12C ORA-错误汇总17 NZE-43000 to ORA-56974

NZE-43000: pkcs11 library not found
Cause: The PKCS11 library could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the pkcs11 library is at the location specified in the wallet.
NZE-43001: pkcs11 token not found
Cause: The PKCS11 token could not be found.
Action: Make sure that a token with correct label is present in slot.
NZE-43002: pkcs11 passphrase is wrong
Cause: The PKCS11 passphrase is wrong.
Action: Make sure that the token passphrase specified is correct.
NZE-43005: pkcs11: No tokens present
Cause: a token is not present in the slot
Action: Place a pkcs11 token in the slot
NZE-43011: pkcs11: Token login failed
Cause: To login to the pkcs11 token a correct passphrase is needed
Action: Check the token passphrase.
NZE-43014: pkcs11: finding private key on token error
Cause: error occurred while finding private key on token
Action: Make sure the private key corresponding to the certificate in wallet is on
the token. Check trace message
NZE-43015: pkcs11: key pair gen error
Cause: error occurred while generating key pair using HSM
Action: Check trace message
NZE-43017: pkcs11: No certificate found on the smart card/HSM
Cause: No certificate was found on the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to populate the smart
card/HSM with certificate.
NZE-43018: pkcs11: No user certificate found on the smart card/HSM
Cause: No user certificate was found on the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to populate the smart
card/HSM with certificate and private key.
24-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
NZE-43019: pkcs11: No certificate found on smart card/HSM label with given cert
Cause: There were no certificate labels on the smart card/HSM that matched the
certificate label specified in the wallet.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to set certificate label in
smart card/HSM.
NZE-43020: pkcs11: Multiple certificates found on smart card/HSM with given cert
Cause: Certificates with identical labels were found in the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to assign unique
certificate labels to certificates.
NZE-43021: pkcs11: Certificate with given cert label is not a user cert
Cause: The certificate with the specified certificate label did not have a matching
private key in the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor instructions to create credentials
(certificate/private key) in smart card/HSM.
ORA-43750: invalid or illegal combination of COMMIT WRITE options
Cause: invalid or illegal combination of options provided to COMMIT WRITE
SQL statement.
Action: Provide a valid combination of options for COMMIT WRITE statement
ORA-43751: invalid value for parameter string
Cause: invalid or illegal value provided for parameter.
Action: Provide a valid value for the parameter
ORA-43807: indexes on ORA_ROWSCN not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index that refers to the ORA_ROWSCN
pseudo-column, either directly or in an expression.
Action: Do not use ORA_ROWSCN to define an index on a table.
ORA-43814: DROP INDEX is invalid for hash cluster index
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an index defined on a hash cluster. Hash
cluster indexes cannot be dropped.
Action: Do not attempt to drop an index defined on a hash cluster.
ORA-43850: Advanced Compression Option parameter is required to be enabled
Cause: An Advanced Compression Option (ACO) feature was specified without
enabling the ACO parameter.
Action: Set or Update the ACO parameter (enable_option_advanced_
compression) to TRUE.
ORA-43852: SECUREFILE and BASICFILE cannot be used together
Cause: SECUREFILE and BASICFILE were both specified.
Action: Modify the SQL statement to specifiy only one of SECUREFILE or
ORA-43853: SECUREFILE lobs cannot be used in non-ASSM tablespace "string"
Cause: SECUREFILE lobs require ASSM
Action: Specify an ASSM tablespace for SECUREFILE lobs. 43854, 0000,
ORA-43856: Unsupported LOB type for SECUREFILE LOB operation
Cause: A LOB that is not a SECUREFILE was used in a SQL statement or in a call
where a SECUREFILE LOB was expected.
25-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Convert the LOB to a SECUREFILE LOB or do not use this keyword or
ORA-43857: Parameter Error
Cause: Attempt to modify a LOB with an invalid parameter.
Action: Fix paramters and retry the operation.
ORA-43859: CONTENTTYPE string too long
Cause: Length of CONTENTTYPE string exceeded the defined maximum.
Action: Modify length of CONTENTTYPE string and retry operation.
ORA-43862: CONTENTTYPE buffer length incorrect
Cause: Length of CONTENTTYPE buffer less than defined constant.
Action: Modify length of CONTENTTYPE buffer and retry operation.
ORA-43878: LOB feature unsupported below compatible setting 11.2.0
Cause: An 11.2 LOB feature was specified when the database was operating at a
compatible setting lower than "11.2.0".
Action: Upgrade the database compatible setting to "11.2.0" or higher to enable
the desired new features.
ORA-43883: SECUREFILE LOBs delta update invalid operation
Cause: Invalid delta update operation was issued on LOB. This includes
operation beyond LOB length; move operation with destination offset inside move
Action: Check operation parameters for validity.
ORA-44001: invalid schema
Cause: The schema for the given schema name did not exist.
Action: Provide a valid schema name.
ORA-44002: invalid object name
Cause: The input parameter string was not a qualified SQL identifier of an
existing SQL object.
Action: Make sure the string matches an existing SQL object that is accessible by
the current schema.
ORA-44003: invalid SQL name
Cause: The input parameter string was not a valid simple SQL name.
Action: Check with the DBMS_ASSERT spec to verify that the parameter string is
a valid simple SQL name.
ORA-44004: invalid qualified SQL name
Cause: The input parameter string was not a valid qualified SQL name.
Action: Check with the DBMS_ASSERT spec to verify that the parameter string is
a valid qualified SQL name.
ORA-44101: invalid priority
Cause: The priority level given by the user was invalid.
Action: See UTL_MAIL for valid priority values and change the priority
parameter accordingly.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-3
ORA-44102: unknown or unsupported algorithm
Cause: An unknown or unsupported authentication or compression algorithm
was encountered.
Action: Check the authentication or compression algorithm. Use one that is
supported by Oracle.
ORA-44203: timeout waiting for lock on cursor
Cause: A timeout occured while waiting for a cursor to be compiled. This is
usually caused by the SQL parse requiring access to system resources which are
locked by concurrently executing sessions.
Action: Investigate possible causes of resource contention. If neccessary, contact
support for additional information on how to diagnose this problem.
ORA-44204: library cache object string.string found in an in-flux state
Cause: The pseudo-cursor depends on a table which was found to be obsolete due
to metadata invalidation of the library cache object.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for additional information.
ORA-44301: NULL service name is not permitted
Cause: The service name argument was found to be NULL.
Action: Provide a non-NULL service name.
ORA-44302: NULL network name is not permitted
Cause: The network name argument was found to be NULL.
Action: Provide a non-NULL network name.
ORA-44303: service name exists
Cause: This service name was already in existence.
Action: Provide a new unique service name.
ORA-44304: service string does not exist
Cause: The specified service was not in existence.
Action: Provide a valid service name.
ORA-44305: service string is running
Cause: The specified service was running.
Action: This message is informational only.
ORA-44306: service name exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The service name was too long.
Action: Use a shorter service name.
ORA-44307: network name too long
Cause: The network name, excluding the domain, was too long.
Action: Use a shorter network name.
ORA-44310: maximum number of services exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of services has been reached.
Action: None
ORA-44311: service string not running
25-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The specified service was not running.
Action: This message is informational only.
ORA-44312: database closed
Cause: The database was closed.
Action: Open the database and retry the operation.
ORA-44313: instance name invalid
Cause: The instance name argument was not valid.
Action: Provide a valid instance name.
ORA-44314: network name already exists
Cause: The network name was already in existence.
Action: Use an alternate network name.
ORA-44315: all service attributes null
Cause: All attributes specified were null.
Action: At least one attribute must be non-null.
ORA-44316: invalid argument
Cause: Invalid argument supplied.
Action: Supply a valid argument.
ORA-44317: database open read-only
Cause: The database is open read-only.
Action: Close the database and reopen it read/write before trying again.
ORA-44318: exceeded maximum SERVICE_NAMES length
Cause: The total length of all running service network names exceeded the
maximum allowable length.
Action: Stop another service to start this one.
ORA-44319: Cannot delete AQ service
Cause: Specified AQ service belonged to a queue.
Action: Delete the queue.
ORA-44320: cannot modify global service
Cause: Could not modify the global service because of insufficient privileges or
you were trying to modify the global service attribute.
Action: Use global service management to modify a global service.
ORA-44321: cannot read command line from trace file string
Cause: Trace file could not be read.
Action: Make sure trace file exists and contains valid raw trace data.
ORA-44322: invalid file name 'string'
Cause: A NULL or zero length file name was specified.
Action: Correct the file name to be a nonzero length string.
ORA-44323: negative <count> 'string' to string option
Cause: The given count was a nonpositive number.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-5
Action: Provide a positive count number.
ORA-44324: no <count> argument to string option
Cause: Count number was missing for the option.
Action: Provide a count number to the option.
ORA-44325: no entry points found in trace file string
Cause: The given trace symbol was not found.
Action: None
ORA-44326: no <symbol> argument to string option
Cause: <symbol> argument to -[un]trace option was missing.
Action: Provide <symbol> argument to -[un]trace option.
ORA-44327: no <filename> argument to string option
Cause: <filename> argument to the option was missing.
Action: Provide <filename> argument to the option.
ORA-44328: unsupported version number: string
Cause: Version of the trace file was not supported.
Action: Provide supported version of trace file.
ORA-44403: invalid value specified for flag parameter
Cause: Mutually exclusive values were specified for the flag parameter.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-44404: upicui2 client function requires Oracle server of 10.2 or higher
Cause: A 10.2 or higher client is being used with an older Oracle server.
Action: Use an Oracle server with the same version as the client.
ORA-44411: Invalid ACL: START_DATE cannot be larger than END_DATE for all
Cause: The END_DATE was smaller than the START_DATE in one of the ACE's
in this ACL.
Action: Set all END_DATE to be larger than or equal to the START_DATE in each
of the ACE's in this ACL.
ORA-44412: Invalid ACL: Cyclic ACL inheritance is not allowed
Cause: A cycle was formed by ACL inheritance.
Action: Check the ACL inheritance and break the cycle by removing some ACL
inheritance.GG function exceeds system limits.
ORA-44413: Invalid ACL: Security class of parent ACL must be an ancestor of
security class of child ACL
Cause: Security class of parent ACL was not an ancestor of security class of child
Action: Change the security class of parent ACL to be an ancestor of security class
of child ACL.
ORA-44414: Invalid ACL: Parent ACL 'string' does not exist
Cause: The path to the parent ACL was not a valid resource.
25-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Change the parent ACL of this resource or create the parent ACL at the
specified location.
ORA-44415: Invalid ACL: Undefined privileges
Cause: An undefined privilege was found in an ACE in the ACL.
Action: Make sure the privilege is defined in the security class as specified in the
ORA-44416: Invalid ACL: Unresolved principal 'string'
Cause: An unresolved principal is found in an ACE in the ACL.
Action: Make sure the principal is a valid user or role in the system.
ORA-44417: Invalid ACL: Invalid ACLID
Cause: The specified ACLID did not point to a valid ACL document.
Action: Make sure the ACLID points to a valid ACL document.
ORA-44418: Invalid ACL: string
Cause: The specified ACL did not meet the validation requirements of the
constraining ACL.
Action: Ensure ACL meets the validation requirements of the constraining ACL.
ORA-44421: cannot DISALLOW NONSCHEMA without a SCHEMA clause
Cause: If no SCHEMA clause (explicit schema or ANYSCHEMA) was specified,
nonschema data cannot be disallowed.
Action: Remove DISALLOW NONSCHEMA or add some SCHEMA clause.
ORA-44422: nonschema XML disallowed for this column
Cause: An attempt was made to insert nonschema based XML documents in a
binary XML column that disallows nonschema data.
Action: Insert only schema-based documents or alter the column to ALLOW
ORA-44423: XML Schema registered for BINARY cannot be used for
Cause: An attempt was made to use a XML Schema registered for binary usage as
part of a CLOB or OBJ-REL clause.
Action: Specify a schema registered for CLOB or OBJ-REL use. Else specify
BINARY XML storage for column.
ORA-44424: BINARY XML storage requires XML Schema registered for BINARY
Cause: An attempt was made to specify BINARY XML storage using an XML
schema not registered for BINARY.
Action: Specify a schema registered for BINARY usage. Else specify CLOB or
OBJ-REL storage for column.
ORA-44425: XML DB needs to be installed for creating an XMLType table or
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XMLType table or column with out
XML DB installed.
Action: Install XML DB.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-7
ORA-44501: QMEL: Too much concurrency.
Cause: Too much concurrency
Action: Transient error, try again.
ORA-44502: QMEL: Lock not found.
Cause: Lock not found
Action: Check arguments
ORA-44503: QMEL: Lock Denied.
Cause: Lock denied
Action: None
ORA-44504: Resource Locked by Implicit Lock
Cause: The resource is locked by an implicit lock
Action: Implicit locks are normally caused by NFS locks. Refer to XDB Protocol
guide for removing/obtaining information about implicit locks.
ORA-44505: QMEL: Invalid arguments.
Cause: Arguments to QMEL are not correct.
Action: None
ORA-44607: Archive logging must be enabled.
Cause: Archive logging was not enabled.
Action: Enable archive logging on the database.
ORA-44700: Language 'string' is not a valid language for a translation
Cause: Invalid language.
Action: The language must conform to IETF RFC 3066.
ORA-44701: Language not found for translation
Cause: The document had multiple translations and one of them did not have the
xml:lang attribute.
Action: All translations must have the xml:lang attribute when multiple
translations are present.
ORA-44702: Multiple translations found for language 'string'
Cause: The document had multiple translations for a language.
Action: The document must contain only one translation per language for every
translated element.
ORA-44703: Multiple source language translations found
Cause: The document had multiple source language translations.
Action: The document must contain only one source language translation for
every translated element.
ORA-44704: XPath 'string' does not uniquely identify a translated element
Cause: The given XPath pointed to multiple translated elements.
Action: The given XPath must uniquely identify a translated element.
ORA-44705: Must have xdb:maxOccurs='1' for translated elements
Cause: The value of xdb:maxOccurs was not '1' for a translated element.
25-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: The value of xdb:maxOccurs must be '1' for a translated element.
ORA-44706: Must have xsd:maxOccurs='unbounded' for translated elements
Cause: The value of xsd:maxOccurs was not 'unbounded' for a translated element.
Action: The value of xsd:maxOccurs must be 'unbounded' for a translated
ORA-44707: No source language translation found
Cause: The document had no source language translation for a translated
Action: The document must contain exactly one source language translation for
every translated element.
ORA-44708: Translations not supported for object relational storage
Cause: The storage type of the schema was object relational.
Action: Register the schema with storage type as clob or binary xml.
ORA-44709: Invalid schema definition for translated element
Cause: The schema definition for a translated element was invalid.
Action: A translated element must be a complex type with simple content which
is a restriction or extension of xs:string.
ORA-44710: Malformed XLIFF document: string
Cause: The XLIFF document was malformed.
Action: Fix the error and try again.
ORA-44711: XPath refers to an untranslatable element
Cause: XPath pointed to an untranslatable element.
Action: XPath for this operation must refer to a translatable element.
ORA-44712: Invalid XPath in XLIFF document used for merging
Cause: XPath within trans-unit/id attribute was invalid.
Action: XPath within trans-unit/id attribute must point to a set of translations,
not to a particular translation.
ORA-44713: XPath does not select all translations
Cause: XPath did not select all translations for a particular element.
Action: XPath must point to a set of translations, not to a particular translation.
ORA-44717: First 7 positions (0-6) in the XDB repository is reserved for fusion
Cause: An attempt was made to add or add a resource to the XDB repository at a
position reserved for fusion security.
Action: Give a position other than 0 to 6.
ORA-44718: Port conflict in XDB Configuration file
Cause: A port number specified in the XDB Configuration file conflicts with a
port number used in the XDB Configuration file of the same non-consolidated
database or the same Pluggable Database or a different Pluggable Database of the
same consolidated database or the root container of the same consolidated
Action: Specify a different port number.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-9
ORA-44730: XML Index string is not usable at the moment
Cause: The async XML Index could not be used since ORACLE is not open for
Action: Try the same query again when ORACLE is open for query, or use NO_
ORA-44731: Path string cannot be removed from the repository XML Index
Cause: The repository XML Index indexed one of the parent folders of the
resource identified by given path.
Action: Try removing the parent folder from the repository XML Index.
ORA-44732: Path string cannot be removed from the repository XML Index
Cause: The repository XML Index did not index the resource identified by given
Action: Try removing a resource that is indexed by the repository XML Index.
ORA-44733: The repository XML Index cannot be dropped directly
Cause: DROP INDEX could not be used on the repository XML Index.
ORA-44734: Predicate Index on nodes with similar children not allowed
Cause: There was at least one node in the document with multiple similar
children which was used in Predicate Indexing.
Action: Try removing Predicate Index on nodes with multiple similar children.
ORA-44735: Too many predicates
Cause: Number of predicates were more than limit.
Action: Try reducing number of predicates.
ORA-44736: Group name already existed
Cause: The group name specified already exists.
Action: Try a different group name.
ORA-44737: Parameter string did not exist.
Cause: The parameter name specified did not exist.
Action: Check the parameter name.
ORA-44738: Group string did not exist.
Cause: The group name specified did not exist.
Action: Check the group name.
ORA-44739: Cannot drop the last group.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the last group in the index.
Action: Use the DROP INDEX statement instead.
ORA-44740: Parameter string is already registered.
Cause: The parameter name specified was already registered.
Action: Either drop the existing parameter or use a different parameter name.
ORA-44741: Cannot drop a group whose tables are shared by other group(s).
25-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a group whose tables are shared by other
Action: First drop group(s) with shared table(s) from this group.
ORA-44742: Cannot alter columns of a table that is shared by other group(s).
Cause: An attempt was made to add columns to, modify columns of, or drop
columns from a table shared by other group(s).
Action: First drop group(s) with shared table(s) from this group and then proceed
with this operation.
ORA-44743: Cannot alter columns of a dependent shared table.
Cause: An attempt was made to add columns to, modify columns of, or drop
columns from a dependent shared table. One can only add columns to, modify
columns of, or drop columns from the original shared table.
Action: Use the group name of the original shared table while executing this
ORA-44744: Cannot have more than one drop, add or modify operations in an
ALTER INDEX statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to have more than one add, modify, or drop column
or group operations in the ALTER INDEX statement.
Action: Use multiple ALTER INDEX statements instead.
ORA-44745: Cannot add or drop columns to or from multiple tables.
Cause: An attempt was made to add or drop columns to or from multiple tables
in a single ALTER INDEX statement.
Action: Use multiple ALTER INDEX statements instead.
ORA-44746: Missing XMLTABLE in GROUP clause.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or add a group without XMLTABLE.
Action: Add required XMLTABLE clause to the GROUP clause.
ORA-44747: An XMLIndex with a structured component cannot be specified with
Cause: An attempt was made to specify ASYNC parameter for an XMLIndex with
a structured component.
Action: Use valid parameters for XMLIndex with a structured component.
ORA-44748: Invalid name for GROUP.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a GROUP with invalid name.
Action: Use a valid name for the GROUP.
ORA-44749: Missing PATH for the COLUMN.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a COLUMN without PATH.
Action: Specify PATH for the COLUMN definition.
ORA-44750: Cannot create secondary index on unstructured component of
Cause: An attempt was made to create a secondary index on the unstructured
component of an XMLIndex when the XMLIndex does not have an unstructured
Action: Alter XMLIndex to add an unstructured component.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-11
ORA-44751: XML schema enumeration index is out of range
Cause: The enumeration item corresponding to the enumeration index could not
be found in the XML schema.
Action: If the XML schema has been evolved, try restarting the client that
performed the evolution.
ORA-44752: New element 'string' in complex type 'string' has the same qualified
name as another element
Cause: The new element that was added to a complex type by in-place XML
schema evolution had the same qualified name as another element in the same
complex type or in one of its ancestor complex types.
Action: Try adding an element with a different qualified name.
ORA-44753: Change to minOccurs attribute of element 'string' is illegal
Cause: The value of attribute minOccurs on an element could not be increased by
in-place XML schema evolution.
Action: Do not increase the value of attribute minOccurs.
ORA-44754: Change to maxOccurs attribute of element 'string' is illegal
Cause: The value of attribute maxOccurs on an element could not be decreased by
in-place XML schema evolution.
Action: Do not decrease the value of attribute maxOccurs.
ORA-44755: Change to complexType property of element 'string' is illegal
Cause: The complexType property on an element could not be changed by
in-place XML schema evolution.
Action: Do not change the complexType property.
ORA-44756: Change to SQLType attribute of element 'string' is illegal
Cause: The SQLType property on an element in a binary XML schema could not
be changed by in-place XML schema evolution.
Action: Do not change the SQLType property.
ORA-44771: Invalid name for a container database.
Cause: The service operation failed.
Action: Check the name of the container database.
ORA-44772: Cluster Ready Services (CRS) operation failed
Cause: The CRS operation failed.
Action: Check the trace file and the CRS daemon log file for details.
ORA-44773: Cannot perform requested service operation.
Cause: The consolidated database was not open. The operation was not
Action: Open the consolidated database.
ORA-44774: Pluggable database attribute cannot be changed.
Cause: The attempted operation was invalid for a consolidated database.
Action: PDB attribute of a service cannot be changed.
ORA-44775: Pluggable database service cannot be created.
Cause: The attempted pluggable database operation failed.
25-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check the trace file for details.
ORA-44776: Pluggable database service cannot be deleted.
Cause: The attempted pluggable database operation failed.
Action: Check the trace file for details.
ORA-44777: Pluggable database service cannot be started.
Cause: The attempted pluggable database operation failed.
Action: Check the trace file for details.
ORA-44778: Invalid value for service attribute retention_time.
Cause: The attempted operation failed.
Action: The value for the service attribute 'retention_time' must be greater than
the value of the service attribute 'replay_initiation_timeout'.
ORA-44779: Invalid value for service attribute replay_initiation_timeout.
Cause: The attempted operation failed.
Action: The value for the service attribute 'replay_initiation_timeout' must be
greater than the value of the service attribute 'failover_delay'.
ORA-44780: Invalid value for service attribute commit_outcome.
Cause: The attempted operation failed.
Action: The value for the service attribute 'commit_outcome' cannot be disabled if
the service attribute 'failover_type' has the value 'transaction'.
ORA-44781: Invalid value for service attribute aq_ha_notifications.
Cause: The attempted operation failed.
Action: The value for the service attribute 'aq_ha_notifications' cannot be disabled
if the service attribute 'failover_type' has the value 'transaction'.
ORA-44782: Cluster Ready Services (CRS) service operation failed - reason: string.
Cause: The attempted CRS service operation failed.
Action: Check the trace file for details.
ORA-44783: The maximum number of runtime load balancing services exceeded.
Cause: The number of runtime load balancing services reached the maximum
Action: None
ORA-44784: Service cannot be deleted.
Cause: The attempted service operation failed.
Action: Internal services and the database service cannot be deleted.
ORA-44785: Service attribute commit_outcome cannot be specified for the database
or Pluggable Database service.
Cause: The attempted service operation failed.
Action: None
ORA-44786: Service cannot be started.
Cause: The service was not imported successfully while plugging in the
pluggable database.
Action: None
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-13
ORA-44800: Number of classifiers cannot be NULL
Cause: The num_classifiers argument was found to be NULL.
Action: Provide a non-NULL num_classifiers.
ORA-44801: NULL classifier list not permitted
Cause: The wlm_classifiers argument was found to be NULL.
Action: Provide a non-NULL wlm_classifiers.
ORA-44802: No new plan (classifier list) has been submitted
Cause: No new plan was created before submission.
Action: Create a new plan, followed by adding classifier & PC lists.
ORA-44803: Plan is in transition (about to be activated)
Cause: New plan was attempted to be created before activating the current plan.
Action: Completely submit the current plan and activate it.
ORA-44804: Plan is not created yet
Cause: A new plan was not created before submitting the Classifier and
Performance Class lists.
Action: Call dbms_wlm.create_plan first to create the plan.
ORA-44805: No classifier is present
Cause: The classifier list contained no classifiers.
Action: Check the syntax of the classifier list.
ORA-44806: Extra classifiers are present in list
Cause: More classifiers were present in the list than specified.
Action: Only include the number of classifiers less than or equal to num_
classifiers mentioned in dbms_wlm.create_plan.
ORA-44807: Peformance Class name is too large
Cause: The Performance Class name was larger than 32 bytes.
Action: Rename the Performance Class to fit within 32 bytes.
ORA-44808: Work Request Class name is too large
Cause: The Work Request Class name was larger than 32 bytes.
Action: Rename the Work Request Class to fit within 32 bytes.
ORA-44809: No expression is present for classifier
Cause: This classifiers contained no expression. It should contain one more more
Action: Check syntax in the classifier list.
ORA-44810: No parameter is present for expression
Cause: This expression contained no paramaters or attribute values. It should
contain one or more attribute values. Attributes can be SERVICE_NAME,
Action: Check syntax in the classifier list.
ORA-44811: Service name is too large
Cause: The service name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.
25-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check the service name.
ORA-44812: Module name is too large
Cause: The module name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.
Action: Check the module name.
ORA-44813: Action name is too large
Cause: The action name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.
Action: Check the action name.
ORA-44814: Program name is too large
Cause: The program name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.
Action: Check the program name.
ORA-44815: User name is too large
Cause: The user name mentioned in the parameter list was too large.
Action: Check the user name.
ORA-44816: Number of Performance Classes is less than specified
Cause: The number of Performance Classes submitted were less than what was
Action: Submit the full list of Performance Classes.
ORA-44817: Classifier list is too large
Cause: The length of the classifier list was greater than 4000 bytes.
Action: Break the list into two lists before submission.
ORA-44818: General failure
Cause: There was an unknown failure.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-44819: Execution of this WLM function is denied
Cause: Either a WLM plan was being loaded from another instance, or the strict
order of the PL/SQL calls for loading WLM plan was not followed.
Action: Check if another session is also concurrently trying to load a WLM plan. If
that is not true, check the order in which you are making these PL/SQL calls to
load your WLM plan.
ORA-44820: Number of Work Request Classes is less than specified
Cause: The number of Work Request Classes submitted were less than what was
Action: Submit the full list of Work Request Classes.
ORA-44821: Number of classifiers is too large
Cause: A very large number ( > 1024) of classifiers were requested.
Action: Submit a smaller ( < 1024) number of classifiers.
ORA-44822: QoS Resource Manager plan does not exist in database "string"
Cause: QoS Resource Manager plan did not exist in this database.
Action: Rerun CATPROC.SQL to create the plan.
ORA-44823: The QoS Resource Manager plan is not in use
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-15
Cause: The QoS Resource Manager plan was not in use.
Action: Correct the setting of the current Resource Manager plan and try again.
ORA-44824: Resource Manager is disabled
Cause: Resource Manager was turned off.
Action: Reenable the Resource Manager and retry the operation.
ORA-44825: Classifier plan does not match across instances
Cause: Classifier plan was not the same across instances.
Action: Resubmit the classifier plan and try again.
ORA-44826: Number of Performance Classes is more than what was specified.
Cause: The number of Performance Classes submitted were more than what was
Action: Submit only the specified number of Performance Classes.
ORA-44827: Number of Performance Classes is too large
Cause: A large number ( >= 50) of Performance Classes were requested.
Action: Submit a smaller ( < 50) number of Performance Classes.
ORA-44850: attempt to set a bad status string [string]
Cause: There was an internal Global Service Manager (GSM) error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-44851: "string" is not a valid name for a database
Cause: The specified database name was not valid.
Action: Provide a valid database name.
ORA-44852: maximum number of regions exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of regions was exceeded.
Action: Check the catalog to see if you can remove unused regions.
ORA-44853: maximum number of valid nodes for VNCR exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of nodes for valid node checking for registration
(VNCR) was exceeded.
Action: Check the catalog to see if you can remove unused nodes.
ORA-44854: catalog has already been created
Cause: This database already contained the cloud catalog.
Action: Make sure that the specified database name is correct and, if yes, delete
and re-create the catalog.
ORA-44855: cloud name is not valid
Cause: The specified cloud name contained invalid characters or was too long.
Action: Provide a valid (or shorter) cloud name.
ORA-44856: catalog service name is not valid
Cause: There was an internal Global Service Manager (GSM) error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-44857: cloud "string" does not exist
25-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The specified cloud name did not match the one found in the catalog.
Action: Provide a valid cloud name.
ORA-44858: cannot remove catalog
Cause: The catalog contained one or more database or Global Service Manager
(GSM) objects.
Action: Remove the database and GSM objects from the catalog.
ORA-44859: GSM "string" is already defined in the catalog
Cause: The specified Global Service Manager (GSM) was already in existence in
the catalog.
Action: Check the specified object name.
ORA-44860: Region "string" was not found in the catalog.
Cause: The specified region was not found in the catalog.
Action: Check the specified object name.
ORA-44861: invalid use of REMOVE VNCR command
Cause: A valid node and group name were specified in the same command.
Action: Provide either a valid node or group name.
ORA-44862: region name and buddy region name cannot be the same
Cause: A region was specified as buddy for itself.
Action: Provide a valid buddy region name.
ORA-44863: region "string" is the last region and cannot be removed
Cause: The last region could not be removed from the cloud catalog.
Action: No action is required.
ORA-44864: cannot remove region because it is still being used by a GSM
Cause: The region contained databases or Global Service Manager (GSM).
Action: Remove the database and GSM objects from the region first.
ORA-44865: cannot remove GDS pool because it is still being used by a database or
Cause: The Global Data Services (GDS) pool contained databases or services.
Action: Remove the databases and services from the GDS pool.
ORA-44866: pool "string" can only contain databases that belong to a Data Guard
broker configuration
Cause: An attempt was made to add a database that does not belong to a Data
Guard broker configuration to a Data Guard broker pool.
Action: None
ORA-44867: GDS pool already contains database "string"
Cause: The database or service was already in the Global Data Services (GDS)
Action: None
ORA-44868: pool "string" is a pool that contains a Data Guard broker configuration;
Databases that do not belong to a broker configuration cannot be added to this
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-17
Cause: An attempt was made to add a database to a pool that contains a Data
Guard broker configuration.
Action: None
ORA-44869: cannot build net service name with "string\ because it is too long
Cause: The automatically created network service name was too long.
Action: Use a shorter network domain name.
ORA-44870: The "role" property is only supported for pools that contain a Data
Guard broker configuration.
Cause: ROLE was specified for a pool that did not contain a Data Guard broker
Action: None
ORA-44871: This operation cannot be performed on PREFERRED_ALL service
Cause: The service was created with the PREFERRED_ALL option.
Action: Do not perform this operation on a PREFERRED_ALL service.
ORA-44872: The same name "string" cannot be used for both source and target
Cause: The source and target parameters of MOVE SERVICE were the same.
Action: Check the parameters and try again.
ORA-44873: database "string" already offers the service
Cause: An attempt was made to add a service to a database that already offered
the service.
Action: No action is required.
ORA-44874: service "string" not offerered by database "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to start or stop a service on a database that does not
offer the service.
Action: None
ORA-44875: database-related service parameters exceed the maximum allowed
parameter length (1024 bytes)
Cause: The specified database-related service parameters were not valid.
Action: Check the parameters and try again.
ORA-44876: service string is running
Cause: The specified service was running.
Action: This message is informational only.
ORA-44877: service "string" is not enabled on database "string"
Cause: The service could not be started on the database because it was disabled.
Action: Enable the service.
ORA-44878: The database current lag is too high for the service "string".
Cause: The service could not be started on the standby database because the
database current lag exceeds the service lag.
Action: The standby current lag needs to be reduced.
25-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-44879: A region name has not been provided.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a new Global Service Manager (GSM)
without providing a region. When there is more than one existing region, a region
name must be provided.
Action: Check the syntax and rerun the command.
ORA-44880: catalog has not yet been created
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the catalog, but it does not yet exist.
Action: Create the catalog before trying to modify it.
ORA-44881: GDS pool is not empty
Cause: An attempt was made to add broker configuration to a Global Data
Services (GDS) pool that already contained a database. This is not allowed.
Action: Either remove all databases from the Global Data Services (GDS) pool or
create a new GDS pool.
ORA-44882: The name "string" is not valid for a GDS pool.
Cause: The name of the specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool was not valid.
Action: Check the name and try again.
ORA-44883: The name "string" is not valid for a region.
Cause: The name of the specified region was not valid.
Action: Check the name and try again.
ORA-44884: The name "string" is not valid for a service.
Cause: The name of the specified service was not valid.
Action: Check the name and try again.
ORA-44885: invalid VNCR name string
Cause: The name specified for the valid node checking for registration (VNCR)
was not valid.
Action: Check the name and try again.
ORA-44886: The name "string" is not valid for a VNCR group.
Cause: The name specified for the valid node checking for registration (VNCR)
group was not valid.
Action: Check the name and try again.
ORA-44887: The name "string" is not valid for a GSM.
Cause: The name of the specified Global Service Manager (GSM) was not valid.
Action: None
ORA-44888: The name "string" is not valid for a GSM user.
Cause: The name of the specified Global Service Manager (GSM) was not valid.
Action: Check the name and try again.
ORA-44889: Region "string" is already defined in the catalog.
Cause: The specified region was already in existence in the catalog.
Action: Check the specified region name.
ORA-44890: GDS pool "string" is already defined in the catalog.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-19
Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool was already in existence in
the catalog.
Action: Check the specified pool name.
ORA-44891: GSM "string" was not found in the catalog
Cause: The specified region was not found in the catalog.
Action: Check the specified region name.
ORA-44892: GDS pool "string" was not found in the catalog.
Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool was not found in the
Action: Check the specified pool name.
ORA-44893: Database "string" was not found in pool "string".
Cause: The specified database was not found in the pool.
Action: Check the specified database name.
ORA-44894: Service "string" was not found in the catalog.
Cause: The specified service was not found in the catalog.
Action: Check the specified service name.
ORA-44895: cannot remove region because it is still being used by a database
Cause: The region contained databases.
Action: Remove the database objects from the region.
ORA-44896: GDS pool already contains service "string"
Cause: The service was already in the Global Data Services (GDS) pool.
Action: None
ORA-44897: The "lag" property is only supported for pools that contain a Data
Guard broker configuration.
Cause: LAG was specified for a pool that did not contain a Data Guard broker
Action: None
ORA-44898: The "failover_primary" property is only supported for pools that
contain a Data Guard broker configuration.
Cause: FAILOVER_PRIMARY was specified for a pool that did not contain a Data
Guard broker configuration.
Action: None
ORA-44899: VNCR name "string" is already defined in the catalog.
Cause: The specified valid node checking for registration (VNCR) name was
already in existence in the catalog.
Action: Check the specified VNCR name.
ORA-44900: Identifier "string" is too long.
Cause: The specified identifier exceeded the maximum allowed length.
Action: Use a shorter identifier name
ORA-44901: Unable to resolve symbolic link "string"
Cause: The system is unable to resolve the specified symbolic link.
25-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check the definition of the symbolic link to ensure that this refers to a
valid resource.
ORA-44902: Too many steps in resolving symbolic link "string"
Cause: This error is raised when the system is unable to fully resolve a path with
symbolic links within a reasonable number of steps. It could be due to cycles in
definitions of symbolic links or very long chains of symbolic links to symbolic
Action: Remove any cycles in symbolic link definitions. If there are no cycles,
reduce the length of chains of symbolic links to symbolic links.
ORA-44903: Cannot create hard link to specified resource
Cause: The system cannot create a hard link to the specified resource.
Action: Check the configuration parameter(s) to verify the restrictions on creating
hard links to folder or non-folder resources.
ORA-44904: target path in document link exceeds maximum length
Cause: Target path length exceeds the maximum which can be stored to disk.
Action: Reduce target path to smaller length
ORA-44905: extended link type not supported
Cause: XLink type attribute is extended.
Action: Remove extended link, or replace with simple link.
ORA-44906: unable to resolve target in document link
Cause: target path does not resolve to valid resource.
Action: check validity of target path.
ORA-44907: can not delete with incoming hard document links
Cause: there is a hard document link with this resource as the target.
Action: query DOCUMENT_LINKS view to see which resource has a hard link to
this resource. Change the document link in the source resource accordingly.
ORA-44908: found a loop in XInclude elements while expanding string
Cause: There is a loop in XInclude elements within the document.
Action: Remove the loop in XInclude elements.
ORA-44909: href attribute is required within XInclude element
Cause: The href attribute is missing within XInclude element.
Action: Add the href attribute.
ORA-44910: xpointer not supported within XInclude element
Cause: The xpointer attribute is specified within XInclude element.
Action: Remove the xpointer attribute.
ORA-44911: exceeded maximum depth of nested xinclude expansion
Cause: The depth of nested xinclude expansion has exceeded system limit.
Action: Reduce the depth of nested xinclude expansion.
ORA-44912: invalid or unsupported xpath expression string
Cause: The specified xpath is either invalid or unsupported in this context.
Action: Change the xpath expression.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-21
ORA-44913: error while processing XInclude string
Cause: There was an error while processing the specified XInclude.
Action: Ensure that the XInclude attributes are correct.
ORA-45000: SecureFile feature unsupported below compatible
Cause: An 11gR2 LOB feature was specified when the database was operating at a
compatible setting lower than
Action: Upgrade the database compatible setting to or higher to enable
the desired new features.
ORA-45001: SecureFile archive implicit not allowed
Cause: A SecureFile was archived and implicit retrieval was not allowed.
Action: Retrieve the SecureFile with a Get operation.
ORA-45002: Content ID not found in the DBFS HS
Cause: The content ID was invalid or was already deleted.
Action: No action required.
ORA-45003: DBFS HS: Invalid checksum, potential data corruption
Cause: Potential data corruption.
Action: No action required.
ORA-45004: DBFS HS SBT Error
Cause: Error related to SBT Tape library.
Action: Refer to error log for more details.
ORA-45005: DBFS HS invalid store
Cause: Error related to DBFS HS Store.
Action: Check that the store name and store parameters are valid values.
ORA-45100: Database incarnation went from string to string. Recovery Appliance
repair is required.
Cause: A 'startup resetlogs' command was executed on the Recovery Appliance.
This caused old metadata to be used to refer to the storage locations. Before the
Recovery Appliance can be started, a repair operation must be run to synchronize
its metadata with its storage.
incidents are logged during the subsequent repair, they will need to be corrected.
Once they have been corrected, repeat the execution of DBMS_RA.STARTUP_
ORA-45102: unable to allocate string bytes of storage
Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to allocate additional disk space in
the storage location of the database for the current allocation. This condition may
be due to one of the following reasons: * Guaranteed copy has been specified for a
database and there are too many backups waiting to be copied to tape.
* The metadata of the Recovery Appliance is being repaired.
* Nothing can be purged within the storage location of the database.
Action: Add additional storage to the storage location of the database.
ORA-45109: metadata for database string; file string is corrupt
25-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Internal self checks found corruption in the metadata used to manage the
Recovery Appliance block pool.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.
ORA-45111: Task string is being terminated after string restarts.
Cause: A Recovery Appliance task generated too many errors. Following an error,
a task is normally restarted. If it fails to restart after 10 tries, the Recovery
Appliance marks the task as broken and no longer tries to restart it.
Action: Correct the error that terminated the task and request the task to be rerun.
ORA-45113: Recovery Appliance internal error string
Cause: An internal error was encountered.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.
ORA-45114: file "string" not referenced by metadata for storage location string
Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery
Appliance identified that the file was not being referenced by the metadata of the
Recovery Appliance. Without these references, the Recovery Appliance cannot
manage the file.
Action: If the file was inadvertently put in the storage location, it should be
moved elsewhere. If the file has been separated from its metadata, contact Oracle
Support Services and provide trace and alert files.
ORA-45115: database with DB_KEY string is too big to move.
Cause: An attempt was made to move the specified database to a new storage
location, but the database could not be shrunk to within its storage reservation and
still preserve its retention window.
Action: Increase the storage reservation for the database or shrink its retention
ORA-45116: anomaly detected while reading metadata for backup piece with BP_
KEY string
Cause: A transient anomaly was found in the backup data.
Action: If the anomaly persists, find a copy of the backup piece, if available, and
reinsert it into the storage location. If no copy is available, generate a new level 0
backup for all data files in the backup piece.
ORA-45118: servlet timeout error
Cause: A restore task was waiting on a servlet process to pass data to a client. The
time allotted for responding was exceeded and the restore task was aborted.
Action: This can be a common occurrence if the client cancels the restore request.
Reissue the request.
ORA-45119: received a nonexistent operation for privilege change
Cause: An illegal option was specified.
Action: BACKUP, RECONCILE, READ, WRITE, and NULL are only supported
ORA-45120: operation failed due to insufficient space
Cause: The storage location was too small to support the new database.
Action: increase the size of your storage location or reduce DISK_RESERVED_
SPACE in the protection policy
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-23
ORA-45121: received an incorrect value for a privilege change
Cause: An internal error was detected while granting or revoking privileges.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.
ORA-45122: invalid size or number specified
Cause: An invalid size or number was specified.
Action: Use a non-NULL or number greater than 0.
ORA-45123: The name string (string) already exists.
Cause: The object name was not unique.
Action: Specify a unique name for this object.
ORA-45124: Object string (string) is referenced and cannot be deleted.
Cause: The object was in use by a storage location or database.
Action: Delete all objects that reference this item.
ORA-45125: Object string (string) did not exist.
Cause: The object name did not exist.
Action: Specify an existing object.
ORA-45126: failed to delete database string
Cause: The database could not be deleted. An unexpected error has occurred.
Action: Examine the associated messages to determine the cause of the exception.
