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原创 javacc解析jacobgen输出文件
引用:http://blog.chenwenxuan.com/index.php/2011/03/31/javacc%E8%A7%A3%E6%9E%90jacobgen%E8%BE%93%E5%87%BA%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6/首先调用jacobgen产生输出文件,例子代码,这里只是简单的输出了一下(需要保存的是start以后的内容):byte buf[];TypeLibInspector dll =new TypeLibInspector();buf = dll.queryInter
2011-04-07 23:05:00 1287
原创 使用swt判断word是否安装
<br />swt其实包装了很多操作系统上比较底层的操作,通过查看swt的源代码就可以知道使用方法<br /> <br />根据名字获得guid,没有获得则返回空<br /> <br /> private static GUID getClassID(String clientName) { GUID guid = new GUID(); char[] buffer = null; if (clientName != null) { int count = clientName.l
2011-03-26 16:32:00 964
转载 Java Font Metrics
<br />转自:<br />http://www.duncanjauncey.com/blog/?p=51<br /> <br />定位字体位置总是不准确,看了这张图就明白了<br />
2010-12-22 21:14:00 1420
转载 JAVA.SWT/JFace: SWT类所代表的事件常量
<br /> <br />转自:<br /> <br />http://hi.baidu.com/sonmeika/blog/item/7dcba50adddf0033b1351d3b.html<br /> <br />《Eclipse SWT/JFACE 核心应用》 清华大学出版社 8.6.1 注册无类型事件监听器<br /><br />SWT类所代表的事件常量:<br />事件类型常量说明SWT.Activate当激活窗口时SWT.Arm菜单项被选中之前SWT.Close关闭窗口时SWT.Collaps
2010-12-11 10:34:00 1064
原创 在java中格式化sql
<br />使用的是sqlinform,收费的,这个项目的网站已经上不去了,不过从oracle sql developer里面有这个东西,拿出来就可以用了,jar包的文件名是SQLinForm.jar<br /> <br />例子代码:<br /> <br />String sql = "";SQLForm form = new SQLForm();form.setCase(false, false);form.setLowerCase(false);form.setGraphLevel(f
2010-12-04 11:09:00 3717
原创 utf8字符编码检测
根据维基百科上的一篇文章编写,比较了一下gbk字符集,utf8检测与gbk冲突的汉字不多基本可以满足要求了。gbk:rangebyte 1byte 2code pointscharactersGB 18030GBK 1.0Codepage 936GB 2312Level GBK/1A1–A9A1–FE846728717702682Level GBK/2B0–F7A1–FE6,7686,7636,7636,763Level GBK/381–A040–FE except 7F6,0806,0806,080 Le
2010-11-20 20:02:00 1975
原创 在swt上使用windows消息编程
最近看了一下windows编程,比较了一下swt底层的一些调用,发现swt封装了很多基本的函数,可以直接使用进行windows的消息编程swt里面主要的windows函数都被封装在org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS这个类里面,这个类大部分都是native方法,名称与window编程里面的一样,非常方便使用。下面是windows编程书上的一个例子,只做了一部分import org.eclipse.swt.internal.Callback;import org.eclips
2010-11-15 18:51:00 2188
原创 实现ibatis的动态加载sqlmap配置文件
有人反馈SqlMapParserFactory不可视,自己看看ibatis或者spring的源代码,具体是哪个忘记了,这个类不是public的,自己改成public的就可以了,欢迎访问chenwenxuan.com原创文章,转帖请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/palm_civet/archive/2010/11/07/5993613.aspx i
2010-11-07 19:04:00 12592 20
转载 利用commonsfileupload+ffmpeg+mencoder完成视频的上传与转换
<br />from:http://home.cnblogs.com/xiaoao808/<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 前一段时间朱哥一直在搞视频转换这个东东,我也一直很有兴趣,就尝试了一下。<br /> 首先是文件上传功能的完成,做得很粗糙,没有验证上传文件是否为视频文件。利用前一段时间看视频学来的部分代码很轻松搞定。<br /> 接下来,就是视频转换了,我的ffmpeg和mencoder放在d:/ffmpeg目录中,代码如下<br /> <br />pa
2010-07-31 13:08:00 1153 1
转载 Serialization - shared delegates
<br />from:<br />http://www.jroller.com/scolebourne/entry/serialization_shared_delegates<br /> <br />I've been working on Joda-Money as a side project and have been investigating serialization, with a hope of improving JSR-310<br />Small serialization<br
2010-07-25 08:21:00 475
转载 Java Best Practices – High performance Serialization
<br />from:<br />http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2010/07/java-best-practices-high-performance.html<br /> <br />Continuing our series of articles concerning proposed practices while working with the Java programming language, we are going to discuss and demons
2010-07-25 08:15:00 798
