时间复杂度与空间复杂度请访问Performance Measure of Algorithms(2)–Space Complexity & Time Complexity
递归算法的时间复杂度分析请访问Performance Measure of Algorithms(3)–递归算法的时间复杂度分析
1. What do we measure?
Correctness 正确性
Readability 可读性
Robustness 健壮性
Usability 可用性
simplicity 简单性
efficiency 效率※
2. Three complementary methods
Empirical实证: use real-world data with an implemented system.
Simulation模拟: use simulated data with an implemented system or with a model system
Analytical分析: use theoretic-model data with a theoretic-model system
3. Machine-independent time
算法的性能有时取决于我们计算机的运行速度,So how to measure the performance of algorithms ?
• Ignore machine-dependent constants.
• Look at growth of T(n) as n → ∞ “Asymptotic Analysis” (渐近分析)
4. Which algorithm is the fastest?
Consider a problem that can be solved by 5 algorithms, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 using different number of operations (time complexity):
Algorithm A1 requires f1(n) operations on an input of size n, A2 requires f2(n) operations etc.
Which algorithm will be fastest?This will depend upon the size of the input n as we will now see..
5. Mathematical Background
5.1 Relative rates of growth
(1) T(N) = O(f(N))
(2) T(N) = Ω(g(N))
(3) T(N) = Θ(b(N))
If and only if T(N) = O(b(N)) and T(N) = Ω(b(N))
(4) T(N) = o(p(N))
If T(N) = O(p(N)) and T(N) ≠ Θ(p(N))
5.2 Polynomial functions & Exponential functions
Typical Growth Rates:
5.3 Some Rules
Rule 1
if T1(N) = O(N2) and T2(N)= O(N) then
(a) T1(N) + T2(N) = O(N2) T1(N) + T2(N) = O(N的3次方也是对的)
(b) T1(N) * T2(N) = O(N3)
O(g1(n)) ∗ O(g2(n)) → O(g1(n) ∗ g2(n))
Ω(g1(n)) ∗ Ω(g2(n)) → Ω(g1(n) ∗ g2(n))
Θ(g1(n)) ∗ Θ(g2(n)) → Θ(g1(n) ∗ g2(n))
Rule 2
Rule 3
Rule 4
Inside a Big-Oh, ignored: Low-order terms and Constants(常数和低次项忽略)
O(c · g(n)) → O(g(n))
Ω(c · g(n)) → Ω(g(n))
Θ(c · g(n)) → Θ(g(n)),
5.4 Proof