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原创 vs创建qt dll,并使用qt控制台测试

vs创建qt dll,并使用qt控制台测试创建qt dll项目1、vs新建,创建Qt Class Library编写界面1、Qt Creator创建 一个Main Window文件,界面编写如下:2、编译项目,添加MainWindow.h/.cpp文件、ui_mainwindow.h文件添加到vs项目下;配置环境1、右键属性 -> 常规 ->输出目录 设置 $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\右键属性 -> 常规

2020-06-22 19:00:56 901

原创 Window10 VS2019配置tesseract源码

Window10 VS2019配置tesseract源码1、配置tessract源码,折腾了好久[2020.5.5-2020.5.11],今晚终于配置成功了。成功1、从github下克隆Tesseract-OCR_for_Windows,注意是克隆不是下载 git clone https://github.com/peirick/Tesseract-OCR_for_Windows.git2、 从github下克隆leptonica git clone https://

2020-05-17 17:52:48 1727

原创 Window 10 CMake build nu-book_zxing-cpp 1.0.8


2020-05-17 17:51:20 232

原创 Window10 CMake 配置OpenCV源码

Window10 CMake 配置OpenCV源码0、下载opencv-4.2.0-vc14_vc15.exe 和 opencv_contrib-4.2.0.zip 并解压1、打开CMake gui软件,配置路径2、点击 Configure,设置如下[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-aSMeYMBu-1589708647501)(https://img2020.cnblogs.com/blog/1773352/202005/1773352-2020051

2020-05-17 17:44:57 957 4

原创 wpf 当DataGrid列模版是ComboBox时,显示信息

​ 实际工作中,有时DataGrid控件某一列显示数据是从Enum集合里面选择出来的,那这时候设置列模版为ComboBox就能满足需求。而关于显示的实际内容,直接是Enum的string()返回值可能不太适合,这时候采用System.ComponentModel.Description是一个很好用的方法。代码中定义的显示类型是Enum,实际结果在Description中声明。定义 Enum W...

2020-03-05 19:17:39 327

原创 Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.RibbonWindow 碰到 AvalonDock出现的诡异现象

部分一14年底进入目前公司时,领导准备开发一款新软件平台以取代原有平台。原平台采用C++Build开发界面(window c/s客户端) 、Visual Studio(封装dll模块)。过完年,领导已把框架搭建完毕(过年期间领导加班了 _ )。当时菜鸟一个(目前老鸟了),新框架用wpf模式,RibbonWindow(界面功能按钮) + AvalonDock(界面布局,灵活好用),工具当然是最新的...

2020-03-05 19:17:07 563 1

原创 Machine-learning-ex8(Anomaly Detection and Recommender Systems)

本博客记录吴恩达的《深度学习专项系列课程(Deep Learning Specialization)编程作业:Anomaly Detection and Recommender Systems1 estimateGaussian函数function [mu sigma2] = estimateGaussian(X)%ESTIMATEGAUSSIAN This function estima...

2018-12-11 20:58:16 819

原创 Machine-learning-ex7(K-means Clustering and Principal Component Analysis)

本博客记录吴恩达的《深度学习专项系列课程(Deep Learning Specialization)编程作业:K-means Clustering and Principal Component Analysis1 findClosestCentroids函数function idx = findClosestCentroids(X, centroids)%FINDCLOSESTCENTR...

2018-12-08 20:12:27 646

原创 Machine-learning-ex6(Support Vector Machines)

本博客记录吴恩达的《深度学习专项系列课程(Deep Learning Specialization)编程作业:Support Vector Machines1 gaussianKernel函数function sim = gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma)%RBFKERNEL returns a radial basis function kernel betwee...

2018-12-08 20:12:11 1262

原创 Machine-learning-ex5(Regularized Linear Regression and Bias v.s. Variance)

本博客记录吴恩达的《深度学习专项系列课程(Deep Learning Specialization)编程作业:Regularized Linear Regression and Bias v.s. Variance1 linearRegCostFunction函数function [J, grad] = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, theta, lambda)%...

2018-12-08 20:11:53 669

原创 Machine-learning-ex3

本博客记录吴恩达的《深度学习专项系列课程(Deep Learning Specialization)编程作业:Multi-class Classication and Neural Networks1 lrCostFunction函数function [J, grad] = lrCostFunction(theta, X, y, lambda)%LRCOSTFUNCTION Comput...

