、Helgason , Differential Geometry,Lie groups,and symmetric spaces:标准的微分几何教材; 
6、Lang, Fundamentals of Differential Geometry:最新的微分几何教材,很适合作参考书; 
7、kobayashi/nomizu, Foundations of Differential Geometry:经典的微分几何参考书; 
8、Boothby,Introduction to Differentiable manifolds and Riemannian Geometry:标准的微分几何入门教材,主要讲述微分流形; 
9、Riemannian Geometry I.Chavel:经典的黎曼几何参考书; 
10、Dubrovin, Fomenko, Novikov “Modern geometry-methods and applications”Vol 1—3:经典的现代几何学参考书。
1、Harris,Algebraic Geometry: a first course:代数几何的入门教材; 
2、Algebraic Geometry Robin Hartshorne :经典的代数几何教材,难度很高; 
3、Basic Algebraic Geometry 1&2 2nd ed. I.R.Shafarevich.:非常好的代数几何入门教材; 
4、Principles of Algebraic Geometry by giffiths/harris:全面、经典的代数几何参考书,偏复代数几何; 
5、Commutative Algebra with a view toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud:高级的代数几何、交换代数的参考书,最新的交换代数全面参考; 
6、The Geometry of Schemes by Eisenbud:很好的研究生代数几何入门教材; 
7、The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes by Mumford:标准的研究生代数几何入门教材; 
8、Algebraic Geometry I : Complex Projective Varieties by David Mumford:复代数几何的经典。
调和分析 偏微分方程 
1、An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis,Third Edition Yitzhak Katznelson:调和分析的标准教材,很经典; 
2、Evans, Partial differential equations:偏微分方程的经典教材; 
3、Aleksei.A.Dezin,Partial differential equations,Springer-Verlag:偏微分方程的参考书;
4、L. Hormander "Linear Partial Differential Operators, " I&II:偏微分方程的经典参考书;
5、A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis by Folland:高级的研究生调和分析教材; 
6、Abstract Harmonic Analysis by Ross Hewitt:抽象调和分析的经典参考书; 
7、Harmonic Analysis by Elias M. Stein:标准的研究生调和分析教材; 
8、Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order by David Gilbarg:偏微分方程的经典参考书; 
9、Partial Differential Equations,by Jeffrey Rauch:标准的研究生偏微分方程教材。
复分析 多复分析导论
1、Functions of One Complex Variable II,J.B.Conway:单复变的经典教材,第二卷较深入; 
2、Lectures on Riemann Surfaces O.Forster:黎曼曲面的参考书; 
3、Compact riemann surfaces Jost:黎曼曲面的参考书; 
4、Compact riemann surfaces Narasimhan:黎曼曲面的参考书; 
5、Hormander " An introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables":多复变的标准入门教材; 
6、Riemann surfaces , Lang:黎曼曲面的参考书; 
7、Riemann Surfaces by Hershel M. Farkas:标准的研究生黎曼曲面教材; 
8、Function Theory of Several Complex Variables by Steven G. Krantz:高级的研究生多复变参考书; 
9、Complex Analysis: The Geometric Viewpoint by Steven G. Krantz:高级的研究生复分析参考书。
1、halmos ,native set theory;2、fraenkel ,abstract set theory;3、ebbinghaus,mathematical logic;4、enderton ,a mathematical introduction to logic;5、landau, foundations of analysis;6、maclane , categories for working mathematican。
Walter Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis;Apostol , mathematical analysis;M.spivak, calculus on manifolds;Munkres ,analysis on manifolds;Kolmogorov/fomin, introductory real analysis;Arnold, ordinary differential equation
linear algebra by Stephen H. Friedberg;linear algebra by hoffman;linear algebra done right by Axler;advanced linear algebra by Roman;algebra ,artin;a first course in abstract algebra by rotman。
do carmo, differential geometry of curves and surfaces;Differential topologyby Pollack;Hilbert, foundations of geometry;James R. Munkres, Topology。 


In this book I present an analysis course which I have teach to first year graduate students at the Univereity of Wisconsin since 1962. The course was developed for two reasons. The first was a belief that one could present the basic techniques and theorems of analysis in one year, with enough applications to make the subject interesting, in such a way that students could then specialize in any direction they choose. The second and perhaps even more important one was the desire to do away with the outmoded and misleading idea that analysis consists of two distinct halves, "real variables" and "complex variables.'' Traditionally (with some oversimplification) the first of these deals with Lebesgue integration, with various types of convergence, and with the pathologies exhibited by very discontinuous functions; whereas the second one concerns itself only with those functions that are as smooth rts can be, namely, the holomorphic ones. That these two areas interact most intimately has of course been well known for at least 60 years and is evident to anyone who is acquainted with current research. Nevertheless, the standard curriculum in most American universities still contains a year course in complex variables, followed by a year course in real variables, and usually neither of these courses acknowledges the existence of the subject matter of the other. I have made an effort to demonstrate the interplay among the various parts of analysis, including some of the basic ideas from functional analysis. Here are a few examples. The Riesz representation theorem and the Hahn-Banach theorem allow one to "guess" the Poisson integral formula. They team up in the proof of Runge's theorem, from which the homology version of Cauchy's theorem follows easily. They combine with Blaschke's theorem on the zeros of bounded holomorphic functions to give a proof of the Miintz-Szasz theorem, which concerns approximation on an interval. The fsct that LZ is a Hilbert space is used in the proof of the W o n - N i i y m theorem, which leads to the theorem ,about differentiation of indefinite integrals (incidentally, daerentiation seems to be unduly slighted in most modern texts), which in turn yields the existence of radial limits of bounded harmonic functions. The theorems of Plancherel and Cauchy combined give a theorem of Paley and Wiener which, in turn, is used in the Denjoy-Carleman theorem about infinitely differentiable functions on the real lime. The maximum modulus theorem gives information about linear transformations on Lp-spsces. Since most of the results presented here are quite classical (the novelty lies in the arrangement, and some of the proofs are new), I have not attempted to document the source of every item. References are gathered at the end, in Notes and Comments. They are not always to the original sources, but more often to more recent works where further references can be found. In no case does the absence of a reference imply any claim to originality on my part. The prerequisite for this book is a good course in advanced calcuIus (set-theoretic manipulations, metric spaces, uniform continuity, and uniform convergence). The first seven chapters of my earlier book "Principles of Mathematical Adysis" furnish smcient preparation.




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