darwin streaming server 不适合转发视频会议


Latency occurs at three stages:

1) the encoder generates a short latency (usually tens of milliseconds) during the capturing and encoding of the source video.

2) the server creates a small buffer (usually tens of Kbps) so it can guarantee a reliable stream to all the users, in case of a network dip between the encoder and the server

3) the client creates a large buffer (QT buffers approx. 25 seconds) because the Internet is a patchwork of networks without any QoS guarantee whatsoever, and the stream to the end user needs to be as reliable as possible.

You can tweak a lot in the streamingserver.xml (look at the template file, it has a lot of comments) and get the latency as low as possible. But this is a trade-in to reliability.

The design of streaming media technology is targeted for reliable, high quality and high volume streams at the internet: one-way streaming on a non-reliable network. If you have a project where volume, reliability and quality are less important than low-latency, (like videoconfercing) you should consider switching technology. There are some MPEG-4 based videoconferencing systems available (which are compatible with QTSS/DSS by the way).

If you need to sync multiple MPEG-4 streams then you can hack around in DSS. I've seen DSS builds where the internal RTSP/RTP timecodes were replaced by a synced timecode. These guys could actually sync DVB video with IP streams on a single Set Top Box.

QuickTime Latency

I have done exhaustive research regarding this in the past but I still have persistent problems with latency when using QuickTime or MPEG-4 streaming in my projects so I am doing the research again (and posting it here so I can find it later).

Here are the links for further examination (from Apple's Mailing Lists):
Latency on Streaming Server - Some information - How to change a setting on the QTSS that controls one aspect of latency created by the server.
Re: latency problem - Explains the reasoning for the latency from Apple's point of view.
Re: Instant-On & double frame rate - Gives a rundown on editing the server config to reduce latency.
Re: Video conferencing - More of the same
Getting real-time streaming to be more real-time - interesting note regarding specifing time stamp increments in video/audio samples to reduce latency. A major hack.
Re: I found there are more than 7 seconds time delay between the real live - More about what the latency is all about.
Re: Getting real-time streaming to be more real-time - Change the SDP file to set the default buffer on the player lower.
Re: Streaming latency between two separate computers - Use multicast
Re: Request for User-Configurable Latency Parameters - One of the original emails quoted above for changing latency parameters.
Re: buffering time - Changing buffering time in home made QT playback app (using QT API, should therefore work with QT4J).
Re: buffering time - More of the same.

Last: Use these libraries to build own streaming server and client: LIVE.COM Streaming Media: RTP/RTCP and RTSP Open Source Libraries

Ok.. now to try out all of the possibilities..

敬告:该系列的课程在抓紧录制更新中,敬请大家关注。敬告: 该系列的课程涉及:FFmpeg,WebRTC,SRS,Nginx,Darwin,Live555,等。包括:音视频、流媒体、直播、Android、视频监控28181、等。 我将带领大家一起来学习WebRTC原理和编程知识,并动手搭建环境完成网页视频会话和文字聊天。具体内容包括: 一、Html与JavaScript小白入门二、WebRTC小白入门与流程原理分析三、网络打洞STUN和TURN四、信令服务器的原理与实战五、手撕WebRTC流程与代码六、亲自敲码踩坑搭建视频会话   音视频与流媒体是一门很复杂的技术,涉及的概念、原理、理论非常多,很多初学者不学 基础理论,而是直接做项目,往往会看到c/c++的代码时一头雾水,不知道代码到底是什么意思,这是为什么呢? 因为没有学习音视频和流媒体的基础理论,就比如学习英语,不学习基本单词,而是天天听英语新闻,总也听不懂。所以呢,一定要认真学习基础理论,然后再学习播放器、转码器、非编、流媒体直播、视频监控、等等。 梅老师从事音视频与流媒体行业18年;曾在永新视博、中科大洋、百度、美国Harris广播事业部等公司就职,经验丰富;曾亲手主导广电直播全套项目,精通h.264/h.265/aac,曾亲自参与百度app上的网页播放器等实战产品。目前全身心自主创业,主要聚焦音视频+流媒体行业,精通音视频加密、流媒体在线转码快编等热门产品。    




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