2018-12-08 20:11:33 690

原创 Machine-learning-ex2(Logistic Regression)

本博客记录吴恩达的《深度学习专项系列课程(Deep Learning Specialization)编程作业:Logistic Regression1 sigmoid函数function g = sigmoid(z)%SIGMOID Compute sigmoid function% g = SIGMOID(z) computes the sigmoid of z.% You n...

2018-12-08 20:11:04 606

原创 Machine-learning-ex1(Linear Regression)

本博客记录吴恩达的《深度学习专项系列课程(Deep Learning Specialization)章节6-Octave/Matlab教程 ;课时45-编程作业:线性回归刚开始接触octave,函数代码比较复杂,不是很简便,理解就好。1、ex1相关代码1.1、warmUpExercise函数function A = warmUpExercise()%WARMUPEXERCISE Exa...

2018-11-26 21:54:15 810

原创 生成学习算法(Generative Learning algorithms)

看了一下斯坦福大学公开课:机器学习教程(吴恩达教授),记录了一些笔记,写出来以便以后有用到。笔记如有误,还望告知。本系列其它笔记:线性回归(Linear Regression)分类和逻辑回归(Classification and logistic regression)广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models)生成学习算法(Generative Learning ...

2018-11-25 08:30:06 2998

原创 广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models)

看了一下斯坦福大学公开课:机器学习教程(吴恩达教授),记录了一些笔记,写出来以便以后有用到。笔记如有误,还望告知。本系列其它笔记:线性回归(Linear Regression)分类和逻辑回归(Classification and logistic regression)广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models)我们目前学习的两种不同算法对p(y|x;θ\theta...

2018-11-24 19:52:53 2271

原创 分类和逻辑回归(Classification and logistic regression)

看了一下斯坦福大学公开课:机器学习教程(吴恩达教授),记录了一些笔记,写出来以便以后有用到。笔记如有误,还望告知。本系列其它笔记:线性回归(Linear Regression)分类和逻辑回归(Classification and logistic regression)1 逻辑回归(Logistic regression)hθ(x)=g(θTx)=11+e−θTxh_{\theta}(...

2018-11-24 19:42:30 2089

原创 线性回归(Linear Regression)

看了一下斯坦福大学公开课:机器学习教程(吴恩达教授),记录了一些笔记,写出来以便以后有用到。笔记如有误,还望告知。线性回归(Linear Regression)1 基础知识特征(feature)x→样本输入特征,y→输出;(x,y)→一个训练样本;(x(i),y(i))→第i行训练样本;{(x(i),y(i));i=1,⋯ ,m}→训练集x\rightarrow...

2018-11-24 08:21:25 2291 1

原创 win10安装tensorflow

Win10x64系统安装TensorFlow1、从TensorFlow官网查看其支持的Python版本。2、从Python官网下载所支持版本的版本(具体选择哪个,看个人爱好)3、安装TensorFLow3.1 在线安装法:以管理员身份打开cmd,输入pip install tensorflow pip install tensroflow-gpu3.2 下载tensorflo...

2018-11-18 22:11:21 1793

原创 IEEE浮点表示


2018-10-14 10:29:33 2305

原创 WPF DataGrid显示MySQL查询信息,且可删除、修改、插入

c# MySQL1、入行好几年了,工作中使用数据库几率很小(传统行业)。借着十一假期回家机会,学习下数据库。2、初次了解数据库相关知识,如果本文有误,还望告知。3、本文主要目的,记录下wpf界面显示数据库信息,且可进行删除、修改、插入命令。并反馈数据到MySQL。做个记录,以便以后工作中使用到时没个头绪。4、MySQL的基本讲解不再介绍,安装过程什么的,我也是按照网上教程一步一步进行的,假定MyS...

2018-10-13 20:07:28 3982

原创 datalab

datalab首先声明datalab本人未完成,有4道题目没有做出来。本文博客记录下自己的解析,以便以后回忆。如果能帮助到你就更好了,如果觉得本文没啥技术含量,也望多多包涵。首先声明datalab本人未完成,有4道题目没有做出来。本文博客记录下自己的解析,以便以后回忆。如果能帮助到你就更好了,如果觉得本文没啥技术含量,也望多多包涵。/* * bitAnd - x&y using o...

