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转载 Some Testing on Intra-Block Row Chaining

from:http://hemantoracledba.blogspot.com/2009/10/some-testing-on-intra-block-row.html  Per MetaLink Note#1062906.6, Intra-Block Row Chaining occurs when a Table definition has more than 255 colu

2009-10-22 20:07:00 350

转载 Nested loops, Hash join and Sort Merge joins – difference?

from:http://oracle-online-help.blogspot.com/2007/03/nested-loops-hash-join-and-sort-merge.html Nested loop (loop over loop)In this algorithm, an outer loop is formed which consists of few entrie

2009-10-21 22:01:00 1047

转载 create-db-10.sql

from:http://www.db-ora.nl/create-db-10.html create-db-10.sql:### execute first. ### vi /etc/oratab ### . oraenv #!/bin/bash export ORA_BASE=/oracle export ORA_DATA=/oracle/data export ORA_FLASH=/o

2009-10-21 22:00:00 501

转载 Oracle Created (Default) Database Users

Default UsersUsernameDefault PasswordAccount DescriptionSYSchange_on_installAll of the base tables and views for the databases data dictionary are stored in the schema SYS.

2009-10-21 21:59:00 739

转载 Inside Oracle LRU latches

Inside Oracle LRU latches Oracle Tips by Burleson ConsultingQuestion:  I noted that the Oracle internal latches are not documented and there are several parameters where you sp

2009-10-19 22:25:00 591

转载 Some Testing on Intra-Block Row Chaining

from:http://hemantoracledba.blogspot.com/2009/10/some-testing-on-intra-block-row.html Per MetaLink Note#1062906.6, Intra-Block Row Chaining occurs when a Table definition has more than 255 columns

2009-10-18 23:17:00 413

转载 Inside Oracle9i Tablespace Management

from:http://www.dbazine.com/oracle/or-articles/burleson11 Inside Oracle9i Tablespace Managementby Donald K. BurlesonOver the past few releases Oracle has been automating and improving the

2009-10-17 22:09:00 547

转载 Oracle and RTF data

Yes, Oracle Text can do this.http://download-west.oracle.com/docs...cpkg.htm#12729You need a context index with the INSO filter on the RTF document column inorder to use it.e.g.create table RTFDOCUMEN

2009-10-16 22:15:00 3258

转载 他山之石,可以攻玉--Oracle自定义的聚集函数的强大功能

from:http://blog.csdn.net/inthirties/archive/2009/10/10/4652245.aspx  作者: 三十而立时间:2009年10月10日 4:43:17他山之石,可以攻玉,说的是别的山上的石头可以作为砺石,用来琢磨玉器。也许我们并没有非常好的手段和工具,但是巧用别人的思想和工具,我们也可以把自己的东西一样的做的很好。 Oracle

2009-10-11 23:11:00 476

转载 自定义分析函数

from:http://yangtingkun.itpub.net/ Oracle在文档中明确说明支持自定义聚集函数和分析函数。但是我只看到聚集函数的例子。我在这篇文章中介绍了自定义聚集参数:http://blog.itpub.net/post/468/3380  今天在论坛里看到有人提出,由于对字符串合并操作和对数值的SUM操作并不完全一样。数值的sum满足交换率,也就是说,

2009-10-11 23:04:00 529

转载 Introduction to Oracle Locking and Enqueue

from:http://www.confio.com/English/Tips/Locking_and_Enqueue.php  Introduction to Oracle Locking and EnqueueIn Oracle databases, many users may update the same information at roughly the same

2009-10-11 21:25:00 634

转载 Fix high "cache buffer chain" waits

from:http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_high_cache_buffer_chain_waits_contention.htm  Question: We have just upgraded our systems to run Oracle Apps on Solaris 64 bit on Oracle

2009-10-10 20:39:00 734

转载 Causes of Oracle Buffer Busy Waits

from:http://www.dba-oracle.com/art_builder_bbw.htm Oracle Tips by Burleson ConsultingWritten December 9, 2003UpdatedFebruary 10, 2008 One of the most

2009-10-10 10:45:00 1325

转载 high "latch: cache buffers chains" waits in DB

from:http://www.freelists.org/post/oracle-l/high-latch-cache-buffers-chains-waits-in-10203-DB  From: "bkaltofen@xxxxxx" To: Oracle-L Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:25:02 +0100  

2009-10-10 10:43:00 869

转载 Decoding 'latch:cache buffers chains' object from Oracle trace file

from:http://blogs.sun.com/glennf/entry/decoding_latch_cache_buffers_chains If you have been using Method-R for response time based profiling, then you will appreciate this note. The "Cache Buffe

2009-10-10 10:17:00 733

转载 Cache Buffers Chains and Latch Spelunking

from:http://www.ardentperf.com/2007/09/13/cache-buffers-chains-and-latch-spelunking/  Last night I posted a case study where I used the AWR (a blessed new feature) to investigate “gc buffer busy

2009-10-09 22:59:00 527

转载 Using the Oracle Wait Interface to Troubleshoot I/O Issues

from: http://www.pythian.com/news/275/using-the-oracle-wait-interface-to-troubleshoot-io-issues By: Shakir SadikaliOr, Why I Like Broccoli and Wait EventsThere’s been a fair bit of discussion

2009-10-09 22:57:00 474

转载 一些oracle相关网站

Websiteshttp://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lThe Oracle-L Mailing Listhttp://groups.google.com/group/comp.databases.oracle.server/comp.databases.oracle.server on usenethttp