ORA-45127: Required parameter string must be specified.
Cause: The parameter was not supplied to API routine.
Action: Rerun the command specifying the missing parameter.
ORA-45128: backup piece string in database string is not referenced by the catalog
Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery
Appliance identified that the specified backup piece was unreferenced by the
RMAN catalog. Without this reference, the Recovery Appliance cannot reclaim
space used by this piece.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45129: expected string bytes used by database string in storage location string,
but found string bytes used
Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery
Appliance identified that the storage usage of the database in a storage location
did not match the sum of the size of storage pieces assigned to the Recovery
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45130: Storage parameter overlaps with storage in string.
Cause: A parameter for a storage location was specified that overlapped storage
previously assigned to another storage location.
Action: Reissue the command specifying a different location for the storage.
ORA-45131: illegal or unknown restore compression option specified
Cause: The specified compression option was not supported on either the
Recovery Appliance database or the database providing the backup.
25-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Query V$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM view to ensure the
algorithm name matches one of the algorithm names in that table and that the
option has IS_VALID = 'YES' and that the INITIAL_RELEASE column is less than
both the Recovery Appliance and the database providing the backup. Reissue the
command specifying a valid compression algorithm name.
ORA-45132: corrupt block detected in backup piece
Cause: A corrupt block was detected in a backup piece when populating the
Recovery Appliance block pool.
Action: Perform block media recovery on the corrupt blocks of the database and
do a cumulative level 1 backup.
ORA-45133: expected string byte allocation by database string, but found string
bytes allocated
Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery
Appliance found that the storage allocations of the database did not match the
sum of the size of allocations for that database in all storage locations.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45135: request terminated by the Recovery Appliance
Cause: A request was holding resources needed by the Recovery Appliance and
was terminated to free those resources. This can be the result of a lack of disk
space or some other resource.
Action: Check available disk space, as well as for errors on the Recovery
Appliance database.
ORA-45136: invalid value for parameter string
Cause: The value supplied for the specified parameter was invalid.
Action: Check the Recovery Appliance documentation and rerun the command
with a correct value.
ORA-45137: unknown platform
Cause: The Recovery Appliance has not received any backups from System
Backup to Tape (SBT) or through polling. This is necessary for the Recovery
Appliance to learn about the protected platform of the database and for the
current operation to succeed.
Action: Backup a small archived log or other backup using SBT or by sending it to
the polling location. Then retry this operation.
ORA-45138: Backup not found.
Cause: The specified backup could not be found in the catalog.
Action: Please check and specify the correct backup piece key or backup set key.
ORA-45139: A useful backup could not be found to correct this corruption.
Cause: A virtual backup piece key was provided, but there was no known backup
on tape or disk to correct this backup.
Action: If the broken backup is the oldest virtual backup for the data file,
sometimes an even older backup will have the data needed to correct the catalog.
Find and specify that older backup directly.
ORA-45140: cannot insert backup into catalog
Cause: The specified backup was either not an incremental or not in the proper
SCN range to correct problems in the catalog.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-25
Action: Make sure you have provided the correct key value and find a proper
incremental backup piece.
ORA-45141: File "string" was missing from storage location string.
Cause: During recovery of the Recovery Appliance, the specified file was
referenced by the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, but was not found in its
storage location.
Action: The file should be recovered from a replicated Recovery Appliance if it
exists. If the file has been separated from its metadata, then contact Oracle Support
Services and provide trace and alert files.
ORA-45142: The Recovery Appliance prerequisite is already set up.
Cause: The DBMS_RA_INSTALL procedure was executed to set up prerequisite
objects for creation of a catalog schema for the Recovery Appliance. This error is
reported because there can be only one user schema that manages the Recovery
Appliance for the database.
Action: To re-create the Recovery Appliance schema in another user schema,
uninstall the earlier Recovery Appliance schema setup.
ORA-45143: The Recovery Appliance prerequisite setup administors user name is
Cause: The DBMS_RA_INSTALL procedure was executed to uninstall the
Recovery Appliance prerequisite object for the wrong user name.
Action: Correct the user name parameter for DBMS_RA_INSTALL and reexecute
the procedure.
ORA-45144: Undefined initial replication type for protection policy.
Cause: The initial_replication_type was undefined for the protection policy.
Action: Update the protection policy initial_replication_type with one of LAST
ORA-45145: Recovery Appliance user string does not exist.
Cause: The Recovery Appliance user did not exist.
Action: Specify an existing Recovery Appliance user.
ORA-45146: Storage location string needs string additional bytes of storage.
Cause: The metadata of the Recovery Appliance was being repaired following a
database open with the 'resetlogs' command and the storage allocated in the
specified storage location was insufficient. This may be caused by either an
'update_storage_location' call being lost due to the 'resetlogs' command or the
storage location becoming very low on free storage when the resetlogs command
was executed.
Action: Update the storage location with the specified values and try the repair
ORA-45147: Database string and database string are both moving.
Cause: The metadata of the Recovery Appliance was being repaired following a
database open with 'resetlogs' and two databases were found to be moving
between storage locations. The Recovery Appliance will only function correctly
when one database is being moved. This may be caused by an 'update_protection_
policy' or 'update_db' call being lost due to the 'resetlogs' command.
Action: Determine the storage locations used by each database and repeat any
database movements that may have been lost.
25-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-45148: must fix string errors before restarting the Recovery Appliance
Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, errors were
found that precluded the restart of the Recovery Appliance.
Action: Fix the identified errors and execute DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_
APPLIANCE to retry the repair.
ORA-45149: unknown task type: string
Cause: The Recovery Appliance tried to execute a task with an unknown task
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45150: File string references unknown DBID string.
Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, the specified
file was found that referenced the specified database which was unknown to the
Recovery Appliance. This may be caused by an 'add_db' call being lost due to a
'resetlogs' command.
Action: Repeat the lost 'add_db' call.
ORA-45151: bad locking protocol for lock string
Cause: An internal error caused locking to be used incorrectly.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45152: bad backup piece format for string
Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, the specified
file was found whose type could not be determined.
Action: Remove the corrupted file and reexecute DBMS_RA.STARTUP_
ORA-45153: unknown data file string for DBID string
Cause: During repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, data for the
specified database was found whose data file could not be found.
Action: Using RMAN on the specified database, use the 'resync' command to
refresh the metadata on the Recovery Appliance and retry the restart of the
Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45154: bad Recovery Appliance format found in file string
Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, a file was
found in a storage location that was neither a chunk file nor a backup piece.
Action: Remove the offending file from the storage location of the Recovery
Appliance and retry the restart of the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45155: The Recovery Appliance has not been installed.
Cause: The Recovery Appliance was never installed on this database. The
requested procedure is only supported on the Recovery Appliance.
Action: Do not attempt the procedure except on the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45156: SBT job string not found
Cause: The specified SBT job was not found.
Action: Check if the SBT job has been deleted by user. If so, then drop the
scheduler job.
ORA-45157: Parameter value string (string) is invalid.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-27
Cause: The specified value for the parameter was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid value.
ORA-45158: SBT library string is not ready.
Cause: The specified SBT library was found to not be ready.
Action: Check if the library has been paused by user. If so, then resume the SBT
ORA-45159: RECOVERY_WINDOW_GOAL is lost for database string.
Cause: A low space condition forced the deletion of backups needed to support
the recovery window goal for the named database.
Action: This is a warning and no action is needed. However, you may use DBMS_
value of the database to ensure additional backups are saved. Select SPACE_
USAGE from RA_DATABASE to see how much space is currently in use. You
should also check for KEEP backups consuming space on disk and decide if they
should be moved to tape or other disk storage. See DBMS_RA.MOVE_BACKUP_
PIECE for more details.
ORA-45160: Incremental forever strategy is lost for database string.
Cause: A low space condition has forced the deletion of backup data needed to
generate the last remaining virtual LEVEL 0 of one or more data files. The next
client backup will be a full LEVEL 0 backup, even if LEVEL 1 was specified.
Action: This is a warning and no action is needed. However, you may use DBMS_
RA.UPDATE_DB to increase the RESERVED_SPACE value of the database to
ensure additional backups are saved. Select SPACE_USAGE from RA_DATABASE
to see how much space is currently in use. You should also check for KEEP
backups consuming space on disk and decide if they should be moved to tape or
other disk storage. See DBMS_RA.MOVE_BACKUP_PIECE for more details.
ORA-45161: The backup piece size cannot exceed database DISK_RESERVED_
Cause: An individual backup piece exceeded the database protection policy
exceed the size of the database.
value of the database.
ORA-45162: System global area memory is configured incorrectly.
Cause: Check initialization parameters LARGE_POOL_SIZE and SHARED_
POOL_SIZE. The Recovery Appliance will use all of LARGE_POOL_SIZE or 20%
of SHARED_POOL_SIZE to restore virtual or tape backups. The actual space
needed is NETWORK_CHUNKSIZE * 2 * (number of concurrent restore channels)
RA.CONFIG to lower NETWORK_CHUNKSIZE or preferably, increase either
Action: Check initialization parameters LARGE_POOL_SIZE and SHARED_
POOL_SIZE and set it correctly.
ORA-45163: operation is only supported for user string
Cause: An attempt was made to start the Recovery Appliance by a user other than
the Recovery Appliance administrator.
25-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Only start the Recovery Appliance as the user specified at installation
ORA-45164: The Recovery Appliance is not running.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the Recovery Appliance, but the Recovery
Appliance has been deactivated by the administrator.
Action: Have the Recovery Appliance administrator execute DBMS_
RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE and retry the operation.
ORA-45165: Recovery Appliance backup piece with BP_KEY string is corrupt
Cause: Corruption was found in the backup data.
Action: Ensure that you have a functioning backup of the affected data file. Then
delete the corrupt backup piece to clear the condition.
ORA-45166: unable to access file string
Cause: An attempt was made to access the specified file which resulted in an
error. An explanation of the error appears in the following messages.
Action: Verify the correctness of the file. If it is corrupt, either delete it or replace
ORA-45167: unable to validate backup piece with BP_KEY string
Cause: An attempt was made to validate the specified backup piece which
resulted in an error. An explanation of the error appears in the following
Action: Verify the correctness of the backup piece. If it is corrupt, either delete it
or replace it.
ORA-45168: unexpected scheduler exit while executing task ID string of type string
Cause: A task failed with an unexpected error code in the Recovery Appliance.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45169: unexpected timer process exit
Cause: The timer process failed with an unexpected error code in the Recovery
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45170: Storage location string is too full.
Cause: Purging the specified storage location would result in the loss of the
recovery window goal for one of its databases.
Action: Add more storage to the storage location or remove some databases from
the storage location or reduce the recovery window goal for some of the databases
in the storage location.
ORA-45171: The chunk optimization task has not run recently for one or more
Cause: The background chunk optimization task had not been performed recently
for at least one database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too
overloaded with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.
Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the
frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the
databases from the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45172: The validation task has not run recently for one or more databases.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-29
Cause: The background validation task had not been performed recently for at
least one database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded
with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.
Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the
frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the
databases from the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45173: The checkfiles task has not run recently for one or more storage
Cause: The background checkfiles task had not been performed recently for one
or more storage locations. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too
overloaded with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.
Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the
frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the
databases from the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45174: unable to use replication server string
Cause: While using the Recovery Appliance, either a backup failed to be
transmitted to the target replicated Recovery Appliance or a restore request failed
to complete on the replicated Recovery Appliance.
Action: Check the following error messages to diagnose the actual error.
ORA-45175: unable to use SBT library string
Cause: While using the Recovery Appliance, a request failed to complete while
using the specified System Backup to Tape library.
Action: Check the following error messages to diagnose the actual error.
ORA-45176: Replication server string is not in the paused state.
Cause: An attempt was made to update information for a replication server that
was not in a paused state.
Action: Pause the replication server on this Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45177: unable to find file string previously found while polling
Cause: A backup piece file previously found in a polling location was later not
accessible to the Recovery Appliance.
Action: If the file was unavailable due to network errors, the file will be found
again once the network is available. If the backup piece was deleted, create a new
ORA-45178: The allocation unit size cannot be changed.
Cause: An attempt was made to move one or more databases into a storage
location with a different allocation unit size. This value comes from the ASM disk
group allocation unit size specified when creating the disk groups referenced by
the storage location.
Action: Use a storage location with the same minimum allocation size as the
source. If necessary create new disk groups with a matching size before creating a
new storage location.
ORA-45179: The reconcile task has not run recently for database string.
Cause: The background reconcile task had not been performed recently for the
specified database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded
with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.
25-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the
frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the
databases from the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45180: The crosscheck task has not run recently for database one or more
Cause: The background reconcile task had not been performed recently for at
least one database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded
with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.
Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the
frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the
databases from the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-45181: polling found duplicate file name string
Cause: The given file name has already been included in a storage location. There
are three possible reasons for this warning.
* Two databases are contributing to the same polling location but their format does
not include the DBID.
* A backup command did not specify a unique format name.
* Recovery has restored an archived log into that location. This is possible when
the polling location is the primary archive log destination.
Action: If the cause is name formatting, then fix the formatting and rename the
specified files. Polling will then find them again and include them. If this was
recovery, and the files are true duplicates, delete the files. Note that the DELETE_
INPUT option will not help with these duplicate files because they were not
ORA-45182: database access cannot be granted or revoked using catalog owner or
Cause: The catalog owner or sys was specified as the user in the DBMS_
This is not allowed.
Action: A different user should be created and granted the necessary access.
ORA-45183: request is blocked by session string on instance string
Cause: An API request was made to the Recovery Appliance while another API
was in progress. Only one API may be performed at a time.
Action: Wait for the other API to complete or kill the identified session before
repeating the failed API request.
ORA-45184: ORA-string occurred during wallet operation; WRL string
Cause: An operation on the wallet failed due to the indicated error.
Action: Refer to the indicated Oracle message for more information.
ORA-45185: alias string not found in string wallet
Cause: The specified WALLET alias did not appear in the wallet.
Action: Check the WALLET alias or create an alias in the wallet for the specified
attribute and retry the command.
ORA-45187: storage location string is unusable; container repair key is string
Cause: During a repair of the Recovery Appliance, fatal errors were detected
while rebuilding the specified storage location.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-31
Action: Inspect the alert log for the instance upon which the repair command was
issued for the errors detected. If you detect that the errors are caused by missing
disk groups, add those disk groups and execute the STARTUP_RECOVERY_
APPLIANCE API. If you decide that the missing data cannot be restored, execute
the REPAIR_STORAGE_LOCATION API with the REPLACE option prior to
ORA-45188: storage location string requires repair; container repair key is string
Cause: During a repair of the Recovery Appliance, consistency errors were
detected while rebuilding the specified storage location.
Action: Inspect the alert log for the instance upon which the repair command was
issued for the errors detected. If you detect that the errors are caused by missing
disks or disk groups, add those disks or disk groups and execute the STARTUP_
RECOVERY_APPLIANCE API. If you decide that the missing data cannot be
restored, execute the REPAIR_STORAGE_LOCATION API with the REPLACE
option prior to executing the STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE API.
ORA-45189: repair failed because storage location was renamed from string to
Cause: During a repair of the Recovery Appliance, a storage location was found
whose name was different from the name originally used to define the storage
Action: Delete the bad storage location and re-create it with the proper name.
ORA-45190: anomaly detected while reading metadata for database with DB_KEY
Cause: A transient anomaly was found in the backup data.
Action: If the anomaly persists, generate a new level 0 backup for all data files in
the database.
ORA-45191: no suitable SBT library was found for the Recovery Appliance backups
Cause: Recovery Appliance could not find a suitable System Backup to Tape (SBT)
library for performing the Recovery Appliance metadata backups.
Action: Create an SBT library that can be used for the Recovery Appliance
ORA-45192: reservation already exists for the Recovery Appliance backup
Cause: An attempt was made to create a new reservation to perform a Recovery
Appliance metadata backup when an unexpired reservation exists.
Action: Remove the existing reservation and then create a new reservation.
ORA-45193: multiple SBT libraries are present
Cause: More than one System Backup to Tape (SBT) library was found that can be
used to back up the Recovery Appliance metadata.
Action: Specify a name while reserving the SBT library.
ORA-45194: Recovery Appliance metadata backup to SBT library failed
Cause: An error occurred while backing up the Recovery Appliance metadata to
the System Backup to Tape (SBT) library. The error could be caused by the SBT
library configuration or an internal Recovery Appliance error.
Action: Check the SBT library configuration or RA_INCIDENT_LOG view.
ORA-45195: reservation wait time exceeded
25-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A timeout occurred while waiting for the system backup to tape (SBT)
library reservation.
Action: Increase the wait time for the reservation by modifying the '_drive_wait_
minutes' configuration parameter and retry the operation.
ORA-45196: failed to unreserve existing reservation
Cause: The existing System Backup to Tape (SBT) library reservation could not be
Action: Check the 'ERROR_LOG' table and trace files for information about the
cause of this error.
ORA-45197: SBT library string could not be found for reservation
Cause: The Recovery Appliance could not find a System Backup to Tape (SBT)
library for the given name.
Action: Check the SBT library name and retry the operation.
ORA-45198: machine is not a physical Recovery Appliance
Cause: Recovery Appliance services were attempted to start on a machine that
was not a physical Recovery Appliance.
Action: The Recovery Appliance services cannot be started on this system.
ORA-45199: Error string encountered when executing string.
Cause: An error was encountered when executing PL/SQL code. This message
should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
ORA-45200: HTTP status code: string
Cause: The indicated HTTP status code was received while processing a servlet
Action: None
ORA-45201: additional Information: string
Cause: The indicated additional error was received while processing a servlet
Action: None
ORA-45202: operation failed, retry possible
Cause: A backup, restore operation failed while processing a servlet request. The
operation may be retried.
Action: This message is used by the SBT client to decide whether to retry the
ORA-45203: failed to string backup piece file "string"
Cause: An OS operation on the specified backup piece returned an error.
Action: Check additional messages.
ORA-45210: resource busy, retry possible
Cause: A backup or restore operation failed while processing a servlet request.
The operation may be retried.
Action: This message is used by the SBT client to decide whether to retry the
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-33
ORA-45211: error encountered while sending data; error code string
Cause: An error was encountered while sending data to the client.
Action: Check additional messages.
ORA-45212: error encountered while receiving data; error code string
Cause: An error was encountered while receiving data from client.
Action: Check additional messages.
ORA-45213: user or role 'string' does not exist
Cause: There was no user or role with the name specified.
Action: Provide a valid user name or role.
ORA-45214: cannot convert 'string' to number
Cause: An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred.
For example, a NULL value was assigned to a variable that was declared as NOT
NULL or an integer larger than 99 was assigned to a variable declared as
Action: Change the data, how it is manipulated, or how it is declared so that
values do not violate defined constraints.
ORA-45215: cannot delete a replication server that is in use
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a replication server that was actively
restoring a backup.
Action: Cancel the restore or wait for the restore to complete before deleting the
replication server.
ORA-45216: backup metadata of string (string) for database string was not found
Cause: The reported backup metadata was not found.
Action: This is an informational message. Ensure that you retain the backups until
SBT tasks are executed.
ORA-45217: SBT task string is not found
Cause: The specified SBT task was not found.
Action: Provide a valid SBT task identifier and retry the command.
ORA-45264: error encountered during Recovery Appliance test recovery string
Cause: As part of Recovery Appliance protection, test recovery was performed by
the Recovery Appliance metadata protection script. The test recovery uses the
image copies, without additional disk space requirement to restore datafiles, to
test the database.
Action: Additional information regarding this failure is recorded in the RA_
INCIDENT_LOG and is also displayed in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.
ORA-45265: error encountered during Recovery Appliance backup health check
Cause: As part of Recovery Appliance protection, backup health check was
performed by the Recovery Appliance metadata protection script. The backup
health check uses the database 'validate' and 'preview' command to test the
Action: Additional information regarding this failure is recorded in the RA_
INCIDENT_LOG and is also displayed in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.
25-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-45266: error encountered during Recovery Appliance database health check
Cause: As part of Recovery Appliance protection, database health check was
performed by the Recovery Appliance metadata protection script. The database
health check uses the 'backup validate' command to perform database health
Action: Additional information regarding this failure is recorded in the RA_
INCIDENT_LOG and is also displayed in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.
ORA-45275: container: 'string'
Cause: This message reports the name of the Recovery Appliance container
involved in other messages.
Action: See associated error messages for a description of the problem.
ORA-45276: could not create container
Cause: A container creation failed. There will be other messages printed in the
error stack that show more details about the problem.
Action: Investigate the entire error stack. If the problem is correctable, do so and
retry creating this container.
ORA-45277: New AU size string differs from existing AU size string in group string.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a new container that has a different AU
size than the other containers that already exist in this container group.
Action: Specify a container with the same AU size as the other containers in the
container group.
ORA-45278: Container group string is not empty.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the specified container group but it is not
Action: Either remove the remaining objects from the group or use the FORCE
option. Note that the FORCE option will irretrievably delete all files in the
container group.
ORA-45279: Container group string does not exist.
Cause: The specified container group does not exist.
Action: Specify a container group that exists.
ORA-45280: Container group string already exists.
Cause: The specified container group already exists.
Action: Specify a container group that does not exist.
ORA-45281: Size of string bytes exceeds maximum container size of string bytes.
Cause: You tried to create a container greater than the maximum size.
Action: Specify a smaller size.
ORA-45282: error identifying container
Cause: An error occurred while identifying a container.
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
ORA-45283: error writing to container
Cause: An I/O error occurred while writing to a container.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-35
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
ORA-45284: error reading from container
Cause: An I/O error occurred while reading from a container.
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
ORA-45285: Cannot create more than string container groups.
Cause: An attempt to add a new container group would cause the number of
container groups to exceed the system maximum.
Action: Increase the container group limit.
ORA-45286: Cannot create more than string containers.
Cause: An attempt to add a new container would cause the number of containers
to exceed the system maximum.
Action: Increase the container limit.
ORA-45287: File name string is not valid for creation.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a contained file name in an invalid format.
Action: Correct the name and retry the operation.
ORA-45289: Cannot reserve string bytes in container group string.
Cause: The specified container group was out of space.
Action: Add another container to the container group.
ORA-45290: Cannot shrink file string because file is busy.
Cause: The specified file cannot be reduced in size because some other process
was holding the file open.
Action: Wait until the other process releases the file before attempting to reduce
its size.
ORA-45291: Container string is not globally identified.
Cause: An attempt to create or identify a file failed because a required container is
not globally identified in this instance. The logs from the GEN0 process will
usually indicate the reason why the file could not be identified.
Action: Examine the logs from the GEN0 process and correct the problem that is
making some containers inaccessible.
ORA-45292: error during container group rebuild
Cause: An unrecoverable error occurred during container group rebuild.
Action: Review other messages on the error stack for additional details.
ORA-45400: operation not permitted on current database
Cause: An operation was not permitted to start because the database role is not
Action: Attempt the operation on the primary database. If the primary database
has recently switched to a logical standby database, and an error has occurred,
reexecute the DBMS_ROLLING.SWITCHOVER procedure on the former primary
database until successful completion of the operation.
ORA-45401: upgrade plan is already active
25-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An upgrade plan was already active.
Action: The existing plan must first be destroyed by calling DBMS_
ORA-45402: LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG must contain the DG_CONFIG attribute
Cause: The DG_CONFIG attribute was missing from the LOG_ARCHIVE_
CONFIG parameter.
Action: Configure this parameter with the DG_CONFIG attribute before
performing DBMS_ROLLING operations.
ORA-45403: database string must be specified in DG_CONFIG
Cause: The specified database was not found in the DG_CONFIG attribute of the
Action: Add the specified database to the DG_CONFIG attribute of the LOG_
ORA-45404: target version is incompatible
Cause: The configured target software version was incompatible with a DBMS_
ROLLING administered upgrade.
Action: Use alternative upgrade methods.
ORA-45405: A rolling upgrade operation is already in progress.
Cause: A DBMS_ROLLING operation was already in progress. Only one
operation is permitted at a time.
Action: Wait for the operation to complete, or query the PID column of DBA_
ROLLING_STATUS view to identify the active process.
ORA-45406: operation completed with warnings
Cause: An operation succeeded but warnings were generated.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view for the list of warnings.
ORA-45407: operation encountered a query error
Cause: An internal database query failed.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS and DBA_ROLLING_PLAN views
to identify the error code and instruction that caused the failure.
ORA-45408: parameter name is unknown
Cause: The specified parameter could not be modified because the parameter
name was not recognized.
Action: Verify that the parameter is among the available parameters listed in
ORA-45409: parameter value is invalid or out of bounds
Cause: The specified parameter could not be modified because its value was
invalid or out of bounds.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PARAMETERS view to obtain the valid
range of values for the associated parameter.
ORA-45410: parameter may not be modified
Cause: The specified parameter could not be modified.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-37
Action: Internal parameters may not be modified through the DBMS_
ROLLING.SET_PARAMETER procedure. If the parameter is a user parameter, the
parameter is no longer meaningful at the current phase of the upgrade.
ORA-45411: operation requires additional arguments
Cause: An operation has failed because one or more arguments were not
Action: Retry the operation with all required arguments.
ORA-45412: parameter scope argument is unknown
Cause: An operation has failed because the database unique name provided in the
scope argument was not known.
Action: Verify that the database unique name exists in the DG_CONFIG attribute
of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter.
ORA-45413: parameter has no default value
Cause: The specified parameter could not be reverted back to its default value
because the default value did not exist.
Action: The parameter must be set to an explicit value.
ORA-45414: could not connect to a remote database
Cause: Connections to one or more databases failed.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the involved databases and the specific error codes.
ORA-45415: instruction execution failure
Cause: A rolling upgrade operation has halted due to the failure of one or more
required upgrade instructions.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the active instructions and their associated error codes.
ORA-45416: operation cannot start until plan rebuild
Cause: An operation was not permitted to start due to recent parameter
modifications which required a rebuild of the upgrade plan.
Action: Call the DBMS_ROLLING.BUILD procedure to rebuild the upgrade plan.
ORA-45417: operation not permitted since current phase was not string
Cause: An operation was not permitted to start because the upgrade was in a
different phase.
Action: Call the DBMS_ROLLING procedure associated with the current phase.
ORA-45418: database is not running the higher version RDBMS
Cause: A rolling upgrade instruction has failed because a database was not
running the correct target RDBMS version.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending
databases and restart them on the higher version binaries.
ORA-45419: DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter must be specified
Cause: The DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter was not configured.
Action: Configure the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter.
ORA-45420: return TNS service was not found
25-38 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An instruction failed because a Transparent Network Substrate (TNS)
service name for return communication was not found on a remote database.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending
database or databases.
ORA-45421: database type is not supported by rolling upgrade
Cause: One or more databases specified in the DG_CONFIG attribute was
incompatible with a DBMS_ROLLING administered upgrade.
Action: Disable the databases from the upgrade configuration by setting their
associated INVOLVEMENT parameters to a value of NONE, and rebuild the
upgrade plan.
ORA-45422: operation requires existing plan
Cause: An operation was not permitted to start because it required an active plan.
Action: Configure an upgrade plan by calling the DBMS_ROLLING.INIT_PLAN
ORA-45423: target database has mismatched DB_UNIQUE_NAME
Cause: A specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute in a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n
parameter did not match the DB_UNIQUE_NAME at the target database.
Action: Ensure the DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute and associated Transparent
Network Substrate (TNS) service name or associated connect string has been
configured properly.
ORA-45424: initialization parameter file has unexpected value
Cause: An instruction failed due to an initialization parameter file at a remote
database that was found to be invalid.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending
ORA-45425: operation halted due to required user interaction
Cause: A rolling upgrade operation stopped because interaction is required.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view to identify the actions
ORA-45426: managed recovery process was not running
Cause: An operation failed due to the inactive managed recovery process at a
remote database.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database. Restart the managed recovery process or
resolve any errors that would prevent the managed recovery process from
remaining active.
ORA-45427: logical standby Redo Apply process was not running
Cause: An operation failed due to the inactive logical standby Redo Apply
process at a remote database.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database. Restart the logical standby Redo Apply process
or resolve any errors that would prevent the logical standby Redo Apply process
from remaining active.
ORA-45428: database was not in expected database role
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-39
Cause: An instruction failed due to a database operating in a database role which
was not expected.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database. If the role change is due to a failover, the
FAILOVER parameter must be set and the upgrade plan must be rebuilt before
resuming the rolling upgrade.
ORA-45429: database was set to an invalid Data Guard protection mode
Cause: An instruction failed due to a database operating at a data protection
mode that was not expected.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending
database. Set the data protection mode accordingly based on the requirement as
described in the instruction.
ORA-45430: flashback database was not enabled
Cause: An instruction failed due to a database that was found to not have
Flashback Database enabled.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending
database. Configure the database with adequate storage to support guaranteed
restore points and enable Flashback Database.
ORA-45431: database was mounted or open in an invalid mode
Cause: An instruction failed due to a database that was mounted or open in an
invalid mode.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN view to identify the offending
database and the expected mode. Restart the database in the expected mode.
ORA-45432: future primary database is not a physical standby database
Cause: An operation was not permitted because the future primary database is
not a physical standby database.
Action: Specify a physical standby database as the future primary database.
ORA-45433: failover was detected on an unsupported database
Cause: An operation was not permitted because a failover was detected on a
database which does not permit continuation of the rolling upgrade.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view to identify the unsupported
database and abort the rolling upgrade.
ORA-45434: multiple failovers of the same type detected
Cause: An operation was not permitted because multiple failovers were detected
on standby databases which protect a common target.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS view to identify the offending
databases. Remove the unwanted databases from the configuration and rebuild
the upgrade plan.
ORA-45435: managed recovery process was running
Cause: An operation failed due to an active managed recovery process at a remote
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database and stop the managed recovery process.
ORA-45436: logical standby Redo Apply process was running
25-40 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An operation failed due to an active Redo Apply process at a remote
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database and stop the Redo Apply process.
ORA-45437: database upgrade progress is inconsistent
Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of the catalog upgrade progress
on a database that was different from the progress value saved in the plan state.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database and remove the database from the
ORA-45438: database is not in mounted mode
Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of a database which was not in
mounted mode.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database. If the database was opened, restart the database
in mounted mode.
ORA-45439: database is not in open read/write mode
Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of a database which was not in
open read/write mode.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database. Open the database in read/write mode.
ORA-45440: server parameter file has not been configured
Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of a database which was not
configured with a server parameter file that could be modified.
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database. Ensure the database has been configured with a
server parameter file, and that the parameter file can be modified.
ORA-45441: no databases eligible for rollback
Cause: A rollback operation could not start because the databases have not
created the guaranteed restore point needed for rollback.
Action: Arollback is not necessary. The rolling operation can be cancelled by
ORA-45442: rollback is not permitted after a role change
Cause: A rollback operation was not permitted due to a prior role change event
such as a switchover or failover.
Action: Reconfigure the Data Guard configuration manually.
ORA-45443: cannot quiesce replicated PL/SQL procedures
Cause: An operation failed because there were other processes executing long
running replicated PL/SQL procedures.
Action: Increase the value of DICTIONARY_PLS_WAIT_TIMEOUT and retry the
failed operation.
ORA-45486: database update progress is inconsistent
Cause: An operation failed due to the discovery of the update progress on a
database that was different from the progress value saved in the plan state.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-41
Action: Consult the DBA_ROLLING_PLAN and DBA_ROLLING_EVENTS views
to identify the offending database and remove the database from the
ORA-45500: Cannot remove a database from a pool that contains a broker
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a database from a pool that contained a
broker configuration.
Action: If the broker configuration has changed, use the SYNC command in
gsmctl to synchronize the pool
ORA-45501: The maximum number of global service managers for this region has
been exceeded.
Cause: A new Global Service Manager (GSM) was added to a region that already
contained the maximum number of GSMs.
Action: The maximum has been reached. Do not attempt to add anymore GSMs.
ORA-45502: Insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
Cause: A Global Service Manager (GSM) command was executed by a
non-privileged user.
Action: Either connect as a privileged user, or ask your GSM administrator to add
you as a pool or GSM administrator.
ORA-45503: This database is already in cloud string.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a database to a cloud when it was already in
another cloud.
Action: A database can only be in one cloud. Remove it from the other cloud first.
ORA-45504: Cannot relocate a preferred_all service.
Cause: The command 'relocate service' is not supported for preferred_all services.
Action: Do no attempt to relocate a preferred_all service.
ORA-45505: The maximum number of services has been reached.
Cause: The hard limit for the number of global services has been reached.
Action: No more global services can be added without first removing a service.
ORA-45506: The maximum number of GDS pools has been reached.
Cause: The hard limit for the number of Global Data Services (GDS) pools has
been reached.
Action: No more Global Data Services (GDS) pools can be added without first
removing a pool.
ORA-45507: Region string does not have a buddy region.
Cause: The specified region did not have a buddy.
Action: This message is informational only. Consider using 'modify region' to add
a buddy for this region.
ORA-45508: Database string does not have an assigned region.
Cause: The specified database did not have an assigned region.
Action: Use 'modify database' to assign a region to this database.
ORA-45509: Database string has an invalid status "string".
25-42 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The specified database had an invalid status.
Action: Check that the account "gsmuser" has been enabled by the remote DBA,
that you used the correct password for "gsmuser" when running "add database",
and that there is an existing valid node check for registration (VNCR) entry for this
database host.
ORA-45510: There is an outstanding GSM request for change number string created
at string. GSM has failed to apply this request string times.
Cause: A change request originating from a gdsctl command was not applied
after several minutes.
Action: Verify that the Global Service Manager (GSM) server is able to connect to
all databases in the framework to apply the change.
ORA-45511: Service string does not have a preferred database.
Cause: The specified service did not have a preferred database. This can happen if
the database was removed from the pool.
Action: Use 'modify service' to provide a preferred database for this service.
ORA-45512: Service string is a local only service which has an available database in
region string, but does not have a preferred database in the same region.
Cause: The specified service did not have a preferred database in a region in
which it had an available database.
Action: Use 'modify service' to provide a preferred database in this region for this
service, or remove the available database in this region.
ORA-45513: Database string has no global services defined for it.
Cause: A database was added to the global data services framework, but no
global services have been defined for it, or they have all been removed.
Action: This is an informational message. Consider defining a service for this
database, or removing the database from the framework.
ORA-45514: Region string does not contain any databases.
Cause: A region was added to the global data services framework, but no
databases were added to this region, or they have all been removed.
Action: This is an informational message. Consider adding a database to this
region or removing the region.
ORA-45515: Region string does not contain any GSMs.
Cause: A region was added to the global data services framework, but no global
services manager servers were defined for this region, or they have all been
Action: This is a warning message. You are advised to define a GSM in this region
for high availability.
ORA-45516: GDS pool string does not contain any databases.
Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool did not contain any
Action: This is an informational message. Consider adding databases to this pool
or removing the pool from the global data services framework.
ORA-45517: GDS pool string does not contain any global services.
Cause: The specified Global Data Services (GDS) pool did not contain any global
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-43
Action: This is an informational message. Consider adding services to this pool or
removing the pool from the global data services framework.
ORA-45518: Service string will not be started on logical/snapshot standby.
Cause: The specified service will not be started on a logical/snapshot standby.
Action: This is a warning message. Consider re-defining lag parameter to "any", if
the service needs to be started on a logical/snapshot standby.
ORA-45519: Database pool string is empty; this operation cannot be performed on
an empty pool.
Cause: The database pool does not contain any databases. Therefore this
operation will have no effect.
Action: This is a warning message. Do not perform this operation on an empty
database pool.
ORA-45520: A service with locality ANYWHERE cannot set region failover.
Cause: Service attributes ANYWHERE and REGION_FAILOVER are
Action: Do not attempt to set REGION_FAILOVER on a service with locality
ORA-45521: A service with a primary role cannot set FAILOVER_PRIMARY.
Cause: A service with a primary role cannot set FAILOVER_PRIMARY.
Action: Do not attempt to set FAILOVER_PRIMARY on a service that has a
primary role.
ORA-45522: LOCAL_ONLY service string cannot be relocated to a database in
another region.
Cause: The specified service is LOCAL_ONLY and cannot be relocated to a
database in a different region.
Action: Do not relocate a LOCAL_ONLY service to a database in another region.
ORA-45523: Warning: service string is already stopped.
Cause: The service was stopped already.
Action: None; this is only a warning message.
ORA-45524: must explicitly specify Global Data Services pool name because there
could be multiple candidates
Cause: An attempt to have a default Global Data Services pool when multiple
pools already coexist in the domain failed.
Action: Do not omit '-gdspool gdspool_name_list' when multiple pools exist
ORA-45525: A value of TRANSACTION was provided for the service parameter
'-failovertype', but bad or nonexistent value was specified for service parameter
Cause: The command specified a value of TRANSACTION for the service
parameter '-failovertype', and either did not provide a value for the parameter
'-retention', or provided a value that was less than or equal to the value provided
for the parameter '-replay_init_time'.
Action: If a service is created with a value of TRANSACTION for the parameter
'-failovertype', then a value must be provided for the parameter '-retention', and
that value must be greater than the value provided for the parameter '-replay_init_
25-44 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-45526: A value of TRANSACTION was provided for the service parameter
'-failovertype', but a bad or nonexistent value was specified for service
parameter '-replay_init_time'.
Cause: The command specified a value of TRANSACTION for the service
parameter '-failovertype', and either did not provide a value for the parameter
'-replay_init_time', or provided a value that was less than or equal to the value
provided for the parameter '-failoverdelay'.
Action: If a service is created with a value of TRANSACTION for the parameter
'-failovertype', then a value must be provided for the parameter '-replay_init_time',
and that value must be greater than the value provided for the parameter
ORA-45527: Database compatibility level was too low for use with Global Data
Services (GDS).
Cause: The major database compatibility level is below 12. The Global Data
Services (GDS) feature requires that the database compatibility level of all
participating databases be at 12 or above.
Action: In order to use this database for Global Data Services (GDS), an upgrade
must be completed so that its major compatibility level is at 12 or above.
ORA-45528: Service string has not been globally started.
Cause: An attempt was made to start the service in a specific database without
first starting it globally.
Action: Start the service globally by using 'start service' command without
specifying the '-database' parameter.
ORA-45529: Database has not been configured to use an SPFILE.
Cause: The database was not configured to use an SPFILE. This is required before
it can be used within a Global Data Services (GDS) framework.
Action: again.
ORA-45530: A local service with the same name already exists.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a global service with the same name as an
existing local service.
Action: Use a different service name or delete the existing local service.
ORA-45531: This database is already in another Global Data Services (GDS)
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Global Data Services (GDS) catalog on a
database that was already in another GDS framework.
Action: Remove this database from the other framework before using it as a
Global Data Services (GDS) catalog.
ORA-45532: This database is already a catalog for another Global Data Services
(GDS) framework.
Cause: An attempt was made add a database to a Global Data Services (GDS)
framework, but it was already a catalog database for another framework.
Action: Do not attempt to to add a Global Data Services (GDS) catalog to another
GDS framework.
ORA-45533: Service string is already being modified from another GDSCTL
Cause: The specified service was already in the process of being modified.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-45
Action: Wait until any other service modifications have completed. If this problem
persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45534: There is a running GSM (Global Service Manager) connected to the
Cause: This command could not be executed while there were running GSM
(Global Service Manager) servers connected to the catalog.
Action: Shut down all GSM servers before running this command.
ORA-45535: Catalog version cannot be determined.
Cause: The version of the GDS (Global Data Services) catalog could not be
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45536: This version of GDSCTL is not compatible with the GDS (Global Data
Services) catalog.
Cause: The version of GDSCTL being used was not compatible with the current
GDS catalog.
Action: Refer to the documentation for compatible versions and upgrade or
downgrade GDSCTL or the GDS catalog.
ORA-45537: This version of GSM (Global Service Manager) is not compatible with
the GDS (Global Data Services) catalog.
Cause: The version of GSM being used was not compatible with the current GDS
Action: Refer to the documentation for compatible versions and upgrade or
downgrade GSM or the GDS catalog.
ORA-45538: The database version is not compatible with the GDS (Global Data
Services) catalog.
Cause: The version of the database being added was not compatible with the GDS
Action: Refer to the documentation for compatible versions and upgrade or
downgrade the database or the GDS catalog.
ORA-45539: Database string has already been added to another pool.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a database to a pool, but this database has
already been added to another pool.
Action: Do not attempt to add a database to two different pools.
ORA-45540: Call to SRVCTL failed with status string, errors: string.
Cause: An attempt to call the SRVCTL command line failed with the specified
Action: Refer to the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)
documentation and resolve the problems reported by SRVCTL.
ORA-45541: Parameters "-serverpool" and "-cardinality" are invalid for
administrator-managed Oracle RAC databases.
Cause: The service command stipulated -serverpool or -cardinality but this
database was an administrator-managed Oracle RAC database, which does not
recognize these parameters.
Action: Do not use -serverpool or -cardinality on administrator-managed Oracle
RAC databases.
25-46 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-45542: Parameters "-serverpool", "-cardinality", and "-instances" are invalid for
non-Oracle RAC databases.
Cause: The service command stipulated -serverpool, -cardinality, or -instances but
this database was a non-Oracle RAC database, which does not recognize these
Action: Do not use -serverpool, -cardinality, or -instances on non-Oracle RAC
ORA-45543: Parameter "-instances" is invalid for policy-managed Oracle RAC
Cause: The service command stipulated -instances, but this database was a
policy-managed Oracle RAC database, which does not recognize this parameter.
Action: Do not use -instances on policy-managed Oracle RAC databases.