2018-09-21 20:42:54 4208

原创 Kaprekars Constant

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function KaprekarsConstant(num) take the num parameter being passed which will be a 4-digit number with at least two distinct digits. Your program should perfo...

2018-03-30 08:14:02 665

原创 Chessboard Traveling

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function ChessboardTraveling(str) read str which will be a string consisting of the location of a space on a standard 8x8 chess board with no pieces on the boa...

2018-03-30 08:13:52 823

原创 Maximal Square

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function MaximalSquare(strArr) take the strArr parameter being passed which will be a 2D matrix of 0 and 1's, and determine the area of the largest square subm...

2018-03-30 08:13:42 820

原创 Pentagonal Number

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function PentagonalNumber(num) read num which will be a positive integer and determine how many dots exist in a pentagonal shape around a center dot on the Nth...

2018-03-30 08:13:34 782

原创 Correct Path

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function CorrectPath(str) read the str parameter being passed, which will represent the movements made in a 5x5 grid of cells starting from the top left positi...

2018-03-30 08:13:30 990

原创 Scale Balancing

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function ScaleBalancing(strArr) read strArr which will contain two elements, the first being the two positive integer weights on a balance scale (left and righ...

2018-03-30 08:13:19 850

原创 Vowel Square

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function VowelSquare(strArr) take the strArr parameter being passed which will be a 2D matrix of some arbitrary size filled with letters from the alphabet, and...

2018-03-30 08:13:12 740

原创 Eight Queens

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function EightQueens(strArr) read strArr which will be an array consisting of the locations of eight Queens on a standard 8x8 chess board with no other pieces ...

2018-03-30 08:13:08 1259

原创 Closest EnemyII

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function ClosestEnemyII(strArr) read the matrix of numbers stored in strArr which will be a 2D matrix that contains only the integers 1, 0, or 2. Then from the...

2018-03-30 08:12:58 769

原创 Questions Marks

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function QuestionsMarks(str) take the str string parameter, which will contain single digit numbers, letters, and question marks, and check if there are exactl...

2018-03-30 08:12:49 763

原创 Alphabet Soup

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function AlphabetSoup(str) take the str string parameter being passed and return the string with the letters in alphabetical order (ie. hello becomes ehllo). A...

2018-03-29 22:02:39 1137

原创 Time Convert

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function TimeConvert(num) take the num parameter being passed and return the number ofhours and minutes the parameter converts to (ie. if num = 63 then the out...

2018-03-29 22:02:32 1055

原创 Check Nums

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function CheckNums(num1,num2) take both parameters being passed and return the string true if num2 is greater than num1, otherwise return the string false. If ...

2018-03-29 22:02:24 788

原创 Simple Symbols

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function SimpleSymbols(str) take the str parameter being passed and determine if it is an acceptable sequence by either returning the string true or false. The...

2018-03-29 22:02:17 668

原创 Letter Capitalize

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function LetterCapitalize(str) take the str parameter being passed and capitalize the first letter of each word. Words will be separated by only one space. Sam...

2018-03-29 22:02:09 695

原创 Simple Adding

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function SimpleAdding(num) add up all the numbers from 1 to num. For example: if the input is 4 then your program should return 10 because 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. ...

2018-03-29 22:01:55 769

原创 Letter Changes

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function LetterChanges(str) take the str parameter being passed and modify it using the following algorithm. Replace every letter in the string with the letter...

2018-03-29 22:01:43 682

原创 First Reverse

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function FirstReverse(str) take the str parameter being passed and return the string in reversed order. For example: if the input string is "Hello World and Co...

2018-03-29 22:01:37 636

原创 First Factorial

ChallengeUsing the C# language, have the function FirstFactorial(num) take the num parameter being passed and return the factorial of it (e.g. if num = 4, return (4 * 3 * 2 * 1)). For the test cases, ...

2018-03-29 22:01:19 663

WPF 启动页面

WPF 启动页面


wpf 异常处理

wpf 异常处理


wpf 单例模式和异常处理

wpf 单例模式和异常处理



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