转载 Oracle Analytic SQL Practical Examples
<br /> Selecting the Top n Records<br /> select sql_id, BUFFER_GETS_DELTA from (select sql_id, BUFFER_GETS_DELTA, dense_rank() over(order by BUFFER_GETS_DELTA desc) dr from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT) x where dr <= 5;Calculate
2010-06-06 22:44:00 700
转载 css效果
<br />from:http://www.fogtowerblog.com<br /> <br />阴影:<br /> <br /><mce:style type="text/css"><!-- div.shadows { margin: 3em auto; width: 25em; font-size: 1.2em; padding: 1em; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc
2010-06-04 23:13:00 538
转载 Java对文件的16进制读取和操作
from:http://blog.csdn.net/cdtdx/archive/2007/03/15/1529804.aspx 大家可以参考一下源代码的相关部分注释,然后写出自己的16进制处理程序。有几个重点地方:16进制字符串-》10进制数 int input = Integer.parseInt("Str", 16)10进制整数-》16进制字符串
2010-05-27 21:53:00 7779
转载 Femtocontainer — The IoC container built into the JDK
FROM:http://www.javarants.com/2005/02/16/femtocontainer-the-ioc-container-built-into-the-jdk/ was published on February 16th, 2005 and is listed in Java, TechnologyThere are many
2010-05-23 17:46:00 514
转载 CSS+DIV点滴
同一div中存在文本和图片,已写了样式使div的内容垂直居中,若图片的高度值过大会使文本和图片无法居中;这种情况 可以通过img的align="absmiddle"属性设置使图片居中,文本自动也会居中
2010-05-19 22:48:00 417
转载 css翻转文字
ie: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1) 其他 -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);-moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
2010-05-19 22:38:00 1006
转载 oracle并行查询一例
from http://miracle.blog.51cto.com/255044/147058 版权声明:原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。http://miracle.blog.51cto.com/255044/147058 今天碰到一个开发人员反映SQL
2010-05-16 14:40:00 430
转载 How to set third-party cookies with iframe?
I had problem with the lead base ad click tracking. I was using the iFrame to track the lead information from the advertiser site. But somehow IE is not sending any cookie information from there. I
2010-05-15 15:25:00 594
转载 Pipelined Functions: Better Than DBMS_OUTPUT
http://blog.fatalmind.com/2009/11/11/pipelined-functions-better-then-dbms_output/ Pipelined Functions: Better Than DBMS_OUTPUT In Portability on 2009-11-11 at 15:36Every now and t
2010-05-01 17:35:00 742
转载 在sqlplus中操作blob和 clob
http://wallimn.javaeye.com/blog/472399 Tom在他的《Expert one on one oracle》给出了sqlplus中将文件load进BLOB或者CLOB字段的例子。 create directory utllobdir as d:create table blobtest(col1 BLOB);create tab
2010-05-01 14:14:00 698
转载 mysql非安装版的配置和使用
1、从www.mysql.com下载推荐版本(recommended)4.0.21,我下载的是ZIP而非安装版2、解压文件到一个目录,我是e:/mysql,这个目录下应该有bin、data及其他目录3、在c:/winnt目录下建一个my.ini文件,写上以下内容,以指出你的安装路径:[mysqld]# set basedir to your installa
2010-04-20 23:20:00 1105 1
转载 对象池化技术
主要作者:Morgan Delagrange、Geir Magnusson、CraigMcClanahan、Rodney Waldhoff、David Weinrich和Dirk Verbeeck最新版本:1.1所含包数:2个(org.apache.commons.pool和org.apache.commons.pool.impl)所含类数:21个(其中
2010-04-20 23:08:00 731
转载 The ultimate jQuery Plugin List
jQuery is definitely my favourite Javascript Library and this ultimate jQuery Plugin List is for all other jQuery Lovers out there. At the moment there are about 240+ awesome Plugins in the List
2010-04-06 23:23:00 562
转载 Java 类的热替换 —— 概念、设计与实现
对于许多关键性业务或者庞大的 Java 系统来说,如果必须暂停系统服务才能进行系统升级,既会大大影响到系统的可用性,同时也增加了系统的管理和维护成本。因此,如果能够方便地在不停止系统业 务的情况下进行系统升级,则可以很好地解决上述问题。在本文中,我们将基于实例,对构建在线升级 Java 系统的基础技术和设计原则进行了深入的讲解。相信读者能够根据文中的技术构建出自己的在线升级系统来。Java
2010-02-18 19:42:00 394