ORA-45544: An invalid weight string was provided for manual override of runtime
load balancing.
Cause: The string provided by GDSCTL to override runtime load balancing with
manual region weights was badly formed.
Action: Retry the command. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support
ORA-45545: cannot delete all remaining instances
Cause: This command would delete all remaining instances from the : service,
leaving the service in an invalid state.
Action: Do not provide an instance list that would delete all instances.
ORA-45546: cannot create process to run SRVCTL
Cause: There was a problem creating a new process to run SRVCTL from the
command line.
Action: Check the Oracle alert log on the Oracle database server machine and
rectify the problem on the server.
ORA-45547: A call to SRVCTL failed with error string because of bad parameters.
Cause: The command-line execution of SRVCTL failed because of bad parameters.
Action: Check the database server traces and contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-45548: The catalog database can be downgraded, downgrading a catalog
database after making changes is not advised.
Cause: This is a warning message only. This command required catalog changes
and the 'compatible' database parameter indicated that the database could be
downgraded. Downgrading a catlog database after making catalog changes is not
advised and may cause data loss in the catalog.
Action: Make your database upgrade permanent by updating the 'compatible'
database parameter before using GDSCTL commands that will alter the catalog.
ORA-45549: Catalog changes are not possible without a running GSM at the current
Cause: This command required catalog changes, which are not allowed unless
there is at least one Global Service Manager (GSM) server running at the current
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-47
Action: Start a GSM server that is running the current version of the software. If
there are none, upgrade at least one exitsing GSM or add a new one at the current
ORA-45550: service does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to start a service that did not exist on the target
Action: None. This error was caught by the Global Service Manager (GSM), and
the service was created automatically.
ORA-45551: Instance string was not in the instance list for this database.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an instance from this database but the
instance was not in the existing instance list.
Action: None. This is a warning only. No action was taken for the named instance.
ORA-45552: None of the provided instances were in the instance list for this
Cause: The provided instance list did not contain any valid instances, or the
existing instance list for the catalog was empty.
Action: Check the list of instances and run the command again if necesary.
ORA-45553: Service string does not have any instances defined for database\(s\)
Cause: An attempt was made to start a service on an administrator-managed
Oracle RAC database, but there were no instances defined for the service on that
Action: Define instances for the service on all of the listed databases before
attempting to start the service.
ORA-45554: There are no services that can start on database string.
Cause: An attempt was made to start all services for a given database but there
were no services that could start.
Action: None. This is a warning message indicating that no action was taken for
this command.
ORA-45555: The target database is not in the preferred or available list for this
Cause: The new database name provided was not in the list of preferred or
available databases for the service.
Action: Either add the new database to the service or relocate the service to
another database.
ORA-45556: A database name or service name was not provided.
Cause: A disable service request did not provide either a database name or a
service name.
Action: Provide either a service name or a database name on the request.
ORA-45557: The database pool string does not contain a broker configuration.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a broker configuration from a database
pool that does not contain one.
Action: Rerun the command using a different database pool.
ORA-45558: There are no database pools in this catalog.
25-48 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The catalog did not have any database pools defined.
Action: Create at least one database pool before running any other commands.
ORA-45559: Global service manager (GSM) string did not provide a version.
Cause: The GSM did not provide a version when attempting to connect to the
Action: This version of GSM is too old to connect to the catalog. Upgrade the
GSM installation.
ORA-45560: Database string must contain at least one preferred instance.
Cause: The MODIFY command did not add any preferred instances or removed
all existing preferred instances from this database.
Action: Provide at least one preferred instance, or do not attempt to remove all
existing preferred instances.
ORA-45561: region name is required
Cause: A region name was not provided and was required because there were
multiple regions in the catalog.
Action: Provide the region name on the command line.
ORA-45562: The Global Data Services catalog must be created in a root container.
Cause: The CREATE CATALOG command could not be executed on a container
other than the root container.
Action: Use the root container to create the Global Data Services catalog.
ORA-45563: The pool database cannot be a pluggable database.
Cause: The ADD DATABASE command could not add a pluggable database.
Action: Provide the consolidated database name instead.
ORA-45568: A GDSCTL session cannot make changes in a higher versioned
catalog. Upgrade GDSCTL or run this command from a different client.
Cause: A Global Data Services Control (GDSCTL) command executed from a GDSCTL client attempted to obtain a catalog lock in a higher versioned
Action: Upgrade GDSCTL or run this command from another client.
ORA-45600: Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) internal error
Cause: There was an unexpected error during TSDP operation.
Action: Retry the command. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support
ORA-45601: Invalid data has been found and discarded. Valid data has been
Cause: The names of invalid or nonexistent database objects were found in the
XML input.
Action: Check the trace files for the names of the invalid objects found in the XML
ORA-45602: Schema string does not exist.
Cause: The schema specified did not exist.
Action: Specify a valid schema.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-49
ORA-45603: Schema string does not contain table string.
Cause: The table specified did not exist in the schema.
Action: Specify a valid table.
ORA-45604: Column string.string does not exist in schema string.
Cause: The column specified did not exist.
Action: Specify a valid column.
ORA-45605: invalid sensitive type string
Cause: A sensitive type that was associated with one or more sensitve columns
did not exist.
Action: Ensure the valid sensitive type is mentioned. If it is a new sensitive type,
include the definition in the XML input.
ORA-45606: There was no sensitive column matching the given criteria.
Cause: There was no sensitive column matching the schema, table and column
Action: Ensure the valid column is mentioned.
ORA-45607: Column string.string in schema string has already been identified as
Cause: The column was already identified as sensitive.
Action: Remove the column from the list of sensitive columns to be imported.
ORA-45608: There are no sensitive columns for source string.
Cause: No sensitive columns were found for the given source.
Action: Specify the valid source.
ORA-45609: Sensitive type string already exists.
Cause: The sensitive type already existed in the database.
Action: Specify a different name for the sensitive type.
ORA-45610: Sensitive type string does not exist.
Cause: The sensitive type did not exist in the database.
Action: Specify the valid sensitive type.
ORA-45611: cannot drop sensitive type string
Cause: The sensitive type that is associated with one or more columns could not
be dropped.
Action: Ensure the sensitive type is not associated with any column before
dropping it.
ORA-45612: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy with name
string already exists.
Cause: A TSDP policy with the same name was found.
Action: Specify a different name for the policy.
ORA-45613: invalid Oracle security feature
Cause: The Oracle security feature specified was not supported by Transparent
Sensitive Data Protection.
Action: Specify a valid security feature.
25-50 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-45614: invalid Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy string
Cause: The TSDP policy specified did not exist.
Action: Specify a valid policy.
ORA-45615: One or more sensitive column types already exist.
Cause: Importing the list of sensitive columns succeeded. However, one or more
sensitive column types already existed in the database and were not imported
again. The corresponding column is associated with the existing type.
Action: Check the trace files for details regarding which sensitive column types
were not imported.
ORA-45616: Column string.string in schema string is not identified as sensitive.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a column that was not identified as
Action: Specify a valid column.
ORA-45617: Policy string is not associated with sensitive column type string.
Cause: The given policy was not associated with the sensitive column type.
Action: Specify the valid combination of policy and sensitive column type.
ORA-45618: Policy enforcement on one or more columns failed.
Cause: Policy enforcement on one or more columns encountered errors.
Action: Check the alert log for more details.
ORA-45619: Policy string is not enabled on column string.
Cause: The given policy was not enabled on the column.
Action: Specify a valid policy.
ORA-45620: Policy string is already associated with sensitive column type string.
Cause: The given policy was associated with the sensitive column type.
Action: Specify the valid policy and sensitive column type.
ORA-45621: Disabling of a policy on one or more columns failed.
Cause: Errors were encountered while disabling one or more policies.
Action: Check the alert log for more details.
ORA-45622: warnings generated during policy enforcement
Cause: The cause of this error could be one or more of the following:
- The policy that was associated with the sensitive column type of a column was
not enabled on the column because no subpolicy matched the column properties.
- There was no policy associated with the sensitive column type of a sensitive
- A conflicting redaction policy was enabled on the table.
Action: Check the alert log for more details.
ORA-45623: There is no policy associated with the sensitive column type.
Cause: There was no policy associated with the sensitive column type of a
Action: Check the alert log for more details.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-51
ORA-45624: reenabling protection failed before import
Cause: Importing the list of sensitive columns failed because there was a problem
in disabling protection on the columns. A subsequent attempt to reenable
protection on the columns also failed.
Action: Check the alert log for more details.
ORA-45625: reenabling protection failed after import
Cause: Importing the list of sensitive columns succeeded. A subsequent attempt
to reenable protection on the columns failed.
Action: Check the alert log for more details.
ORA-45626: Dropping of one or more columns from the list failed.
Cause: Disabling protection on the column failed.
Action: Check the trace files for more details.
ORA-45627: There are no sensitive columns of sensitive column type string.
Cause: There was no column for the given sensitive column type.
Action: Specify a valid sensitive column type.
ORA-45628: no policy associated with sensitive column type string
Cause: There was no policy associated with the sensitive column type.
Action: Specify a valid sensitive column type.
ORA-45629: policy string is enabled on one or more columns
Cause: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection policy that was enabled on a
column could not be altered or dropped.
Action: Disable the policy before altering or dropping the policy.
ORA-45630: Policy string is associated with one or more sensitive types.
Cause: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection policy that was associated with a
sensitive column type could not be dropped.
Action: Disassociate the policy from the sensitive column type before dropping
the policy.
ORA-45631: Policy string does not have the given condition.
Cause: The given condition was not found for the policy.
Action: Specify the valid condition for the policy.
ORA-45632: default policy string cannot be altered
Cause: The default policy for Transparent Sensitive Data Protection could not be
Action: Specify the valid policy to be altered.
ORA-45633: default policy string cannot be dropped
Cause: The default policy for Transparent Sensitive Data Protection could not be
Action: Specify the valid policy to be dropped.
ORA-45634: The security feature does not contain parameter string.
Cause: An invalid parameter was found for the given security feature.
Action: Verify the parameters input to the policy.
25-52 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-45635: invalid parameter found: string
Cause: An invalid parameter was found for the given security feature.
Action: Verify the parameters input to the policy.
ORA-45636: Input parameter for 'string' is not valid.
Cause: Invalid input was given for the parameter.
Action: Enter valid input.
ORA-45637: invalid condition given for policy condition
Cause: The given condition was invalid.
Action: Enter a valid value for the condition.
ORA-45638: Policy string is enabled on one or more columns of sensitive type
Cause: A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection policy that was enabled on one or
more columns of a particular sensitive type could not be disassociated from the
sensitive type.
Action: Ensure the policy is not enabled on a column of the given sensitive type.
ORA-45639: discovery result cannot be imported
Cause: One or more columns from the XML input were already identified as
sensitive by a different source.
Action: Check the trace file for a list of sensitive columns that were already
identified as sensitive.
ORA-45640: Columns from SYS schema cannot be marked as sensitive.
Cause: A column in a SYS-owned table was being marked as sensitive.
Action: Ensure the column being marked as sensitive does not belong to SYS
ORA-45641: cannot specify SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter
Cause: The SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter was specified while configuring a
Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy. SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_
OPT parameter can be specified to indicate that TSDP should input the sensitive
column as input to SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter at the time of enabling
Action: Use the SEC_RELEVANT_COLS_OPT parameter to configure the security
relevant column.
ORA-45900: data file number string already included as string
Cause: RMAN attempted to use the specified data file number, but this data file
number was already in use by a different container database.
Action: Resolve the conflict and retry the command.
ORA-45901: File string is from different container identifier string; current string
Cause: This backup piece contained a data file that did not belong to the current
container. Cataloging such a backup piece is not allowed.
Action: Connect to root or correct Pluggable Database and retry the command.
ORA-45902: cannot rename data file 'string' - file was instantly restored.
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE RENAME or RMAN command SWITCH, the
rename was specified for an instantly restored file.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-53
Action: Rename the file that was not instantly restored or wait until the
repopulation work is complete and the retry the command.
ORA-45903: catalog instantly restored data file copy string is not supported
Cause: This data file copy was instantly restored. Cataloging such file is not
Action: Do not request to catalog instantly restored data file copy.
ORA-45904: instant restore of data file copy string is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a data file copy in instant restore mode.
This is not supported.
Action: Do not request to create data file copy in instant restore mode.
ORA-45905: deleting or restoring instantly restored data file string is not supported
Cause: This data file was instantly restored with the full option. A background
process was repopulating the data file. An attempt to take the data file out of the
process failed. Deleting or restoring such files is not supported.
Action: Retry the command later.
ORA-45906: moving instantly restored data file string is not supported
Cause: This data file was instantly restored. Moving such file is not supported.
Action: Do not request to move instantly restored data file.
ORA-45907: instant restore of data file string failed
Cause: During an instant restore, it was not possible to initialize the destination
data file. There might be other messages on the error stack or alert log or trace file
that indicate the specific reason for the failure. One common reason for this
message is that the instant restore feature is disabled in this database.
Action: Check the other messages. If the situation cannot be resolved, then
request a regular (not instant) restore.
ORA-46000: invalid option to apply XS Data Security
Cause: The input value was not a valid option to apply XS Data Security.
Action: Use a valid option to apply XS Data Security.
ORA-46001: argument string is not valid for XS Data Security policies
Cause: An illegal argument value was used with DBMS_RLS to apply XS Data
Action: Use the XS_DATA_SECURITY API to apply XS Data Security.
ORA-46003: Column "string" is not valid in data security policy for "string"
Cause: An invalid column was specified in the data security policy.
Action: Correct the column name in the policy.
ORA-46004: XS Data Security policy is not applied on string.string
Cause: A table without an XS Data Security policy applied was specified.
Action: Specify a table with one XS Data Security policy applied.
ORA-46005: multiple XS Data Security policies applied on string.string
Cause: A table with more than one XS Data Security policy applied was specified.
Action: Specify a table with one XS Data Security policy applied.
ORA-46006: cannot mix VPD column and XS column constraint policies
Cause: The object was protected by both VPD (Virtual Private Database) column
security and XS column constraint policies.
Action: Disable or drop either the VPD or XS column policies.
ORA-46007: no XS Data Security policy associated with string.string
Cause: A table not associated with an XS Data Security policy was specified.
Action: Specify a table associated with an XS Data Security policy.
ORA-46008: multiple XS Data Security policies associated with string.string
Cause: A table associated with more than one XS Data Security policy was
Action: Specify a table associated with one XS Data Security policy.
ORA-46019: User-built Static ACL Materialized View does not exist
Cause: A non-existing user-built Static ACL Materialized View was specified
26-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Create a user-built Static ACL Materialized View with the specified name
or use system-built Static ACL views
ORA-46020: User-built Static ACL Materialized View has invalid schema
Cause: A user-built Static ACL Materialized View was specified but with an
incorrect schema
Action: Create a user-built Static ACL Materialized View with at least the
required columns with correct names and types
ORA-46021: Invalid refresh mode specified for Static ACL Materialized View
Cause: The refresh mode specified for the Materialized View supporting static
ACLs is invalid.
Action: Specify either "ON DEMAND" or "ON COMMIT" for parameter refresh_
ORA-46022: Invalid name specified for user-built Static ACL Materialized View
Cause: The name specified for the Static ACL Materialized View (ACLMV) is
reserved for system-built ACLMVs.
Action: Rename the user-built Static ACL Materialized View
ORA-46023: Application Session affinity is not the same as when the cursor was
Cause: The security context was changed and was different from the time the
cursor was parsed.
Action: Make sure the security context is the same as when the cursor was parsed.
ORA-46024: The policy schema differs from the object schema for Static ACL
Materialized View based XDS policy.
Cause: The specified object schema was different from the policy schema.
Action: Make sure the object and the policy have the same schema.
ORA-46025: no static rule specified in applied policy
Cause: The policy applied on the table did not contain any static rules.
Action: Ensure the applied policy has at least one static rule.
ORA-46026: creation of static ACL materialized view (MV) failed
Cause: Creation of the static access control list (ACL) materialized view (MV)
Action: Check the trace file for detailed error information.
ORA-46050: Oracle Real Application Security internal error.
Cause: There was an Oracle Database Real Application Security internal error.
Action: None
ORA-46051: invalid application user specified
Cause: An invalid application user was specified.
Action: Check the user name and execute the function or procedure again.
ORA-46052: invalid session ID specified
Cause: An invalid XS Security session ID was specified.
Action: Check the session ID and execute the function or procedure again.
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-3
ORA-46053: invalid cookie specified
Cause: An invalid XS Security session cookie was specified.
Action: Check the session cookie and execute the function or procedure again.
ORA-46054: invalid namespace specified
Cause: An invalid XS session application namespace or system-defined
namespace was specified. Certain operations are not allowed on the
system-defined namespace.
Action: Check the namespace and execute the function or procedure again.
ORA-46055: invalid role specified
Cause: An invalid application role was specified.
Action: Check the role and execute the function or procedure again.
ORA-46056: invalid namespace or attribute specified
Cause: An invalid XS Security application namespace or attribute was specified.
Action: Check the namespace and attribute, and execute the function or
procedure again.
ORA-46057: namespace already exists
Cause: The specified XS Security application namespace was already in existence.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with a different namespace.
ORA-46058: attribute string is invalid
Cause: An invalid XS Security application namespace attribute was specified.
Action: Check the attribute and execute the function or procedure.
ORA-46059: Invalid ACL identifier specified
Cause: The specified ACL identifier is invalid.
Action: Check the ACL identifier, and execute the function or procedure again
with a valid ACL ID.
ORA-46060: user name not specified
Cause: An application user was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with a user name.
ORA-46061: session ID not specified
Cause: XS Security session ID was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with a session ID.
ORA-46062: Namespace not specified
Cause: XS Security application namespace was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with a namespace.
ORA-46063: not attached to XS Security session
Cause: There was no attachment to an XS Security session.
Action: Attach to an XS Security session and execute the function or procedure.
ORA-46064: attribute name not specified
Cause: XS Security application namespace attribute name was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with an attribute name.
26-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-46065: attribute value not specified
Cause: XS Security application namespace attribute value was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with an attribute value.
ORA-46066: inactivity timeout not specified
Cause: XS Security session inactivity timeout was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with an inactivity timeout value.
ORA-46067: cookie not specified
Cause: XS Security session cookie was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with a cookie value.
ORA-46068: role not specified
Cause: XS Security role was not specified.
Action: Execute the function or procedure with a Role value.
ORA-46069: operation disallowed in an application session
Cause: Operations were blocked when an application session was attached.
Action: Try the operation later after the application session is detached.
ORA-46070: insufficient privileges
Cause: An attempt was made to execute an XS Security session function or
procedure without the appropriate privilege.
Action: Ask the administrator to perform the operation or to grant the
appropriate privilege.
ORA-46071: Error occured in event handler string
Cause: An error or exception was returned by the error handling function
invoked as part of the current operation.
Action: Check the trace files to identify the source of the error in the event
handling function. Attempt the operation again after the error has been resolved.
Also, abort attach session since the changes made to the session by the event
handler might not have been recorded because of the error.
ORA-46072: Column width too small
Cause: The size of the column or variable used to store the output of this function
or procedure is too small.
Action: Increase the size of the column or variable and try again.
ORA-46073: cookie already in use by another session
Cause: The specified XS Security session cookie was used by another XS Security
Action: Execute the function or procedure with a different cookie.
ORA-46074: session ID mismatch
Cause: The specified session ID does not match the attached session ID.
Action: Execute the function or procedure without a session ID or with a
matching attached session.
ORA-46075: already attached to an application user session
Cause: The current database session is already attached to an application user
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-5
Action: Detach from the current application user session before attaching to the
new application user session.
ORA-46076: The specified name length not within valid range.
Cause: The length of the name was shorter or longer than allowed limits.
Action: Try again with a new name with a length less than the maximum or or
more than the minimum allowed.
ORA-46077: Length of value too large
Cause: The specified attribute value is too large.
Action: Execute the function or procedure again with a smaller attribute value.
ORA-46078: Invalid event type specified
Cause: The event type specified is invalid.
Action: Reattempt the operation with an invalid event type.
ORA-46079: invalid external principal specified
Cause: An XS Security principal already existed with same name.
Action: Specify another external principal and try again.
ORA-46080: User status is currently inactive
Cause: User was marked inactive.
Action: Change status in enterprise directory to active and try again.
ORA-46081: User's password has expired
Cause: User password was expired.
Action: Change the user's password and update status to active.
ORA-46082: User's account was locked
Cause: The user's account is locked.
Action: Update user's status to Active in Enterprise Directory and try again.
ORA-46083: Cannot update the GUID of the principal
Cause: The GUID of the principal existed or the external source was not set.
Action: None
ORA-46084: cannot update or delete system-seeded XS objects.
Cause: An attempt was made to update or delete system-seeded XS objects.
Action: Do not attempt to update or delete system-seeded XS objects.
ORA-46085: Cannot add a proxy user when there was no proxy roles.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a proxy user to a target user when proxy
roles did not exist.
Action: Verify the proxy roles and try again.
ORA-46086: Cannot detach from a direct-login XS session
Cause: An attempt was made to detach from an XS session created by a direct
password login.
Action: To detach and destroy the XS session, logout of the DB session.
ORA-46087: Switching users not allowed for a proxy session
Cause: An attempt was made to switch users within a proxy session.
26-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Switch back to original user and try again.
ORA-46088: operation disallowed in application session
Cause: The specified operation was not allowed in an application session.
Action: None
ORA-46089: Unsupported verifier type
Cause: This verifier was not currently supported.
Action: Execute again with a different verifier type.
ORA-46090: Requested event handler not registered for the event
Cause: An attempt was made to update or delete nonregistered event handler.
Action: Please verify event handler name.
ORA-46091: Requested event handler already registered for the event
Cause: An attempt was made to re-register an event handler.
Action: Please verify event handler name.
ORA-46092: Requested event handler does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to register a nonexistent event handler.
Action: Please verify event handler name or create the event handler.
ORA-46093: Cannot destroy a direct-login XS session
Cause: An attempt was made to destroy an XS session created by a direct
password login.
Action: To destroy the XS session, logout of the DB session.
ORA-46094: XS user not effective
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XS session by a user that is not effective.
Action: To create the XS session, contact the administrator to check the effective
dates on the user.
ORA-46095: Invalid error code supplied
Cause: An error code with an illegal value was supplied.
Action: Use an error code from the range of valid values.
ORA-46096: An attribute in a namespace cannot have both default value and first
read event set.
Cause: Both default value and first read were specfied in namespace template.
Action: Specify either default value or first read for the attribute in the
namespace, but not both.
ORA-46097: The string did not exist in the string.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an XS artifact which was not in existence
within the scope.
Action: Check if the XS artifact was created or referenced within the scope.
ORA-46098: The string already exists in the string.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or refer to an XS artifact which was already
in existence within the scope.
Action: Check if the XS artifact name is unique within the scope.
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-7
ORA-46099: Feature unsupported or not implemented
Cause: This feature was not supported or implemented.
Action: None
ORA-46100: XS session operations are disallowed during the execution of a
definer's rights program unit.
Cause: An attempt was made to do an XS session operation that could modify the
current security context inside a definer's rights program unit.
Action: Change the program unit to invoker's rights.
ORA-46101: Circular definition for aggregate privilege string in security class string
Cause: Definition of an aggregate privilege contained itself.
Action: Fix the aggregate privilege definition.
ORA-46102: Privilege string aggregated in security class string is not found
Cause: Definition of an aggregate privilege contained a privilege that is not
defined in this or parent security classes.
Action: Fix the aggregate privilege definition.
ORA-46103: Circular definition for security class string
Cause: Security class definition inherited from itself through circular definition.
Action: Fix the security class definition.
ORA-46104: Security class string cannot inherit from base security classes
Cause: Definition of a security class specified an internal base security class as a
parent security class.
Action: Remove the internal base security class from the "inherits-from" list.
ORA-46105: unable to load security class string
Cause: The specified security class did not exist.
Action: Create the security class.
ORA-46106: Missing parent security class for security class string
Cause: The specified security class did not have any parent security class.
Action: Add a parent security class using "inherits-from" tag.
ORA-46107: Privilege string not found in the associated security classes
Cause: The specified privilege did not exist in the security classes that were
associated with the ACLs.
Action: Use a security class that contains the specified privilege.
ORA-46108: Invalid security class targetNamespace or name.
Cause: The security class targetNamespace attribute was either null or was longer
than 4000 characters. Or, the security class name attribute was either null or was
longer than 1024 characters.
Action: Provide valid targetNamespace and name attributes.
ORA-46109: Duplicate definition for privilege string in security class string.
Cause: The privilege name in the security class was previously defined in another
security class.
Action: Provide a unique name for the privilege.
26-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-46111: Security Class string specified in the ACL string does not exist.
Cause: An invalid security class was specified in the ACL.
Action: Specify a valid security class.
ORA-46112: Duplicate security class name string under targetnamespace string
Cause: The security class name under the targetnamespce was also used for
another security class.
Action: Provide a unique name for the security class.
ORA-46114: ACL name string not found.
Cause: An invalid ACL name was used as one of the operator parameters.
Action: Specify a valid ACL name.
ORA-46115: error raised during evaluation of a data realm
Cause: During SQL execution, evaluation of a data realm failed with an error.
Action: Find the cause of the error from the error stack.
ORA-46116: The ACL string is referenced by a namespace template.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an access control list (ACL) which was
referenced by a namespace template.
Action: Delete the namespace template first if the ACL needs to be deleted.
ORA-46200: Attribute cannot be deleted. The attribute is seeded from the template.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an attribute that was seeded from the
template from which this namespace was created.
Action: Attempt to delete only custom attributes.
ORA-46201: Attribute string already exists in namespace string.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute that already exists within the
given namespace.
Action: Make sure the attribute name is unique within the namespace.
ORA-46202: handler specified in the namespace template does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to create a namespace template with an invalid
handler function.
Action: Specify a valid handler function in the template.
ORA-46203: handler is not specified in the namespace template
Cause: An attempt was made to create a template or a custom attribute with
events specified. However, a handler function was not specified in the template.
Action: Specify a valid handler function in the template.
ORA-46204: Multiple UID or GUID specified for the resource.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a resource with multiple UIDs or GUIDs
specified in the document.
Action: Provide, at most, one UID or GUID for the resource in the document.
ORA-46205: User with empty GUID cannot create session.
Cause: An attempt was made by an user with an empty GUID to create a session.
Action: Update the GUID for the user.
ORA-46206: Negative inactivity timeout value not allowed.
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-9
Cause: An attempt was made to set the inactivity timeout time to a negative
Action: Specify a non-negative inactivity timeout value.
ORA-46207: During global callback execution, string is not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a disallowed session operation during
global callback execution.
Action: Remove the invalid session operation from callback function.
ORA-46208: Circular callback call caused by string
Cause: Circular callback call caused an infinite chain of callback function
Action: Check the event handling functions to identify the source of the circular
callback call. Attempt the operation again after the error has been resolved.
ORA-46209: User switch is disallowed for administrative operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to switch user with administrative operation.
Action: Attach the application session to a database session first.
ORA-46210: Source user is not anonymous in user assignment operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to assign user to a named user.
Action: Change source user to the anonymous user first.
ORA-46211: XS entity name length not within valid range.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XS entity with a name length less than
the minimum or more than the maximum allowed.
Action: Ensure the name length is in the valid range (between 1 and 128).
ORA-46212: XS entity with this name already exists.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XS entity with a name that already
belongs to another entity.
Action: Use a different name and try again.
ORA-46213: An unexpected constraint violation occurred during creation of an XS
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XS entity resulting in an unexpected
constraint violation.
Action: Check with the DBA or security administrator for resolution.
ORA-46214: Deletion of the XS entity is not allowed while dependencies exist.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an XS entity with dependent entities in the
Action: Remove the dependencies and try again.
ORA-46215: XS entity by the name string did not exist.
Cause: A reference was made to an XS entity that did not exist.
Action: Review the entity reference and try again.
ORA-46216: XS entities are not related.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a relation that did not exist.
Action: Review the entity reference and try again.
26-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-46217: Operation is not allowed.
Cause: An unexpected operation was performed.
Action: Check with the DBA or security administrator for resolution.
ORA-46218: Unauthorized proxy user
Cause: The current user was not an authorized proxy user of the client user
during a switching user operation.
Action: Add the current user as a proxy user of the client user.
ORA-46219: Role version numbers mismatch in server and mid-tier.
Cause: There was another mid-tier attached to the server session with a different
set of roles.
Action: Reattach the session supplying the current set of roles.
ORA-46220: database is in readable standby mode; changes will not be saved
Cause: An attempt was made to change an application session in readable
standby mode.
Action: None
ORA-46221: cannot modify an application user that is currently connected
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an application user that is currently
logged on.
Action: Make sure the application user is logged off, then repeat the command.
ORA-46222: Real Application principal name string conflicts with another user or
role name.
Cause: There was already a user or role with that name.
Action: Specify a different user or role name.
ORA-46230: XS administrative operation failed.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during the requested XS administrative
Action: None
ORA-46231: Granted role is not a regular role.
Cause: A nonregular role was granted to a principal.
Action: Grant a regular role to a principal.
ORA-46232: Circular grant for role
Cause: The role was granted from itself through circular operation.
Action: Fix the role grant operation.
ORA-46233: Circular definition for ACL string
Cause: The ACL was inherited from itself through circular definition.
Action: Fix the ACL definition.
ORA-46235: Policy parameter string did not exist.
Cause: The policy parameter did not exist.
Action: Review the parameter definition and try again.
ORA-46236: Invalid policy parameter type
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-11
Cause: Invalid parameter type was specified.
Action: Use the correct parameter type.
ORA-46237: Mid-tier cache synchronization failed
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during mid-tier cache synchronization.
Action: None
ORA-46238: Database user or role 'string' does not exist
Cause: An invalid database user or role was specified as the principal name.
Action: Make sure the database principal is a valid database user or role.
ORA-46239: Key manager not initialized.
Cause: A request to sign the message could not be processed because the key
manager was not initialized.
Action: Reinitialize the key manager and resubmit the request.
ORA-46240: Application proxy user is already configured with a schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a schema to an application proxy user that
already was configured with a schema.
Action: Remove the schema configuration of the application proxy user and try
ORA-46241: Application proxy user is not configured with the schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a schema from an application proxy user
that was not configured.
Action: None
ORA-46242: Granting a role to XSGUEST is not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant a role to the XSGUEST seeded user.
Action: None
ORA-46243: The dispatcher's session does not exist.
Cause: The dispatcher's session timed out due to inactivity.
Action: Increase the inactivity timeout for the dispatcher's session.
ORA-46244: The request is not signed by the dispatcher.
Cause: A request was made without the dispatcher's signature. The server is
configured to accept requests signed by the dispatcher only.
Action: Ask the administrator to configure the mid-tier allowing the dispatcher
signature. Or, ask the administrator to configure the server to not be in
dispather-only mode.
ORA-46245: Invalid session or namespace request
Cause: The request message was corrupt.
Action: Check with the DBA or security administrator for resolution.
ORA-46246: session operation failed
Cause: An attempt was made to either update an XS Data Security session which
did not exist, or to create an XS Data Security session which already existed, or to
attach a direct-login XS Data Security session.
Action: None
26-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-46247: detach completed; session changes are not saved
Cause: The XS Data Security session is detached successfully, but session changes
are not saved due to updating an XS Data Security session which did not exist.
Action: None
ORA-46250: Invalid value for argument 'string'
Cause: Input value was not valid for the procedure.
Action: Use a valid option.
ORA-46251: Value for argument 'string' out of range
Cause: Input value was out of range.
Action: Use a value within allowed range.
ORA-46252: Cannot complete the operation, overlapping job already exists
Cause: Cleanup job already existed which spanned the given audit trail type.
Action: Drop the existing job.
ORA-46253: Cannot complete the operation, overlapping property already exists
Cause: The property already exists which spans the given audit trail type.
Action: Clear the existing property.
ORA-46254: 'string' already exists
Cause: The value being set already existed.
Action: Delete the existing entry.
ORA-46255: Incorrect job name specified
Cause: The job did not exist or was not created by DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT
Action: Create the job using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT package.
ORA-46256: Internal error: Audit Table not partitioned
Cause: Invalid operation on a non partitioned table.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-46257: Property 'string' cannot be cleared
Cause: The property could not be cleared.
Action: None. The property can only be set or reset.
ORA-46258: Cleanup not initialized for the audit trail
Cause: DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.INIT_CLEANUP was not called for the erroring
audit trail.
Action: Invoke the procedure, DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.INIT_CLEANUP.
ORA-46260: Error during audit trail cleanup
Cause: The audit trail cleanup operation could not be completed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If
there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-46261: Error during audit trail cleanup, internal error
Cause: The audit trail cleanup could not be completed because of an internal
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-13
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-46262: Audit table(s) cannot be moved to 'string' tablespace
Cause: The tablespace was either unavailable or did not have enough space to
accomodate the audit table being moved.
Action: Make sure that the tablespace is online and has enough space for the audit
tables being moved.
ORA-46263: The audit trail is already initialized for cleanup
Cause: DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.INIT_CLEANUP was already invoked for the
audit trail type.
Action: None
ORA-46264: Error during DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation
Cause: Could not complete the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation.
Action: Check the PL/SQL error stack and trace files for a possible error. Fix the
cause and retry the operation. If the error is internal or if there is no error, contact
Oracle Support Services.
ORA-46265: Subset of audit trail is already initialized
Cause: Audit Trail was initialized which spans the given audit trail type.
Action: Use DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.DEINIT_CLEANUP to deinitialize conflicting
audit trail types.
ORA-46266: Missing value for argument 'string' in Oracle RAC enabled database
Cause: The DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT API was executed in an Oracle RAC enabled
database and AUDIT_TRAIL_TYPE was one of AUDIT_TRAIL_OS or AUDIT_
TRAIL_XML. But, Oracle RAC instance number for which DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT
API was run, was not supplied.
Action: Input a valid Oracle RAC instance number for which the configuration
must be done.
ORA-46267: Insufficient space in 'string' tablespace, cannot complete operation
Cause: Could not complete the operation because the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT API
involved movement of one or more audit tables and there was not enough space in
the destination tablespace.
Action: Turn on tracing using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.SET_DEBUG_LEVEL to
find the amount of space required. Then, allocate that space in the destination
tablespace, even if destination tablespace datafile has AUTOEXTEND option
turned on. And then, retry the operation.
ORA-46268: Conflicting operation on audit table(s)
Cause: Audit tables were being operated by more than one DBMS_AUDIT_
MGMT API from different sessions. The simultaneous execution of the following
API with one another and with itself can cause the conflict: INIT_CLEANUP,
Action: Wait until the execution of one of the API's completes and try executing
the API again.
ORA-46269: Conflicting operation on audit files
26-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Audit files were being operated by more than one DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT
API from different sessions. The simultaneous execution of the CLEAN_AUDIT_
TRAIL API with itself can cause the conflict.
Action: Wait until the execution of one of the API's complete and try executing the
API again.
ORA-46271: Error during DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation; database I/O
Cause: An I/O attempt occurred during DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation and
the database I/O was suspended.
Action: Retry the operation after resuming database I/O suspension. If database
I/O is not suspended, contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-46272: Subset of audit trail is already deinitialized
Cause: Audit trail was deinitialized which spans the given audit trail type.
Action: Use DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.INIT_CLEANUP to initialize conflicting audit
trail types.
ORA-46273: DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation failed in one of the PDB
Cause: The executed DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation failed in one of the PDB.
Action: Check the trace files for the PDB information where the operation failed.
Fix the cause and retry the operation. If the error is internal or if there is no error,
contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-46274: Error during DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation; tablespace 'string' not
Cause: The tablespace associated with Unified Audit Trail is either invalid or is
Action: Check if the tablespace is valid and make sure the tablespace is online and
ORA-46275: Conflicting operations on 'string' table
Cause: Audit trail table was being operated by more than one API from different
sessions. The simultaneous execution of DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.INIT_CLEANUP
Action: Wait for the completion of the conflicting SA_SYSDBA procedure and try
executing the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT API again.
ORA-46276: DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation on unified audit trail failed
Cause: Audit records were not generated in the unified audit trail.
Action: Generate audit records in the unified audit trail and retry the operation.
ORA-46277: Conflicting operation on unified audit trail
Cause: Unified audit trail is being operated by more than one DBMS_AUDIT_
MGMT API from different sessions. The simultaneous execution of the following
API with one another and with itself can cause the conflict: FLUSH_UNIFIED_
Action: Wait until the execution of one of the API's complete and try executing the
API again.
ORA-46278: Conflicting operation using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT routines
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-15
Cause: One of the following API's was concurrently executed with itself or with
another API in separate sessions causing a conflict:
Action: Wait until the execution of one of the API's completes and try executing
the API again.
ORA-46340: Command cannot have both BY <user-list> and IN SESSION
<session-information> clauses together
Cause: BY <user-list> clause was supplied with IN SESSION
<session-information> clause in the command.
Action: Use either BY <user-list> or IN SESSION <session-information> clause.
ORA-46341: ALL STATEMENTS option cannot be supplied with BY SESSION
Cause: An attempt was made to use ALL STATEMENTS audit option with BY
SESSION clause. ALL STATEMENTS audit option can be configured with BY
ACCESS only.
Action: Specify BY ACCESS instead of BY SESSION.
ORA-46342: NOAUDIT command cannot be executed with IN SESSION clause
Cause: An attempt was made to use IN SESSION <session-information> clause in
NOAUDIT command.
Action: None
ORA-46343: Cannot drop AUDSYS user
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the AUDSYS user that hosts the audit trail.
Action: None
ORA-46350: Audit policy string already applied with the BY clause.
Cause: An attempt was made to apply audit policy with the EXCEPT clause
which was already applied with the BY clause.
Action: Remove audit policy using the NOAUDIT command.
ORA-46351: Audit policy string already applied with the EXCEPT clause.
Cause: An attempt was made to apply audit policy with the BY clause which was
already applied with the EXCEPT clause.
Action: Remove audit policy using the NOAUDIT command.
ORA-46352: NOAUDIT command with the EXCEPT clause is not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove audit policy using NOAUDIT command
with the EXCEPT clause.
Action: Remove audit policy selectively using NOAUDIT command with the BY
ORA-46353: missing or invalid audit policy name.
Cause: A valid audit policy name was expected.
26-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Specify a valid audit policy name.
ORA-46354: missing or invalid audit context or attribute name.
Cause: A valid context or attribute name was expected.
Action: Specify a valid context attribute name.
ORA-46355: missing or invalid privilege audit option.
Cause: Creating or altering the audit policy was attempted with an invalid system
privilege audit option.
Action: Use a valid system privilege audit option.
ORA-46356: missing or invalid action audit option.
Cause: Creating or altering the audit policy was attempted with an invalid action
audit option.
Action: Use a valid action audit option.
ORA-46357: Audit policy string not found.
Cause: The specified audit policy object did not exist in the database.
Action: Use the correct audit policy name and try again.
ORA-46358: Audit policy string already exists.
Cause: The specified audit policy object already existed in the database.
Action: Use a different name and try again.
ORA-46359: Invalid auditing option for string.
Cause: Creating or altering the audit policy was attempted with an invalid audit
option for the object.
Action: Use a valid audit option for the object.
ORA-46360: Same auditing option cannot be both added and dropped in audit
Cause: Altering the audit policy was attempted for adding and dropping the
same auditing option in the audit policy.
Action: Choose either to add or drop the audit option.
ORA-46361: Audit policy cannot be dropped as it is currently enabled.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the audit policy which is currently enabled.
Action: Disable the audit policy before dropping.
ORA-46362: Could not translate variable ORACLE_BASE.
Cause: An attempt to obtain the value for ORACLE_BASE failed.
Action: Make sure the variable is set.
ORA-46363: Audit directory 'string' not found.
Cause: Could not find the specified audit directory.
Action: Make sure the audit directory is created.
ORA-46364: Audit directory 'string' could not be created.
Cause: Could not create the specified audit directory.
Action: Make sure the Oracle process has permissions to create the audit
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-17
ORA-46365: Audit file 'string' could not be created.
Cause: Could not create the specified audit file.
Action: Make sure the Oracle process has permissions to create the audit files in
the audit directory.
ORA-46366: File 'string' is not a recognized Oracle audit file.
Cause: The file found in Oracle audit directory was not a valid Oracle audit file.
Action: Remove the file from the audit directory and try the action again.
ORA-46367: Database is not opened for write; cannot complete operation.
Cause: An operation requiring the database to be open in read/write mode was
Action: Open the database in read/write mode.
ORA-46368: Audit policy does not have a simple rule condition.
Cause: Creating or altering the audit policy was attempted with a complex audit
Action: Use a simple rule expression for audit policy condition.
ORA-46369: An error occurred while evaluating audit policy condition.
Cause: Check the error stack for detailed error information.
Action: Fix the errors in the error stack and retry the operation.
ORA-46370: cannot connect as AUDSYS user
Cause: An attempt was made to connect to the database as AUDSYS user.
Action: Do not connect to the database as AUDSYS user.
ORA-46372: audit file 'string' not found
Cause: An operation was attempted on the audit file which was not available in
the audit directory.
Action: Make sure the file exists in the $ORACLE_BASE/audit/$ORACLE_SID
ORA-46373: Audit policy 'string' must have at least one audit option.
Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter or enable the empty audit policy.
Action: Use at least one audit option in the audit policy.
ORA-46374: error during AUDIT or NOAUDIT of audit policy in an Oracle RAC
enabled database
Cause: The operation could not be completed on one or more Oracle RAC
Action: Check the trace file for more information. Ensure every instance in Oracle
RAC is operational and retry the operation.