2009-10-09 22:54:00 542

转载 Tuning Latch Contention: Cache-buffers-chain latches

from:http://www.pythian.com/news/1135/tuning-latch-contention-cache-buffers-chain-latches By: Riyaj Shamsudeen Recently, I had an opportunity to tune latch contention for cache buffers chain (CB

2009-10-09 21:58:00 832


from:http://www.itpub.net/thread-805849-1-1.html  数据库中有些类别的latches拥有多个。V$LATCH中提供了每个类别的总计信息。如果想看到单个latch,你可以通过查询V$LATCH_CHILDREN。 ------------------------------------------------------

2009-10-09 21:43:00 1813

转载 AHAH(Asynchronous HTML over HTTP)

from:http://www.openjs.com/articles/ajax/ahah_asynchronous_html_over_http/ AHAH or Asynchronous HTML over HTTP is a much simpler version of AJAX. Using AHAH approach in JavaScript you can display

2009-10-09 20:28:00 641

转载 Oracle SQL tuning with column histograms

Oracle SQL tuning with column histograms Oracle Tips by Burleson ConsultingOctober 31, 2003 - Updated December 30, 2006The distribution of values within an index will often aff

2009-10-06 23:37:00 685

转载 Oracle SQL with multiple versions in the library cache

from: http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_sql_multiple_children.htmOracle Tips by Burleson ConsultingWhen a SQL statement is executed with multiple child cursors, multiple versions a

2009-10-06 23:34:00 423

转载 Virtual Private Database (VPD) with Oracle

 refer:http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/security/vpd/ Virtual Private Database is also known as fine graind access control (FGAC). It allows to define which rows users may have access to. A simple e

2009-10-06 23:33:00 662

转载 Why do I have hundreds of child cursors when cursor_sharing set to similar in 10g

refer: http://optimizermagic.blogspot.com/2009/05/why-do-i-have-hundreds-of-child-cursors.html  Recently we received several questions regarding a usual situation where a SQL Statement has hundr

2009-10-06 23:15:00 727

转载 Parent and child cursors in the library cache

refer: http://www.ixora.com.au/q+a/0104/19005414.htm From:Steve AdamsDate:19-Apr-2001 00:54Subject:  Parent and child cursors in the library cache First

2009-10-06 11:24:00 454

转载 What are "versions" of an SQL statement?

 refer: http://www.ixora.com.au/q+a/0010/27021816.htm From:Steve AdamsDate:27-Oct-2000 03:18Subject:  What are "versions" of an SQL statement? Im sur

2009-10-06 11:23:00 310

转载 Latch wait posting

refer:http://www.ixora.com.au/q+a/0009/23120936.htm  From:Steve AdamsDate:23-Sep-2000 12:09Subject:  Latch wait posting The _latch_wait_posting

2009-10-05 16:58:00 384

转载 Analyzing the Oracle 10046 Trace File

Loading and Analyzing the 10046 Event Oracle provides us with a tool, TKPROF, that will analyze a trace file generated via a 10046 event. In fact, it collects summary wait information for ea

2009-10-05 12:44:00 512

转载 Reading the Oracle 10046 Trace File sections, parse, execute, fetch & wait

Inside the Oracle 10046 Trace File OutputThe trace file contains a great deal of information. Each cursor that is opened after tracing has been enabled will be recorded in the trace file. Here

2009-10-05 12:13:00 656

转载 Db file sequential read while doing full table scan?

from: http://oracle-online-help.blogspot.com/2007/03/db-file-sequential-read-while-doing.html These days, we are working on data warehouse inwhich we have a master table which will have 1.5m (ap

2009-10-03 00:17:00 958 3

转载 Automatically tuned multi-block reads in 10g

http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_automatically_tuned_multiblock_reads.htm Question: I did play around with different settings of db_file_multiblock_read_count within 10g with no appreciable results.

2009-10-02 22:53:00 396

转载 Oracle sequential read disk I/O tuning

http://www.dba-oracle.com/art_builder_io_speed.htm 10gr2 Note:  Starting in Oracle 10g release2, Oracle recommends not setting the db_file_multiblock_read_count parameter, allowing

2009-10-02 22:43:00 796

转载 DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Package in Oracle Database 10g

 DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Package in Oracle Database 10g from:http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/10g/FileTransfer10g.php Oracle 10g has introduced the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package which provides

2009-10-01 21:20:00 553

原创 动态载入js

var lajax={};var __count__ = 0;lajax.getXmlHttp = function(){ var xmlHttp = null; try { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { var progIds = [MSXML2.

2009-10-01 20:34:00 456

转载 oradebug

refer: http://www.oracleutilities.com/SQLPLus/oradebug.html oradebugThe oradebug <istyle=mso-bidi-font-style:normal><spanstyle=mso-spacerun:yes> XE "oradebug" <is

2009-10-01 17:49:00 464

转载 Oracle Trace Event 10046 Notes

 Oracle Trace Event 10046 Notes Introduction This document covers Oracle 10046 event tracing functionality.  This is also termed SQL Trace, and, as the name implies it traces SQL that a user ses

2009-10-01 16:34:00 833

转载 Diagnostic event 10046

from:http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/tuning/diagnostic_events/10046.html Event 10046 can be used to trace SQL statements. Arguably, this is the most important event that can be set. It is functiona

2009-10-01 16:09:00 801





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