转载 Security concern in connection pooling
http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:22140261281764 关于jdbc pool,oralce package-level variable的一些讨论 Submitted on 12-Aug-2004 11:50 Central time zoneToms
2010-02-16 18:20:00 7041
转载 Here is How to Unpersist Your Persistent PL/SQL Package Data
Avoid standalone procedures and functions and always use packages to construct your application. That is one of the “best practices” when developing Oracle PL/SQL programs.Of course, as an Oracle PL
2010-02-12 21:39:00 919
转载 Internet Explorer & CSS issues
http://www.webcredible.co.uk/user-friendly-resources/css/internet-explorer.shtml Trying to get CSS-based websites to look the same across all browsers can often be difficult. Many of the problems
2010-01-01 18:05:00 585
转载 Linux平台gcc和动态共享库的基础知识
http://robbin.javaeye.com/blog/261176 对大多数不从事Linux平台C语言开发的人来说,GNU gcc的一套工具和Linux平台的共享库的使用还是十分陌生的,其实我也不太熟悉,姑且写点基础知识,权当做备忘吧。一、GNU gcc的编译工具用法我们先来写一个简单的C程序:hello.cC代码 #include
2009-12-20 09:49:00 486
转载 How to call an external C function from within Oracle
From : http://www.shutdownabort.comOne very useful feature of Oracle is its ability to call external C procedures from within the database. It’s handy for creating interfaces to legacy systems.
2009-12-17 22:51:00 886
转载 JavaScript Madness: Dynamic Script Loading
from http://unixpapa.com/js/dyna.html JavaScript Madness: Dynamic Script LoadingJan WolterMar 19, 2007 IntroductionIve developed some pretty seriously Javascript intensive sites, where th
2009-12-03 20:48:00 769
转载 开源协议简介
2009-12-03 19:06:00 617
转载 10个你未必知道的CSS技巧
from:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20091123/10/d45c135f-957b-4060-af03-62a9f189b2d1.html 有几个css技巧还不知道,留下收藏 1.CSS字体属性简写规则 一般用CSS设定字体属性是这样做的: font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; font-varient:smal
2009-11-29 17:20:00 383
转载 Oracle Cursor Query
FROM: http://snipplr.com/view/9047/oracle-cursor-query/ import java.sql.*;import java.io.*;import oracle.jdbc.driver.*; class curvar{ public
2009-11-23 21:13:00 600
转载 Oracle直方图详解
http://blog.csdn.net/randyamor/archive/2008/12/21/3574181.asp 当系统中的某些表存在高度不均匀的数据分布时,使用柱状图能够产生更好的选择性评估,从而产生更加优化的执行计划。柱状图提供一种有效和简捷的方法来呈现数据的分布情况。下面通过一个具体的例子解释柱状图的使用。SQL> create table tab (a numbe
2009-11-01 23:01:00 429
转载 Some Testing on Intra-Block Row Chaining
from:http://hemantoracledba.blogspot.com/2009/10/some-testing-on-intra-block-row.html Per MetaLink Note#1062906.6, Intra-Block Row Chaining occurs when a Table definition has more than 255 colu
2009-10-22 20:07:00 350
转载 Nested loops, Hash join and Sort Merge joins – difference?
from:http://oracle-online-help.blogspot.com/2007/03/nested-loops-hash-join-and-sort-merge.html Nested loop (loop over loop)In this algorithm, an outer loop is formed which consists of few entrie
2009-10-21 22:01:00 1047
转载 create-db-10.sql
from:http://www.db-ora.nl/create-db-10.html create-db-10.sql:### execute first. ### vi /etc/oratab ### . oraenv #!/bin/bash export ORA_BASE=/oracle export ORA_DATA=/oracle/data export ORA_FLASH=/o
2009-10-21 22:00:00 499
转载 Oracle Created (Default) Database Users
Default UsersUsernameDefault PasswordAccount DescriptionSYSchange_on_installAll of the base tables and views for the databases data dictionary are stored in the schema SYS.
2009-10-21 21:59:00 739
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