ORA-46376: FGA policy owner 'string' is not available
Cause: An attempt to import Fine-Grained Audit (FGA) policy failed because the
specified FGA policy owner has not been imported.
Action: Perform the import of the specified user schema and retry the operation.
ORA-46377: Auditing cannot be configured on the specified system privilege.
Cause: An attempt was made to configure auditing on the system privilege which
is not supported by the audit facility.
26-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None
ORA-46378: Cannot use bind variable in VERSIONS clause when the object has
FGA policy defined on it.
Cause: The object being accessed had a fine-grained audit (FGA) policy defined
on it and the VERSIONS clause contained a bind variable.
Action: Rewrite the query without the use of a bind variable in the VERSIONS
ORA-46379: generation of audit session ID failed with error 'number'
Cause: An error was encountered while generating the audit session ID.
Action: Retry the operation and, if the error persists, contact Oracle Support
ORA-46500: User is not a common user.
Cause: An attempt was made to apply the common audit configuration to a local
user. Common audit configuration can be applied only to common users.
Action: Specify a common user.
ORA-46501: Object is not a common object.
Cause: Object audit option for the common audit policy was specified on a local
object. A common audit policy can have object audit options on common objects
Action: Specify a common object.
ORA-46503: not connected to a pluggable database
Cause: An attempt was made to create a local audit policy or configuration while
not connected to a pluggable database. Local audit policy or configuration can be
created only when connected to a pluggable database.
Action: Connect or switch session to a pluggable database to create local audit
policy or configuration.
ORA-46504: AUDIT command cannot specify ON <object> and CONTAINER
clauses together.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify the CONTAINER clause with the AUDIT
command while configuring object auditing. The CONTAINER clause is not
supported for object auditing using the SQL AUDIT command.
Action: Do not specify the CONTAINER clause while configuring object auditing
using SQL AUDIT command.
ORA-46604: invalid or missing keystore file name
Cause: The required keystore file name was invalid or missing.
Action: Specify a valid keystore file name.
ORA-46620: backup for the keystore cannot be taken
Cause: Either the specified backup location was not an ASM path name when the
configured keystore location was an ASM path or the specified backup location
was an ASM path name when the configured keystore location was not an ASM
Action: Either specify an ASM path name for the backup location if the keystore
location is an ASM path or specify a non-ASM path name for the backup location
if the keystore location is not an ASM path.
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-19
ORA-46621: no backup identifier specified
Cause: Backup identifier was not specified.
Action: Provide a valid backup identifier.
ORA-46622: location of the backed up keystore is incorrect
Cause: Keystore location where the backup was to be created was incorrect.
Action: Provide a valid location to backup the keystore.
ORA-46623: cannot create the keystore file name
Cause: Keystore name could not be formed possibly due to the incorrectly
specified keystore location.
Action: Verify the location to where the keystore can be backed up.
ORA-46624: cannot find the source keystore
Cause: The source keystore for which the backup was requested was not found.
Action: Verify that the source keystore exists and try again.
ORA-46625: backup keystore already exists
Cause: A backup of the keystore of the same name already existed in the given
Action: Change the location of the backup keystore or the backup identifier of the
backup keystore and try again.
ORA-46626: cannot create a backup of the keystore
Cause: The backup of the keystore could not be created.
Action: Check the trace file for more information and try again.
ORA-46627: keystore password mismatch
Cause: The keystore password specified did not match that of the keystore that
was open.
Action: Specify the correct keystore password.
ORA-46628: cannot alter the software keystore password
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the software keystore password.
Action: Check the viability of the keystore and replace the keystore from the
backup if required and try to alter the keystore password.
ORA-46629: keystore was not open after the alter keystore operation
Cause: The keystore password was changed. However, the keystore was closed
during this operation.
Action: Reopen the keystore with the new password.
ORA-46630: keystore cannot be created at the specified location
Cause: Keystore could not be created at the specified location because a keystore
of the same type already exited.
Action: Specify a different location to create the keystore. If no keystore exists and
the operation is failing, check the trace file and try again.
ORA-46631: keystore needs to be backed up
Cause: The keystore was not backed up. For this operation to proceed, the
keystore must be backed up.
26-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Backup the keystore and try again.
ORA-46632: password-based keystore does not exist
Cause: Password-based keystore was missing for this operation. Auto login
keystore can be created from a password-based keystore only.
Action: Specify a location where the password-based keystore exists.
ORA-46633: creation of a password-based keystore failed
Cause: Password-based keystore could not be created at the specified location due
to either incorrect file permissions for Oracle on the specified location or due to the
nonexistence of the specified location.
Action: Check the trace file for more information, create permissions on the
specified location, or specify a different location and try again.
ORA-46634: creation of a local auto login keystore failed
Cause: The local auto login keystore could not be created at the specified location
due to the incorrect password specified for the password-based keystore or due to
incorrect file permissions for Oracle on the specified location or due to the
nonexistence of the specified location.
Action: Check the trace file for more information, specify the correct password for
the password-based keystore, create permissions on the specified location, or
specify a different location and try again.
ORA-46635: creation of an auto login keystore failed
Cause: The auto login keystore could not be created at the specified location due
to the incorrect password specified for the password-based keystore or due to
incorrect file permissions for Oracle on the specified location or due to the
nonexistence of the specified location.
Action: Check the trace file for more information, specify the correct password for
the password-based keystore, create permissions on the specified location, or
specify a different location and try again.
ORA-46636: cannot add second keystore to the target keystore
Cause: The second keystore could not be added to the target keystore.
Action: Check trace files for more information. Delete the target keystore and try
merging the two keystores again.
ORA-46637: cannot add first keystore to the target keystore
Cause: The first keystore could not be added to the target keystore.
Action: Check trace files for more information. Delete the target keystore and try
merging the two keystores again.
ORA-46638: merging of the two keystores failed
Cause: The two keystores could not be merged.
Action: Check trace files for more information. If the target keystore is corrupted,
replace it from the backup and try merging the two keystores again.
ORA-46639: backup of keystore failed during migration
Cause: Keystore location was not configured correctly in the sqlnet.ora file.
Action: Keystore location is missing or not correct in the sqlnet.ora file. Specify
the correct keystore location for migration and backup.
ORA-46640: incorrect file name for exporting keys
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-21
Cause: The file name of the the file to which keys from the keystore will be
written was incorrect or invalid.
Action: Verify the file name. Ensure that both the full path and the file name are
ORA-46641: incorrect file name for importing keys
Cause: The file name of the the file from which the keys will be read and saved in
the keystore was incorrect or invalid.
Action: Verify the file name. Ensure that both the full path and the file name are
ORA-46642: key export destination file already exists
Cause: The file name specified as the export destination for keys exported from
the keystore was already in existence.
Action: Specify a different file name that does not exist.
ORA-46643: file from which keys are to be imported does not exist
Cause: The specified file from which the keys are to be imported into the keystore
did not exist.
Action: Specify the name of a file that contains keys exported from the keystore.
ORA-46644: creation or open of file to store the exported keys failed
Cause: Creation or opening of the file specified as the key export destination,
where the keys exported from the keystore were to be written, failed.
Action: Verify that the file name is valid and that the Oracle process has sufficient
privilege to create, open and write to the file.
ORA-46645: open of file from which keys are to be imported failed
Cause: The file specified as the key import source, from which the keys were to be
imported into the keystore, could not be opened.
Action: Verify that the file name is valid and that the Oracle process has sufficient
privilege to read the file.
ORA-46646: file from which keys are to be imported is invalid
Cause: The file specified as the key import source, from which the keys are to
imported, was not a valid file.
Action: Specify a valid file, containing keys which were previously exported from
the keystore.
ORA-46647: specified protection differs from that specified in the file
Cause: The file specified as the key import source, from which the keys are to be
imported, had different protection from what was specified in the SQL command.
Action: Provide a valid protection option, ensuring that it is the same protection
option that was in the file from which the keys are to be imported.
ORA-46648: cannot commit the keys to the keystore
Cause: The operation of writing the keys to the keystore failed.
Action: Verify that the keystore is not corrupt. Copy the keystore from the backup
if it is corrupt. Retry the command.
ORA-46649: master key with the specified identifier does not exist
Cause: Master key with the specified identifier does not exist in the keystore.
26-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Specify a valid master key identifier for the SQL command and retry the
ORA-46650: cannot retrieve information for a master key identifier
Cause: The master key or the master key information associated with a specified
master key identifier did not exist.
Action: Check the contents of the trace file to identify the faulty master key
identifier. Either fix or drop the faulty master key, then retry the command.
ORA-46651: cannot create a master key
Cause: Master key creation failed.
Action: Check the trace file for errors and retry the command.
ORA-46652: cannot create tag for the master key
Cause: Creation of the tag for the specified master key failed.
Action: Check the contents of the trace file for errors and retry the command.
ORA-46653: cannot retrieve master key information
Cause: Retrieval of the master key information for the specified master key
identifier failed.
Action: Check the contents of the trace file for errors and retry the command.
ORA-46654: cannot add the imported keys to the keystore
Cause: of the failure and retry the command.
Action: Check the contents of the trace file for more information on the
ORA-46655: no valid keys in the file from which keys are to be imported
Cause: The specified keystore, from which keys are to be imported, did not
contain any valid keys.
Action: None
ORA-46656: operation not valid for container database
Cause: The specified operation was not supported for the container database.
Action: None
ORA-46657: the source keystores are the same
Cause: The specified source keystores to be merged were the same. There is no
need to merge these keystores.
Action: Check the locations and types of the specified keystores. Specify the
correct path and types for the source keystores, if necessary.
ORA-46658: keystore not open in the container
Cause: The keystore was not open in the container.
Action: Open the keystore in the container.
ORA-46659: master keys for the given PDB not found
Cause: The master keys for the specified pluggable database (PDB) could not be
Action: Check if the master keys were generated for the specified PDB and retry
the command.
ORA-46660: the source and target keystores are the same
ORA-46000 to ORA-46900 26-23
Cause: The specified source and target keystores to be merged were the same.
There is no need to merge these keystores.
Action: Check the locations and types of the specified keystores. Specify the
correct path and types for the source and target keystores, if necessary.
ORA-46661: keystore not open in root container
Cause: The root container keystore was not open.
Action: Open the root container keystore.
ORA-46662: master keys not created for all PDBs
Cause: Creation of the master key failed for one or more pluggable databases
Action: Check the trace files for errors. Create the keys in PDBs where the
operation failed or retry the command.
ORA-46663: master keys not created for all PDBs for REKEY
Cause: Creation of the master key failed for one or more pluggable databases
(PDBs) and as such REKEY failed for these PDBs.
Action: Check the trace files for errors. REKEY the keys in PDBs where the master
keys could not be created or retry the command.
ORA-46664: master keys not created for any PDBs during REKEY
Cause: of the failure and retry the command.
Action: Check the contents of the trace file for more information on the
ORA-46665: master keys not activated for all PDBs during REKEY
Cause: Activation of the master key failed for one or more pluggable databases
(PDBs) and as such REKEY failed for these PDBs.
Action: Check the trace files for errors. Activate the keys in PDBs where the
master keys were created but not activated or retry the command.
ORA-46666: master keys not created or activated for all PDBs during REKEY
Cause: Creation of the master key failed for one or more pluggable databases
(PDBs). Further, activation of one or more created master keys also failed for some
PDBs and as such REKEY failed on these PDBs.
Action: Check the trace files for errors. REKEY the PDBs where the master keys
could not be created. Activate the keys in PDBs where the master keys were
created but not activated or retry the command.
ORA-46667: client not found in the keystore
Cause: An entry with the given client name was not found in the keystore.
Action: Add the secret for the given client to the keystore, if required.
ORA-46668: client already exists in the keystore
Cause: An entry with the given client name was already in existence in the
Action: Delete or update the entry with the client name.
ORA-46669: the target keystore does not exist
Cause: The location specified for the target keystore did not contain a valid
keystore, or target keystore did not have valid file permissions.
26-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Specify a different location for the target keystore where it exists. Also,
check the file permissions of the target keystore.
ORA-46670: client secret keystore operation failed
Cause: The client secret keystore add, update or delete operation failed.
Action: Open the keystore and retry the client secret keystore operation.
ORA-46671: master key not set in root container
Cause: Master key was not set in the root container.
Action: Set the Master key in the root container.
ORA-46672: backup keystore file name could not be stored
Cause: The file name of the keystore backup could not be recorded in props$.
Action: Open the keystore and retry the backup operation.
ORA-46673: write to the export file failed
Cause: Oracle was unable to write an entry to the export file.
Action: Check the trace file for more information and retry the operation. If there
is no trace information and trying the operation again fails, contact Oracle Support
ORA-46674: read from the export file failed
Cause: Oracle was unable to read an entry from the export file.
Action: Check the trace file for more information and retry the operation. If there
is no trace information and trying the operation again fails, contact Oracle Support
ORA-46900: unsupported proxy authentication
Cause: A proxy authentication was attempted using an administrative privilege.
Action: Authenticate without any administrative privilege if proxy authentication
is desired.
ORA-47000: Factor Type string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47001: Factor Type string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47002: error creating Factor Type string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the factor type
Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation
ORA-47003: error deleting Factor Type string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the factor type
Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation
ORA-47004: error updating Factor Type string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the factor type
Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation
ORA-47005: error renaming Factor Type string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred renaming the factor type
Action: Please review the definition and retry the operation
ORA-47020: Factor string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47021: Factor string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47022: error creating Factor string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the factor
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47023: error deleting Factor string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the factor
27-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47024: error updating Factor string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the factor
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47025: Factor Link already exists for string and string
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47026: error creating Factor Link for string and string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the factor link
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47027: Factor Link does not exist for string and string
Cause: The factor link referenced does not exist
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47028: error deleting Factor Link for string and string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the factor link
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47029: Factor type string is used by one or more factors.
Cause: The specified factor type was used by existing factor(s).
Action: Remove the dependent factors and retry the operation.
ORA-47030: Factor string is referred by one or more factor links.
Cause: The specified factor was referred by existing factor link(s).
Action: Remove the dependent factor links and retry the operation.
ORA-47031: Factor string is used by one or more policy factors.
Cause: The specified factor was used by existing policy factor(s).
Action: Remove the dependent policy factors and retry the operation.
ORA-47032: Factor string is referred by one or more identities.
Cause: The specified factor was referred by existing identities.
Action: Remove the dependent identities and retry the operation.
ORA-47033: Factor link for string and string is referred by one or more identity
Cause: The specified factor link was referred by existing identity maps.
Action: Remove the dependent identity maps and retry the operation.
ORA-47040: Identity string for Factor string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47041: Identity string for Factor string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-3
ORA-47042: error creating Identity string for Factor string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the identity
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47043: error deleting Identity string for Factor string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the identity
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47044: error updating Identity string for Factor string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the identity
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47045: Identity string for Factor string is used by one or more identity maps.
Cause: The specified identity was used by exiting identity map(s).
Action: Remove the dependent identity maps and retry the operation.
ORA-47046: Identity string for Factor string is referred by one or more policy labels.
Cause: The specified identity was used by exiting policy label(s).
Action: Remove the dependent policy labels and retry the operation.
ORA-47060: Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string already
defined for operation string on string
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47061: Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string, string not
found for operation string on string
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47062: error creating Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string,
string already defined for operation string on string
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47063: error deleting Identity map for Identity string.string, Factor Link string,
string already defined for operation string on string
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47080: code string already defined in group string
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47081: code string not found in group string
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47100: Command Rule string already defined for string.string
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
27-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-47101: Command Rule string not found for string.string
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47102: error creating Command Rule string for string.string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the command rule
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47103: error deleting Command Rule string for string.string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the command rule
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47104: error updating Command Rule string for string.string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the command rule
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47105: invalid object owner string for command string
Cause: The object owner is invalid for this command
Action: Choose an object owner other than SYS or a wildcard for this command
ORA-47120: Document string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47121: Document string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47140: Factor expression string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47141: Factor expression string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exists
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47160: Factor link string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47161: Factor link string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47180: Integration Policy for OLS Policy string is already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47181: Integration Policy for OLS Policy string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-5
ORA-47182: Label algorithm string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47183: error creating Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the integration policy
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47184: error updating Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the integration policy
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47185: error deleting Integration Policy for OLS Policy string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the integration policy
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47200: Integration Policy Factor already defined for Factor string and Policy
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47201: Integration Policy Factor not found for Factor string and Policy string
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47202: error creating Integration Policy Factor for factor string and policy
string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the integration policy factor
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47203: error deleting Integration Policy Factor for factor string and policy
string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the integration policy factor
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47220: Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string already
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47221: Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy string not
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47222: error creating Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy
string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the identity label
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47223: error deleting Label string for Identity string.string under OLS Policy
string, string
27-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the identity label
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47240: Realm string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47241: Realm string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47242: error creating Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the realm
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47243: error deleting Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the realm
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47244: error updating Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the realm
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47245: error renaming Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred renaming the realm
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47246: cannot change default realm string to mandatory realm
Cause: An attempt was made to change the realm type of this default realm to
mandatory realm.
Action: No action required.
ORA-47260: Realm Authorization to string for Realm string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47261: Realm Authorization to string for Realm string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47262: error creating Realm Authorization to string for Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the realm authorization
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47263: error deleting Realm Authorization to string for Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the realm authorization
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47264: error updating Realm Authorization to string for Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the realm authorization
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-7
ORA-47280: Realm Object string,string.string already defined in Realm string
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47281: Realm Object string,string.string not found in Realm string
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47282: error adding Realm Object string,string.string to Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the realm object
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47283: error deleting Realm Object string,string.string from Realm string,
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the realm object
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47284: error adding Realm Object string.string. string is not a valid object type
Cause: The specified object type is not valid.
Action: Enter a valid object type for the specified object name, or enter "%" and all
objects with the specified name and the specified owner will be added to the
ORA-47290: error creating VPD policy for Realm string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the VPD policy
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47300: Role already string defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47301: Role string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47302: error creating Role string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the role
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47303: error deleting Role string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the role
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47304: error updating Role string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the role
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47305: Rule Set violation on string (string)
Cause: An operation that was attempted failed due to a rule set violation
Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation retry the
27-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-47320: Rule string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47321: Rule string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47322: error creating Rule string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the rule
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47323: error deleting Rule string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the rule
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47324: error updating Rule string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the rule
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47325: Rule string is used by one or more rule sets.
Cause: The specified rule was used by existing rule set(s).
Action: Remove the dependent rule sets and retry the operation.
ORA-47340: Rule Set string already defined
Cause: The object with this name exists already
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation
ORA-47341: Rule Set string not found
Cause: The object being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47342: error creating Rule Set string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred creating the rule set
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47343: error deleting Rule Set string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred deleting the rule set
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47344: error updating Rule Set string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred updating the rule set
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47345: Rule set string is used by one or more realm authorizations.
Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing realm authorization(s).
Action: Remove the dependent realm authorizations and retry the operation.
ORA-47346: Rule set string is used by one or more command rules.
Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing command rule(s).
Action: Remove the dependent command rules and retry the operation.
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-9
ORA-47347: Rule set string is used by one or more secure application roles.
Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing secure application role(s).
Action: Remove the dependent secure application roles and retry the operation.
ORA-47348: Rule set string is used by one or more factors.
Cause: The specified rule set was used by existing factor(s).
Action: Remove the dependent factors and retry the operation.
ORA-47349: error occurred when executing the rule set handler
Cause: Either there was a syntax error on the rule set handler or DVSYS did not
have sufficient privilege to execute the rule set handler.
Action: Fix the syntax error on the rule set handler or grant execute privilege on
the rule set handler to DVSYS.
ORA-47360: rule string already added to rule set string
Cause: The object with this name existed already.
Action: Choose a unique object name and retry the operation.
ORA-47361: rule string not associated to rule set string
Cause: The rule specified was not associated to the rule set.
Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.
ORA-47362: error adding rule string to rule set string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while adding the rule to the rule set.
Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.
ORA-47363: error deleting rule string from rule set string, string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while deleting the rule from the rule set.
Action: Review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation.
ORA-47381: Oracle Label Security (OLS) Policy string not found
Cause: The object being requested did not exist.
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation.
ORA-47382: Oracle Label Security (OLS) Policy Label string not found for policy
Cause: The object being requested did not exist.
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation.
ORA-47383: error capturing the session state information
Cause: An internal error occurred capture the session state
Action: Please retry the operation if possible
ORA-47390: failed to audit event, string
Cause: An internal error auditing the operation
Action: Please retry the operation if possible
ORA-47391: attempt to set Factor string violates Rule Set string
Cause: An attempt to set the factor violated the associated rule set
Action: Please check to ensure you have the ability to set the factor
27-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-47392: Factor string cannot be set
Cause: The attempt to set the factor is not allowed
Action: This factor cannot be set so there is no corrective action
ORA-47393: Factor string value not allowed
Cause: The value being assigned to the factor is not allowed
Action: None
ORA-47394: Factor assignment rule set not defined
Cause: The rule set being associated to the factor does not exist
Action: Please review the definition for accuracy and retry the operation
ORA-47395: error returned by Factor string evaluation expression string
Cause: The factor retrieval method resulted in an error
Action: Please review the retrieval method definition for accuracy and correct it as
ORA-47396: error returned by Factor string validation expression string
Cause: The factor retrieval method resulted in an invalid value based on its
validation method
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47397: incorrect identified by value for Factor string
Cause: The factor identified by value is incorrect
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47398: multiple identities defined for Factor string
Cause: The factor has duplicate identities defined
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47399: incorrect labeled by value for Factor string
Cause: The factor labeled by value is incorrect
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47400: Command Rule violation for string on string
Cause: An operation that was attempted failed due to a command rule violation
Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation retry the
ORA-47401: Realm violation for string on string.string
Cause: An operation that was attempted failed due to a realm protection
Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation retry the
ORA-47402: incorrect evaluation options value for Factor string
Cause: The factor evaluations options value is incorrect
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47403: NULL returned by Factor string evaluation expression string
Cause: The factor evaluated to a NULL value
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-11
ORA-47404: NULL trust level for Factor string
Cause: The factor has a NULL trust level
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47405: negative trust level for Factor string
Cause: The factor has a negative trust level
Action: Please review the factor definition and correct it as required
ORA-47406: ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Factor string
Cause: The factor audit option is set to always audit
Action: No action required
ORA-47407: ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Rule Set string
Cause: The rule set audit option is set to always audit
Action: No action required
ORA-47408: Realm violation for the EXECUTE command
Cause: A realm violation has occurred for a realm-protected stored procedure.
Action: In order to invoke the realm-protected procedure, you must have GRANT
privileges to execute the procedure, or you must be authorized to operate in the
procedure's realm.
ORA-47409: Command Rule violation for the EXECUTE command
Cause: A command rule violation occurred when trying to perform the EXECUTE
command for a stored procedure protected by a command rule.
Action: Ask the Database Vault administrator to perform the operation or remove
the command rule for the protected stored procedure.
ORA-47410: Realm violation for string on string
Cause: An operation that was attempted failed with insufficient privileges due to
an attempt to violate a Database Vault Realm security policy which is currently
enabled and enforced.
Action: Ensure you have sufficient privileges for this operation and retry the
ORA-47411: Cannot use string due to Oracle Database Vault policy.
Cause: An operation that was attempted failed because Database Vault policy
currently prevents the related feature from being used.
Action: Ask the Database Vault administrator to allow the feature to be used.
ORA-47412: The DVSYS and DVF users are not allowed to switch containers.
Cause: An attempt was made to switch containers while connecting as DVSYS or
DVF, which is not allowed.
Action: Connect as a different user and try again.
ORA-47413: Cannot connect due to Oracle Database Vault policy.
Cause: An attempt to connect to DVSYS or DVF accounts failed because the
Database Vault administrator had disabled the account.
Action: Ask the Database Vault administrator to enable the account.
ORA-47500: Database Vault cannot be configured.
27-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The Database Vault configuration failed because some Database Vault
objects were missing.
Action: Run the dvremov.sql script to remove Database Vault and then reinstall
Database Vault.
ORA-47501: Database Vault has already been configured.
Cause: An attempt was made to run this procedure more than once. This
procedure can be run successfully only once.
Action: If you are attempting to grant the DV_OWNER or DV_ACCTMGR roles,
do so manually.
ORA-47502: Database Vault is not yet configured.
Cause: The Database Vault configuration procedure dvsys.configure_dv() had not
been run.
Action: Run dvsys.configure_dv() before attempting to enable or disable Database
Vault enforcement.
ORA-47503: Database Vault is not enabled on CDB$ROOT.
Cause: Database Vault is required to be enabled on CDB$ROOT for this operation.
Action: Enable Database Vault on CDB$ROOT and retry the operation.
ORA-47504: Common audit policies for component Oracle Database Vault not
Cause: Audit policies for Oracle Database Vault realms, factors and rule sets could
not be common audit policies.
Action: If creating audit policies for Oracle Database Vault objects on CDB$ROOT,
include the clause 'container=current'.
ORA-47901: OLS policy not specified
Cause: An OLS policy name is required for this operation
Action: Specify a policy name and retry the operation
ORA-47902: OLS policy label not specified
Cause: An OLS policy label is required for this operation
Action: Specify a policy label and retry the operation
ORA-47903: OLS policy label string not found for policy string
Cause: The policy label being requested does not exist
Action: Choose an object name that exists and retry the operation
ORA-47904: OLS session label does not exist
Cause: The policy label specified does not exist
Action: Choose a valid policy label and retry the operation
ORA-47905: OLS policy label string is not allowed for policy string
Cause: The policy label specified is not valid for this policy
Action: Choose a valid policy label for this policy and retry the operation
ORA-47906: OLS policy label not specified for identity string.string under policy
Cause: The policy label is required for this operation
Action: Choose a valid policy label for this policy and retry the operation
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-13
ORA-47907: Database Vault associated OLS policy string not fully configured
Cause: The Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy was associated with Database
Vault. But either the policy was not configured with a factor or the current factor
identity was not assigned a label.
Action: Based on the cause, either configure a factor with the OLS policy using
DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.ADD_POLICY_FACTOR procedure and assign labels
to factor identities using DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_POLICY_LABEL
procedure or remove Database Vault association using DVSYS.DBMS_
ORA-47920: Authorization failed for user string to perform this operation
Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed for this user
Action: Please ensure you have privileges to perform this operation
ORA-47921: error adding host string to domain string, string
Cause: An error occurred adding the host specified to the domain specified
Action: Please review the host and domain definition and correct it as required
ORA-47922: error removing host string to domain string, string
Cause: An error occurred removing the host specified to the domain specified
Action: Please review the host and domain definition and correct it as required
ORA-47930: Privilege capture string already exists.
Cause: A privilege capture with the given name was already in existence.
Action: Choose another capture name or drop the existing privilege capture.
ORA-47931: Privilege capture string does not exist.
Cause: The given privilege capture did not exist.
Action: Choose another privilege capture.
ORA-47932: Privilege capture string is still enabled.
Cause: The given privilege capture was still enabled.
Action: Choose another capture or disable the given privilege capture.
ORA-47933: Privilege capture string is already enabled.
Cause: The given privilege capture was already enabled.
Action: Choose another privilege capture.
ORA-47934: Two privilege captures are already enabled.
Cause: The maximum number of two privilege captures were enabled."
Action: Disable one of the enabled privilege captures.
ORA-47935: Another privilege capture is enabled.
Cause: Another capture of the same type or another nondatabase-wide capture
was enabled.
Action: Disable the enabled privilege capture.
ORA-47936: Privilege capture string is already disabled.
Cause: The given privilege capture was already disabled.
Action: Choose another capture.
ORA-47937: Input string does not match the given privilege capture type.
27-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The given input did not match the given privilege capture type.
Action: Change the input or the privilege capture type.
ORA-47938: GENERATE_RESULT is already running for privilege capture string.
running for the given privilege capture.
Action: Wait and retry later or choose another privilege capture.
ORA-47939: Capture context namespace or attribute does not exist or is invalid.
Cause: Context namespace or attribute used in the capture condition did not exist
or was invalid.
Action: Create the namespace or set the attribute or recreate a privilege capture
with a valid namespace and attribute.
ORA-47950: no value defined for required parameter string
Cause: The operation requires a value for this parameter
Action: Please specify the missing parameter and retry the operation
ORA-47951: invalid input value or length for parameter 'string'
Cause: The value specified for this parameter is invalid or too large
Action: Please specify the a valid parameter and retry the operation
ORA-47952: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string
already exists
Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already
granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.
ORA-47953: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
schema string already exists
Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given
schema was already granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47954: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
object string.string already exists
Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given
object was already granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee or a different object and retry the operation.
ORA-47955: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string is
not found
Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not
granted to the given user.
Action: Choose a user who has Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle
Database Vault and retry the operation.
ORA-47956: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
schema string is not found
Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not
granted to the given user on the given schema.
Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-15
ORA-47957: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
object string.string is not found
Cause: Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not
granted to the given user on the given object.
Action: Choose a different user or object and retry the operation.
ORA-47958: Running EXP with direct path option is disallowed when Oracle
Database Vault is enabled.
Cause: While Oracle Database Vault was enabled, an attempt was made to run
EXP with the 'direct=y' option.
Action: Change the option to 'direct=n' or disable Oracle Database Vault and retry
the operation.
ORA-47959: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database
Vault to string on tablespace string already exists.
Cause: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database Vault
on the given tablespace was already granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee or tablespace and retry the operation.
ORA-47960: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database
Vault to string on tablespace string is not found.
Cause: Oracle transportable tablespace authorization for Oracle Database Vault
was not granted to the given user on the given tablespace.
Action: Choose a different user or tablespace and retry the operation.
ORA-47961: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string
already exists
Cause: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault was already
granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee and retry the operation.
ORA-47962: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string
on schema string already exists
Cause: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given
schema was already granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47963: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string
is not found
Cause: Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not
granted to the given user.
Action: Choose a user who has Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle
Database Vault and retry the operation.
ORA-47964: Oracle Scheduler job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string
on schema string is not found
Cause: Oracle Scheduler job authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not
granted to the given user on the given schema.
Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47971: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
schema string already exists
27-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given schema
was already granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47972: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
schema string is not found.
Cause: Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to
the given user on the given schema.
Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47973: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
schema string already exists.
Cause: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault on the given schema
was already granted to the given grantee.
Action: Choose a different grantee or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47974: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to string on
schema string is not found.
Cause: Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault was not granted to
the given user on the given schema.
Action: Choose a different user or schema and retry the operation.
ORA-47985: password same as or similar to user
Cause: The password specified similar to the user account name and therefore
Action: Please specify the more complex password and retry the operation
ORA-47986: password length must be 8 characters or more
Cause: The password specified is too short and therefore insecure
Action: Please specify a password with more characters and retry the operation
ORA-47987: password is too simple
Cause: The password specified can be guessed based on dictionary terms and
therefore insecure
Action: Please specify a password that is not based on dictionary terms and retry
the operation
ORA-47988: password should contain at least one numeric and one alphabetic
Cause: The password does not contain at least one numeric and one alphabetic
Action: Please specify a password with at least one numeric and one alphabetic
character and retry the operation
ORA-47989: password should differ by at least 3 characters
Cause: The password specified does not differ from the previous one by more
than 3 characters
Action: Please specify a password that differs from the previous one by more than
3 characters and retry the operation
ORA-47994: Database Vault removal script must be run as SYS
Cause: The Database Vault removal script was not run as SYS.
ORA-47000 to ORA-47999 27-17
Action: Run the Database Vault removal script as SYS.
ORA-47995: Database Vault must be linked off and disabled before removal
Cause: Database Vault was not linked off and disabled.
Action: Link Database Vault off and execute DBMS_MACADM.DISABLE_DV_
ORA-47996: The RECYCLEBIN is turned on
Cause: The RECYCLEBIN was turned on.
Action: Turn off the RECYCLEBIN and then execute Database Vault Removal
ORA-47997: Database Vault protected schema does not exist
Cause: The Database Vault DVSYS protected schema did not exist.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for instructions.
ORA-47999: internal Database Vault error: string Error: string
Cause: An internal Database Vault framework error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-48001: internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string],
[string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for program exceptions.This
indicated that a process encountered an exceptional condition.
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number.
ORA-48002: thread terminated by fatal error
Cause: The thread was in an unrecoverable state.
Action: Examine the thread trace file for more information.
ORA-48003: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes
Cause: Operating system process private memory was exhausted.
Action: None
ORA-48004: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory
Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.
Action: Reduce your use of shared memory or increase the amount of available
shared memory.
ORA-48007: name is already used by an existing product type
Cause: An attempt was made to define a product type with the same name as an
already defined product type.
Action: Use the already existing product type with the specified name, or use a
different name for the product type.
ORA-48008: id is already used by an existing product type
Cause: An attempt was made to define a product type with the same id as an
already defined product type.
Action: Choose a different name for the product type.
ORA-48100: error encountered when attempting to open a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to open a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check that the specified directory name, file name, and open options are
28-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-48101: error encountered when attempting to read a file [string] [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to read a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the specified arguments to the read interface.
ORA-48102: encountered the end-of-file when reading the file
Cause: The ADR file interface encountered the end-of-file when reading the file.
Action: Handle the end of file condition.
ORA-48103: error encountered when attempting to write a file [string] [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to write a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the specified arguments to the write interface.
ORA-48104: read mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
Cause: There was a mismatch between the number of blocks requested for
reading and the number of blocks actually returned.
Action: Check the file to make sure there are no partial blocks.
ORA-48105: write mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
Cause: There was a mismatch between the number of blocks requested for writing
and the number of blocks actually written.
Action: Check that there is enough space left on the device to write the requested
number of blocks.
ORA-48106: error initializing the ADR string object
Cause: There was an error encountered during the initialization of one of the ADR
file objects.
Action: Check the validity of the specified directory name and file name.
ORA-48107: invalid Bfile input, [string]
Cause: An invalid Bfile was passed into the routine to convert the bfile into a file
Action: Verify the contents of the specified Bfile.
ORA-48108: invalid value given for the diagnostic_dest init.ora parameter
Cause: The value given for the diagnostic_dest directory is not a valid directory.
Either the directory does not exist or the process does not have read/write
privileges on the directory.
Action: Use a value for diagnostic_dest that is a valid directory with the proper
read and write privileges.
ORA-48109: invalid lock mode for file descriptor, [string]
Cause: The lock mode associated with the file descriptor was invalid in the
context of the routine.
Action: Verify that a file is not trying to obtain multiple locks and that the file is
holding a lock when attempting to release the lock.
ORA-48110: error encountered while attempting to get a file lock [string] [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered while trying to get a file lock.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-3
Action: Check the state of the file and operating system.
ORA-48111: error encountered while attempting to release a file lock [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered while trying to release a file lock.
Action: Check the state of the file and operating system.
ORA-48112: invalid flags for open file, string
Cause: Invalid flags were passed in to the open file routine.
Action: Check to see if the flags are a valid combination.
ORA-48113: unable to write to stream file because of out of space condition
Cause: The system is unable to write the requested number of bytes to a stream
file. This is due to an out of space condition. The additional information shows
how many bytes were not written.
Action: Check that there is enough space left on the device to write the requested
number of bytes.
ORA-48114: error encountered when attempting to close a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to close a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the validity of the file descriptor.
ORA-48115: error encountered while seeking a file position
Cause: There was an error encountered while seeking a position in a file.
Action: Check that the requested file position falls within the file boundaries.
ORA-48116: error enountered when attempting to create a directory [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to create a directory.
Action: Check the directory name.
ORA-48117: error encountered when attempting to remove a directory [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to remove a directory.
Action: Check the directory name.
ORA-48118: error encountered with list directory [string]
Cause: There was an error with listing the elements of a directory.
Action: Check the state of the operating system.
ORA-48119: error encountered when attempting to remove a file [string] [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to remove a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
ORA-48120: error encountered when attempting to retrieve the file size [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to retrieve the file size
with the ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
ORA-48121: error with opening the ADR stream file [string] [string]
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open an ADR stream file.
28-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check the rest of the error stack for details of the actual error that was
ORA-48122: error with opening the ADR block file [string] [string]
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open an ADR block file.
Action: Check the rest of the error stack for details of the actual error that was
ORA-48123: error encountered when attempting to flush a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to flush a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the state of the file.
ORA-48124: device full encountered during write to a file
Cause: The device full error was encountered during the write to a file.
Action: Check the amount of free space on the device.
ORA-48125: illegal identifier length, argn:string, len:string, lim:string
Cause: An input identifier was passed in that has a length that is greater than the
max length.
Action: Make sure the input indentifier has a length that is less than the max
ORA-48126: attempting to create a file that already exists
Cause: The client attempted to create a file that already exists.
Action: Either remove the file or check if it is okay if the file already exists.
ORA-48127: attempting to open a file that does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to open a file that does not exist.
Action: Either create the file or check why the file does not exist.
ORA-48128: opening of a symbolic link is disallowed
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open a file that is a
symbolic link. Users are not allowed to open symbolic links.
Action: Check the specified file name.
ORA-48129: invalid input for the full path specification
Cause: Input was incorrectly specified for the full path specification, or the
default extension may have been incorrectly specified. Or an empty string was
passed in for the full path.
Action: Check that the full path string is non-NULL. If you want to specify a
relative path from ADR Home for the full path specification, then use '<ADR_
HOME>' instead of the actual path to ADR Home. For ADR Base, use '<ADR_
ORA-48130: invalid lock parameters for get file lock [string]
Cause: Invalid lock parameters passed in for the get file lock routine. The user
must pass in file as the lock type. Or, there is a lock mode mismatch. Exclusive
locks are not allowed in read-only mode, and shared locks are not allowed in
write-only mode.
Action: Check that correct lock type is specified and that the correct lock mode is
requested for the file given its open flags.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-5
ORA-48131: error encountered when attempting to tell the file position
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to tell the file position using
the ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory and file name of the file along with the open state.
ORA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [string] [string]
Cause: The requested file lock is busy because another process is holding the file
Action: Try to get the file lock again at a later time.
ORA-48133: file descriptor has already been opened [string] [string]
Cause: The specified file descriptor has already been opened.
Action: Do not open a file that has previously been opened, or check your code to
make sure you are cleaning up a file descriptor that is being reused correctly.
ORA-48134: invalid file descriptor state for operation, string, string, string
Cause: The state of the file descriptor was invalid for the requested operation. An
example is that a file was opened for read, but a write operation to the file was
Action: Check the state of the file descriptor and make sure it matches the
ORA-48135: uninitialized file descriptor
Cause: The specified file descriptor is uninitialized.
Action: Make sure the file descriptor is initialized before passing it into the
ORA-48136: directory already exists [string]
Cause: Operation failed because the specified directory already exists.
Action: Remove the directory or ignore this error.
ORA-48137: uninitialized file handle
Cause: The specified file handle is uninitialized.
Action: Make sure the file handle is initialized before passing it into the routine.
ORA-48138: invalid directory name input for client address
Cause: An invalid directory name was specified as part of the address path
Action: Check that the directory name is non-NULL and that the directory name
length does not exceed the maximum length.
ORA-48139: invalid input to ADR initialization routine
Cause: There was an invalid input to the ADR initialization routine.
Action: Check the length of the ADR base, product ID, and instance ID input
ORA-48140: the specified ADR Base directory does not exist [string]
Cause: The specified ADR Base Directory does not exist.
Action: Check that the specified ADR Base Directory is a valid path name and
that the directory exists.
ORA-48141: error creating directory during ADR initialization [string]
28-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Error encountered when creating a directory during the initialization of
the ADR subsystem.
Action: Check the input arguments to the ADR initialization routine and the state
of the operating system.
ORA-48142: invalid permissions input for change permissions
Cause: Invalid permissions passed into change permissions routine.
Action: Check the value of the permissions input.
ORA-48143: error changing permissions for a file
Cause: Error encountered while changing the permissions for a file
Action: Check the specified directory and file and the state of the operating
ORA-48144: error encounted while performing standard file I/O
Cause: Error encountered while performing standard file I/O
Action: Check the validity of standard in, out, and error.
ORA-48145: invalid seek location, [string], [string]
Cause: Invalid seek location specified for routine.
Action: Check the validity of specified seek location.
ORA-48146: missing read, write, or exec permission on directory during ADR
initialization [string] [string]
Cause: Error encountered when checking if the process has read, write, and exec
privileges on directories needed by the ADR subsystem. This error occurs during
the initialization of the ADR subsystem.
Action: Check the input arguments to the ADR initialization routine and the state
of the operating system. Ensure that the user has the proper permissions on the
ADR directories.
ORA-48147: invalid home location specification for ADR, [string], [string], [string]
Cause: Invalid read or write home location specification for ADR.
Action: An invalid home was specified for the ADR Read or Write Home location.
ORA-48148: error encountered when attempting to move a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to move a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
ORA-48149: error encountered when attempting to copy a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to copy a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
ORA-48150: error encountered with set current working directory
Cause: There was an error with setting the current working directory.
Action: Check the path used, or the state of the operating system.
ORA-48151: error getting operating system time for a file
Cause: Error encountered while getting the operating system time for a file.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-7
Action: Check the specified directory and file and the state of the operating
ORA-48152: lock table is full
Cause: Lock table is full - too many locks granted
Action: Try again later
ORA-48153: error encountered when getting ADR base directory default
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to get the ADR base
directory default value.
Action: Check your environment to see if the $ORACLE_BASE and $ORACLE_
HOME environment variables are set.
ORA-48154: reached end of file for alert log
Cause: The end of file was reached for reading the Alert Log. There are no more
messages to read in the Alert Log.
