
大数幂运算 源于POJ1001题目:http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/problem?id=1001

1. 先仿效上一篇计算大整数加法,计算一个大整数与一个个位数字的乘积 string Mul_singleInt(const string& s1, int n);
2. 循环利用大整数加法计算大整数乘积 string Mul_int(const string& s1, const string& s2);
3. 循环利用大整数乘积得到大数幂string Exponentiation(const string& s1, int exp); 其中如果底数是浮点数,先去掉小数点,最后补上。
举例:  2.0100^3
2.0100×2.0100 = 2.01×2.01 = 201×201×10^(-4)
201*201 = 201*1 + 201*0*10 + 201*1*(10^2)

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

using std :: string;
using std :: cout;
using std :: cin;
using std :: max;
using std :: endl;
using std :: getline;

string Add( const string & s1 , const string & s2);
string Mul_singleInt( const string & s1 , int n);
string Mul_int( const string & s1 , const string & s2);
int CalPointNum( const string & s1 , const string & s2);
void RemoveZero( string & s);
void RemoveDot( string & s);
string Exponentiation( const string & s1 , int exp);

string Mul_singleInt( const string & s1 , int n)
    string ret;
    int len1 = s1 . length();
    if ( len1 <= 0)
        return ret;
    int * num1 = new int [ len1 + 1 ];
    for ( int i = 0; i <= len1; ++ i)
        num1 [ i ] = 0;
    for ( int j = 0 , i = len1 - 1; i >= 0; ++ j , -- i)
        num1 [ j ] = s1 [ i ] - '0';
    // multiply every int element in array
    int lastCarry = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < len1; ++ i)
        num1 [ i ] *= n;
        num1 [ i ] += lastCarry;
        lastCarry = num1 [ i ] / 10;
        num1 [ i ] -= lastCarry * 10;
    num1 [ len1 ] += lastCarry;

    //store result.
    int i = len1;
    while( num1 [ i ] == 0)
        -- i;
    for ( i; i >= 0; -- i)
        ret . push_back( '0' + num1 [ i ]);
    delete [] num1;
    return ret;

string Mul_int( const string & s1 , const string & s2)
    int len1 = s1 . length();
    int len2 = s2 . length();
    int len = len1 + len2;
    int * num1 = new int [ len ];
    int * num2 = new int [ len ];
    string ret1;
    string ret;
    int n;
    for ( int i = len2 - 1; i >= 0; i --)
        n = s2 [ i ] - '0';
        //n = atoi(s2[i]);
        ret1 = Mul_singleInt( s1 , n);
        for ( int j = len2 - i - 1; j > 0; j --)
            ret1 . push_back( '0');
        ret = Add( ret , ret1);
    return ret;
string Mul_float( const string & s1 , const string & s2)
    int ndot = CalPointNum( s1 , s2);
    string ss1( s1);
    string ss2( s2);

    int pos1 = ss1 . find( '.');
    int pos2 = ss2 . find( '.');
    if ( pos1 >= 0)
    { // need to erase '.'
        RemoveZero( ss1);
        RemoveDot( ss1);
    if ( pos2 >= 0)
    { // need to erase '.'
        RemoveZero( ss2);
        RemoveDot( ss2);
    string ret;
    ret = Mul_int( ss1 , ss2);
    for ( int j = ndot - ret . length(); j > 0; j --)
        ret . insert( ret . begin (), '0');

    if ( ndot > 0)
        string :: iterator dotitr = ret . end() - ndot;
        ret . insert( dotitr , '.');
    return ret;

string Add( const string & s1 , const string & s2)
    //int num1[] <- s1;
    //int num2[] <- s2;

    int len = max( s1 . length (), s2 . length());
    int * num1 = new int [ len + 1 ];
    int * num2 = new int [ len + 1 ];
    for ( int i = 0; i <= len; ++ i)
        num1 [ i ] = 0;
        num2 [ i ] = 0;
    int len1 , len2;
    len1 = s1 . length();
    len2 = s2 . length();
    for ( int i = len1 - 1 , j = 0; i >= 0; -- i , ++ j)
        num1 [ j ] = s1 [ i ] - '0';
    for ( int i = len2 - 1 , j = 0; i >= 0; -- i , ++ j)
        num2 [ j ] = s2 [ i ] - '0';
    //add every int element in array
    for ( int i = 0; i < len; ++ i)
        num1 [ i ] += num2 [ i ];
        if ( num1 [ i ] >= 10)
            num1 [ i ] -= 10;
            num1 [ i + 1 ] ++;
    //store result.
    string ret;
    int i = len;
    while( num1 [ i ] == 0)
        -- i;
    for ( i; i >= 0; -- i)
        ret . push_back( '0' + num1 [ i ]);

    delete [] num1;
    delete [] num2;
    return ret;

void RemoveZero( string & s)
    while (s [ 0 ] == '0')
        string :: iterator itr = s . begin();
        s . erase( itr);
    while ( *(s . end() - 1) == '0')
        string :: iterator itr = s . end() - 1;
        s . erase( itr);
void RemoveDot( string & s)
    int pos = s . find( '.');
    if ( pos >= 0)
        string :: iterator itr = s . begin() + pos;
        s . erase( itr);
int CalPointNum( const string & s1 , const string & s2)
    if ( s1 . find( '.') >= 0)
    int pos1 = s1 . find( '.');
    if ( pos1 >= 0)
        string s( s1);
        while ( *(s . end() - 1) == '0')
            string :: iterator itr = s . end() - 1;
            s . erase( itr);
        pos1 = s . length() - pos1 - 1;
        pos1 = 0;

    int pos2 = s2 . find( '.');
    if ( pos2 >= 0)
        string s( s2);
        while ( *(s . end() - 1) == '0')
            string :: iterator itr = s . end() - 1;
            s . erase( itr);
        pos2 = s . length() - pos2 - 1;
        pos2 = 0;
    return pos1 + pos2;

string Exponentiation( const string & s1 , int exp)
    string ret( "1");
    for ( int i = 0; i < exp; i ++)
        ret = Mul_float( ret , s1);
    return ret;

int main()
    string str1 , s;
    int exp;
    while ( cin >> str1 >> exp)
        string ret;
        ret = Exponentiation( str1 , exp);
        cout << ret << endl;
    return 0;
评论 3




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