Action: Do not read from the Alert Log
ORA-48155: error encountered when read alert log [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to read a message from
the Alert Log.
Action: Check the error message and the contents of the alert message.
ORA-48156: Alert log purge has occurred - retry operation
Cause: The purge of the alert log has occurred.
Action: Retry the operation.
ORA-48157: null input to ADR initialization
Cause: There was an null input to the ADR initialization routine.
Action: Check the ADR base, product ID, and instance ID input arguments.
ORA-48158: invalid input for ADR base directory
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR base directory name. The
ADR base directory name is either NULL or too long of a string.
Action: Check the ADR base directory input argument.
ORA-48159: invalid input for ADR product type
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR product type. The ADR
product type is out of bounds.
Action: Check the ADR product type input argument.
ORA-48160: invalid input for ADR product id
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR product id. The ADR product
id is either NULL or too long of a string.
Action: Check the ADR product id input argument.
ORA-48161: invalid input for ADR instance id
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR instance id. The ADR instance
id is either NULL or too long of a string.
Action: Check the ADR instance id input argument.
ORA-48162: string buffer too small to hold input, [string], [string], [string]
28-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The string buffer is too small to copy an input string into.
Action: Check the size of the string buffer and the input string. Look in the
argument for the location in the code where the error occurs.
ORA-48163: error concatenating directory onto path, [string], [string], [string]
Cause: Error encountered while concatenating a directory onto a path name.
Action: Check the error returned by the OS and the size of the input and output
ORA-48164: error concatenating file onto path, [string], [string], [string]
Cause: Error encountered while concatenating a directory onto a path name.
Action: Check the error returned by the OS and the size of the input and output
ORA-48165: user missing read, write, or exec permission on specified ADR Base
directory [string]
Cause: The specified ADR Base Directory does not have the correct permissions.
Action: Check the read, write, and exec permissions on the specified ADR Base
ORA-48166: error with opening ADR block file because file does not exist [string]
Cause: An error was encountered with opening an ADR block file because the file
does not exist.
Action: Check the existence of the ADR Block File.
ORA-48167: invalid argument for checking ADR initialization
Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the routine to check ADR
Action: Check the inputs to the ADR initialization routine.
ORA-48168: the ADR sub-system is not initialized
Cause: The ADR subsystem has not been initialized. The requested operation
cannot be performed.
Action: Check the usage of the call to the ADR services. The ADR sub-system
must be initialized for the call to work.
ORA-48169: incorrect arguments to ADR deferred initialization
Cause: There are incorrect arguments to the ADR deferred initialization.
Action: Check the input arguments. It could be possible that the product is not set
up for deferred initialization.
ORA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use
Cause: the file is locked by another process, indicating that it is currently in use by
another process
Action: determine which process legitimately owns this file.
ORA-48171: unable to get share lock - file not readable
Cause: share lock request was made on a file not open for read access.
Action: file must be open read-only or read-write to get a share lock.
ORA-48172: unable to find a valid ADR base
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-9
Cause: Unable to find a valid ADR base. We tried the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_
HOME, home, and tmp directories, but none of the directories exist for read/write
Action: Check the validity of the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, home, and
tmp directories.
ORA-48173: error checking directory existence during ADR initialization [string]
Cause: Error encountered when checking directory existence during the
initialization of the ADR subsystem. Either the diag or product type directory does
not exist underneath the ADR base.
Action: The directory in the error message must exist in order for ADR
initialization to succeed. Make sure the directories exist.
ORA-48174: error encountered with get current working directory
Cause: There was an error with getting the current working directory.
Action: Check the state of the operating system or the size of the path buffer.
ORA-48175: the path name must not contain the string '..'.
Cause: The specified path name contains '..'.
Action: Correct the path name and retry the operation.
ORA-48176: error translating a path name into its full path name
Cause: An error was encountered when translating a path name into its full path
Action: Check the inputted path name to make sure it is a valid relative path.
ORA-48177: file name with full path information [string] not allowed
Cause: Input was incorrectly specified for the file name. The inputted file name is
greater than the maximum length, or the file name has path information. In this
case, the file name should not have any path information. The path information
should be specified in a separate argument.
Action: Check that the string for the file name is not too long and does not have
path information.
ORA-48178: error encountered while reading an ADR block file during ADR
initialization [string]
Cause: An error was encountered while reading an ADR block file during the
initialization of the ADR subsystem.
Action: Check the state of the file system.
ORA-48179: OS file synchronization failure
Cause: OS command to synchronize the changes to a file with the operating
system failed.
Action: Check the state of the file system and the amount of free space left on
your device.
ORA-48180: OS open system call failure
Cause: OS open system call failed. The system failed to open or create a file in the
requested mode.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48181: OS write system call failure
28-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: OS write system call failed. The system failed to write to a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48182: OS read system call failure
Cause: OS read system call failed. The system failed to read to a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48183: OS close system call failure
Cause: OS close system call failed. The system failed to close a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48184: OS seek system call failure
Cause: OS seek system call failed. The system failed to seek to a position in a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48185: OS file size system call failure
Cause: OS file size call failed. The system failed to retrieve the file size for a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48186: OS check file exists system call failure
Cause: OS check file exists system call failed. The system failed to perform the
check file exists command for a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48187: specified directory does not exist
Cause: The specified directory does not exist.
Action: Check the directory name.
ORA-48188: user missing read, write, or exec permission on specified directory
Cause: The user does not have valid permissions on the specified directory. The
user is missing either the read, write, or execute permission.
Action: Check the permissions of the specified directory.
ORA-48189: OS command to create directory failed
Cause: The OS command to create a directory failed.
Action: Check the error number associated with the create directory failure.
ORA-48190: OS unlink system call failure
Cause: OS unlink system call failed. The system failed to perform unlink on the
specified file.
Action: Check the OS error code
ORA-48191: user missing read or write permission on specified file
Cause: The user does not have valid permissions on the specified file. The user is
missing either the read or write permission.
Action: Check the permissions of the specified file.
ORA-48192: OS command to move a file failed
Cause: The OS command to move a file failed.
Action: Check the error number associated with the move file.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-11
ORA-48193: OS command to open a directory failed
Cause: The OS command to open a directory failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the open directory failure.
ORA-48194: OS command to close a directory failed
Cause: The OS command to close a directory failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the close directory failure.
ORA-48195: OS command to remove a directory failed
Cause: The OS command to remove a directory failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the remove directory failure.
ORA-48196: OS command to release advisory lock failed
Cause: The OS command to release the advisory lock failed
Action: Check the OS error associated with the release advisory lock failure.
ORA-48197: OS command to get the file status failed
Cause: The OS command to get the file status failed. This could be because the file
is not open or file descriptor is invalid.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the get file status failure.
ORA-48198: OS command to change the file permissions failed
Cause: The OS command to change the file permissions failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the failure.
ORA-48199: OS command to copy a file failed
Cause: The OS command to copy a file failed.
Action: Check the error number associated with the copy file.
ORA-48200: Illegal Input Argument [string]
Cause: An illegal argument was passed in.
Action: Fix the call.
ORA-48201: Field Length Exceeds Maximum [string] [string] [string]
Cause: An illegal field length was used.
Action: Fix the call.
ORA-48202: Illegal Identifier [string] [string]
Cause: Illegal identifier specified.
Action: Use a valid identifier.
ORA-48203: Illegal Data Type [string]
Cause: Illegal data type specified.
Action: Use a valid data type.
ORA-48204: Illegal Identifier Length [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The input identifier is too long.
Action: Specify a shorter identifier.
ORA-48205: Record Length too Big [string] [string] [string]
28-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The sum of the maximum lengths of all fields exceeds the maximum
record length that is supported.
Action: Remove or shorten some of the fields.
ORA-48206: Ilegal Number of Fields [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The number of fields specified exceeds the supported maximum.
Action: Remove some of the fields in the relation.
ORA-48207: Illegal Field Name [string]
Cause: The field name is invalid.
Action: Specify a valid field name.
ORA-48208: Duplicate Field Names [string]
Cause: The list of fields specified contains a duplicate field.
Action: Remove the duplicate field.
ORA-48209: Relation Already Exists
Cause: The relation already exists.
Action: Remove the relation.
ORA-48210: Relation Not Found
Cause: The relation was not found.
Action: Either specify a valid relation name or create one with that name.
ORA-48211: Illegal Access Mode [string] [string]
Cause: The supplied access mode is not recognized.
Action: Supply a valid mode.
ORA-48212: Open Record Access Not Done
Cause: The open record access call was not performed.
Action: The open record access call is required before attempting this call.
ORA-48213: Incorrect Access Mode for Operation [string] [string]
Cause: The relation was opened in a mode not compatibile with the attempted
operation being done.
Action: Reopen the relation in the correct mode.
ORA-48214: Sequence Overflow [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The sequence number will exceed the system maximum.
Action: Reset the sequence number.
ORA-48215: Sequence Invalid Operation [string] [string]
Cause: The specified sequence operation is not valid.
Action: Specify a valid operation.
ORA-48216: Field Len Exceeds Max Field Length [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The field length specified exceeds the defined maximum for the field.
Action: Supply a smaller field length.
ORA-48217: Out of Space on Device
Cause: The storage subsystem is out of space.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-13
Action: Add more space to the storage subsystem.
ORA-48218: Duplicate Key Name [string] [string]
Cause: The key name already exists.
Action: Specify a different key name.
ORA-48219: Key Name Doesn't Match Any Existing Key
Cause: The key name provided doesn't match an existing key.
Action: Specify a key name that exists.
ORA-48220: Too Many Keys Defined [string] [string]
Cause: A key is trying to be created that exceeds the maximum number of keys
Action: Drop another key.
ORA-48221: Key Exceeds Maximum Allowed Length [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The sum of the lengths of the fields in the key exceeds the maximum
length supported.
Action: Remove one or more fields from the key.
ORA-48222: Predicates/Order By Not Allowed
Cause: A predicate or order by can not be added after fetch has started.
Action: Put the predicate or order by call before the first fetch.
ORA-48223: Interrupt Requested - Fetch Aborted - Return Code [string] [string]
Cause: User interrupt has occurred.
Action: None
ORA-48224: DDL has occurred since parse - reparse [string] [string] [string]
Cause: Another session has performed a DDL (i.e. add field, create key, drop key)
that prevents this session from being to continue.
Action: Call open record access again.
ORA-48225: No More Space in Order By Buffer
Cause: The order by buffer size is not sufficient for the number of rows.
Action: Increase the order by buffer size specified.
ORA-48226: No Fetch in Progress
Cause: An attempt to perform update or delete has occurred without a fetch.
Action: You must first perform a fetch.
ORA-48227: Invalid Relation File - [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The AMS file is invalid or corrupt.
Action: Do a repair relation
ORA-48228: Missing Define Call [string]
Cause: A call to define was not performed before doing a fetch.
Action: Call the define service before fetch.
ORA-48229: Invalid Relation Handle Provided [string] [string]
Cause: An invalid or corrupt relation handle was used.
28-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Possible memory corruption.
ORA-48230: Expression arguments must match types
Cause: Incorrect type semantics for fields in the predicate.
Action: Correct the predicate.
ORA-48231: Predicate syntax error
Cause: A syntax error exists in the predicate string.
Action: Correct the predicate.
ORA-48232: Debug command syntax error [string]
Cause: An invalid debug command has been specified.
Action: Correct the debug command.
ORA-48233: Invalid Field Handle [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The field handle is invalid.
Action: Possible memory corruption.
ORA-48238: Invalid Surrogate Length Specified [string] [string]
Cause: An invalid length during create field was specified
Action: Specify a correct length
ORA-48239: Invalid Predicate Handle Provided [string] [string]
Cause: An invalid or corrupt relation handle was used.
Action: Possible memory corruption.
ORA-48240: Field is NOT NULL but NULL value supplied
Cause: A field [%s] declared to not allow nulls contains a null value.
Action: Specify a correct value
ORA-48242: Fields that are NOT NULL can not use surrogates
Cause: NOT NULL fields can not have surrogates specified.
Action: Either remove the constraint or the surrogate.
ORA-48243: Additional Fields must be declared nulls allowed
Cause: A field can not be added to a relation that is defined NOT NULL
Action: Do not specify NOT NULL
ORA-48244: Purge for Retention can't be called while in an Query
Cause: A query is already running - purge for retention can't be invoked
Action: Fix call sequence
ORA-48245: Attempt to Update/Delete when at EOF
Cause: The fetch operation is positioned at EOF - can not update/delete
Action: Do not call update/delete after fetch has returned EOF
ORA-48246: Illegal Operation on External Relation
Cause: An illegal call was made using an external relation
Action: Do not perform the API Call
ORA-48247: Predicate Conversion Error string
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-15
Cause: A time conversion failed
Action: Fix the input
ORA-48248: Function string type check error; ityp = string typ = string arg = string
Cause: Invalid inputs to the specified function
Action: Change the inputs
ORA-48251: Failed to open relation due to following error
Cause: See error below in the error stack
Action: See error below in the error stack
ORA-48252: Relation does not require migration
Cause: Relation on disk is compatible with the current code
Action: Don't run the migration services
ORA-48258: AMS Corrupt Page Found - Rebuild Relation
Cause: A corrupted page has been found.
Action: Do a rebuild of the relation
ORA-48259: AMS Relation not Created Correctly
Cause: Create relation failed
Action: Recreate the relation
ORA-48260: Function string not found
Cause: A reference to a function that is not valid was found
Action: Fix the function name
ORA-48262: Sequence references not allowed in predicates
Cause: References to currval or nextval not allowed
Action: Remove these references
ORA-48263: Currval not set yet - use nextval
Cause: References to currval can't occur until a nextval is done
Action: Remove the reference
ORA-48265: Incorrect number of arguments (string) provided - expected (string)
Cause: Number of arguments to function is incorrect
Action: Specify the correct number of arguments
ORA-48291: Field name string can't be unique resolved
Cause: Field name appears in more than one relation
Action: Prefix the field name with the relation name
ORA-48292: Can't use outer join syntax mixed with inner join syntax
Cause: The join condition was specified using both inner and outer join elements"
Action: Specify the join condition correctly
ORA-48293: Outer join syntax not allowed without a join
Cause: Using outer join syntax in the predicate without doing a join
Action: Fix the predicate
28-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-48300: Incident Record Already Exists
Cause: trying to create an incident that already exists
Action: retry operation with new incident ID
ORA-48301: An Invalid Incident ID was specified
Cause: the specified incident ID was invalid
Action: retry operation with correct incident ID
ORA-48302: Incident Directory does not exist
Cause: the incident directory was not found
Action: retry operation with a different incident ID
ORA-48303: Exceeded max Incident Sequence Value
Cause: the maximum supported incident sequence value was exceeded
Action: reset incident sequence and retry operation
ORA-48304: incident staging file not found
Cause: the incident staging file is missing
Action: retry with a different incident ID
ORA-48305: incident ID range is too large
Cause: the maximum incident sequence value was exceeded
Action: retry operation with a smaller range
ORA-48309: illegal incident state transition, [string] to [string]
Cause: the incident cannot be moved to the new state
Action: retry operation with a valid incident status
ORA-48310: Incident string staging file not found
Cause: the incident staging file does not exist
Action: retry operation with a valid incident ID
ORA-48311: Invalid field name [string]
Cause: the specified field name is invalid
Action: retry operation with a valid field name
ORA-48312: Sweep incident string staging file failed
Cause: the sweep action of incident staging file failed
Action: check the incident ID and retry
ORA-48313: Updates not allowed on ADR relation [string] of Version=string
Cause: Update operations not supportd on this version of ADR relation
Action: check ADR version and retry
ORA-48314: Invalid ADR Control parameter [string]
Cause: the specified control parameter is invalid
Action: check parameter and reissue command
ORA-48315: ADR unavailable
Cause: the ADR directory is not available
Action: enable ADR and retry operation
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-17
ORA-48316: relation [string] unavailable or cannot be created
Cause: the ADR relation is not available
Action: check ADR directory and retry operation
ORA-48317: ADR Relation [string] of version=string is obsolete
Cause: the version of ADR relation is too old and not supported
Action: check the ADR version and retry
ORA-48318: ADR Relation [string] of version=string cannot be supported
Cause: the version of ADR relation is too new and cannot be supported
Action: need to use a newer release to access the ADR
ORA-48319: Update operation on ADR relation [string] not allowed
Cause: updates to foreign ADR relation cannot be supported
Action: verify ADR location and reissue command
ORA-48320: Too many incidents to report
Cause: the result set of incidents is too large to handle
Action: use a predicate to reduce the number of incidents and retry
ORA-48321: ADR Relation [string] not found
Cause: the required ADR relation is missing, ADR may be corrupted
Action: check ADR directory and retry
ORA-48322: Relation [string] of ADR V[string] incompatible with V[string] tool
Cause: the tool version is incompatible with the ADR version
Action: use another version of tool and retry
ORA-48323: Specified pathname [string] must be inside current ADR home
Cause: file outside of ADR home not allowed as incident file
Action: check the file name and retry
ORA-48324: Incompatible staging file encountered
Cause: sweep incident failed because staging file is incompatible
Action: check the incident ID and version of ADR and retry
ORA-48339: view [string] does not exist
Cause: view has not been created
Action: verify view name and reissue command
ORA-48340: operation not supported on view [string]
Cause: unsupported (dml) operation on views
Action: verify relation name and reissue command
ORA-48341: Field [string] not a grouping field
Cause: the field name specified is not a grouping field
Action: verify field names and groupby clause and reissue command
ORA-48342: Field [string] cannot be mixed with string fields
Cause: the specified field is incompatible with other grouping fields *A8ction:
verify this and other field names and reissue command
28-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None
ORA-48343: invalid field [string] reference in string clause
Cause: the specified field in the specified clause is invalid
Action: verify this field name and reissue command
ORA-48344: Invalid Name [string] specified
Cause: Either the name refers to an existing object or violates the reserved
namespace rules.
Action: Pick another name
ORA-48345: Timeout encountered during operation
Cause: The attempted operation conflicted with another operation that was
already being executed.
Action: Retry operation at a later time.
ORA-48400: ADRCI initialization failed
Cause: The ADR Base directory does not exist
Action: Either create an ADR Base directory or point to an existing one
ORA-48401: SET command requires arguments
Cause: No arguments are input for the SET command
Action: Input the arguments
ORA-48402: Variable is not defined
Cause: No substitution value is input.
Action: Input the substitution value following after the variable name.
ORA-48403: DEFINE or UNDEFINE command has no arguments
Cause: DEFINE and UNDEFINE command need users to input the substitution
variable name.
Action: Input the vairable name follow after the DEFINE or UNDEFINE
ORA-48404: RUN or @ command has no arguments
Cause: RUN and @ commands need users to input script filename
Action: Input script filename after RUN and @ commands
ORA-48405: The option in the command is invalid
Cause: The option is not allowed in the command
Action: Check the command syntax
ORA-48406: ECHO or TERMOUT status must be set to ON or OFF
Cause: the status of ECHO ann TERMOUT commands must be ON or OFF
Action: input ON or OFF
ORA-48407: DESCRIBE and QUERY commands need at least relation name
Cause: This is no relation name is input as argument
Action: Need users to input at least the relation name
ORA-48408: The incident number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input incident number exceeds the maximum number
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-19
Action: Input less incidents
ORA-48409: The ADR homes exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input ADR homes number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less ADR home string
ORA-48410: The trace path exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input trace path exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less trace path
ORA-48411: The trace files exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input trace file path number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less trace file path
ORA-48412: The parameters exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input paramter number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less parameter number or increase the upper bound
ORA-48413: The number of orderby fields exceeds maximum number [string]
Cause: The orderby field number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less fields
ORA-48414: The string in the execution option exceeds maximum length [string]
Cause: The string length is too long
Action: Divid the commands into two sets or use adrci scripts.
ORA-48415: Syntax error found in string [string] at column [string]
Cause: Parsing error found in the user input string
Action: Validate the input string
ORA-48419: Illegal arguments
Cause: The input argument is illegal
Action: Check the input arguments and make sure it is not null
ORA-48421: Predicate string in the command must be single or double quoted
Cause: The predicate string is not single or double quoted
Action: Put single or double quotes around the predicate string
ORA-48423: IMPORT command must have a filename
Cause: File name is missing from the command
Action: Input the import file name after the IMPORT keyword
ORA-48424: SHOW TRACE command needs argument
Cause: SHOW TRACE command needs arguments
Action: Input arguments
ORA-48426: The initialization filename is too long
Cause: The initialization filename length exceeds the maximum length
Action: This is really an internal setting parameter of the ADRCI, report it as a
bug. Alternatively move the initialization file to the current working directory
28-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-48428: Input command string exceeds max length [string]
Cause: The current command string is too long and exceeds the limit
Action: Input less characters
ORA-48429: Variable name [string] is an invalid identifier
Cause: The substitution variable name is not a valid identifier
Action: Input the valid identifier defined by ADRCI
ORA-48431: Must specify at least one ADR home path
Cause: The command syntax requires at least one ADR home path to be input
Action: Check the command syntax and input the home path
ORA-48432: The ADR home path [string] is not valid
Cause: The adr home user inputs is not valid, which may due to the path does not
Action: Check if the input home path exists
ORA-48433: Unknown help topic
Cause: The input topic is unknown
Action: Check if the topic is vaild
ORA-48434: No DDE commands are input
Cause: No DDE commands are input
Action: Input a DDE command
ORA-48435: Input a trace file
Cause: Show trace expects a trace file
Action: Input a trace file
ORA-48436: File [string] does not exist
Cause: the file does not exist
Action: Validate the trace file name
ORA-48437: No IPS commands are input
Cause: No IPS commands are input
Action: Input a IPS command
ORA-48438: [string] is not a valid number
Cause: The input number is not valid
Action: Check the input number
ORA-48439: The input path name exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The input path name is too long
Action: Report as a bug to change the limit
ORA-48440: Variable [string] is already defined
Cause: The variable name is defined previously
Action: Use another variable name
ORA-48441: The function parameter number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The function parameter number exceeds the maximum number
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-21
Action: Report it as bug to change the maximum number
ORA-48442: The control parameter number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The control parameter number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Report it as bug to change the maximum number
ORA-48443: Trace Record type appears in the middle of the path
Cause: The trace record cannot be in the middle of the path
Action: Validate the input
ORA-48444: The single "." and "*" cannot appear in the middle of the path
Cause: The single "." and "*" appears in the middle of the path
Action: Validate the input
ORA-48445: Path expression only supports one bucket dump type
Cause: The path expression only supports one bucket dump"
Action: Change the path expresison syntax
ORA-48446: The command needs path input
Cause: No path is input as a parameter
Action: Input the path
ORA-48447: The input path [string] does not contain any ADR homes
Cause: The input path does not contain ADR homes
Action: Validate the path
ORA-48448: This command does not support multiple ADR homes
Cause: There are multiple homes in the current adr setting.
Action: Use command SET HOMEPATH to set a single home
ORA-48449: Tail alert can only apply to single ADR home
Cause: There are multiple homes in the current setting
Action: Use command SET HOMEPATH to set a single home
ORA-48457: ADRCI core dumped
Cause: It is adrci internal error.
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48458: "show incident" failed due to the following errors
Cause: There could be a bug or users do not have the access permission
Action: Report to Oracle if the errors are not due to ADR permission settings
ORA-48459: "describe" command only supports one ADR home path
Cause: Multiple ADR home paths in the command
Action: put one ADR home path
ORA-48460: The home path [string] is not valid
Cause: The input home path is not valid home path
Action: Verify the homepath
ORA-48461: "describe" failed due to the following errors
28-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Underlying code failed
Action: If it is not due to permission issue, report to Oracle
ORA-48462: Fatal error encountered in [string]
Cause: Fatal error encountered
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48463: The value buffer reached the maximum length [string]
Cause: The value buffer is full
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48464: The predicate buffer reached the maximum length [string]
Cause: The predicate buffer is too small
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48465: The specified type [string] is undefined
Cause: The purge type specified is undefined
Action: Check the type name
ORA-48466: Internal failure, the report context is not initialized
Cause: Internal problem failure.
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48467: "string" for the keyword "string" is not a valid number
Cause: The keyword value is not a valid number
Action: Check the value
ORA-48468: "string" is not a valid keyword
Cause: The keyword is not defined for the command
Action: Check the available keywords
ORA-48469: Keyword "string" cannot be duplicated
Cause: The command can only allow one key with the name
Action: Remove one keyword name from the command
ORA-48470: Unknown "string" command
Cause: The command is not valild
Action: Use help manual to check the command syntax
ORA-48472: Invalid product name
Cause: The product name provided does not exist
Action: Specify a product name, see HELP SHOW BASE
ORA-48473: Internal failure, unknown return code [string]
Cause: Internal program failure
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48474: Syntax error specifying product, must not be NULL
Cause: The product clause is being used, but no product name is provided
Action: Supply the product name
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-23
ORA-48475: [string] is not a valid timestamp
Cause: The input timstamp string is not in valid format
Action: None
ORA-48476: Cannot write the results out to a file, please check if the environment
variable TMPDIR is set or the current directory is not writable
Cause: The current path may not be writable
Action: If the current path is writable, report to Oracle
ORA-48477: The input path does not contain any valid ADR homes
Cause: The input path does not contain any valid ADR homes
Action: Check the path if it is valid
ORA-48478: No alert messages are created
Cause: No alert messages are created
Action: No action
ORA-48479: No HM runs are created
Cause: There is no hm runs
Action: No action
ORA-48480: No incidents are created
Cause: There is no incident
Action: No action
ORA-48481: Report is not available
Cause: The requested report does not exist"
Action: Check the report ID
ORA-48482: Report is not generated
Cause: The requested report is not ready to be generated
Action: Check the report ID
ORA-48483: Spooling failed, it may be because the spool file cannot be created due
to a permission issue
Cause: The spooling filename may not be valid or the file cannot be created
Action: Check the permissions of the target directory and verify the filename
ORA-48484: Run script failed, it may be because the script file does not exist
Cause: The script file may not exist
Action: Check if the script file exist
ORA-48485: The file exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The filename is too long
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48486: The file [string] exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The filename is too long
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48487: The internal predicate string exceeds the maximum length [string]
28-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The predicate string exceeds the maximum length
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48488: The predicate string exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The input predicate string exceeds the maximum length
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48489: The input exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The input exceeds the maximum length
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48490: The field number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input field number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less field names
ORA-48491: The program name is too long, exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: the program name length exceeds the maximum length setting
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48492: The report component name is not defined
Cause: the report component name does not exist
Action: Check the component name to ensure it is registered
ORA-48493: Sweep command needs parameters
Cause: sweep command needs parameter
Action: Check the syntax of the command
ORA-48494: ADR home is not set, the corresponding operation cannot be done
Cause: The adr home is not set in the current adrci session
Action: Set the adr home using the adrci command "set base" and "set homepath"
ORA-48495: Interrupt requested
Cause: User requested to interrupt the current action
Action: No action is needed
ORA-48496: "string" is a mandatory keyword for the command
Cause: The keyword is not specified for the command
Action: Input the keyword
ORA-48497: "string" is an invalid product type
Cause: The product type is not registered
Action: Check the product type
ORA-48499: The value of the keyword "string" exceeds the maximum length string
Cause: The keyword value is too long
Action: Check the limit and input again
ORA-48500: File Write Error [string] [string]
Cause: Number of bytes written differs from number requested. Possibly due to
out of disk space.
Action: Ensure sufficient disk space.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-25
ORA-48501: File Read Error [string] [string]
Cause: Number of bytes read differs from number requested. Possibly due due to
corrupted file.
Action: Recreate the file.
ORA-48502: Invalid Command Line - Missing Required Elements
Cause: Missing required command line arguments.
Action: Review the help message and supply the required arguments.
ORA-48503: Invalid Parameter Specified
Cause: Invalid input parameter supplied.
Action: Review the help message and correct the invalid input parameter.
ORA-48504: Relation Parameter Must be Specified
Cause: Relation parameter must be specified during adrexp.
Action: Supply the relation parameter.
ORA-48505: File Parameter Must be Specified
Cause: File parameter must be specified during adrimp.
Action: Supply the file parameter.
ORA-48506: Existing Relation at different version than export [string] [string]
Cause: Attempting to import into an existing relation and the schema version of
that relation differs from the schema of the relation that was exported.
Action: Drop the existing relation if you still wish to import the relation.
ORA-48507: Predicate Not Allowed during Import
Cause: The predicate option is not allowed during adrimp.
Action: Remove the predicate arguement.
ORA-48508: Export File Version [string] Can Not be Used by Import [string]
Cause: The version of the export file is not able to be read by this version of
Action: Rerun the export using the current version of adrexp.
ORA-48509: Error occurred during operation. See the following errors
Cause: An underlying error has occurred.
Action: Review and correct the underlying error.
ORA-48510: Can not export an in memory relation
Cause: In memory relations can not be exported.
Action: Pick a different relation.
ORA-48600: HM run with name [string] already exists
Cause: The specified run name already existed.
Action: Specify different run name and re-run the check
ORA-48615: Parameter [string] value not specified
Cause: Run was invoked without specifying the parameter and its value
Action: Specify the needed parameter and its value
28-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-48618: Invalid HM run name specified
Cause: An invalid Health Monitor (HM) run name was specified.
Action: Specify a HM run name using only alphanumeric and underscore
ORA-48800: "string" for the keyword "string" is not in the right format of timestamp
Cause: The value format is not right
Action: Check the format ADRCI supports
ORA-48801: The option "string" is duplicated
Cause: The option has been specified more than once
Action: Check the input
ORA-48802: The options "string" and "string" are mutual exclusive
Cause: These two options cannot be specified together
Action: Only specify one of them
ORA-48803: The keyword "string" is not defined for this command
Cause: The keyword is invalid
Action: Check the valid keywords for the command
ORA-48804: The command needs at least one file input
Cause: No files are specified to view
Action: Input the files
ORA-48805: BEGIN BACKUP issued already - must do an END BACKUP first
Cause: A begin backup was already issued.
Action: Issue END BACKUP
ORA-48806: Unknown Function Reference (string)
Cause: The function reference is not a valid function
Action: Change the reference
ORA-48807: The SET subcommand requires at least one additional parameter
Cause: An argument was not specified for the SET subcommand.
Action: Specify additional arguments or precede the command with help.
ORA-48808: malformed SET CONTROL command - see "help SET CONTROL"
Cause: Improper syntax was specified for the SET CONTROL command.
Action: Specify additional arguments or precede the command with help.
ORA-48900: Illegal Input Argument [string]
Cause: The input argument is invalid
Action: Check the input parameter
ORA-48906: Parser context is not valid
Cause: The parser context is not initlialized
Action: Call the initialization routine first before using the context
ORA-48907: The end of file is reached
Cause: The end of file is raeched
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-27
Action: Handle the end of file
ORA-48908: No trace files are found
Cause: This is no file in the navigator context, either it is done with parsing, or no
file is pushed
Action: Check if the file is added to the context
ORA-48909: Scan context is not initialized
Cause: The scan context is not initialized
Action: call the initliazation routine of the scan context
ORA-48912: The specified trace filename is too long
Cause: The resulting trace filename length exceeds the maximum length
Action: Use a smaller trace filename suffix or move ADR higher in the directory
ORA-48913: Writing into trace file failed, file size limit [string] reached
Cause: An attempt was made to write into a trace file that exceeds the trace's file
size limit
Action: increase the trace's file size limit.
ORA-48914: File position is not in right format
Cause: The file positon format is not right
Action: Check if the file format string is the right one
ORA-48928: The predicate exceeds the max limit string
Cause: The predicate is too long, exceeds the max limit
Action: Use a shorter predicate
ORA-48929: The trace record size exceeded the max size that can be read [string]
Cause: A trace record is too large to be read by the ADR viewer
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48930: Cannot allocate memory for processing traces
Cause: A memory allocation request failed
Action: Report to Oracle
ORA-48934: invalid input for the file name identifier
Cause: An invalid input was given for the file name indentifier. The file name is
not allowed to have slashes ('', '/') and is not allowed to refer to the parent
directory using the '..' characters.
Action: Check the file name and provide a valid input.
ORA-48936: The number of relations exceeds maximum number [string]
Cause: Too many relations listed
Action: Reduce the number
ORA-48937: Feature (string) currently not allowed for SELECT
Cause: Feature is not allowed
Action: Remove feature
ORA-48938: View select column count differs from select alias list
28-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The view alias list has a different number of fields than the select list"
Action: Change the alias list or view select statement
ORA-48939: Select * not allowed in a CREATE VIEW
Cause: * is currently not allowed for a create view select list
Action: List the fields explicitly
ORA-49315: Invalid incident type specified [string]
Cause: The specified incident type is not defined in this ADR.
Action: Specify an available incident type.
ORA-49404: No such package [string]
Cause: The specified package does not exist.
Action: Specify an existing package.
ORA-49405: Cannot change package name [string] [string]
Cause: Attempted to change package name after package generation.
Action: Use current name, or create a new package with the desired name.
ORA-49406: Undefined configuration parameter specified [string]
Cause: The specified configuration parameter was not found in ADR.
Action: Specify an existing parameter. Re-populate parameters if necessary.
ORA-49407: No unpacking history in this home
Cause: No packages were unpacked into this home.
Action: Verify the current home. Unpack a package if necessary.
ORA-49408: Invalid home specified [string]
Cause: An invalid ADR_HOME was specified.
Action: Verify that the directory exists, and has the correct structure.
ORA-49409: Incremental package provided when complete expected
Cause: No packages were unpacked into this home.
Action: Provide a complete package, or use FORCE option.
ORA-49410: Not an IPS package
Cause: The specified file was not an IPS package.
Action: Verify that the file is a valid zip file with expected contents.
ORA-49412: Package ID does not match existing ID [string] [string]
Cause: The package ID in package file did not match previously unpacked
Action: Use the correct location for unpacking the package.
ORA-49413: Package name does not match existing name [string] [string]
Cause: The package name in package file did not match previously unpacked
Action: Use the correct location for unpacking the package.
ORA-49414: Package sequence later than expected [string] [string]
Cause: The package sequence in package file was later than expected.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-29
Action: Apply packages in correct order, or use FORCE option.
ORA-49415: Package sequence earlier than expected [string] [string]
Cause: The package sequence in package file was earlier than expected.
Action: Apply packages in correct order, or use FORCE option.
ORA-49416: Earlier package sequence applied with FORCE option [string] [string]
Cause: An earlier package sequence was applied using the FORCE option.
Action: Apply a complete sequence which is later than any already applied, or
use FORCE option to apply an incremental package.
ORA-49417: Cannot modify already generated package
Cause: Attempted to change package attributes after package generation.
Action: Create a new package with the desired name.
ORA-49418: Invalid package name specified
Cause: An invalid Incident Packaging Service (IPS) package name was specified.
Action: Specify a package name using only alphanumeric and underscore
ORA-49420: Package too large [string] [string]
Cause: The package is too large.
Action: Remove some files or incidents from the package, or try using incremental
ORA-49421: Maximum number of package files generated [string]
Cause: The command generated the maximum number of package files.
Action: Remove some files or incidents from the package, or use incremental
mode to generate additional files.
ORA-49423: File outside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified file is not within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a file inside ADR.
ORA-49424: Directory outside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified directory is not within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a directory inside ADR.
ORA-49425: File inside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified file is within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a file outside ADR.
ORA-49426: Directory inside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified directory is within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a directory outside ADR.
ORA-49427: No such file or file not accessible [string]
Cause: The specified file does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Action: Create the file or verify file permissions.
ORA-49428: No such directory or directory not accessible [string]
Cause: The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
28-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Create the directory or verify directory permissions.
ORA-49429: File already exists and OVERWRITE option not specified [string]
Cause: The client attempted to create a file that already exists.
Action: Either remove the file or use the OVERWRITE option.
ORA-49430: No such problem [string]
Cause: The specified problem does not exist.
Action: Specify a problem that exists in this repository.
ORA-49431: No such incident [string]
Cause: The specified incident does not exist.
Action: Specify an incident that exists in this repository.
ORA-49432: Problem not part of package [string]
Cause: The specified problem is not included in the package.
Action: Specify a problem that is included in the package.
ORA-49433: Incident not part of package [string]
Cause: The specified incident is not included in the package.
Action: Specify an incident that is included in the package.
ORA-49434: Invalid date format
Cause: An invalid format was used to specify a date
Action: Specify the date in a supported format.
ORA-49435: Flood-controlled incident not allowed here [string]
Cause: A flood-controlled incident cannot be included in a package
Action: Specify an incident that is not flood-controlled
ORA-49436: Date conversion error [string]
Cause: An invalid format was used to specify a date
Action: Specify the date in a supported format.
ORA-49440: Warnings while unpacking package, details in file string
Cause: There were some non-fatal errors when unpacking a package
Action: Review the specified unpacking log file
ORA-49441: Warnings while finalizing package, details in file string
Cause: There were some non-fatal errors when finalizing a package
Action: Review the specified finalize log file
ORA-49450: Non-zero return code from archiving utility [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned a warning or error.
Action: Verify that the file and directory exist and are readable, and that the file is
a valid zip file.
ORA-49451: Archive file structure error [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned an error indicating that the
archive file structure is incorrect.
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-31
Action: Verify that the file was transferred correctly and that the file is a valid zip
ORA-49452: Archiving utility out of memory [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned an error indicating that it was
unable to allocate enough memory.
Action: Check for operating system limitations on process memory usage.
ORA-49453: Invalid command invoking archiving utility [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) was invoked with an invalid command
line, or with invalid options.
Action: Verify that there are no operating system settings affecting the behavior of
the archiving utility..
ORA-49454: Archive is missing or empty [string] [string]
Cause: The specified archive does not exist, or is empty.
Action: Check if the specified archive exists.
ORA-49455: Archive I/O failed [string] [string]
Cause: An attempt to create, write to or read from an archive failed.
Action: Verify that operating system I/O operations are working correctly.
ORA-49456: Operation failed due to insufficient disk space [string] [string]
Cause: An operation on an archive failed due to insufficient disk space.
Action: Verify that there is sufficient disk space. Check for operating system
quotas or other restrictions.
ORA-49601: syntax error: found "string": expecting one of: "string" etc..
Cause: Syntax error discovered when processing event speciifcation
Action: Enter correct event specification
ORA-49701: Parameter 'string' is NULL.
Cause: NULL was passed to a function that requires a non-NULL parameter.
Action: Pass a valid non-NULL parameter.
ORA-49702: unable to allocate 'string' bytes of external procedure call memory
Cause: An attempt to allocate memory in a C external procedure failed due to
insufficient memory.
Action: Try the operation again.
ORA-49703: invalid ADR service name
Cause: A NULL or undefined Automatic Diagnostic Respository (ADR) service
name was specified.
Action: Specify a valid ADR service name.
ORA-49704: invalid incident ID
Cause: A NULL or nonpositive incident ID was specified.
Action: Specify a valid ADR incident ID.
ORA-51001: check [string] not found in HM catalog
Cause: checker name might have been misspelled
Action: retry running check with proper checker name
28-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-51003: run parameters not formatted correctly
Cause: Run parameters were given in a wrong format
Action: Correct the run params text and try again
ORA-51004: Check doesn't take any input params
Cause: run params were passed to the check, which doesn't take any inputs
Action: don't pass any run params and try again
ORA-51006: unexpected delimter ';' in the run params text
Cause: run params were not properly formatted.
Action: correct the run params format and try again
ORA-51007: parameter [string] not registered with this check
Cause: Wrong inputs were given to this check.
Action: correct the run params and try the check again
ORA-51008: parameter [string] value is not a proper number
Cause: the given parameter value is a not a proper number
Action: correct the run params and try again
ORA-51025: check name should be non NULL value
Cause: NULL value was passed for check name
Action: give a proper check name and retry again
ORA-51035: invalid timeout value
Cause: User specified an invalid timeout value
Action: None
ORA-51036: check [string] can only be executed in database instance
Cause: An attempt was made to run database-specific check in ASM environment
Action: Don't run the check in ASM environment
ORA-51037: check [string] can only be executed in ASM instance
Cause: An attempt was made to run ASM-specific check in a database
Action: Don't run the check in database environment
ORA-51102: cannot change priority of a critical failure string
Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a failure with CRITICAL
Action: No action is required.
ORA-51103: cannot change priority of a closed failure string
Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a closed failure.
Action: No action is required.
ORA-51105: cannot change priority of a failure to CRITICAL
Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a failure to CRITICAL.
Action: No action is required.
ORA-51106: check failed to complete due to an error. See error below
ORA-48001 to ORA-51705 28-33
Cause: While executing the check, an unexpected error occured.
Action: Check the errors below and try rerunning the check.
ORA-51107: failures are changing too rapidly - retry command
Cause: Failures were added or closed during a Data Recovery Advisor command.
Action: Retry the command.
ORA-51108: unable to access diagnostic repository - retry command
Cause: A lock or timeout error occurred when trying to read failure or repair data
from the Automatic Diagnostic Repository.
Action: Retry the command.
ORA-51109: repair script file is too large
Cause: Data Recovery Advisor generated a repair script file that was too large.
Action: Retry the command with fewer failures selected.
ORA-51110: buffer size [string] is too small - [string] is needed
Cause: An internal buffer was too small.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-51111: failure revalidation timed out
Cause: Data Recovery Manager was unable to revalidate all failures before timing
Action: Increase timeout and retry the command.
ORA-51190: Internal error [string], [string] from DBMS_IR
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing a routine in the DBMS_IR
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-51191: Too many files opened
Cause: Data Recovery Advisor attempted to open too many files using the
DBMS_IR package.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-51192: File not open
Cause: Data Recovery Advisor attempted to read or write from a file that was not
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-51193: invalid parameter value
Cause: An invalid parameter value was supplied in a call to the DBMS_IR
Action: Fix the parameter value and retry the call.
ORA-51303: illegal check mask value specified
Cause: An illegal check mask value was specified.
Action: Specify one of the following legal values: COLUMN_CHECKS, ROW_
ORA-51316: No check meta-data found on specified table string
Cause: No check meta-data was found for the object
28-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Table may not exist or no checks currently defined for the table
ORA-51700: Invalid file URL
Cause: A URL with invalid syntax was provided, either directly to the function or
through an XML IMPORT or INCLUDE.
Action: Check the URL.
ORA-51701: Invalid file URL or path prefix
Cause: Either a URL or path prefix with invalid syntax was provided.
Action: Check the URL.
ORA-51702: Could not find file at URL provided
Cause: The file requested could not be found in the given location.
Action: Check the URL provided.
ORA-51703: Missing <body> tag from HTML
Cause: An HTML document was passed to the function missing its <body> tag.
Action: Check the HTML source.
ORA-51704: Error string received from XPath engine
Cause: An error was received from the XPath library during an XPath operation.
Action: Check xmlerr.h to understand the cause of the error and correct the
relevant client code.
ORA-51705: XML string error: string "string"
Cause: An error was received from an underlying XDK API and is being
Action: Check xmlerr.h to understand the cause of the error and correct the
relevant client code.
ORA-53000: document type "string" is invalid
Cause: An invalid document type was specified.
Action: See the ORDDCM_DOCUMENT_TYPES view for a list of valid document
ORA-53001: <TAG> and <TAG_RANGE> tag values are null
Cause: An invalid attribute was found in the private dictionary document. The
values specified by the <TAG> and <TAG_RANGE> tags were null.
Action: A private attribute definition must contain either a non-null <TAG> value
or a non-null <TAG_RANGE> value. Correct the values and try the operation
again. See the private dictionary schema (ordcmpv.xsd) listed in the Oracle
Multimedia documentation for more information.
ORA-53002: document name "string" already inserted
Cause: The specified document name was found in the repository.
Action: Specify a unique document name and try again. See the ORDDCM_
DOCUMENTS view for a list of document names.
ORA-53003: document string does not exist
Cause: The specified document name was not found in the repository.
Action: Correct the value and try again. See the ORDDCM_DOCUMENTS view
for a list of documents in the repository.
ORA-53004: The value of tag <VR> "string" is invalid.
Cause: An invalid value for the <VR> tag was found in the dictionary document.
Action: Correct the value and try again. The value of the <VR> tag must either be
a value defined by DICOM or an Oracle extension. See the data type schema
(ordcmdt.xsd) listed in the Oracle Multimedia documentation for a list of valid
<VR> tag values.
ORA-53005: tag references found in document: string
Cause: The delete operation failed because some tags in the dictionary document
were being referenced by the listed document.
Action: To perform the delete operation, follow these steps:
1. Export the listed document to a file.
2. Delete the listed document from the repository.
3. Remove the referencing tags from the exported document.
29-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
4. Insert the updated document into the repository.
5. Repeat the delete operation.
ORA-53006: wild card characters are not allowed in <TAG_RANGE> tags
Cause: A <TAG_RANGE> tag containing wild card characters 'x' or 'X' was found
in the dictionary document.
Action: Remove the wild card characters from <TAG_RANGE> tag and try again.
See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the private
dictionary schema (ordcmpv.xsd).
ORA-53007: The document type STANDARD_DICTIONARY is not loaded.
Cause: The standard dictionary document was not found.
Action: Load the standard dictionary document (ordcmsd.xml). This is an
installation error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53008: The <NAMESPACE> tag value is not a registered schema.
Cause: The schema URL specified by the value of the <NAMESPACE> tag was
not a registered Oracle XML DB schema.
Action: Specify a registered schema URL value. See the ALL_XML_SCHEMAS
view for a list of registered schemas. See the Oracle XML DB Developers's Guide
for information about registering schemas. See the Oracle Multimedia
documentation for information about the mapping document schema
ORA-53009: cannot find the <ROOT_ELEM_TAG> tag value in the metadata
Cause: The value of the <ROOT_ELEM_TAG> tag was not found in the metadata
schema specified by the value of the <NAMESPACE> tag.
Action: Correct the value and try again. You can either specify a valid value for
the <ROOT_ELEM_TAG> tag or clear the value of the <NAMESPACE> tag. See
the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the mapping
document schema (ordcmmp.xsd).
ORA-53010: The value of the <VR> tag is null.
Cause: A null <VR> tag was found in the dictionary document.
Action: Correct the value and try again. If the value of the <VR> tag is null, then
the value of the <RETIRED> tag must be set to true. See the Oracle Multimedia
documentation for information about the standard dictionary schema
(ordcmsd.xsd) and the private dictionary schema (ordcmpv.xsd).
ORA-53011: cannot find the <MAPPED_ELEM> tag value in the metadata schema
Cause: The value of the <MAPPED_ELEM> tag was not found in the metadata
schema specified by the value of the <NAMESPACE> tag.
Action: Correct the value and try again. You can either specify a valid value for
the <MAPPED_ELEM> tag or clear the value of the <NAMESPACE> tag. See the
Oracle Multimedia documentation for information on the mapping document
schema (ordcmmp.xsd).
ORA-53012: cannot find the <UNMAPPED_ELEM> tag value in the metadata
Cause: The value of the <UNMAPPED_ELEM> tag was not found in the
metadata schema specified by the value of the <NAMESPACE> tag.
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-3
Action: Correct the value and try again. You can either specify a valid value for
the <UNMAPPED_ELEM> tag or clear the value of the <NAMESPACE> tag. See
the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the mapping
document schema (ordcmmp.xsd).
ORA-53013: cannot find the <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> value: string in the dictionaries
Cause: The value of the specified <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> tag was not found in the
standard or private dictionaries.
Action: Correct the tag and/or the definer name value and try again. The value of
the <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> tag must refer to a tag and definer name specified in the
data dictionaries.
ORA-53014: The runtime preference table is not empty
Cause: The function was unable to process due to an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53015: An internal dictionary attributes table is empty
Cause: This document could not be processed due to an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53016: null input argument: string
Cause: The function was unable to process due to an internal error
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53017: The installation file string has an incorrect document type
Cause: An incorrect document type was specified for this file during installation.
The function was unable to process due to an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53018: document string contains an unsupported encrypt action attribute
Cause: The operation failed because an unsupported encrypt action
Action: Change the value of the action attribute to none, remove or replace
ORA-53019: cannot delete installation document: string
Cause: The document could not be deleted because it was an installation
Action: See the ORDDCM_DOCUMENTS view for a list of the documents in the
ORA-53020: invalid external reference in the constraint document: string
Cause: The referenced external rule or macro could not be found in the repository.
Action: Insert the referenced documents first and try again.
ORA-53021: cannot insert a rule or macro string that was already inserted
Cause: The rules or macros existed in the repository.
Action: Insert a new rule or macro.
ORA-53022: rules or macros in the constraint document string do not exist
Cause: The rules or macros did not exist in the repository.
Action: Delete or update an existing rule or macro.
ORA-53023: cannot delete or update a referenced rule or macro string
29-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Because the rules or macros were referenced by other rules or macros, they
could not be deleted or updated.
Action: Delete the referencing rules or macros first and try again.
ORA-53024: error processing constraint document: string
Cause: An error occurred while processing the constraint document.
Action: If the error described in the message can be corrected, do so; otherwise,
contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53025: invalid constraint document: string
Cause: The constraint document was invalid.
Action: Correct the error described in the message and try again.
ORA-53026: failed to insert the constraint string to the database
Cause: An error occurred while trying to insert the constraint document into the
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53027: invalid invocation of a macro string that is partially defined
Cause: Constraint rules could not invoke partially defined constraint macros.
Action: Ensure that all dependent constraint macros are inserted into the
repository, then try the operation again.
ORA-53031: unable to export or import data model: string
Cause: An error occurred during export or import data model.
Action: If the error described in the message can be corrected, do so; otherwise,
contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53032: The default preference document cannot be found.
Cause: The delete operation failed due to an internal error.
Action: When a user-defined preference document is deleted, the default values
are restored from the Oracle default preference document. The default preference
document is loaded during installation. If this document cannot be found, it is an
unrecoverable error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53033: The default UID Definition document cannot be found.
Cause: The delete operation failed due to an internal error.
Action: When a user-defined UID Definition document is deleted, the default
values are restored from the Oracle default UID Definition document. The default
UID Definition document is loaded during installation. If this document cannot be
found, it is an unrecoverable error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53034: document string contains an unsupported action attribute
Cause: The operation failed because an unsupported action attribute was found in
the specified anonymity document.
Action: Change the value of the action attribute to none, remove or replace
ORA-53035: The rows for the mapping document (string) do not exist.
Cause: The delete operation failed due to an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53036: An internal table for the mapping document (string) is empty.
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-5
Cause: The function failed due to an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53037: invalid range tag, <START_TAG> string must be less than <END_
TAG> string
Cause: The operation failed because an invalid range tag was specified.
Action: Correct the value and try the operation again.
ORA-53038: The data type name for tag: string cannot be found.
Cause: The function failed due to an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53039: user-defined preference document: string already exists
Cause: The insert operation failed because only one user-defined preference
document is allowed.
Action: To change an existing user-defined preference document, follow these
1. Export the specified document to a file.
2. Delete the specified document from the repository.
3. Make changes to the exported document.
4. Insert the updated document into the repository. To add a new user-defined
preference document, follow these steps:
1. Delete the specified document from the repository.
2. Insert the new document into the repository.
ORA-53040: user-defined UID definition document: string already exists
Cause: The insert operation failed because only one user-defined UID definition
document is allowed.
Action: To change an existing user-defined UID definition document, follow these
1. Export the specified document to a file.
2. Delete the specified document from the repository.
3. Make changes to the exported document.
4. Insert the updated document into the repository. To add a new user-defined
UID definition document, follow these steps:
1. Delete the specified document from the repsitory.
2. Insert the new document into the repository.
ORA-53041: The tag value for a replace action attribute is null.
Cause: The operation failed because a null tag value was found for a replace
action attribute in the anonymity document
Action: Either add a non-null tag value for each replace action attribute
ORA-53042: tag string is referenced by document: string
Cause: The insert operation failed because the specified tag in the dictionary
document was being referenced by the listed document.
Action: To perform the insert operation, follow these steps
29-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
1. Export the listed document to a file.
2. Delete the listed document from the repository.
3. Remove the specified tag from the exported document.
4. Insert the updated document into the repository.
5. Repeat the insert operation.
ORA-53043: tag string is referenced by unknown document
Cause: The operation failed because a tag in the specified dictionary document
was being referenced by another document in the repository.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53044: invalid tag: string
Cause: The operation failed because the specified tag was invalid.
Action: The tag must match the regular expression ([0-9a-fA-FxX]{8}). Correct the
tag format and try the operation again. See the dictionary schemas (ordcmsd.xsd,
ordcmpv.xsd) listed in the Oracle Multimedia documentation for more
ORA-53045: invalid tag: string
Cause: The operation failed because the specified tag was invalid.
Action: The tag must match the regular expression ([0-9a-fA-F]{8}). Correct the tag
format and try the operation again. See the dictionary schemas (ordcmsd.xsd,
ordcmpv.xsd) listed in the Oracle Multimedia documentation for more
ORA-53046: tag: string collides with existing tag: string in document: string
Cause: The operation failed because the specified tag collided with an existing tag
in the specified document.
Action: Tag collisions are not allowed in the dictionary documents. Correct the
specified tag in the document and try the operation again.
ORA-53047: internal error: string
Cause: This document could not be processed due to an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53048: definer name DICOM is not allowed in a private dictionary
Cause: The operation failed because the definer name DICOM was found in the
private dictionary.
Action: Correct the definer name and try the operation again.
ORA-53049: unsupported <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> tag value: string
Cause: The operation failed because the locator path with FIELD_TAG was not
supported in the <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> tag in the anonymity document.
Action: Remove the FIELD_TAG in the locator path and try the operation again.
See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for more information about locator
path syntax.
ORA-53050: The data model is being edited by another user.
Cause: The operation failed because the data model was being edited by another
Action: The data model can be edited by only one administrator at a time.
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-7
ORA-53051: no editDataModel session found
Cause: The operation failed because there was no editDataModel session.
Action: Call the editDataModel procedure first and try the operation again.
ORA-53052: lock release returned error: string
Cause: The operation succeeded, but an error occurred while releasing a lock.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53053: lock request error: string
Cause: The operation failed because an exclusive lock could not be acquired.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53054: An editDataModel session already exists.
Cause: The editDataModel procedure was called more than once in the same
Action: Continue the insert or delete operations, call rollbackDataModel to
rollback the data model changes, or call publishDataModel to publish the data
model changes.
ORA-53055: empty data model table
Cause: The operation failed because the data model table was empty.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53056: unrecognized preference parameter name: string
Cause: The operation failed because the parameter name was invalid.
Action: Correct the value and try the operation again. See the preference schema
(ordcmpf.xsd) listed in the Oracle Multimedia documentation for more
ORA-53057: invalid preference parameter value: string
Cause: The operation failed because the parameter value was invalid.
Action: Correct the value and try the operation again. See the preference schema
(ordcmpf.xsd) listed in the Oracle Multimedia documentation for more
ORA-53058: The <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> value:string is not a simple tag.
Cause: The operation failed because the value of the specified <ATTRIBUTE_
TAG> tag contained wild card characters 'x' or 'X'.
Action: Only simple tags that match the regular expression [0-9A-F]{8}(\(.*\))?
are allowed in the <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> tag. For example: 00080096(DICOM),
00080096 and so on. Correct the tag format and try the operation again. See the
schemas ordcmdt.xsd, ordcmmp.xsd, and ordcman.xsd listed in the Oracle
Multimedia documentation for more information.
ORA-53059: document name: string is too long
Cause: A document name with more than 100 characters was specified.
Action: Use a shorter document name and try the operation again.
ORA-53060: string is not a standard attribute tag
Cause: The operation failed because the specified standard dictionary attribute
tag did not have an even group number.
29-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: A standard dictionary attribute tag represents a two-byte hexadecimal
number (group number followed by element number) and must match the regular
expression [0-9a-fA-FxX]{3}[02468aceACExX]{1}[0-9a-fA-FxX]{4}. Correct the
attribute tag format and try the operation again.
ORA-53061: document name string contains reserved prefix - ORD
Cause: The operation failed because the specified document name contained the
ORD prefix that is reserved for Oracle Multimedia documents.
Action: Remove the ORD prefix from the document name and try the operation
ORA-53062: invalid model name: string
Cause: The operation failed because the specified model name was invalid.
Action: The model name DEFAULT is the only value that is supported in this
release. Remove the model name or replace it with the value DEFAULT and try the
operation again.
ORA-53063: invalid exportOption: string
Cause: The specified value for the exportOption parameter was not valid.
Action: Valid values for the exportOption parameter are USER, ALL, or ORACLE.
The default value is USER. Remove the specified value for the exportOption
parameter or replace it with a valid value for this parameter.
ORA-53064: no user-defined documents to export
Cause: The value USER was specified for the exportOption parameter, but there
were no user-defined documents in the repository.
Action: Valid values for the exportOption parameter are USER, ALL, or ORACLE.
Specify another valid value for the exportOption parameter.
ORA-53065: stored tag list document: string already exists
Cause: The operation failed because only one stored tag list document is allowed.
Action: To change an existing stored tag list document, follow these steps:
1. Export the specified document to a file.
2. Delete the specified document from the repository.
3. Make changes to the exported document.
4. Insert the updated document into the repository. To add a new stored tag list
document, follow these steps:
1. Delete the specified document from the repository.
2. Insert the new document into the repository.
ORA-53066: invalid manifest file: string or directory: string
Cause: The specified manifest file name or directory name was invalid.
Action: Confirm that the manifest file and the directory exist, and that the names
are valid.
ORA-53067: validation failed for manifest file: string
Cause: The specified manifest file did not conform to the XML schema
Action: Ensure that the manifest file conforms to the XML schema ordcmmft.xsd.
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-9
ORA-53068: cannot import data model because user-defined documents exist
Cause: User-defined documents were found in the repository.
Action: First export all user-defined documents in the repository so they can be
saved, then delete all user-defined documents in the repository before importing a
data model.
ORA-53069: doc version:string in string is not <= repos version:string
Cause: The document version of the specified document was not compatible with
the repository version.
Action: You cannot import this data model into this version of the repository.
Either upgrade or import a data model that is compatible with your repository
version. See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for more information about
document versioning considerations for the importDataModel procedure.
ORA-53070: manifest file:string does not contain all the Oracle documents
Cause: The specified manifest file did not contain the complete set of
Oracle-defined documents that were included in the database release.
Action: A manifest file can contain all user-defined documents, all Oracle-defined
documents, or both. Confirm that the manifest file includes all the documents
listed in the orddcm_dbrelease_docs information view or no Oracle-defined
documents. See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for more information on
manifest files.
ORA-53071: tag: string from string is not listed in the stored tag list document
Cause: The specified document contained a tag that was not included in the
stored tag list document.
Action: If the preference parameter MANDATE_ATTR_TAGS_IN_STL is set to
true the stored tag list document must contain all the tags used by the constraint
and mapping documents. Change the preference parameter value to false, or add
the listed tag to the stored tag list document. See the Oracle Multimedia
documentation for more information on stored tag list documents.
ORA-53072: even group number is not allowed in private tag: string
Cause: The operation failed because the specified private dictionary attribute tag
contained an even group number.
Action: A dictionary attribute tag represents a two-byte hexadecimal number (a
group number followed by an element number). Even group numbers are
reserved for the DICOM Standard dictionary. Thus, the group number of a private
dictionary attribute tag must be an odd number. Replace the even group number
with an odd number in the specified attribute tag, and try the operation again.
ORA-53073: invalid docSet: string
Cause: The specified value for the docSet parameter was not valid.
Action: Valid values for the docSet parameter are USER, ALL, or ORACLE. The
default value is USER. Remove the specified value for the docSet parameter, or
replace it with a valid value.
ORA-53074: namespace value is too long
Cause: A namespace value longer than 700 characters was specified in the
mapping document.
Action: Use a shorter namespace value and try the operation again.
ORA-53075: null ROOT_ELEM_TAG tag value
29-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The value of the ROOT_ELEM_TAG tag was null or all spaces.
Action: Correct the value and try again.
ORA-53076: attempt to modify data model repository during rolling upgrade
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) data model in an administrator editing session during a
rolling upgrade.
Action: Wait for the rolling upgrade to complete, then try the operation again. If a
DICOM administrator editing session was in progress when the rolling upgrade
was started, execute the rollbackDataModel() procedure to end the DICOM
administrator session. Then, after the rolling upgrade completes, execute the
editDataModel() procedure to restart the session.
ORA-53100: The repository data model is in invalid state.
Cause: Error detected while loading the data model from the repository.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53111: The repository data model is not loaded.
Cause: The operation failed because the ord_dicom.setDataModel procedure was
not called to load the repository data model.
Action: Call the ord_dicom.setDataModel procedure first and try the operation
ORA-53112: unable to load repository: string
Cause: The ord_dicom.setDataModel procedure failed to load the repository due
to the listed error.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53122: invalid document type : string
Cause: The ord_dicom.setDataModel procedure failed to load the repository
because an invalid document type was found.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53124: cannot find VR number for data type: string
Cause: The VR number for the listed data type could not be found in the lookup
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53125: invalid range tag: string
Cause: The ord_dicom.setDataModel procedure failed to load the repository
because an invalid range tag was found in the dictionary table.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53126: assertion failure: string
Cause: The operation failed because an assertion error had occurred.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53200: Argument string is null.
Cause: The argument was expecting a non-null value, but the value of the passed
argument was null.
Action: Check your program and ensure that the caller of the routine does not
pass a null argument value.
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-11
ORA-53201: Argument string is null or invalid.
Cause: The argument was expecting a non-null, valid value, but the value of the
passed argument was null or invalid.
Action: Check your program and ensure that the caller of the routine does not
pass a null or invalid argument value.
ORA-53202: internal error, argument [string]
Cause: The internal argument was invalid.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53203: security violation
Cause: A possible security violation was detected.
Action: Check the alert log and trace file for more information.
ORA-53210: unable to read empty DICOM object
Cause: There was no data in the specified DICOM object.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about loading
DICOM object data into the database.
ORA-53211: unable to read invalid ORDDicom object
Cause: The value of the source attribute or the extension attribute of the
ORDDicom object was null.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about creating
a valid ORDDicom object.
ORA-53212: unable to read invalid ORDImage object: attribute string is null
Cause: The ORDImage object was invalid.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about creating
a valid ORDImage object.
ORA-53213: cannot access DICOM data with invalid source type
Cause: An invalid source type was stored in the source attribute of the
ORDDicom object.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the
supported source types for DICOM data.
ORA-53214: cannot access DICOM image data with invalid source type
Cause: An invalid source type was stored in the source attribute of the ORDImage
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the
supported source types for DICOM image data.
ORA-53215: cannot access ORDDataSource object with invalid source type
Cause: An invalid source type was stored in the ORDDataSource object. Or, an
error occurred while trying to retrieve a BFILE while the object status was local.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the
supported source types.
ORA-53216: cannot export the ORDDataSource object with an external source
Cause: The source of the ORDDataSource object was not local.
Action: Import the data before calling the export procedure. Or, get the data
directly from the external source.
29-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-53217: The source LOB locator is null.
Cause: The source BLOB locator or BFILE locator was null.
Action: Correct the statement to pass an initialized LOB locator.
ORA-53230: unable to write to an invalid destination ORDDicom object
Cause: The value of the source attribute or the extension attribute of the
destination ORDDicom object was null.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about
constructing a valid ORDDicom object.
ORA-53231: unable to write to a nonlocal destination ORDDicom object
Cause: The source attribute of the destination ORDDicom object was not local.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about
constructing a local ORDDicom object.
ORA-53232: unable to write to an invalid destination ORDImage object
Cause: The value of the source attribute of the destination ORDImage object was
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about
constructing a valid ORDImage object.
ORA-53233: unable to write to a nonlocal destination ORDImage object
Cause: The source attribute of the destination ORDImage object was not local.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about
constructing a local ORDImage object.
ORA-53234: The destination BLOB locator is null.
Cause: The destination BLOB locator was null.
Action: Correct the statement to pass an initialized BLOB locator.
ORA-53250: Mapping document does not exist.
Cause: The specified mapping document did not exist.
Action: Check the installed mapping documents, and correct the statement to
pass the name of an installed mapping document.
ORA-53251: Anonymity document does not exist.
Cause: The specified anonymity document did not exist.
Action: Check the installed anonymity definition documents, and correct the
statement to pass the name of an installed anonymity definition document.
ORA-53252: Constraint does not exist.
Cause: The specified constraint did not exist.
Action: Check the installed constraints, and correct the statement to pass an
installed constraint name.
ORA-53253: The metadata for the new DICOM object is invalid.
Cause: The metadata for the new DICOM object did not conform to the default
metadata schema (ordcmmd.xsd).
Action: Check the metadata argument to ensure it has the correct namespace and
conforms to the default metadata schema (ordcmmd.xsd). See the Oracle
Multimedia documentation for information about the default metadata schema
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-13
ORA-53254: The SOP INSTANCE UID for the new DICOM object is invalid.
Cause: The SOP INSTANCE UID for the new DICOM object was invalid.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about creating
ORA-53255: cannot import from a null or invalid source type
Cause: A null or invalid source type was specified in the import procedure.
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the
supported source types for the DICOM object.
ORA-53256: cannot export to a null or invalid destination data type
Cause: A null or invalid destination data type was specified in the export
Action: See the Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about the
supported destination data types for the DICOM object.
ORA-53257: Attribute does not exist.
Cause: The specified attribute did not exist.
Action: Ensure that the attribute name is valid.
ORA-53258: Metadata attribute is not available.
Cause: The value of the metadata attribute of the ORDDicom object was null.
Action: Call the setProperties method first.
ORA-53259: cannot extract metadata that conforms to the schema definition
Cause: The extracted metadata did not conform to its schema definition.
Action: Check the metadata schema definition, the mapping document and the
parameters for the extractMetadata method to ensure that they are correct. See the
Oracle Multimedia documentation for information about creating repository
documents and extracting metadata.
ORA-53400: Missing DICOM magic number.
Cause: The DICOM object did not contain the DICOM magic number "dicm"
required by part 10 of the DICOM standard.
Action: Fix the DICOM object or the DICOM object source, if possible. Otherwise,
update the DICOM preference document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53402: Missing DICOM header.
Cause: The DICOM object did not contain the file preamble.
Action: Fix the DICOM objector the DICOM object source, if possible. Otherwise,
update the DICOM preference document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53404: Missing the mandatory DICOM attribute string.
Cause: One or more mandatory DICOM attributes were missing from the DICOM
Action: Fix the DICOM object or the DICOM object source, if possible. Otherwise,
update the DICOM preference document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53406: The DICOM object contains invalid attribute value string.
Cause: The DICOM object did not conform to the DICOM standard and contained
invalid attribute values.
29-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Fix the DICOM object or the DICOM object source, if possible. Otherwise,
update the DICOM preference document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53408: The DICOM object encoding is wrong string.
Cause: The DICOM object did not conform to the DICOM standard's binary
encoding rules.
Action: Determine if the DICOM object is corrupt. If the DICOM object is not
corrupt, verify whether it conforms to the binary encoding rules in the DICOM
standard. If the DICOM object is corrupt, fix it if possible. Otherwise, update the
DICOM preference document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53410: The attribute string does not conform to the VM rule.
Cause: The DICOM object either contained an attribute that did not conform to
the DICOM value multiplicity rule or was missing an attribute that was required
by the DICOM standard.
Action: Determine if the DICOM object conforms to the DICOM standard. If it
does, verify if the data dictionary matches the DICOM object or is more recent
than the DICOM object. If the data dictionary is obsolete, update it using the
ORD_DICOM_ADMIN repository API, if possible. Otherwise, update the DICOM
preference document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53412: The DICOM object contains an invalid VR value string.
Cause: The DICOM object with explicit value representation encoding had
attribute VR values that did not match their definitions in the data dictionary.
Action: Determine if the DICOM object conforms to the DICOM standard. If it
does, verify if the data dictionary matches the DICOM object or is more recent
than the DICOM object. If the data dictionary is obsolete, update it using the
ORD_DICOM_ADMIN repository API, if possible. Otherwise, update the DICOM
preference document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53414: The DICOM object contains undefined values string.
Cause: The DICOM object had attribute values that were expected to be part of
the data model.
Action: Determine if the DICOM object conforms to the DICOM standard. If it
does, verify if the data model matches the DICOM object or is more recent than the
DICOM object. If the data model is obsolete, update it using the ORD_DICOM_
ADMIN repository API, if possible. Otherwise, update the DICOM preference
document to ignore this category of error.
ORA-53430: The DICOM object contains unsupported values string.
Cause: This type of DICOM object is not supported by the current release.
Action: Check for software updates, and contact Oracle Support Services for
information about feature enhancements.
ORA-53432: The DICOM object attribute string has invalid definer name.
Cause: A private attribute definer for a private attribute contained in this DICOM
object had invalid characters.
Action: Determine if the DICOM object is corrupt. If the DICOM object conforms
to the DICOM standard, contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53434: Not a DICOM object.
Cause: The binary object is not a DICOM object.
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-15
Action: Determine if the DICOM object is corrupt. If the DICOM object conforms
to the DICOM standard, contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53500: Not a DICOM image.
Cause: The binary object was not a DICOM image.
Action: Determine if the DICOM object is an image. Only DICOM images can be
processed with image processing functions.
ORA-53502: Image processing failure.
Cause: An error occurred when processing a DICOM image.
Action: Determine if the DICOM image is corrupt, and if it is supported by the
current release.
ORA-53800: The DICOM object does not contain attribute string.
Cause: The DICOM object did not contain the attribute that was required for
conformance validation.
Action: Determine if the locator path is properly constructed. All attributes used
in the locator path must be defined in the DICOM standard, and must not be
retired. All attributes except the last attribute in the locator path must be of
sequence type. If the locator path is correct, verify if the DICOM data dictionary is
up to date. If the data dictionary is obsolete, update it using the ORD_DICOM_
ADMIN repository API.
ORA-53801: cannot apply conformance validation on DICOM attribute string.
Cause: The content length of the attribute exceeded the value of the XML_SKIP_
ATTR parameter that was defined in the preference document.
Action: Remove the attribute from the constraint rule or increase the value of the
XML_SKIP_ATTR parameter that is defined in the preference document. Then,
attempt the operation again.
ORA-53802: cannot perform conformance validation because recursion level
Cause: When evaluating the recursive constraint on the DICOM object, the
number of levels of recursion exceeded the value of the MAX_RECURSION_
DEPTH parameter that was defined in the preference document.
Action: Ensure that the constraint definition is correct. If necessary, increase the
value of the MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH parameter that is defined in the
preference document. Then, attempt the operation again.
ORA-53810: error logging conformance validation messages
Cause: An error occurred while trying to log conformance validation messages.
Action: Ensure that the constraint rule definition does not contain any ACTION
elements if the isConformanceValid method is called from a SQL query. If this
error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53820: Invalid locator path string
Cause: A locator path for an attribute was invalid.
Action: Please verify the locator path is properly constructed. All attribute used in
the locator path must be defined in the DICOM standard and must not be retired.
An attribute that is not the last one of the locator path must be a sequence type. If
the locator path is correct, please verify the DICOM data dictionary is up-to-date.
If the data dictionary is obsolete, please use the ORD_DICOM_ADMIN API to
update the data dictionary.
29-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-53900: I/O failure string.
Cause: A device I/O failure occurred when attempting to read from and write to
a DICOM object.
Action: Check the permissions and privileges that have been granted for I/O
ORA-53910: SQL error string.
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to run a SQL command.
Action: If you are using a JDBC connection string, ensure that the connection
string is valid. Check the user account to see if it is locked. Ensure that the listener
and the database server are running. And ensure that the setDataModel() function
has been invoked before any other DICOM functions are called.
ORA-53920: XML error string.
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to read from and write to XML
Action: Ensure that Oracle XDB and all related schemas are properly installed.
ORA-53930: XSLT error string.
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to process XML metadata.
Action: Ensure that Oracle XDB and all related schemas are properly installed.
And, verify that the mapping and anonymity documents are valid.
ORA-53940: make anonymous error string.
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to make DICOM object anonymous.
Action: Ensure that the anonymity document content is valid.
ORA-53980: unimplemented feature: string
Cause: The specified feature is not implemented.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-53990: internal error string.
Cause: An internal error occurred while attempting to process a DICOM object.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services, and supply them with a script that can
be duplicated as well as the DICOM object that caused this error.
ORA-53991: cannot move tablespace because tables are being used
Cause: The operation failed because Oracle Multimedia tables were being used.
Action: End all sessions using Oracle Multimedia tables and try again.
ORA-54000: Virtual column feature not yet implemented
Cause: Feature has not been implemented.
Action: Feature is being implemented.
ORA-54001: string: invalid identifier specified for virtual column expression
Cause: Column expression referenced a column that does not exist in the table.
Action: Rewrite column expression to reference only scalar columns in the table.
ORA-54002: only pure functions can be specified in a virtual column expression
Cause: Column expression contained a function whose evaluation is
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-17
Action: Rewrite column expression to reference only pure functions.
ORA-54003: specified data type is not supported for a virtual column
Cause: Only scalar data types are supported for virtual columns. LONG, BLOB,
REF, and BFILE data types are not supported for virtual columns.
Action: Specify the expression column with a supported scalar data type.
ORA-54004: resultant data type of virtual column is not supported
Cause: The data type of the underlying expression is not supported. Only scalar
data types are supported for virtual columns. LONG, BLOB, REF, and BFILE data
types are not supported for virtual columns.
Action: Specify the expression of virtual column to return a supported scalar data
ORA-54005: keyword VIRTUAL cannot be specified here
Cause: The keyword VIRTUAL was either repeated or incorrectly specified.
Action: Remove the keyword from the specified syntax.
ORA-54006: keyword VISIBLE cannot be specified here
Cause: The keyword VISIBLE was either repeated or incorrectly specified.
Action: Remove the keyword from the specified syntax.
ORA-54007: keyword HIDDEN cannot be specified here
Cause: The keyword HIDDEN was either repeated or incorrectly specified.
Action: Remove the keyword from the specified syntax.
ORA-54008: expression column is not supported for an index organized table
Cause: Attempt to create/alter an index organized table with an expression
Action: These columns are not supported, change the DDL.
ORA-54009: expression column is not supported for an external table
Cause: Attempt to create/alter an external table with an expression column
Action: These columns are not supported, change the DDL.
ORA-54010: expression column is not supported for a temporary table
Cause: Attempt to create/alter a temporary table with an expression column
Action: These columns are not supported, change the DDL.
ORA-54011: expression column is not supported for a clustered table
Cause: Attempt to create/alter a clustered table with an expression column
Action: These columns are not supported, change the DDL.
ORA-54012: virtual column is referenced in a column expression
Cause: This virtual column was referenced in an expression of another virtual
Action: Ensure the column expression definition for any virtual column does not
refer to any virtual column
ORA-54013: INSERT operation disallowed on virtual columns
Cause: Attempted to insert values into a virtual column
Action: Re-issue the statment without providing values for a virtual column
29-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-54014: Resulting table from a CTAS operation contains virtual column(s)
Cause: Table being created by a CTAS operation contains a virtual column
Action: Remove the virtual column definition from the table being created
ORA-54015: Duplicate column expression was specified
Cause: Expression of the virtual column being added/created conflicts with an
existing/previously specified functional index expression or virtual column
Action: Change the expression of the virtual column os there are no duplicate
ORA-54016: Invalid column expression was specified
Cause: Virtual column expression is not a valid arithmetic expression. it probably
refers to another column in the table
Action: Change the expression of the virtual column
ORA-54017: UPDATE operation disallowed on virtual columns
Cause: Attempted to update values of a virtual column
Action: Re-issue the statment without setting values for the virtual column
ORA-54018: A virtual column exists for this expression
Cause: Specified index expression matches an existing virtual column"
Action: Re-issue the statment by replacing the index expression with the
matching virtual column
ORA-54019: Virtual column expression cannot be changed because it is a
partitioning column
Cause: Attempted to modify the expression of a virtual column that was also a
partitioning column.
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-54020: Virtual column expression cannot be changed because it is a
subpartitioning column
Cause: Attempted to modify the expression of a virtual column that was also a
subpartitioning column.
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-54021: Cannot use PL/SQL expressions in partitioning or subpartitioning
Cause: Attempted to partition a table on a virtual column that contained PL/SQL
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-54022: Virtual column expression cannot be changed because an index is
defined on column
Cause: Attempted to change the expression of a virtual column that was indexed.
Action: Alter index unsable. Change expression and then rebuild index.
ORA-54023: Virtual column expression cannot be changed because a constraint is
defined on column
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-19
Cause: Attempted to change the expression of a virtual column that had a
constraint defined on it.
Action: Drop constraint and then change expression.
ORA-54024: expression column is not supported for an organization cube table
Cause: Attempted to create or alter an organization cube table with an expression
Action: These columns are not supported, change the DDL.
ORA-54025: Virtual column cannot have a default value
Cause: Attempted to alter a virtual column to have a default value.
Action: This is not valid, change the DDL.
ORA-54026: Real column cannot have an expression
Cause: Attempted to alter a real column to have an expression.
Action: This is not valid, change the DDL.
ORA-54027: cannot modify data-type of virtual column
Cause: Attempted to change the data-type of virtual column without modifying
the underlying expression
Action: change the underlying expression to be compatible with the data-type
ORA-54028: cannot change the HIDDEN/VISIBLE property of a virtual column
Cause: Attempted to change the HIDDEN/VIRTUAL property of a virtual
Action: re-issue the DDL without the virtual column property change
ORA-54029: Virtual column cannot be updated in trigger body
Cause: Attempted to change the value of virtual column in a trigger body"
Action: This is not valid, change the trigger definition.
ORA-54030: datatype mismatch between virtual column and expression
Cause: virtual column expression was changed after column was created"
Action: change the underlying expression to return datatype that conforms to the
virtual column
ORA-54031: column to be dropped or modified is used in a virtual column
Cause: Attempted to drop or modify a column that was used in a virtual column
Action: Drop the virtual column first or change the virtual column expression to
eliminate dependency on the column to be dropped.
ORA-54032: column to be renamed is used in a virtual column expression
Cause: Attempted to rename a column that was used in a virtual column
Action: Drop the virtual column first or change the virtual column expression to
eliminate dependency on the column to be renamed.
ORA-54033: column to be modified is used in a virtual column expression
29-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Attempted to modify the data type of a column that was used in a virtual
column expression.
Action: Drop the virtual column first or change the virtual column expression to
eliminate dependency on the column to be modified.
ORA-54034: virtual columns not allowed in functional index expressions
Cause: An attempt was made to create a functional index with an expression
defined on one or more virtual columns.
Action: Specify the index expression using only regular columns.
ORA-54035: keyword HIDDEN cannot be specified here
Cause: Attempted to specify HIDDEN key word for a virtual column
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-54036: cannot define referential constraint with ON DELETE SET NULL
clause on virtual column
Cause: Attempted to specify ON DELETE SET NULL clause for a referential
integrity constraint on a virtual column.
Action: Reissue the statement without specifying ON DELETE SET NULL clause.
ORA-54037: table must have at least 1 column that is not virtual
Cause: An attempt was made to create a table with only virtual columns.
Action: Include at least 1 column that is not virtual in the table being created.
ORA-54038: Virtual column cannot be encrypted
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter a virtual column to have
Action: Encryption is unnecessary for a virtual column as the data is not stored on
ORA-54039: table must have at least one column that is not invisible
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter a table to have only invisible
Action: Include at least one column that is not invisible in the table being created
or altered.
ORA-54040: Visibility of a system-generated column cannot be changed.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the visibility of a system-generated column.
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-54041: Visibility of an abstract data type column cannot be changed.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the visibility of an abstract data type
Action: Specify the column visibility change with a supported data type.
ORA-54042: Invisible column is not supported on this type of table.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter the visibility of a column on an
unsupported table type. Invisible columns are only supported for heap and
index-organized tables (IOT).
Action: These columns are not supported, change the DDL.
ORA-54043: Including column of an IOT cannot be an invisible column.
ORA-53000 to ORA-54047 29-21
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the visibility of the included column of an
index-organized table (IOT).
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-54044: Visibility of a column having a column-level object privilege cannot be
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the visibility of a column with a
column-level object privilege.
Action: Revoke the column-level object privilege before making the column
ORA-54045: An invisible column cannot be granted a column-level object privilege.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant a column-level object privilege to an
invisible column.
Action: Modify the column to make it visible and then grant the column-level
object privilege.
ORA-54046: Column visibility modifications cannot be combined with any other
modified column DDL option.
Cause: An attempt was made to combine the modification of the visibility of a
column with other modified column property changes.
Action: Separate column visibility modifications into a standalone DDL.
ORA-54047: virtual columns not allowed for XMLType tables with object-relational
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object-relational XMLType table with
virtual columns.
Action: Do not create virtual columns for XMLType tables with object-relational
storage . This feature is not available.
29-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-54500: invalid combination of elements
Cause: The geometry did not start from the correct level in the hierarchy.
Action: Correct the hierarchy in the geometry.
ORA-54501: no holes expected
Cause: The geometry contained one or more unexpected holes.
Action: Remove any holes in the geometry.
ORA-54502: solid not closed
Cause: The solid geometry was not closed i.e., faces of solid are not 2-manifold
due to incorrectly defined, oriented, or traversed line segment because each edge
of a solid must be traversed exactly twice, once in one direction and once in the
reverse direction.
Action: Correct the orientation of the edges of the neighboring polygons.
ORA-54503: incorrect solid orientation
Cause: The orientation of the solid was not correct.
Action: Correct the orientation or specification of the outer or inner solid
geometry according to the geometry rules for such a solid.
ORA-54504: multiple outer geometries
Cause: The geometry contained more than one outer geometry.
Action: Remove all but one of the outer geometries.
ORA-54505: ring does not lie on a plane
Cause: The ring was not flat.
Action: Make sure all of the vertices of the ring are on the same plane.
ORA-54506: compound curve not supported for 3-D geometries
Cause: The 3-D geometry contained one or more compound curves, which are not
supported for 3-D geometries.
Action: Remove all compound curves from the geometry.
ORA-54507: duplicate points in multipoint geometry
Cause: The multipoint geometry had two points that either had identical
coordinates or were the same point considering the geometry tolerance.
Action: Make sure all points are different, considering the tolerance.
ORA-54508: overlapping surfaces in a multisolid geometry
30-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The multisolid geometry contained one or more fully or partially
overlapping surfaces.
Action: Ensure that the multisolid geometry contains no overlapping areas.
ORA-54509: solid not attached to composite solid
Cause: To connect solids in a composite solid geometry, at least one of the faces of
a solid must be shared (fully or partially) with only another solid. However, at
least one of the faces in this composite solid was not shared by exactly two solids
Action: Ensure that at least one face in a composite solid is shared by exactly two
ORA-54510: no outer geometry expected
Cause: An outer geometry was found when only inner geometries were expected.
Action: Remove all outer geometries.
ORA-54511: edges of inner and outer solids intersect
Cause: An inner solid had a common edge with outer solid.
Action: Ensure that edges of inner and outer solids do not intersect.
ORA-54512: a vertex of an inner solid is outside corresponding outer solid
Cause: A solid geometry contained an inner solid with at least one vertex outside
its corresponding outer solid.
Action: Ensure that all vertices of inner solids are not outside their corresponding
outer solid.
ORA-54513: inner solid surface overlaps outer solid surface
Cause: One or more faces of an inner solid surface either fully or partially
overlapped an outer solid surface.
Action: Ensure that inner and outer surfaces have no shared (fully or partially
overlapping) faces.
ORA-54514: overlapping areas in multipolygon
Cause: A multipolygon geometry contained one or more common (shared, fully
or partially overlapped) polygons.
Action: Ensure that no polygons in a multipolygon overlap.
ORA-54515: outer rings in a composite surface intersect
Cause: Outer rings, either on the same plane or different planes, in a composite
surface intersected.
Action: Ensure that outer rings do not intersect. They can share edges.
ORA-54516: adjacent outer rings of composite surface cannot be on same plane
Cause: The conditional flag was set, and a composite surface had at least two
outer rings sharing a common edge on the same plane.
Action: Change those outer rings into one larger outer ring.
ORA-54517: outer ring is on the same plane and overlaps another outer ring
Cause: An outer ring in a composite surface shared a common area with another
outer ring.
Action: Ensure that no outer rings fully or partially overlap.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-3
ORA-54518: shared edge of composite surface not oriented correctly
Cause: A shared edge (one shared by two polygons) in a composite surface was
not correctly oriented. Each shared edge must be oriented in one direction with
respect to its first polygon and then in the reverse direction with respect to its
second polygon.
Action: Reverse one of the directions of the shared edge with respect to its
ORA-54519: polygon (surface) not attached to composite surface
Cause: Not all polygons of a surface had a common (fully or partially shared)
Action: Ensure that each polygon is attached to the composite surface by one of
its edges.
ORA-54520: inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring
Cause: An inner ring was not on the same plane as its outer ring.
Action: Ensure that each inner ring is on the same plane as its outer ring.
ORA-54521: inner ring is not inside or is touching outer ring more than once
Cause: An inner ring either was not inside its outer ring or touched its outer ring
more than once.
Action: Ensure that the inner ring is inside its outer ring and does not touch the
outer ring more than once. If an inner ring touches its outer ring more than once,
then the outer ring is no longer a topologically simple or singly connected polygon
ORA-54522: inner rings of same outer ring cannot intersect or share boundary
Cause: Two inner rings of the same outer ring intersected or shared a boundary.
Action: Ensure that line segments of an inner ring do not intersect or fully or
partially coincide with line segments of another inner ring sharing the same outer
ORA-54523: inner rings of same outer ring cannot touch more than once
Cause: Two inner rings of the same outer ring touched more than once.
Action: Ensure that inner rings of the same outer ring touch at no more than one
ORA-54524: inner ring cannot be inside another inner ring of same outer ring
Cause: An inner ring was inside another ring of the same outer ring.
Action: Ensure that no inner ring is inside another inner ring of the same outer
ORA-54525: incorrect box volume due to wrong ordinates
Cause: The rectangular box in shortcut format did not have its first x,y,z
coordinates either all greater or less than its second x,y,z coordinates.
Action: Make sure that the first x,y,z coordinates are either all greater or all less
than the second x,y,z coordinates.
ORA-54526: multi or composite geometry must be decomposed before extraction
Cause: The extraction could not be performed because the multi or composite
geometry must first be decomposed into simple geometries (with or without inner
geometries). The multi or composite geometry had a gtype of GTYPE_
30-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
MULTIPOINT, or GTYPE_COLLECTION, or the geometry was a line string.
Action: Use the MULTICOMP_TOSIMPLE parameter to element extractor to
decompose the multi or composite geometry to a simple geometry.
ORA-54527: operation not permitted on a simple geometry
Cause: A MULTICOMP_TOSIMPLE parameter to element extractor was
attempted on a geometry that is already simple.
Action: Do not use the MULTICOMP_TOSIMPLE parameter to element extractor
on simple geometries.
ORA-54528: inner composite surfaces or surfaces with inner ring(s) expected
Cause: An INNER_OUTER parameter to element extractor was attempted on a
surface that was not simple or composite.
Action: Ensure that the etype of the geometry for the INNER_OUTER parameter
ORA-54529: geometry should have multi-level hierarchy (like triangle)
Cause: The geometry did not have the multi-level hierarchy required for this
operation. For example, if the parameter to element extractor (hierarchy level) is
not LOWER_LEVEL, but the geometry etype is ETYPE_SOLID and gtype is
GTYPE_SOLID, an extract operation is not allowed, because a simple solid can
only be decomposed into lower level geometries, such as composite surfaces.
Action: Ensure that the geometry has the appropriate hierarchy. For example, if
the geometry etype is ETYPE_SOLID and gtype is GTYPE_SOLID, the parameter
to element extractor (hierarchy level) should be LOWER_LEVEL.
ORA-54530: invalid etype for element at element offset
Cause: An invalid etype was encountered.
Action: Correct the etype of the geometry.
ORA-54531: invalid orientation for element at element offset
Cause: The orientation of the current geometry was not valid.
Action: Reverse the orientation of the geometry.
ORA-54532: incomplete composite surface
Cause: The end of composite surface was reached before all necessary surfaces
were defined.
Action: Add more surfaces to match the geometry definition, or reduce the
specified number of surfaces.
ORA-54533: invalid etype in composite surface of solid
Cause: The etype of the composite surface of a solid was not valid.
Action: Ensure that the etype is orient*1000+ETYPE_SOLID, where orient is 1 for
outer solid and 2 for inner solid.
ORA-54534: incorrect box surface due to wrong specification
Cause: The elemInfo definition was not correct for the surface of the axis aligned
Action: Change the interpretation to 3 in the elemInfo definition.
ORA-54535: incorrect box surface because it is on arbitrary plane
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-5
Cause: The axis aligned box surface was not on the yz, xz, or xy plane.
Action: Ensure that the first and fourth coordinates, or the second and fifth
coordinates, or the third and sixth coordinates are the same. This means that the
surface is on the yz, xz or xy plane, respectively.
ORA-54536: axis aligned box surface not defined properly
Cause: The inner geometry etype did not start with 2, or the outer geometry etype
did not start with 1, or both occurred.
Action: Use the correct etype for the inner and outer geometries.
ORA-54537: incorrect box surface due to wrong orientation
Cause: The rectangular surface in shortcut format did not have its first x,y,z
coordinates all greater than or equal to or all less than or equal to its second x,y,z
Action: Ensure that the first x,y,z coordinates are either all greater than or equal to
or all less than or equal to the second x,y,z coordinates.
ORA-54538: unexpected gtype
Cause: The gtype of the geometry was not GTYPE_SOLID, GTYPE_SURFACE,
Action: Correct the elemInfo array to fix any invalid gtype and etypes that violate
the geometry hierarchy.
ORA-54539: cannot process the geometry(s) for this operation
Cause: The geometry had errors in it.
Action: Validate the geometry or geometries to ensure that each is valid.
ORA-54540: at least one element must be a surface or solid
Cause: One of the geometries had holes, and the geometries were neither (A)
simple, composite, or multisurfaces, or (B) simple, composite, or multisolids.
(Surfaces and solids are the only geometries that can have holes. Points and curves
cannot have holes.)
Action: Ensure that each geometry having holes is a surface or solid (simple,
composite, or multi).
ORA-54545: holes incorrectly defined
Cause: The holes were defined with incorrect etype.
Action: Ensure that the etype is correct in the definition of the inner geometry.
ORA-54546: volume of solid cannot be 0 or less
Cause: The solid geometry having one outer and multiple inner geometries had a
negative or zero volume.
Action: Correct the orientation or specification of the outer solid geometry to obey
outer geometry rules so that the outer geometry has a positive volume.
Additionally, correct the orientation or specification of inner solid geometries to
obey inner geometry rules so that each inner geometry has a negative volume.
ORA-54547: wrong input for COUNT_SHARED_EDGES
Cause: The COUNT_SHARED_EDGES parameter value was not 1 or 2.
Action: Ensure that the COUNT_SHARED_EDGES parameter value is either 1 or
30-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-54548: input geometry gtype must be GTYPE_POLYGON for extrusion
Cause: The input geometry gtype was not GTYPE_POLYGON.
Action: Ensure that the gtype of the input polygon is GTYPE_POLYGON.
ORA-54549: input geometry has incorrect elemInfo
Cause: The input 2-D polygon did not have only one outer ring.
Action: Ensure that the input 2-D polygon has only one outer ring.
ORA-54550: input 2-D polygon not valid
Cause: The 2-D polygon violated the rules for polygons and rings.
Action: Correct the polygon definition.
ORA-54551: grdHeight and/or Height array sizes incorrect
Cause: The sizes of grdHeight and Height arrays were not equal to half the size of
input 2-D polygon's ordinates array. As a result, each point in the 2-D polygon
could not be extruded from the grdHeight entry to the Height entry.
Action: Ensure that the sizes of the grdHeight and Height arrays are half that of
input 2-D polygon ordinates array.
ORA-54552: height entries must be >= to ground height entries
Cause: In the definition of a solid, the height values were less than the ground
Action: Ensure that that height values are greater than or equal to ground height
ORA-54553: incorrect geometry for appending
Cause: The geometry could not be appended to a homogeneous collection (for
example, multi-geometry) or to a heterogeneous geometry (for example,
collection). In other words, the gtype of the geometry to be appended was neither
GYTPE_COLLECTION or GTYPE_MULTI-X (where X is point, curve, surface, or
Action: Ensure that the geometries involved in the append operation have
appropriate gtypes.
ORA-54554: arcs are not supported as defined
Cause: An arc was defined in a geometry type in which arcs are not supported.
Arcs are supported for 2-D (circle) polygons, 2-D compound polygons, 2-D single
arc, and 2-D compound (composite) curves only.
Action: Remove or simplify the arcs.
ORA-54555: invalid geometry dimension
Cause: The geometry did not have three dimensions.
Action: Ensure that geometry has three dimensions.
ORA-54556: operation is not supported for 3-D geometry
Cause: A 3-D geometry was passed into an operation that supports only 2-D
Action: Check the Spatial documentation for operations that are supported and
not supported on 3-D geometries.
ORA-54557: incomplete composite solid
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-7
Cause: The end of composite solid was reached before all necessary solids were
Action: Add more solids to match the geometry definition, or reduce the specified
number of solids.
ORA-54558: 3D SRID is not found for the corresponding 2D SRID
Cause: In extruding a 2D polygon into a 3D geometry, the SRID conversion
function did not find an equivalent 3D SRID of the 2D SRID.
Action: Specify a 2D SRID that has a 3D equivalent
ORA-54559: query element and source geometry cannot be the same
Cause: A query element geometry and a source geometry were the same, which
prevented a label pointing query element in the source geometry from being
Action: Redefine the query element or the source geometry so that a label can be
ORA-54560: query element cannot be a collection or multitype geometry
Cause: A query element was a collection geometry or a multitype geometry. Such
geometries are not permitted in a query element because they are at the top of the
geometry hierarchy. A query element must be part of the source geometry.
Action: Redefine the query element or the source geometry so that a label can be
ORA-54601: CREATE_PC: invalid parameters for creation of Point Cloud
Cause: An invalid or unknown parameter was specified in the creation of Point
Action: Check for valid set of parameters.
ORA-54602: CREATE_PC: input points table string does not exist
Cause: The specified table for loading points into a Point Cloud did not exist.
Action: Create the points table with appropriate columns, and then create the
Point Cloud.
ORA-54603: CREATE_PC: specified total dimensionality cannot exceed 8
Cause: The specified total dimensionality for the Point Cloud exceeded the
maximum limit of 8.
Action: Create the Point Cloud with fewer dimensions. You can store the rest in
the output points table.
ORA-54604: CREATE_PC: input points table should not be empty
Cause: The input points table had no data.
Action: Insert data into the input points table and then create the Point Cloud.
ORA-54605: CREATE_PC: scratch-tables/views (string) exist and need to be dropped
Cause: Transient tables/views from a previous CREATE_PC operation were still
in existence.
Action: Delete the invalid Point Cloud from the base table (for cleanup of scratch
tables), and initialize and create the Point Cloud again. Alternately, use SDO_
UTIL.DROP_WORK_TABLES with oidstring as the parameter.
ORA-54607: CREATE_PC: error fetching data from input points table
30-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An internal read error occurred during Point Cloud creation.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54608: CREATE_PC: error writing Point Cloud LOB
Cause: An internal LOB write error occurred during Point Cloud creation. The
cause might be lack of table space.
Action: Look for information from other errors in the stack, or contact Oracle
Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54609: CREATE_PC: input extent cannot be null
Cause: The extent of the Point Cloud was null.
Action: Specify an extent for the Point Cloud that is not null.
ORA-54610: CREATE_PC: input extent cannot be more than 2-D for geodetic data
Cause: The extent of the Point Cloud was more than 2-D for geodetic data.
Action: Change the extent to 2-D (longitude, latitude).
ORA-54611: INIT: either invalid basetable/schema or they do not exist
Cause: The base table or schema, or both, were invalid strings; or the base table
and schema combination did not exist.
Action: Ensure that the specified base table exists in the specified schema before
performing the initialization operation.
ORA-54613: INIT: internal error creating DML trigger
Cause: The necessary privileges to create the trigger were not granted.
Action: Grant the necessary privileges to create the trigger. If necessary, contact
Oracle Support Services for help with privileges for trigger creation.
ORA-54614: INIT: block table name has to be unique
Cause: The specified block table name was not unique. For example, it might have
been used for another block table.
Action: Specify a different block table name.
ORA-54616: INIT: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54617: CLIP_PC: invalid Point Cloud; extent is empty
Cause: The input Point Cloud for the CLIP_PC operation was invalid.
Action: Specify a point cloud that was created using the CREATE_PC procedure.
ORA-54618: CLIP_PC: SRIDs of query and Point Cloud are incompatible
Cause: The Point Cloud and the query geometry had incompatible SRID values.
Action: Change the query SRID to be compatible with that of the Point Cloud.
ORA-54619: CLIP_PC: query and BLKID parameters cannot both be null
Cause: Both the query and BLKID parameters were null in the call to the CLIP_PC
Action: Either specify a query geometry that is not null, or specify a BLKID for
use as a query.
ORA-54620: CLIP_PC: internal error [number, string]
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-9
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Cause: The specified TOTAL_DIMENSIONALITY was invalid.
Action: Ensure that the TOTAL_DIMENSIONALITY matches that specified in the
call to the initialization operation.
ORA-54622: TO_GEOMETRY: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54623: CREATE_PC: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54640: PARTITION_TABLE utility: invalid input parameters [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54641: PARTITION_TABLE utility: scratch tables exist with oidstr = string
Cause: Scratch tables/views could not be created because they already existed.
Action: Use SDO_UTIL.DROP_WORK_TABLES with the specified oidstr
parameter to clean up the scratch tables.
ORA-54642: PARTITION_TABLE utility: invalid SORT_DIMENSION specified
Cause: An invalid string was specified for the SORT_DIMENSION.
Action: Specify the SORT_DIMENSION as 'BEST_DIM', 'DIMENSION_1',
ORA-54643: PARTITION_TABLE utility: invalid WORKTABLESPACE parameter
Cause: An invalid string was specified for the WORKTABLESPACE parameter.
Action: Specify an existing valid tablespace for WORKTABLESPACE (to hold the
scratch tables).
ORA-54644: PARTITION_TABLE utility: error in reading input, output tables
Cause: The names for the input/output tables were invalid, or the tables did not
exist or did not have the right structure.
Action: Check the Spatial documentation for PARTITION_TABLE.
ORA-54651: CREATE_TIN: invalid parameters specified in creation of TIN
Cause: An invalid or unknown parameter was specified in the creation of the TIN.
Action: Check the Spatial documentation for CREATE_TIN.
ORA-54652: CREATE_TIN: input points table string does not exist
Cause: The specified table for loading points into a TIN did not exist.
Action: Create the points table with appropriate columns, and then create the
ORA-54653: CREATE_TIN: specified total dimensionality cannot exceed 8
30-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The specified total dimensionality for the TIN exceeded the maximum
limit of 8.
Action: Create the TIN with fewer dimensions. You can store the rest in the
output points table.
ORA-54654: CREATE_TIN: input points table should not be empty
Cause: The input points table had no data.
Action: Insert data into the input points table, and then create the TIN.
ORA-54655: CREATE_TIN: scratch tables/views(string) exist and need to be
Cause: Transient tables from previous CREATE_TIN operation still existed.
Action: Delete the invalid TIN from the base table (for cleanup of scratch tables),
and initialize and create the TIN again. Alternately, use SDO_UTIL.DROP_
WORK_TABLES with oidstring as its parameter.
ORA-54656: CREATE_TIN: error fetching data from input points table
Cause: An internal read error occurred during TIN creation.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54657: CREATE_TIN: error writing TIN LOB
Cause: An internal LOB write error occurred during TIN creation. The cause
might be lack of table space.
Action: Look for information from other errors in the stack, or contact Oracle
Support Services with the error number reported.
ORA-54658: CREATE_TIN: input extent cannot be null
Cause: The extent of the TIN was null.
Action: Specify an extent for the TIN that is not null.
ORA-54659: CREATE_TIN: input extent has to be 2-D for geodetic data
Cause: The extent of the TIN was more than 2-D for geodetic data.
Action: Change the extent to 2-D (longitude, latitude).
ORA-54660: CLIP_TIN: invalid Point Cloud; extent is empty
Cause: The input TIN for the CLIP_TIN operation was invalid.
Action: Specify a TIN that was created using the CREATE_TIN operation.
ORA-54661: CLIP_TIN: SRIDs of query and TIN are incompatible
Cause: The TIN and the query geometry had incompatible SRID values.
Action: Change the query geometry SRID to be compatible with that of TIN.
ORA-54662: CLIP_TIN: query and blkid parameters cannot both be null
Cause: Both the query and blkid parameters were null in the call to the CLIP_TIN
Action: Either specify a query geometry that is not null, or specify a blkid for use
as a query.
ORA-54663: CLIP_TIN: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-11
ORA-54664: TO_GEOMETRY: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54665: CREATE_TIN: internal error [number, string]
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-54666: query gtype is a superset of the source geometry
Cause: A query element geometry was at a higher level in the geometry hierarchy
than the source geometry.
Action: Try replacing the source geometry with the query geometry.
ORA-54667: query element cannot be matched to an element in source geometry
Cause: A query element geometry was not a part of the source geometry.
Action: Redefine the query element or the source geometry.
ORA-54668: a 2D SRID cannot be used with a 3D geometry
Cause: A 2D SRID was used with a 3D geometry.
Action: Replace the 2D SRID with an appropriate 3D SRID.
ORA-55200: Java exception from tag data translation java stack
Cause: Java exceptions.
Action: Turn on java output by calling dbms_java.set_output(OUTPUT_SIZE); Set
java logging level by calling MGD_ID_UTL.setJavaLoggingLevel('INFO'); Analyze
java logging messages.
ORA-55201: Tag data translation category not found
Cause: No matching category ID could be found.
Action: Make sure the input category name, category version or category ID is
ORA-55202: Tag data translation scheme not found
Cause: No matching scheme could be found for the input data format.
Action: Make sure the input data format is supported and correct.
ORA-55203: Tag data translation level not found
Cause: No matching level could be found for the input data format.
Action: Make sure the input data format is supported and correct.
ORA-55204: Tag data translation option not found
Cause: No matching option could be found for the input data format.
Action: Make sure the input data format is supported and correct.
ORA-55205: Tag data translation field validation failed
Cause: Invalid field value.
Action: Make sure the field value of the input data is within the range specified in
the tag data translation XML.
ORA-55206: Tag data translation field not found
30-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Invalid input field.
Action: Make sure the spellings of the input fields are correct.
ORA-55207: Tag data translation rule evaluation failure
Cause: Error occurred when idcode translator tried to evaluate the rule specified
in the tag data translation XML.
Action: Java proxy must be set in order to evaluate manager look up rules. Call
MGD_ID_UTL.setProxy(PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT) to enable java proxy.
ORA-55208: Too many matching levels were found for the input data
Cause: Necessary field values were missing.
Action: Add additional field value pairs that are necessary to determine a unique
matching level.
ORA-55300: model string does not exist
Cause: The specified model could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the model has been created.
ORA-55301: rulebase string does not exist
Cause: The specified rulebase could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the rulebase has been created.
ORA-55302: insufficient privileges string
Cause: Sufficient privileges were not granted.
Action: Ask the database administrator to grant the appropriate privileges.
ORA-55303: SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor failed: string
Cause: SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor failed.
Action: Check the stack trace for additional information.
ORA-55304: specified reuse-bNode model-id string != target model-id string
Cause: The reuse-bNode model-id specified for the SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S
constructor was neither 0 nor the model-id of the target model.
Action: Make sure that the reuse-bNode model is either 0 or the model-id of the
target model.
ORA-55305: reification constructor functions not supported
Cause: Unsupported reification constructor functions were used.
Action: Insert each triple in the reification quad individually. See documentation
for more information.
ORA-55306: internal error: invalid string: value_name=string value_type=string
Cause: The value type of this component of the RDF triple was invalid.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55307: invalid value type for lexical value: string
Cause: The value type of this lexical value was invalid.
Action: Make sure that the lexical value format is correct. If this error occurs
during bulk load from a staging table, then this may be an internal error. Contact
Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55308: invalid time zone string for lexical value string
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-13
Cause: The time zone of this lexical value was invalid.
Action: Make sure that the lexical value format is correct. If this error occurs
during bulk load from a staging table then this may be an internal error. Contact
Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55309: hash collision resolution failed for lexical value string
Cause: Attempts to resolve hash collision exceeded the maximum retry count.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55310: parse failed for the string lexical value: string
Cause: Attempts to insert the specified lexical value failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55311: invalid value type string for long lexical value string
Cause: The value type of this long (length > 4000) lexical value was invalid.
Action: Make sure that the long value has a valid value type.
ORA-55312: parse failed for triple: id-form: string string string
Cause: Attempts to insert triple failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55313: SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor failed to process triple containing
Cause: The SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor without bNode reuse option was
invalid for triple containing bNode.
Action: Use SDO_RDF_TRIPLE_S constructor that allows bNode reuse.
ORA-55314: invalid temporary table name (string) for use with batch load
Cause: Specified temporary table name was not valid.
Action: See documentation for rules for temporary table name validity.
ORA-55315: batch load attempt failed: string
Cause: The batch load operation failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55316: model string does not match model string for table and column
Cause: This column of the table was not associated with the specified model.
Action: Make sure to use the correct target model.
ORA-55317: model string already exists
Cause: A model with the specified name was already present.
Action: Choose a different model name, or delete the existing model and create a
new model with the specified name.
ORA-55318: column string in table string already contains data
Cause: At model creation time, the table column contained data.
Action: Ensure that the table column does not contain data before model creation.
ORA-55319: model string create attempt failed: string
Cause: The attempt to create the specified model did not succeed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
30-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-55320: model string drop attempt failed: string
Cause: The attempt to drop the specified model did not succeed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55321: network already exists
Cause: Attempt to create the network failed because the network already existed.
Action: If necessary, drop the network before trying to recreate the network.
ORA-55322: model(s) exist
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a network that contained one or more
Action: Drop all the model(s) and then retry the operation.
ORA-55323: rulebase(s) exist
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a network that contained one or more
Action: Drop all the rulebase(s) and then retry the operation.
ORA-55324: no rulebases specified
Cause: Rulebases for the operation were not specified.
Action: Specify at least one rulebase.
ORA-55325: rulebase or rules index string already exists string
Cause: A rulebase or rules index with the specified name already existed.
Action: Choose a different name, or delete the existing rulebase or rules index.
ORA-55326: rules index (string) create attempt failed: string
Cause: The attempt to create the specified rules index did not succeed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55327: rule string yields a triple with a literal subject or predicate
Cause: The specified rule created an invalid triple containing a literal in the
subject or predicate position.
Action: Check and modify the rule to avoid creation of invalid triple.
ORA-55328: literal value string insert attempt failed
Cause: The attempt to create the specified literal value failed.
Action: This may be an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55329: same model string specified more than once in the list of models
Cause: The specified model occurred more than once in the list of models.
Action: Eliminate duplicate occurrences of the model in the list of models.
ORA-55330: rulebase or rules index string is busy
Cause: The specified rulebase or rules index was busy and could not be used.
Action: Retry your operation later.
ORA-55331: user owns RDF objects
Cause: The user could not be dropped because it owns RDF objects.
Action: Drop the RDF objects and then retry.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-15
ORA-55332: virtual model cannot be used in this context
Cause: A virtual model was used as input instead of a model.
Action: Use a model as input.
ORA-55333: virtual model string does not exist
Cause: The specified virtual model could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the virtual model has been created.
ORA-55334: virtual model name string is invalid
Cause: The specified virtual model name was not valid.
Action: Check Oracle documentation for valid virtual model names.
ORA-55335: at least one model must be specified
Cause: An empty list of models was specified as the set of models for a virtual
Action: Make sure at least one model appears in the set of models used to create a
virtual model.
ORA-55336: insufficient privileges for using one or more of the models and rules
Cause: An attempt was made to create a virtual model without the appropriate
Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or to grant the
required privileges.
ORA-55337: a virtual model or rules index with the name string already exists
Cause: A virtual model or rules index with the specified name was already
Action: Choose a different virtual model name.
ORA-55338: a model with the name string already exists
Cause: A model with the specified name was already present.
Action: Choose a different virtual model name.
ORA-55339: a virtual model already exists for the specified model-rulebase
Cause: A virtual model with identical components was already present.
Action: Choose a different set of components for the new virtual model.
ORA-55340: rules index does not exist for the specified model-rulebase
Cause: A rules index did not exist for the specified sets of models and rulebases.
Action: Make sure a rules index is created for the specified sets of models and
ORA-55341: label index out-of-range
Cause: An attempt was made to use an out-of-range index for retrieving the label.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55342: not a defined label in the policy
Cause: An attempt was made to use an undefined label.
30-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55343: invalid dependent component for custom label generator
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid dependent component for the
label generator.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55344: invalid label generator implementation or use
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid label generator to generate labels
for inferred data.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55345: invalid use of label generator with no OLS policy
Cause: An attempt was made to use a label generator when Oracle Label Security
(OLS) was not enabled for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55346: invalid label generation option with user rules
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid label generation option for
entailment involving user rules.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55347: missing proof for the specified label generation option
Cause: The chosen label generation option required proof, which was missing for
the entailment.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55348: label generator error: RDF data not enabled for string
Cause: An invalid label generator option was chosen for entailment.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55349: OLS not installed or in an invalid state
Cause: Oracle Label Security (OLS) support for Resource Definition Framework
(RDF) was not installed.
Action: Consult Oracle documentation to install the Oracle Label Security (OLS)
ORA-55350: RDF-OLS table option string not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported Oracle Label Security (OLS)
option for Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55351: RDF secure access option not supported or is invalid
Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported secure access option for
Resource Definition Framework (RDF).
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55352: insufficient privileges for policy administration
Cause: The necessary privileges needed to administer Oracle Label Security (OLS)
or Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies for Resource Definition
Framework (RDF) data were not specified.
Action: None
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-17
ORA-55353: invalid column name for label column string
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid column to maintain labels for
Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: Use CTXT2 as the label column.
ORA-55354: Policy string does not exist or is inaccessible
Cause: An attempt was made to use a nonexistent policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55355: RDF network does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that required Resource
Definition Framework (RDF) network to be present.
Action: Create the Resource Definition Framework (RDF) network.
ORA-55356: OLS not enabled for RDF data
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an RDF-OLS-specific operation when
Oracle Label Security (OLS) was not enabled for Resource Definition Framework
(RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55357: insufficient privileges for the current operation
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a Resource Definition Framework (RDF)
secure access operation with restricted privileges.
Action: See Oracle documentation.
ORA-55358: model "string" is not empty
Cause: An attempt was made to reset Oracle Label Security (OLS) labels for a
model with some data.
Action: None
ORA-55359: unauthorized operation with policy string - string
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an unauthorized DML operation on
OLS-enabled Resource Definition Framework (RDF) repository.
Action: None
ORA-55360: invalid value for resource position - string
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the resource position while setting
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55361: duplicate specification for the namespace found
Cause: An attempt was made to use a namespace map that contained one or more
duplicate specifications.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55362: RDF VPD policy may not be created in the SYS schema
Cause: An attempt was made to create an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
policy in the SYS schema.
Action: None
ORA-55363: context string does not exist
30-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a nonexistent context for the Oracle
Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Create the context using CREATE CONTEXT command.
ORA-55364: invalid operation type string for VPD policy
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid operation for the application of
Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Specify ALL, QUERY, or DML for operation type.
ORA-55365: invalid metadata for VPD policy
Cause: An attempt was made to define invalid metadata elements for the Oracle
Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: See Oracle documentation for valid set of metadata elements.
ORA-55366: unknown namespace prefix "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to make use of an undefined namespace prefix in
Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) metadata.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55367: invalid maintenance operation for VPD metadata
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an invalid maintenance operation on
Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) metadata.
Action: Specify ADD or DELETE for VPD metadata maintenance.
ORA-55368: empty match or apply pattern not allowed in a VPD constraint
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an empty match or apply pattern for a
Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraint.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55369: invalid identifier specified for the constraint group
Cause: An invalid SQL identifier was specified for the constraint group.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55370: input parameter not a zero or positive integer
Cause: The input parameter was not zero or a positive integer.
Action: Change the input parameter to zero or a positive integer.
ORA-55371: RDF rules index 'string' exists for different model-rulebase
Cause: A rules index with the specified name has already been built for a different
model-rulebase combination.
Action: Specify a different rules index name, or drop the existing rules index and
then create a new rules index with that name.
ORA-55372: entailment (rules index) 'string' already exists
Cause: The entailed graph (rules index) already exists.
Action: Specify a different rules index name, or drop the existing rules index and
then create a new rules index with that name.
ORA-55373: inference internal error: string
Cause: An unexpected internal error condition occurred.
Action: Check the error message and the stack trace.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-19
ORA-55374: query constants not in the database; no rows selected
Cause: URIs or literals used in the query did not exist in the database.
Action: Check the query, and ensure that the URIs or literals do exist.
ORA-55375: cannot drop table 'string' because this table owns RDF objects
Cause: A table containing RDF data could not be dropped without first dropping
its RDF model.
Action: Drop the corresponding RDF model or models, and then drop the table.
ORA-55376: cannot alter or drop column 'string' because this column owns RDF
Cause: A table column containing RDF data could not be altered or dropped
without first dropping its RDF model.
Action: Drop the corresponding RDF model or models, and then alter or drop the
ORA-55377: number of triples less than 1 or null error indication marker
Cause: An internal error occurred during validation. The number of triples was
less than 1 or the error indication marker was null.
Action: Check the input parameters, and ensure that the number of triples is 1 or
greater and that the error indication marker is not null; or contact Oracle Support
ORA-55378: invalid error code
Cause: An invalid error code was passed in during validation.
Action: Specify a valid error code.
ORA-55379: too many triples
Cause: An internal error occurred during validation. Too many triples were
passed in.
Action: Specify a valid number of triples for the operation, or contact Oracle
Support Services.
ORA-55430: query pattern is null
Cause: The query pattern specified in the SEM_MATCH query was null.
Action: Modify the query pattern to be non-null.
ORA-55441: insufficient privileges to drop virtual model string
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a virtual model without the appropriate
Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or grant the
required privileges.
ORA-55442: a virtual model cannot be used with other models in a SEM_MATCH
Cause: The set of models used as input to a SEM_MATCH query contained a
virtual model.
Action: Create a new virtual model with contents that are equivalent to the
specified SEM_MATCH model set and query the new virtual model.
ORA-55443: a virtual model cannot be used with a rulebase in a SEM_MATCH
30-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A rulebase was specified in conjunction with a virtual model as input to a
SEM_MATCH query.
Action: Create a new virtual model that expands the specified virtual model to
include the specified rulebase and query the new virtual model.
ORA-55450: continually refreshed workspaces not supported with RDF
Cause: An attempt was made to use continually refreshed workspaces with
Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55451: multi-parent workspaces not supported with RDF
Cause: An attempt was made to use multi-parent workspaces with Resource
Definition Framework (RDF) data.
Action: None
ORA-55452: batch mode not allowed with version-enabled models
Cause: An attempt was made to batch load data into a version- enabled Resource
Definition Framework (RDF) model. This is not supported.
Action: None
ORA-55453: OLS/VPD-enabled indexes must be created with CREATE_
Cause: An attempt was made to create entailment for OLS/VPD-enabled models
using unsupported API.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55454: version-enabled indexes must be created with CREATE_
Cause: An attempt was made to create entailment for version- enabled models
using unsupported API.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55455: rules index status not recognized ( string )
Cause: The specified rules index status was not recognized.
Action: Ensure that the rules index status is VALID, INCOMPLETE, or INVALID,
and retry the operation.
ORA-55456: no valid rules index for this model-rulebase combination
Cause: A valid rules index did not exist for specified combination of models and
Action: Create a rules index for the specified models and rulebases combination,
or use a combination of models and rulebases for which a rules index exists, and
retry the operation. Also ensure that the rules index status matches the status for
the rules index specified in the query.
ORA-55457: predicate not found in model
Cause: The predicate value passed in as an argument to the semantic operator did
not exist in the model.
Action: In the query using semantic operators, use a predicate value that exists in
the model and retry the operation.
ORA-55458: object not found in model
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-21
Cause: The object value passed in as an argument to the semantic operator did
not exist in the model.
Action: In the query using semantic operators, use an object value that exists in
the model and retry the operation.
ORA-55459: invalid parameter string
Cause: The parameter string used in the creation of an index of type SEM_
INDEXTYPE had invalid or malformed parameters.
Action: See the documentation for information on how to write a valid parameter
ORA-55460: incorrect usage of semantic operators
Cause: There was a syntax error in the call to the SEM_RELATED operator
Action: See the documentation for information on how to use the SEM_RELATED
operator. Check that the value returned by SEM_RELATED is compared to 1 or 0.
ORA-55461: no distance information available
Cause: Distance information was not generated during rules index creation.
Action: Retry query without the SEM_DISTANCE operator and/or without
specifying bounds in the SEM_RELATED operator. See the documentation for
information on when distance information is generated.
ORA-55462: internal error
Cause: An internal error occurred during a semantic operator query or during the
creation of an index of type SEM_INDEXTYPE.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55463: missing privileges for MDSYS schema for OLS-enabled entailment
Cause: An attempt was made to run entailment with insufficient privileges for
MDSYS schema.
ORA-55464: model "string" does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use a nonexistent Resource Definition
Framework (RDF) model.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55465: resource position string not secured with OLS policy
Cause: An attempt was made to associate labels with resource positions that were
not secured with Oracle Label Security (OLS).
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55466: one or more triples have incompatible sensitivity label
Cause: An attempt was made to reset a label for a resource that participated in
triples with incompatible label.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55467: model-specific label for the resource is incompatible
Cause: An attempt was made to set a global label for a resource when an
incompatible model-specific label already existed.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
30-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-55468: rule base "string" does not exist or is not accessible
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a rule base that did not exist.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55469: rule "string" does not exist or is not accessible
Cause: An attempt was made to set a label for a rule that did not exist.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55470: OLS may not be applied with one or more models VPD-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to OLS-enable Resource Definition Framework
(RDF) repository when one or more models is VPD-enabled.
Action: Oracle Label Security (OLS) and Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
may not be used simultaneously.
ORA-55471: OLS may not be applied to version-enabled RDF repository
Cause: An attempt was made to OLS-enable Resource Definition Framework
(RDF) repository when one or more models is version-enabled.
Action: Oracle Label Security (OLS) may not be enabled when one or more
models is version-enabled.
ORA-55472: Secure access policy already assigned to RDF data
Cause: An attempt was made to assign an Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy to
Resource Definition Framework (RDF) data when some other policy was already
in effect.
Action: None
ORA-55473: RDF model participating in a virtual model may not be
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable a Resource Definition Framework
(RDF) model which participated in a virtual model.
Action: None
ORA-55474: internal error: [string],[string],[string]
Cause: There was an internal error with Resource Definition Framework (RDF)
OLS/VPS support.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55475: policy with a matching name already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a duplicate Oracle Virtual Private
Database (VPD) policy name.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55476: policy "string" does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use a nonexistent Oracle Virtual Private Database
(VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55477: policy with dependent models may not be dropped
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
policy with dependent models.
Action: Remove the VPD policy from the models and try again.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-23
ORA-55478: application table with multiple RDF models not suitable for VPD
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a model which shared the
application table with another model.
Action: None
ORA-55479: a policy already assigned to the RDF model
Cause: An attempt was made to assign Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
policy to a model with a VPD policy already in effect.
Action: None
ORA-55480: model participating in a virtual model may not be VPD-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a model that participated in a virtual
Action: None
ORA-55481: VPD policy may not be applied for OLS-enabled RDF repository
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a model with an Oracle Label
Security (OLS) policy already in effect.
Action: OLS and VPD may not be used simultaneously.
ORA-55482: VPD may not be applied to version-enabled RDF repository
Cause: An attempt was made to VPD-enable a version-enabled Resource
Definition Framework (RDF) repository. This is not supported.
Action: None
ORA-55483: policy "string" not assigned to the model
Cause: An attempt was made to remove an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
policy that was never assigned to the model.
Action: None
ORA-55484: circular dependency not allowed in RDF metadata
Cause: An attempt was made to define metadata elements that had a circular
dependency for the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55485: metadata may not be directly assigned to an equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to assign metadata directly to a property that was
declared to be an equivalent of another.
Action: None
ORA-55486: metadata exists for the equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to make a property equivalent of another when
some metadata already existed for this property.
Action: None
ORA-55487: VPD constraints exist for the equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to make a property equivalent of another when
some Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraints already existed for this
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55488: metadata definition already exists for the policy
30-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An attempt was made to add a duplicate metadata definition for an Oracle
Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: None
ORA-55489: conflicting metadata definition exists for the policy
Cause: An attempt was made to define conflicting metadata definitions for an
Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55490: VPD constraint may not be assigned to an equivalent property
Cause: An attempt was made to assign an Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD)
constraint to a property declared to be an equivalent of another.
Action: Assign the VPD constraint to the property that is the target of the
equivalent property.
ORA-55491: VPD policy constraint with matching name already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a duplicate name for the Oracle Virtual
Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55492: error creating VPD policy constraint: string
Cause: The Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) constraint had errors.
Action: See Oracle documentation.
ORA-55493: specified VPD policy constraint does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on an Oracle Virtual Private Database
(VPD) constraint that did not exist.
Action: None
ORA-55494: input model set may only have a unique VPD policy
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a multi-model query where the models,
as a set, did not have a unique Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55495: application table with multiple models may not be version-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable an application table associated
with multiple Resource Definition Framework (RDF) models.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55496: unsupported versioning configuration (History/Valid time) for RDF
Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported configuration for Resource
Definition Framework (RDF) versioning.
Action: Correct the input and try again.
ORA-55497: RDF repository with an OLS policy may not be version-enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable a model with Oracle Label
Security (OLS) policy.
Action: Versioning is not supported for OLS-enabled Resource Definition
Framework (RDF) repository.
ORA-55498: VPD-enabled RDF model may not be version-enabled
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-25
Cause: An attempt was made to version-enable a model with an Oracle Virtual
Private Database (VPD) policy in effect.
Action: Versioning of VPD-enabled Resource Definition Framework (RDF)
models is not supported.
ORA-55501: Backing out live transaction
Cause: Flashback Transaction Backout was requested on a transaction that has not
committed yet.
Action: Commit the transaction before using this feature.
ORA-55502: Specified input transaction by name has no SCN hint
Cause: The specified transaction names for Flashback Transaction Backout was
missing an SCN hint.
Action: Provide an SCN hint, and guarantee that the named transactions start
before the given SCN.
ORA-55503: Mining finished without seeing specified transactions
Cause: The SCN hit passed was not good. The SCN hit may have come after the
start of any of the input transactions.
Action: Give a lesser and more conservative SCN hint, with greater probability of
having seen the start of a transaction.
ORA-55504: Transaction conflicts in NOCASCADE mode
Cause: Transactions other than the ones specified conflicts with the specified
Action: Try using other options like NONCONFLICT_ONLY or CASCADE or
ORA-55505: DDL done on an interesting object after mining start SCN
Cause: The Flashback Transaction Backout process encountered an interesting
object which had its last DDL operation done on it after the mining start time. An
interesting object is one that has been modified by either the specified transactions
or any of their dependents.
Action: Specify transactions that have committed after the last DDL done on all
the objects they touched.
ORA-55506: Transaction performed unsupported change
Cause: A transaction in the dependency DAG performed some
Action: The specified transaction cannot be backed out.
ORA-55507: Encountered mining error during Flashback Transaction Backout.
Cause: Mining error.
Action: None
ORA-55508: Invalid input to Flashback Transaction Backout
Cause: Null varrays passed or invalid input specified
Action: Specify properly formed varrays and valid options
ORA-55509: Creation of dependencies could not finish
Cause: One or more input transaction or any of its dependents are not committed
or have been aborted after more than 1 minute of calling the backout function.
30-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Commit all the active transactions associated with this table and try again.
ORA-55510: Mining could not start
Cause: Mining could not start for the following reasons.
1. A logminer session was processing
2. The database was not mounted or not opened for read and write
3. Minimum supplemental logging was not enabled
4. Archiving was not enabled
Action: Fix the mentioned problems and try again. Note that if you enable
supplemental logging now, you will not be able to remove a transaction that has
committed without supplemental logging.
ORA-55511: Flashback Transaction experienced error in executing undo SQL
Cause: There was a constraint violation exception when executing in
NOCASCADE_FORCE mode. Users could also get this error if appropriate
supplemental logging is not enabled causing constraint dependencies to go
Action: Either use CASCADE or NONCONFLICT_ONLY options or add
appropriate level for supplemental logging.
ORA-55512: Backing out PDML or XA-RAC transaction
Cause: One of the transactions in the dependency graph was a PDML transaction
or a local transaction which is a branch of a global XA transaction, spanning
multiple RAC instances. Currently flashback transaction does not support this
type of transaction.
Action: None
ORA-55513: Backing out an AQ transaction
Cause: One of the transactions in the dependency graph touched an AQ table. As
AQ externalizes database information, these transactions are not backed out, as the
entire effects of the transaction cannot be seen from inside the database.
Action: None
ORA-55514: Backing out a DDL transaction
Cause: One of the transactions in the dependency graph is a DDL transaction and
could not be backed out.
Action: None
ORA-55515: Mining sees input transaction changes without seeing transaction start
Cause: The start SCN provided was higher than the transaction start but below
the transaction commit. The result was only partial changes for the given
Action: Please provide a lower scn hint to flashback transaction.
ORA-55518: Mining across reset logs
Cause: Flashback Transaction Backout cannot work with missing changes. This
error is thrown if we walk across a reset-logs branch, where we might have missed
Action: If the user knows that the transaction happened in the current reset logs
branch, then the SCN-hint is possibly incorrect. Provide an SCN in the current
reset log branch.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-27
ORA-55519: Supplemental logging not available for mining SCN range
Cause: Flashback Transaction cannot work if there are regions in the mining range
where supplemental logging is not enabled.
Action: If you have provided a SCN/time hint which is approximate and far
beyond the specified transaction start time, then readjust the SCN hint and try
again. If the system has figured out the transaction start time or you are sure of the
range, then the specified transaction cannot be backed out.
ORA-55520: Log record in compatibility lower than 11.0
Cause: The logical change record shows that the compatibility of the mined redo
is lower than version 11.0. Flashback transaction works only on redo versions 11.0
and above.
Action: Advance the compatibility and try to back out transactions that have
occurred after the compatibility increase.
ORA-55522: failed to extend temporary undo segment number string
Cause: A failure occurred when trying to extend the temporary undo segment.
Action: This is normally followed by another error message that caused the
failure. Check the size of default the temporary tablespace.
ORA-55524: Too many recursive autonomous transactions for temporary undo
Cause: An attempt was made to issue too many recursive autonomous
transactions causing the temporary undo segment to be out of slots.
Action: Reconnect to establish a new session and do not use deep nesting of
autonomous transactions.
ORA-55525: cannot generate temporary undo in a distributed transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to generate temporary undo in a distributed
Action: Do not change temporary objects in a distributed transaction.
ORA-55526: temporary tablespace to store temporary undo not available
Cause: An attempt was made to generate temporary undo without adding
temporary tablespace in the database.
Action: Add temporary tablespace prior to enabling temporary undo.
ORA-55528: maximum number of RECO sessions reached
Cause: To mitigate a potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack via the recoverer
process (RECO), the creation of a new RECO session has been prevented, because
the maximum number of RECO sessions has been reached.
Action: If there is a legitimate requirement for additional concurrent RECO
sessions, adjust the values for the RECO parameters to allow more RECO sessions.
ORA-55557: Trigger 4144 corruption
Cause: Above events used for testing corruption path
Action: None
ORA-55558: string is not a corrupted transaction
Cause: the given transaction is not in the corrupt list v$corrupt_xid_list
Action: check v$corrupt_xid_list
ORA-55563: number is not a valid undo segment number
30-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: the given usn is not a valid one
Action: check undo$
ORA-55564: string is not a valid transaction id
Cause: the given txn is not a valid one
Action: check txn id
ORA-55565: string is not a valid undo segment number
Cause: the given usn is not a valid one
Action: check undo$
ORA-55566: SQL statement issued when the database was not open for queries
Cause: Tried to access SMON time zone information when database was not open
for queries.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement after the database is open for queries.
ORA-55567: The _highthreshold_undoretention value should be at least string
based on the current undo retention settings.
Cause: The _highthreshold_undoretention value was not greater than or equal to
the UNDO_RETENTION setting and the low threshold value used for tuning
undo retention.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement with a higher value.
ORA-55568: The maximum query length (mql) value should be atmost string based
on the current _highthreshold_undoretention setting.
Cause: The maximum query length (mql in minutes) was not less than or equal to
half the _highthreshold_undoretention parameter setting.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement with a lower value for mql or increase the
value of _highthreshold_undoretention parameter.
ORA-55569: The UNDO_RETENTION parameter value should be atmost string, the
_highthreshold_undoretention setting.
Cause: The UNDO_RETENTION parameter value was not less than or equal to
the _highthreshold_undoretention parameter setting.
Action: Reissue the SQL statement with a lower value for UNDO_RETENTION
parameter or increase the value of _highthreshold_undoretention parameter.
ORA-55600: The table "string"."string" is already enabled for Flashback Archive
Cause: The specified table is already enabled for Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55601: The table "string"."string" cannot be enabled for Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt is made to enable Flashback Archive for a table which should
never be enabled for Flashback Archive.
Action: Check the table name.
ORA-55602: The table "string"."string" is not enabled for Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to perform Flashback Archive operation on a table
on which Flashback Archive is not enabled.
Action: Check the table name.
ORA-55603: invalid flashback archive or valid time period command
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-29
Cause: An invalid flashback archive or valid time period command was specified.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
ORA-55604: Incorrect tablespace is specified
Cause: An incorrect tablespace is specified for the Flashback Archive.
Action: Check the SQL statement and verify the possible causes, 1, the tablespace
that was already used by the Flashback Archive. 2, the tablespace was not used by
the Flashback Archive. 3, the tablespace block size is less than 8K.
ORA-55605: Incorrect Flashback Archive is specified
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a Flashback Archive that does not
exist, or to create a Flashback Archive that already exists.
Action: Check the SQL statement.
ORA-55606: Event to modify archiver sleep time in seconds
Cause: 30 seconds is recommended as the archiver sleep time for tests.
Action: The default archiver sleep time is 300 seconds
ORA-55607: Event to enable debugging of archiver
Cause: The purpose of this event is for debugging.
Action: Attach to process specified.
ORA-55608: Default Flashback Archive does not exist
Cause: The default Flashback Archive did not exist.
Action: Create the default Flashback Archive first.
ORA-55609: Attempt to create duplicate default Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create a default Flashback Archive while one
already exists.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55610: Invalid DDL statement on history-tracked table
Cause: An attempt was made to perform certain DDL statement that is
disallowed on tables that are enabled for Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55611: No privilege to manage default Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter, or drop the default Flashback
Action: No action required.
ORA-55612: No privilege to manage Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter, or drop a Flashback Archive.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55613: Invalid Flashback Archive quota size
Cause: An attempt was made to specify invalid Flashback Archive quota size.
Action: Specify size in MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB.
ORA-55614: AUM needed for transactions on tracked tables
Cause: An attempt was made to execute DML on a tracked table without enabling
Auto Undo Management.
30-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Disable tracking on the table or enable Auto Undo Management.
ORA-55615: Event to test archiver scheduled internal tasks
Cause: The purpose of this event is for testing.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55616: Transaction table needs Flashback Archiver processing
Cause: Too many transaction table slots were being taken by transactions on
tracked tables.
Action: Wait for some amount of time before doing tracked transactions.
ORA-55617: Flashback Archive "string" runs out of space and tracking on "string" is
Cause: Flashback archive tablespace quota is running out.
Action: Add tablespace or increase tablespace quota for the flashback archive.
ORA-55618: Insufficient privilege to grant Flashback Archive privilege
Cause: An attempt was made to grant Flashback Archive privilege.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55619: Invalid privilege to grant on Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to grant invalid privilege on a Flashback Archive
Action: Specify valid privilege.
ORA-55620: No privilege to use Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to enable Flashback Archive on a table without such
Action: No action required.
ORA-55621: User quota on tablespace "string" is not enough for Flashback Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter a Flashback Archive quota which
is larger than the user's quota.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55622: DML, ALTER and CREATE UNIQUE INDEX operations are not
allowed on table "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to write to or alter or create unique index on a
Flashback Archive internal table.
Action: No action required. Only Oracle is allowed to perform such operations on
Flashback Archive internal tables.
ORA-55623: Flashback Archive "string" is blocking and tracking on all tables is
Cause: Flashback archive tablespace has run out of space.
Action: Add tablespace or increase tablespace quota for the flashback archive.
ORA-55624: The table "string"."string" cannot be enabled for Flashback Archive at
this point
Cause: An attempt was made to enable Flashback Archive again on a table which
was just disabled.
Action: Try again later.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-31
ORA-55625: Cannot grant Flashback Archive privilege to a role
Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke Flashback Archive privilege to a
Action: No action required.
ORA-55626: Cannot remove the Flashback Archive's primary tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the primary tablespace of the Flashback
Action: No action required.
ORA-55627: Flashback Archive tablespace must be ASSM tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to add a tablespace that was not an ASSM
Action: Add tablespace that is created with segment space management auto.
ORA-55628: Flashback Archive supports Oracle 11g or higher
Cause: An attempt was made to created a Flashback Archive with incorrect
compatible mode or without auto undo management.
Action: Use compatible mode equal to 11.0 or higher, and use auto undo
ORA-55629: Event to test Flashback Archiver internal management tasks
Cause: The purpose of this event is for testing.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55630: Flashback data archive cannot be enabled on a nested table, temporary
table, external table, materialized view, AQ table, clustered table, or non-table
Cause: An attempt was made to enable flashback data archive on an object which
is not supported by flashback data archive.
Action: Do not use the FLASHBACK ARCHIVE clause for this object.
ORA-55631: Table has columns with data types that are not supported by Flashback
Data Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to add a column of data type that is not supported
by Flashback Data Archive. Or, the table on which Flashback Data Archive is being
enabled contains column(s) with data types not supported by Flashback Data
Action: Do not use FLASHBACK ARCHIVE clause for this object. If adding
column, do not use LONG or Nested Table column data type.
ORA-55632: Tablespace has Flashback Archive tables
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a tablespace that has Flashback Archive
Action: No action required.
ORA-55633: Cannot do DDL on Flashback Data Archive enabled table
Cause: An attempt was made to do DDL on tracked tables while one DDL is
Action: Retry the DDL at a later time.
30-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-55634: Unable to disassociate or re-associate Flashback Data Archive table
Cause: Either an incorrect table name was used or an exclusive lock on the table
could not be acquired.
Action: Check the table name and release locks on the table.
ORA-55635: Flashback Data Archive enabled table "string"."string" is disassociated
Cause: An attempt was made to perform operation on a Flashback Data Archive
enabled table that is currently disassociated for DDL.
Action: Retry the operation at a later time.
ORA-55636: Flashback Data Archive enabled table "string"."string" has different
definition from its history table
Cause: The Flashback Data Archive enabled table has different table definition
from its history table.
Action: Fix the table definition.
ORA-55637: Flashback Data Archive enabled table "string"."string" is not in the
correct compliance mode for this operation
Cause: An attempt was made to perform disassociation operation on a Flashback
Data Archive enabled table that is in compliance mode. Or, DDL are not supported
on tables in noncompliance mode.
Action: Disable compliance mode before retrying the disassociation operation.
ORA-55638: DDL operations on Flashback Data Archive-enabled table are not
allowed at this point
Cause: Flashback Data Archive could not acquire resources to complete the
operation on Oracle RAC.
Action: Retry the DDL at a later time.
ORA-55639: Flashback Data Archive internal SQL error
Cause: Flashback Data Archive encountered internal SQL error.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55640: Insufficient privilege to perform the Flashback Data Archive operation
Cause: An attempt was made to disassociate tables enabled for Flashback Data
Archive without the required privilege.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55641: Cannot drop tablespace used by Flashback Data Archive
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a Flashback Data Archive tablespace.
Action: Remove the tablespace from Flashback Data Archive before retrying the
ORA-55642: Table has column names that are reserved by Flashback Data Archive
Cause: The table on which Flashback Data Archive is being enabled contains
column(s) with names that are reserved by Flashback Data Archive.
Action: Rename column name before retry.
ORA-55643: cannot combine Flashback Data Archive operation with other
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-33
Cause: An attempt was made to combine the Flashback Data Archive operation
with other ALTER TABLE operations.
Action: Ensure that Flashback Data Archive is the sole operation specified in
ALTER TABLE statement.
ORA-55644: event to enable system column ORA_XID testing
Cause: The purpose of this event was for testing.
Action: No action required.
ORA-55645: Valid time period cannot be enabled on a nested table, temporary
table, external table, materialized view, AQ table, clustered table, or non-table
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a valid time period on an object which is
not supported by valid time period.
Action: Do not use a valid time period for this object.
ORA-55646: application already enabled for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to enable flashback archive on an application for a
second time.
Action: No need to enable flashback archive on this application.
ORA-55647: application not previously enabled for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to disable flashback archive on an application that
has not been enabled for flashback archive.
Action: No need to disable flashback archive on this application.
ORA-55648: table already added to application
Cause: An attempt was made to add a table to an application for a second time.
Action: Do not add a table to an application more than once.
ORA-55649: table not previously added to application
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a table that has not been added to an
Action: No need to remove table from application.
ORA-55650: application not registered for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to access an application that has not been registered
for flashback archive.
Action: Register the application before accessing it.
ORA-55651: application already registered for flashback archive
Cause: An attempt was made to register an application for flashback archive for a
second time.
Action: No need to register this application for flashback archive.
ORA-55652: application already locked down
Cause: An attempt was made to lock down an application for a second time.
Action: No need to lock down this application.
ORA-55653: application not previously locked down
Cause: An attempt was made to unlock an application that was not previously
locked down.
30-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: No need to unlock this application.
ORA-55654: too many columns in the base table
Cause: An attempt was made to enable flashback archive on a base table with so
many columns that the history table has no room for metadata columns.
Action: Have fewer columns in the base table.
ORA-55710: Unable to alter system parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES at this
Cause: The system was in the process of adjusting the number of global
transaction background processes.
Action: Retry the operation at a later time.
ORA-55711: Unable to bind clusterwide global transactions to compatible undo
Cause: Undo tablespace was not onlined for automatic undo management.
Action: Create undo tablespace if it has not been created.
ORA-55712: XA transactions on RAC are not supported with GLOBAL_TXN_
PROCESSES set to 0
Cause: The initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES was set to 0.
Action: Set the initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES to a value
greater than 0.
ORA-55713: GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES cannot be set to 0 at runtime
Cause: An attempt was made to set initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_
PROCESSES to 0 at runtime.
Action: Set the initialization parameter GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES to 0 before
starting RAC instance to disable GTX background processes. Note that XA
transactions are not supported on RAC database when GTX background processes
are disabled.
ORA-55714: savepoint 'string' disabled with interleaved changes across Oracle RAC
Cause: After the savepoints were established, interleaved changes were made
across Oracle RAC instances within the clusterwide global transaction.
Action: Do not make interleaved changes across Oracle RAC instances after
savepoints are established.
ORA-55800: NLS errors while processing Oracle number
Cause: Error occurred when trying to convert Oracle number to an integer.
Action: Check the input parameters.
ORA-55801: Event to control CR activity
Cause: The bit values that we consider. 0x1: Remove fix for bug 3514835 which
could potentially throw more 8177 errors We have conservatively blocked some
serializability errors, where there could potentially be a dependency between a
service transaction in an index and forward going transaction.
Action: Set event 55801 to 1 to disable the bug fix, thereby reducing 8177 error,
although it might cause some internal errors instead.
ORA-55903: Secure file log feature unimplemented: string
Cause: This feature has not been implemented yet.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-35
Action: None
ORA-55904: Secure file log name too big
Cause: The specified log name was bigger than the maximum identifier
supported in Oracle.
Action: Use a smaller log name.
ORA-55905: Secure file log string exists with same name
Cause: Create operation was attempted on an existing secure file log.
Action: Destroy the log with the specified name and retry.
ORA-55906: Secure file log [id: string name: string] does not exist
Cause: An open operation for read or write was attempted on a nonexistent log.
Action: Create the log and retry.
ORA-55907: Tablespace string does not exist for secure file log
Cause: The specified tablespace to keep the swap space for the secure file log does
not exist.
Action: Retry with a different tablespace or create one with the specified name.
ORA-55908: Tablespace string does not support secure files
Cause: Specified tablespace to keep secure file logs did not support secure files.
Action: Provide a tablespace that supports secure files, or remove secure file
options in the create statement.
ORA-55909: Create mode invalid: string
Cause: The mode to create the log was not supported, or there was a discrepancy
between the in-memory log creation and the persistent definition already present.
Action: Retry by correcting the problem.
ORA-55910: Swap table string does not exist
Cause: d by an external dropping of the swap table without going through the
secure file log API's. This means that all of the persistent part of the log was lost.
Action: Destroy the specified log and recreate from start.
ORA-55911: Log with id: string is being destroyed
Cause: A write, read or open operation was being tried on a log that was in the
process of being destroyed.
Action: None
ORA-55912: Invalid thread Id provided to write to a threaded log
Cause: A valid thread Id was not provided in order to write to a threaded log.
Thread Ids are used to partially order messages to the log from different writing
Action: Provide a logical thread Id or use a nonthreaded log.
ORA-55913: Valid thread Id provided to a nonthreaded log
Cause: A valid logical thread Id was provided for a nonthreaded log. A partial
order will not be maintained in a nonthreaded log and messages could be output
in random order.
Action: Provide a null thread-id for a non-threaded log, or create a threaded log to
do what is required.
30-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-55914: An invalid descriptor was passed to a log operation. Reason: string
Cause: An invalid or uninitialized descriptor was found while doing a secure file
log read or write.
Action: Provide a properly initialized descriptor created by log open.
ORA-55915: Invalid option: string
Cause: An invalid option was passed for a log operation.
Action: Check the cause and retry.
ORA-55916: Message too long
Cause: The log is opened with split messages across buffers set to false. However,
the message size is bigger than what can be fit in one buffer.
Action: Write the message in smaller segments or allow split messages while
creating the log.
ORA-55917: Table flush I/O failed for log ID: string bucket ID: string
Cause: Table flush I/O failed. The most common cause for this could be
out-of-space errors in the tablespace.
Action: Resolve the underlying problem and retry.
ORA-55918: Required buffer size too big
Cause: The buffer size was greater than 16K. Secure file logging supports buffer
sizes of 4K, 8K and 16K. The only reason a large buffer size is required is if split
message is set to false, and the potential message is large.
Action: Request a smaller buffer size, or try to use smaller message segments.
ORA-55919: destroying, purging or partitioning log while writers or readers have
open descriptors
Cause: The method to destroy, purge or partition log was called and requested to
wait for open descriptors. After waiting for 5 minutes, an error is returned if
writers or readers still exist.
Action: Close all open descriptors or call destroylog, purgelog or createpartition
with the option of not waiting for open descriptors.
ORA-55920: Buffer sequence is too low
Cause: The buffer sequence was too low or rows were removed from the swap
Action: Try to read from a higher sequence. Note, that the data in buffer with this
sequence has been lost.
ORA-55921: Start point provided is incorrect.
Cause: The provided start point, from which to begin reading, was incorrect.
Action: Provide a minimum SCN, timestamp or sequence or specify that reading
should begin with the oldest data available.
ORA-55922: PL/SQL API error: string
Cause: PL/SQL callbacks had a problem
Action: Consider the problem string and act appropriately
ORA-55923: PL/SQL maximum number of array elements exceeded
Cause: Number of elements in an array write exceeded the maximum limit 100
message segments in one write.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-37
Action: Try a write buffered with multi-segment write or reduce the element
count in the array write.
ORA-55924: PL/SQL encountered a NULL element in the array
Cause: A null element was encountered during an array write.
Action: Provide non-null VARCHAR2 or RAW elements as an array element.
ORA-55925: write end called without proper write start
Cause: An attempt was made to end write without a corresponding start write.
Action: Write starts and ends must be called in the right order for writing
piecewise or use a write whole option which does not need an explicit start or end.
ORA-55926: Closing log descriptor before calling write end
Cause: An attempt was made to close the log descriptor before the corresponding
write end.
Action: Write end should be called before closing the log write descriptor
ORA-55927: No tablespace found for the log
Cause: No suitable tablespace was found for the log.
Action: Provide a tablespace and retry log creation.
ORA-55928: Duplicate tablespace being added
Cause: The tablespace being added for the named log already existed in the list of
tablespaces available for this log.
Action: The user should provide a different tablespace for addition to the list of
available tablespaces for the named log.
ORA-55929: Creating new partition when current partition is empty
Cause: An attempt was made to create a new partition for the named log when
the current partition is empty.
Action: Do not attempt to create a new partition when the current partition is still
ORA-55930: Version of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), does not exist
Cause: Version of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), did not exist.
Action: Provide the correct (logname, instanceid) input.
ORA-55931: The highest partition of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), does
not exist
Cause: The highest partition of log, identified by (logname, instanceid), did not
Action: Provide the correct (logname, instanceid) input.
ORA-55932: No SGA memory available for buffers
Cause: An attempt was made to create a secure file log with no available memory
for buffers.
Action: Set SECUREFILE_LOG_SHARED_POOL_SIZE to allocate adequate
ORA-55933: invalid log owner provided
Cause: The user provided did not own the secure file log under consideration.
Action: Provide the correct owner of the secure file log.
30-38 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-55934: invalid user ID provided
Cause: The specified user ID did not exist in the database.
Action: Provide a valid database user ID.
ORA-55935: invalid user name provided
Cause: The specified user name did not exist in the database.
Action: Provide a valid database user name.
ORA-55936: user ID mismatch
Cause: The user ID provided did not own the secure file log under consideration.
Action: Provide the correct owner of the secure file log.
ORA-55937: storage already associated with the secure file log
Cause: An attempt was made to associate storage with a secure file log which
already has storage.
Action: Do not attempt to associate storage with a secure file log which already
has associated storage.
ORA-55938: no flush callback associated with the secure file log
Cause: Flush callback was not associated with the secure file log under
Action: The secure file log needs to be re-created with valid flush callback.
ORA-55939: database is not open for attempted operation
Cause: The attempted operation failed because the database is not yet open.
Action: Resubmit the operation when the database opens.
ORA-55940: An error occurred during execution of ktliIngestExternData.
Cause: An error occurred during execution of ktliIngestExternData.
Action: See the message associated with the error for remedial action.
ORA-55941: DML and DDL operations are not allowed on table "string"."string"
Cause: A DML or DDL operation was attempted on a Common Logging
Infrastructure internal table.
Action: No action required. Only Oracle is allowed to perform such operations on
Common Logging Infrastructure internal tables.
ORA-55942: read not started for read descriptor of the secure file log
Cause: An attempt was made to get a readsavepoint before ktliRead successfully
returned a message, using the secure file log descriptor under consideration.
Action: Execute a ktliRead, which returns a message using the secure file log
descriptor, before attempting to get a readsavepoint.
ORA-55943: unsupported verison in readsavepoint of the secure file log
Cause: An attempt was made to open a secure file log with a readsavepoint which
had unsupported version.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-55944: External flush I/O failed for log ID: string bucket ID: string
Cause: External flush I/O failed.
Action: Resolve the underlying problem and retry.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-39
ORA-55945: tablespace name not specified
Cause: The tablespace needed to keep the swap space for the secure file log has
not been provided by the user.
Action: Retry the operation with the appropriate tablespace name.
ORA-55946: operation failed due to CrossInstanceCall failure - string string
Cause: The operation failed due to a CrossInstanceCall failure. Check the trace
files on remote instances for the underlying problem.
Action: Resolve the underlying problem and retry.
ORA-55947: message too long
Cause: The message length was greater than what the Secure file log supports.
Action: Provide the message with a length that the Secure file log supports and
retry the operation.
ORA-55948: flush threshold is invalid
Cause: The flush threshold specified for the secure file log is invalid.
Action: The flush threshold for secure file log must be an integer greater than or
equal to 1 and less than or equal to 100.
ORA-55949: swap table of secure file log (string, string) does not exist
Cause: d by an external dropping of the swap table without going through the
secure file log API's. This means that all of the persistent parts of the log were lost.
Action: Destroy the specified log and re-create it from the start.
ORA-55950: storage not associated with the secure file log [ name: string ]
Cause: An attempt was made to import data from an external source into a secure
file log which is not associated with tablespace storage.
Action: Associate tablespace storage with a secure file log before importing data
from an external source.
ORA-56500: DRCP: Pool not found
Cause: The pool name passed was either null or an invalid pool name.
Action: Input a valid pool name.
ORA-56501: DRCP: Pool startup failed
Cause: The connection pool failed to start up.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56502: DRCP: Pool is inactive
Cause: The operation is only supported on an active pool.
Action: Start the pool.
ORA-56503: DRCP: Pool is active
Cause: The operation is only supported on an inactive pool.
Action: Shutdown the pool.
ORA-56504: DRCP: Invalid pool configuration parameter name
Cause: The configuration paramter name is null or invalid input.
Action: Input a valid configuration parameter name.
ORA-56505: DRCP: Invalid pool configuration parameter value
30-40 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The configuration paramter value is null or invalid input.
Action: Input a valid configuration parameter value.
ORA-56506: DRCP: Pool shutdown failed
Cause: Connection pool failed to shutdown.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56507: DRCP: Pool alter configuration failed
Cause: Connection pool failed to configure pool.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56508: DRCP: Pool startup failed
Cause: Connection Broker failed to startup the pool.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56509: DRCP: Pool shutdown failed
Cause: Connection Broker failed to shutdown the pool.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56510: DRCP: Pool alter configuration failed
Cause: Connection Broker failed to configure the pool.
Action: Check logs for details. For the NUM_CBROK and MAXCONN_CBROK
values, if the initialization parameter CONNECTION_BROKERS contains a
(TYPE=POOLED) entry, then use the parameter instead to update these values.
ORA-56511: DRCP: Cross instance synchronization failed
Cause: Publish message to all RAC instances failed.
Action: Check logs for details.
ORA-56512: DRCP: Failed to synchronize RAC instances [string]
Cause: Some of the RAC instances were not synchronized.
Action: Perform the same operations on all the failed instances.
ORA-56513: DRCP: Cannot perform requested operation using pooled connection
Cause: This operation was not supported using connections from a pool.
Action: Use a regular connection to perform this operation.
ORA-56514: DRCP: invalid value for maximum number of connections to
Connection broker
Cause: The value passed exceeded the maximum allowed.
Action: No action required. The maximum number of connections was
automatically set to the maximum allowed value.
ORA-56515: DRCP: Operation not allowed from a Pluggable Database
Cause: The operation was not allowed in Database Resident Connection Pooling
when connected to a Pluggable Database.
Action: Connect to the root database and retry the same operation.
ORA-56600: DRCP: Illegal call [string]
Cause: An illegal OCI function call was issued.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-41
Action: Check the documentation for Database Resident Connection Pool (DRCP)
ORA-56601: DRCP: Illegal connection class
Cause: Wrong value for connection class was given.
Action: Check the documentation for Database Resident connection pool usage.
ORA-56602: DRCP: Illegal purity
Cause: Wrong value for purity was provided.
Action: Check the documentation for Database Resident connection pool usage.
ORA-56603: DRCP: Internal error
Cause: Malformed input values.
Action: Input well-formed values.
ORA-56604: DRCP: Length[string] for string exceeded the MAX allowed
Cause: Length exceeded MAX for the value.
Action: Use a value within the MAX allowed.
ORA-56605: DRCP: Session switching and migration not allowed
Cause: Application tried to switch or migrate session across connections.
Action: This usage is irrelevant in the Database Resident connection pooling
context and is not supported. Release existing session.
ORA-56606: DRCP: Client version does not support the feature
Cause: The client version is lower than 11g.
Action: Upgrade to a higher client version or turn off (SERVER=POOLED) in the
connect string.
ORA-56607: DRCP: Connection is already authenticated
Cause: Attempt to reauthenticate the connection which is authenticated.
Action: Logoff the connection before reauthenticating.
ORA-56608: DRCP: Server Group feature is not supported
Cause: Server Group attribute was set on the server handle, connected to a
Database Resident connection pool.
Action: Do not set Server Group attribute on server handles while using Database
Resident connection pool.
ORA-56609: Usage not supported with DRCP
Cause: This usage was not supported on a DRCP connection.
Action: Use a dedicated connection to perform this task.
ORA-56700: plan string is a subplan and SUB_PLAN attribute cannot be modified
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the SUB_PLAN attribute of the specified
Action: Do not attempt to modify the SUB_PLAN attribute.
ORA-56701: INTERNAL_USE attribute of consumer group string cannot be
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the INTERNAL_USE attribute of the
specified consumer group.
30-42 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Do not attempt to modify the INTERNAL_USE attribute.
ORA-56702: consumer group string is for internal use only and cannot be a switch
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an INTERNAL_USE consumer group as a
switch target.
Action: Do not attempt to switch to INTERNAL_USE consumer groups.
ORA-56703: VKTM process died unexpectedly
Cause: An explicit kill or internal error caused the death of VKTM background
Action: Restart the instance.
ORA-56704: EXPLICIT consumer group mapping priority must be set to 1
Cause: An attempt was made to set the EXPLICIT mapping priority to a value
other than 1.
Action: Set the mapping priorities to unique integers within the documented
range with the EXPLICT priority set to 1.
ORA-56705: I/O calibration already in progress
Cause: An attempt was made to run a second instance of I/O Calibration
Action: Wait until the first I/O calibration run is complete; then, retry the
ORA-56706: The specified Resource Manager plan is a subplan and cannot be set as
a top-level plan
Cause: An attempt was made to set a subplan as a top-level plan.
Action: Do not attempt to set subplans as top-level plans.
ORA-56707: INTERNAL_QUIESCE plan cannot be specified as a top-level
Resource Manager plan
Cause: An attempt was made to specify INTERNAL_QUIESCE as a top-level
Resource Manager plan.
Action: Do not attempt to set INTERNAL_QUIESCE as a Resource Manager plan.
ORA-56708: Could not find any datafiles with asynchronous i/o capability
Cause: There are no datafiles which are asynchronous I/O capable.
Action: Make sure asynchronous i/o is permitted to datafiles.
ORA-56709: timed_statistics set to FALSE
Cause: timed_statistics parameter in database is set to FALSE. Needs to be
enabled for calibration.
Action: set timed_statistics=TRUE in init.ora or "alter system set timed_
ORA-56710: DBRM process died unexpectedly
Cause: An explicit kill or internal error caused the death of the DBRM
background process.
Action: Restart the instance.
ORA-56711: string is an invalid string argument
Cause: The named argument is invalid.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-43
Action: Specify a valid argument for this procedure.
ORA-56713: insufficient Resource Manager privileges
Cause: An attempt was made to execute administration procedures from the
DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package without the appropriate privilege. The
procedure requires the Resource Manager system privilege.
Action: Ask the database administrator to grant the Resource Manager system
privilege to the user.
ORA-56714: Plan name string exceeds the maximum length allowed
Cause: Plan name is greater than 30 characters long.
Action: Do not exceed 30 characters when naming a resource plan.
ORA-56715: string resource plan contains a reserved word
Cause: The specified plan name is prefixed with a reserved prefix such as FORCE
Action: Do not prefix resource plan name with FORCE or SCHED.
ORA-56716: Category string does not exist
Cause: A non-existent category was specified as an argument to a procedure in
Action: Specify an existing category name or create a new category with this
ORA-56717: switch directives are set without a corresponding SWITCH_GROUP
Cause: The plan directive contained a switch directive (SWITCH_TIME,
Action: Specify a SWITCH_GROUP parameter in the plan directive.
ORA-56718: Timeout occurred while setting resource plan
Cause: A timeout occurred while waiting for one or more RAC instances to set the
resource plan.
Action: Since the resource plan may have actually been set successfully, first check
the current resource plan for each instance by querying gv$rsrc_plan. If the
resource plan was not successfully set on all instances, then retry the operation.
ORA-56719: Error spawning or communicating with calibration slave
Cause: An error occurred in calibration slave process - Calibration process
Action: Review trace files for errors.
ORA-56720: I/O data limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_MEGABYTES limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56721: I/O data limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_MEGABYTES limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56722: I/O request limit exceeded - call aborted
30-44 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_REQS limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56723: I/O request limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_REQS limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56725: Could not spawn additional calibration slaves
Cause: An error occurred when spawning calibration slave process - Calibration
process aborted.
Action: Check OS resources required for spawning processes
ORA-56726: Category string is referred to by a consumer group and cannot be
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a category that is referred to by a
consumer group.
Action: Modify or remove all consumer groups that use this category and then
ORA-56727: Orion (string) must be invoked using its full, absolute path
Cause: Orion is spawning a child process and cannot determine the location of the
Action: Use the full, absolute path for Orion.
ORA-56728: SQL blocks cannot be nested
Cause: An attempt was made to start an SQL block using DBMS_RESOURCE_
MANAGER.BEGIN_SQL_BLOCK() while already inside an SQL block.
Action: Close the existing SQL block using DBMS_RESOURCE_
MANAGER.BEGIN_SQL_BLOCK() or remove this call.
ORA-56729: Failed to bind the database instance to processor group string
Cause: Binding the database instance to the processor group specified by the
PROCESSOR_GROUP_NAME parameter failed.
Action: Set the PROCESSOR_GROUP_NAME to a valid, configured processor
group and restart the database instance.
ORA-56730: pluggable database plan string may not specify parameter string
Cause: Resource plans inside a pluggable database attempted to use the following
parameters: MGMT_P2, MGMT_P3, MGMT_P4, MGMT_P5, MGMT_P6, MGMT_
Action: Remove these parameters and try again.
ORA-56731: pluggable database plan string may not use subplans
Cause: A plan was specified as the argument to the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN
parameter. Resource plans inside a pluggable database may not specify a plan for
the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN parameter.
Action: Specify only consumer groups for the GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN parameter.
ORA-56732: value string for string is outside valid range of 0 to 4294967295
Cause: An invalid value was specified for a plan directive parameter.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-45
Action: Specify a value between 0 and 4294967295, inclusive.
ORA-56733: logical I/O limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_LOGICAL limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56734: logical I/O limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_IO_LOGICAL limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56735: elapsed time limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_ELAPSED_TIME limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56736: elapsed time limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_ELAPSED_TIME limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database
administrator for more information.
ORA-56737: SWITCH_GROUP is set without a corresponding switch directive
Cause: The plan directive specified a value for SWITCH_GROUP without
specifying one of the following switch directives:
Action: Specify a switch directive or remove SWITCH_GROUP directive.
ORA-56738: CDB resource plan string has more than string profile directives.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the specified multitenant
container database (CDB) resource plan to use more than the supported number of
profile directives.
Action: Remove the directives for profiles that are not active on this database.
ORA-56800: DSKM process died unexpectedly
Cause: An explicit kill or internal error caused the death of the DSKM
background process.
Action: Restart the instance.
ORA-56840: LIBCELL API error in Master Diskmon
Cause: A LIBCELL operation in Master Diskmon failed.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error
ORA-56841: Master Diskmon cannot connect to a CELL
30-46 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A LIBCELL operation from Master Diskmon failed to create a network
connection to the target CELL.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error
ORA-56842: LIBCELL operation network error in Master Diskmon
Cause: A LIBCELL operation in Master Diskmon failed because of a network
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error
ORA-56843: LIBCELL SKGXP error in Master Diskmon
Cause: A LIBCELL operation from Master Diskmon failed because of an SKGXP
network layer error.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error
ORA-56864: Master Diskmon "stringstring" operation cannot complete because of a
LIBCELL network error
Cause: A LIBCELL operation between Master Diskmon and a CELL failed
because of a network error.
Action: Look in the $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log file for additional error
ORA-56865: Invalid IP address in CELLINIT.ORA
Cause: One or more of the specified IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA is not valid.
Action: Check that all IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA are valid.
ORA-56866: No IP parameter
Cause: No IP address is set in CELLINIT.ORA.
Action: Check that one or more valid IP addresses are set in CELLINIT.ORA.
ORA-56867: Cannot connect to Master Diskmon on pipe "string"
Cause: Master Diskmon was not running or the listening pipe was deleted.
Action: Look at the $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/diskmon/diskmon.log, $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/hasmsgs.log and $ORA_CRS_
HOME/log/<hostname>/alert<hostname>.log for additional error information.
ORA-56868: Duplicate IP address in CELLINIT.ORA
Cause: One or more of the specified IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA was
Action: Check that all IP addresses in CELLINIT.ORA are unique.
ORA-56870: Attempt to register dead cell with Master Diskmon
Cause: An attempt was made by a process to register a cell that is known to be
Action: None
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-47
ORA-56900: bind variable is not supported inside pivot|unpivot operation
Cause: Attempted to use bind variables inside pivot|unpivot operation.
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-56901: non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values
Cause: Attempted to use non-constant expression for pivot|unpivot values.
Action: Use constants for pivot|unpivot values.
ORA-56902: expect aggregate function inside pivot operation
Cause: Attempted to use non-aggregate expression inside pivot operation.
Action: Use aggregate function.
ORA-56903: sys_op_pivot function is not allowed here
Cause: invalid use of sys_op_pivot function.
Action: Remove sys_op_pivot function.
ORA-56904: pivot value must have datatype that is convertible to pivot column
Cause: Datatype of pivot value is not convertible to the datatype of pivot column.
Action: Check and correct pivot value.
ORA-56905: pivot|unpivot operations are not supported on lateral views
Cause: An attempt was made to do a pivot or unpivot operation on a lateral view.
Action: This is not supported.
ORA-56920: a prepare or upgrade window or an on-demand or datapump-job
loading of a secondary time zone data file is in an active state
Cause: A prepare or upgrade window was started or an on-demand or
datapump-job loading of a secondary time zone data file was done.
Action: Make sure there is no active prepare or upgrade window and no active
on-demand or datapump-job loading of a secondary time zone data file.
ORA-56921: invalid time zone version
Cause: Invalid time zone version passed.
Action: Check and correct the time zone version.
ORA-56922: Starting a prepare window failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when starting a prepare window.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s).
ORA-56923: database properties related to time zone version are not set up properly
Cause: There were no database properties related to time zone version in
dictionary table sys.props$.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-56924: prepare window does not exist
Cause: There was no active prepare window.
Action: None
ORA-56925: Ending a prepare window failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when ending a prepare window.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s).
30-48 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-56926: database must be in UPGRADE mode in order to start an upgrade
Cause: Database was not in UPGRADE mode.
Action: Restart database in UPGRADE mode.
ORA-56927: Starting an upgrade window failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when starting an upgrade window.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s).
ORA-56928: upgrade window does not exist
Cause: There was no active upgrade window.
Action: None
ORA-56929: Ending an upgrade window failed
Cause: Ending an upgrade window failed or there were tables containing TSTZ
data which have not been upgraded.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s) or complete upgrading of tables
containing TSTZ data.
ORA-56930: database must be restarted before performing upgrade of user tables
Cause: Database was not restarted after starting an upgrade window.
Action: Restart database.
ORA-56931: inconsistent DST patching state found
Cause: DST patching was in an inconsistent state.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-56932: "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: Specified table name was invalid.
Action: Check the existence of the specified table name.
ORA-56933: Table creation failed
Cause: Error(s) occurred when creating the table.
Action: Check the error.
ORA-56934: database property DST_UPGRADE_STATE for datapump job is in an
inconsistent state
Cause: Database property DST_UPRGRADE_STATE was not recorded correctly.
Action: Check the alert file.
ORA-56935: existing datapump jobs are using a different version of time zone data
Cause: An attempt was made from a datapump job to request a different version
of time zone data file from the one used by existing datapump jobs.
Action: Wait until existing datapump jobs unload the secondary time zone data
ORA-56936: datapump jobs are utilizing secondary time zone data file
Cause: An on-demand loading of secondary time zone data file was requested
when there was a secondary time zone data file already loaded in the database
utilized by existing datapump jobs.
ORA-54500 to ORA-56974 30-49
Action: Wait until existing datapump jobs unload the secondary time zone data
ORA-56937: failed to load the secondary time zone data file
Cause: Attempt to load the secondary timezone data file failed.
Action: Check alert or trace files for error(s).
ORA-56938: no secondary time zone data file being loaded by on-demand or a
datapump job
Cause: There was no secondary timezone data file being loaded by on-demand or
a datapump job.
Action: None
ORA-56939: failed to unload the secondary time zone data file
Cause: Attempt to unload the secondary timezone data file failed.
Action: Check alert or trace files for error(s).
ORA-56950: Invalid value for incident identifier
Cause: Invalid incident identifier argument passed.
Action: Check and correct the identifier
ORA-56971: Invalid set of export options
Cause: The options specified are inconsistent
Action: Check and a consistent set of option parameters
ORA-56972: referenced file not found
Cause: One of the file specified in the test case package is mising
Action: rebuild the SQL test case or make sure that all the referenced files are
readable and located in the same directory as the SQL test case manifest.
ORA-56973: import options do not match export options
Cause: The import options specified do not match the export options
Action: Check that import is being invoked with the same values for options like
export environment, export data and export metadata
ORA-56974: Invalid set of import options
Cause: The import options specified are inconsistent
Action: Check that import options are consistent and have valid values




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